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An Online Linguistic Journalism Agency–Starting Up Project


Abstract and Figures

The Web provides easy access from everywhere to every kind of information. It is becoming a substitute source for news, instead of traditional media such as newspapers, radio and television. However, with the ease of access and the tremendous amounts of information available online, finding relevant information is not an easy task. This paper reports on an under development joint research project which aims at the development of an online Journalism Agency that makes use of Natural Language techniques in order to provide trainee and professional journalists with topical summaries of information relevant to their interest on different channels (Web, PDAs, etc.). Our system obtained good results of the linguistic quality of the summaries in international summarization campaigns. With such a background we are quite optimistic for the future development of the project.
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An Online Linguistic Journalism Agency – Starting Up Project
Annibale Elia 1, Ernesto D’Avanzo 1, Tsvi Kufik3, Giovanni Catapano 1, Mara Gruber 2
1 CLiCLab, Department of Communication Sciences, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy
2 Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Napoli, Italy
3Management of Information Systems Department, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel,,,,
The Web provides easy access from everywhere to every
kind of information. It is becoming a substitute source for
news, instead of traditional media such as newspapers, radio
and television. However, with the ease of access and the
tremendous amounts of information available online, finding
relevant information is not an easy task. This paper reports on
an under development joint research project which aims at the
development of an online Journalism Agency that makes use
of Natural Language techniques in order to provide trainee
and professional journalists with topical summaries of
information relevant to their interest on different channels
(Web, PDAs, etc.). Our system obtained good results of the
linguistic quality of the summaries in international
summarization campaigns. With such a background we are
quite optimistic for the future development of the project.
Index Terms: Automatic Text Summarization, Machine
Learning, Linguistic Analysis, Web Mining
1. Motivation and Background
A report by Forrester [1] provoked many debates concerning
the Web as substitute source for news, taking the place of
traditional media as newspaper or television. This seems to be
a growing trend as the report pointed out. New York Times’
Web site for example counts about 20 million logs monthly
meanwhile the printed edition is over one million daily. The
huge number of news sources available online, and the easy,
fast and free access to many news Web sites are only some
reasons that motivate this trend.
However, the more information is available the harder it is to
access the really relevant information. A reader interested in a
given topic must read a large number of news items before
he/she can satisfy his/her information need, facing the well
known problem of the information overload.
To assist the information consumer in coping with this
problem an out-and-out call to arms was raised, bringing
together people from different disciplines in order to design
and develop methods and techniques able to automatically,
succinctly, and efficiently summarize these huge volumes of
information available.
The “consumption” of information and accessing it is also a
hard problem for information professionals such as journalist
that are required on a daily basis, or even in real-time, to
digest volumes of news and summarize them for a briefing
with their editorial unit or to be published on the online or
printed version of their newspaper.
The Department of Communication Sciences, at the
University of Salerno, founded last year a Journalism School.
Immediately, a lot of interests, both professional and scientific
arose around the School.
One of the main goals of the Scientific Board of the School is
the integration and the technological transfer from the
Department of Communication Sciences. To this end this
ongoing research project has been launched with the aim of
building an online platform, able to support students of the
school (that are journalist trainees), and the academic staff in
their daily task of consumption and, at the same time,
production of information. The Department developed
linguistic resources as DELAS-DELAF and DELAC, two
Electronic Dictionaries for single and compound terms
containing about 500,000 lexical entries and local grammars.
Based on these resources several Text Processing tools were
built, that allow these resources to be easily exploited for Web
Mining tasks.
During the past summer the Department of Communication
Sciences launched CLiCLab (Computational Linguistics and
Complexity Laboratory) an interdisciplinary lab with interests
ranging from Computational Linguistics to Web Mining and
Computational Models up to Cognitive Systems. The lab
brings together people with different backgrounds, coming
from different Departments and Universities worldwide.
CLiCLab works as a catalyst in order to start up this joined
project between the Department of Communication Sciences
and the Journalism School. Among its main activities
CLiCLab developed Text and Web Mining tools
acknowledged in international competitions where they were
Summing up, we believe that the development of the
Automatic Journalism Agency will bring the latest text
mining and summarization research results and tools to the
doorstep of future journalists, allowing them to better exploit
the new opportunities offered by the Web.
2. Related Work
Among worldwide news Web services, Google News and
AltaVista News are the most popular examples of news
services that present clusters of related documents. However,
none of these services is equipped with an overall summary of
the whole cluster. And even if there are summaries for each
document, the majority of these are created by extracting the
top few sentences, with the risk of loosing important topics
appearing later in the document.
