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The difficult problem of the characterization of arbitrage free dynamic stochastic models for the equity markets was recently given a new life by the introduction of market models based on the dynamics of the local volatility. Typically, market models are based on Itô stochastic differential equations modeling the dynamics of a set of basic instruments including, but not limited to, the option underliers. These market models are usually recast in the framework of the HJM philosophy originally articulated for Treasury bond markets. In this paper we streamline some of the recent results on the local volatility dynamics by employing an infinite dimensional stochastic analysis approach as advocated by the pioneering work of L. Gross and his students.
Abstract. The difficult problem of the characterization of arbitrage free
dynamic stochastic models for the equity markets was recently given a new
life by the introduction of market models based on the dynamics of the local
volatility. Typically, market models are based on Itˆo stochastic differential
equations modeling the dynamics of a set of basic instruments including, but
not limited to, the option underliers. These market models are usually recast
in the framework of the HJM philosophy originally articulated for Treasury
bond markets. In this paper we streamline some of the recent results on
the local volatility dynamics by employing an infinite dimensional stochastic
analysis approach as advocated by the pioneering work of L. Gross and his
1. Introduction and Notation
The difficult problem of the characterization of arbitrage free dynamic stochastic
models for the equity markets was recently given a new life in [2] by the intro-
duction of market models based on the dynamics of the local volatility surface.
Market models are typically based on the dynamics of a set of basic instruments
including, but not limited to, the option underliers. These dynamics are usually
given by a continuum of Itˆo’s stochastic differential equations, and the first order
of business is to check that such a large set of degrees of freedom in the model
specification does not introduce arbitrage opportunities which would render the
model practically unacceptable.
Market models originated in the groundbreaking original work of Heath, Jarrow
and Morton [11] in the case of Treasury bond markets. These authors modeled the
dynamics of the instantaneous forward interest rates and derived a no-arbitrage
condition in the form of a drift condition. This approach was extended to other
fixed income markets and more recently to credit markets. The reader interested
in the HJM approach to market models is referred to the recent review article
[1]. However, despite the fact that they were the object of the first success of
the mathematical theory of option pricing, the equity markets have offered the
strongest resistance to the characterization of no-arbitrage in dynamic models.
This state of affairs is due to the desire to accommodate the common practice of
using the Black-Scholes implied volatility to code the information contained in the
prices of derivative instruments. Indeed, while defining stochastic dynamics for the
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 91B24.
Key words and phrases. Volatility, market models, abstract Wiener space.
Serials Publications
Communications on Stochastic Analysis
Vol. 2, No. 1 (2008) 109-123
implied volatility surface is rather natural (see, for example [4, 5, 8]), deriving no-
arbitrage conditions is highly technical and could be only done in specific particular
cases [7, 14, 16, 15].
In the present paper, we streamline some of the recent results on local volatility
dynamics by employing an infinite dimensional stochastic analysis approach as
advocated by the pioneering work of L. Gross and his students.
One of the main technical results of [2] is the semi-martingale property of call
option prices corresponding to a local volatility surface which evolves over time
according to a set of Itˆo’s stochastic differential equations. We denote by Ct(T, K )
the price at time tof a European call option with maturity Ttand strike K > 0.
For each fixed t > 0 we have
½TCt(T, K) = 1
t(T, K)K22
KCt(T, K), t < T
Ct(t, K) = (StK)+(1.1)
To be more specific, if for each maturity T > 0 and strike K > 0, we have
dat(T, K) = αt(T , K)dt +βt(T , K)·dWt,(1.2)
the result we revisit here says that the solution of the Dupire PDE (1.1) is a semi-
martingale whenever the second order term coefficient a2
t(T, K) has for each T > 0
and K > 0, a stochastic Itˆo’s differential of the form (1.2).
The goal of this paper is to simplify the proof of this result, while at the same
time extending it to the case of infinitely many driving Wiener processes Wt.
Our new proof uses the general framework of infinite dimensional analysis. It
streamlines the main argument and gets rid of a good number of technical lemmas
proved in [2]. The theoretical results from functional analysis and infinite dimen-
sional stochastic analysis which are needed in this paper can be found in Kuo’s
original Lecture Notes in Mathematics [13], and in the more recent book by Car-
mona and Tehranchi [3]. Already, this book was dedicated to Leonard Gross for
his groundbreaking work on abstract Wiener spaces and the depth of his contri-
bution to infinite dimensional stochastic analysis. Contributing the present paper
to a volume in the honor of his 70th birthday is a modest way to show our deep
2. Solutions of the Pricing Equations
As explained in the introduction, we denote by Ct(T, K ) the price at time t
of a European Call option with trike Kand maturity T. It is a random variable
measurable with respect to the σ-field Ftof the natural filtration of a Wiener
process W={Wt}t. Throughout the paper, we use the notation τ=Ttfor
the time to maturity, and we find it convenient to use the notation xfor the
log-moneyness x= log(K/S).
2.1. Pricing PDEs. We will find convenient to use the notation
Ct(τ, x) := 1
Ct(t+τ, Stex), τ > 0, x R.
for call prices and
Dx:= 1
x2x¢, D
x:= 1
for partial differential operators which we use throughout the paper. Then, if we
consider the local volatility a2
t(T, K) as given, and introduce the notation
t(τ, x) = a2
t(t+τ, Stex),
then we can conclude that the call price ˜
Ct(., .) satisfies the following initial-value
½τw= ˜a2
t(τ, x)Dxw(τ , x)
w(0, x) = (1 ex)+.(2.1)
We will introduce more notation later in the paper, but for the time being we
denote by pa2;τ, x;u, y), with τ > u, the fundamental solution of the forward
partial differential equation (PDE for short) in (2.1) with coefficient ˜a2. Similarly,
we introduce qa2;u, y;τ, x), with u<τ, the fundamental solution of the backward
uw=˜a2(u, y)Dyw(u, y),(2.2)
which is, in a sense, dual to (2.1). We will sometimes drop the argument ˜a2of
the fundamental solutions pand q, when the coefficient ˜a2is assumed to stay the
same. Notice that, if wis the solution of (2.1), we have
Dxw(τ, x) = 1
2exq(0,0; τ, x).(2.3)
This equality will be used later in the paper.
2.2. Fr´echet Differentiability. For each fixed ¯τ > 0 and integers k, m 1, and
for any smooth function (τ, x)f(τ, x) defined in the strip S= [0,¯τ]×R, we
define the norm
kfkCk,m(S)= sup
i=0 ¯¯i
τif(τ, x)¯¯+
j=1 ¯¯¯j
xjf(τ, x)¯¯¯
Next we denote by ˜
Bthe space of functions fon Swhich are continuously dif-
ferentiable in the first argument and five times continuously differentiable in the
second argument, and for which the norm k.kC1,5(S)is finite. We subsequently
denote k.k˜
B:= k.kC1,5(S).
