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Abstract and Figures

Many Grid infrastructures have begun to offer services to end-users during the past several years with an increasing number of complex scientific applica-tions and software tools that require seamless access to different Grid resources via Grid middleware during one workflow. End-users of the rather hpc-driven deisa Grid infrastructure take not only advantage of Grid workflow management capabilities for massively parallel applications to solve critical problems of high complexity (e.g. protein folding, global weather prediction), but also leverage software tools to achieve satisfactory application performance on contemporary massively parallel machines (e.g., ibm Blue Gene/P). In this context, event tracing is one technique widely used by software tools with a broad spectrum of applica-tions ranging from performance analysis, performance prediction and modeling to debugging. In particular, automatic performance analysis has emerged as an powerful and robust instrument to make the optimization of parallel applications both more effective and more efficient. The approach of automatic performance analysis implies multiple steps that can perfectly leverage the workflow capabil-ities in Grids. In this paper, we present how this approach is implemented by using the workflow management capabilities of the unicore Grid middleware, which is deployed on deisa, and thus, demonstrate by using a Grid application that the approach taken is feasible.
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Daniel Becker1,2, Morris Riedel1, Achim Streit1, and Felix Wolf1,2
1Forschungszentrum J¨ulich, Institute for Advanced Simulation
52425 J¨ulich, Germany
{d.becker, m.riedel, a.streit, f.wolf}
2RWTH Aachen University, Department of Computer Science
52056 Aachen, Germany
Abstract Many Grid infrastructures have begun to offer services to end-users during
the past several years with an increasing number of complex scientific applica-
tions and software tools that require seamless access to differentGrid resources
via Grid middleware during one workflow. End-users of the rather hpc-driven
deisa Grid infrastructure take not only advantage of Grid workflow management
capabilities for massively parallel applications to solve critical problems of high
complexity (e.g. protein folding, global weather prediction), but also leverage
software tools to achieve satisfactory application performance on contemporary
massivelyparallel machines(e.g., ibmBlue Gene/P). Inthiscontext, event tracing
is one technique widely used by software tools with a broad spectrum of applica-
tions ranging from performance analysis, performance prediction and modeling
to debugging. In particular, automatic performance analysis has emerged as an
powerful and robust instrument to make the optimization of parallel applications
both more effective and more efficient. The approach of automatic performance
analysis implies multiple steps that can perfectly leverage the workflow capabil-
ities in Grids. In this paper, we present how this approach is implemented by
using the workflow management capabilities of the unicore Grid middleware,
which is deployed on deisa, and thus, demonstrate by using a Grid application
that the approach taken is feasible.
Keywords: Middleware, workflow management, performance analysis, HPC applica-
1. Introduction
Grid infrastructures offer services to end-users with an increasing number of
complex scientific applications and software tools. Due to the increased com-
plexity of contemporary High-Performance Computing (hpc) systems, soft-
ware tools that are used to tune parallel applications are important. Using these
rather complicated software tools can be significant simplified by Grid mid-
dleware providing multi-step workflow capabilities. While a wide variety of
Grid middleware systems exist (gLite [17], Globus Toolkits [14]) today, only a
few systems incorporate massive workflow support, and are also driven by hpc
One of those systems is unicore, which is deployed on deisa [3]. This
hpc-driven deisa Grid infrastructure offers not only Grid workflow manage-
ment capabilities for massively parallel applications to solve critical problems
of high complexity (e.g. protein folding, global weather prediction), but also
software tools to achieve satisfactory application performance on contemporary
massively parallel machines (e.g., ibm Blue Gene/P).
In the area of hpc, event tracing is a popular technique for software tools
with a broad spectrum of applications ranging from performance analysis, per-
formance prediction and modeling to debugging. Event traces are helpful in
understanding the performance behavior of message-passing applications since
they allow in-depth analysis of communication and synchronization patterns.
