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The curved relationship between subjective well-being and age



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WORKING PAPER N° 2006 - 29
The curved relationship between
subjective well-being and age
Andrew E. Clark
Andrew J. Oswald
JEL Codes : C23, I31, J10
Keywords : Happiness, ageing, well-being
halshs-00590404, version 1 - 3 May 2011
The Curved Relationship Between
Subjective Well-Being and Age
Andrew E. Clark
PSE and IZA, Paris, France
Andrew J. Oswald
University of Warwick, UK
halshs-00590404, version 1 - 3 May 2011
The Curved Relationship Between
Subjective Well-Being and Age
October 10, 2006
This article is concerned with a body of work on happiness and age represented by
important papers such as Mroczek and Kolarz (1998) and Mroczek and Spiro (2005).
Using a large British data set, the paper presents new longitudinal evidence. It also
points out that, perhaps unknown to many psychologists, a parallel literature on this
topic exists in economics journals. The paper shows that subjective well-being follows
a U-shape through the life course. We argue that eventually the two literatures will
have to be made consistent with one another, and suggest that, although it is not easy to
live in both worlds, with their different styles and conventions, economists and
psychologists still have much to learn from one another.
Keywords: Happiness; ageing; well-being
Corresponding author:
Address: Department of Economics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL,
United Kingdom.
Telephone: (+44) 02476 523510
Acknowledgements: Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques (PSE) is a Joint Research
Unit CNRS-EHESS-ENPC-ENS. The second author’s work was funded by an
ESRC professorial research fellowship
halshs-00590404, version 1 - 3 May 2011
The Curved Relationship Between
Subjective Well-Being and Age
The relationship between happiness and age is important but still imperfectly understood. On
page 1336 of an interesting article in this journal, Mroczek and Kolarz (1998) state that, to
their knowledge, “no previous study has considered the possibility of nonlinear relationships
between age and happiness.” A follow-up study by Mroczek and Spiro (2005) is in the same
spirit but uses different methods. The former article finds that positive affect has an
upwardly curved component; the latter suggests that subjective well-being follows an
inverted U-shape and peaks at around age 60. On our reading of these two papers, they are
important work. They are currently acquiring high numbers of citations in the Social Science
Citation Index. A literature in psychology journals is growing up around them.
We present new longitudinal evidence on this issue. Its chief finding does not seem to exist
in the psychology journals. A second aim of our article is to alert psychologists to a parallel
literature on the nonlinear relationship between happiness and age. It is research published
mainly in economics journals. This stream of work may have originated from Clark and
Oswald (1994). Using a 12-item measure of psychological well-being, and a cross-section of
6100 randomly sampled Britons from the first wave of the British Household Panel Survey,
that paper found mental well-being to be U-shaped in age. The authors’ data were for 1991.
The paper drew the conclusion that the happiness minimum along the U is reached around a
person’s mid-30s.
Since then, a body of work by economists and statisticians has suggested, across a range of
settings, that the relationship between subjective well-being and age is curved. Almost every
study replicates the basic conclusion: that happiness is U-shaped in age, with a minimum
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point in a range from the mid-30s to approximately the late-40s. The result has now been
demonstrated for perhaps fifty nations. It has been found especially in data from Western
countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, France, Italy, Belgium,
Germany, Spain, and Switzerland.
The U-shape in age is documented in, for example, Gerlach and Stephan (1996), Oswald
(1997), Theodossiou (1998), Winkelmann and Winkelmann (1998), Di Tella et al (2001),
Frey and Stutzer (2002), Helliwell (2003), Blanchflower and Oswald (2004), Graham (2005),
Frijters et al (2004, 2005), Senik (2004), Van Praag and Ferrer-i-Carbonell (2004), Clark
(2005), Long (2005), Shields and Wheatley Price (2005), Propper et al (2005), Powdthavee
(2005), Bell and Blanchflower (2006), and Uppal (2006). Blanchflower (2001) documents
the U-shape in 23 East European transition nations. Di Tella et al (2003) provides the same
for 12 separate Western industrial nations. Clark et al (1996) makes a similar argument for
job satisfaction equations, and also gives some results for mental well-being equations.
Recently, Blanchflower and Oswald (2006), using data on approximately half a million
Europeans and Americans, argues that allowance for the inclusion of cohort effects makes
little difference to the finding of a U-shape.