Now we fix ¯ε > 0, and we define the strip S¯εby S¯ε= [¯ε, ¯τ]×R. We then define
W¯ε=C1,2(S¯ε) and the mapping
where, for any h˜
B, the image F¯ε(h) is the restriction to S¯εof the solution
of (2.1) with ehin lieu of the coefficient ˜a2. Notice that eh˜
B, and that it is
bounded away from zero, implying that F¯ε(h) is well defined.
We are ready to state and prove the main functional analytic result of the paper.
This result is technical in nature, but it should be viewed as the work horse for
the paper.
Proposition 2.1. The mapping F¯ε:˜
W¯εdefined above is twice continuously
Fechet differentiable and for any h, h0, h00 ˜
B, we have
F¯ε0(h)[h0](τ , x) = 1
h0(u, y)eh(u,y)+yp(eh;τ , x;u, y)q(eh; 0,0; u, y)dydu,
F¯ε00 (h)[h0, h00](τ , x) = 1
h0(u, y)eh(u,y)+y·
p(eh;τ, x;v , z)eh(v,z)h00(v , z)Dzp(eh;v, z;u, y )dzdvq(eh; 0,0; u, y)
p(eh;τ, x;u, y )µZu
q(eh; 0,0; v, z)eh(v,z)h00 (v, z )Dzq(eh;v, z;u, y)dzdv¸dydu
Proof. Our proof is based on a systematic use of uniform estimates on the funda-
mental solutions of the parabolic equations (2.1) and (2.2), and their derivatives.
These estimates are known as Gaussian estimates. Typically, they hold when the
second order coefficients are uniformly bounded together with a certain number
of its derivatives. As a preamble to the technical details of the proof, we first
state the Gaussian estimates on the fundamental solutions that we will use in this
paper. If Γ denotes the fundamental solution of (2.1) or (2.2), then the following
estimate holds
ykΓ(τ, x;u, y )¯¯¯C
|τu|(1+m+k)/2exp µc(xy)2
and consequently
ykΓ(τ, x +y;u, y)¯¯¯C
|τu|(1+i)/2exp µcx2
for 0 k+m4, i= 0,1, τ6=u[0,¯τ] and x, y R. Here, the constants cand
Cdepend only upon the lower bound of ˜a2(τ , x) and the norm k˜a2kC1,5(S), where
˜a2is the coefficient in the PDEs (2.1) and (2.2).
Inequality (2.4) is derived on pp. 251-261 of [9]. The comments on the depen-
dence of constants cand Con ˜a2are given in [12].
Fix h˜
B. Estimate (2.4) holds for p(eh+h0;τ, x;u, y) and q(eh+h0;τ , x;u, y),
uniformly over h0varying in a neighborhood of zero, say U(0) ˜
B. In the following
we consider only h0U(0).
We now extend the properties of the fundamental solutions to a larger class of
functions. For each integer s0 we introduce the space ˜
Definition 2.2. We say that a family of functions Γ = {Γ(λ;., .;., .)}λΛbelongs
to ˜
Gs(Λ) if, for each λΛ, the function Γ(λ;τ, x;u, y) is defined for all 0 u <
τ¯τ,x, y R, and:
(1) Γ is stimes differentiable in (x, y), and its derivatives are jointly continuous
in (τ, x;u, y ), moreover, Γ satisfies estimates (2.4), for 0 k+ms,
uniformly over λΛ;
(2) for any gC1
0(R) and all λΛ,
Γ(λ;τ, x;u, y )g(y)dy =cig(x),
where the ci’s are real constants which depend only on Γ.
We will need another class of functions:
Definition 2.3. The family of functions Γ is said to belong to class Gs(Λ), for
some integer s0, if it belongs to ˜
Gs(Λ), and, in addition, satisfies the following:
if s2, then Γ is continuously differentiable in τ, and, for all λΛ,
τΓ(λ;τ, x;u, y ) =
fi(λ;τ, x)i
Γi(λ;τ, x;u, y ),
where each ˜
Gs, and each kfi(λ;., .)kC1,s2(S)is bounded over λΛ.
For the most part of this proof we assume that the functions are parameterized
by the set Λ = U(0) ˜
B, and therefore drop the argument Λ of the class Gs.
Notice that the families of fundamental solutions
np(eh+h0;., .;., .)oh0U(0) and nq(eh+h0;., .;., .)oh0U(0)
belong to G4.
We now derive some important properties of the classes of functions introduced
above. Let us consider Γ1,Γ2˜
Gswith s2, let us fix integers i, k, j, m satisfying
0i+k+j+ms+ 1,(i+k)(j+m)s
and let fC1,(i+k1)+(j+m1)+(S). Then, for all λ1, λ2Λ, x1, x2R, and
0τ1< τ2¯τ, we have:
2∂ykΓ2(λ2;τ2, x2;u, y)f(u, y)j+m
1∂ymΓ1(λ1;u, y;τ1, x1)dy¯¯¯¯¯
∂y j
Γ1(λ1;u, y;τ1, x1)·
∂ymm1·f(u, y)i+k
2∂ykΓ2(λ2;τ2, x2;u, y)¸dy¯¯¯¯
∂y i
Γ2(λ2;τ2, x2;u, y)·
∂ykk1"f(u, y)j+m
1∂ymΓ1(λ1;u, y;τ1, x1)#dy¯¯¯¯¯
exp µc2
exp µc2
exp µc2
exp µc2
2exp µc2
To derive the above inequality, we integrated by parts in yand applied the
Gaussian estimates (2.4), (2.5), then used Lemma 3 on p.15 of [9] to compute
integrals of the form
(τ2u)α(uτ1)βexp µc(x2y)2
τ2uexp µc(yx1)2
Now, fix some s2, choose some Γ1,Γ2˜
Gsand any family of functions
©f(λ;., .)C1,s1(S)ªλΛ, and define
I2, f, Γ1](λ;τ2, x2;τ1, x1)
:= Zτ2
Γ2(λ;τ2, x2;u, y)f(λ, u, y)DyΓ1(λ;u, y ;τ1, x1)dydu.
We are going to show that
I2, f, Γ1](λτ2, x2;τ1, x1) = kf(λ)kΓ3(λ;τ2, x2;τ1, x1),
for some Γ3˜
If, for some λΛ, f(λ)0, the statement of the claim is obvious. Therefore
we will assume that kf(λ)k>0. The smoothness of Γ3in (x1, x2), and estimate
(2.4) follow from (2.6), after we integrate by parts in the definition of I. To
obtain inequality (2.5), we only need to make a shift of the integration variable
and proceed as in (2.6).