Radev and co-workers developed NewsInEssence [2] a
summarization system that, given a user’s topic, acts as a
users’s agent in order to gather and summarize online news
articles. The system can gather clusters of related stories
from different sources on the Web and generates summaries
of the whole cluster, emphasizing its most important content.
NewsInEssence allows users to create personalized clusters of
summaries. Cluster summaries created by NewsInEssence,
however, are not so readable and this is the major drawback
of the system.
McKeown and co-workers designed Newsblaster, another
system for online news summarization [4]. The systems
provides updates of the news daily, crawling news sites,
filtering out news from non-news, grouping news into stories
on the same event, and, finally, generating a summary of each
event. The crawling made by Newsblaster considers a tunable
number of news sites among which CNN, Reuters, Fox News,
NY Post, etc. For each page considered if the amount of text
is greater than a constant (usually about 500 characters) then
it is assumed to be a news article.
Since its launch Newsblaster got some changes. The interface
shows a “close up” frame where there are the most important
news consisting of a cluster summary about a hot topic for
which have been gathered news in the past few days. At the
time of this writing the close up news is titled “Ahmadinejad:
Annapolis failed, Israel doomed to collapse”. The news
belongs to World category, one of the six appearing on the
home of the system (other five categories are U.S., Finance,
Entertainment, Science/Technology, Sports) and is created
summarizing 32 sources articles (Washington Post, L.A.
Times,, etc.) that are listed at the end of the page
containing the summary. The summary is completed with a
list of keywords and an event tracking to record the story’s
development in time. At the core of Newsblaster there are two
main components: the organizer of stories, the clusterer and
the multidocument summarizer. The former component uses
agglomerative clustering with a groupwise average similarity
function and linguistic features, such as terms, noun phrase
heads and proper nouns. The summarizer component is the
Columbia Summarizer made of different summarization
strategies chosen depending on the typology of document sets
(i.e. single-event documents, person-centered documents and
multi-event documents). For single-event document
summarization Newsblaster uses MultiGen a system that
makes use of machine learning and statistical techniques to
extract similar sentences (a set of similar sentence is called
theme). Afterward, an alignment of parse trees finds the
intersection of similar phrases within sentences. Language
generation techniques are then used to cut and paste together
similar phrases from the theme sentences. A theme
corresponds roughly to one sentence of the summary.
Biographical document are summarized using DEMS that
uses frequencies of concepts (set of synonyms) combined
with global information about what words are likely to appear
in a lead sentence, to decide if an article sentence should be
included in the summary
3. The Start Up Project: a Linguistic
Journalist Agency
The project of our news agency is composed of several
modules that can be grouped in three main components:
Topical Web crawler able to gather related news on the
Summarizer able to create multi-document summaries
that gets the news clusters coming from the previous
module and creates summaries using Natural Language
Processing techniques
A Web platform able to deliver summaries created to
different channels (e.g., email, Web, PDA’s)
The whole platform is equipped with an agent like behavior.
The system infers users (journalists) preferences. Then, based
on these it runs the topical crawler to gather new clusters of
news. In the following we describe each of these
components. Some of them are mature methodologies that we
developed and evaluated as standalone applications. Others
are under development and need to be evaluated. An overall
evaluation of the agency, involving professional and trainee
journalists, is planned after a first prototype will be released
(September 2008).
3.1. Crawling
A web crawler/Spider is an automated script which
automatically browses the World Wide Web. The crawler is
mainly used by sites for providing updated data from web
pages; it creates a copy of all the visited pages for later
processing by a search engine that will index the downloaded
pages to provide fast searches.
For our purposes in this early stage we immediately played
with topical crawlers [5], a method and a system for directing
Web crawling to a topic, using a focused search engine that
produces a specialized collection of documents and document
ranking. The method includes the following steps:
receiving a user's request query that includes one or more
words, phrases or documents, for defining the topic
generating an affinity list which is a ranked list of terms,
phrases, documents or set of documents related to the
query that are derived from statistics about the document
collection locating and retrieving seed documents, that
includes relevant and irrelevant information
training a binary classifier using seed documents to
define documents
causing a web spider to locate and retrieve documents
related to the user's query
ranking URLs associated with the documents
An important aspect to consider when applying crawlers,
especially topical crawlers, is the nature of the crawl task.
Crawl characteristics such as queries and/or keywords
provided as input criteria to the crawler, user-profiles, and
desired properties of the pages to be fetched (similar pages,
popular pages, authoritative pages etc.) can lead to significant
differences in crawler design and implementation.