These papers’ methods vary slightly. Nevertheless, each of them, as in the work of Mroczek
and Kolarz (1998), draws upon multiple-regression models. In this way, factors other than
age are held constant.
We here report briefly an updated version of the results of Clark and Oswald (1994). Since
then, the British Household Panel Survey has happened annually, so it is possible to re-do
those calculations on a longitudinal data set now exceeding 100,000 observations. A new
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test can now be done, in which both fixed-effects and age can be allowed for in a multiple
regression equation framework.
One variable we use is life satisfaction. It is measured on a seven point scale from 1 (not
satisfied at all) to 7 (completely satisfied). Over all 14 waves of the BHPS, this has a mean
of 5.19 with standard deviation 1.26.
Another is a General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) score. This is a questionnaire-based
method of measuring psychological well-being and has been used widely in the health and
epidemiological research literature (for recent examples, see Cardozo et al 2000, Martikainen
et al 2003, and Pevalin and Ermish 2004). It amalgamates answers to the following list of
twelve questions:
Have you recently:
1. Been able to concentrate on whatever you are doing?
2. Lost much sleep over worry?
3. Felt that you are playing a useful part in things?
4. Felt capable of making decisions about things?
5. Felt constantly under strain?
6. Felt you could not overcome your difficulties?
7. Been able to enjoy your normal day-to-day activities?
8. Been able to face up to your problems?
9. Been feeling unhappy and depressed?
10. Been losing confidence in yourself?
11. Been thinking of yourself as a worthless person?
12. Been feeling reasonably happy all things considered?
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Responses are made on a four-point scale of frequency of a feeling in relation to a person's
usual state: "Not at all", "No more than usual", "Rather more than usual", and "Much more
than usual".
The between-item validity of the GHQ-12 is high in the BHPS, with a Cronbach alpha of
0.89. For simplicity, we use the so-called Caseness GHQ score, which counts up the number
of questions for which the response is in one of the two "low well-being" categories. This
count is then reversed, to convert it into a well-being rather than ill-being score, which thus
runs from a possible low of 0 (all twelve responses indicating poor psychological health) to a
high of 12 (no responses indicating poor psychological health). The well-being GHQ
measure has mean of 10.14 and standard deviation of 2.92.
Life-satisfaction and GHQ measures of subjective well-being seem valuably complementary.
They capture different aspects of affect. However, as we show below, the two exhibit a
similar pattern over the life course.
Although the size of the BHPS data set has expanded since the initial research was done, and
it is now possible to control for people’s unchanging dispositions (fixed effects), the main
conclusion remains approximately the same as in the simpler evidence of Clark and Oswald
(1994). Both wellbeing-GHQ and life satisfaction are U-shaped across age groups. In the
full longitudinal data set here from 1991 to 2004, it reaches a minimum in the age range 40-
49, which is a little later than the early estimate that came out of our single-year of 1991 data.
The coefficients on the other age-bands reveal a fairly smooth curve -- down and then up --
through the lifespan. This finding is not sensitive to the exact specification of the well-being
equations. The pattern in the raw data is illustrated in Figure 1 for the latest wave at our
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disposal, which is 2004. As is clear from the Figure, it is not necessary to use regression
equations to see the approximate U-shape across age-groups.
It is known that many variables shape subjective well-being (Diener et al 1999, Easterlin
2003, Lucas et al 2004, and Gilbert 2006). If we control in the regression equations for
region, year, income, the work status of the individual (ie. whether employee, self-employed,
unemployed, retired from work), the number of children, gender, marital status, whether a
renter or home-owner, the level of education, and subjective physical health, then, once
again, well-being reaches a minimum in the age band 40-49.
For the formal analysis, as say reported using simple methods in Table 1, it makes no
substantive difference whether we use logistic regression or simple methods like Ordinary
Least Squares (OLS), or random-effects or fixed-effects models. The third column of Table
1 follows the same individuals through time -- annually from 1991 to 2004 -- whilst holding
constant their unchanging fixed-effects, and allowing for many other characteristics such as
marital status. By using banded age dummy-variables, in a way that to our knowledge has
not been done before in longitudinal work of this sort, in either the psychology or economics
literatures, Table 1 provides clear evidence of a U-shape.