We now verify the second condition of Definition 2.2. Pick some gC1
and, assuming that s2, proceed as follows
g(x13(λ;τ2, x2;τ1, x1)dx1¯¯¯¯
Γ2(λ;τ2, x2;u, y)f(λ;u, y)
(y+x1x1) (y+x1x11) Γ1(λ;u, y;τ1, x1)dydudx1|
Γ2(λ;τ2, x2;u, y)|f(λ;u, y)|
j=0 ¯¯¯(y+x1)ij
Γ1(λ;u, y;τ1, x1)¯¯¯dydudx1
which goes to zero as τ1τ2. We integrated by parts in x1, and applied estimates
(2.4), (2.5) to obtain the above inequality. The interchangeability of integration
and differentiation is justified by (2.6) (just notice that, as it is clear from the
first line of (2.6), the integrals are, sometimes, understood as iterated rather than
double integrals). The above estimate proves that Γ3satisfies the second condition
in Definition 2.2.
Now, assume that, in addition, Γ1and Γ2belong to Gs. We claim that, in this
case, Γ3is in Gs1. We only need to verify the additional property in the Definition
2.3. Assume s12, then, using the expression for the τ2- derivatives of Γ2,
and the fact that Γ3˜
Gs1, we obtain the following
Γ2(λ;τ2, x2;u, y)f(λ;u, y)
kf(λ)kDyΓ1(λ;u, y;τ1, x1)dydu¸
f(λ;τ2, x2)
kf(λ)kDx2Γ1(λ;τ2, x2;τ1, x1) +
fi(λ;τ2, x2)
Γi(λ;τ2, x2;u, y)f(λ;u, y)
kf(λ)kDyΓ1(λ;u, y;τ1, x1)dydu
where each fi(λ;., .) is in C1,s2(S), and the ˜
Γi’s belong to ˜
Gs. The above decom-
position completes the proof of the claim: Γ3∈ Gs1.
It is easy to see, integrating by parts, that the operator Jdefined by
J2, f, Γ1](λ;τ2, x2;τ1, x1)
:= Zτ2
DyΓ2(λ;τ2, x2;u, y)f(λ, u, y1(λ;u, y ;τ1, x1)dydu
has the same properties as I.
Similarly, for any ©f(λ;., .)C1,2(S)ªλΛ, and Γ1,Γ2∈ G2, we define the
function K2, f, Γ1] by:
K2, f, Γ1](λ;τ2, x2;τ1, x1)
:= Zτ2
Γ2(λ;τ2, x2;u, y)eyx1f(λ, u, y1(λ;u, y ;τ1, x1)dydu,
and, using (2.6) and (2.7), we obtain the estimate:
j=0 ¯¯¯j
K¯¯¯c8kf(λ)k(τ2τ1)3/2exp µc9
where the constants c8,c9depend on Γ1and Γ2, but not on λ.
We now proceed with the proof of the proposition. Writing the initial value
problem (2.1) twice, first with eh, and then with eh+h0, and subtracting one from
another, we can, formally, apply the Feynman-Kac formula and obtain
F¯ε(h+h0)(τ , x) = F¯ε(h)(τ , x) (2.9)
p(eh+h0;τ, x;u, y )eh(u,y)+y(eh0(u,y)1)q(eh; 0,0; u, y )dydu.
This representation follows from the uniqueness of weak solution of (2.1), see, for
example, [6] for details. Applying the same technique to the fundamental solution
p, we get
p(τ, x;u, y ) := p(eh+h0;τ, x;u, y)p(eh;τ, x;u, y)
p(eh+h0;τ, x;v , z)eh(v,z)(eh0(v,z)1)Dzp(eh;v, z;u, y)dzdv (2.10)
=I£©p(eh+h0)ªh0U(0),©eh(eh01)ªh0U(0) ,©p(eh)ªh0U(0)¤(h0;τ , x;u, y)
Since all the families of functions considered in this part of the proof are parame-
terized by h0U(0), we use the shorter notation f(h0) instead of {f(h0)}h0U(0),
for the arguments of operator I.
We define ∆qin a similar way. Next we rewrite (2.10) as
F¯ε(h+h0) = F¯ε(h) + F¯ε0(h)[h0] + r1+r2,
r1(τ, x) = 1
p(eh+h0;τ, x;u, y )eh(u,y)+y³eh0(u,y)1h0(u, y)´·
q(eh; 0,0; u, y)dydu
2Khp(eh+h0), eh(eh01h0), q(eh)i(h0;τ, x; 0,0),
r2(τ, x) = 1
p(τ, x;u, y )eh(u,y)+yh0(u, y)·
q(eh; 0,0; u, y)dydu
2KhIhp(eh+h0, eh(eh01), p(eh)i, ehh0, q(eh)i(h0;τ , x; 0,0).
Because of the properties of the operator Iderived earlier, it is easy to see that
the function Ihp(eh+h0), eh(eh01), p(eh)ibelongs to (eh01) · G3. Therefore,
using estimate (2.8), we have immediately that for i= 1,2,
and this implies that F¯εis Fr´echet differentiable, with Fr´echet derivative as given
in the statement of the proposition. The fact that F¯ε0(h)[.] is bounded on the unit
ball of ˜
Bfollows, again, from (2.8).
We now compute the Fechet derivative of F¯ε0(.) using the same technique as
in the first part of the proof.
We fix h˜
Band we consider families of functions parameterized by (h0, h00)
Λ := ˜
B × U(0). We redefine ∆p, using h00 instead of h0in (2.10). Then we have
¡F¯ε0(h+h00 )F¯ε0(h)¢[h0](τ , x) =
h0(u, y)eh(u,y)+yp(τ , x;u, y)q(eh; 0,0; u, y)dydu
h0(u, y)eh(u,y)+yp(eh;τ , x;u, y)∆q(0,0; u, y)dydu (2.11)
h0(u, y)eh(u,y)+yp(τ , x;u, y)∆q(0,0; u, y)dydu
h0(u, y)eh(u,y)+y³eh00 (u,y)1´p(eh+h00 ;τ, x;u, y )·
q(eh+h00 ; 0,0; u, y)dydu
Next, we decompose the first integral in (2.11)
h0(u, y)eh(u,y)+yp(τ , x;u, y)q(eh; 0,0; u, y)dydu
=K£I£p(eh), h00eh, p(eh)¤, ehh0, q(eh)¤(h0, h00;τ , x; 0,0)
+KhIhp(eh), eh(eh00 1h00), p(eh)i, ehh0, q(eh)i(h0, h00;τ , x; 0,0)
+KhIhIhp(eh+h00 ), eh(eh00 1), p(eh)i, eh(eh00 1), p(eh)i,
ehh0, q(eh)¤(h0, h00 ;τ, x; 0,0).
The first term in the right hand side of the above expression is linear in h00. It is
the first component of F¯ε00 . Using the properties of the operator I, we conclude
Ihp(eh), eh(eh00 1h00), p(eh)i
+IhIhp(eh+h00 ), eh(eh00 1), p(eh)i, eh(eh00 1), p(eh)i=kh0k˜
where Γ ∈ G2. Therefore, using estimate (2.8), we conclude that the k.k˜
of the last two terms in the right hand side of (2.12) are bounded by a constant
times kh0k˜
A similar decomposition holds true for the second integral in the right hand side
of (2.11) provided the operator Iis replaced by J. Moreover, the k.k˜
W¯ε- norms
of last two integrals in (2.11) are also bounded by a constant times kh0k˜
to see this, recall (2.10) and write its analog for ∆q, then apply the properties
operators Iand J, and use estimate (2.8). This yields the existence of F¯ε00(h), as
given in the proposition.