In our experiments we have available profiles (as a set of
keywords) acquired from trainee journalists. After a
preliminary set of experiments where keywords were
manually provided we installed cookies on the client (a client
for each trainee) in order to automatically acquire user
preferences during her/his navigation.
3.2. Document Summarization
This is the main components of the platform. In this
preliminary stage to let us end the overall development cycle
we are using LAKE (Linguistic Analysis based Keyphrase
Extractor) a tool that worked as a single-document and multi-
document summarization obtaining encouraging experimental
LAKE is a keyphrase extraction system based on a supervised
learning approach that applies linguistic processing on
documents. In the past the system used Naïve Bayes
algorithm [6] as the learning method and TF × IDF term
weighting with the position of a phrase as features. For this
year competition we have used a Support Vector Machine
(SVM) as a learner [7]. Unlike other keyphrase exctraction
systems LAKE chooses the candidate phrases using linguistic
knowledge. The candidate phrases generated by LAKE are
sequences of Part of Speech (PoS) containing Multiword
Expressions (ME) and Named Entities (NE). Extraction is
driven by a set of ”patterns” which are stored in a pattern
database; once there, the main work is done by the learner
device (i.e., the SVM). The linguistic database makes LAKE
unique in its category.
LAKE is based on three main components: the Linguistic Pre-
Processor, the candidate Phrase Extractor and the Candidate
Phrase Scorer. In the following sections there is a brief
description of the system. For a more detailed description the
reader is referred to previous publications.
Linguistic Pre-Processor
Every document is analyzed by the Linguistic Pre-Processor
following three consecutive steps: Part of Speech (PoS)
analysis, Multiword Expressions (ME) recognition and
Named Entities (NE) recognition.
Candidate Phrase Extractor
Syntactic patterns have a twofold objective:
focusing on uni-grams and bi-grams (for instance Named
Entity, noun, and sequences of adjective+noun, etc.) to
describe a precise and well defined entity;
considering longer sequences of PoS, often containing
verbal forms (for instance noun+verb+adjective+noun)
to describe concise events/situations.
Once all the uni-grams, bi-grams, tri-grams, and four-grams
are extracted from the linguistic pre-processor, they are
filtered with the patterns defined above. The result of this
process is a set of keyphrases that may represent the current
Candidate Phrases Scorer
Candidates keyphrases identified in the previous step are
scored in order to select the most appropriate phrases as
representative of the original text. The score is based on a
combination of TF ×IDF and first occurrence, i.e. the
distance of the candidate phrase from the beginning of the
document in which it appears.
However, since candidate phrases do not appear frequently
enough in the collection, it has been decided to estimate the
values of the TF×IDF using the head of the candidate phrase,
instead of the whole phrase. According to the principle of
headedness (Arampatzis et al., 2000), every phrase has a
single word as head. The head is the main verb in the case of
verb phrases, and a noun (last noun before any post-
modifiers) in noun phrases. As learning algorithm, it has been
used an SVM provided by the WEKA package (Witten and
Frank, 1999).
The classifier was trained on a corpus with the available
keyphrases. From the document collection we extracted all
nouns and verbs. Each of them was marked as a positive
example of a relevant keyphrase for a certain document if it
was present in the assessor’s judgment of that document;
otherwise it was marked as a negative example. Then the two
features (i.e. TF×IDF and first occurrence) were calculated for
each word. The classifier was trained using this material and a
ranked word list was returned. The system automatically
looks in the candidate phrases for those phrases containing
these words. The top candidate phrases matching the word
output of the classifier are kept. The model obtained is reused
in the subsequent steps. When a new document or corpus is
ready we use the pre-processor module to prepare the
candidate phrases. The model we got in the training is then
used to score the phrases obtained. In this case the pre-
processing part is the same. Using the model thus obtained,
we extracted nouns and verbs from documents, and then we
kept the candidate phrases containing them.
The Lake system uses two parameters for controlling its
work: one is the maximum number of words allowed in a
keyphrase and the second is the maximum number of
keyphrases to be extracted from a document.
These parameters are used for creating from a set of
documents a brief, well-organized, fluent summary addressing
a need for information expressed in a specific topic, at a level
of granularity specified in the user profile (DUC-2005
Lake is required to select the most representative keyphrases
that have the highest relevance and coverage scores of a set of
document, given the topic and profile.
The relevance of a keyphrase list klj with respect to a
cluster Cj is computed considering the frequency of the
keyphrases composing the list. The intuition is that
keyphrases with higher frequency bring the more relevant
information in the cluster:
relevance(kl j)=
freq(w,kl j)
where freq(w,klj) is the count of a word w in a certain
document and freq(w,Cj) is the count of w in all the
documents in the cluster CJ.
