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Abstract and Figures

Using the 12 published results from the 1988 radiocarbon dating of the TS (Turin Shroud), a robust statistical analysis has been performed in order to test the conclusion by Damon et al. (1998) that the TS is mediaeval. The 12 datings, furnished by the three laboratories, show a lack of homogeneity. We used the partial information about the location of the single measurements to check whether they contain a systematic spatial effect. This paper summarizes the results obtained by Riani et al. (2010), showing that robust methods of statistical analysis can throw new light on the dating of the TS.
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A robust statistical analysis
of the 1988 Turin Shroud
radiocarbon dating results
G. Fanti1, F. Crosilla2, M. Riani3, A.C. Atkinson4
1Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Padua, Italy,
2Department of Geo-Resources and Territory, University of Udine, Italy
3Department of Economics, University of Parma, Italy,
4Department of Statistics, London School of Economics, London WC2A 2AE, UK,
Using the 12 published results from the 1988 radiocarbon dating of the TS (Turin Shroud), a robust statistical analysis has
been performed in order to test the conclusion by Damon et al. (1998) that the TS is mediaeval. The 12 datings, furnished by
the three laboratories, show a lack of homogeneity. We used the partial information about the location of the single
measurements to check whether they contain a systematic spatial effect. This paper summarizes the results obtained by Riani
et al. (2010), showing that robust methods of statistical analysis can throw new light on the dating of the TS.
Keyword: ANOVA, Forward Search, Robust methods, t-statistics, Turin Shroud.
The results of the 1988 radiocarbon dating [1] of the TS
were published as providing conclusive evidence that the
linen fabric dates from between 1262 and 1384 AD, with
a confidence level of 95%.
However, after publication of the result, many speculated
that the sample had been contaminated due to the fire of
1532 which seriously damaged the TS, or to the sweat of
hands impregnating the linen during exhibitions, others
that the date was not correct due to the presence of
medieval mending and so on. We give references to some
of these concerns in Section 7.
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the results
obtained in Ref. 2 which show how robust methods of
statistical analysis, in particular the combination of
regression analysis and the forward search [3] combined
with computer power and a liberal use of graphics, can
help to shed new light on results that are a source of
scientific controversy. Throughout we analyse only
numbers from the data given in Ref. 1.
The samples for radio carbon dating were taken from a
strip of material cut from one corner of the TS. The strip
was divided into five parts; the three parts on the right of
Figure 1 were sent to laboratories in Arizona, Oxford and
Zurich. Arizona also received the fourth, smaller, part on
the left. A larger part on the left of Figure 1 was taken by
the Arcidiocesi of Turin as a “Riserva”.
Figure 2 indicates the cutting of the strip in question.
These samples were divided into a total of 12 sub-
samples for which datings were made. The resulting dates
ranged from 591 BP for a reading from Arizona, to 795
BP from Oxford.
Damon et al. [1] noticed that the data show some
heterogeneity, which they assessed using a chi-squared
test. In this section we instead use the analysis of variance
to test whether these 12 observations can be considered as
homogeneous, i.e. as 12 repeated measurements coming
from a single unknown quantity.
More formally, a general model for observation j at site i
yij = µi + σvij εij (i = 1, 2, 3; j = 1, ..., ni), (1)
where the errors εij have a standard normal distribution.
Our central concern is the structure of the µi; at this point
whether they are all equal. However, before proceeding to
the test this hypothesis we need to establish the error
structure. Riani et al. [2] suggest the three following
1. Unweighted Analysis. Standard analysis of variance:
all vij = 1
Figure 1. Diagram showing the piece removed from the TS and how it was partitioned. T: trimmed strip. R: retained part called
“Riserva”. O, Z, A1, A2: subsamples given to Oxford, Zurich, and Arizona (two parts) respectively.
Figure 2. Cutting of the linen strip from the TS for the 1988 radiocarbon dating. (G. Riggi di Numana, Fototeca 3M).
2. Original weights. We weight all observations by 1/vij,
where the vij are the standard errors published by Damon
et al. [1], that is, we perform an analysis of variance using
zij = yij/vij . (2)
3. Modified weights for Arizona. This last formulation
takes into account the fact that according to Damon et al.
the standard errors for Arizona, unlike the two other
laboratories, include only two of the three sources of error.
