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Mastering D-SOL: A Java based suite for simulation.


Abstract and Figures

This tutorial explains and demonstrates the fundamentals of creating simulation models with DSOL. It provides a straightforward, no-nonsense explanation of the technology, Java classes, interfaces, simulation models, output statistics,etc.Although this tutorial aims to provide a primer, it’s not written for dummies. Readers are expected to have an understanding of simulation and Java.Before reading this tutorial, you should be fluent in the Java programming language and have some practical understanding of simulation. If you are unfamiliar with the Java programming language, we recommend you to read The Java(TM) Programming Language [Arnold et al., 2000] or The Java(TM) Tutorial [Campione et al., 2000]. If you are completely unfamiliar with the concept of simulation we recommend you to pick Handbook of simulation [Banks, 1998] or Simulation modeling and analysis [Law and Kelton, 2000].
Content may be subject to copyright.
Mastering D-SOL: A Java based suite for simulation.
Peter Jacobs & Alexander Verbraeck
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Systems Engineering Group
Jaffalaan 5, 2528 BX Delft, the Netherlands
August 28, 2006
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Who should read this tutorial? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Copyright ............................. 3
1.3 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Software and Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Comments and Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Welcome to DSOL 5
2.1 What is Simulation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 WhyDSOL?............................ 5
2.3 Services not included in DSOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 Anatomy of DSOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 A first DSOL model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.5.1 Coding the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5.2 Defining the experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5.3 Executing the experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3 Theory on modeling & simulation 17
3.1 Basic requirements for a simulation language . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2 Modeling perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4 Basic Simulation Modeling 21
4.1 The single server queuing system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.1.1 Conceptual model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.1.2 Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.2 Inventory challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Mastering DSOL
4.2.2 Conceptualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2.3 Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2.4 Statistical output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.3 Predator-Prey continuous model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.3.2 Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.3.3 Statistical output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.4 Animation example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.4.2 Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.5 Process interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5 Concluding remarks 59
A Concurrent Versioning System 60
Mastering DSOL
1 Introduction 3
1 Introduction
1.1 Who should read this tutorial?
This tutorial explains and demonstrates the fundamentals of creating simulation
models with DSOL. It provides a straightforward, no-nonsense explanation of
the technology, Java classes, interfaces, simulation models, output statistics,
Although this tutorial aims to provide a primer, it’s not written for dum-
mies. Readers are expected to have an understanding of simulation and Java.
Before reading this tutorial, you should be fluent in the Java programming
language and have some practical understanding of simulation. If you are un-
familiar with the Java programming language, we recommend you to read The
Java(TM) Programming Language [Arnold et al., 2000] or The Java(TM) Tu-
torial [Campione et al., 2000]. If you are completely unfamiliar with the concept
of simulation we recommend you to pick Handbook of simulation [Banks, 1998]
or Simulation modeling and analysis [Law and Kelton, 2000].
1.2 Copyright
Copyright (c) 2006 by Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. All
rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any forms by any means without the prior
written permission of one of the authors.
1.3 Organization
We have organized this tutorial as follows:
Section 1, Introduction. This is the section you are currently reading. It
provides an overview of the tutorial.
Section 2, Overview of DSOL. This section introduces the set of services
that make up DSOL. In this section you will learn what the different DSOL
services stand for, what they do and how they relate. This section ends
with our first lines of code: an ’order generating customer’ example.
Section 3, Theory on simulation. This section introduces simulation,
state-time relations and its formalism dependent implementation.
Section 4, Basic simulation modeling. This section introduces the steps
involved in creating a simulation model in DSOL. It furthermore examines
the coding examples which can be found at http://www.simulation.
Section 5, Conclusions and further reading. This section ends the tutorial
with an overview of further reading material and a clear invitation to get
Mastering DSOL
1.4 Software and Versions 4
involved in the DSOL community. It also addresses a number of topics
for future versions of this tutorial.
1.4 Software and Versions
In this tutorial the following software is used:
DSOL, as of version 1.4.4. DSOL can be downloaded from sourceforge
at Appendix A describes
how to download the source code of DSOL.
Java, as of version 1.4. Be sure that DSOL is not used with prior versions
of the Java programming language.
We highly recommend using an integrated development environment for
the construction of simulation models. This tutorial refers to the eclipse
development environment (version 3.0.0 beta) which can be downloaded
1.5 Comments and Questions
DSOL is developed with a strong focus on providing high quality open source
software. For this reason we are very interested in your experience with it.
Please provide us with as much feedback as possible on this tutorial, the code,
the examples, the site, etc. Please address your comments and questions to:
DSOL @ Systems Engineering
Delft University of Technology
Jaffalaan 5
2628 BX, Delft, the Netherlands
tel: +31(0)152781136
fax: +31(0)152783429
We furthermore invite you to join the mailing-lists at sourceforge. Subscrip-
tion can take place at
Mastering DSOL
2 Welcome to DSOL 5
2 Welcome to DSOL
The promise of DSOL is to provide a set of Java-based services for simulation
modeling with a clear focus on: distributed and service based model specifi-
cation, web-enabled animation and output, multi-formalism modeling, and in-
teroperability with external information systems. Before we start with our first
model, we briefly introduce our view on simulation and explain why we see the
need for yet another simulation environment.
2.1 What is Simulation?
In the Systems Engineering Group of Delft University of Technology, simula-
tion is considered to be more than a tool. Simulation is seen as a method of
inquiry which supports decision makers in the generation and evaluation of sce-
narios to deal with ill-structured problems [Sol, 1982]. Examples of ill-structured
problems are infrastructure planning, supply chain coordination, coordination of
business processes, etc. [Keen and Sol, 2003].
Simulation as a method of inquiry embodies a sequence of steps [Banks, 1998].
First of all a problem situation is conceptualized. Conceptualizing starts with
the definition of a system under investigation. The system is the selected set of
objects we choose to take into account for further analysis. Conceptualization
results in several models of which the object-oriented class diagrams and process
oriented IDEF-0 diagrams are typical examples.
The second step is to specify the system under consideration. In order to
provide future what-if scenarios we specify the (potential) state changes of the
system as a function of time. These state changes can either be continuous or
discrete which leads to either continuous or discrete simulation.
The third step is to design an experiment for our specified simulation model.
In this experiment, we will need to specify the different scenarios (treatments) for
the experiment and provide all run-control parameters (run length, replications,
After selecting an appropriate simulator, we execute the experiment and
collect all the statistics. In order to both present the outcome of a simulation
model, and to support validation and verification, animation is considered as a
valuable asset. DSOL supports distributed 2D and text-based animation. Based
on the Java3D library it is not a difficult task to add 3D animation.
2.2 Why DSOL?
The hypothesis underlying the development of DSOL is that the web-enabled
era has provided us with the tools and techniques to specify the concepts of
simulation in a set of loosely-coupled, web-enabled services. An underlying
notion on the quality of most current simulation tools is that they lack
Mastering DSOL
2.3 Services not included in DSOL 6
usefulness with respect to their embedded knowledge of the system under
investigation. It is too difficult to link simulation tools to underlying
transactional information systems.
usability with respect to coordination of distributed conceptualization and
specification of models representing the system under investigation.
usage with respect to their integration and use within (portalled) organi-
zational management information systems.
Besides the theoretical requirements stated in section 3.1 on page 18, this
has lead to the following requirements for DSOL:
N stakeholders should be supported over the internet;
N model formalisms should be supported;
N experts should be simultaneously be supported in the specification of
Simulation services should be equipped to be linked to other web-enabled
services (reporting, databases);
N processors should be accessible for the execution of experiments.
2.3 Services not included in DSOL
For now, DSOL supports all activities and phases in this method of inquiry but
conceptualization. DSOL therefore does not contain any modeling services or
tools. You will have to stick to the whiteboard, Visio1, or Rational Rose2. Some
plans are currently made to start new research on this particular activity though.
The future will point out to what level we will extend DSOL with a multi-actor
conceptual modeling environment.
2.4 Anatomy of DSOL
The following services make up the DSOL suite for simulation:
event: this service provides a distributed asynchronous event mechanism.
It provides a set of interfaces and classes for listeners and producers of
events. This service forms the basis for all other services.
logger: this service extends Java’s logging mechanism by providing a
set of logging classes facilitating package based logging for the DSOL
1Visio is a registered trademark of Microsoft corporation
2Rational Rose is a registered trademark of IBM corporation
Mastering DSOL
2.5 A first DSOL model 7
naming: this service links DSOL to the JNDI framework. The Java Nam-
ing and Directory Interface (JNDI) provides Java technology-enabled ap-
plications with a unified interface to multiple naming and directory ser-
vices. In these naming and directory services both model objects, and
statistical output can be stored and shared.
jstats: this service provides a set of continuous and discrete distribution
functions and links DSOL to both external mathematical libraries and
chart libraries.
dsol: the core service providing a set of interfaces and classes for simula-
tion. In the dsol service you will find various simulators, model formalisms,
dsol-xml: this service parses experiment definitions from xml into their
Java representation. This service enables users to define experiments in
xml. Schema validation is used to check all xml files.
dsol-gui: a graphical user interface to be used with the DSOL suite for
In order to develop a suite of modular services, much attention is given to the
dependencies between the different services. This is emphasized by the names
of the different services. Services that are used by the simulation core, do not
depend on simulation and therefore do not have the dsol prefix in their name.
Services which are add-ons to dsol start with the prefix dsol. The dependencies
are illustrated in table 1 on page 7.
event logger naming jstats dsol dsol-xml dsol-gui
naming • •
jstats • •
dsol • •
dsol-xml • •
dsol-gui • •
Table 1: dependencies between the services in DSOL
2.5 A first DSOL model
In this subsection we follow the steps of writing a simple discrete event model,
and thereby introduce some of the fundamental concepts and facilities of DSOL.
The task is to provide a customer who generates orders. This we consider as
an initial step in the world of supply chain simulation.
Mastering DSOL
2.5 A first DSOL model 8
2.5.1 Coding the model
The first step is to conceptually understand what to code: 3 different classes
and an experiment. The 3 classes are the Customer class, the Order class and
the Model class.
2* @(#) Dec 4, 2003 Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Delft University of
10 * The Order class as presented in section 2.5 in the DSOL tutorial.
