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Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 87 - 2, september 2006 str. 427 - 433
Agrovoc descriptors: plants, DNA, activated carbon, extraction, polyphenols, PCR,
Agris category code: F30
COBISS Code 1.01
Robust CTAB-activated charcoal protocol for
plant DNA extraction
Received July 21, 2006; accepted August 24, 2006
Prispelo 21. julija 2006; sprejeto 24. avgusta 2006
DNA extracted from plants rich in polyphenols and/or polysaccharides is often problematic
when subjected to polymerase chain reaction, especially when mature tissues are used for
DNA extraction. In order to overcome the problems associated with poor-quality DNA
extracted from such plant samples, a protocol has been developed, availing on a high salt
concentration and on the combination of polyvinylpyrrolidone and activated charcoal in the
extraction buffer, in order to prevent the solubilization of polysaccharides and polyphenols in
the DNA extract. Mild temperature conditions during extraction and precipitation were also
recognized as important parameters. Besides DNA purity, mild precipitation conditions were
found to be beneficial in obtaining less low-molecular mass nucleic acids in the final DNA
extract. The homogenization step and the amount of sample extracted were also found to be
crucial in keeping the extraction procedure robust.
Key words: activated charcoal, DNA extraction, PCR amplification, polyvinylpyrrolidone
DNK, ekstrahirana iz rastlin z visoko vsebnostjo polifenolov in/ali polisaharidov, je pogosto
problematična z vidika uporabe le-te v polimerazno verižni reakciji, še posebej če je bila DNK
ekstrahirana iz zrelih tkiv. V izogib težavam, povezanih s slabo kakovostjo ekstrahirane DNK,
smo razvili ekstrakcijski protokol, ki temelji na ekstrakcijskem pufru z visoko vsebnostjo soli
ter kombinirane uporabe polivinilpirolidona in aktivnega oglja. Taka sestava ekstrakcijskega
pufra preprečuje sočasno raztapljanje polisaharidov in polifenolov z DNK. Kot odločilen
dejavnik pri postopku izolacije DNK smo identificirali tudi blage temperaturne razmere v
1 Research Assistant, B. Sc., SI-1000 Ljubljana, Hajdrihova 19; e-mail:
2 Assistant Prof., Ph. D., Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Jamnikarjeva 101
3 Associate Prof., Ph. D., SI-1000 Ljubljana Jamnikarjeva 101
4 Prof., Ph. D., SI-1000 Ljubljana Jamnikarjeva 101
5 Head of Laboratory, Ph. D., SI-1000 Ljubljana, Hajdrihova 19
Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 87 - 2, september 2006
stopnjah ekstrakcije in obarjanja. Poleg ugodnega vpliva na čistost, so blage razmere
obarjanja pomebne tudi zaradi vpliva na manjšo vsebnost nukleinskih kislin z nižjimi
molekulskimi masami v končnem DNK ekstraktu. Ugotovili smo tudi, da na robustnost
postopka pomembno vplivata tako količina ekstrahiranega vzorca kot njegova
Ključne besede: aktivno oglje, ekstrakcija DNK, amplifikacija s polimerazno verižno reakcijo,
DNA extraction from plants is preferentially performed from young tissues due to the
lower content of polysaccharides, polyphenols and other secondary metabolites which
coprecipitate with DNA in the extraction procedure, inhibit DNA digestion and PCR
(Zhang and McStewart, 2000), presumably by irreversible interactions with DNA
(Dabo et al., 1993). It has been shown that DNA extracts from tissues past the
budding stage are problematic and also unstable under long-term storage (Lodhi et al.,
1994). However, in cases when only older tissues are available, a proper procedure
for selective extraction of DNA is needed. Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide
(CTAB) is a frequently used surfactant in DNA extraction and several modifications
of the CTAB protocol originally published by Doyle and Doyle (1987) have been
made. Modifications were focused on the use of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) or
activated charcoal or combination of both (Maliyakal, 1992; Bi et al., 1996; Porebski
and Bailey, 1997; Peterson and Boehm, 1997; Kim et al., 1997; Martellossi et al.,
2005) in order to remove polyphenolics from further extraction steps. For
polysaccharide removal, precipitation by high salt concentrations proved to be
effective (Fang et al., 1992), or eventually, pectinase could also be used (Rogstad et
al., 2001).
The presented protocol was primarily developed for DNA extraction from maturing
leaf tissue of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), known for its high essential oil and
polyphenolic content (Oktay et al., 2003; Parejo et al., 2004; Krizman et al., 2006).