Reference 2 shows that irrespective of the kind of
ANOVA which is used, while the test for homogeneity of
the variances among the 3 laboratories never turns out to
be significant (the minimum p-value is greater than 0.3),
the test for homogeneity of means is always significant at
the 5% level.
Christen [4] used these data as an example of Bayesian
outlier detection with a mean shift outlier model
(Abraham and Box [5]) in which the null model was that
the data were a homogeneous sample from a single
normal population. He found that the two extreme
observations, 591 and 795 were indicated as outlying.
When these two observations were removed, the data
appeared homogeneous, with a posterior distribution of
age that agreed with the conclusion of Damon et al. [1].
We have appreciable, but only partial, knowledge of the
spatial layout of the samples from Damon et al. [1]. Three
pieces were dated by Oxford, four by Arizona and five by
Zurich. However it is not known how the samples in
Figure 1 were divided within the laboratories, nor is it
known whether the four readings from Arizona came only
from A1 or from A1 and A2.
Figure 3. Arrangements investigated for the Arizona sample. The image on top assumes that Arizona dated both pieces (A1 and A2).
The image at the bottom assumes that Arizona only dated piece A1. Total number of cases considered is 168 = 96+72.
On the assumption that the four readings from Arizona
all came from A1, Walsh [6] showed evidence for the
regression of age on the known centre points of the pieces
of fabric. Ballabio [7], as well reviewing earlier work,
introduced a second spatial variable into the analysis, the
values of both variables depending on how the division
into subsamples was assumed to have been made. He was
defeated by the number of possibilities.
The possible configurations for the subsamples from
Arizona are shown in Figure 3. If we also consider all
possible plausible ways in which cuts could have been
made by the laboratories of Oxford and Zurich, we end up
with 96 and 23 configurations. In summary there are
387,072 possible cases to analyse.
To try to detect any trend in the age of the material we fit
a linear regression model in x1 (longitudinal) and x2
(transverse) distances. The analysis is not standard. Riani
et al. [2] permute the values of x1 and x2 and perform all
387,072 analyses.
The question is how to interpret this quantity of numbers.
Without any trend in the longitudinal and transverse
directions we expect to obtain a distribution of t-statistics
for the regression coefficients which is centred around
zero and we approximately expect to obtain half of the
387072 configurations with a positive value of the t-stat
and the other half with negative values. The top panel of
Figure 4 (taken from Ref. 2) shows the distribution of the
t-statistic for x2. This has a t like shape centred around 0.5.
The bottom panel of Figure 4, the t-statistic for x1, is
however quite different, showing two peaks. The larger
peak is centred around 2.9 whereas the thinner peak is
centred around 1. It is also interesting to notice that for
each of the 387,072 configurations we obtain a negative
value of the t-statistic for the longitudinal coordinate.
As we have shown that x2 is not significant (even if it is
surprisingly not centered around 0), we continue our
analysis with a focus on x1. In particular, we want to
discover what feature of the data leads to the bimodal
distribution in Figure 4. If we consider the longitudinal
projections of the 387,072 configurations we obtain
42,081 possibilities.
Summarising the results in Ref 2 which performs a
detailed analysis of all these longitudinal configurations, it
comes out that inference about the slope of the
relationship depends critically on whether configuration
A2 (see Figure 1) was analysed. More precisely, the only
configurations which give rise to non-significant values of
the t-statistic are those associated with:
1) configuration A2 (that are based on the assumption
that Arizona dated both A1 and A2), see Figure 1.
2) the response at the longitudinal coordinate x1 = 41
is y=591 or y=690.
We now analyse the data structure, taking typical
members inside the configurations 41-591 and of 41-690
and look at some simple diagnostic plots.
To determine whether the proposed data configuration
41-591 is plausible we look at residuals from the fitted
regression model. In order to overcome the potential
problem of masking (when one outlier can cause another
to be hidden) we use a forward search [3] in which
subsets of m carefully chosen observations are used to fit
the regression model and see what happens as m increases
from 2 to 12. Figure 6 shows a forward plot of the
residuals of all observations, scaled by the estimate of
sigma at the end of the search, that is when all 12
observations are used in fitting. The plot shows the pattern
typical of a single outlier, here 41-591 which is distant
from all the other observations until m = n, when it affects
the fitted model.