The Coverage of a keyphrase list klj is an indication of the
amount of information that the keyphrase list contains with
respect to the total amount of information included in a
cluster of documents:
coverage(kl j,C)=length(kl j)
max length(kl j,C)
where length(klj) is the number of keyphrases extracted
from document j and maxlength(klj,C) is the length of the
longest keyphrase list extracted from a document belonging
to cluster Cj. The intuition underlynes that the longer the
keyphrase list, the more is its coverage for a certain cluster.
Relevance and Coverage are combined according to the
following formula:
rep(kl j)=relevance(kl j,C)"coverage(kl jC)
which gives an overall measure of the representativeness
of a keyphrase list for a certain document with respect to a
Finally, the keyphrase list which maximize the two
parameters is selected as the most representative of the cluster
and each keyphrase is substituted with the whole sentence in
which it appears.
3.3. Experiments
Document Understanding Conferences (DUC) is a series
of text summarization campaigns presenting text
summarization competitions results. LAKE participated at
DUC since 2004 while obtaining encouraging results every
time. For brevity, we only report the linguistic quality of
LAKE's summaries
Average Linguistic Quality
Summa rize r
Figure. 1: Average linguistic Quality.
Linguistic quality assesses how readable and fluent the
summaries are, without comparing them with a model
summary. Five Quality Questions were used, and all questions
were assessed on a five-point scale from”1” (very poor) to ”5”
(very good). Being a linguistically motivated summarizer,
LAKE is expected to perform well at the manual evaluation
with respect to language quality and responsiveness.
Regarding language quality, as can be expected, LAKE
scored relatively high – it was ranked 6th out of the 30
systems for average language quality (see figure 1), with an
average value of 3.502 compared to 3.41 – the overall average
- and 4.23 which was the highest score of the baseline system
(no 1) and very close to the second baseline system (no 2 )
that scored 3.56. However, we should note that most of the
systems scored between 3.0 and 4.0 for linguistic quality, so
the differences were relatively small. Compared to 2006, Lake
got a little lower score (3.5 compared to 3.7), and was ranked
relatively lower (3rd in 2006).
Figure 2
3.4. Web Interface
Figure 2 shows the Web interface at very beginning stage.
The output of the system will be more elaborated like
Newsblaster’s one, reporting the sources of the summaries
and some more keywords of the final summary displayed on
the PDA or mobile of the user.
4. Conclusions
We presented an initial idea for a prototype of an online news
agency platform. The prototype will be the product of a joint
research project between the Department of Communication
Sciences and the Journalism School at the University of
The prototype aims at assisting and supporting trainee
journalists in their daily search of information
avoiding/reducing the Information Overload problem. In fact,
even if there are many popular news services available online
(e.g. Google News) they all suffer from one major drawback -
that the user has to open/read a lot of documents before she/he
can find the information satisfying her/his information need.
Moreover, current automatically generated
snippets/summaries of document only represent the initial
parts of them, with the risk of losing a lot of relevant
The methodology proposed allows the acquisition of user
(journalist) preferences as a background process and
gathering the information on an ongoing or daily baseis, based
on these preferences.
Information gathered and summarized using machine learning
and Natural Language Processing techniques will delivered
using different channels: Web, email, PDAs, so users will be
able to access it literally every time and everywhere
5. Acknowledgements
We thank Biagio Agnes, Lillo D’Agostino and Pino Blasi
respectively Director, President of Scientific Board and
Coordinator of the Journalism School for their collaboration
and helpful advices in this start up process. We also thank
Mario Monteleone that let us to play with DELAS-DELAF
and DELAC dictionaries and other resources.
6. References
Kelley, C.M., DeMoulin, G., The Web cannibalizes media.
Technical Report, The Forrester Group. May 2002
Radev, D., Otterbacher, J., Winkel, A., and Blair-Goldensohn,
S., NewsInEssence: summarizing online news topics,
Commun. ACM, Vol. 48, 2005, ACM, New York
Allen, L., Charron, C., and Roshan, S. Re-engineering the
news business. Technical Report, The Forrester Group,
June 2002.
McKeown, K. R., Barzilay, R., Evans, E., Vasileios, H.,
Klavans, J. L., Nenkova, A., Sable, C., Schiffman, B.
Sigelman, S., Tracking and summarizing news on a daily
basis with Columbia's Newsblaster, Proceedings of the
second international conference on Human Language
Technology Research, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Inc., 2002, San Francisco, CA.
