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Power-Law Distribution in Japanese Book Sales Market



In this paper, we analyze the real sales data of the book sales market in Japan. The data which we analyze is the data taken from POS (Point Of Sales) system of over 2,000 bookstores in all areas of Japan. The target term is from April 2005 to March 2006. As a result of analysis, it became clear that the relation between sales volume and sales rank follows power law in both of annual and monthly sales. This is not only an important finding but also the big chance to understand the market mechanism by the analogy from the other phenomena which follow power law. In this paper, we also focus on the books in the top 1.5 percent of sales, and analyze the power index and market share on the time series. We find that the both of index and market share are increasing from April 2005 to March 2006, therefore it shows that the books in top sales are getting to be sold more and more.
Power-Law Distribution
in Japanese Book Sales Market
Takashi Iba
Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University
Mariko Yoshida
Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University
Yoshiaki Fukami
Keio Research Institute at SFC
Masaru Saitoh
Nippon Shuppan Hanbai, Inc.
In this paper, we analyze the real sales data of the book sales market in Japan. The
data which we analyze is the data taken from POS (Point Of Sales) system of over
2,000 bookstores in all areas of Japan. The target term is from April 2005 to March
2006. As a result of analysis, it became clear that the relation between sales volume
and sales rank follows power law in both of annual and monthly sales. This is not only
an important finding but also the big chance to understand the market mechanism
by the analogy from the other phenomena which follow power law. In this paper, we
also focus on the books in the top 1.5 percent of sales, and analyze the power index
and market share on the time series. We find that the both of index and market share
are increasing from April 2005 to March 2006, therefore it shows that the books in
top sales are getting to be sold more and more.
1 Introduction
In this paper, we verify that the relation between
sales volume and sales rank follows “power law”
in the book sales market, which can be consid-
ered as a hidden law of the market. Power law in
a market means that there are very few top sale
products while the rest of them sold few, and
surprisingly all of products in the market follow
a simple statistical law. Therefore the sales vol-
ume can be calculated by the sales rank, and vice
versa. Power-law distribution is plotted linearly-
graded in double logarithmic graph (Figure 1).
Interestingly, the power-law distributions have
been found in various fields such as natural and
social sciences[1, 2, 3]. In these studies, the power-
law distribution is deemed to be emerged in the
system which the elements interact one another
and self-organized into “critical state”[4, 1]. Based
on the hypothesis, the fact that the power-law
distribution is found in the market implies the
market is always organized into the critical state.
In this paper, we analyze the real sales data
in Japanese book sales market, in order to verify
the relation between sales volume and sales rank
follows “power law”. The result has two signifi-
cant implications. First, the macroscopic law is
emerged from the interactions despite that the
customers buy products by their own decision.
It means that the law is called as an “emergent
order” in market level, which cannot be reduced
to individuals level. Second, the fact that the
law is the “power law” implies that the funda-
mental mechanism is similar to other natural and
social phenomena. Therefore there is chance to
understand the market mechanism analogically
by knowing that of other phenomena. In the fol-
lowing sections, we start the brief introduction of
related studies, and then show our analyses.
Linear Graph
Sales Volume
Double Logarithmic Graph
Sales Rank Sales Rank
Figure 1: Power-law distribution in linear graph
and double logarithmic graph
2 Background
The target in this paper is book sales market.
As a product, a book has various value and util-
ity, and there are wide variations in the market.
For example, the number of books circulated in
Japan is over 1.2 billion and over 77 thousands
of new titles are published in a year. In United
States, 200 thousands of books are published in
every year. Under the situation, the large-scale
bookstore always keep over hundreds and thou-
sands of titles in order to meet various demands
of customers, however the fact is that sales are
polarized. In recent years, “Harry Potter and the
Half-Blood Prince” and “The Da Vinci Code”
had explosive sales, on the other hand, many
other books have not moved their shelves and
some books are returned to publishers. Since all
books are not equally sold and there is polariza-
tion, the book sales market can be considered as
“Winner-Take-All” market [5]. “Winner-Take-
All” market means that the top-sales products
earn overwhelming share. It is well-known that
this kind of winner exists in our life, but a whole
reality of the book sales market is not clear.
