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A Proposal for a Quality Model Based on a Technical
Topic Classification
R. Plösch1, H. Gruber1, C. Körner2 , G. Pomberger1, S. Schiffer1
(1) Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute for Business Informatics – Software
Engineering, Linz, Austria
reinhold.ploesch | harald.gruber | gustav.pomberger | stefan.schiffer
(2) Siemens AG, Corporate Technology – SE 1, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, Munich, Germany
Abstract. Existing quality models like the ISO 9126 model lack preciseness in
order to be able to assign metrics provided by static code analysis tools.
Furthermore architects need a technical view on problems identified by static
code analysis tools – independent of the classification a specific tool might
provide. We therefore developed a Technical Topic Classification (TTC) that
tries to overcome the problems mentioned above and assigned approximately
2,000 metrics from various static code analysis tools for Java, C#, and C++ to
our TTC. The underlying metamodel for the TTC is semantically richer than the
metamodel of typical quality models.
1 Introduction and Overview
According to IEEE 1061 [9] “Software quality is the degree to which software
possesses a desired combination of quality attributes”. Following this definition it is
obvious that some mechanisms are necessary to systematically derive quality
attributes. The general structure of such a model typically follows the Factor-Criteria-
Metrics model (FCM) [1]. In this model the overall term quality is refined by quality
attributes and criteria up to a detail level that makes it possible to formulate metrics.
These metrics allow measuring the fulfillment of a piece of software with respect to a
specific quality attribute. This is crucial, because otherwise it is not possible to find
out whether a piece of software really possesses a desired quality (as requested by the
IEEE 1061 definition). The GQM approach [17], [18], [19] uses this general FCM
model and derives project-specific quality models by individually defining goals,
questions and metrics. Other approaches try to formulate quality models that typically
follow the FCM model and claim that they can be generally used in every software
project. These general quality models can be tailored to the specific needs of the
organization or project. Examples of such quality models are ISO 9126 [10], ISO
25000 [11], SATC [7] and FURPS [6] – just to name the most popular ones.
In our research project Code Quality Management (CQM) (see e.g. [13], [14] and
[15]) the emphasis currently is on providing methods, models and tools for
monitoring the quality of software throughout the development and maintenance
phases of a project. One important requirement is to know the quality of the software
2 R. Plösch, H. Gruber, C. Körner, G. Pomberger, S. Schiffer
(either generally or focused on some specific quality attributes) at any time with
minimal effort. Having this as background we heavily apply static code analysis tools
like PMD [16], FindBugs [5] or PC-Lint [12]. We therefore aim at operational quality
models where the metrics provided by the static code analysis tools (examples are
mentioned above) are assigned to the quality attributes. In our technical topic
classification we currently have assigned more than 2,000 metrics to the various
quality attributes. To build such a quality model it is first of all important for us that
the model is defined in a way that the assignment of metrics to quality attributes can
be done easily, by providing guidance for the assignment task in terms of rules and
constraints. The quality model as defined by ISO 9126 (this is also valid for other
published quality models) does not provide such guidance. It is for instance not easy
to decide whether a metric like “Number of methods that do not adhere to the naming
conventions” is an indicator for the quality attribute Readability or Changeability in
the ISO 9126 quality model. It is simply not clear; the only guidance available is the
definition of the quality attributes. In the specific case mentioned above the definition
of the quality attributes Readability and Changeability do not give precise answers,
though; see [3] for a more detailed discussion of shortcomings of the ISO 9126
quality model. Second, and even more important, we made the observation in various
quality management projects that architects and technical project managers prefer a
more technical view on quality. Although they are interested in maintainability (an
ISO 9126 quality attribute) in general, they are more interested in a technical
dimension – they want to find out more technically, why maintainability is bad. So
they are interested in topics like exception handling, inheritance, declaration and
definition, memory management, etc.
