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The Air Gap and Angle Optimization in the Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Motor


Abstract and Figures

In this study, the axial flux permanent magnet motor and the length range of the air gap between rotors was analyzed and the appropriate length obtained. NdFeB permanent magnets were used in this study. Permanent magnets can change the characteristics of the motor's torque. However, the distance between permanent magnets and the air gap will remain constant for each magnet. The impact of different magnet angles for the axial flux permanent magnet motor and other motor parameters was examined. To this aim, the different angles and torque values of the magnetic flux density were calculated using the finite element method of analysis with the help of Maxwell 3D software. Maximum torque was obtained with magnet angles of 21°, 26°, 31.4°, and 34.4°. Additionally, an important parameter for the axial flux permanent magnet motor in terms of the air gap flux was analyzed. Minimum flux change was obtained with a magnet angle of 26°. The magnetic flux of the magnet-to-air-gap is under 0.5 tesla. Given the height of the coil, the magnet-to-air-gap distance most suitable for the axial flux permanent magnet motor was 4 mm.
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... It is stated that a minimum magnetic flux change is performed for 26 degree in the work done. Besides, the most suitable air space value is analyzed as 4mm [1]. In the study, a coreless AFPM rhomboidal wound alternator was designed [2]. ...
... Many studies have used the coreless AFPM alternator structure [7][8][9]. This construction has advantages in terms of simple structure and low cost [1,8,[10][11][12]. In many studies about the magnetic analysis of the AFPM alternator design have obtained ANSYS's Maxwell program. ...
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In this study, a new multidisc and layer winding toroidal axial flux permanent magnet open slotted (MLTAFPMOS) synchronous alternators are designed and magnetic analysis was performed. Axial flux (AF) alternators are a very good candidate for wind turbine applications. However, one of the disadvantages AF alternators is to increase AF alternator diameter with AF alternator power. The junction points of AF alternator rotor shaft and disc have a very huge torques via occurring from inner rotor diameter forces to outer rotor diameter forces. Therefore mechanically problems emerge with increasing alternator powers. The ideal solution for this situation is to use a multidisc structure. In this study, a multidisc design for LTAFPMOS synchronous alternator was developed. A 3d solid model of the developed design was obtained. Then magnetic analyzes were performed via Maxwell. It is decided that the multidisc structure is ideal to increase the alternator power as a result of analyzes. In addition, forces at the junction points is decreased via multidisc structures.
... In these types of motors, while rotor is manufactured disc, stator is manufactured ring structure. AFSMs are among the most frequently studied topics in recent years due to their flat structure, high torque volume ratios, high-efficiency values, power density, moment densities and so on [7][8][9][10]. In addition, axial flux PMSM (AF-PMSM) may be categorised with regard to production type as single stator single rotor, single stator double rotor, double stator single rotor and multi-stator multi-rotor. ...
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This study presents design and performance analyses for a new line start axial flux permanent magnet synchronous motors (AF‐PMSMs). The innovative part of this study is that AF‐PMSM can start directly from the line and operate with high efficiency and power factor after synchronisation. Prototype manufacturing was carried out after completing the analytical and electromagnetic designs for the targeted motor. The synchronisation capacity, power capacity, power–speed characteristic, power‐efficiency relationship along with the total harmonic distortion and back‐emf waveform of the induced voltage have been examined for the prototype motor. Simulation studies have been verified experimentally. The results obtained were compared with an induction motor with the same power. It was observed as a result of the work carried out and a line start AF‐PMSM is obtained that is 4–10% more efficient in comparison with an induction motor having the same power.
... The structure that will be an alternative to radial-flux permanent magnet motors is the axial flux permanent magnet motor structure. Due to advantages of AF-PMSM increase the popularity of these motors [9][10][11]. AFPMs are produced in different topologies. ...
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In view of the current state of the reserves of electric energy generated resources and the share of electric motors in electricity consumption, many researches and studies related to efficiency in electric motors are being made. The presented work is related to the Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (AF-PMSM), which has recently undergone significant work based on the development of magnet and motor technology. In this study, a novel AF-PMSM was designed analytically through Finite Element Method (FEM) which can be started by connecting to a line such as an asynchronous motor in a transient state and can operate with high efficiency and power factor after synchronization in steady state without the need for an expensive motor drive. According to the obtained FEM results, a design with an efficiency class of IE4 of 5.5 kW shaft power, a 4 poles motor was obtained. As a result, economic calculations indicate that the extra cost of the designed Line start AF-PMSM with respect to the asynchronous motor is rapidly compensated by energy saving due to a more efficient operation, especially constant speed operations. As a result of the analysis obtained, the targeted values are reached. For induction motors and radial flux permanent magnet synchronous motors, a good alternative motor that can operate with high efficiency and power factor has been obtained.