Graphical trace browsers, such as vampir [20] and Paraver [16], allow the fine-
grained investigation of parallel performance behavior and provide statistical
summaries. By contrast, automatic trace analysis scans event traces of parallel
applications for wait states that occur when processes fail to reach synchro-
nization points in a timely manner, e.g., as a result of an unevenly distributed
Theautomaticperformanceanalysisapproachisapowerfulandrobust instru-
ment to make the optimization of parallel applications both more effective and
more efficient. For instance, scalasca, which has been specifically designed
for large-scale systems, searches event traces of parallel programs for patterns
of inefficient behavior, classifies detected instances by category, and quantifies
the associated performance penalty [7]. This allows developers to studythe per-
formance of their applications on a higher level of abstraction, while requiring
significantly less time and expertise than a manual analysis [23].
scalasca’s analysis approach implies multiple steps that can perfectly
leverage the workflow capabilities in Grids. In this paper, we present how
this approach is implemented by using the unicore workflow management
capabilities that are deployed on deisa and thus demonstrate by using a Grid
applicationthat the approachtaken is feasible. Whilewe automize scalasca’s
performance analysis workflow, we show that Grid workflow capabilities in
Grid-Based Workflow Management 3
general, and unicores workflow engine in particular, efficiently support the
performance analysis process of hpc-driven Grid applications.
The outline of this paper is as follows: After describing the basics of Grid
middleware components in Section 2, we review the automatic trace analysis
approaches in Section 3 including a brief description of the event tracing tech-
nique. In Section 4, we evaluate the feasibility of the approach taken using
the state-of-the-art massively parallel machines deployed on the deisa Grid
and show how automatic performance analysis is augmented by unicore’s
workflow capabilities. Finally, after reviewing the related work in Section 5,
we summarize our results and give an outlook on future work in Section 6.
2. Grid Middleware
Today, large-scale scientific research often relies on the shared useof a Grid
with computational or storage related resources. One of the fundamental ideas
of modern Grids is to facilitate the routine interaction of scientists and their
workflow-based applications with advanced problem solving tools such as Grid
middleware systems. Many of these systems have been evolved in the past,
typically influenced by the nature of their deployments. To provide an exam-
ple, the gLite middleware [17] deployed in the egee infrastructure [4] was
specifically optimized to handle large data-sets, while the unicore middle-
ware [11] deployed in the deisa infrastructure [3] is rather designed to satisfy
the requirements in hpc environments.
Since our approach of supporting the performance analysis of massively
parallel applications with Grid-based workflow capabilities relies on a hpc
environments, we used key concepts of the hpc-driven Grid middleware uni-
core. Other Grid middleware systems (i.e. Globus Toolkits [14]) may also
provide similar capabilities, but the inherently provided workflow functional-
ities of unicore are also fundamental to our approach and thus we choose
The unicore Grid middleware has been developed since the late 1990s to
support distributed computing applications in Grids in general, and massively
parallelhpc applicationsinparticular. Theverticallyintegrateddesignprovides
components on each tier of its layered architecture as shown in Figure 1. The
unicore 5 architecture [22] mainly consists of proprietary components and
protocols, while the more recently developed unicore 6 architecture is based
onopen standardssuchastheWebservicesresourceframework(ws-rf) [5] and
thus relies on the concept of Service-Oriented Architectures (soas).
In more detail, unicore 6 conforms to the Open Grid Services Architecture
(ogsa) of the Open Grid Forum (ogf) and several projects such as the omii-
Europe project [6] augmented it with open standards during the last couple of
month. The loosely coupled Web services connection technology provides a
perfect base to meet the common use case within Grid that conform to ogsa
thus allowing dynamic interaction dispersed in conceptual, institutional, and
geographical space. The approach presented in this paper takes advantage of
this service-oriented concept by using key characteristics of the unicore Grid
middleware. These characteristics are basic job submission and data manage-
ment functionalities using the unicore Atomic Services (uas) [21], and the
workflow capabilities of the unicore workflow engine and service orchestra-
The uas consists of a set of core services such as the TargetSystemService
(tss) that represents a computational resource (e.g. supercomputers or clus-
ters) in the Grid. While the TargetSystemFactory (tsf) can be used to create
an end-user specific instance of a tss, the tss itself is able to execute jobs
defined in the Job Submission and Description Language (jsdl) [12]. Each
submitted job is represented as another resource aligned with the tss and can
be controlled with the Job Management Service (jms). Finally, different flavors
of the FileTransferServices (fts) can be used for data transfer.