22 public class Order
23 {
24 /** the product of an order */
25 private String product = null;
27 /** the amount of product to order */
28 private double amount = Double.NaN;
30 /**
31 * constructs a new Order
32 *
33 *@param product the product
34 *@param amount the amount to buy
35 */
36 public Order(final String product, final double amount)
37 {
38 super();
39 this.product = product;
40 this.amount = amount;
41 }
43 /**
44 *@see java.lang.Object#toString()
45 */
46 @Override
47 public String toString()
48 {
49 return "Order[" +this.product + ";" +this.amount + "]";
50 }
51 }
As illustrated, there is nothing special about the Order class. An order is
constructed with two arguments: a product and an amount (line 36).
Mastering DSOL
2.5 A first DSOL model 9
2* @(#) Dec 1, 2003
7package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section25;
9import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.formalisms.devs.SimEvent;
10 import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.formalisms.devs.SimEventInterface;
11 import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.DEVSSimulatorInterface;
12 import nl.tudelft.simulation.logger.Logger;
27 public class Customer
28 {
29 /** the simulator we can schedule on */
30 private DEVSSimulatorInterface simulator = null;
32 /**
33 * constructs a new Customer
34 *
35 *@param simulator The simulator to use.
36 */
37 public Customer(final DEVSSimulatorInterface simulator)
38 {
39 super();
40 this.simulator = simulator;
41 this.generateOrder();
42 }
47 private void generateOrder()
48 {
49 try
50 {
51 Order order = new Order("Television",2.0);
52 System.out.println("ordered " + order + " @ time="
53 +this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
55 // Now we schedule the next action at time = time + 2.0
56 SimEventInterface simEvent = new SimEvent(this.simulator
57 .getSimulatorTime() + 2.0, this, this, "generateOrder",
58 null);
59 this.simulator.scheduleEvent(simEvent);
60 }catch (Exception exception)
61 {
62 Logger.warning(this, "generateOrder", exception);
Mastering DSOL
2.5 A first DSOL model 10
63 }
64 }
65 }
In this example, we construct a Customer with a reference to the simulator
it can schedule its behavior on (line 37). Because we are developing a dis-
crete event model, the simulator must implement the DEVSSimulatorInterface3
which is defined in the nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators package (line 11)
and deployed in the dsol.jar.
Whenever the generateOrder method is invoked on the Customer, the first
step is to create the actual Order (line 41). The next steps include the creation
and the scheduling of a simulation event.
Lines 56-58 create a SimEvent which implements a SimEventInterface. Both
the interface and the class belong to the nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.formalisms.devs
package in the dsol.jar library. A SimEvent schedules the invocation of a method
on a target with arguments. The first argument in the constructor of the
SimEvent refers to the time at which the invocation should occur (line 57).
The second argument (line 57) refers to the source object which creates the
SimEvent. Line 57 refers to the target on which to invoke the method named
on line 57. Line 58 finally refers to the arguments with which the method must
be invoked.
Line 59 schedules the created simEvent on the simulator. The simulator
is now able to sort and execute the event based on its scheduled execution
time. Line 60 catches an exception: the Exception. The Exception may occur
whenever the network link to the simulator fails or whenever:
aSimEvent is scheduled in the past. DSOL does not provide any roll-back
functionality which would be needed to schedule behavior in the past.
the method referred to as argument of the constructor on line 44 does
not exist.
this method exists but is not visible or accessible by the source named on
line 42.
The next step is to design the model. This is the class which is constructed
and invoked at initialization of every replication. The model class must im-
plement the ModelInterface which is defined in the nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol
package and deployed in dsol.jar.
2* @(#) Dec 1, 2003
3DEVS stands for Discrete Event System Specification [Zeigler et al., 2000]
Mastering DSOL
2.5 A first DSOL model 11
7package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section25;
9import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.ModelInterface;
10 import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.DEVSSimulatorInterface;
11 import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.SimulatorInterface;
26 public class Model implements ModelInterface
27 {
28 /**
29 * constructs a new BoatModel
30 */
31 public Model()
32 {
33 super();
34 }
36 /**
37 *@see nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.ModelInterface
38 *#constructModel(nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.SimulatorInterface)
39 */
40 public void constructModel(final SimulatorInterface simulator)
41 {
42 DEVSSimulatorInterface devsSimulator = (DEVSSimulatorInterface) simulator;
43 new Customer(devsSimulator);
44 }
45 }
Line 31 introduces an empty constructor which is a must for good quality
simulation modeling. In order to understand this, remember that the simulator
will reconstruct the model at the initialization of every replication. It is abso-
lutely necessary not to remember model state over multiple replications. Using
arguments in the constructor of a model conflicts with this concept. Therefore,
it is a design pattern not to define arguments for the constructor of a model!
In order to make the above simulation model accessible to the dsol-gui two
approached can be followed :
to add the directory containing the above binary Java class files to the
CLASSPATH when starting dsol-gui. This results in starting dsol by invok-
ing something like: java -classpath .;C:/development/tutorial -jar dsol-
to zip the entire model in a jar and to add it to the xml-based experiment.
To zip your model into a Java Archive Resource is done with a statement
similar to ”jar -cvf C:/tmp/tutorial.jar C:/development/tutorial/*”. For
the remainder of this section, we assume this approach is chosen.
Mastering DSOL
2.5 A first DSOL model 12
2.5.2 Defining the experiment
Figure 1: A framework for experimentation
The mutual relation between experiments and a model is concentrated on
in this section. Our aim in this section is primarily to answer a number of
questions such as: What is an experiment? What are the constraints imposed
by an experiment on model design?
In line with [Law and Kelton, 2000] we argue that these questions are im-
portant because often a great deal of time and money is spent on model de-
velopment, but little effort is made to analyze the output of an experiment
appropriately [Law and Kelton, 2000].
To prevent misuse of tools and techniques, we pay a lot of attention to the
concept of an experimental frame. This concept, presented in figure 1 follows
[Oeren and Zeigler, 1979, Sol, 1982] in their specification of an experiment, a
treatment, a run control and a replication.
According to [Sol, 1982] a simulation model is transformed into an exe-
cutable simulation model system by including provisions to expose it to a treat-
ment by which it is placed in an experimental frame.
The following concepts define a framework for experimentation:
a treatment consists, according to [Oeren and Zeigler, 1979, Sol, 1982]
of input data, initialization conditions, and run control conditions.
Mastering DSOL
2.5 A first DSOL model 13
a run control specifies the experimental conditions under which the treat-
ment is conducted on the simulation model, i.e. the runlength and the
warmup-period [Law and Kelton, 2000]. The run control variables are
specified as attributes of the treatment (see figure 1).
an experimental frame, is defined as a set of possible treatments.
an experiment is a set of replications, with individual pseudo-random num-
ber streams, under the same treatment, simulator and model.
a replication is one run out of a collection of runs under the same treat-
ment, except for initialization conditions that provide statistical indepen-
dence, i.e. the seeds.
Where the model is coded in Java, the experiment is defined in xml. The
easiest way to understand the experiment definition is to look at a very simple
xml representation of an experiment.
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <dsol:experiment
3 xmlns:dsol=""
4 xmlns:xsi="">
5 <name>Tutorial example</name>
6 <analyst>Peter H.M. Jacobs</analyst>
7 <model>
8 <jar-file>file:/tmp/tutorial.jar</jar-file>
9 <model-class>
10 nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section24.Model
11 </model-class>
12 </model>
13 <treatment>
14 <startTime>2003-12-01T15:00:00</startTime>
15 <timeUnit>MINUTE</timeUnit>
16 <runControl>
17 <warmupPeriod unit="MINUTE">0</warmupPeriod>
18 <runLength unit="HOUR">1</runLength>
19 <replication description="replication 0">
20 <stream name="default" seed="99"/>
21 </replication>
22 </runControl>
23 </treatment>
24 </dsol:experiment>
Line 1 starts with an xml-specific header. Lines 2-28 introduce the actual
experiment. The experiment has 4 attributes. Line 5 starts with the name of
Mastering DSOL
2.5 A first DSOL model 14
the experiment. Line 6 continues with the analyst. Line 7 defines the model.
The definition of the model includes the model-class representing the model
and a jar-file containing the model. The jar-file element is optional (see 2.5.1
on page 11).
Lines 13-24 define the set of treatments (scenarios) defined for this exper-
iment. In this particular example only one treatment is defined. A treatment
has a startTime (line 14), a timeUnit (line 15), and a runControl (lines 16-22).
The startTime is defined according to the ISO 8601 Numeric representation of
Dates and Time standard4.
The runControl defines a warmupPeriod and a runLength for a particular
treatment. It furthermore defines a set of replications to run. Replications
are identical copies of a treatment with respect to all parameters except the
seed of the pseudo random number generators used [Law and Kelton, 2000].
A replication is thus defined by its description and seed by which the pseudo
random number generator is initialized.
2.5.3 Executing the experiment
The final hurdle is to execute the experiment. There are two approaches to
execute the experiment: with the standard DSOL Graphical User Interface or
with a custom made execution class. Though the first approach is more simple,
the custom approach has the advantage of reducing overhead and therefore to
improve execution speed. Both approaches are discussed here.
Executing within the DSOL-GUI application
The experiment.xml file created in the previous section can directly be opened
and executed from within the dsol application. When the experiment is suc-
cessfully opened a screen as shown in figure 2 should be visible.
The experiment can now be started with the ’play button’ on the bottom
of figure 2. The simulation time is in time units of the current treatment (i.e.
minutes ) and is shown on the right of the control panel. After starting the
experiment, it becomes possible to schedule a pause moment. This is done in
the Tools-menu of the application. Figure 3 on page 15 shows the eventlist of
the simulator executing this experiment at simulation time t=2.1.
Executing with a custom launcher
The second option is to start the experiment with a custom launcher. In this
tutorial we create a custom launcher called ConsoleRunner.