To show the continuity of the second derivative, fix any h0and h00 in ˜
consider any ∆hU(0). We only show the continuity of the first component of
F¯ε00 (.)[h0, h00] at h, uniformly over h0and h00 in a bounded set. The proof for the
second component is the same. We introduce the difference
K:= K£I£p(eh+∆h), h00eh+∆h, p(eh+∆h)¤, eh+∆hh0, q(eh+ ∆h)¤
K£I£p(eh), h00eh, p(eh)¤, ehh0, q(eh)¤=
K£I£I£p(eh+∆h), eh(eh1), p(eh)¤, h00eh+∆h, p(eh+∆h)¤, eh+∆hh0, q(eh+ ∆h)¤
+K£I£p(eh), h00eh(eh1), p(eh+∆h)¤, eh+∆hh0, q(eh+ ∆h)¤
+K£I£p(eh), h00eh, I £p(eh+∆h), eh(eh1), p(eh)¤)¤, eh+∆hh0, q(eh+ ∆h)¤
+K£I£p(eh), h00eh, p(eh)¤, h0eh(eh1), q(eh+ ∆h)¤
+K£I£p(eh), h00eh, p(eh)¤, h0eh,J£q(eh+∆h), eh(eh1), q(eh)¤¤.
And, as before, using the properties of I,Jand K, we conclude that
which completes the proof of the proposition. ¤
Recall that the price Ct(T, x) at time tof an European call option is given
by wa2;Tt, x + log St), where wa2;., .) is the solution of (2.1). Therefore, in
order to get to the Fechet differentiability of the price of a call option from the
above result, we will need to compose F¯εwith another mapping. This justifies the
introduction, for each Tε, ¯τ] and xRof the mapping
δT,x : [0, T ¯ε]ט
defined by
δT,x (t, w, y ) = w(Tt, x +y).
We have:
Proposition 2.4. (1) For each (w, y)˜
W¯ε×R,δT ,x (., w, y)is continuously
differentiable, and the partial derivative ∂δT,x /∂t is a continuous func-
tional on [0, T ¯ε]ט
(2) For each t[0, T ¯ε],δT ,x(t, ., .)is twice Fechet differentiable and for
any w, w0, w00 ˜
W¯εand y , y, y00 R, its derivatives satisfy
T,x (t, w, y )[w0, y0] = w0(Tt, x +y) + y0xw(Tt, x +y)
T,x (t, w, y )[(w0, y0),(w00, y00 )] = y00xw0(Tt, x +y) + y0xw00(Tt, x +y)
x2w(Tt, x +y).
Moreover, δ0
T,x and δ00
T,x are continuous operators from [0, T ¯ε]ט
into ˜
¯ε×Rand L³˜
Proof. Let us fix (w, y)˜
W¯ε×R. Then, for any t[0, T ¯ε], we have
∂t δT,x (t, w, y ) = τw(Tt, x +y).
We first show that this functional is continuous in (t, w, y)[0, T ¯ε]ט
Consider any (t0, w0, y0)[0, T ¯ε]ט
W¯ε×R, then
|τw(Tt, x +y)τw0(Tt0, x +y0)|=
|τw(Tt, x +y)τw(Tt0, x +y0)|(2.12)
+|τw(Tt0, x +y0)τw0(Tt0, x +y0)|
The first difference in the right hand side above can be made as small as we want
by choosing (t, x) and (t0, x0) close enough. The second difference is bounded by
W¯ε. This implies continuity of the partial derivative ∂δT ,x/∂t, proving
the first statement of the proposition.
Let us now compute the derivatives of δT,x . We will keep (t, w, y)[0, T ¯ε]×
W¯ε×Rfixed, and consider (w0, y0)U(0) ˜
W¯ε×R, where U(0) is a neighborhood
of zero. Notice that
δT,x (t, w +w0, y +y0)δT,x (t, w, y) =
w(Tt, x +y+y0)w(Tt, x +y) + w0(Tt, x +y+y0) =
y0xw(Tt, x +y) + ¯
¯o(y0) + w0(Tt, x +y) + y0xw0(Tt, x +y+ξy0),
for some ξ[0,1], and that
¯o(y0) + y0xw0(Tt, x +y+ξy0)|=¯
Therefore, we have obtained the expression for ˜
T,x , as given in the proposition.
Now consider (w0, y0)˜
W¯ε×Rand (w00 , y00 )U(0) ˜
W¯ε×R, the rest of
parameters being fixed. Then:
T,x (t, w +w00, y +y00 )δ0
T,x (t, w, y )¢[w0, y0] =
w0(Tt, x +y+y00 )w0(Tt, x +y) + y0xw00(Tt, x +y+y00 )
+y0xw(Tt, x +y+y00 )y0xw(Tt, x +y) =
y00xw0(Tt, x +y)+(y00 )22
x2w0(Tt, x +y+ξy00 ) + y0xw00 (Tt, x +y)
x2w00(Tt, x +y+ξ0y00) + y0¡y00 2
x2w(Tt, x +y) + ¯
¯o(y00 )¢,
for some ξ, ξ0[0,1]. Again, noticing that
¯¯(y00 )22
x2w0(Tt, x +y+ξy00 ) + y0y00 2
x2w00(Tt, x +y+ξ0y00) + y0¯
¯o³q|y00 |2+kw00 k2
we get the desired expression for δ00
T,x .
In order to show the continuity of δ0
T,x and δ00
t,x, we fix (w0, y0),(w00, y00)˜
and we prove the continuity of δ0
T,x (., ., .)[w0, h0] and δ00
T,x (., ., .)[(w0, h0),(w00 , h00)]
by, essentially, repeating the argument of (2.13). Finally, notice that the continuity
is uniform over (w0, y0),(w00, y00 ) when they are restricted to a bounded set. ¤
Now, consider the composition of the two operators introduced above. For each
Tε, ¯τ] and xR, we have
CT,x : [0, T ¯ε]ט
B × RR
CT,x (t, h, y) = δT ,x (t, F¯ε(h), y)
As a composition of twice Fechet differentiable operators, CT,x (t, ., .) is, clearly
twice Fechet differentiable, for each t[0, T ¯ε]. Due to the continuity of F¯ε00(.),
T,x (., ., .) and δ00
T,x (., ., .), the Fr´echet derivatives of CT,x (t, h, y) are also continuous
in (t, h, y). Finally, CT,x, clearly, satisfies the first statement of Proposition 2.4.