There are some studies trying to analyze book
sales market in the viewpoint of power law1. Sor-
nette and Deschatres [6] mentioned the relation
between sales volume and sales rank, and intro-
duced the presumption by Rosenthal [7]. Rosen-
thal investigated the sales rank in
of the books which were published from his pub-
lisher, and estimated that the relation between
sales volume and sales rank seems to be the power-
law distribution. In the analysis, however, it was
just a presumption made by some points data2,
and they are not verified using the real data.
In this paper, the data we used in analysis is
the real data which was collected by one of the
biggest wholesales of books in Japan. The valid-
ity and amount of the data are major features of
our analysis3.
3 Sales Volume - Rank Distri-
bution in Book Sales Market
We, here, analyze the real sales data in Japanese
book sales market, in order to verify the rela-
tion between sales volume and sales rank follows
“power law”. The data we analyze is the real
sales data, which is taken from POS (Point Of
Sales) system of over 2,000 bookstores in Japan,
from April 2005 through March 2006. In this sec-
tion, we show the results of (1) Analysis of the
annual sales, (2) Analysis of monthly sales, (3)
Analysis of sales in genres, and (4) Analysis of
the tendency of top titles.
3.1 Analysis of the annual sales
The relation between sales volume and sales rank
in fiscal year 2005 is shown in Figure 2 (linear
graph) and Figure 3 (double logarithmic graph).
The vertical axis shows the sales volume, to be
exact which is normalized by dividing the sales
volume of the title by the sales volume of all
books, and the horizontal axis shows the sales
rank. These figures show that the top-sales titles
merely exist and most of the titles are not very
much sold. And we can find that the relation be-
tween sales volume and sales rank follows power
law, because the plotted values on the straight
line of approximation in the double logarithmic
graph. The approximate expression of power law
distribution is described as follows:
Here, vis sales volume and ris sales rank.
Note that βis a power index, which shows the
gradient of approximate line in the double loga-
rithmic graph. In Figure 3, it can be considered
that the part which does not fit the approxima-
tion is the area of “cut-off” due to the capacity
of bookstores.
Sales Volume
Sales Rank
Figure 2: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank (from April 2005 to March 2006: linear
Sales Volume
Sales Rank
Figure 3: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank (from April 2005 to March 2006; dou-
ble logarithmic graph)
3.2 Analysis of monthly sales
The relation between sales volume and sales rank
in the monthly sales from April 2005 to March
2006 is shown in from Figure 4 to Figure 15 re-
spectively. From these figures, it can be said
that the power-law distribution in the book sales
market is the fractal phenomena, because the
monthly distribution shows the almost same dis-
tribution of the annual distribution. It also can
be said that the power-law distribution is “emer-
gent order” and is kept every time, despite that
the customers buy products by their own deci-
sion. The customers never imagine that their
purchases contribute to such a macroscopic order,
because they think that they buying the products
by their own decision.