2* @(#) Dec 1, 2003 Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Delft University
Mastering DSOL
2.5 A first DSOL model 15
Figure 2: The loaded experiment
Figure 3: The event-list at t=2.1
7package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section25;
18 * A ConsoleRunner <br>
29 public final class ConsoleRunner
30 {
32 /**
33 * constructs a new ConsoleRunner
34 */
35 private ConsoleRunner()
36 {
37 // unreachable code
38 super();
Mastering DSOL
2.5 A first DSOL model 16
39 }
41 /**
42 * executes our model
43 *
44 *@param args the experiment xml-file url
45 */
46 public static void main(final String[] args)
47 {
48 if (args.length != 1)
49 {
50 System.out.println("Usage : java nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol."
51 +"tutorial.section25.ConsoleRunner [experiment-url]");
52 System.exit(0);
53 }
54 try
55 {
56 //We are ready to start
57 Logger.setLogLevel(Level.WARNING);
59 // First we resolve the experiment and parse it
60 URL experimentalframeURL = URLResource.getResource(args[0]);
61 ExperimentalFrame experimentalFrame = ExperimentParser
62 .parseExperimentalFrame(experimentalframeURL);
64 experimentalFrame.start();
65 }catch (Exception exception)
66 {
67 exception.printStackTrace();
68 }
69 }
70 }
The ConsoleRunner is a static final class with one main method. This main
method expects one argument: the url of the experimental frame. The next
step is to parse the experimental frame inputstream to an actual experimental
frame (line 61-62). Line 64 starts the experiment. Before we continue with
some more realistic simulation models, section 3 first introduces further insight
in the boundaries of DSOL with respect to the field of modeling and simulation.
Mastering DSOL
3 Theory on modeling & simulation 17
3 Theory on modeling & simulation
In this section, we introduce the scope and boundaries of DSOL. In order to do
this, we introduce a theoretical view on modeling and simulation.
According to Shannon [Shannon, 1975] simulation is the process of design-
ing a model of a real system and conducting experiments with the model for
specific purpose of experimentation. The model is expressed in a language.
According to Sol, this language merely reflects a chosen vehicle of communi-
cation [Sol, 1982]. Computer simulation is therefore an application domain of
programming languages. Based on this, Oeren et. al.[Oeren and Zeigler, 1979],
and Sol [Sol, 1982] introduced the following concepts:
A model, or model system is a selected set of objects and relations de-
scribing a system under investigation.
An experiment, or experimental frame, defines the conditions under which
an experiment must take place. The experiment contains the treatments
(or scenarios) to be executed.
A simulator is a computational device for generating behavior of the
model, based on the parameters of the experiment.
Based on the method of execution, Nance introduced the following taxon-
omy of simulation [Nance, 1993]:
Discrete event simulation in which the model specifies discrete time changes
as a function of time. Time changes may either be continuous or discrete.
Continuous simulation in which the model specifies continuous time changes
as a function of time. Time changes may again be either continuous or
Monte-Carlo simulation which uses models of uncertainty where repre-
sentation of time is unnecessary. It is a method by which an inherently
non-probabilistic problem is solved by a stochastic process.
Based on this taxonomy, several related forms of simulation are defined. Law
& Kelton [Law and Kelton, 2000] introduce combined simulation as a form in
which a model contains both discrete and continuous components. Shantiku-
mar [Shanthikumar and Sargent, 1984] introduced hybrid simulation as a form
in which a model contains discrete event and analytical components. The De-
partment of Defense standards [of Defence, 1995] speak of virtual, live and
constructed simulation whenever real-time, human or hardware components are
involved in the specification of a model.
This taxonomy results in the first insight in the boundaries of DSOL. DSOL
aims to support all of the above but Monte-Carlo. DSOL inherently aims to
provide decision support for time-dependent ill-structured problems.
Mastering DSOL
3.1 Basic requirements for a simulation language 18
3.1 Basic requirements for a simulation language
In order to proof the validity of DSOL, we must understand its requirements.
As will be pointed out, its requirements form an extension to the requirements
given by Nance [Nance, 1993] and Sol [Sol, 1982] for any simulation language:
to provide pseudo random numbers. A good overview of pseudo random
numbers can be found in [L’Ecuyer, 1997];
to provide a set of statistical distributions. More information on these
distributions can be found in [Law and Kelton, 2000];
to provide time-flow mechanisms to represent an explicit representation
of time. More information on time-flow mechanisms can be found at
[Balci, 1988];
to provide an experimental frame so as to represent the experiment;
to provide statistical output analysis. More information on the statistical
output of simulation can be found in [Banks, 1998, Law and Kelton, 2000].
In simulation a clear distinction is made between real time and simulation
time. The concept real time is used to refer to the wall-clock time. It represents
the execution time of the experiment. The simulation time is an attribute of
the simulator and is initialized at t=0.00. Simulation time can be stopped,
incremented and take both continuous and discrete steps [Balci, 1988]. Nance
[Nance, 1981] formalized the time-state relations as follows:
An instant is a value of simulation time at which the value of at least one
attribute of an object can be altered.
The state of an object is the enumeration of all attribute values of an
object at a particular instant.
An interval is the duration between successive instants and a span is the
contiguous succession of one or more intervals.
An activity is the state change of an object over an interval.
An event is a change in object state, occurring at an instant, that initiates
an activity precluded prior to that instant.
A process is the succession of state changes of an object over a span.
Mastering DSOL
3.2 Modeling perspectives 19
3.2 Modeling perspectives
In order to construct a model a weltanshauung must implicitly be established to
permit the construction of a simulation language [Lackner, 1962]. This weltan-
shauung expresses the meta-model of the language and is also referred to
as formalism,modeling construct or world-view [Balci, 1988]. Literature has
identified three basic world-views for discrete event simulation [Fishman, 1973,
Overstreet and Nance, 1986]:
Event scheduling which provides a locality of time: each event in a model
specification describes related actions that may all occur in a single in-
Activity scanning which provides a locality of state: each activity in a
model specification describes all actions that must occur due to the model
assuming particular state.
Process interaction provides a locality of object: each process in a model
specification describes the entire action sequence of a particular object.
DSOL primarily supports the event scheduling formalism [Jacobs et al., 2002].
Activity scanning is not supported because of its inefficient implications to ex-
ecution. Process interaction is currently not yet supported because its multi-
threaded implications. More information on the danger of specifying a process
interaction formalism in Java can be found here [Lang et al., 2003].
Vangheluwe and Lara [Vangheluwe and de Lara, 2002] published in 2002 a
formalism transformation graph (figure 4). The arrows in this graph denote
a behavior-preserving homomorphic relationship using transformations between
formalisms. Further development will show to what extent DSOL can implement
these relationships and provide the full set of modeling formalisms.
Besides the event scheduling formalism for discrete event scheduling, DSOL
supports continuous differential equations, and DEV&DESS formalisms. After
this insight in the scope of DSOL, it is now time to see some more realistic
Mastering DSOL
3.2 Modeling perspectives 20
Figure 4: Formalism transformation graph [Vangheluwe and de Lara, 2002]
Mastering DSOL
4 Basic Simulation Modeling 21
4 Basic Simulation Modeling
This section introduces a number of basic simulation models. The examples are
directly executable from the help-menu in the dsol graphical user interface. By
providing these examples we aim to extend your knowledge with basic concepts
of simulation in DSOL: statistics, world-views, and animation.
4.1 The single server queuing system
This section reveals the DSOL implementation of the single server queuing sys-
tem. We consider a system consisting of a single server which receives customers
arriving independently and identically distributed (IDD). A customer who arrives
and finds the server idle is being serviced immediately. A customer who finds
the server busy enters a single queue. Upon completing a service for a customer,
the server checks the queue and (if any) services the next customer in a first-in,
first-out (FIFO) manner.
The simulation begins in an empty-and-idle state. We simulate until a
predefined fixed number of customers nhave entered the system and completed
their service. To measure the performance of this system, we focus on a number
of output variables. First of all we focus on the expected delay d(n) of a
customer in the queue. From a system perspective we furthermore focus on the
number of customers in queue q(n). The final output variable we consider is
the expected utilization of the server u(n). This is the proportion of the time
the server was in its busy state. Since the simulation is dependent on random
variable observations for both the inter-arrival time and the service time, the
output variables d(n), q(n) and u(n) will be random and, therefore, expected
to be variable.
4.1.1 Conceptual model
The first activity we describe is the formal conceptualization of the above in-
troduction. As described in [Fishman, 1973] a number of world views can
be used to express our conceptual model. In this example, the event-based
world-view of the previous section is used. Figure 5 shows a flowchart of
the single server queuing system. This figure conceptualizes the flow oriented
perception of the customer waiting for service. Besides the actual flowchart
three classes of the DSOL flow library are introduced: Seize,Delay, and Re-
lease. This Flow library represents a modeling world-view specified on top of
the event-based world-view and is described by []. The classes belong to the
nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.formalisms.flow package and are deployed in dsol.jar
library file.
Mastering DSOL
4.1 The single server queuing system 22
customer arrives
customer enters queue
server idle?
Customers enters service
customers exits
customer is served
customer is released
Figure 5: Flowchart of the single server queuing system
Mastering DSOL
4.1 The single server queuing system 23
4.1.2 Specification
The next activity in the construction of the model is its specification in the
DSOL framework. For this particular example the values of table 4.1.2 are
used. More information on the distributions used in this example can be found
in [Law and Kelton, 2000]. In order to create an M/M/1 Queue with the above
defined statistics, only one class is defined: MM1Queue:
description value
simulator.runLength Double.MAXVALUE
randomizer.seed 555
generator.startTime 0
generator.interarrivalTime EXPO(1.0)
generator.batchSize 1
generator.maxCreated (n) 1000
server.resourceCapacity 1.0
server.serviceTime EXPO(0.5)
Table 2: Specification values for the single server queuing system
2* @(#) Sep 21, 2003 Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Delft University of
7package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section41;
44 public class MM1Queue implements ModelInterface
45 {
49 public MM1Queue()
50 {
51 super();
52 }
58 public void constructModel(final SimulatorInterface simulator)
59 throws SimRuntimeException, RemoteException
60 {
61 DEVSSimulatorInterface devsSimulator = (DEVSSimulatorInterface) simulator;
63 StreamInterface defaultStream = devsSimulator.getReplication()
64 .getStream("default");
Mastering DSOL
4.1 The single server queuing system 24
66 // The Generator
67 Generator generator = new Generator(devsSimulator, Object.class, null);
68 generator.setInterval(new DistExponential(defaultStream, 1.0));
69 generator.setStartTime(new DistConstant(defaultStream, 0.0));
70 generator.setBatchSize(new DistDiscreteConstant(defaultStream, 1));
71 generator.setMaxNumber(1000);
73 // The queue, the resource and the release
74 Resource resource = new Resource(devsSimulator, 1.0);
76 // created a resource
77 StationInterface queue = new Seize(devsSimulator, resource);
78 StationInterface release = new Release(devsSimulator, resource, 1.0);
80 // The server
81 DistContinuous serviceTime = new DistExponential(defaultStream, 0.5);
82 StationInterface server = new Delay(devsSimulator, serviceTime);
84 // The flow
85 generator.setDestination(queue);
86 queue.setDestination(server);
87 server.setDestination(release);
89 // Statistics
90 Tally dN = new Tally("d(n)", devsSimulator, queue, Seize.DELAY_TIME);
91 Tally qN = new Tally("q(n)", devsSimulator, queue,
93 Utilization uN = new Utilization("u(n)", devsSimulator, server);
95 // Charts
96 new BoxAndWhiskerChart(devsSimulator, "d(n) chart").add(dN);
97 new BoxAndWhiskerChart(devsSimulator, "q(n) chart").add(qN);
98 new BoxAndWhiskerChart(devsSimulator, "u(n) chart").add(uN);
99 }
100 }
Line 44 introduces the MM1Queue class and states that this class imple-
ments the ModelInterface. According to the design pattern introduced in section
2.5.1 on page 11, the constructor of this class is empty. Line 58 introduces the
required constructModel method.