Our finding of a U-shape using longitudinal data does not appear to exist in the psychology
literature. It is not clear why the results of this economics research literature differ in some
significant ways from, say, those in Mroczek and Spiro (2005), which finds almost the
reverse -- an inverted U-shape in age. It seems important that future work explore these
interesting issues more fully. A deeper theoretical understanding of the empirical happiness-
age curve will also be required.
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Psychologists were working on well-being data some decades before researchers in
economics (Bradburn 1969, Diener 1984). We hope, nevertheless, that this short article
might be a useful guide to economists’ writings on happiness and age.
Over recent decades, economists -- including ourselves -- have been guilty of not reading the
psychology journals sufficiently. Psychologists, similarly, may not have read the economics
journals as much as might be ideal. Despite the methodological differences, both sides
would, arguably, benefit if we could learn to communicate more effectively.
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Figure 1. Mean Life-Satisfaction and Wellbeing-GHQ in British Data. BHPS Wave 14 (2004)
Mean Life Satisfaction. BHPS 2004
16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69
Mean GHQ. BHPS 2004
16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69
halshs-00590404, version 1 - 3 May 2011
Table 1. Well-Being Regressions. BHPS Waves 1-14.
No controls Demographic
controls Demographic
controls plus
Individual Fixed
Age 20-29 -0.154** -0.230** -0.161**
(0.021) (0.023) (0.025)
Age 30-39 -0.224** -0.380** -0.170**
(0.023) (0.029) (0.034)
Age 40-49 -0.315** -0.487** -0.187**
(0.024) (0.031) (0.042)
Age 50-59 -0.155** -0.334** -0.165**
(0.026) (0.032) (0.050)
Age 60-69 0.188** -0.053 -0.061
(0.028) (0.038) (0.059)
Constant 5.339** 5.023** 4.938**
(0.019) (0.036) (0.496)
Observations 90567 87797 87797
R-squared 0.014 0.146 0.025
No controls Demographic
controls Demographic
controls plus
Individual Fixed
Age 20-29 -0.093** -0.223** -0.228**
(0.036) (0.040) (0.045)
Age 30-39 -0.248** -0.399** -0.374**
(0.042) (0.053) (0.064)
Age 40-49 -0.347** -0.452** -0.464**
(0.045) (0.057) (0.081)
Age 50-59 -0.228** -0.186** -0.314**
(0.048) (0.059) (0.099)
Age 60-69 0.157** 0.197** -0.106
(0.049) (0.067) (0.119)
Constant 10.265** 9.204** 9.625**
(0.032) (0.067) (1.247)
Observations 145424 141875 141875
R-squared 0.003 0.119 0.032
Notes. The omitted age band is 16-19 years old. Standard errors in parentheses.
* significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. The controls in columns 2 and 3 are for
income, labour force status, number of children, sex, marital status, education,
health,and wave and regional dummies.
Life Satisfaction
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... A wealth of research has reported that the cognitive and affective domains of SWB either remain broadly stable or increase across old age (for overviews see Sheldon &Lucas 2014 andRoysamb et al., 2014). For example, regarding the cognitive domain, studies often report mean-level stability of life satisfaction across later adulthood and old age (Larson, 1978;Lucas & Donnellan, 2007;Hamarat et al., 2002), with any declines reported therein typically being small in size and rarely reaching levels reported by younger and middle-aged adults (Baird et al., 2010;Blanchflower & Oswald, 2008;Clark & Oswald, 2006). Because cognitive appraisals of the circumstances of one's life are rooted in early temperamental predispositions that persist into old age (Costa & McCrae, 1980;Harris et al., 2017; see Personality Theories, Table 1.1) evidence of stability presumably reflect the stabilizing influence of personality (e.g., Steel et al., 2008). ...
... Likewise, more participants were included in SOEP (N = 3,418) than BASE-II (N = 1,216), and participants in SOEP covered a wider age range (60-100 years) than those in BASE-II (60-88 years). Hence, the mean-level increase in life satisfaction might have arisen because SOEP included participants in the oldest-old, an age bracket for which some large-scale long-term longitudinal studies have reported increases in life satisfaction (e.g., Clark & Oswald, 2006). ...