Maturing fennel leaf tissue, with a considerable amount of secondary metabolites, was
used as starting material for genetic studies since the same samples were used for
chemotypic studies as well. The protocol proved to be useful also for DNA extraction
from samples of other recalcitrant plant species such as oregano (Origanum vulgare)
leaves, hemp (Cannabis sativa) seeds, hop (Humulus lupulus) dried cones and coffee
(Coffea arabica) green beans. The extraction procedure is based on activated charcoal
and PVP for binding of polyphenolics during extraction and on mild extraction and
precipitation conditions, promoting high-molecular weight DNA isolation without
interfering contaminants. During protocol development, we have also focused on
keeping the protocol as simple as possible, minimizing the number of steps involved.
KRIŽMAN, M. et al: Robust CTAB-activated charcoal protocol for plant DNA…
2.1 Plant material
Fennel leaves and fruits were collected during the flowering period (July 2005) and the
ripening period (October 2005), respectively, in Slovene Istria region. Oregano leaves were
obtained from the experimental fields (yield 2005) of Biotechnical Faculty, University of
Ljubljana (Slovenia). Dried hop cones were obtained from the experimental fields (yield 2005)
of Institute of Hop Research and Brewing Žalec (Slovenia). Hemp seeds were from a
commercial lot of Hungarian cultivar Unico. Samples of coffee beans were kindly donated by
Dr. Furio Suggi Liverani and Dr. Lorenzo Del Terra from Illycaffè S.p.A., Triest, Italy.
2.2 Reagents and chemicals
• Extraction buffer: 100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8), 2.0 M NaCl, 20 mM EDTA (pH 8), 2 % (w/v)
CTAB, 1 % (w/v) PVP (PVP K10, MW 10.000). Before use, suspend 0.5 % (w/v) of
activated charcoal in the extraction buffer and use it within 3 days. Agitate the suspension
before pipetting.
• Chloroform-isoamylalcohol: 4% (v/v) isoamylalcohol in chloroform
• Wash solution: 15 mM ammonium acetate in 75 % (v/v) ethanol
• TE buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8), 1 mM EDTA (pH 8)
• Isopropanol
2.3 DNA extraction protocol
• Finely homogenize 5 mg to 50 mg of plant tissue (depending on the species, the tissue
and its maturity) in a mortar with 1.5 mL of extraction buffer. Transfer the mixture into a
microcentrifuge tube. When expecting low DNA yields, increase the sample amount, but
proportionally increase the volume of extraction buffer as well. Incubate the mixture at
55 °C for 30 min with frequent agitation, avoiding the suspension to settle. Cool down to
room temperature.
Note: Avoid tissue freeze-grinding, milling or another type of homogenization before
adding the extraction buffer, since it increases the chances of DNA contamination, unless
the tissue is physically though and with a low amount of water (e.g. seeds, beans etc.).
When dealing with though tissues (e.g. coffee beans), it is advisable to presoak the
ground tissue (only the finest fraction) in the extraction buffer for 2 hours at room
temperature before extraction and avoiding further homogenization with the extraction
buffer in a mortar.
• Centrifuge at 16000 g for 10 min at room temperature. Transfer the supernatant to a new
• Add 1 volume of chloroform-isoamylalcohol to the supernatant and vortex thoroughly.
Centrifuge at 16000 g for 10 min at room temperature. Transfer the aqueous (upper)
phase to a new tube. Repeat the chloroform-isoamylalcohol extraction once or more, if
cloudiness in the solution persists.
• Transfer the supernatant to a new tube, add 0.45 volume of isopropanol and mix by
inversion. Incubate at 25 °C for 1 hour. Centrifuge at 700 g for 10 min at room
• Discard the supernatant. Wash the pellet by adding 1 mL of wash buffer and vortex.
Centrifuge at 900 g for 10 min at room temperature.
• Discard the supernatant and air dry the pellet at room temperature, but do not overdry.
• Dissolve the pellet in 25 µL of TE buffer. If there are some impurities left, centrifuge at
16000 g for 10 min at room temperature and transfer the supernatant to a new tube.
Store the DNA solution at 4 °C for short-term or at –20 °C for long-term storage. If
needed, treat the DNA solution with RNase before use.
The extracted DNA was quantified by a fluorometric assay using a Hoefer DyNA
Quant 200 fluorometer and a DNA-specific dye, Hoechst H33258 (Hoefer, San
Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 87 - 2, september 2006
Francisco, CA, USA), according to manufacturer’s instructions. For each type of plant
sample, six replicates were subjected to fluorometric measurements. The average
results are shown in Table 1. Suitability of the isolated DNA was assessed by PCR
amplification of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA
(White et al., 1990) by using a TGradient thermal cycler (Biometra, Göttingen,
Germany) with ITS1 (5'-TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG-3') and ITS4 (5'-
TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-3') primers (MWG-Biotech, Ebersberg, Germany).