Lines 67-68 points out how to use pseudo random number streams in a
model. This is done by requesting the stream from the currently active replica-
tion. Streams are all known by their name, which is specified in the experiment.
Line 66-71 introduce a customer generator. This generator is the first flow
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 25
object used in this example. As described in the javadoc, a generator regularly in-
vokes the constructor of a class. In this particular example, the java.lang.Object
class is invoked. By using this class, we emphasize that there are no require-
ments for classes to be used in DSOL simulation modeling and that simulation
modeling is all about reduction. Since there is no need to define any intelligence
in the customer, there is no need to create a Customer class.
Lines 68-71 initialize the generator with the appropriate distributions. These
distributions are part of the nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.distribution package and
deployed in the jstats.jar library. In later examples we will see how to define the
parameters for these distributions in the experiment definition.
Line 74 creates a resource with a capacity of 1.0. Line 76-82 create the
queue, server and release objects of the M/M/1/Queue. Lines 85-87 create the
flow of the model; they link the different stations.
Lines 89-93 create the statistics. Line 90 defines a tally which is interested in
Seize.DELAY TIME events fired by the queue. A tally computes and represents
the min, max, mean, variance and standard deviation values of the events it
receives. Line 93 introduces an Utilization object computing and representing
the utilization of a station. In this particular example, the utilization of the server
is computed. Lines 96-98 create three independent BoxAndWhiskerCharts.
Since the model is constrained by a maximum number of customers the
runLength of this experiment can be infinite. In the experiment a stream with
the name default is defined with seed value 555. The output of the M/M/1
Queue is illustrated in figure 6.
Figure 6 presents a typical statistics outputscreen of DSOL. On the left side
an overview is given of all experiments executed and stored. In these experiments
a number of statistical objects are generated and displayed as leafs of the tree.
The rigth element of figure 6 illustrates a spreadsheet alike panel. One drags
and drop’s the statistical elements from the left side to this panel.
4.2 Inventory challenge
The second example introduced in this section is again taken from Law &
Kelton [Law and Kelton, 2000]. In this example we introduce a retailer who
sells a single product and would like to know how many items he should have
in inventory for each of the next nweeks. Both the conceptual model and its
specification in DSOL represent a realistic supply chain model.
4.2.1 Introduction
Customers demand the product according to the following demand function d.
d=EX P O(0.1week)BS (1)
Orders in the above equation are ordered every EXPO(0.1) week. BS represents
the batchsize to be ordered. Its value is:
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 26
Figure 6: Result of M/M/1 Queue
BS =
1probability = 1
2probability = 1
3probability = 1
4probability = 1
At the beginning of each week, the retailer reviews the inventory level and
decides how many items to order from its supplier. The costs of ordering OC
consists of setup costs SC and marginal costs IC per ordered product q. The
exact ordering cost function is:
OC =SC +IC q, SC=32 IC=3 (3)
The lead time or delivery time of an order is a random variable that is distributed
uniformly between 0.5 and 1 week. The retailer uses a stationary (s,S) policy
to decide how much to order q, i.e.
q=(SIif Is
0otherwise (4)
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 27
Equation 4 explicits that when the actual inventory Idecreases below a
threshold sthe quantity qto be ordered will increase the inventory to an upper
bound of S. When the actual demand occurs, it is satisfied immediately if the
inventory level is at least as large as the demand. If the demand exceeds the
inventory level, the excess of demand over supply is back-logged and satisfied
by future deliveries. When ordered products are delivered, they are first used to
satisfy outstanding back-logged orders. The remainder is added to the inventory.
Besides the ordering costs, the retailer has to face the costs of holding
HC and the shortage costs, or backlog costs BC. In this specific example we
specify HC=1 per product item per week and BC=5 per product item per week.
We furthermore assume that the initial inventory is 60 at t=0 and no order is
outstanding. We simulate the model for 120 weeks. The retailer is interested
in the total costs of its operation and wants to get insight in its demand and
supply processes. The retailer is furthermore interested in the total costs of
operation when he changes the threshold and upper bound of his stationary
ordering policy.
4.2.2 Conceptualization
The first step in the conceptualization activity is to determine the simulation
events and their relations. Three events are identified: the autonomous and self-
invoking demand event, the autonomous and self invoking inventory evaluation
event and the (sometimes) resulting order event.
Though it is possible to define the model in several conceptual meta-models
(Event Graphs, flow charts, sequence diagrams), this section uses flowcharts.
The reason is that flow charts are easy to understand.
Figure 7-a illustrates the business logic triggered by an order arrived event.
First the previous acquired backlog is served as much as possible. The rest
is added to the inventory. Whenever a demand arrived event (figure 7-b) is
triggered the demand is served as much as possible. If the current inventory does
not allow completion of the order, the rest is stored as backlog. On evaluation
(figure 7-c) the simulation computes the weekly inventory and backlog costs
after which it decides whether to schedule the order arrived event. Evaluation
schedules a successive evaluation event.
In contrast with the previous examples, the conceptualization presented in
figure 7 is not sufficient to start the specification in DSOL. A more detailed
conceptual model is presented in the class diagram of figure 8.
In this class diagram, the SellerInterface and BuyerInterface define the func-
tional behavior of a seller and a buyer. A buyer invokes the order method on the
SellerInterface; upon completion the seller invokes the receiveProduct method
on the buyer. In this example a customer implementing the BuyerInterface
generates the demand as specified by BS of equation 2. A warehouse imple-
menting the SellerInterface supplies requested the product to the retailer. The
retailer implements both the SellerInterface and the BuyerInterface and forms
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 28
order arrived
serve backlog
increment inventory
(a) order event
demand arrived
serve demand
demand fuly
backlog with
decrease inventory
schedule demand event
(b) demand event
compute inventory &
backlog costs
is inventory< s
next evaluation
schedule order arrived
event for
(c) evaluation event
Figure 7: Flowcharts of inventory challenge
the center of our investigation.
4.2.3 Specification
Seller and Buyer Interface
The first step is to design the two interfaces: the BuyerInterface and SellerIn-
terface. They are implemented as follows:
1package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section42;
3public interface BuyerInterface
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 29
Figure 8: Class diagram of inventory problem
6* receive the ordered Product
7*@param amount the amount to receive
9void receiveProduct(final long amount);
10 }
In order to enforce a modular design, the BuyerInterface is used as argument
of the order method of the SellerInterface (line 10). This is a typical example
of what is called design by contract or service oriented design.
1package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section42;
3public interface SellerInterface
6* order a requested amount
7*@param buyer the requesting buyer
8*@param amount the requested amount
10 void order(final BuyerInterface buyer, final long amount);
11 }
Ordering policies
The last step before the actual specification of the customer, the retailer, and
the warehouse is the specification of the ordering policy. Similar to the selling-
and buying interfaces, an interface design is chosen to enforce modularity. An
OrderingPolicy interface and StationaryPolicy class implementing this interface
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 30
are deployed in the nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section42.policies package.
1package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section42.policies;
3public interface OrderingPolicy
6* decides the amount of product to order
7*@param inventory the current inventory
8*@return long the amount
10 long computeAmountToOrder(final long inventory);
11 }
The StationaryPolicy implements the OrderingPolicy and implements the
ordering policy as specified by equation 4 on page 26. Line 11 introduces the
lowerBound and the upperBound. Lines 36-44 implement the required behavior
and compute the amount of product to order.
Lines 19-30 define the constructor of the StationaryInterface. In this con-
structor the values for the lowerBound and the upperBound are read from the
treatment. This is the first example in which we use treatment-dependent vari-
ables. This enables us to design several treatments (or scenarios).
1package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section42.policies;
3import java.rmi.RemoteException;
4import java.util.Properties;
6import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.SimulatorInterface;
8public class StationaryPolicy implements OrderingPolicy
10 /** the upper and lowerBound of the policy */
11 private long lowerBound, upperBound;
13 /**
14 * constructs a new StationaryPolicy
15 *
16 *@param simulator the simulator which is executing the experiment
17 *@throws RemoteException on network failure
18 */
19 public StationaryPolicy(final SimulatorInterface simulator)
20 throws RemoteException
21 {
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 31
22 super();
23 Properties properties =
24 simulator.getReplication().getRunControl().getTreatment().getProperties();
26 this.lowerBound =
27 new Long(properties.getProperty("policy.lowerBound")).longValue();
28 this.upperBound =
29 new Long(properties.getProperty("policy.upperBound")).longValue();
30 }
32 /**
33 *@see nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section32.policies.OrderingPolicy
34 * #computeAmountToOrder(long)
35 */
36 public long computeAmountToOrder(final long inventory)
37 {
38 if (inventory <= this.lowerBound)
39 {
40 return this.upperBound - inventory;
41 }
42 return 0;
43 }
44 }
The Warehouse class implements a SellerInterface and represents the supply-
chain actor selling the product to the retailer.
