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Interaction of mobile camera devices with physical maps


Abstract and Figures

Traditional paper-based maps are still superior to their digital coun-terparts used on mobile devices in several ways. They provide high-resolution, large-scale information with zero power consumption. On the other hand digital maps provide personalized and dynamic information on request, but suffer from small outer scales and low resolutions. In this work we try to combine the advantages of both by using mobile camera devices (such as smartphones ore PDA) as a map-referenced magic lens that displays geo-referenced information on top of the physical map. We will mainly focus on the interaction schemes that arise from using mobile camera devices with physical maps and briefly explain how the device tracking over existing physical maps can be realized.
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Interaction of Mobile Camera Devices with
physical maps
Johannes Sch¨oning, Antonio Kr¨uger, Hans J¨org M¨uller
{j.schoening, antonio.krueger, joerg.mueller}
Traditional paper-based maps are still superior to their digital coun-
terparts used on mobile devices in several ways. They provide high-
resolution, large-scale information with zero power consumption. On the
other hand digital maps provide personalized and dynamic information
on request, but suffer from small outer scales and low resolutions. In this
work we try to combine the advantages of both by using mobile camera
devices (such as smartphones ore PDA) as a map-referenced magic lens
that displays geo-referenced information on top of the physical map. We
will mainly focus on the interaction schemes that arise from using mobile
camera devices with physical maps and briefly explain how the device
tracking over existing physical maps can be realized.
1 Introduction
In many mid- to large-sized cities public maps are ubiquitous. They help to
facilitate orientation and provide information to tourists but also to locals who
just want to look up an unfamiliar place while on the go. These maps are usually
designed to address the most common questions of average users and therefore
contain only the most necessary information, such as street names and places
of interest. More specific information, such as locations of ATM machines,
pubs, shops and restaurants would visually clutter the map and are therefore
not included. Digital requests can be answered by using mobile devices, such
as PDA and smartphones with network connectivity by querying an adequate
web service, which returns a dynamic digital map with the desired content.
These maps suffer from a small outer scale (due to the small display size) and
a rather small inner scale. It is often hard to identify locations and landmarks
on these maps, rendering them rather useless. In this paper we combine the
advantages of large scale paper-based but static maps with small dynamic maps
on mobile devices. We apply a magic lens approach [7] that makes use of mobile
camera devices. The main idea is that the camera image of the physical map is
augmented with dynamic content, for example locations of ATM machines on
the map. By moving a tracked camera device over the physical map (see figure
1) users can explore requested digital content available for the whole space of the
Figure 1: Interaction of Mobile Camera Devices with physical maps
map by just using their mobile PDA or smartphone as a see-through device. For
this purpose the mobile camera device has to be tracked over the physical map
(see section 3), and appropriate map interaction concepts are needed (section
4). We will also provide some details on the implementation and start with a
brief review of related work.
2 Related Work
Our work builds upon existing work on mobile augmented reality. To track the
device over the map we apply the marker-based approach developed by Wagner
and Schmalstieg [6] to the domain of physical maps. Our work is similar to
that of Reilly et al [2], where a physical map is equipped with RFID-tags, which
allows a mobile device, equipped with an RFID-reader to identify certain spots
and display corresponding information. However, in our work we follow a magic
lens see-through approach and use a mobile camera device. We are inspired by
the interaction concepts developed by Rohs and Roduner [4], but specifically
look at the interaction requirements in the map domain.
3 Device Tracking and Marker Integration
To track the device in respect to the map, we are currently using ARToolkitPlus
[1] markers. The marker based approach is very robust, but in our case its main
disadvantage is that it obscures parts of valuable map space. We have tried
to address this problem in several ways: semi transparent markers (up to 15%
transparency), multiple but smaller markers (see figure 1c), and markers with
map content such as a north arrow, a parking place symbol or even markers
with commercial information. When seen through the display, markers can be
covered by an appropriate digital patch of the map (the effect can be seen on
the system screen-shots in figure 2).