Das subjektive Wohlbefinden (SWB) spiegelt die Gesamtbeurteilung des Lebens (globales SWB) und die Höhen und Tiefen des täglichen Lebens (erfahrungsbezogenes SWB) wider. Eine Fülle von Belegen deutet darauf hin, dass gesundheitliche Herausforderungen die langfristige Aufrechterhaltung des globalen SWB älterer Erwachsener sowie ihre Emotionsregulation vor Ort gefährden (Barger et al., 2009). Gleichzeitig behauptet die Lebensspannenpsychologie, dass sich das SWB als Ergebnis gesundheitlicher Anfälligkeiten entfaltet, die in ein System von Kontextebenen eingebettet sind, das vom Individuum bis zur Dyade reicht (Baltes & Smith, 2004). Allerdings haben nur wenige Studien mehr als eine Facette der Gesundheit oder des SWB untersucht, noch haben sie typischerweise individuelle Unterschiede (Persönlichkeit) oder sozial-kontextuelle Antezedenzien (z. B. die Gesundheit von signifikanten anderen Personen) untersucht. Um diese Lücken zu schließen, untersucht diese Dissertation: (i) die langfristigen Verläufe mehrerer Facetten des globalen SWB im Alter und ihre Vorhersage durch den objektiven Gesundheitszustand; sowie die kurzfristige Variabilität der Facetten des erfahrungsbezogenen SWB älterer Erwachsener als Ergebnis (ii) anlassbezogener Abweichungen des Gesundheitszustands und (iii) anlassbezogener Abweichungen des Gesundheitszustands des Ehepartners. In jeder Studie wird zusätzlich die Rolle des Neurotizismus untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck verwenden diese Studien fünf unabhängige Datensätze älterer Erwachsener, die objektive, leistungsbezogene und subjektive Maße der Gesundheit und des SWB über drei zunehmend feinere Zeitskalen erhoben haben. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation zeigen, dass es älteren Erwachsenen gelingt, gesundheitliche Herausforderungen zu überwinden, um das SWB über kurze und lange Zeiträume aufrechtzuerhalten. Dabei werden die Kontexte hervorgehoben, in denen dieser Erfolg versagt (angesichts der gesundheitlichen Gefährdung des Ehepartners).
... Conversely, when employees do not receive support, it leads to job dissatisfaction and reduced loyalty to the organization (Lambert et al., 2016). Different dimensions of social support can predict SWB (Xu, 2011), and social support affects PA (Zhao, 2016). PA has the highest correlation with instrumental support; LS has the highest correlation with emotional support, and PA influences LS. ...
... Higher support from leaders results in improved professional commitment from teachers (Kusum and Billingsley, 1998;Singh and Billingsley, 1998). Further, different dimensions of social support are good predictors of SWB (Xu, 2011); emotional support is positively related to LS, and instrumental support is positively related to PA (Jiang, 2020). The higher the SWB of teachers, the higher their work engagement, professional identity, and PC (Wang, 2014;Pi, 2018;Peng, 2021). ...
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Kindergarten teachers’ professional commitment affects their emotional input and turnover intention, and it is affected by the spiritual and material factors of teachers’ families, kindergartens, and society. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the mediating effect of the dimensions of subjective well-being in the relationship between social support and professional commitment. The study is grounded in human ecology theory and social exchange theory. We surveyed 778 kindergarten teachers from different educational systems in Guangdong Province in China. We used the “Appreciative Social Support” and “Subjective Well-being” Scales and the “Professional Commitment Questionnaire.” The results showed that the four variables of social support, positive affect, life satisfaction, and professional commitment of kindergarten teachers were significantly and positively correlated with each other: social support positively predicted positive affect and life satisfaction, positive affect and life satisfaction positively predicted professional commitment, and social support indirectly influenced professional commitment through the parallel and chain path of positive affect and life satisfaction. This represents a compound multiple mediating effects on professional commitment.
... Older individuals might develop more effective coping strategies for managing adverse events. Additionally, there is a suggestion that society may treat older individuals more positively, contributing to the reinforcement of the life satisfaction effect [96]. ...