Figure 4: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank (April 2005; double logarithmic graph)
Figure 5: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank (May 2005; double logarithmic graph)
Figure 6: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank (June 2005; double logarithmic graph)
Figure 7: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank (July 2005; double logarithmic graph)
Figure 8: The relation between sales volume
and sales rank (August 2005; double logarithmic
Figure 9: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank (September 2005; double logarithmic
Figure 10: The relation between sales volume
and sales rank (October 2005; double logarith-
mic graph)
Figure 11: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank (November 2005; double logarithmic
Figure 12: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank (December 2005; double logarithmic
Figure 13: The relation between sales volume
and sales rank (January 2006; double logarith-
mic graph)
Figure 14: The relation between sales volume
and sales rank (February 2006; double logarith-
mic graph)
Figure 15: The relation between sales volume
and sales rank (March 2006; double logarithmic
Table 1: Power index and market share of upper
1.5% titles
target the number power index market share
period of upper of upper of upper
1.5% titles 1.5% titles 1.5% titles
2005s 8324 0.648 48.7465
2005/04 4450 0.684 47.3896
2005/05 4487 0.688 47.2258
2005/06 4411 0.714 48.2682
2005/07 4490 0.706 50.2240
2005/08 4469 0.719 51.5646
2005/09 4397 0.733 51.2183
2005/10 4512 0.718 51.4517
2005/11 4413 0.706 51.0998
2005/12 4461 0.744 53.5941
2006/01 4542 0.725 52.0992
2006/02 4684 0.739 52.5805
2006/03 4536 0.735 52.7173
3.3 Analysis of sales in genres
As a result of analysis in each genres, Figure 16 to
26 show that the relations between sales volume
and sales rank in each genres also follow power
law. We, here, would like to focus on two genres,
Chemistry (Figure 21) and Physics (Figure 22).
In the genre of Chemistry, most of the top titles
seem to be purchased as textbooks. On the con-
trary, in the genre of Physics, the top titles are
the books about the introduction to Einstein the-
ory or quantum theory. This characteristic may
make the difference between the sales volume of
the top titles in Chemistry and Physics.
3.4 Analysis of the tendency of top ti-
Power law distribution is known to be much dif-
ferent from the normal distribution, therefore sta-
tistical values of “average” and “variance” do not
make sense under the power-law distribution. For
that reason, the other way of capturing the char-
acteristics is required, and the power index βis
used as one of the indicator of the distribution.
Strictly speaking, it should be noted that the
power index varies depending on the range of ap-
proximation, so it is necessary to make a specific
baseline for approximation. In order to make the
baseline, we investigated the part that along to
the vertical axis in the graph. After some explo-
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Figure 16: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank of “Literature” (May 2006; double log-
arithmic graph)
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Figure 17: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank of “Japanese Literature” (May 2006;
double logarithmic graph)
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Figure 18: The relation between sales volume
and sales rank of “Paperback Novels” (May 2006;
double logarithmic graph)
1 10 100 1000 10000
Figure 19: The relation between sales volume
and sales rank of “Economics and finance” (May
2006; double logarithmic graph)
1 10 100 1000 10000
Figure 20: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank of “Management” (May 2006; double
logarithmic graph)
1 10 100 1000
Figure 21: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank of “Chemistry” (May 2006; double log-
arithmic graph)
1 10 100 1000
Figure 22: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank of “Physics” (May 2006; double loga-
rithmic graph)
1 10 100 1000 10000
Figure 23: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank of “Information and electronics” (May
2006; double logarithmic graph)
1 10 100 1000 10000
Figure 24: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank of “Drawings and scalpture”
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Figure 25: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank of Hardcover (May 2006; double loga-
rithmic graph)
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Figure 26: The relation between sales volume and
sales rank of Softcover (May 2006; double loga-
rithmic graph)
ration, we found that the range takes over upper
1.5% titles (Figure 27), and these titles make up
the share of 50% in book sales market. Thus we
decided to set a baseline to 1.5% in this paper).
The dotted line in the figures shows the boundary
of upper 1.5% titles. Note that upper 1.5% titles
indicate about 8300 titles in a year, and about
4400 titles in a month4.
The power index of upper 1.5% titles and
market share in each months are shown in Ta-
ble 1. First of all, we find that the number of
power index increases gradually (Figure 30). It
means that the power index is getting to be big-
ger, the bigger difference is made among the top
titles. Second, we find that the market share of
top titles increase more (Figure 31). It means
that the gap between the top titles and the other
titles are widen.