While the uas and its services (i.e. tss,jms,fts, etc.) operate on the
service level, they are supported by a strong execution backend named as the
enhanced Network Job Supervisor (xnjs), which uses the Incarnation Database
(idb) to map abstract job descriptions to system-specific definitions. In terms
of security, the uas are protected via the unicore Gateway [18], which does
authentication. This means it checks whether the certificate of an end-user
has been signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (ca), that its still valid, and
not revoked. For authorization the njs, relies on the unicore User DataBase
Language (xacml) [19]. The roles and general attributes of end-users as well
as their group and project membership are encoded using Security Assertion
Markup Language (saml) [13] assertions.
Typically, scientists use the unicore middleware to reduce their manage-
ment overheads in usual scientific workflows to a minimumor to automize parts
of their workflow. Without Grid middleware, the workflows of scientists often
start with the manual creation of a Secure Shell (ssh) connection to a remote
system such as a supercomputer via username and password or keys configured
before. The trend towards service-oriented Grids allows for more flexibility
and orchestration of services and thus makes it easier to enable end-users with
multi-step workflowcapabilities. While there are many workflow-related tools
in Grids (e.g. taverna [8], askalon [2], triana [10]), we shortly de-
scribe the functionalities of unicore that are later intensively used to verify
our approach.
To satisfy scalability requirements, the overall workflow capabilities of uni-
core are developed using a two layer architecture. The Workflow Engine is
based on the Shark open-source xpdl engine. In addition, plug-ins allow for
Grid-Based Workflow Management 5
domain-specific workflow language support. The Workflow engine is respon-
sible to take Directed Acyclic Graph (dag)-based workflow descriptions and
map them to specific steps.
The Service Orchestrator on the other hand, is responsible for the job sub-
mission and monitoring of workflow steps. While the execution site can be
chosen manually, the orchestrator also supports brokering based on pluggable
strategies. In addition, it supports callback functions to the workflow engine.
Finally, all the above described services can be seamlessly accessed using the
graphical unicore Rich Client based on Eclipse. End-users are able to create
dagsof different services that typically invoke different applications including
necessary data staging elements. In addition, the Tracing Service of unicore
allows for monitoring of each execution step of a unicore workflow, which
can be easily followed in the client.
Figure 1. UNICORE’s layered architecture with workflow functionalities.
3. Automatic Performance Analysis
In this section, we illustrate the automatic performance analysis workflow
including instrumentation, measurement, analysis, and result visualization used
to optimize parallel applications running on thousands of processes. After a
general description of the event tracing technique and a brief description of the
graphical trace browser vampir [20], we especially focus on the scalasca
tool set [7] and its workflow requirements.
Often, parallel applications which are free of computational errors need to
be optimized. This requires the information which component of the program
is responsible for what kind of inefficient behavior. Performance analysis is the
process of identifying those parts, exploring the reasons for their unsatisfactory
performance, and quantifying their overall influence. To do this, performance
data are mapped onto program entities. A developer can now investigate appli-
cation’s runtime behavior using software tools. Thus, the developer is enabled
to understand the performance behavior of his application. The process of gath-
ering performance data is called performance measurement and forms the basis
for subsequent analysis.
library Parallel
pattern search
event traces Pattern
Merge &
conversion Global
Figure 2. scalasca’s performance analysis process.
Event tracing is one technique widely used for post-mortem performance
analysis of parallel applications. Time-stamped events, such as entering a func-
tion or sending a message, are recorded at runtime andanalyzed afterwards with
the help of software tools. The information recorded for an event includes at
least a time stamp, the location (e.g., the process or node) where the event hap-
pened and the event type. Depending on the type, additional information may
be supplied, such as the function identifier for function call events. Message
event records typically contain details about the message they refer to (e.g., the
source or destination location and message tag).