Thus, applying the chain rule we obtain the following
Proposition 2.5. For each t[0, T ¯ε], functional CT ,x(t, ., .)is twice Fr´echet
differentiable, such that, for any h, h0, h00 ˜
Band y, y, y 00 R, we have
T,x (t, h, y)[h0, y 0] = F¯ε0(h)[h0](Tt, x +y) + y0xF¯ε(h)(Tt, x +y),
T,x (t, h, y)[(h0, y 0),(h00, y00 )] = F¯ε00 (h)[h0, h00](Tt, x +y)
+y00xF¯ε0(h)[h0](Tt, x +y) + y0xF¯ε0(h)[h00 ](Tt, x +y)
x2F¯ε(h)(Tt, x +y),
and C0
T,x ,C00
T,x are continuous operators from [0, T ¯ε]ט
B × Rinto ˜
B × R,˜
3. Using Itˆo’s Formula in Infinite Dimension
The purpose of this section is to extend the proof of the semi-martingale prop-
erty given in [2] to the case of infinitely many driving Wiener processes.
We denote by Bthe cylindrical Brownian motion constructed on the canonical
cylindrical Gaussian measure of some separable Hilbert space ˜
H. The reader can
think of ˜
H=l2- the space of square - sumable sequences but the specific form of
this Hilbert space is totally irrelevant for what we are about to do.
The first step is to construct a Hilbert subspace of ˜
B. For each functions fand
gwith enough derivatives square integrables and for each non-negative integers k
and m, we define the scalar product
< f, g > ˜
τig(0,0) +
τkf(τ, x)¢5¡k
τkg(τ, x)¢+5(m
xmf(τ, x)) 5(m
xmg(τ, x)) dxdτ.
Now we fix a compact set Kcontained in Sand containing the origin (0,0), and
we consider the space of functions on Swhich are constant outside K, namely
whose derivatives vanish outside K. For the sake of definiteness we will choose
K= [0, τ ]×[M, M ] for a positive (large) number M. Equipped with the scalar
product < . , . > ˜
W1,5(S), defined above, this space of functions (more precisely of
equivalence classes of functions) is a Hilbert space which we denote H. It is clearly
contained in ˜
B. Define by B, the completion of Hin the k.kC1,5(S)norm. Thus,
the pair (H,B) forms a conditional Banach Space.
Clearly, Bis a subspace of ˜
B, and therefore, Proposition 2.5 holds for the
restriction of CT,x to Bas well.
For any given real separable Banach space Gwe denote by L(G) the space of all
non-anticipative random processes in G(measurable mappings X: Ω×[0,)→ G)
, such that
Gdu < ,
for all t0. Where Gis a Banach space. Also, we denote by L2(H) the space of
all Hilbert-Schmidt operators on H.
Next, we choose αL(B) and βL³L2³˜
H,H´´, and we model dynamics
of ht, the logarithm of the squared local volatility at time t, ˜a2
t, by the infinite
dimensional Itˆo’s stochastic differential
dht=αtdt +βtdBt,
which together with an initial condition h0∈ B, defines a random process in B.
Also, we assume the following dynamics for the logarithm of the underlying
dlog St=1
tdt +σt< e1, dBt>, log S0,(3.1)
where σis R- valued random process with ERt
udu < almost surely, for any
t0, and e1˜
His a fixed unit vector.
Now, thanks to Proposition 2.5, we can apply Itˆo’s formula (see, for example,
[13], p. 200) to (CT ,x(t, ht,log St))t[0,T ¯ε]. We get that for any Tε, ¯τ] and
xR, we have, almost surely, for all t[0, T ¯ε],
CT,x (t, ht,log St) = CT ,x(0, h0,log S0)
∂t C0
T,x (u, hu,log Su) + C0
T,x (u, hu,log Su)[αu,1
2Tr ¡(βu, σue1)C00
T,x (u, hu,log Su)(βu, σue1)¢du
T,x (u, hu,log Su)(βu, σue1)dBu
where C0
T,x and C00
T,x are given in Proposition 2.5.
Remark 3.1.Since ¯εcan be made as small as we want, the above representation
holds for any T(0,¯τ], and all t[0, T ). Then, since we choose ¯τas large as we
want, the above representation holds for any T > 0, and all t[0, T ).
We now restate the above result after choosing a complete orthonormal basis
{en}nof ˜
H. Notice that without any loss of generality we can assume that the
first element e1of this basis is in fact the unit vector entering the equation for
the dynamics (3.1) of the logarithm of the underlying spot price. As it should be
clear, fixing a basis is essentially assuming that ˜
H=l2. If we consider that βtis
given by the sequence {βn
t(., .)∈ H}
n=1 of its components on the basis vectors,
then we have the following theorem.
Theorem 3.2. For any T > 0and xR, we have, almost surely, for all t[0, T ),
CT,x (t, ht,log St) = CT ,x(0, h0,log S0)
uxF¯ε(hu)τF¯ε(hu) + 1
u] + 1
F¯ε00 (hu)[βn
u, βn
u]#(Tu, x + log Su)du
u] + σuxF¯ε(hu)#(Tu, x + log Su)dBn
if we use the notation {Bn}nfor the sequence of independent standard one - dimen-
sional Brownian motions Bn
t=< en, Bt>.F¯ε0and F¯ε00 are given in Proposition
This is the infinite dimensional version of the semi-martingale result of [2].
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R. Carmona: Bendheim Center for Finance, ORFE, Princeton University, Prince-
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S. Nadtochiy: Bendheim Center for Finance, ORFE, Princeton University, Prince-
ton, NJ 08544, USA
... In particular, the general notion of tangent model is described and illustrated. Sections 3 and 4 recast the results of [2], [1] and [3] in the present framework of tangent models, and for this reason, they are mostly of a review nature. Section 5 introduces and characterizes the consistency of new tangent models that combine the features of the diffusion tangent models of section 3 and the pure jump tangent models of section 4. ...
... and a Brownian motion B. The law ofS is then uniquely determined by (s,ã(., .)), where the surfaceã has to satisfy mild regularity assumptions (see [2] and [1] for details). Clearly, the values at time t = 0 of the underlying index and the call prices in any such model are given by s and ...
... Once specific function spaces are chosen (see subsection 2.2 of [1] for the definitions of the domain and range of F), formula (11) and the operator F provide a one-to-one correspondence between call option price surfaces and local volatility surfaces. This defines the local volatility code-book for call prices. ...
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Motivated by the desire to integrate repeated calibration procedures into a single dynamic market model, we introduce the notion of a “tangent model” in an abstract set up, and we show that this new mathematical paradigm accommodates all the recent attempts to study consistency and absence of arbitrage in market models. For the sake of illustration, we concentrate on the case when market quotes provide the prices of European call options for a specific set of strikes and maturities. While reviewing our recent results on dynamic local volatility and tangent Lévy models, we present a theory of tangent models unifying these two approaches and construct a new class of tangent Lévy models, which allows the underlying to have both continuous and pure jump components. © 2013 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
... In particular, the general notion of tangent model is described and illustrated. Sections 3 and 4 recast the results of [2], [1] and [3] in the present framework of tangent models, and for this reason, they are mostly of a review nature. Section 5 introduces and characterizes the consistency of new tangent models that combine the features of the diffusion tangent models of section 3 and the pure jump tangent models of section 4. ...