The conclusion from this analysis is that whether one of
the lower y values, 591 or 606, or one of the higher y
values, 690 or 701, from Arizona is assigned to x1 = 41,
an outlier is generated, indicating an implausible data set.
The comparable plots when it is assumed that Arizona
only analysed A1 are quite different in structure. There is
a stable scatter of residuals in the left-hand panel as the
forward search progresses, with no especially remote
observation. We conclude, that there is statistical evidence
that Arizona only analysed A1 and that there is a
significant trend in the longitudinal coordinates.
The Shroud data relative to the 1988 radiocarbon dating
show surprising heterogeneity. This leads us to conclude
that the twelve measurements of the age of the TS cannot
be considered as repeated measurements of a single
unknown quantity.
The presence of a linear trend explains the difference in
means that was found using the ANOVA test.
The evidence of the heterogeneity together with the
evidence of a strong linear trend lead us to conclude that
the statement of Damon et al.: “The results provide
conclusive evidence that the linen of the Shroud of Turin is
mediaeval” [1] needs to be reconsidered in the light of the
evidence produced by our use of robust statistical
Figure 4. Two variable regression. Histograms of values of t-statistics from 387,072 possible configurations. Upper panel x2 (transverse
coordinate), lower panel x1 (longitudinal coordinate).
Transverse coordinate
Longitudinal coordinate
Figure 5. Analysis of residuals for one typical configuration when x1=41, y1=591. Forward plot of scaled residuals showing that this
assignment produces an outlier.
The arguments in favour of the authenticity of the TS are
rehearsed in other papers in this volume. For example, the
formation mechanism of the body images has not yet been
scientifically explained. One so far unexplained feature is
that the body image is extremely superficial in the sense
that only the external layer of the topmost linen fibre is
coloured [8]. See also [9] and [10].
At a more mundane level, we note that the weights used
in Section 3, taken from Ref. 1, were obtained from up to
8 repeat determinations. Burr et al. [11] describe the
process of analysis used at Arizona. As always, in any
data analysis, it is a help in understanding and modeling
the truth of a situation to work with the original data,
rather than data which have already been summarized,
even if only lightly.
1. Damon P.E., Donahue D.J., Gore B.H., Hatheway A.L.,
Jull A.J.T., Linick T.W., Sercel P.J., Toolin L.J., Bronk
C.R., Hall E.T., Hedges R.E.M., Housley R., Law I.A.,
Perry C., Bonani G., Trumbore S., Wölfli W., Ambers J.C.,
Bowman S.G.E., Leese M.N., Tite M.S.: Nature, 337, 611-
615 (1989).
2. Riani M., Atkinson A.C., Fanti G., Crosilla F.: “Carbon
Dating of the Shroud of Turin: Partially Labelled
Regressors and the Design of Experiments” see:
3. Atkinson, A.C. and M. Riani: Robust Diagnostic
Regression Analysis, (New York: Springer–Verlag) 2000.
4. Christen, A.: Applied Statistics, 43, 489-503 (1994).
5. Abraham, B. and Box, G.E.P. Applied Statistics, 27,
131-138 (1978).
6. Wal s h B . The 1988 Shroud of Turin radiocarbon tests
reconsidered. Proceedings of the 1999 Shroud of Turin
International Research Conference Richmond, Virginia
USA, pp. 326–342. B. Walsh Ed., Glen Allen VA:
Magisterium Press (1999).
7. Ballabio G. New statistical analysis of the radiocarbon
dating of the Shroud of Turin (unpublished manuscript).
8. Fanti G., Botella J.A. Di Lazzaro P., Heimburger T.,
Schneider R., Svensson N. “Journal of Imaging Science
and Technology 54, 040201-(8) (2010).
9. Fanti, G. Basso R., “The Turin Shroud, Optical
Research in the Past Present and Future”, Publisher Nova
Science Pub Inc., 2008.
10. Fanti G.: “La Sindone, una sfida alla scienza
moderna”, Aracne ed., Roma, Italy, 2008.