Combining the results above, it can be drawn
as the relation between the change of power in-
dex and that of market share (Figure 32). We
conclude that the upper 1.5% titles have the ten-
dency to be sold more and more by the analysis
of sales from April 2005 to March 2006.
4 Discussion: New Approach to
Understand Market and Con-
sumers Behavior
We have investigated the book sales market and
verified that the relation between sales volume
and sales rank follows power law by analyzing
real sales data. From the analysis, now we have
chance to understand the mechanism of market
and consumers behavior based on power-law dis-
tribution. In this section, we would like to discuss
the future perspective of the study on market and
consumers behavior.
When the consumers purchase products, they
are mostly influenced by friends’ opinions, win-
dow advertisements, or mass media (Figure 33).
The choice of products by each consumers is “con-
tingent”, which means that the individual result
of selection is not inevitable and it can be oth-
erwise. However, the order in the market is gen-
erated by accumulating of the result of the con-
tingency. It is because the exposure of top sales
affects the choice of other consumers. The kind
Sales Volume
Sales Rank
Upper 1.5% Titles
Figure 27: Upper 1.5% titles as a baseline for
approximation (from April 2005 to March 2006:
linear graph)
Sales Volume
Sales Rank
Upper 1.5% line
Figure 28: Upper 1.5% titles as a baseline for
approximation (from April 2005 to March 2006:
double logarithmic graph)
Sales Volume
Sales Rank
Upper 1.5% line
Figure 29: Upper 1.5% titles as a baseline for
approximation (April 2005: double logarithmic
Power Index
Figure 30: The transition of power index of upper
1.5% titles (from April 2005 to March 2006)
Market Share of Upper 1.5% Titles
Figure 31: The transition of market share of up-
per 1.5% titles (from April 2005 to March 2006)
0.66 0.68 0.7 0.72 0.74 0. 76
05 June
Power Index
Market Share (%)
Figure 32: The relation between power index and
market share of upper 1.5% titles (from April
2005 to March 2006)
macroscopic level
Choosing Products by their own decision
Top Ranking
Power-Law Distribution
mesoscopic level
microscopic level
Figure 33: Multilayered interactions in market
of multilayered interactions make the market self-
organize to critical state.
The fact that the law we found in the mar-
ket is “power law” implies that the fundamental
principle of self-organization is similar to other
natural and social phenomena that follows the
power law. From the principle of “universality”
in non-equilibrium physics, the phenomena which
belong to the same class of universality work in
the same mechanism to form the order. It means
that there is chance to understand the market
mechanism analogically by knowing that of other
phenomena, like avalanches on sandpile, earth-
quakes, or growth of cities. Here is a new way
to understand market and consumers behavior
(Figure 34).
This approach can lead us to understand the
mesoscopic mechanism, which it is difficult to in-
vestigate in the study of consumers behavior due
to the difficulty of observation. As a conclusion,
finding the power-law distribution in the market
is important not only because it is the “emergent
order”, but also because it opens up new chance
to study market and consumers behavior with us-
ing the analogy from systems belonging to same
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we verified the power-law distribu-
tion between sales volume and sales rank in book
sales market. From the results, we can suggest
that the consumers behavior are deeply affected
by the market’s organizing principle. Therefore,
now we have started to develop the multi-agent
Consumers’ Interaction Sands’ Interaction Plates’ Interaction
New Approach
to Understand
Conventional Approach
to Understand Consumer
with behavior analysis
with analogy
Macroscopic Understanding
with aggregation
Emergence Emergence Emergence
Power-Law Distribution
Self-organizing Criticality
of Sales in Product Market
Self-organizing Criticality
of Avalanche in Sandpile
Self-organizing Criticality
of Earthquake
Power-Law Distribution Power-Law Distribution
macroscopic level
mesoscopic level
microscopic level
Figure 34: New approach to understand market and consumers behavior
simulation model to understand the mechanism
of generating power-law distribution in the mar-
ket. It is assumed that the consumers’ choices
are influenced by the information from mass me-
dia and their friends. In further studies, we are
going to investigate this hypothesis.