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Background: Although positive associations between life satisfaction, self-esteem, and body image have previously been established, differences in these variables by gender and age have yielded mixed results. Moreover, little is known about the interplay between self-esteem and body appreciation on life satisfaction. This study aims to investigate the moderating effect of body appreciation on the relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction, considering disparities between females and males and also between emerging adults (before the age of thirty) and older adults. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was performed in Poland with a sample of 449 adults aged between 18 and 75 (M = 30.41, SD = 12.72), including 68% of women. The survey included the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), and Body Appreciation Scale (BAS-2). Results: Men scored higher than women in terms of life satisfaction and self-esteem, while older participants (age > 30) scored higher than younger individuals (age ≤ 30) in terms of life satisfaction, self-esteem, and body appreciation. The study confirmed positive and moderate correlations between life satisfaction, self-esteem, and body appreciation. The interactive effect of self-esteem and body appreciation on life satisfaction was also found by controlling for age and gender. Conclusions: Some intervention programs focused on increasing levels of self-esteem and body appreciation should be implemented, especially among women and emerging adults, to improve their well-being.
... These basic variables are well known to be relevant to youths' subjective well-being in countries with a high Human Development Index (see Dolan et al., 2008;Layard, 2010). Age squared was added to be consistent with the literature that stipulates its U-shaped relationship with subjective well-being (Clark & Oswald, 2006). Subjective health (very good = 1, good = 2, fair = 3, poor = 4, and very poor = 5) was also included. ...
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Using panel data from Luxembourg, we investigate the relationship between young individuals’ perceived coping with the COVID-19 pandemic context and subjective well-being during the short and mid-term phases of the pandemic (i.e., a few months after its outbreak in July 2020 and one year later in July 2021). Additionally, the study examines how this relationship evolves depending on youths’ subjective social status. Luxembourg is an important setting, as it is one of the happiest countries in the world, with the highest GDP per capita. According to our results, perceived coping with the COVID-19 context matters for subjective well-being beyond individual and macro characteristics. We found a strong correlation between perceptions of coping with the COVID-19 pandemic context and subjective well-being in high-social-status individuals and a weaker correlation for low- and middle-social-status individuals. Furthermore, the relationship between perceptions of coping with the pandemic and well-being was stable over time. The article stipulates several reasons for these results, such as a ‘comfort conditioning’ response to the pandemic for young high-social-status individuals.
... This U-shape could be either a true ageing effect (i.e. it may reflect the different events individuals experience over the life cycle) or it may simply be a cohort effect arising from unobserved individual heterogeneity. As regards this latter, based on panel data from the first 14 waves of the British Household Panel (BHPS), Clark (2007) identifies a robust U-shaped relationship even after controlling for individual heterogeneity (see also Clark and Oswald 2006). Likewise, in their recent study using 1972-2006 data from the US General Social Survey and 1976-2002 data from Eurobarometers, Blanchflower and Oswald (2008) show that, even after they controlled for cohort effects, happiness is indeed U-shaped throughout the life course. ...
Subjective well-being (SWB) is often described as being U-shaped over adulthood, declining to a midlife slump and then improving thereafter. Improved SWB in later adulthood has been considered a paradox given age-related declines in health and social losses. While SWB has mostly been studied in high-income countries, it remains largely unexplored in rural subsistence populations lacking formal institutions that reliably promote social welfare. Here, we evaluate the age profile of SWB among three small-scale subsistence societies ( n = 468; study 1), forest users from 23 low-income countries ( n = 6987; study 2), and Tsimane’ horticulturalists ( n = 1872; study 3). Across multiple specifications, we find variability in SWB age profiles. In some cases, we find no age-related differences in SWB or even inverted U-shapes. Adjusting for confounders reduces observed age effects. Our findings highlight variability in average well-being trajectories over the life course. Ensuring successful aging will require a greater focus on cultural and socioecological determinants of individual trajectories.
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Despite the notion of the U-shape of happiness being frequently dealt with in the media, there is a lack of consensus among researchers on the relationship between age and happiness. In this paper we examined whether age and happiness have a U-shaped relationship among South Koreans, shedding light on the two main issues discussed in a recent line of study: control variables and effect size. Using data from the 2019 Korean Labor & Income Panel Study in Study 1 (N = 12,629) and the 2019 National Leisure Activities Survey in Study 2 (N = 10,060), we compared the age-happiness relationship with and without controlling for five sociodemographic variables (gender, household income, education, marital status, and occupational status), also examining the effect size of such relationship. We found in both Study 1 and 2 an inverted U-shape without controlling for variables, whereas a U-shape appeared when adding control variables. The analyses also demonstrate that regardless of control variables, the effect size of the happiness curve is trivial. The current contribution, using two representative data, enhances our understanding of the happiness patterns of Koreans.