1package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section42;
3import java.rmi.RemoteException;
5import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.formalisms.devs.SimEvent;
6import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.DEVSSimulatorInterface;
7import nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.distributions.DistContinuous;
8import nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.distributions.DistUniform;
9import nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.streams.StreamInterface;
10 import nl.tudelft.simulation.logger.Logger;
12 public class Warehouse implements SellerInterface
13 {
14 /** simulator. the simulator to schedule on */
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 32
15 private DEVSSimulatorInterface simulator = null;
17 /** the delivery or leadTime */
18 private DistContinuous leadTime = null;
20 /**
21 * constructs a new Warehouse
22 *
23 *@param simulator the simulator to schedule on
24 *@throws RemoteException on network failure
25 */
26 public Warehouse(final DEVSSimulatorInterface simulator)
27 throws RemoteException
28 {
29 super();
30 this.simulator = simulator;
32 StreamInterface stream =
33 this.simulator.getReplication().getStream("default");
34 this.leadTime = new DistUniform(stream, 0.5,1.0);
35 }
37 /**
38 *@see nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section32.SellerInterface
39 * #order(nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section32.BuyerInterface,
40 * long)
41 */
42 public void order(final BuyerInterface buyer, final long amount)
43 {
44 try
45 {
46 this.simulator.scheduleEvent(
47 new SimEvent(
48 this.simulator.getSimulatorTime() + this.leadTime.draw(),
49 this,
50 buyer,
51 "receiveProduct",
52 new Long[ ] {new Long(amount)}));
53 }catch (Exception exception)
54 {
55 Logger.warning(this, "order", exception);
56 }
57 }
58 }
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 33
In the Warehouse class, a leadTime is defined as a uniform distribution
(lines 18, 34). This distribution is constructed with a stream named ”default”.
The second part of interest is the block between lines 46-52. They embody the
scheduled invocation of the receiveProduct method on the buyer who requested
the order.
1package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section42;
14 public class Customer implements BuyerInterface
15 {
37 public Customer(
38 final DEVSSimulatorInterface simulator,
39 final SellerInterface retailer)
40 throws RemoteException
41 {
42 super();
43 this.simulator = simulator;
44 this.retailer = retailer;
46 StreamInterface stream =
47 this.simulator.getReplication().getStream("default");
48 this.intervalTime = new DistExponential(stream, 0.1);
49 this.orderBatchSize =
50 new DistCustom(
51 stream,
52 new DistCustom.Entry[] {
53 new DistCustom.Entry(1,1.0 /6.0),
54 new DistCustom.Entry(2,1.0 /3.0),
55 new DistCustom.Entry(3,1.0 /3.0),
56 new DistCustom.Entry(4,1.0 /6.0)});
57 this.createOrder();
58 }
64 public void receiveProduct(final long amount)
65 {
66 Logger.finest(this, "receiveProduct","received " + amount);
67 }
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 34
72 private void createOrder()
73 {
74 this.retailer.order(this, this.orderBatchSize.draw());
75 try
76 {
77 this.simulator.scheduleEvent(
78 new SimEvent(
79 this.simulator.getSimulatorTime()
80 +this.intervalTime.draw(),
81 this,
82 this,
83 "createOrder",
84 null));
85 }catch (Exception exception)
86 {
87 Logger.warning(this, "createOrder", exception);
88 }
89 }
90 }
First of all the above code only describes the Customer class partly to
ensure a readable tutorial. This will be the case for all further examples. In
the Customer class two distributions are created: a continuous inter-order-time
(line 48) and a discrete batchsize distribution (lines 50-56). These distributions
are used by the customer to create an order (line 74) and to schedule the next
invocation of the ”createOrder” method (line 80).
The Customer class implements the BuyerInterface and must therefore pro-
vide a public receiveProduct method. Its implementation is to log received
1package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section42;
14 public class Retailer
15 extends EventProducer
16 implements BuyerInterface, SellerInterface
17 {
18 public static final EventType TOTAL_ORDERING_COST_EVENT =
5Loggers are accessible in the windows menu of the dsol-gui.
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 35
21 public static final EventType INVENTORY_LEVEL_EVENT =
22 new EventType("INVENTORY_LEVEL_EVENT");
24 public static final EventType BACKLOG_LEVEL =
25 new EventType("BACKLOG_LEVEL");
27 private long inventory = 60L, backLog = 0L;
33 private OrderingPolicy orderingPolicy = null;
37 public Retailer(
38 final DEVSSimulatorInterface simulator,
39 final SellerInterface warehouse)
40 throws RemoteException
41 {
42 super();
43 this.simulator = simulator;
44 this.warehouse = warehouse;
45 this.orderingPolicy = new StationaryPolicy(simulator);
47 Properties properties =
48 this
49 .simulator
50 .getReplication()
51 .getRunControl()
52 .getTreatment()
53 .getProperties();
54 this.backlogCosts =
55 new Double(properties.getProperty("retailer.costs.setup"))
56 .doubleValue();
57 this.holdingCosts =
58 new Double(properties.getProperty("retailer.costs.holding"))
59 .doubleValue();
60 this.marginalCosts =
61 new Double(properties.getProperty("retailer.costs.marginal"))
62 .doubleValue();
63 this.setupCosts =
64 new Double(properties.getProperty("retailer.costs.setup"))
65 .doubleValue();
66 this.reviewInventory();
67 }
69 public void receiveProduct(final long amount)
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 36
70 {
71 long served = this.backLog - Math.max(0,this.backLog - amount);
72 this.backLog = Math.max(0,this.backLog - amount);
73 this.inventory = this.inventory + Math.max(0, amount - served);
74 try
75 {
76 this.fireEvent(
78 this.inventory,
79 this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
80 this.fireEvent(
82 this.backLog,
83 this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
84 }catch (RemoteException exception)
85 {
86 Logger.warning(this, "receiveProduct", exception);
87 }
88 }
90 private void reviewInventory()
91 {
92 double costs =
93 this.holdingCosts * this.inventory
94 +this.backlogCosts * this.backLog;
95 long amount = this.orderingPolicy.computeAmountToOrder(this.inventory);
96 if (amount > 0)
97 {
98 costs = costs + this.setupCosts + amount * this.marginalCosts;
99 this.fireEvent(TOTAL_ORDERING_COST_EVENT, costs);
100 this.warehouse.order(this, amount);
101 }
102 try
103 {
104 this.simulator.scheduleEvent(
105 new SimEvent(
106 this.simulator.getSimulatorTime() + 1.0,
107 this,
108 this,
109 "reviewInventory",
110 null));
111 }catch (Exception exception)
112 {
113 Logger.warning(this, "reviewInventory", exception);
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 37
114 }
115 }
117 public void order(final BuyerInterface buyer, final long amount)
118 {
119 long actualOrderSize = Math.min(amount, this.inventory);
120 this.inventory = this.inventory - actualOrderSize;
121 if (actualOrderSize < amount)
122 {
123 this.backLog = this.backLog + (amount - actualOrderSize);
124 }
125 try
126 {
127 this.fireEvent(
129 this.inventory,
130 this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
131 this.fireEvent(
133 this.backLog,
134 this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
135 }catch (RemoteException exception)
136 {
137 Logger.warning(this, "receiveProduct", exception);
138 }
139 buyer.receiveProduct(actualOrderSize);
140 }
141 }
The center of investigation is the Retailer. Lines 14-16 introduce the Retailer
as a class implementing and therefore providing both the SellerInterface and the
BuyerInterface. It furthermore introduces the Retailer as an EventProducer.
Lines 18-28 introduce 3 constant static flags defining the eventTypes of
the Retailer. Listeners can subscribe their interest to events of one of these
types. Lines 76-83,99,127-135 show that the Retailer indeed fires event with
corresponding eventTypes.
Line 27 instantiates the inventory and backlog with their initial values. Line
33 introduces the orderingPolicy of the OrderingPolicy interface. Line 45 sets
the value of this policy to an instance of a StationaryPolicy. Lines 47-65 read the
values for the marginal, setup, holding, and backlog costs from the treatment.
Lines 69-88 define the behavior of receiving goods from the warehouse.
Backlog is served as much and the rest is added to the inventory. Lines 90-115
implement the inventory check. Line 101 starts to compute the inventory costs
for this week. Then the policy is checked to determine the amount of product
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 38
to order (line 95). If product must be ordered, the ordering costs are computed
(line 98) and the order is made (line 100).
Lines 117-141 implement the selling behavior of the Retailer. If an amount
is ordered, as much as possible is delivered. The rest is back-logged. Inventory
and backlog values are fired to subscribed listeners.
Model & Experiment
The final step is to code the model and the experiment. In this particular
example, the constructModel method of the Model merely constructs our three
actors. The code is therefore not introduced in this tutorial. The experiment is
more sophisticated than previous experiments though. In this example, we will
define multiple treatments representing multiple scenarios. In these treatments
the parameters of the model are given as properties of the treatment.