Graphical trace browsers, such as vampir, allow the fine-grained, manual
investigation of parallel performance behavior using a zoomable time-line dis-
play and provide statistical summaries of communication behavior. However,
in view of the large amounts of data generated on contemporary parallel ma-
Grid-Based Workflow Management 7
chines, the depth and coverage of the visual analysis offered by a browser is
limited as soon as it targets more complex patterns not included in the statistics
generated by such tools.
MPI_Recv() Exit event
Enter event
Figure 3. Late Sender pattern.
By contrast, the basic principle of the scalasca project is the summa-
rization of events, that is, the transformation of an event stream into a compact
representation of execution behavior, aggregating metric values associated with
individual events across the entire execution. On a more technical level, the
trace analyzer of the scalasca tool set automatically searches event traces
for patterns of inefficient behavior, classifies detected instances by category,
and quantifies the associated performance penalty [15]. To do this efficiently
at larger scales, the traces are analyzed in parallel by replaying the original
communication using the same hardware configuration and the same number
of cpus as have been used to execute the target application itself.
As an example of inefficient communication, we consider the point-to-point
pattern Late Sender (Figure 3). Here, a receive operation is entered by one
process before the corresponding send operation has been started by the other.
The time lost waiting due to this situation is the time difference between the
enter events of the two mpi function instances that precede the corresponding
send and receive events.
The current version of scalasca can be used for mpi programs written in
C/C++ and Fortran. Figure 2 shows the basic analysis workflow supported by
scalasca. Before any performance data can be collected, the target applica-
tion must be instrumented, that is, it must be modified to record performance-
relevant events whenever they occur. On some systems including Blue Gene,
this can be done completely automatically using compiler support; on other sys-
tems a mix of manual and automatic instrumentation mechanisms is offered.
When running the instrumented code on the parallel machine first a summary
report (aka profile) with aggregate performance metrics for individual function
call paths is generated and subsequently event traces are generated to record
individual runtime events. The former is useful to obtain an overview of the
Which performance
Which call paths
are most affected?
Which processes
are most affected?
Where on the machine?
Percentage of the
execution time
Color encoding of
Figure 4. Exemplary trace analysis report: The tree in the left panel displays pattern of
inefficient performance behavior arranged in a specialization hierarchy. The numbers left of the
pattern names indicate the total execution time penalty in percent. In addition, the color of the
little square provides a visual clue ofthe percentage to quickly guide the user to the most severe
performance problems. The middle tree shows the distribution of the selected pattern across the
call tree. Finally, the right tree shows the distribution of the selected pattern at the selected call
path across the hierarchy of machines, nodes, and processes.
performance behavior and also to optimize the instrumentation for later trace
generation. Since traces tend to become very large, this step is crucial before
starting event tracing. When tracing is enabled, each process generates a trace
file containing records for all its process-local events.
After performance measurement, scalasca loads these trace files intomain
memory and analyzes them in parallel using as many cpus as have been used
for the target application itself. During the analysis, scalasca searches for
characteristic patterns indicating wait states andrelated performance properties,
classifies detected instances by category and quantifies their significance for
every function-call path and system resource involved. The result is a pattern-
analysis report similar in structure to the summary report but enriched with
higher-level performance metrics.
Grid-Based Workflow Management 9
After performance analysis, both the summary report as well as the pattern
report can be interactively explored in a graphical profile browser (Figure 4)
afterapostprocessingphase. Asan alternativeto theautomatic search, theevent
traces can be converted and investigated using third-party trace browsers such
as Paraver [16] or vampir [20], taking advantage of their powerful time-line
visualizations and rich statistical functionality.
4. Experimental Results
In this section, we present the experimental results of our approach of sup-
porting the performance analysis of massively parallel applications with Grid-
based workflow capabilities. Automizing scalascas performance analy-
sis workflow, we show that Grid middleware components efficiently support
scalasca’s pattern search. Finally, we point out that the management over-
headis reduced to a minimum andexplainthebasicperformanceanalysis results
detected by the automatic perform.