... and a Brownian motion B. The law ofS is then uniquely determined by (s,ã(., .)), where the surfaceã has to satisfy mild regularity assumptions (see [2] and [1] for details). Clearly, the values at time t = 0 of the underlying index and the call prices in any such model are given by s and ...
... Once specific function spaces are chosen (see subsection 2.2 of [1] for the definitions of the domain and range of F), formula (11) and the operator F provide a one-to-one correspondence between call option price surfaces and local volatility surfaces. This defines the local volatility code-book for call prices. ...
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Abstract The classical approach to modeling prices of,nancial instruments is to identify a certain (small) family of "underlying" processes, whose dynamics are then described explicitly, and compute the prices of all other nancial derivatives by taking expecta- tions under the risk-neutral measure or maximizing the utility function. Such is the famous Black-Scholes model, where the underlying stock price is assumed to be given by geometric Brownian motion. On contrary, the present paper is concerned with the construction of so-called market models, which describe the simultaneous dynamics of the prices of all liquidly traded derivative instruments. This framework was origi- nally advocated by Heath, Jarrow and Morton for the Treasury bond markets, and, therefore, is sometimes referred to as the HJM approach. We discuss the arbitrage free dynamic stochastic models for the markets with Eu- ropean call options of innitely,many strikes and maturities as the liquid derivatives. It turns out that, in order to prescribe the dynamics of all the call prices simulta- neously, it is important to choose the right code-book for the option prices. More precisely, we need to nd a deterministic mapping (the code-book) of the call price surface (as a function of strike and maturity) into some convenient state space and then use a system of stochastic dierential,equations (SDE’s) to prescribe the dynam- ics of the call prices in this state space. One popular example of the code-book is the implied volatility surface, which is widely used by the practitioners. Unfortunately, although the implied volatility code-book provides a good representation of the call
... In particular, the general notion of tangent model is described and illustrated. Sections 3 and 4 recast the results of [2], [1] and [3] in the present framework of tangent models, and for this reason, they are mostly of a review nature. Section 5 introduces and characterizes the consistency of new tangent models that combine the features of the diffusion tangent models of section 3 and the pure jump tangent models of section 4. ...
... where the surface?surface?surface? has to satisfy mild regularity assumptions (see [2] and [1] for details). Clearly, the values at time t = 0 of the underlying index and the call prices in any such model are given by s and ...
... c which plays a crucial role in the analysis of tangent diffusion models. Once specific function spaces are chosen (see subsection 2.2 of [1] for the definitions of the domain and range of F), formula (11) and the operator F provide a one-to-one correspondence between call option price surfaces and local volatility surfaces. This defines the local volatility code-book for call prices. ...
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Motivated by the desire to integrate repeated calibration procedures into a single dynamic market model, we introduce the notion of a "tangent model" in an abstract set up, and we show that this new mathematical paradigm accommodates all the recent attempts to study consistency and absence of arbitrage in market models. For the sake of illustration, we concentrate on the case when market quotes provide the prices of European call options for a specific set of strikes and maturities. While reviewing our recent results on dynamic local volatility and tangent Lévy models, we present a theory of tangent models unifying these two approaches and construct a new class of tangent Lévy models, which allows the underlying to have both continuous and pure jump components.
... Early attempts to construct market models for vanilla options can be found in [15], [9] and [10]. This idea was then developed more thoroughly in the works of Schönbucher [33], Schweizer and Wissel [35] and Jacod and Protter [21], but the recent works of Schweizer and Wissel [34] and Carmona and Nadtochiy [3], [2] are more in the spirit of the market model approach that we advocate here. The first hurdle on the way to creating a stochastic dynamic model for the call price surface is to describe its state space. ...
... This point of view is static in nature since this correspondence is set up at a fixed point in time. But like in [3] and [2], our goal is to construct market models by putting in motion the static code-book chosen to describe the option prices. Therefore, just like in the case of dynamic local volatility models treated in [3] and [2], with each call price surface we associate a stochastic process from a parameterized family of " simple " processes (exponential additive, in the present case) which reproduce the observed option prices, and then model the time evolution of the parameter value (density of the Lévy measure), obtaining a market model. ...
... But like in [3] and [2], our goal is to construct market models by putting in motion the static code-book chosen to describe the option prices. Therefore, just like in the case of dynamic local volatility models treated in [3] and [2], with each call price surface we associate a stochastic process from a parameterized family of " simple " processes (exponential additive, in the present case) which reproduce the observed option prices, and then model the time evolution of the parameter value (density of the Lévy measure), obtaining a market model. However, at each fixed time, the true pure jump martingale model for the underlying asset has to produce the same option prices as a corresponding " static " model given by the additive process with Lévy density being the cur-rent value of the code-book. ...
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In this paper, we introduce a new class of models for the time evolution of the prices of call options of all strikes and maturities. We capture the information contained in the option prices in the density of some time-inhomogeneous Lévy measure (an alternative to the implied volatility surface), and we set this static code-book in motion by means of stochastic dynamics of Itô’s type in a function space, creating what we call a tangent Lévy model. We then provide the consistency conditions, namely, we show that the call prices produced by a given dynamic code-book (dynamic Lévy density) coincide with the conditional expectations of the respective payoffs if and only if certain restrictions on the dynamics of the code-book are satisfied (including a drift condition à la HJM). We then provide an existence result, which allows us to construct a large class of tangent Lévy models, and describe a specific example for the sake of illustration.
... Another new but very promising class is formed by Stochastic Local Volatility (SLocV) models. This approach has been pioneered in [DK98] and developed in [AN04a] and [AN04b], but one of the most complete investigations can be found in [CN08] and [CN09]. Simply put, these models specify the (possibly exogenous) stochastic evolution of a local volatility surface. ...
... Among these, the extreme strikes focus (see [Lee04b]) is certainly interesting from a practical perspective. We also anticipate powerful theoretical and applied results from the SLocV context (see [CN08,CN09]) since most of the ACE methodology -developed for the SImpV framework -can be transferred to its sister class. It has already allowed us to derive the foundations of an asymptotic description for the stochastic (or dynamic) local volatility. ...