Each PCR 25 µL reaction mixture consisted of 2.5 µL 10x PCR buffer (Promega,
Madison, WI, USA), 0.8 mM dNTPs, 1 µM of each primer, 0.5 units of Taq
polymerase (Promega) and 35 ng of template DNA. After the initial denaturation at
94 °C for 5 min, 35 PCR cycles were performed with 35 sec at 93 °C, 55 sec at 53 °C
and 45 sec at 72 °C. The DNA extracts as well as the amplification products were run
in 0.8 % and 1.1 % agarose gels, respectively, stained with ethidium bromide and
visualized under UV light. For comparison, fennel samples were also extracted,
according to the commonly used CTAB protocol (Doyle and Doyle, 1987), and
tentatively amplified (Figure 1).
Table 1. Comparison of DNA yield between different plant samples by using the
presented extraction protocol. DNA yield is expressed as micrograms per
gram of sample.
Species Tissue Sample amount
extracted (mg)
volume (mL)
DNA yield
(µg/g of sample)
Foeniculum vulgare leaves 25 1.5 211.3
Foeniculum vulgare fruits 8 1.5 171.8
Origanum vulgare leaves 25 1.5 47.4
Cannabis sativa seeds 10 1.5 166.3
Humulus lupulus* dried cones 10 1.5 173.0
Coffea arabica* green beans 90 15 7.2
* The ground tissue was presoaked for 2 hours in the extraction buffer before incubation, without further
In this protocol we combined the individual characteristics of previously published
ones as well as accentuated them. As already observed, the incorporation of activated
charcoal in the extraction mixture before sample incubation greatly increases the
chances for DNA to be amplifiable (Bi et al., 1996), most likely by preventing
irreversible interactions of DNA with polyphenolics, since cytosol-borne compounds
should come in contact with activated charcoal earlier than DNA. We also believe
that PVP has a synergistic effect in binding polyphenolics on activated charcoal. As it
has been already used as a polyphenolics-binding agent (Maliyakal, 1992; Bi et al.,
1996; Porebski and Bailey, 1997; Peterson and Boehm, 1997; Kim et al., 1997), PVP
should have strong interactions with activated charcoal due to the sp2-electronic
configuration of carbon rings of the latter. Using the same principle as in the
precipitation of polysaccharides under high salt concentration (Fang et al., 1992), we
adopted a high salt concentration (2 M NaCl) in preventing or diminishing the
dissolution of polysaccharides during the extraction step. The precipitation step is also
crucial in obtaining high quality DNA. In agreement with Michiels et al. (2003), we
also observed the importance of a high precipitation temperature, 25 °C instead of
4 °C or even –20 °C. However, we further reduced the precipitation time and the
amount of isopropanol added. As it is evident from Figure 1 , lanes 2 (G) and 3 (G),
KRIŽMAN, M. et al: Robust CTAB-activated charcoal protocol for plant DNA…
the fennel DNA extract according to our protocol shows less presence of low-
molecular mass nucleic acids. A feasible explanation for this occurrence is in the mild
precipitation conditions, which diminish the possibility of shorter nucleic acid
molecules to precipitate. A final note should be addressed to the plant tissue amount
involved in the extraction. Although the expected DNA yield from a smaller sample
amount should be lower, the possibilities for contaminants to coprecipitate with DNA
are also lower, due to the fact that their saturation concentration during precipitation
is less likely reached or exceeded.
Figure 1. Gel electrophoresis (0.8 % agarose) of DNA extracts from plant species in
study without RNase treatment (G) and gel electrophoresis (1.1 % agarose)
of their internal transcribed spacer region PCR products (A). Lane 1 (G), 1
kb DNA ladder; lane 1 (A), 100 bp DNA ladder; lane 2, DNA extract of
Foeniculum vulgare leaves (G) using a previously published extraction
protocol (Doyle and Doyle, 1987) and its tentative PCR product (A); lane 3,
DNA extract of Foeniculum vulgare leaves (G) and its PCR product (A);
lane 4, DNA extract of Foeniculum vulgare fruits (G) and its PCR product
(A); lane 5, DNA extract of Origanum vulgare leaves (G) and its PCR
product (A); lane 6, DNA extract of Cannabis sativa seeds (G) and its PCR
product (A); lane 7, DNA extract of Humulus lupulus dried cones (G) and
its PCR product (A); lane 8, DNA extract of Coffea arabica green beans
(G) and its PCR product (A).
Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 87 - 2, september 2006
Using our protocol, 0.5-10 µg of DNA per tube are typically obtained, sufficient for
several runs of PCR-based assays. Although the protocol does not excel in DNA
yield, it provides a rather simple and robust option in extracting DNA from
problematic plant samples, owing to mild extraction and precipitation conditions.
However, when larger DNA quantities are required, a scale-up of the protocol is not
an issue.
We thank Dr. Furio Suggi Liverani and Dr. Lorenzo Del Terra from Illycaffè S.p.A.
for providing us with samples of coffee beans.
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