... Over the last 10 years the new prototype AFPM machines have gone through development and optimization and have proven that they work in several areas of use. In many of these studies, the torus-type axial-flux slotted permanent magnet (TAFPM-S) demonstrates improvement through the parameters of the machines [17]. ...
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This paper presents an open-slotted axial-flux permanent magnet (AFPM-OS) machine design, magnetic analysis, and experimental study. In the literature, torus type axial-flux permanent magnet machines usually have closed slots. In this study, the open-slotted structure provides ease of construction and the rotor structure is composed of a rectangular magnet instead of trapezoidal magnets, which reduces construction costs. The suitability of the changed design is proven based on experimental results.
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In this study, three different stator topologies were investigated and compared utilizing 3D magnetic analysis, analytical calculations, and experimental studies. These stator structures are torus iron core: There have been far fewer studies based on slotless stator torus axial-flux permanent magnets (TAFPM-NS). Comparisons of simulated and measured values on prototype machines are also presented to validate the analyses.
In order to make driving torque maintain maximum and seek the change law between driving torque and permanent magnet rotation angle, the switch range of electromagnet magnetic pole state was ascertained by finite element simulation. The calculation model of system torque-angle characteristic was established. The change law of torque-angle characteristic curve was analyzed by using MATLAB solve the model. The experiment system was made and the average torque was measured under the condition of different parameters. By comparing the results, the torque-angle characteristic curve is consistent with the finite element simulation max envelop curve, and is fluctuated around the measured average torque. So the calculation model of torque-angle characteristic is credible. The main parameters influence on driving ability and torque pulsation were obtained. The theoretical basis of the research on raising axial flow blood pump stability is provided.
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A new permanent magnet design for axial flux interior permanent magnet (AFIPM) motor is described in this paper. Poleshoes are traditionally used to produce sinusoidal flux linkage and sinusoidal EMF especially in the case of radial flux synchronous machines. Poleshoes are not a practical solution in the case of axial flux PM machine. The use of poleshoes in the production of sinusoidal back EMF may be avoided by using new magnet shaping which produces sinusoidal EMF itself. The complex machine geometry of AFIPM machine with the proposed magnet shaping result that analytical and 2D Finite Element Method (FEM) calculations do not perform well enough. As a result, AFIPM synchronous motor with the proposed magnet shaping is studied after analytical and 2D FEM calculations by using 3D FEM model.
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Induction motors are known to affect the electrical power system in terms of harmonics. Induction motors fed by unbalanced power systems produce additional current harmonics. These harmonics cause additional power losses in the machine. The method of symmetrical components is often used in this kind of unbalanced operation analysis. In this study, the performance of a three phase induction motor supplied by unbalanced power system due to the various causes has been examined using both experimental method and Matlab/Simulink model.
An analysis of the torque developed by a single-phase disc brushless permanent magnet motor with salient-pole stator is presented. The machine represents a new family of brushless disc motors with the starting torque issue appearing to be most challenging. To produce a starting torque, the permanent magnets on one of the rotor discs are distributed nonuniformly. However, this significantly distorts a shape of the cogging torque versus rotational angle characteristic which, in turn, affects a waveform of the overall torque. A three-dimensional (3-D) finite-element model is used for the purpose of determining of angular variations of the torque developed by the motor. To find how the torque varies with time, a model of the source-inverter-motor circuit is developed. A simulation study on an influence of the commutation angle on the electromagnetic torque is also a subject of this paper. The results obtained show that the motor performance can be improved by a proper selection of the current commutation angle to reach the maximum efficiency. The simulation results are in good agreement with measurements obtained from a prototype motor.
Various techniques exist for reducing the cogging torque in radial-flux permanent-magnet (RFPM) machines. However, although some of these can be applied to axial-flux PM (AFPM) machines, the additional manufacturing complexity and cost may be prohibitive. Therefore, alternative low-cost techniques are desirable for use in AFPM machines. In this paper, the utility of employing cogging torque minimization techniques that have been developed principally for use in RFPM machines is examined by 3-D finite-element analysis, and several alternative cogging torque minimization techniques for AFPM machines are proposed.
Ašinio srauto variklių su nuolatiniu magnetu oro tarpo ir kampo optimizavimas // Elektronika ir elektrotechnika
  • C Akuner
  • E Huner
C. Akuner, E. Huner. Ašinio srauto variklių su nuolatiniu magnetu oro tarpo ir kampo optimizavimas // Elektronika ir elektrotechnika. -Kaunas: Technologija, 2011. -Nr. 4(110). -P. 25-29.