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Servicios de futuro basados en Internet en las bibliotecas públicas

  • City of Aarhus, Denmark, Aarhus
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... Atendiendo a lo expuesto la Internet en las bibliotecas públicas cobra una gran importancia pues ayuda a garantizar a los usuarios de la biblioteca pública el acceso a la información sin estar determinados por espacios físicos. Giappiconi;et al (2001) afirman que se trata de una preocupación muy destacada en las bibliotecas públicas en diversos países desde el comienzo y mediados de los años noventa. De acuerdo con los autores, "Proporcionar a los ciudadanos un acceso general a internet, constituye uno de los principales servicios de todas las bibliotecas públicas" (GIAPPICONI;et al, 2001, p. 34). ...
... Atendiendo a lo expuesto la Internet en las bibliotecas públicas cobra una gran importancia pues ayuda a garantizar a los usuarios de la biblioteca pública el acceso a la información sin estar determinados por espacios físicos. Giappiconi;et al (2001) afirman que se trata de una preocupación muy destacada en las bibliotecas públicas en diversos países desde el comienzo y mediados de los años noventa. De acuerdo con los autores, "Proporcionar a los ciudadanos un acceso general a internet, constituye uno de los principales servicios de todas las bibliotecas públicas" (GIAPPICONI;et al, 2001, p. 34). ...
... Giappiconi;et al (2001) afirman que se trata de una preocupación muy destacada en las bibliotecas públicas en diversos países desde el comienzo y mediados de los años noventa. De acuerdo con los autores, "Proporcionar a los ciudadanos un acceso general a internet, constituye uno de los principales servicios de todas las bibliotecas públicas" (GIAPPICONI;et al, 2001, p. 34). ...
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Objective. It presents a theoretical discussion of the concept of the library as a democratic institution that is directly related to the right to information, which guarantees access to knowledge, culture, education and leisure according to their functions and the Manifesto UNESCO. Method. This is an exploratory study with qualitative, quantitative analysis and dialectical method. It was made in public libraries in Brazil and Spain, noting aspects of interactivity and connectivity, as assumptions necessary for the information society. Results. The theoretical framework is based on studies of Suaiden (2012); Felicia Soto (2006); Jaramillo, et al (2008 which introduced questions about the mission of the public library and the challenges for the information society, plus Cuevas-Cerveró (2009) and Cuevas-Cerveró and Simeon (2011), who point to the involvement of public library as a place of training for informational learning. Conclusões. The information society requires free access to information to those who need it in any medium or format, including electronic. However, we still have social inequalities responsible for the digital divide.
... Es indiscutible que Internet, en el caso que se pueda tener acceso a esa tecnología, se ha convertido en el medio preferido para difundir y encontrar todo tipo de información, rebasando sus posibilidades como fuente de recursos e información y configurándose en una poderosa vía para la formación e intercambio de experiencias. Esta además puede proporcionar conocimientos y formación sobre variados temas, en cualquier momento y lugar Giappiconi, Pirsich, & Hapel, 2001; , pero el aporte que en ese sentido realizan las publicaciones de carácter cultural en soporte electrónico requiere que se organice correctamente la forma de hacerlo (Minerva Project, 2005). ...
... Tanmateix, cal tenir clar quins són els límits del màrqueting aplicat a biblioteca pública: "El màrqueting s'ha d'entendre com una funció subordinada, amb l'objectiu d'adaptar el contingut i la forma dels fons documentals, de l'equipament i de l'esforç de mediació, a les necessitats i els desitjos de la població de l'entorn, dins el marc de la missió pròpia de la biblioteca, amb les seves metes i objectius" (Giappiconi; Klaassen; Wiersna, 1999 ...
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Es descriuen les diferents fases, aplicades a la Biblioteca de Caldes de Montbui, del disseny i desenvolupament de polítiques de comunicació i difusió per a joves entre catorze i divuit anys. Davant la tendència negativa evident a usar els serveis bibliotecaris d'aquest segment de població, els responsables de la Biblioteca decideixen definir un marc general d'actuació sobre el qual planificar a mitjà termini per oferir productes suficientment atractius per a aquest públic objectiu. Es valora com un factor clau d'èxit l'establiment de canals de comunicació i de polítiques de difusió competitives i properes a la seva realitat. El projecte queda ubicat dins una estratègia general de màrqueting en què, per a cadascuna de les quatre p definides per Philip Kotler (place, product, promotion i price),1 es determinen quins aspectes cal considerar a l'hora de planificar estratègies que tinguin per objecte els joves.We describe the stages in the design and development of communication and dissemination policies for teenagers between the ages of fourteen and eighteen at the Caldes de Montbui library. As this age group presents a clearly negative trend in terms of the use of library services, the librarians decided to create an attractive product offer for this target public in the medium term. The establishment of competitive communication channels and dissemination policies close to teenage reality is considered to be a key factor for success. The project is part of a general marketing strategy to determine key aspects for each of the four P’s defined by Philip Kotler (place, product, promotion and price) in the case of teenagers.