A special marker should be used to identify the type, the outer boundary
and the scale of the map.
Most physical maps are nowadays designed with the help of dedicated Geo-
graphic Information Systems, that can also be used to easily geo-reference the
markers. For this purpose, the markers are inserted as additional map objects
and stored along with the geodetic coordinates of the marker’s center and the
orientation of the marker’s coordinate system. This approach makes it very easy
to design maps with integrated markers and a correct geographical reference.
Further achievements in tracking could be obtained by combing a marker-based
approach with optical flow analysis [3]. Given the fact that city maps are usu-
ally highly structured, we are currently also exploring the possibilities to apply
structural image analysis to the tracking problem.
4 Interaction Concepts
Figure 2: A Screenshot of the mobile devices. The Marker is masked by a map
from a Web Mapping Service: a) ATMs in M¨unster b) Measuring Distance
The basic interaction pattern is that of sweeping the camera device over the
map (as described in [4] and seen in figure 1). Moving the camera towards or
away from the map will lead to a smaller or greater portion of the map being
visible on the display. In combination with keystrokes dedicated geo-services
can be triggered, e.g. a routing service that calculates a route from the actual
position to the designated location1. For the selected area specific geofeatures
can be requested from a Web Feature Service2. The result of an request to
display available ATM-machines is shown in figure 2a).
Another obvious interaction concept is that of map annotations. Allowing
users to annotate physical maps with arbitrary kind of information (e.g. lo-
cations of good pubs or interesting shops) has the great advantage that this
1In case of city maps the location of the user is known and thus only the identification of
destination is needed.
2A Web Feature Service (WFS) is a highly interoperable and standardized protocol, that
allows for requests for geographical features across the web.
information is geo-referenced without the need of any external location technol-
ogy (such as GPS).
Calculating distances between two designated locations on the map by point-
ing is straightforward. As seen in figure 2b users just need to mark two desig-
nated points on the physical map.
5 Summary and State of Implementation
This paper has discussed an approach to access digital geo-referenced content
through a mobile camera device (such as a PDA or a smart phone). By applying
a magic-lens approach we have shown that high resolution and large scale phys-
ical maps can be augmented with dynamic and personalized content without
requiring great changes in the infrastructure.
The current implementation runs on a PDA with a SD-camera. The content
is retrieved over a wireless connection from a Geographic Information System.
We are investigating the possibility to run the system on a MDA Pro (HTC
Universal) from T-Mobile with a 1.3 mega pixel camera running under Windows
Mobile 5.0.
[1] ARToolkit (2005) <>
[2] Reilly, D., Welsman-Dinelle, M., Bate, C., Inkpen, K.: Just Point and
Click? Using Handhelds to Interact with Paper Maps. Proceedings of the
7th international conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile
Devices and Services (2005)
[3] Drab, S., Artner, N.: Motion Detection as Interaction Technique for Games
& Applications on Mobile Devices. Proceedings of the Workshop PER-
[4] Rohs, M., Roduner, C.: Camera Phones with Pen Input as Annotation
Devices. Proceedings of the Workshop PERMID (2005)
[5] Wagner, D., Schmalstieg, D.: Towards Massively Multi-User Augmented
Reality on Handheld Devices. Proceedings of Third International Confer-
ence on Pervasive Computing, Pervasive (2005)
[6] Wagner, D., Schmalstieg, D.: First Steps Towards Handheld Augmented
Reality. International Symposium on Wearable Computer (2003)
[7] Bier, E. A., Stone, M. C., Pier, K., Buxton, W., DeRose, T. D.: Toolglass
and magic lenses: The see-through interface. Computer Graphics, vol. 27,
no. Annual Conference Series, pp. 7380, (1993)
6 Specific requirements
Figure 3: Schema
General No specific requirements
Space Just a desk and a wall for the map
Power Notebook and PDA
Network Not needed
Time about 20 minutes
... Real time computation of the user's point of view can be performed by using computer vision techniques such as the ARToolKit library. This library computes the position and attitude of the camera/user based on the recognition of specific simple markers [17][18][19]. ...
