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Turn waste heat into electricity by using an Organic Rankine Cycle


Abstract and Figures

On renewable energy installations such as biogas-, landfill gas-and bio oil engines and even at all kinds of industrial plants lots of waste heat is dissipated into the atmosphere. On the other hand, there is a proven, commercially available technology to convert it (partially) into electricity. This is the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), used since several decades within f.i. geothermal plants. Applications of the same technology for waste heat recovery are rather premature. To transfer this technology to such applications, practical research in collaboration with industry was performed with as output : technology review (used working fluids to replace water/steam, expander types...), a market overview, view on technical and economical feasibility, simulation models, comparison between the steam cycle and ORC and selection criteria, industrial case studies (landfill-and biogas engines, steel, glass, paper, automotive, chemical, clay, water treatment....industry). As a conclusion, ORC-projects were found being very attractive on renewable energy applications with the help of green certificates. On non renewable industrial cases, economic feasibility strongly depends from integration costs and electricity prices.
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2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March-1st April, 2011 Tarragona, Spain
B. Vanslambrouck, I. Vankeirsbilck, S. Gusev, M. De Paepe
Turn waste heat into electricity by using an Organic Rankine Cycle
pages nn-mm
Corresponding author:,
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Turn waste heat into electricity by using an Organic Rankine Cycle
BrunoVanslambrouck1, Ignace Vankeirsbilck1, Sergei Gusev1, Michel De Paepe2
1Howest, University College of West-Flanders
Electromechanics Department, Research Group of Thermodynamics
Graaf Karel de Goedelaan 5, 8500, Kortrijk, Belgium
2 Ghent University-UGent
Department of Flow, Heat and Combustion Mechanics
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent, Belgium
On renewable energy installations such as biogas-, landfill gas- and bio oil engines and even at
all kinds of industrial plants lots of waste heat is dissipated into the atmosphere.
On the other hand, there is a proven, commercially available technology to convert it (partially)
into electricity. This is the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), used since several decades within
f.i. geothermal plants. Applications of the same technology for waste heat recovery are rather
To transfer this technology to such applications, practical research in collaboration with
industry was performed with as output : technology review (used working fluids to replace
water/steam, expander types...), a market overview, view on technical and economical
feasibility, simulation models, comparison between the steam cycle and ORC and selection
criteria, industrial case studies (landfill- and biogas engines, steel, glass, paper, automotive,
chemical, clay, water treatment....industry).
As a conclusion, ORC-projects were found being very attractive on renewable energy
applications with the help of green certificates. On non renewable industrial cases, economic
feasibility strongly depends from integration costs and electricity prices.
ORC, Organic Rankine Cycle, waste heat recovery, energy efficiency
1. Introduction
In our society there is a great demand for mechanical and electric energy. Besides renewable
energy sources, such as photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and hydropower, most of our energy
is being generated from thermal energy. This thermal power is in general obtained from the
combustion of fossil fuels or from nuclear reaction. Depending on the application, different
thermodynamic cycles have been developed in practice, leading to serviceable machines and
processes. Commonly used are : combustion engines (petrol, gas, diesel), gas turbines, steam
turbines (Clausius-Rankine cycle as a specific variation). These processes always use a high
temperature heat source and typically achieve a cycle efficiency between 25 and 55%. Still a
lot of waste heat is being released in these cycles, often on relatively high temperatures
(combustion engines, gas turbines). In case this waste heat can be recovered usefully in a CHP
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
(combined heat and power) installation, a high fuel utilization ratio can be realized (80-100%
ref LHV).
If this heat can’t directly be recovered in a useful thermal application locally, it would be
beneficial to have a process that transforms this heat into additional mechanical work or
electricity. Even low temperature industrial waste heat, that can’t be recovered otherwise,
could still have a practical application in this way. A suitable thermodynamic cycle to this
purpose is the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). This cycle resembles the classic steam cycle
commonly used in thermal power stations. If only a heat source on low temperature is
available or in small scale applications, it could be advantageous to replace water/steam by a
suitable organic medium. This technology is already commercially available and has been
successfully applied in the past decades to generate electricity from geothermal wells (75-
300°C). ORC systems are also effectively applied in relatively small scale biomass power
This paper results from a practical oriented, and governmental funded, research project
(TETRA, or TEchnology TRAnsfer). The objective of this project is to make the ORC
technology widely known in Flanders and to eliminate any barriers in its practical
No research in optimizing the ORC system itself has been performed, but some case studies
have been elaborated to prove the availability and applicability of this technology in Flanders.
Initially, the focus was on renewable energy sources because of the financial support with
green certificates. Recently more and more low-priced ORC units became available, so in a
second research project some case studies on non-renewable, industrial waste heat sources have
been investigated. A test rig with a unique 11 kWe ORC has been built as a demonstration and
test facility.