A la Biblioteca d'Humanitats de la UAB, les exposicions virtuals es varen plantejar, en un principi, com una eina de difusió i extensió de la biblioteca, però actualment s'ha convertit en un servei afegit de gran valor per a tota la comunitat universitària i en una eina de referència molt important per a la docència.
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Las bibliotecas públicas españolas cuentan con sedes Web en un nuevo entorno de trabajo digital. Estas bibliotecas están prestando ya sus servicios en sus sucursales virtuales. Nos interesa analizar la formación de usuarios en sus sedes Web. Revisamos y examinamos los recursos y servicios para la formación de usuarios en estas bibliotecas públicas a través de la World Wide Web. En las conclusiones mostramos el nivel de desarrollo alcanzado por las mismas. Asimismo, aportamos algunas recomendaciones sobre el diseño de sedes Web de bibliotecas públicas enfocadas hacia la formación de usuarios. | Some Spanish public libraries have sites Web in a new digital work envi-ronment. These libraries are already delivered some services in their virtual branches. We are interesting to analyze user education in their sites Web. We are reviewed and tested some digital resources and services for user education in public libraries at World Wide Web. Level developing obtained in this library work is shown in conclusions. Likewise, we contributed some references about public library web sites design focused in user education and library instruction.
Speaking and to deepen on the theme of the public library in Latin America is done difficult to do it if themselves does not keep in mind the realities, tendencies and perspectives that this new century implies, as a result of the deep economic, political, social, cultural, educational, technological and informative changes that have lived themselves, especially in the last two decades, and in which undoubtedly they will come. It is because of it that, the present text undertakes, since what has been called "society of the information", "informational society", "society of the knowledge" and other terminological forms to be referred to a same transformation, the challenges (opportunities and threats) that has implied, is implying and will imply for the conception and operation of the public library, to leave also, of the different forms to live, to assume or "to survive" to this new society according to each context, well be, in a determined country, region, city, rural zone or sector. For that reason it splits of the conception of the public library as democratic institution, related to the guarantee and development of the right to the information, to the education, to the recreation and to the culture; their to drive this narrowly related to the freedom of speech, base of the democratic contact; its function is founded in the formation of citizens that have random access and free to the information, independent of the backups and formats in which be found. Since these considerations themselves structure the book, which have been elaborated, since the contribute of diverse theoreticians in the theme, since the experience developed in the academy and of the processes of investigation developed by the research team in Public Library; and since the practical librarian; with the only pretension to serve of material that contribute to the processes of formation of the people that lend its services in the public library. The contents are structured in three chapters. The first one corresponds to the framework contextual of the public library, concretely the above-mentioned thing with the company of the information and in the society of the knowledge; chapter that develops since the search of the answers to the ten large challenges that are presented him to the public library in Latin America, as one of the main institutions that participates in the information transfer network or as traditionally itself identifying, the information transfer cycle. After defining these challenges or better than establishing the role and place of the public library in the region, the normative, historic, and conceptual framework be planted of the this institution, which does part of the second chapter and in it they are undertaken the main referring conceptual, historic and normative-legislative that have been given in the Latin-American environment. To finalize, the material develops in a way more extensive the chapter three, which corresponds to the organizing framework-administrative-strategic of the public library, this chapter realizes the strategic planning in light of the functions of the public library, of the evaluation and indicators of measurement, and of the three axes constituents of the library: Users, Collections and Services; complemented with concepts and tools originating in the management and the marketing.
The image of women in Japanese anime & comics: design of a management service and gender stereotypes. The main goal of this project is to develop a website about Japanese Anime & Comics in Spanish Language. A searchable directory of thousands of documents, images and other resources for the study of the Japanese comics & anime culture.
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En este trabajo se estudian y analizan experiencias bibliotecarias, que se están desarrollando en la web, destinadas a la tercera edad, un sector de población muy concreto y con unas características particulares muy definidas. Partimos de la relación existente entre este sector, la biblioteca pública y el entorno digital, exponiendo los principales recursos y servicios específicos que bibliotecas públicas del mundo entero ofrecen a través de sus sedes web a nuestros mayores y que hemos clasificado según el nivel de desarrollo de la información facilitada. Se resalta la tendencia actual de personalizar los recursos y servicios bibliotecarios.In this paper, the authors analyze experiences with web-based library services designed for senior citizens, a specific sector of the population with well-defined issues of specific interest. The article discusses the relation among this group, public libraries and the digital environment and explores the major web resources and services offered to the elderly by public libraries throughout the world. These resources are classified according to the level of development of the information provided. The article highlights the current trend among libraries to personalise the services and resources offered.
A sacred unity: further steps to an ecology of mind
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las Bibliotecas Municipales de Aarhus han estado probando un primer equipo para establecer portales individuales para los usuarios de la biblioteca
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Artículo: Personalizing the Digital Library de Roy Tennant, 1 de julio de 1999, publicado en Library Journal Digital
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Por ejemplo, la idea de la National Information Infrastructure (NII) o autopista de la información del gobierno Clinton/Gore de Estados Unidos o su equivalente, "Danish Info Society 2000", una iniciativa gubernamental de 1994.
Web users in Western Europe
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