For our measurements, we used a second generation ibm Blue Gene system,
the Blue Gene/P (jugene) installed at Research Centre J¨ulich. The massively
parallel jugene system is a 16 racks system including 32 nodecards with 32
compute nodes each. While each compute node has a 4-way smp processor,
eachcore is a 32-bit PowerPC processorcorerunningat850MHz. The network
architecture of the Blue Gene/P is very similar to that of the L model. That is,
the network exhibits a three-dimensional torus, a global tree, and a 10 Gigabit
Ethernet network. Ranked as no. 2 in the current Top500 list [9], jugene is
one of the most powerful high-performance computing systems in the world
and especially designed to run massively parallel application.
To evaluate unicore’s workflow capabilities, we analyzed the performance
of the asc smg2000 benchmark, a parallel semi-coarsening multigrid solver
that uses a complex communication pattern and performs a large number of
non-nearest-neighbor point-to-point communication operations. Applying a
weak scaling strategy, a fixed 64 ×64 ×32 problem size per process with five
solver iterations was configured. In our measurements, we used 512 processes
per program run as a prove of concept, while typically a production run uses
significant more processors.
Figure 5 shows a snapshot of the unicore Rich Client Platform. On the left
side of the GUI, we can see the Grid browser showing the actually available
services of the infrastructures as well as the status of certain activities. On the
right side, we see the runtime summarization of the entire performance analysis
workflow. In more detail, both the profiling phase and postprocessing phase
(see Figure 2) of the smg2000 benchmark parallel application is shown. While
profiling is enabled, the execution of the pre-compiled and automatically in-
strumented executable generates a runtimesummary. This runtime summary is
Figure 5. Using unicore’s workflow capabilities for profiling a parallel application.
subsequently postprocessed via certain preconfigured mappings to be displayed
properly to the end-user as shown in Figure 6.
The strength of this runtime summarization is that it avoids storing the events
intracebuffersand files, since many executionperformance metricscan bemost
efficiently calculated by accumulating statistics during measurement, avoiding
the cost of storing them with events for later analysis. For example, the point-to-
point communication time can be immediately determined and finally displayed
as shown in Figure 6. Here, the runtime summary report shows a large point-
to-point communication fraction distributed across the call tree and the system
hierarchy. Obviously,thepoint-to-pointcommunication time clearly dominated
the overall communication behavior making it the most promising target for fur-
ther analysis efforts. That is, we configured the measurement system to record
especially those execution phases related to point-to-point communication and
adjusted the buffer sizes, manually.
The unicore Rich Client Platform snapshot in Figure 7 shows again the
Grid browser with the actually available services of the infrastructures as well
as the status of the submitted tracing workflow. This tracing workflow con-
sists of a tracing, trace analysis, and postprocessing phase. During the tracing
phase, the measurement system generates process-local event traces maintained
in an appropriate measurement archive (epik tracing). The subsequent trace
Grid-Based Workflow Management 11
Figure 6. Runtime summary report: Large point-to-point communication fraction distributed
across the call tree and the system hierarchy.
analysis starts the parallel trace analyzer, which automatically search those
event traces for patterns of inefficient performance behavior. The trace ana-
lyzer generates a trace analysis report which is finally postprocessed via certain
preconfigured mappings to be displayed properly to the end-user as shown in
Figure 8.
scalasca searches event traces of parallel programs for patterns of ineffi-
cient behavior (e.g., wait states), classifies detected instances by category, and
quantifies the associated performance penalty. Often, reasons for such wait
states can be found in the scheduling of communication operations or in the
distribution of work among the processes involved. Figure 8 shows the trace
analysis report similar in structure to the summary report but enriched with
higher-level performance metrics. The report indicates that the large point-to-
point communication time manifests itself in a Late Sender situation distributed
across the call tree and the system hierarchy. Hence, the point-to-point com-
munication would be a prommissing target for performance optimization.