11. Burr G.S., Donahue D.J., Tang Y., Beck W.J.,
McHargue L., Biddulph D., Cruz R. and Jull A.J.T.: Nucl.
Instr. and Methods in Physics B 259, 149-153 (2007).
... I riflettori sull'affidabilità della radio-datazione della Sindone si accesero di nuovo nel Maggio 2010 al workshop IWSAI di Frascati, in cui furono presentati i calcoli di analisi statistica robusta (in particolare, la combinazione di regressione multipla e tecniche avanzate per il rilevamento di anomalie) per analizzare le 387.072 possibili configurazioni della posizione (sconosciuta) dei 12 sottocampioni ufficiali [Damon, 1989] in cui sono stati suddivisi i 4 lembi, vedi la fig. 3. Queste analisi hanno permesso di determinare la posizione più probabile di ciascun sottocampione, e di giungere ai seguenti risultati [Fanti, 2010b], [Riani, 2013], che sono discussi in dettaglio nel §4: i) il più piccolo dei due lembi della Sindone dati al laboratorio di Arizona non è stato datato; ...
... La principale conseguenza dei risultati pubblicati in [Fanti, 2010b] e [Riani, 2013] è la dipendenza spaziale delle 12 età dei sottocampioni della Sindone, la quale suggerisce la presenza di contaminanti, distribuiti in modo non omogeneo, che sono sopravvissuti alla procedura di pulizia adottata prima delle misure di radio-datazione. Questi contaminanti potrebbero aver falsato i risultati delle età radiocarboniche. ...
... Per rilevare un eventuale gradiente dell'età del materiale (che potrebbe spiegare la mancanza di omogeneità delle età BP) sono stati quindi analizzati 387.072 modelli di regressione, dove la risposta è l'età stimata (come indicato nella tabella 1) e le coordinate delle due variabili esplicative sono la distanza longitudinale (orizzontale nella fig. 3 a sinistra) e la distanza trasversale (verticale nella fig. 3 a sinistra) [Fanti, 2010b], [Riani, 2013]. ...
Technical Report
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In questo rapporto passiamo in rassegna la storia, il campionamento e i risultati della datazione al radiocarbonio del tessuto archeologico noto come la ‘Sindone di Torino’, alla luce delle recenti analisi statistiche ‘robuste’ dei dati pubblicati e dei dati grezzi, questi ultimi resi disponibili solo nel 2017 dopo una richiesta legale europea nell'ambito della Legge sulla libertà di accesso agli atti amministrativi. Le analisi statistiche evidenziano la mancata datazione di lembi di tessuto sindonico consegnati ai tre laboratori per essere datati, e anche una dipendenza, inattesa e anomala, tra l'età radiocarbonica e la posizione dei sottocampioni datati. Questo effetto sistematico è probabilmente dovuto a una contaminazione che non è stata interamente rimossa dal procedimento chimico di pulizia preliminare dei campioni prelevati. La presenza di legami chimici anomali nei fili del campione usato per la radio-datazione è stata confermata a posteriori da analisi spettroscopiche nell’infrarosso. Non è semplice stimare l’effetto quantitativo di tali contaminanti sulla datazione al radiocarbonio. In generale, esaminiamo il contributo delle analisi statistiche per valutare l'affidabilità dei risultati di radio-datazione della Sindone, e per progettare la corretta procedura di campionamento. In particolare, esaminiamo se i risultati acquisiti sulla misura di radio-datazione della Sindone nel 1988 insieme ai dati statistici e spettroscopici, alla fluorescenza indotta da illuminazione ultravioletta e alle immagini al microscopio, permettono di rispondere alla domanda cruciale: ha senso datare di nuovo la Sindone? E in caso di risposta affermativa, è possibile determinare sperimentalmente se e fino a che punto l'età radiocarbonica della Sindone può essere tradotta in età da calendario, tenendo conto dell'influenza dei contaminanti? Una ricca bibliografia di lavori originali citata nelle referenze consente al lettore di approfondire i principali elementi del puzzle scientifico posto dalla misura dell’età della Sindone, e di farsi una propria idea a riguardo.