... Therefore, the great advantage in using a system based on computer vision-and more specifically the ARToolKit library-is that only a video camera and a computer are required [3]. Thus, the ARToolKit was chosen for the implementation of this prototype because of its extensive presence in the literature and good processing efficiency reports [3,4,8,17,19]. ...
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... Our system uses markerless image tracking and hence does not require any modifications of the physical space. Schöning et al. [26] employed a magic-lens approach to interact with personalized content on a poster-size city map where a user is required to hold a phone in mid-air. In an outdoor scenario such as skiing, however, with its often harsh usage conditions, we instead use a head-worn display for information delivery. ...
... physical paper maps or digital maps on smartphone) do not take into account usergenerated content; secondly, alternative setups (e.g. handheld AR [26]) are often found inconvenient for the winter context [8]. However, even though there is no direct equivalent to our system among traditional decision-making practices on the slope, future research would nevertheless benefit from a quantitative inquiry. ...
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... This finding demonstrates the application of pattern recognition technology and data visualisation to traditional maps. Schöning et al. (2006) describe a method of accessing a map by moving a camera device (such as a mobile phone) to increase the digital geo-referenced content on the map. The high-resolution maps and large-scale physical maps can augment personalised content and dynamic content with augmented reality without modifying anything. ...
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The use of augmented reality extends navigation in location-based mobile applications. This thesis introduces the concept of narrative navigation and describes the design and testing of four mobile application prototypes that explore the proof-of-concept for narrative navigation. We explored the work related to Augmented Reality and navigation and found that no scholars have focused on the use of Augmented Reality by navigating users in the context of location-based stories. This thesis aims to answer the research question of how Augmented Reality visualisations can reflect location-based data to tell a story on mobile devices. While typical navigation only involves guidance to a single point, narrative navigation requires navigation that focuses on the linearity of the story. The goal of our research is to investigate how augmented reality can be used to visualize location-based information for navigation in a storytelling environment. We carried out the design, development, and testing of the Initial Digital Prototype, exploring the use of Augmented Reality technology to display the Point of Interest (POI) position, direction, distance, and story chapter order, and guide users to the next location in the story. In the subsequent Paper Prototype, we explored four navigation visualisations, showing the next story element through stylized flags of varying heights. We found that showing the next story location nearer to the bottom of the screen was the most successful way to guide users, but also found that many participants preferred to show location order by distance. In the Narrative Navigation Prototype, further POI design options are explored. We improved details such as size, quantity, description and the spacing of POIs, the camera tilt display, and the use of indicator arrows. In the Final Prototype, the concept of narrative navigation was confirmed by the positive evaluation of participants and confirmation of user interactions provided by our behavioural tracking maps that were used to observe participant movements and prototype interactions. The thesis contributions include four insights into the concept of narrative navigation. The first is the use of augmented reality to visualise location-based stories on mobile phones; the second is to highlight the importance of showing the next location in the story sequence, which has been almost absent in related work. Removing visited story chapters will facilitate navigation and narrative ordering; and finally, the use of directional indicators that guide the small phone screen to connect to the real world.
... There are many examples of the combination of AR and maps for both desktop or mobile platforms, including Bill- inghurst et al. (2001), Bobrich and Otto (2002), Bobrich (2003), Hedley (2003), Reitmayr et al. (2005), Reilly et al. (2006), Schöning et al. (2006), Morrison et al. (2009), Paelke and Sester (2010), Grammenos et al. (2011), Morri- son et al. (2011) and Low and Lee (2014). More specifically, the contribution of Halik and MedyńskaMedyńska-Gulij (2017) focuses on graphic variables in AR, aiming to better understand how the public (e.g. ...
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... While the presented interface was deployed on a large multi-touch surface we want to highlight a second example of a new interface for mobile devices. At the beginning of this PhD in investigated the combination of mobile devices with traditional paper maps [18]. The mobile device was used as a magic lens to explore additional dynamic information on the map (see figure 3 (i)). ...
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