This paper includes a description of the ORC-technology, its applicability, used expander
types, a comparison with the classical steam cycle and some economic considerations. Also the
test facility is briefly described.
2. The (Organic) Rankine Cycle
Figure 1 shows the main
components of a steam cycle in a
thermal power plant : boiler (1),
steam turbine (3), generator (4),
condenser (6), cooling tower (7)
and feed pump.
This thermodynamic cycle is
being applied successfully in
large thermal power stations,
where it is commonly adopted as
proven technology, and for
which the advantages to the use
of water as a heat transport
medium outweigh the few
The disadvantages to the use of water/steam can best be explained by considering the T-s
diagram of a simplified steam cycle as presented in Figure 2. This steam cycle is frequently
used in small scale power installations up to a few MWe and compared to this steam cycle the
Figure 1 : Conventional Rankine Cycle in a thermal
power station (source: Electrabel)
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
ORC seems to be a potential alternative. The main disadvantages to the use of water as
working medium are :
For a condensing temperature around ambient temperature, a very low pressure is
required, f.i. Tcond = 45°C requires a pcond below 0,1 bar. A low pressure implies a low
density or a high specific volume at the outlet of the steam turbine and condenser and
thus a big diameter for the final turbine stage and a voluminous condenser.
Due to the high pressure ratio between in- and outlet of the steam turbine, the design of
the turbine becomes more complex and multiple stages are required.
To avoid the formation of moisture in the final stages of the steam turbine, the steam
needs to be superheated to higher temperatures. These high temperatures have their
impact on the design and material choice for the turbine and heat exchangers.
Water also has a high evaporation heat, and thus demands a heat source that can deliver
a lot of thermal energy on a high temperature level.
From these drawbacks can be concluded that the applicability of water/steam is restricted when
an industrial waste heat source on relatively low temperatures is considered. A better
alternative in these cases is the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). The ORC is based on the same
thermodynamic principles and the same components as in a conventional steam cycle are used
(heat exchanger, expander, condenser, feed pump), only a different working medium is applied.
Mainly organic fluids, like refrigerants (R245fa), toluene, (cyclo)-pentane or silicone oils are
used. These fluids are characterized as dry fluids and have some interesting properties
compared to water/steam[1-4].
As an example the T-s diagram for toluene is represented in Figure 3. (Diagram made with
Fluidprop [5]). Dry fluids, like toluene, are characterized by a positive slope of the saturated
vapour curve in a T-s diagram. Due to this characteristic dry fluids don’t need to be
superheated because after expansion the saturated vapour remains in the superheated area.
The main advantages of organic fluids compared to water/steam can be summarized as follows:
The organic fluids in an ORC can already be used at a much lower evaporation
temperature and pressure.
Superheating is not required, although in practice a small degree of superheating is
applied in some ORC-units.
The evaporation heat of organic fluids is approximately 10x smaller compared to water.
This all results in less higher demands to the temperature level of the heat source. Less heat on
a high level is needed to evaporate the fluid, so low grade industrial waste heat can also be used
as a heat input in an ORC. The minimum temperature at which an ORC can be applied starts at
Figure 2 : T-s diagram of simplified steam cycle
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
about 55°C. Obviously, the cycle efficiency strongly depends on the temperature difference
between evaporation and condensation. The smaller the temperature difference, the lower the
cycle efficiency will be.
Also the selection of the organic fluid for a given application (heat source) is a key issue.
Refrigerants are only efficient in use with a low grade heat source. For waste heat on a high
temperature level, f.i. exhaust gases of a combustion engine, other organic fluids such as
toluene or silicone oils are used and a cycle efficiency of 20 25% can be achieved with these
Figure 3 : T-s diagram Toluene
Figure 4 represents a schematic flow of an ORC-installation and the resulting cycle in a T-s
diagram. Following steps in the cycle can be identified on the T-s diagram :
1-2 : expansion to condenser pressure
2-3 : cooling down superheated vapour in regenerator at constant pressure
3-4 : condensation
4-5 : pressure increase by feed pump
5-6 : preheating ORC fluid in regenerator
6-1 : preheating and evaporation by external heat source
Figure 4 : Lay-out and T-s diagram of ORC with regenerator
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
Due to the characteristics of dry fluids, the vapour remains largely superheated after expansion.
This fact has a negative influence on the cycle efficiency, because the superheated vapour first
has to be cooled down in the condenser. In this manner also the heat content of the superheated
vapour is dissipated in the condenser, besides the condensation heat itself. Therefore a
regenerator is often used to increase the cycle efficiency. The superheated vapour is first
cooled down towards condensation temperature in the regenerator by preheating the liquid fluid
after the feed pump. A drawback of a regenerator is that an external waste heat source can’t be
cooled down as deeply as without a regenerator.