There are some approaches that try to provide a technical or problem classification
(see e.g. [8], [4] and [2]). None of these approaches is comprehensive enough (a
detailed analysis is outside the scope of this paper). From this background we
developed a technical topic classification (TTC) that is presented in the subsequent
chapters. Our principal approach is to provide a solid basis and a meaningful
classification that especially supports our requirements that will be presented in
Chapter 2. The TTC is extensible by nature, i.e. can be adapted to (domain) specific
needs without corrupting the principle structure.
2 Technical Topic Classification
The ISO 9126 standard defines three types of quality – internal quality, external
quality and quality in use. Our TTC focuses on internal quality, i.e. on the totality of
characteristics of the software product from an internal view. Internal quality is
measured and evaluated against the internal quality requirements. Details of internal
quality can be improved during code implementation and reviewing [10]. We will
show in the conclusion that the approach is flexible enough to cover external quality
and quality in use, too. From the introduction it should be clear that the TTC has to
adhere to a number of requirements:
A Proposal for a Quality Model Based on a Technical Topic Classification 3
The classification scheme must address the typical topics for a technical project
lead (or architect), i.e. runtime topics, design topics and code topics.
The classification must be flexible enough to cope with different development
paradigms, in particular with the imperative and the object-oriented paradigm.
On each level of the quality model a clear guidance must be available that makes
it easy to assign metrics to quality attributes.
There are always situations where multiple assignments are necessary and useful.
Nevertheless it must be made explicit in the quality model where this is
appropriate and under which conditions.
A metric must always be assigned to leaf elements in the quality model. If this is
not forced by the quality model, shortcomings of the classification remain hidden.
Taking this as input a very general metamodel for our TTC can be given in Fig. 1.
This metamodel is quite general and shows
the principal frame of the TTC, but is of
course not sufficient to understand the
model itself. The top-level hierarchy of our
TTC distinguishes Runtime topics, Code
topics and Design topics. Runtime topics
cover issues that are related to the
execution of software. Design topics cover
architectural issues and address abstract
data types, classes, modules and systems,
but explicitly not functions or expressions.
Finally, code topics cover typical implementation related aspects like naming
conventions, programming style, complexity, etc. Obviously the design topics could
also be part of the code topics, but as design topics are of vital interest in a project we
decided to give the design topics more weight by putting them on the top level of the
TTC. The following guidance rules (constraints) apply for the assignment of metrics
to the quality attributes:
Design topics
Code topics
Fig. 1. Metamodel of the TTC
A metric assigned to the runtime topics must be assigned to the code topics or the
design topics, too.
Not every metric has to be assigned to the runtime topics.
Code topics and design topics are disjoint.
In the following subsections we will discuss the three main branches of the quality
model in more detail.
2.1 Classification of Runtime Topics
Fig. 2 shows our classification of runtime topics. In this branch of the TTC multiple
assignments of metrics to the top level quality attributes (Concurrency, Distribution,
etc.) are possible. Within one of these quality attributes metrics have to be assigned
uniquely to one leaf element of the sub-tree.
4 R. Plösch, H. Gruber, C. Körner, G. Pomberger, S. Schiffer
On the top level of the
classification we distinguish
resource related topics (Memory
topics, Performance topics,
External resources topics), Fault
tolerance topics, Concurrency
Topics and Distribution topics (i.e.
network related topics). On this
abstract level all runtime related
aspects can be assigned. For some
topics (e.g. Concurrency topics,
Performance topics) we do not yet
provide a more detailed
classification, as typical static
code analysis tools do not provide
a lot of metrics for these topics we
also did not provide a more
detailed classification here. On the most detailed level of the quality model there is
always a leaf element named “Other … topics”. This is necessary for assuring, that
metrics can always be assigned to a leaf element of the quality model. Furthermore
these “Other … topic” elements are a good source for enhancing the TTC over time.