1 The related researches which focus on the other
viewpoints are done by Sornette and Deschatres
[6, 8], there are some analysis about the tip-tops
of books sales, and its forerunner and aftershocks,
using the data of ranking system in Amazon.
Lambiotte and Ausloos [9] also analyzed the peak
of book sales and endogenous peak using the data
from Amazon’s ranking system. This analysis is
addressing the distinction of the peak in the long
time scale, so we take this for related research.
Furthermore, Brynjolfsson et. al.[10] estimated
that the online bookstore has wider variety than
the real bookstore . But it is suggested that this
estimation does not show the real data, because
the supposition of algorithm differ from the ac-
tual condition.
2 Rosenthal pointed out that the graph which
shows the relation between sales volume and sales
rank is his “personal guesstimate,” and any offi-
cial recognition or authorization is not given by
Amazon [7].
3 The analyses in this paper were originally re-
ported in the papers[11, 12, 13] in Japanese.
4 Upper 10% titles make up the share of 85%
(Figure 28), and upper 20% titles make up that
of 95% in the market (Figure 29). It means that
the book sales market is really “Winners-Take-
All” market.
[1] Mark Buchanan. UBIQUITY. Wiedenfeld
& Nicolson, 2000.
[2] M. E. J. Newman. Power laws, pareto dis-
tributions and zipf’s law. arXiv:cond-mat/
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[3] Aaron Clauset, Cosma Rohilla Shalizi, and
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[4] Per Bak. how nature works. Springer-
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[5] Robert H. Frank and Philip J. Cook. The
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[6] D. Sornette, F. Deschatres, T. Gilbert, and
Y. Ageon. Endogenous versus exogenous
shocks in complex networks: an empirical
test using book sale ranking. Physical Re-
view Letters 93 (2004) 228701, 2004.
[7] Morris Rosenthal. What Amazon Sales
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[8] F. Deschatres and D. Sornette. Dynamics
of book sales: Endogenous versus exogenous
shocks in complex networks. Physical Re-
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[9] R. Lambiotte and M. Ausloos. Endo- vs.
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494, 2006.
[10] Erik Brynjolfsson, Yu Hu, and Michael D.
Smith. Consumer surplus in the digital
economy: Estimating the value of increased
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[11] Takashi Iba, Yoshiaki Fukami, and Masaru
Saitoh. Hidden law in the book sale mar-
ket in japanese. In IPSJ SIG Technical Re-
ports, 2006-MPS-61. The Information Pro-
cessing Society of Japan, 2006. in Japanese.
[12] Takashi Iba, Yoshiaki Fukami, Mariko Yoshida,
Kohei Yamashita, and Masaru Saitoh. An-
alyzing the sales distribution in book sale
market. 2007. in Japanese.
[13] Takashi Iba, Yoshiaki Fukami, and Masaru
Saitoh. Hidden law in the book sale market
in japanese. Transactions on Mathematical
Modeling and its Applications, Vol. 48, No.
SIG 6 (TOM 17), 2007. in Japanese.
*This paper is for Fourth Joint Japan-North Amer-
ica Mathematical Sociology Conference, May, 2008.
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... PLs may also be applied to scientific production and the number of papers' citations [44,56,57]. Other applications of PLs are in biological systems [78,19], earthquakes [32,11,73], war and terrorists attacks [32,59,11,62,23,12,7], books sales [9,50,35,26], music recordings and other commodities [18], marine ecology [67], non-coding DNA sequences [37], and computer science [20,21,34,1,17,2]. Interesting reviews on PL behavior and common applications can be found in [42,72,47,55]. ...