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We establish asymptotic links between two classes of stochastic volatility models describing the same derivative market : - a generic stochastic instantaneous volatility (SInsV) model, whose SDE system is a formal Wiener chaos without any specified state variable. - a sliding stochastic implied volatility (SImpV) class, another market model describing explicitly the joint dynamics of the underlying and of the associated European option surface. Each of these connections is achieved by layer, between a group of SInsV coefficients and set of (static and dynamic) SImpV differentials. The asymptotic approach leads to these cross-differentials being taken at the zero-expiry, At-The-Money point. We progress from a simple single-underlying and bi-dimensional setup, first to a multi-dimensional configuration, and then to a term-structure framework. We expose the structural modelling constraints and the asymmetry between the direct problem (from SInsV to SImpV) and the inverse one. We show that this Asymptotic Chaos Expansion (ACE) methodology is a powerful tool for model design and analysis. Focusing on local volatility models and their extensions, we compare ACE with the literature and exhibit a systematic bias in Gatheral's heuristics. In the multi-dimensional context we focus on stochastic-weights baskets, for which ACE provides intuitive results underlining the embedded induction. In the interest rates environment, we derive the first layer of smile descriptors for caplets, swaptions and bond options, within both a SV-HJM and a SV-LMM framework. Also, we prove that ACE can be automated for generic models, at any order, without formal calculus. The interest this algorithm is demonstrated by computing manually the 2nd and 3rd layers, in a generic bi-dimensional SInsV model. We present the applicative potential of ACE for calibration, pricing, hedging or relative value purposes, illustrated with numerical tests on the CEV-SABR model.
... Some of our proofs would simplify in such settings. For a selection of papers on this topic see [13,24,36,41,49,52,53]. ...
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We consider an infinite-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator perturbed by a singular (non-linear, non-smooth, non-autonomous) maximal monotone drift. First we prove estimates on solutions of such equations. In addition, we obtain uniform integrability estimates of the associated Girsanov densities in terms of local estimates on the drift term and the initial point. The only assumption on the (possibly singular) drift is that it is maximal monotone and locally finite, with no assumptions made on the growth rate at infinity. Some of our results concern non-random equations as well, while probabilistic results are new even in finite-dimensional autonomous situations. In particular, consideration of a drift of non-linear growth naturally leads to a new notion of entropy.
... One of the goals financial mathematicians have been trying to achieve in recent years has been to build and study stochastic arbitrage-free market models, where they can jointly model, in a consistent manner, the prices of an underlying (say a stock for instance) and liquid derivatives written on this underlying. Much research has focused on call (or put) options market models (see for instance Cont, Fonseca and Durrleman [12] who studied empirical and statistical features of the call surface to model the implied volatility, Davis [14] who studied complete market models of stochastic volatility, Wissel [47] and Schweizer and Wissel [41] and [42] who studied arbitrage-free market models for call surfaces, and Carmona and Nadtochiy (see [5] and [6]) who studied local volatility market models.) However, call surface market models are very difficult to study because of consistency conditions which are imposed on the different assets we are trying to model (the stock should be recovered from the call with strike 0, there are boundary conditions at maturity of the calls, as maturity tends to infinity, as the strike tends to infinity, etc). ...
Financial Mathematics is often presented as being composed of two main branches: one dealing with investment and consumption, with the aim of answering the now ancient question of how people should invest and spend their money, and the other dealing with the pricing and hedging of derivative instruments. This distinction between both branches of Financial Mathematics is reflected in my thesis, which is a compilation of two very different subjects on which I have worked during the past three years. The first chapter, entitled “Forward Utility and Consumption Functions”, contributes to the investment branch of Financial Mathematics. Forward utilities have been introduced (under different names) a few years ago by Musiela and Zariphopoulou on the one hand, and by Henderson and Hobson on the other hand. Their idea is to define families (indexed by time and randomness) of utility functions which make the investment decisions of agents consistent over time. The contribution of this chapter is to extend the definition of forward utilities by adding consumption into the story and by giving explicit ways of constructing consumption functions from utilities and vice versa. The last part of this first chapter characterizes, in a Laplace integral form, the decreasing forward utilities (without consumption, and subject to some regularity conditions). The second chapter, entitled “Hedging with Variance Swaps in Infinite Dimensions”, contributes to the derivatives pricing and hedging branch of Financial Mathematics. It is at the interface between the works of Buehler, who has shown that one could apply the HJM framework to model (forward) variance swaps curves, and the works of Carmona and Tehranchi, who have proved that infinite dimensional interest rates models can display theoretically nice features which are absent from their finite dimensional counterpart, such as uniqueness and maturity-specific properties of hedging portfolios for contingent claims. After an introductory section on terminology and after explaining the Buehler-HJM framework, I give a concrete example of finite dimensional model and show its (theoretical) shortcomings. I then port some results of Carmona and Tehranchi from interest rates modelling to variance swaps modelling in infinite dimensions and finally give a concrete example of model and of classical payoffs to which the results apply. Because many results and prerequisites to this chapter are quite technical, I have added a short appendix, giving modest introductions to infinite dimensional stochastic analysis, Malliavin calculus and SPDEs in Hilbert spaces.
... One of the goals financial mathematicians have been trying to achieve in recent years has been to build and study stochastic arbitrage-free market models, where they can jointly model, in a consistent manner, the prices of an underlying (say a stock for instance) and liquid derivatives written on this underlying. Much research has focused on call (or put) options market models (see for instance Cont, Fonseca and Durrleman [12] who studied empirical and statistical features of the call surface to model the implied volatility, Davis [14] who studied complete market models of stochastic volatility, Wissel [47] and Schweizer and Wissel [41] and [42] who studied arbitrage-free market models for call surfaces, and Carmona and Nadtochiy (see [5] and [6]) who studied local volatility market models.) However, call surface market models are very difficult to study because of consistency conditions which are imposed on the different assets we are trying to model (the stock should be recovered from the call with strike 0, there are boundary conditions at maturity of the calls, as maturity tends to infinity, as the strike tends to infinity, etc). ...
Financial Mathematics is often presented as being composed of two main branches: one dealing with investment and consumption, with the aim of answering the now ancient question of how people should invest and spend their money, and the other dealing with the pricing and hedging of derivative instruments. This distinction between both branches of Financial Mathematics is reflected in my thesis, which is a compilation of two very different subjects on which I have worked during the past three years. The first chapter, entitled “Forward Utility and Consumption Functions”, contributes to the investment branch of Financial Mathematics. Forward utilities have been introduced (under different names) a few years ago by Musiela and Zariphopoulou on the one hand, and by Henderson and Hobson on the other hand. Their idea is to define families (indexed by time and randomness) of utility functions which make the investment decisions of agents consistent over time. The contribution of this chapter is to extend the definition of forward utilities by adding consumption into the story and by giving explicit ways of constructing consumption functions from utilities and vice versa. The last part of this first chapter characterizes, in a Laplace integral form, the decreasing forward utilities (without consumption, and subject to some regularity conditions). The second chapter, entitled “Hedging with Variance Swaps in Infinite Dimensions”, contributes to the derivatives pricing and hedging branch of Financial Mathematics. It is at the interface between the works of Buehler, who has shown that one could apply the HJM framework to model (forward) variance swaps curves, and the works of Carmona and Tehranchi, who have proved that infinite dimensional interest rates models can display theoretically nice features which are absent from their finite dimensional counterpart, such as uniqueness and maturity-specific properties of hedging portfolios for contingent claims. After an introductory section on terminology and after explaining the Buehler-HJM framework, I give a concrete example of finite dimensional model and show its (theoretical) shortcomings. I then port some results of Carmona and Tehranchi from interest rates modelling to variance swaps modelling in infinite dimensions and finally give a concrete example of model and of classical payoffs to which the results apply. Because many results and prerequisites to this chapter are quite technical, I have added a short appendix, giving modest introductions to infinite dimensional stochastic analysis, Malliavin calculus and SPDEs in Hilbert spaces.