It definitely makes sense to have a close look at metrics contained in this quality
attribute and to find out whether there are some similarities that would justify changes
to the quality model (renaming or refining of existing attributes, adding new
. 2. Runtime To
2.2 Classification of Code Topics
Fig. 3 shows the classification of code related topics. On the top level of this sub-
hierarchy the classification of metrics is based on the programming language
construct that a specific metric addresses. On this level five distinct categories are
offered; the categories are named and defined in a way that imperative programming
languages and object-oriented programming languages are both considered.
Especially for the category Expressions it would have been possible to refine this into
a more elaborate classification. We basically did not do this as architects are typically
not interested in such details. If their focus is on code topics they might differentiate
and focus on Expressions or Functions, but not on a specific kind of Expression.
The branches on this level are disjoint, so metrics must be assigned to one branch
only. Unfortunately there is a practical exception to this rule. Some static code
analyzers have badly designed rules. E.g., if they check naming conventions of
methods and classes in one rule, a duplication of rules (i.e. multiple assignments) is
A Proposal for a Quality Model Based on a Technical Topic Classification 5
On the next classification level we try to use the same classification topics for
each abstract language construct wherever possible. This should make it considerably
easier to assign metrics as the number of definitions that have to be kept in mind is
smaller – without loosing preciseness of the classification.
There are different groups of
metrics that are indicated by
colors in Fig. 3 and have the
following meaning:
Yellow: Applicable for all
language constructs. Comprises
the topics Naming and coding
style conventions as well as the
already discussed Other …
Red: Applicable for all
categories except Expressions:
This category comprises
documentation and declaration
topics. The documentation
topics are refined (not shown in
Fig. 3) in some sub-categories.
Green: Applicable for all
categories except Packages and
Modules. This category
comprises unorthodox language
usage as well as unorthodox
library usage. This category
might be refined later by
providing additional attributes
for different domains (i.e.,
unorthodox library usage for
domain specific libraries) or
subcategories formed by the
programming language.
Cyan: Applicable for functions and expressions; comprises correctness and
complexity topics. Besides these categorized topics (quality attributes) each topic can
have distinct quality attributes, e.g. Parameter topics or initialization topics (see
categories of Functions or Classes in Fig. 3). As a rule a metric may only be assigned
to one category within the code topics. At this point of reading it seems strange that
Complexity topics are assigned to Expressions and Functions, only. One would expect
to have them on the class level as well as on the package and module level. In our
opinion complexity beyond the expression and function layer has something to do
with design; we therefore put Complexity for the higher-order language constructs in
the design topics sub-branch (see next chapter).
Fig. 3. Code Topics
6 R. Plösch, H. Gruber, C. Körner, G. Pomberger, S. Schiffer
2.3 Classification of Design Topics
Fig. 4 shows the classification of design topics. On the top level of this sub-hierarchy
the classification of metrics is based on typical design elements that a specific metric
addresses. On this level four distinct categories are offered; they are named and
defined in a way that both imperative programming languages and object-oriented
programming languages are considered. Again, on the next classification
level we try to use the same
classification topics for each
abstract language construct
wherever possible. This should
make it considerably easier to
assign metrics as the number of
definitions that have to be kept in
mind is smaller – without
loosing preciseness of the
classification. The two groups of
metrics are indicated by different
colors in Fig. 4:
Yellow: Applicable for all
language constructs. Comprises
the topics Information hiding
topics, Design best practice
topics, Complexity topics and
the already known Other…
topics. Red: Applicable for all categories except System. This category comprises
coupling and cohesion topics. Besides these categorized topics (quality attributes)
each topic can have distinct quality attributes – currently we have declared
Inheritance topics for classes. One
principal problem is that for example
inheritance topics can be viewed as design
best practice topics. The rule here is that
identified practices (metrics) should first
be assigned to the more specific topics
before assigning it to the Design best practice topics. Again, the assignment of rules
to these topics has to be disjoint. The design best practice topics are currently refined
as shown in Fig. 5. These design best practice topics deal with commonly used design
topics. The domain specific design topics can be refined (e.g. automation systems
domain or embedded systems domain) as well as the technology specific design
topics (e.g. CORBA topics, EJB topics, Message Queue topics or Transaction
Management topics). Currently these refinements are not done.