... Also, Newman applied a rank-frequency plot to the number of copies of 663 bestselling books in the USA between 1895 and 1965. In 2008, Iba et al. [35] the sales rank. Fenner et al. [26] studied books sales and his model computed the tail sales of Amazon to be close to 20% rather than 40% as in [9]. ...
Power laws, also known as Pareto-like laws, or Zipf-like laws, are commonly used to explain a variety of real world distinct phenomena, often described merely by the produced signals. In this paper, we study twelve cases, namely worldwide technological accidents, the annual revenue of Americas largest private companies, the number of inhabitants in America’s largest cities, the magnitude of earthquakes with minimum moment magnitude equal to 4, the total burned area in forest fires occurred in Portugal, the net worth of the richer people in America, the frequency of occurrence of words in the novel Ulysses, by James Joyce, the total number of deaths in worldwide terrorista attacks, the number of linking root domains of the top internet domains, the number of linking root domains of the top internet pages, the total number of human victims of tornadoes occurred in the U.S., and the number of inhabitants in the 60 most populated countries. The results demonstrate the emergence of statistical characteristics, very close to a power law behavior. Furthermore, the parametric characterization reveals complex relationships present at higher level of description.
Conference Paper
Significant volumes of remainders and returns add to the environmental burden of book publishing. The use of digital print technology to print books on demand has been advocated as a means to reduce this. Using a statistical model of books sales we estimate the greenhouse gas emissions savings that might be achieved through the displacement of conventional print fulfillment models with print-on-demand and short run digital print technologies. Under our assumptions we found a reduction in emissions of over 10% could result when digital print runs of around 2000 copies become economic. Industry literature indicates this condition is likely to be met by emerging digital printing presses, suggesting that this technology can play a role in helping the industry reach targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This work demonstrates the utility of statistical simulations of markets for estimating the effect on emissions of changes in print-on-demand economics. Future work would refine the model by incorporating the impact of different genres on sales patterns, and also the impact of sales figures on return rates, rather than using an industry average figure.
In this paper, we analyse the response of music and book sales to an external field and a buyer herding. We distinguish endogenous and exogenous shocks. We focus on some case studies, whose data have been collected from ranking on We show that an ensemble of equivalent systems quantitatively respond in a same way to a similar “external shock”, indicating roads to universality features. In contrast to Sornette et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 228701] who seemed to find power-law behaviours, in particular at long times, a law interpreted in terms of an epidemic activity, we observe that the relaxation process can be as well seen as an exponential one that saturates toward an asymptotic state, itself different from the pre-shock state. By studying an ensemble of 111 shocks, on books or records, we show that exogenous and endogenous shocks are discriminated by their short-time behaviour: the relaxation time seems to be twice shorter in endogenous shocks than in exogenous ones. We interpret the finding through a simple thermodynamic model with a dissipative force.
We study the precursory and recovery signatures accompanying shocks in complex networks, that we test on a unique database of the ranking of book sales. We find clear distinguishing signatures classifying two types of sales peaks. Exogenous peaks occur abruptly and are followed by a power law relaxation, while endogenous peaks occur after a progressively accelerating power law growth followed by an approximately symmetrical power law relaxation which is slower than for exogenous peaks. These results are rationalized quantitatively by a simple model of epidemic propagation of interactions with long memory within a network of acquaintances. The observed relaxation of sales implies that the sales dynamics is dominated by cascades rather than by the direct effects of news or advertisements, indicating that the social network is close to critical.
We present an extensive study of the foreshock and aftershock signatures accompanying peaks of book sales. The time series of book sales are derived from the ranking system of We present two independent ways of classifying peaks, one based on the acceleration pattern of sales and the other based on the exponent of the relaxation. They are found to be consistent and reveal the coexistence of two types of sales peaks: exogenous peaks occur abruptly and are followed by a power law relaxation, while endogenous sale peaks occur after a progressively accelerating power law growth followed by an approximately symmetrical power law relaxation which is slower than for exogenous peaks. We develop a simple epidemic model of buyers connected within a network of acquaintances which propagates rumors and opinions on books. The comparison between the predictions of the model and the empirical data confirms the validity of the model and suggests in addition that social networks have evolved to converge very close to criticality (here in the sense of critical branching processes of opinion spreading). We test in detail the evidence for a power law distribution of book sales and confirm a previous indirect study suggesting that the fraction of books (density distribution) P (S) of sales S is a power law P(S) approximately 1/ S(1+mu) with mu approximately equal to 2 .