Finally, typical Grid applications execute their workflow steps on different
systems, while in our approach all steps (i.e. measurements) are taken on the
jugene system. This is due to the fact that we analyze the performance for one
Figure 7. Using unicore’s workflow capabilities for tracing a parallel application.
dedicated scientific hpc application on a distinct parallel machine. However,
using the same workflow on another system is easy to accomplish by just choose
another site within the unicore Rich Client Platform. Of course, the workflow
capabilities cover not only multi-step workflows, but also multi-site workflows
that are not substantial to accomplish the performance analysis in this context.
5. Related Work
There is a wide variety of related work in the field. First and foremost,
Taverna[8] enables the interoperation between databasesand toolsby providing
a toolkit for composing, executing and managing workflow applications. It’s
specifically designed to access local and remote resources as well as analysis
tools. In comparison to our worfklow approach, this tool is not seamlessly
integrated in a Grid middleware.
Another well-known workflow tool named as askalon [2]. The fundamen-
tal goal of askalon is to provide simple, efficient, and effective application
development for the Grid. In focusses on workflows as well as parameter stud-
ies. It also allows for measurement, analysis and optimization of performance,
but also this tool is not closely aligned with hpc environments or any hpc-
driven Grid middleware.
Grid-Based Workflow Management 13
Figure 8. Trace analysis report: Large point-to-point waiting time manifests itself in a Late
Sender situation distributed across the call tree and the system hierarchy.
Also, Triana [10] is aproblem solving environment especially designed as a
Gridworkflowtool. DevelopedbyCardiffUniversity, Triana basicallyabstracts
the core capabilities needed for service-based computing such as p2p, Web
services, or Grid Computing. While this approach is rather more oriented to
hpc in a way, we also find that the direct support for a Grid middleware was
Finally, also the A-Ware project [1] develops several workflow capabilities
specifically designed for service invocation of any kind. Compared to our
approach, this work is rather high-level and thus not directly usable for hpc-
based environments.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we have shown that the approach of supporting the perfor-
mance analysis of parallel hpc applications can be significantly supported by
workflow capabilities within Grids. We have mapped the scalasca’s auto-
matic performance analysis approach of massively parallel applications to uni-
core’s workflow management capabilities. More precisely, by automizing
scalasca’s performance analysis workflow, we have shown that Grid middle-
ware components simplify the overall process of scalascas pattern search
even when executed on a single Grid resource. Finally, we have explained
the basic performance analysis results detected by the automatic performance
The work described in this paper is based on work of many talented col-
leagues in the unicore community that developed unicore 6. In particular,
we acknowledge our colleagues Bernd Schuller and Bastian Demuth of the
Chemomentum project for developing the workflow capabilities within uni-
core 6.
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Thanks to successful national and international initiatives Grid Computing begins to leave its shadowy existence. Years ago it started with users and developers mainly coming from the field of high energy and particle physics, and now also attracts increasing interest in other disciplines like climatology and biomedical research. Within the last five years with Cloud Computing another enabling technology emerged. This one utilizes resource and platform virtualization in its back-end and can be understood as complementary to Grid Computing. A possible and by European Grid initiatives pursued combination of both technologies is the on-demand operation of Grid middleware services in a Compute Cloud. For this purpose the middleware services and the underlying operating systems are encapsulated in virtual appliances. In this context, an important task is to establish comprehensible and replicable processes for the creation of these virtual appliances. This work evaluates the feasibility of workflows to describe these processes and shows workflows created for three different Grid middlewares. In the long run they allow a highly automated installation and configuration not only of Gridmiddleware services, but also supplemental services.
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This specification defines the syntax and semantics for XML-encoded assertions about authentication, attributes, and authorization, and for the protocols that convey this information. Status: This is a working draft produced by the Security Services Technical Committee. See the Revision History for details of changes made in this revision.
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The UNICORE Grid system has been developed since the late 1990s to support distributed computing applications and emerging Grid infrastructures. Over the years, UNICORE has evolved to a full-grown and well-tested Grid middleware system, which today is used in daily production at many supercomputing centers worldwide. Also, the UNICORE technology serves as a solid basis in many European and International research projects. In this paper, we present issues surrounding the integration of standards into the UNICORE Grid system. We summarize here the principal character-istics of the latest Web services-based Unicore/GS release, which provides significant enhancements in the areas of interoperability, standards compliance and functionality.