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Developments in finance industry and academic research has led to innovative financial products. This paper presents an alternative approach to price American options. Our approach utilizes famous \cite{heath1992bond} ("HJM") technique to calculate American option written on an asset. Originally, HJM forward modeling approach was introduced as an alternative approach to bond pricing in fixed income market. Since then, \cite{schweizer2008term} and \cite{carmona2008infinite} extended HJM forward modeling approach to equity market by capturing dynamic nature of volatility. They modeled the term structure of volatility, which is commonly observed in the market place as opposed to constant volatility assumption under Black - Scholes framework. Using this approach, we propose an alternative value function, a stopping criteria and a stopping time. We give an example of how to price American put option using proposed methodology.
As the time now comes to summarise and assess this presentation of ACE, let us first recall our original mandate. Our intention was to establish an explicit and non-arbitrable connection between some of the SV model classes, which are capable of describing the joint dynamics of an underlying and of its associated European options. That connection could be approximate, provided that its precision was known and if possible controllable. We also demanded a generic treatment in terms of covered models, and were aiming for some practical, efficient algorithm. We now offer our views on which of these objectives have been attained, and on which still remain open subjects.
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In this paper we present an arbitrage pricing framework for valuing and hedging contingent equity index claims in the presence of a stochastic term and strike structure of volatility. Our approach to stochastic volatility is similar to the Heath-Jarrow-Morton (HJM) approach to stochastic interest rates. Starting from an initial set of index options prices and their associated local volatility surface, we show how to construct a family of continuous time stochastic processes which define the arbitrage-free evolution of this local volatility surface through time. The no-arbitrage conditions are similar to, but more involved than, the HJM conditions for arbitrage-free stochastic movements of the interest rate curve. They guarantee that even under a general stochastic volatility evolution the initial options prices, or their equivalent Black–Scholes implied volatilities, remain fair. We introduce stochastic implied trees as discrete implementations of our family of continuous time models. The nodes of a stochastic implied tree remain fixed as time passes. During each discrete time step the index moves randomly from its initial node to some node at the next time level, while the local transition probabilities between the nodes also vary. The change in transition probabilities corresponds to a general (multifactor) stochastic variation of the local volatility surface. Starting from any node, the future movements of the index and the local volatilities must be restricted so that the transition probabilities to all future nodes are simultaneously martingales. This guarantees that initial options prices remain fair. On the tree, these martingale conditions are effected through appropriate choices of the drift parameters for the transition probabilities at every future node, in such a way that the subsequent evolution of the index and of the local volatility surface do not lead to riskless arbitrage opportunities among different option and forward contracts or their underlying index. You can use stochastic implied trees to value complex index options, or other derivative securities with payoffs that depend on index volatility, even when the volatility surface is both skewed and stochastic. The resulting security prices are consistent with the current market prices of all standard index options and forwards, and with the absence of future arbitrage opportunities in the framework. The calculated options values are independent of investor preferences and the market price of index or volatility risk. Stochastic implied trees can also be used to calculate hedge ratios for any contingent index security in terms of its underlying index and all standard options defined on that index.
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The prices of index options at a given date are usually represented via the corresponding implied volatility surface, presenting skew/smile features and term structure which several models have attempted to reproduce. However, the implied volatility surface also changes dynamically over time in a way that is not taken into account by current modelling approaches, giving rise to 'Vega' risk in option portfolios. Using time series of option prices on the SP500 and FTSE indices, we study the deformation of this surface and show that it may be represented as a randomly fluctuating surface driven by a small number of orthogonal random factors. We identify and interpret the shape of each of these factors, study their dynamics and their correlation with the underlying index. Our approach is based on a Karhunen-Loeve decomposition of the daily variations of implied volatilities obtained from market data. A simple factor model compatible with the empirical observations is proposed. We illustrate how this approach models and improves the well known 'sticky moneyness' rule used by option traders for updating implied volatilities. Our approach gives a justification for use of 'Vega's for measuring volatility risk and provides a decomposition of volatility risk as a sum of contributions from empirically identifiable factors.
This paper presents a unifying theory for valuing contingent claims under a stochastic term strllcture of interest rates. The methodology, based on the equivalent martingale measure technique, takes as given an initial forward rate curve and a family of potential stochastic processe for its subsequent movements. A no arbitrage condition restricts this family of processes yielding valuation formulae for interest rate sensitive contingent claims which do not explicitly depend on the market prices of risk. Examples are provided to illustrate the key results. © 2008 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Following an approach introduced by Lagnado and Osher [J. Comput. Finance, 1 (1) (1997), pp. 13-25], we study Tikhonov regularization applied to an inverse problem important in mathematical finance, that of calibrating, in a generalized Black-Scholes model, a local volatility function from observed vanilla option prices. We first establish Wp1,2 estimates for the Black-Scholes and Dupire equations with measurable ingredients. Applying general results available in the theory of Tikhonov regularization for ill-posed nonlinear inverse problems, we then prove the stability of this approach, its convergence towards a minimum norm solution of the calibration problem (which we assume to exist), and discuss convergence rates issues.
Following an approach introduced by Lagnado and Osher (Lagnado R and Osher S 1997 J. Comput. Finance 1 13–25), we study the application of Tikhonov regularization to the financial inverse problem of calibrating a local volatility function from observed vanilla option prices. Moreover, we provide a unified treatment for this problem in two different settings: first, the generalized Black–Scholes model, and second, a trinomial tree discretization. We present serial and parallel implementations of the method in the discrete setting, using a probabilistic interpretation to compute, at significantly reduced cost, the gradient of the cost criterion. We illustrate the stability of this regularized calibration procedure by numerical examples. Finally we extend this methodology to the problem of calibration with American option prices.
We propose a market–based approach to the modelling of implied volatility, in which the implied volatility surface is directly used as the state variable to describe the joint evolution of market prices of options and their underlying asset. We model the evolution of an implied volatility surface by representing it as a randomly fluctuating surface driven by a finite number of orthogonal random factors. Our approach is based on a Karhunen–Loeve decomposition of the daily variations of implied volatilities obtained from market data on SP500 and DAX options. We illustrate how this approach extends and improves the accuracy of the well–known ‘sticky moneyness’ rule used by option traders for updating implied volatilities. Our approach gives a justification for the use of ‘Vegas’ for measuring volatility risk and provides a decomposition of volatility risk as a sum of independent contributions from empirically identifiable factors. (J.E.L.: G130, C14, C31).