Pant, G., Srinivasan, P., Menczer, F., Crawling the Web. In
M. Levene and A. Poulovassilis, eds.: Web Dynamics,
Springer, 2004
Mitchell, T. 1997. Machine Learning. McGraw-Hill.
Cristianini, N., Shawe-Taylor, J. An Introduction to Support
Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning
Methods, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Full-text available
Pay-per-click advertising is one of the most paved ways of online ad- vertising today. However the top ranking keywords are extremely costly. Since search terms have a “long tail” behaviour, they may be used for a more cost- effective way of selecting the right keywords, achieving similar traffic, and reduc- ing the cost considerably. This paper proposes a methodology that, exploiting lin- guistic knowledge, identifies cost effective bid keyword in the long tail distribu- tion. The experiments show that these keywords are highly relevant (90% average precision) and better targeted than those suggested by other methods, while enab- ling reduced cost of an ad campaign.
Full-text available
Recently, there have been significant advances in several areas of language technology, including clustering, text categorization, and summarization. However, efforts to combine technology from these areas in a practical system for information access have been limited. In this paper, we present Columbia's Newsblaster system for online news summarization. Many of the tools developed at Columbia over the years are combined together to produce a system that crawls the web for news articles, clusters them on specific topics and produces multidocument summaries for each cluster.
Full-text available
The large size and the dynamic nature of the Web make it necessary to continually maintain Web based information retrieval systems. Crawlers facilitate this process by following hyperlinks in Web pages to automatically download new and updated Web pages. While some systems rely on crawlers that exhaustively crawl the Web, others incorporate “focus” within their crawlers to harvest application- or topic-specific collections. In this chapter we discuss the basic issues related to developing an infrastructure for crawlers. This is followed by a review of several topical crawling algorithms, and evaluation metrics that may be used to judge their performance. Given that many innovative applications of Web crawling are still being invented, we briefly discuss some that have already been developed.
NewsInEssence (NIE) is a new delivery and summarization system under development at the University of Michigan, which gathers and recaps news items based on specifications and interests to online news readers. NIE searches across dozens of news sites to collect a group, or cluster, of related stories and then generates a summary of the entire cluster, highlighting its most important content. NIE provides NewsTroll component for the user to create news clusters for them, which allows the user to specify parameters, such as which sources to use, that can customize the retrieved cluster. NIE uses MEAD, a public-domain summarizer, to automatically precompute summaries at set compression rates. With NIE's tracking option, a user can request an update on a specific cluster to be sent directly to his or her box at a specific time. It enables the users to specify their choice of virtual anchors to deliver, in real time, news collected and summarized according to their preferences.
From the publisher: This is the first comprehensive introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVMs), a new generation learning system based on recent advances in statistical learning theory. SVMs deliver state-of-the-art performance in real-world applications such as text categorisation, hand-written character recognition, image classification, biosequences analysis, etc., and are now established as one of the standard tools for machine learning and data mining. Students will find the book both stimulating and accessible, while practitioners will be guided smoothly through the material required for a good grasp of the theory and its applications. The concepts are introduced gradually in accessible and self-contained stages, while the presentation is rigorous and thorough. Pointers to relevant literature and web sites containing software ensure that it forms an ideal starting point for further study. Equally, the book and its associated web site will guide practitioners to updated literature, new applications, and on-line software.
The Web cannibalizes media The Forrester Group
  • C M Kelley
  • G Demoulin
Kelley, C.M., DeMoulin, G., The Web cannibalizes media. Technical Report, The Forrester Group. May 2002
Re-engineering the news business The Forrester Group
  • L Allen
  • C Charron
  • S And Roshan
Allen, L., Charron, C., and Roshan, S. Re-engineering the news business. Technical Report, The Forrester Group, June 2002.
The Web cannibalizes media
  • C M Kelley
  • G Demoulin
Kelley, C.M., DeMoulin, G., The Web cannibalizes media. Technical Report, The Forrester Group. May 2002
Tracking and summarizing news on a daily basis with Columbia's Newsblaster
  • K R Mckeown
  • R Barzilay
  • E Evans
  • H Vasileios
  • J L Klavans
  • A Nenkova
  • C Sable
  • B Schiffman
  • S Sigelman
McKeown, K. R., Barzilay, R., Evans, E., Vasileios, H., Klavans, J. L., Nenkova, A., Sable, C., Schiffman, B. Sigelman, S., Tracking and summarizing news on a daily basis with Columbia's Newsblaster, Proceedings of the second international conference on Human Language Technology Research, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2002, San Francisco, CA.