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <dsol:experiment
3 xmlns:dsol=""
4 xmlns:xsi="">
5 <name>Inventory Stationary Policy Assesment</name>
6 <analyst>Peter H.M. Jacobs</analyst>
7 <model>
8 <model-class>nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section42.Model</model-class>
9 </model>
10 <treatment>
11 <startTime>2003-12-01T14:30:00</startTime>
12 <timeUnit>WEEK</timeUnit>
13 <runControl>
14 <warmupPeriod unit="WEEK">0</warmupPeriod>
15 <runLength unit="WEEK">120</runLength>
16 <replication description="replication 0">
17 <stream name="default" seed="555"/>
18 </replication>
19 <replication description="replication 0">
20 <stream name="default" seed="100"/>
21 </replication>
22 <replication description="replication 0">
23 <stream name="default" seed="29"/>
24 </replication>
25 </runControl>
26 <properties>
27 <!-- The cost properties -->
28 <property key="retailer.costs.backlog" value="1"/>
29 <property key="retailer.costs.holding" value="1"/>
Mastering DSOL
4.2 Inventory challenge 39
30 <property key="retailer.costs.marginal" value="3"/>
31 <property key="retailer.costs.setup" value="30"/>
32 <!-- The ordering policy properties -->
33 <property key="policy.lowerBound" value="8"/>
34 <property key="policy.upperBound" value="80"/>
35 </properties>
36 </treatment>
37 <treatment>
38 <startTime>2003-12-01T14:30:00</startTime>
39 <timeUnit>WEEK</timeUnit>
40 <runControl>
41 <warmupPeriod unit="WEEK">0</warmupPeriod>
42 <runLength unit="WEEK">120</runLength>
43 <replication description="replication 0">
44 <stream name="default" seed="555"/>
45 </replication>
46 <replication description="replication 0">
47 <stream name="default" seed="100"/>
48 </replication>
49 <replication description="replication 0">
50 <stream name="default" seed="29"/>
51 </replication>
52 </runControl>
53 <properties>
54 <!-- The cost properties -->
55 <property key="retailer.costs.backlog" value="1"/>
56 <property key="retailer.costs.holding" value="1"/>
57 <property key="retailer.costs.marginal" value="3"/>
58 <property key="retailer.costs.setup" value="30"/>
59 <!-- The ordering policy properties -->
60 <property key="policy.lowerBound" value="8"/>
61 <property key="policy.upperBound" value="80"/>
62 </properties>
63 </treatment>
64 </dsol:experiment>
4.2.4 Statistical output
Figure 9 presents the statistical output of our model. In this figure the inventory
and backlog levels are presented in an xy-chart. The left column in this figure
represents the first treatment and the right column the second treatment.
Mastering DSOL
4.3 Predator-Prey continuous model 40
Figure 9: Result of Inventory model
4.3 Predator-Prey continuous model
The previous two examples introduces two more or less realistic discrete event
models. DSOL nevertheless also supports continuous modeling. A continuous
model is introduced in this section.
4.3.1 Introduction
The following example is taken from [Borrelli and Coleman, 1998] to introduce
a very commonly discussed continuous problem: the predator-prey population
interaction. In the 1920s and 1930s, Vito Volterra and Alfred Lotka[Lotka, 1925,
Volterra, 1926] independently reduced Darwin’s predator-prey interactions to
Mastering DSOL
4.3 Predator-Prey continuous model 41
mathematical models.
This section presents a model of predator and prey where association includes
only natural growth or decay and the predator-prey interaction itself. All other
relationships are considered to be negligible. We will assume that the prey
population grows exponentially in the absence of predation, while the predator
population declines exponentially if the prey population is extinct. The predator-
prey interaction is modeled by mass action terms proportional to the product
of the two populations. The model is named the Lotka-Volterra system and
specified with the following two equations:
x0= (a+by)x=ax +bxy (5)
y0= (cdx)y=cy dxy (6)
In the above equations, xrepresents the predator population and u the prey
population. All rate constants a,b,c, and dare positive. The linear -ax and
cy terms model the natural decay and growth. The quadratic terms +bxy and
-dxy model the effects of mutual interaction.
4.3.2 Specification
Before we come the actual coding, values for the four parameters and initial
states must be specified. Table 4.3.2 represents the Lotka-Volterra parameters
to be used. The initial states of the prey and the predator at t=0.0 are 40.0
and 5.0.
parameter value
a 1
b 0.1
c 1
d 0.2
Figure 10: Specification of Lotka-Volterra parameters
1package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section43;
10 public class Prey extends DifferentialEquation
11 {
12 /** the prey to catch */
13 private DifferentialEquationInterface predator = null;
15 /** Lotka-Volterra parameters */
Mastering DSOL
4.3 Predator-Prey continuous model 42
16 private double c, d;
24 public Prey(final DESSSimulatorInterface simulator) throws RemoteException
25 {
26 super(simulator);
27 this.numericalMethod = RUNGE_KUTTA_4;
29 Properties properties =
30 simulator.getReplication().getRunControl().getTreatment().getProperties();
31 this.initialize(
32 0.0,
33 new Double(properties.getProperty("prey.initialValue"))
34 .doubleValue());
35 this.c = new Double(properties.getProperty("c")).doubleValue();
36 this.d = new Double(properties.getProperty("d")).doubleValue();
37 }
43 public double dX(final double time, final double x)
44 {
45 return this.c*x-this.d*x*this.predator.getValue();
46 }
53 public void setPredator(final DifferentialEquationInterface predator)
54 {
55 this.predator = predator;
56 }
57 }
Line 10 introduces the Prey class as a DifferentialEquation. This Differen-
tialEquation class is abstract and in order to extend it, the dX method must
be specified. Lines 43-46 define this required behavior and specify equation 6.
Line 27 sets the numerical method to RUNGE KUTTA 4. Lines 31-34 initialize
the Prey class with the treatment-parameter named prey.initialValue.
1package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section43;
10 public class Predator extends DifferentialEquation
11 {
Mastering DSOL
4.3 Predator-Prey continuous model 43
12 /** the prey to catch */
13 private DifferentialEquationInterface prey = null;
15 /** Lotka-Volterra parameters */
16 private double a, b;
24 public Predator(final DESSSimulatorInterface simulator)
25 throws RemoteException
26 {
27 super(simulator);
28 this.numericalMethod = RUNGE_KUTTA_4;
29 Properties properties =
30 simulator.getReplication().getRunControl().getTreatment().getProperties();
31 this.initialize(
32 0.0,
33 new Double(properties.getProperty("predator.initialValue"))
34 .doubleValue());
35 this.a = new Double(properties.getProperty("a")).doubleValue();
36 this.b = new Double(properties.getProperty("b")).doubleValue();
38 }
44 public double dX(final double time, final double x)
45 {
46 return -this.a*x+this.b*x*this.prey.getValue();
47 }
49 /**
52 public void setPrey(final DifferentialEquationInterface prey)
53 {
54 this.prey = prey;
55 }
56 }
The Predator class is alike the Prey class. It is a differential equation which
specifies equation 5 (line 46).
Model & Experiment
1package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section43;
Mastering DSOL
4.3 Predator-Prey continuous model 44
12 public class Life implements ModelInterface
13 {
18 public Life()
19 {
20 super();
21 }
27 public void constructModel(final SimulatorInterface simulator)
28 throws RemoteException
29 {
30 DESSSimulatorInterface dessSimulator =
31 (DESSSimulatorInterface) simulator;
33 //Prey and Predator definitions
34 Predator predator = new Predator(dessSimulator);
35 Prey prey = new Prey(dessSimulator);
37 predator.setPrey(prey);
38 prey.setPredator(predator);
40 Persistent preyPopulation =
41 new Persistent(
42 "prey population",
43 dessSimulator,
44 prey,
45 DifferentialEquationInterface.VALUE_CHANGED_EVENT);
47 Persistent predatorPopulation =
48 new Persistent(
49 "predator population",
50 dessSimulator,
51 predator,
52 DifferentialEquationInterface.VALUE_CHANGED_EVENT);
54 XYChart chart = new XYChart(dessSimulator, "population");
55 chart.add(preyPopulation);
56 chart.add(predatorPopulation);
57 }
58 }
Mastering DSOL
4.4 Animation example 45
In this particular example, the experiment.xml file is similar to the experiment
in the previous inventory example. For this reason, the example is not presented
here. The model itself is called Life. In the constructModel method of Life
the population of Predator and Prey are constructed (lines 34,35) Lines 40-52
construct two statistical persistents on both populations. Line 54 constructs a
chart representing them.
4.3.3 Statistical output
Figure 11 presents the statistical output of the population. This is a typical curve
for a predator-prey cycle. The experiment is executed with a small timeStep
(0.01) which ensures accuracy and a smooth curve.
Figure 11: Result of Population model
4.4 Animation example
As introduced in the introduction animation is considered as a valuable asset
in the validation and presentation of model outcomes. For this reason, DSOL
Mastering DSOL
4.4 Animation example 46
consists of a 2D package for animation. As we will see though, the geographical
model state is already three-dimensional which makes a potential 3D animation
a matter of using the appropriate libraries.
4.4.1 Introduction
Since we aim just to focus on animation, the example is kept unrealistic simple.
The animation example introduced is in this section considers balls moving
around. There are two types of balls. One type is modeled in a discrete event
formalism and the other in a continuous formalism. What we will show is that
animation is loosely coupled and not affected by the underlying model object.
We will create one BallAnimation class representing both types! First we start
with the discrete ball:
4.4.2 Specification
The animation consist of a number of classes. First of all an abstract Ball class
is defined:
2* @(#) Mar 3, 2004 Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Delft University of
7package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section44;
28 public abstract class Ball implements LocatableInterface
29 {
30 /** the number of created balls */
31 private static int number = 0;
33 /** the radius of the ball */
34 public static final double RADIUS = 5.0;
36 /** the name of the ball */
37 private String name = "";
39 /** the origin */
40 protected DirectedPoint origin = new DirectedPoint();
42 /** the destination */
43 protected DirectedPoint destination = new DirectedPoint();
45 /** the rotation */
46 protected double rotZ = 0.0;
Mastering DSOL
4.4 Animation example 47
51 public Ball()
52 {
53 super();
54 this.rotZ = 2* Math.PI * Math.random();
55 Ball.number++;
56 = "" + Ball.number;
57 }
59 /**
60 *@see nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.LocatableInterface#getBounds()
61 */
62 public Bounds getBounds()
63 {
64 return new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(0,0,0), Ball.RADIUS);
65 }
71 public String toString()
72 {
73 return;
74 }
75 }
The most important line of the above code is line perhaps line 28. It intro-
duces the Ball as a class implementing the Locatable interface. This interface is
part of the animation package and expresses the fact that objects implementing
it have a geographic location. It requires in other words the getLocation(), and
the getBounds() method. Where the getLocation is not implemented (Ball is an
abstract class), lines 62-65 implement the getBounds() method which defines
the relative volume of the Ball.