... A major improvement in understanding the reliability of the Shroud's radiocarbon dating occurred in 2010 when robust methods of statistical analysis were applied to the 387,072 possible configurations of the unknown position of the 12 official subsamples in [8]. This analysis determined the most probable position of each subsample, finally leading to the following results [28,29]: ...
... The 1989 analysis solely performed a test (see Table 2 of [8]) on the homogeneity of the standard errors of the three laboratories. On the other hand, [28] and [29] performed ANOVA on the single published measurements to check the hypothesis of equality of means among the three laboratories. Since the conclusions of the test might be affected by the different standard errors across the different laboratories, [28] and [29] checked the stability of the results to allow for the potential underestimation of uncertainty of a particular laboratory as well as possible differences among the protocols which have been used. ...
... On the other hand, [28] and [29] performed ANOVA on the single published measurements to check the hypothesis of equality of means among the three laboratories. Since the conclusions of the test might be affected by the different standard errors across the different laboratories, [28] and [29] checked the stability of the results to allow for the potential underestimation of uncertainty of a particular laboratory as well as possible differences among the protocols which have been used. They apply: ...
Full-text available
We review the sampling and results of the radiocarbon dating of the archaeological cloth known as the Shroud of Turin, in the light of recent statistical analyses of both published and raw data. The statistical analyses highlight an inter-laboratory heterogeneity of the means and a monotone spatial variation of the ages of subsamples that suggest the presence of contaminants unevenly removed by the cleaning pretreatments. We consider the significance and overall impact of the statistical analyses on assessing the reliability of the dating results and the design of correct sampling. These analyses suggest that the 1988 radiocarbon dating does not match the current accuracy requirements. Should this be the case, it would be interesting to know the accurate age of the Shroud of Turin. Taking into account the whole body of scientific data, we discuss whether it makes sense to date the Shroud again.
... According to Riani, "the statement of Damon et al. --The results provide conclusive evidence that the linen on the Shroud of Turin is mediaeval--needs to be reconsidered" [28]. ...
... The questionable behaviour of Tucson' scientists, coupled with the Riani's discovery, suggest the carbon dating of the ST is a puzzle still far to be fully understood. Certainly, the linear spatial trend of the twelve measurements of the age of the ST shown in [28] and [30] suggests the presence of contamination of the linen samples, which was not removed by the standard cleaning procedure adopted before the radiocarbon measurements. Obviously, the results of Riani et al. published in [28,30] do not mean the ST is authentic: rather, they suggest that the dating results are not reliable and the C14 measurement should be repeated. ...
... Certainly, the linear spatial trend of the twelve measurements of the age of the ST shown in [28] and [30] suggests the presence of contamination of the linen samples, which was not removed by the standard cleaning procedure adopted before the radiocarbon measurements. Obviously, the results of Riani et al. published in [28,30] do not mean the ST is authentic: rather, they suggest that the dating results are not reliable and the C14 measurement should be repeated. ...
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The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth bearing the front and back body images of what appears to be a crucified man. Although it is considered one of the archaeological objects most studied in history, nobody has been able to replicate the microscopic complexity of the chemical and physical characteristics of its faint images. After countless attempts, the inability to replicate the image on the Shroud prevents formulating a reliable hypothesis on the process of the image formation. In this paper we summarize the state-of-the art of the scientific research on the Shroud, from the multidisciplinary STuRP analyses (1978) to the radiocarbon dating (1988), from biological and DNA clues to the linen irradiation experiments at the ENEA, till the illusory perception of low contrast stains on the Shroud. As detailed in this paper, despite huge scientific efforts, the Shroud is still “a challenge to our intelligence”, a remarkable object whose scientific analyses lead to many clues, but any proof.
... According to Riani, "the statement of Damon et al. --The results provide conclusive evidence that the linen on the Shroud of Turin is mediaeval--needs to be reconsidered" [28]. ...
... The questionable behaviour of Tucson' scientists, coupled with the Riani's discovery, suggest the carbon dating of the ST is a puzzle still far to be fully understood. Certainly, the linear spatial trend of the twelve measurements of the age of the ST shown in [28] and [30] suggests the presence of contamination of the linen samples, which was not removed by the standard cleaning procedure adopted before the radiocarbon measurements. Obviously, the results of Riani et al. published in [28,30] do not mean the ST is authentic: rather, they suggest that the dating results are not reliable and the C14 measurement should be repeated. ...