Fig. 4. Design Topics
Fig. 5. Design best practice topics
A Proposal for a Quality Model Based on a Technical Topic Classification 7
3 Refined Metamodel of the TTC
With the information presented in section 2 of this paper we can reformulate our
metamodel for the TTC and can therefore provide a model that gives more insight
about the structuring mechanisms applied to the TTC – see Fig. 6.
Language concept: The
language concepts are to be
understood as abstract
language concept. In order
to facilitate the meaning of
the abstract concepts
specific mappings of the
abstract language concepts
to the specific language
concepts (e.g. for the
programming language
Java) could be provided.
This would also ease the assignment process for metrics. Quality attribute group:
This is a set of quality attributes that is used for more than one language concept. In
the chapter 2 we marked these groups using a color code. Other … topics: This is a
specific quality attribute that has to be contained as leaf topic for every quality
attribute (for simplicity reasons this is not contained in Fig. 6). Constraints: On each
level of the TTC it is explicitly defined by means of constraints to which extent
multiple assignments of metrics to quality attributes are allowed. See chapter 2 for a
more detailed description of the constraints and guidance rules.
Design topics *
Attribute Group
Attribute Runtime
Code topics *
Fig. 6. Refined metamodel of the TTC
4 Conclusion and Further Work
The quality model based on a technical classification is drawn on experience with
technical classifications for quality management in a number of projects. A previous
version of the TTC (unpublished) was used in more than 30 projects. The gained
experience and the identified shortcomings led to this proposal of a technical
Currently, only metrics from the tool PMD are assigned to the TTC – other tools
will follow in the near future. This will possibly cause changes of the TTC;
nevertheless we think that the metamodel will remain stable, as a number of possible
enhancements and additions are already foreseen. Domain specific design topics
currently are not refined into more specific topics – this will be done on demand, i.e.
when tools arise that provide specific support for a specific domain.
The focus of the current TTC is on internal quality and on integration of metrics of
static code analysis tools into the quality model. The integration of dynamic analysis
tools (focusing on internal quality) should be possible without problems; the existing
TTC is supposed to perfectly fit for that.
Adding quality attributes for external quality (e.g. correctness) will change the
structure of the metamodel (as shown in Fig. 6) by adding e.g. Correctness /
8 R. Plösch, H. Gruber, C. Körner, G. Pomberger, S. Schiffer
Functionality on the top level of the TTC. Nevertheless other quality attributes
relevant for external quality might need a deeper integration into the existing TTC
(e.g. for runtime topics in the context of performance).
The refined metamodel as presented in this paper focuses on the structure of the
quality model itself – other important aspects (besides the aspects already mentioned
in this concluding chapter) of the model are not yet covered and have to be considered
in the metamodel:
Justification of the Assignment of Metrics: It is important to have a justification
(which is structured information) for the assignment of metrics to quality
attributes. This has to be modeled as Attribute on the relation between a metric
and a quality attribute. Here some additional modeling is necessary that is not yet
incorporated in the actual meta model.
Metrics details: For an operational quality model detailed information about each
metric (Name, description, tool, version of tool, example) has to be available, but
also hints that help using these metrics (e.g., trustworthiness of the metrics,
expected costs for fixing a problem related to this metrics, examples how to fix a
Language concept details: Besides a description of the abstract language concept
details a mapping to programming language specific language concepts has to be
Quality attribute details: Besides a definition of the quality attribute, data about
the completeness of the quality attribute has to be provided. From point of view of
the metamodel this is quite easy as this can be realized by adding some additional
data fields. Nevertheless it will be difficult to fill these data fields, as this needs a
good understanding of what is missing. We think that this can be achieved more
easily with our TTC (compared to classical quality models like ISO 9126), as it is
easier to reason whether all Naming Conventions (one quality attribute of the
TTC) are covered by tools, than reasoning, whether all aspects of Readability (a
quality attribute of the ISO 9126 model) are covered.
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