In order to move the ball in our model two approaches are followed: a
continuous and a discrete one. The discrete event ball code which displays a
2-dimensional image of a customer now becomes:
2* @(#) Oct 30, 2003 Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Delft University
8package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section44;
28 public class DiscreteBall extends Ball
29 {
30 /** the simulator */
Mastering DSOL
4.4 Animation example 48
31 private DEVSSimulatorInterface simulator = null;
33 /** the start time */
34 private double startTime = Double.NaN;
36 /** the stop time */
37 private double stopTime = Double.NaN;
39 /** the interpolator */
40 private InterpolationInterface interpolator = null;
49 public DiscreteBall(final DEVSSimulatorInterface simulator)
50 throws RemoteException, SimRuntimeException
51 {
52 super();
53 this.simulator = simulator;
54 URL image = URLResource.getResource("/nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/"
55 +"tutorial/section44/images/customer.jpg");
56 new SingleImageRenderable(this, simulator, image);
58 }
66 private void next() throws RemoteException, SimRuntimeException
67 {
68 StreamInterface stream = this.simulator.getReplication().getStream(
69 "default");
70 this.origin = this.destination;
71 this.rotZ = 2* Math.PI * Math.random();
72 this.destination = new DirectedPoint(new Point2D.Double(-100
73 + stream.nextInt(0,200), -100 + stream.nextInt(0,200)),
74 this.rotZ);
75 this.startTime = this.simulator.getSimulatorTime();
76 this.stopTime = this.startTime
77 + Math.abs(new DistNormal(stream, 9,1.8).draw());
78 this.interpolator = new LinearInterpolation(this.startTime,
79 this.stopTime, this.origin, this.destination);
80 this.simulator.scheduleEvent(new SimEvent(this.stopTime, this, this,
81 "next",null));
82 }
88 public DirectedPoint getLocation() throws RemoteException
89 {
Mastering DSOL
4.4 Animation example 49
90 if (this.interpolator != null)
91 {
92 return this.interpolator.getLocation(this.simulator
93 .getSimulatorTime());
94 }
95 return this.origin;
96 }
97 }
As becomes apparent from the code, the animation is specied using a Sin-
gleImageRenderable class. In its construction we provide the URL of the actual
image to be displayed. Discrete event balls repeatedly schedule their own next
method (line 80). In this method a new destination is assigned.
Finally we have to implement the getLocation() method specied by the
Locatable interface. We return a linear interpolation between the destination
and the origin. The simulator time is used to compute the fraction.
The DirectedPoint class is part of the animation package and contains a 3-
dimensional point (lines 72-74). It furthermore contains 3 attributes expressing
its angles (rotX, rotY, rotZ). The continuous ball is specied as follows:
2* @(#) May 10, 2004 Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Delft
10 import java.rmi.RemoteException;
22 public class ContinuousBall extends Ball
23 {
25 /** the positioner */
26 private Positioner positioner = null;
28 /** the simulator to use */
29 private DESSSimulatorInterface simulator = null;
31 /**
37 public ContinuousBall(final DESSSimulatorInterface simulator)
38 throws RemoteException
39 {
40 super();
41 this.simulator = simulator;
42 this.positioner = new Positioner(simulator);
43 new BallAnimation2D(this, simulator);
44 new BallAnimation3D(this, simulator);
Mastering DSOL
4.4 Animation example 50
45 try
46 {
48 }catch (RemoteException exception)
49 {
50 Logger.warning(this, "Ball", exception);
51 }
52 }
58 public DirectedPoint getLocation() throws RemoteException
59 {
60 double distance = this.positioner.y(this.simulator.getSimulatorTime())[0];
61 double x = Math.cos(this.rotZ) * distance + this.origin.x;
62 double y = Math.sin(this.rotZ) * distance + this.origin.y;
63 if (Math.abs(x - this.origin.x) > Math.abs(this.destination.x
64 -this.origin.x)
65 || Math.abs(y - this.origin.y) > Math.abs(this.destination.y
66 -this.origin.y))
67 {
69 }
70 return new DirectedPoint(new Point2D.Double(x, y), this.rotZ);
71 }
78 public void next() throws RemoteException
79 {
80 StreamInterface stream = this.simulator.getReplication().getStream(
81 "default");
82 this.origin = this.destination;
83 this.positioner.setValue(0);
84 this.destination = new DirectedPoint(-100 + stream.nextInt(0,200),
85 -100 + stream.nextInt(0,200), 0);
86 this.rotZ = (this.destination.y - this.origin.y)
87 / (this.destination.x - this.origin.x);
88 }
89 }
As we see the getLocation() method invokes the value function on the pos-
titioner which extends a dierential equation. Based on some triangular math
calculations the new location is computed based on the y-Value of the posi-
tioner. The next method is not scheduled but invoked whenever the ball leaves
some arbitrary corners. The code for the Positioner class is:
Mastering DSOL
4.4 Animation example 51
2* @(#) Mar 3, 2004 Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Delft University of
7package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section44;
27 public class Positioner extends DifferentialEquation
28 {
35 public Positioner(final DESSSimulatorInterface simulator)
36 throws RemoteException
37 {
38 super(simulator);
39 this.initialize(0.0,new double[] {0.0,0.0 });
40 }
47 public void setValue(final double value)
48 {
49 try
50 {
51 super.initialize(this.simulator.getSimulatorTime(), new double[] {
52 value, 0.0 });
53 }catch (RemoteException exception)
54 {
55 Logger.warning(this, "setValue", exception);
56 }
57 }
63 public double[] dy(final double x, final double[] y)
64 {
65 double[] dy = new double[2];
66 dy[0] = y[1]; // v(t) = a(t)
67 dy[1] = 0.5;// a(t) = constant
68 return dy;
69 }
70 }
Lines 63-69 clearly show how a second order dierential equation is translated
into a set of 2 rst order dierential equations. Continuous balls in our model thus
behave according to y(t) = 0.52+ vt
0+ y0.
Instead of using an image to animate these continuous balls, line 64 of the
previously described Ball class presents the BallAnimation class. This class il-
lustrates how to use custom made 2-dimensional animation.
Mastering DSOL
4.4 Animation example 52
Figure 12: Animation example
2* @(#) Nov 3, 2003 Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Delft
7package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section44;
32 public class BallAnimation2D extends Renderable2D
33 {
34 /** the color of the ballAnimation */
35 private Color color = Color.ORANGE;
43 public BallAnimation2D(final LocatableInterface source,
44 final SimulatorInterface simulator)
45 {
46 super(source, simulator);
47 }
Mastering DSOL
4.5 Process interaction 53
55 public void paint(final Graphics2D graphics, final ImageObserver observer)
56 {
57 graphics.setColor(this.color);
58 graphics.fillOval(-(int) Ball.RADIUS, -(int) Ball.RADIUS,
59 (int) (Ball.RADIUS * 2.0), (int) (Ball.RADIUS * 2.0));
60 graphics.setFont(graphics.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD));
61 graphics.setColor(Color.GRAY);
62 graphics.drawString(this.source.toString(), (int) (Ball.RADIUS * -1.0),
63 (int) (Ball.RADIUS * 1.0));
64 }
The BallAnimation2DObject extends the Renderable class which is part
of the animation.D2 package for two-dimensional animation. This Renderable
class is abstract and required us to specify the paint method. In this method
we paint on a TransformedGraphics object which enables us to draw around
the origin ([x=0.0,y=0.0]). The animation is in runtime automatically scaled
(depending on the zoom level), translated (to the current position), and rotated
(according to theta). Figure 12 illustrates a screen with 3 animation frames of
the balls. This emphasizes the loose structure between model components and
Roy Chin6added 3-dimensional animation to DSOL. Since we added an
instance of the BallAnimation3D to our continuous ball on line 44, continu-
ous balls are also animated as illustrated in figure 13 on page 54. Since 3D-
animation requires Java3D libraries to separately installed7and Java3D requires
some knowledge about 3D modeling, the actual code is now considered beyond
the scope of this tutorial. Well promise though to address this topic in the
future version of this tutorial though.
Again we emphasize that because of the loose structure between animation
and model components, DSOL supports concurrent 2D and 3D animation of
the same model components.
4.5 Process interaction
Since January 2004, DSOL fully supports the process interaction formalism.
In the process interaction formalism, a modeler denes processes. The formal
distinction between a process and an object is the fact that a process has a
control state attribute. In its control state a process stores its reactivation point
in its sequence of activities. The requirements for a Process class become:
7see for more information about
downloading and install Java3D libraries
Mastering DSOL
4.5 Process interaction 54
Figure 13: Animation 3D example
The Process class is abstract. Processes as such cannot be instantiated.
Classes extending Process are required to implement the abstract process
method and to specify the actual sequence of activities.
The suspend,hold, and process methods have protected and therefore
limited visibility. They cannot be invoked publicly. It is important to
understand that unlimited visibility would conict with the locality on object
and thus with a required encapsulation of the process.
Mastering DSOL
4.5 Process interaction 55
Figure 14: Abstract Process class
The resume method is public, which delineated unlimited visibility. This
is required since an object cannot resume itself in a suspended state.
The Abstract Process class is illustrated in figure 14.
The process interaction example presented in this section comes from the
early years of Simula 67. We consider in this examples boats which enter a
port. Whenever they enter the port they rst claim 1 jetty. After the jetty is
assigned they request for 2 tugs to dock their vessel. Docking takes 2 minutes
after which they release the tugs. Now they unload their cargo which takes
14 minutes. In order to leave the port they again request 1 tug for 2 minutes.
Then both the tug and the jetty are released.