... Certainly, the linear spatial trend of the twelve measurements of the age of the ST shown in [28] and [30] suggests the presence of contamination of the linen samples, which was not removed by the standard cleaning procedure adopted before the radiocarbon measurements. Obviously, the results of Riani et al. published in [28,30] do not mean the ST is authentic: rather, they suggest that the dating results are not reliable and the C14 measurement should be repeated. ...
Conference Paper
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The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth bearing the front and back body images of what appears to be a crucified man. Although it is considered one of the archaeological objects most studied in history, nobody has been able to replicate the microscopic complexity of the chemical and physical characteristics of its faint images. After countless attempts, the inability to replicate the image on the Shroud prevents formulating a reliable hypothesis on the process of the image formation. In this paper we summarize the state-of-the art of the scientific research on the Shroud, from the multidisciplinary STuRP analyses (1978) to the radiocarbon dating (1988), from biological and DNA clues to the linen irradiation experiments at the ENEA, till the illusory perception of low contrast stains on the Shroud. As detailed in this paper, despite huge scientific efforts, the Shroud is still " a challenge to our intelligence " , a remarkable object whose scientific analyses lead to many clues, but any proof.
... To make the case even more convincing, the date is in agreement with the first known historic record of the Shroud in 1353. However, in 2010 a detailed study 2,3 used the combination of multiple regression analysis and the forward search algorithm to performing the analysis of 387,072 possible spatial configurations of the dated subsamples' positions. The study determined the position of each subsample, which was not specified in the Ref. 1, leading to the following results: i) only three of the four Shroud samples given to the laboratories were dated, contrary to what reported in Ref. 1; ii) the radiocarbon data published in Ref. 1 are heterogeneous and there is a linear spatial gradient of the twelve measurements of the age of the Shroud (each one of the three dated samples had been divided into four pieces). ...
... The Shroud of Turin is an archaeological cloth whose embedded images have defied every scientific effort at solution 4,6,7,23 . Contrary to what is commonly believed, the radiocarbon dating detailed in Ref. 1 does not provide conclusive evidence that the Shroud cloth is mediaeval 2,3 . Independent forensic analyses show that the reddish stains on the Shroud contain specific blood components, including immunoglobulin, hemoglobin, bilirubin and serum albumin, consistent with the presence of real blood 7, 8, 9, 24 . ...
Conference Paper
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The archaeological cloth known as the Shroud of Turin is a controversial object for both scientific and religious reasons. After a brief introduction on the scientific data about the age of the cloth and the microscopic complexity of the images embedded on it, we discuss the unique reddish color of blood stains on the Shroud, which caught the attention of several scholars in the last decades. Various hypotheses were proposed to explain the blood stains reddish color, and the experimental tests produced uncertain results because data were not sufficient or were obtained in vitro. We have tested the strength of two hypotheses, namely, the long term influence of ultraviolet (UV) light on high-bilirubin blood and the presence of carboxyhemoglobin, respectively by RGB color analyses of high-bilirubin blood after irradiation by ns excimer laser pulses and UV lamp and by the study of the spectral reflectance of the blood stains on the Shroud.
... The TS has been radiocarbon-dated to 1260-1390 A.D. [4] but many scientists believe that the reliability of radiocarbon dating is not satisfactory because the linen underwent many vicissitudes (e.g., fires, restorations, water, etc.) [5, 6]. Recent robust statistical evaluation showed the presence of a non negligible bias in the data published [7]. It was also demonstrated that the 1988 sample is not representative of the whole TS [8]. ...
... The TS face shows no sign of pain, in spite of the horrible mistreatment of the body [61]. The radiocarbon dating of 1988 states that the TS linen dates back to 1260-1390 A.D. [4], but further statistical studies [5, 6, 7] demonstrated the presence of a linear bias which makes the sample not representative of the whole TS. Preliminary estimates of the kinetics constants for the loss of vanillin from lignin indicate a much older age for the cloth than the radiocarbon analyses [51]. ...