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Studied worldwide, well-being is an important principle for the modern societies and needs to reflect the local cultures of the targeted populations. Semantic networks and graph theory address this issue: a definition of well-being comes directly from a sample of the targeted population. The stage one (N = 201, 52% female and 48% male, volunteers—informed consent provided—, 20 years and older, mean = 39.97 years, S.D. = 13.56 years) semantic networks defined well-being. In stage two the networks were the foundation to construct two scales which were validated (sample N = 427, 55% female and 45% male, volunteers—informed consent provided— 20 years and older, mean = 37.75 years, S.D. = 12.54 years). Analyzed with graph theory, well-being resulted in a social complex system (non-linearity, small world phenomenon, emergency), and showed the main elements to define well-being (affect and cognitive components). Its subgraphs were arranged into three main domains with subdomains: health (physical and psychological), relationships (family, friends, community) and resources (personal, material, time). The scale of satisfaction with well-being (α = .912) and the scale of experiences of well-being (α = .969) showed a good fit and obtained adequate values. Semantic networks proved to be a good resource to help in the construction of a questionnaire to study well-being with a cultural perspective.
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W. Wilson's (1967) review of the area of subjective well-being (SWB) advanced several conclusions regarding those who report high levels of "happiness." A number of his conclusions have been overturned: youth and modest aspirations no longer are seen as prerequisites of SWB. E. Diener's (1984) review placed greater emphasis on theories that stressed psychological factors. In the current article, the authors review current evidence for Wilson's conclusions and discuss modern theories of SWB that stress dispositional influences, adaptation, goals, and coping strategies. The next steps in the evolution of the field are to comprehend the interaction of psychological factors with life circumstances in producing SWB, to understand the causal pathways leading to happiness, understand the processes underlying adaptation to events, and develop theories that explain why certain variables differentially influence the different components of SWB (life satisfaction, pleasant affect, and unpleasant affect). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
How do we measure happiness? Focusing on subjective measures as a proxy for welfare and well-being, this book finds ways to do that. Subjective measures have been used by psychologists, sociologists, political scientists, and, more recently, economists to answer a variety of scientifically and politically relevant questions. Van Praag, a pioneer in this field since 1971, and Ferrer-i-Carbonell present in this book a generally applicable methodology for the analysis of subjective satisfaction. Drawing on a range of surveys on people's satisfaction with their jobs, income, housing, marriages, and government policy, among other areas of life, this book shows how satisfaction with life "as a whole" is an aggregate of these domain satisfactions. Using German, British, Dutch, and Russian data, the authors cover a wide range of topics. This groundbreaking book presents a new and fruitful methodology that constitutes a welcome addition to the social sciences. The paperback edition has been revised to bring the literature review up-to-date and the chapter on poverty has been revised and extended to take account of new research. Available in OSO:
This paper attempts to explain international trends and differences in subjective well-being over the final fifth of the twentieth century. This is done in several stages. First there is a brief review of some reasons for giving a central role to subjective measures of well-being. This is followed by sections containing a survey of earlier empirical studies, a description of the main variables used in this study, a report of results and tests, discussion of the links among social capital, education and well-being, and concluding comments. The main innovation of the paper, relative to earlier studies of subjective well-being, lies in its use of large international samples of individual respondents, thus permitting the simultaneous identification of individual-level and societal-level determinants of well-being. This is particularly useful in identifying direct and indirect linkages between social capital and well-being.
The paper studies the labor markets of 23 transition countries from eastern and central Europe—Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, East Germany, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, and Yugoslavia. It uses new micro-data from a large number of surveys on over 200,000 randomly sampled individuals from these countries for the years 1990–1997. The microeconometric structure of unemployment regression equations in the nations of eastern Europe appears to be similar to the industrialised west. Estimation of east European wage curves produces a local unemployment elasticity of between –0.1 and –0.3. This is somewhat larger in absolute terms than has been found elsewhere. On a variety of attitudinal measures, eastern Europeans said they were less contented than their western European counterparts. The strongest support for the changes that have occurred in eastern Europe is to be found among men, the young, the most educated, students, and the employed and particularly the self-employed. Support for market reforms is particularly low amongst the unemployed who were found to be particularly unhappy on two well-being measures. J. Japan. Int. Econ., December 2001, 15(4), pp. 364–402. Department of Economics, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire 03755; and NBER.