We present a framework and empirical estimates that quantify the economic impact of increased product variety made available through electronic markets. While efficiency gains from increased competition significantly enhance consumer surplus, for instance, by leading to lower average selling prices, our present research shows that increased product variety made available through electronic markets can be a significantly larger source of consumer surplus gains. One reason for increased product variety on the Internet is the ability of online retailers to catalog, recommend, and provide a large number of products for sale. For example, the number of book titles available at is more than 23 times larger than the number of books on the shelves of a typical Barnes & Noble superstore, and 57 times greater than the number of books stocked in a typical large independent bookstore. Our analysis indicates that the increased product variety of online bookstores enhanced consumer welfare by 731millionto731 million to 1.03 billion in the year 2000, which is between 7 and 10 times as large as the consumer welfare gain from increased competition and lower prices in this market. There may also be large welfare gains in other SKU-intensive consumer goods such as music, movies, consumer electronics, and computer software and hardware.
Power-law distributions occur in many situations of scientific interest and have significant consequences for our understanding of natural and man-made phenomena. Unfortunately, the detection and characterization of power laws is complicated by the large fluctuations that occur in the tail of the distribution -- the part of the distribution representing large but rare events -- and by the difficulty of identifying the range over which power-law behavior holds. Commonly used methods for analyzing power-law data, such as least-squares fitting, can produce substantially inaccurate estimates of parameters for power-law distributions, and even in cases where such methods return accurate answers they are still unsatisfactory because they give no indication of whether the data obey a power law at all. Here we present a principled statistical framework for discerning and quantifying power-law behavior in empirical data. Our approach combines maximum-likelihood fitting methods with goodness-of-fit tests based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic and likelihood ratios. We evaluate the effectiveness of the approach with tests on synthetic data and give critical comparisons to previous approaches. We also apply the proposed methods to twenty-four real-world data sets from a range of different disciplines, each of which has been conjectured to follow a power-law distribution. In some cases we find these conjectures to be consistent with the data while in others the power law is ruled out. Comment: 43 pages, 11 figures, 7 tables, 4 appendices; code available at
When the probability of measuring a particular value of some quantity varies inversely as a power of that value, the quantity is said to follow a power law, also known variously as Zipf's law or the Pareto distribution. Power laws appear widely in physics, biology, earth and planetary sciences, economics and finance, computer science, demography and the social sciences. For instance, the distributions of the sizes of cities, earthquakes, solar flares, moon craters, wars and people's personal fortunes all appear to follow power laws. The origin of power-law behaviour has been a topic of debate in the scientific community for more than a century. Here we review some of the empirical evidence for the existence of power-law forms and the theories proposed to explain them.
Hidden law in the book sale market in japanese
  • Takashi Iba
  • Yoshiaki Fukami
  • Masaru Saitoh
Takashi Iba, Yoshiaki Fukami, and Masaru Saitoh. Hidden law in the book sale market in japanese. Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and its Applications, Vol. 48, No. SIG 6 (TOM 17), 2007. in Japanese.
Analyzing the sales distribution in book sale market
  • Takashi Iba
  • Yoshiaki Fukami
  • Mariko Yoshida
  • Kohei Yamashita
  • Masaru Saitoh
Takashi Iba, Yoshiaki Fukami, Mariko Yoshida, Kohei Yamashita, and Masaru Saitoh. Analyzing the sales distribution in book sale market. 2007. in Japanese.