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This paper derives from a very wide discussion in the Shroud Science Group and from an in progress paper published in 2005. It has the aim to present all the evidences detected on the Turin Shroud that can be useful for a discussion about the problem of the body image formation. Many hypotheses about the image formation have been proposed, but, up to now, none, scientifically testable, simultaneously satisfies all the facts detected on the Shroud. For this reason this paper will be helpful for future researchers who will study and propose new hypotheses. A list of facts directly related to the Turin Shroud is synthetically presented. They are subdivided in Type A that are, in the authors view, unquestionable facts and in Type B that are confirmed observations or conclusions based on a proof made in reference to Turin Shroud studies; in addition other facts or observations that were evidenced by some researchers but that are not accepted by others are also reported for completeness.
... 4 For example, the veracity of the TS has been strongly challenged by multicentre radiocarbon research (USA, UK, Switzerland), which attributed the manufacture to the late Middle Ages, dating between 1260 and 1390 AD. 5 The results of radiocarbon research relevant to that time frame, however, are now considered invalid, having been affected by systematic errors. 6 The characteristics of the image are unique and at present they cannot be reproduced all together even though the most reliable and probable hypothesis of the formation of the image is based on the ''Corona Discharge''. 4 Edwards et al. 7 have historically and medically reconstructed in an accurate way the Passion of Jesus of Nazareth with clear evidence on the TS; however, many aspects remain unclear. ...
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La datación por el carbono 14, que tuvo lugar en 1988, colocó el origen de la Síndone entre 1260 y 1390 d. de C. The method of radiocarbon dating, performed in 1988, placed the origin of the Shroud between 1260 and 1390 A.D.; but the reconstruction of the events that led to that analysis, and the controversy following its course, throw heavy shadows on the validity of the result. Not all the procedures followed for the completion of the radiocarbon test were regular. The history of the events and of the traumas suffered by the relic make it a difficult object, whose radiocarbon dating cannot provide reliable data. The analyzed sample, because of its peculiar characteristics, was not representative of the whole sheet. Consequently, according to the radiocarbon dating it cannot be definitely stated that the manufacture of the Shroud should be placed in the middle of the fourteenth century.
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Very small samples from the Shroud of Turin have been dated by accelerator mass spectrometry in laboratories at Arizona, Oxford and Zurich. As controls, three samples whose ages had been determined independently were also dated. The results provide conclusive evidence that the linen of the Shroud of Turin is mediaeval.
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The twelve results from the 1988 radio carbon dating of the Shroud of Turin show surprising heterogeneity. We try to explain this lack of homogeneity by regression on spatial coordinates. However, although the locations of the samples sent to the three laboratories involved are known, the locations of the 12 subsamples within these samples are not. We consider all 387,072 plausible spatial allocations and analyse the resulting distributions of statistics. Plots of regression residuals from the forward search indicate that some sets of allocations are implausible. We establish the existence of a trend in the results and indicate how better experimental design might have enabled stronger conclusions to have been drawn from this multi-centre experiment.
The aim of this work is to summarize the important contribution furnished by Optics in the studies of the TS (Turin Shroud) made in more than a century of researches and tests. In the first section the very peculiar characteristics of the TS are presented and discussed showing that up to now the double body image impressed on it is not yet reproducible. Some body image formation hypotheses are presented and they will be tested by also means of optical means successively discussed. The second and third sections respectively present the most important optical researches done in the past and in the present in reference to the Relic and the fourth section discusses some possible optical studies that should be done on the TS to unveil some obscure points. It is also accounted for the conservation problems that are very important for the body image impressed in the linen Cloth in a very particular way. In any case the complexity of the studies related to the TS implies that the future analyses will not be given to a limited group as was done in 2002, but to a very wide commission composed of experts in each one of the many disciplines involved in the studies.
This book is about using graphs to understand the relationship between a regression model and the data to which it is fitted. Because of the new way in which models are fitted, for example by least squares, we can lose information about the effect of individual observations on inferences about the form and parameters of the model. The methods developed in this book reveal how the fitted regression model depends on individual observations and on groups of observations. Robust procedures can sometimes reveal this structure, but downweight or discard some observations. The novelty in this book is to combine robustness and a "forward" search through the data with regression diagnostics and computer graphics.
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