The port has 2 jetties and 3 tugs and boats arrive at t=0,1,15 minutes. The
Port class holds the jetties and the tugs and looks like:
2* @(#) Jan 19, 2004 Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Delft University of
7package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section45;
25 public class Port
26 {
27 /**
28 * the jetties working in the harbor
29 */
30 private Resource jetties = null;
32 /**
33 * the tugs working in the port
34 */
Mastering DSOL
4.5 Process interaction 56
35 private Resource tugs = null;
42 public Port(final DEVSSimulatorInterface simulator)
43 {
44 super();
45 this.jetties = new Resource(simulator, "Jetties",2.0);
46 this.tugs = new Resource(simulator, "Tugs",3.0);
47 }
52 public Resource getJetties()
53 {
54 return this.jetties;
55 }
60 public Resource getTugs()
61 {
62 return this.tugs;
63 }
64 }
Figure 15: Event-list of Porcess interaction
The process is expressed in the Boat class which extends the abstract Pro-
cess class:
2* @(#) Jan 19, 2004 Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Delft University of
8package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.tutorial.section45;
29 public class Boat extends Process implements ResourceRequestorInterface
30 {
31 /** a reference to protect boats from being garbage collection */
32 protected Boat mySelf = null;
Mastering DSOL
4.5 Process interaction 57
34 /**
35 * the port to enter
36 */
37 private Port port = null;
39 /** boat number */
40 private static int number = 0;
42 /** the description of the boat */
43 private String description = "Boat(";
45 /**
51 public Boat(final DEVSSimulator simulator, final Port port)
52 {
53 super(simulator);
54 this.mySelf = this;
55 this.port = port;
56 this.description = this.description + (Boat.number++) + ") ";
57 }
63 public void process()
64 {
65 try
66 {
67 double startTime = this.simulator.getSimulatorTime();
68 // We seize one jetty
69 this.port.getJetties().requestCapacity(1.0,this);
70 this.suspend();
71 // Now we request 2 tugs
72 this.port.getTugs().requestCapacity(2.0,this);
73 this.suspend();
74 // Now we dock which takes 2 minutes
75 this.hold(2.0);
76 // We may now release two tugs
77 this.port.getTugs().releaseCapacity(2.0);
78 // Now we unload
79 this.hold(14);
80 // Now we claim a tug again
81 this.port.getTugs().requestCapacity(1.0,this);
82 this.suspend();
83 System.out.println(this+" am alive @"+super.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
Mastering DSOL
4.5 Process interaction 58
84 // We may leave now
85 this.hold(2.0);
86 System.out.println(this+" am alive @"+super.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
87 // We release both the jetty and the tug
88 this.port.getTugs().releaseCapacity(1.0);
89 System.out.println(this+" am alive @"+super.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
90 this.port.getJetties().releaseCapacity(1.0);
91 System.out.println(this+" am alive @"+super.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
92 System.out.println(this.toString() + "arrived at time=" + startTime
93 +" and left at time=" +this.simulator.getSimulatorTime()
94 +". ProcessTime = "
95 + (super.simulator.getSimulatorTime() - startTime));
96 }catch (Exception exception)
97 {
98 Logger.severe(this, "process", exception);
99 }
100 }
108 public void receiveRequestedResource(final double requestedCapacity,
109 final Resource resource)
110 {
111 this.resume();
112 }
122 }
Lines 63-100 dene the process of the boat. It is a sequence of request,
hold, and release statements. After requesting a specic capacity, the process is
internally suspended. The process is notied of the availability of the resource by
the receiveRequestedResource method. The process may then resume. Figure
15 presents the eventlist of this model. As could be concluded from figure 3
on page 15 the process interaction formalism is under-the-hood translated in
discrete event scheduling.
Mastering DSOL
5 Concluding remarks 59
5 Concluding remarks
This section ends the tutorial with a clear focus on the future of DSOL. First
of all some remarks on its applicability and license. DSOL is published under
the General Public License and will remain open source! We intend to provide
a platform for collaborative development of next generation decision support.
In this tutorial a small number of unrealistic simple models are presented.
In future publications we will publish better, more realistic and more complex
examples. In our opinion the examples of this tutorial form a good basis to get
started with DSOL. We are furthermore more then interested in joint projects
or publications. Let us know what you have in mind!
Finally some topics which will be described in future documentation: dis-
tributing the DSOL services, 3D animation, linking DSOL to external data-
sources, input analysis, and domain specific libraries.
About the authors
Peter H.M. Jacobs
Peter Jacobs finished his PhD at Delft University of Technology in 2005. His
research focused on the design of decision support services for the web-enabled
era. His working experience within the iForce Ready Center, Sun Microsystems
(Menlo Park, CA), and engineering education at Delft University of Technology
founded his interest for this research. His e-mail address is <>.
Alexander Verbraeck
Alexander Verbraeck is a full professor in the Systems Engineering Group of
the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Delft University of Tech-
nology, and a part-time full professor in supply chain management at the R.H.
Smith School of Business of the University of Maryland. He is a specialist in dis-
crete event simulation for real-time control of complex transportation systems
and for modeling business systems. His current research focus is on develop-
ment of open and generic libraries of object oriented simulation building blocks
in Java. Contact information: <>.
Mastering DSOL
A Concurrent Versioning System 60
A Concurrent Versioning System
If you want to access the sourcecode of DSOL you will have to download its
code from sourceforge’s concurrent versioning system. Figure 16 illustrates the
values as they should be used.
Figure 16:
Mastering DSOL
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Mastering DSOL
... For the sake of completeness, default flow charts of the queueing model and the discrete event simulation model are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. The model in Figure 4 is similar to the queueing model presented by Jacobs and Verbraeck [4], where a Hence, when customers are created from the source (Customers Arrive), they enter the queue and are pushed into a list entitled WaitingCustomers. When the service desk is free to serve a new customer, it pulls the new customer, who has waited the longest time, from the WaitingCustomers list, as indicated by the query field in the input section of the service desk. ...
... The model in For the sake of completeness, default flow charts of the queueing model and the discrete event simulation model are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. The model in Figure 4 is similar to the queueing model presented by Jacobs and Verbraeck [4], where a conventional single-server, single-queue model is modified to accommodate the scenario in which an unhappy customer leaves early. The model in Figure 5 is similar to the discrete event simulation model proposed by Rykov and Kozyrev [5]. ...
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The use of resources is an excellent concept for solving the contradiction problem in the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ; Russian acronym) methodology. However, it is always assumed that a proposed solution that uses external resources is elegant and perfect. This paper presents an example of simulation 3D modelling using FlexSim, which shows that the use of external resources can give rise to inaccurate waiting times in a queue. This paper provides an alternative process flow model in FlexSim to remove this drawback and show that, when solving the contradiction problem in TRIZ using external resources, one needs to consider the function replacement of an object and consideration should also be given to the measurement of the performance of other objects. To the best of our recalled knowledge, this paper is probably the first attempt to apply the resource concept to the simulation model. Three levels of resource are developed through the contradiction matrix of a technical contradiction in the default usage of resources in the simulation model. These resources can progressively reduce the measurement errors in waiting time and are easily ignored by simulation programmers.
... The agent-based model extends the Distributed Simulation Object Library (DSOL) simulation environment (Jacobs and Verbraeck 2005) and was run on a conventional desktop computer with settings as shown inTable 1. This environment provides the discrete event simulation engine, the theoretical distributions and a toolkit to design a simulation model as a set of loosely coupled objects. ...
Conference Paper
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We show how agent-based simulation is used for analyzing different queuing strategies in the youth health care sector. The simulation model represents an authentic business case and is parameterized with actual market data. We discuss the differences between four queuing strategies which are based on push/pull allocation and centralized/decentralized queuing strategies. The model incorporates, among others, a withdrawal and return mechanism, a non-stationary Poisson arrival process, and a preference algorithm to include a care provider's case preference. The investigated system accommodates extensive waiting lines which are currently solely judged on their length. We have identified that performance measurement in youth health care should not be focused on queue lengths alone, but should include a case difficulty parameter as well. The simulation results, together with contextual data obtained from stakeholder interviews, indicate that a push strategy with a centralized queue suites the sector best. Most related research in health care focuses on queuing theory which fails to address the complexity of the case. Our simulation approach incorporates additional complexities of the case at hand which turn out to be relevant for the queuing strategy decision. We validate the model and strategies by comparison with real market data and field expert discussions.
Conference Paper
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Most discrete event simulation environments are based on a process-oriented, and therefore multi-threaded paradigm. This results in simulation environments that are very hard to distribute over more computers, and not easy to integrate with scattered external information sources. The architecture presented is based on the event-based DES paradigm which is implemented by scheduled method invocation. Objects used in the simulation environment interact with remote, asynchronous subscribed clients in order to produce representations of the simulated system. The environment, which is implemented in Java, consists of a simulation and representation library and is integrated with several statistical libraries.
Simulation of a system by digital computer requires: • A model of the system which is intelligible to the student of the system while compatible with the limitations of the computer. • Translation of the model to computer code. • Movement of the model through time. • Recording the performance of the model. SIMPAC, a "simulation package," incorporates coherent techniques and devices for the accomplishment of these objectives: modeling concepts for building a computer-compatible model, a vocabulary for encoding the model, a computer program for moving the model through time and recording its performance, and an output presentation program. A model of a hypothetical business system has been implemented with the first version of SIMPAC for the purpose of studying management controls in a complex system. This paper discusses digital simulation and SIMPAC and introduces modeling concepts which may lead to a set of simulation systems, called 'Muse', which would assemble models of varying complexity from descriptive statements and analyze the models prior to simulation.
From the Publisher:Praise for The Java™ Tutorial, Second Edition "This book stands above the rest because it has been available on the web and read by thousands of Java programmers. The authors have received an enormous amount of feedback about which sections are good and which sections are confusing; the confusing ones have been improved. I doubt that any other Java book has undergone such trial by fire...." -Metroplex Java User Group. Whether you're taking a class or learning on the job, The Java™ Tutorial, Third Edition, is a hands-on guide that lets you quickly become proficient with the Java programming language. Written by members of the Java Software team at Sun Microsystems, the book uses an interactive approach to help you learn the Java platform by example. Since its first online release in 1995, the material in The Java™ Tutorial has been updated continuously to reflect reader feedback and new releases of the Java platform. This third edition has been thoroughly updated to cover v1.3 of the Java Platform, Standard Edition, as well as preceding versions as early as JDK 1.1. You will find clear explanations of such fundamentals as objects, classes, and data structures. In addition, the book provides introductions to object-oriented programming, applet construction, and user interface design. Other topics include exceptions, I/O, and threads. To help beginners avoid many common mistakes, an entire chapter is devoted to programming problems and their solutions. Convenient summaries at the end of each section are new to this edition. Also new for this edition are "Questions and Exercises"sections to help you practice what you learn. The accompanying CD-ROM is filled with valuable resources, including: All three Java™ Tutorial books in HTML: The Java™ Tutorial, The Java™ Tutorial Continued, and The JFC Swing Tutorial. All major versions of the Java platform, versions 1.0.2 through 1.3 for the Solaris and Win32 platforms. The latest Java platform for Linux, Standard Edition v1.3, is also included. API documentation for the Java platform. Source code for all examples. After working through the lessons in this proven tutorial, you will be well prepared to use the Java programming language in your school or workplace.
The original Lotka-Volterra model. See also Lotka (1925).