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This paper describes an environment whose aim is to aid in the development and tuning of message passing applications before actually running them in a real system with a large number of processors. Our objective is not to eliminate tests on real machines but to be able to focus them in a more selective way and thereby minimize their number. The environment presented in this paper consists of three closely integrated tools: an instrumented communication library, a trace driven simulator (Dimemas) and a visualization/analysis tool (Paraver).
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Automatic trace analysis is an effective method for identifying com- plex performance phenomena in parallel applications. However, as the size of par- allel systems and the number of processors used by individual applications is con- tinuously raised, the traditional approach of analyzing a single global trace file, as done by KOJAK's EXPERT trace analyzer, becomes increasingly constrained by the large number of events. In this article, we present a scalable version of the EXPERT analysis based on analyzing separate local trace files with a parallel tool which 'replays' the target application's communication behavior. We describe the new parallel analyzer architecture and discuss first empirical results.
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Performance analysis most often is based on the detailed knowledge of program behavior. One option to get this information is tracing. Based on the research tool PARvis, the visualization environment VAMPIR was developed at KFA which now supports the new message passing standard MPI. VAMPIR translates a given trace file into a variety of graphical views, e.g., state diagrams, activity charts, time-line displays, and statistics. Moreover, it supports an animation mode that can help to locate performance bottlenecks, and it provides flexible filter operations to reduce the amount of information displayed. The most interesting part of VAMPIR is the powerful zooming feature that allows to identify problems at any level of detail.
The UNICORE Grid-technology provides a seamless, secure and intuitive access to distributed Grid resources. In this paper we present the recent evolution from project results to production Grids. At the beginning UNICORE was developed as a prototype software in two projects funded by the German research ministry (BMBF). Over the following years, in various European-funded projects, UNICORE evolved to a full-grown and well-tested Grid middleware system, which today is used in daily production at many supercomputing centers worldwide. Beyond this production usage, the UNICORE technology serves as a solid basis in many European and International research projects, which use existing UNICORE components to implement advanced features, high level services, and support for applications from a growing range of domains. In order to foster these ongoing developments, UNICORE is available as open source under BSD licence at SourceForge, where new releases are published on a regular basis. This paper is a review of the UNICORE achievements so far and gives a glimpse on the UNICORE roadmap.
Conference Paper
The Globus Toolkit (GT) has been developed since the late 1990s to support the development of service-oriented distributed computing applications and infrastructures. Core GT components address, within a common framework, fundamental issues relating to security, resource access, resource management, data movement, resource discovery, and so forth. These components enable a broader “Globus ecosystem” of tools and components that build on, or interoperate with, GT functionality to provide a wide range of useful application-level functions. These tools have in turn been used to develop a wide range of both “Grid” infrastructures and distributed applications. I summarize here the principal characteristics of the recent Web Services-based GT4 release, which provides significant improvements over previous releases in terms of robustness, performance, usability, documentation, standards compliance, and functionality. I also introduce the new “dev.globus” community development process, which allows a larger community to contribute to the development of Globus software.
Parallel computers with SMP nodes provide both multithreading and message passing astheir modes of parallel execution. This thesis addresses the complexity of the performanceproblems that can arise in these systems by formally characterizing the problems in termsof execution patterns that represent situations of inefficient behavior. These patterns arespecified as compound events which are input for an automatic analysis process that recognizesand quantifies the inefficient behavior in...
Conference Paper
Since its inception a significant asset of the UNICORE Grid middleware has been the Gateway which presents a single point of entry to services available at a particular UNICORE site. This paper presents the design and implementation of the SOAP and WS-Addressing based Gateway component to be used by the next generation of the UNICORE software. Building on the Web services architecture, we show how a richer form of messaging functionality can be used to build new and imaginative solutions for the new generation of the UNICORE Grid middleware.