Due to its characteristics, an ORC system can be efficiently applied to recover waste heat in
exhaust gases. Often a higher net electrical yield can be achieved with an ORC system
compared to a steam cycle. Table 1 shows the simulation results for an arbitrary waste heat
flow with a maximum temperature of 350°C, and a thermal power of 3000 kWth (when cooled
down to 120°C). In Figure 5 the corresponding temperature profiles and pinch points are
represented for an ORC and steam cycle. The ORC is simulated with a regenerator and as
organic fluid the silicone oil hexamethyldisiloxane (MM) is used.
Table 1: Results efficiency waste
heat recovery
p evaporator
ηi turbine
Pth recover
As shown in Table 1, more waste heat can be recovered by the ORC (Pth recover). In spite of
the lower cycle efficiency compared to a steam cycle, a higher net electric power at the
generator can be obtained with an ORC. In Figure 5 the corresponding heating profiles are
drawn. The ORC system requires less thermal heat to evaporate the organic fluid compared to
the steam cycle, and as a result a higher evaporation temperature can be applied. On the other
hand, the steam cycle requires a higher superheating temperature depending on the evaporation
pressure used. For a steam cycle the combination of the evaporation pressure and superheating
temperature is often the restricting factor in low grade waste heat recovery applications. Which
cycle, steam or ORC, gives the best results strongly depends on the temperature profile of the
waste heat source and should be further investigated case by case. This comparison is one of
the topics in our current research project.
3. ORC applications
The ORC-technology can be applied in a broad range of situations. Essentially, every low
grade heat source starting at about 55°C can (technically) be used as an input heat source to an
0500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Temperature [°C]
P thermal [kW]
Heat source
Steam 12bar
Steam 18bar
Figure 5 : Comparison temperature profiles and pinch point
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
ORC. A survey of possible application areas has already been given by Quoilin et al. [7] and
some will also briefly be presented in this paper.
3.1 Industrial waste heat recovery
In the industry there still are plenty of waste heat flows on relatively low temperature that are
dissipated to the environment by cooling towers or in stacks. Some of these heat sources are
reused in other on-site applications or are used for district heating. However, when there is no
direct application for this thermal waste heat, it could be used to generate electric power by
means of an ORC.
One of the first waste heat power generating plants using the Organic Rankine Cycle was
implemented at Heidelberg Cement in Lengfurt (Germany), where the clinker cooler exhaust
air at ca 270°C serves as a heat input to an ORC. A description of this ORC plant has been
reported by Baatz et al. [8] and the long-term operating experience by Claus et al. [9]. The aim
of this project was to generate 1,1 MW net electrical power and reported are an availability
higher than 97% and a high flexibility with heat flows which lie between 67% and 110% of the
design capacity and exhaust air temperatures varying between ca 165 and 305°C. This report
proves the reliability and the high flexibility of the ORC technology.
On the incinerator for domestic waste
at MIROM in Roeselare, Belgium
the waste heat in the exhaust gases is
used for district heating. Because of a
significant overcapacity of hot water,
an ORC was installed to generate
electric power. This system is being
monitored and is used as a case of
experience in our research project.
Figure 6 shows a schematic flow of
this system. The exhaust gases heat
up a water circuit at 180°C that is
used by priority as an input to the
district heating and the surplus of hot
water is directed to the ORC system.
This ORC reaches an efficiency of
16-17% and generates 2,5 MW net electrical power. Also this system shows a remarkable
Other areas of application for ORC systems in industry can be found on solvent containing
waste gas afterburners (VOC or Volatile Organic Compound control), gas flares in process
industry, poor quality gases and landfill gas, low pressure steam, process cooling water,
melting furnaces...
3.2 Internal combustion engines (ICE) and gas turbines
A lot of combustion engines are used in CHP applications. Besides the electric power
generation, the waste heat of the engine is used for heating purposes (f.i. greenhouses). Internal
combustion engines and gas turbines typically have a thermal efficiency in the range of 20 to
50%. A greater part of the fuel energy is being dissipated in the exhaust gases and jacket
cooling. The exhaust gases often have a temperature level above 300°C and thus are very
suitable as input source for an ORC system. Also the jacket cooling, with temperatures around
Figure 6 : Schematic flow incinerator MIROM,
Belgium (Source : MIROM)
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
90°C, can be used or integrated in an ORC system. This manner the total efficiency of the
combined system (engine + ORC) can substantially be improved. Approximately 10%
supplementary electric power can
be generated from the same fuel
input. Figure 7 shows a general
scheme for a combined CHP- and
ORC installation.
There are also ORC systems
available on the market that can
be operated as a CHP unit. These
systems usually condensate on a
higher temperature level, and the
condenser heat is used to produce
hot water. Because of the higher
condensation temperature, these
systems have a slightly lower
electrical efficiency.
In the automotive industry several research projects on the integration of an ORC on the
exhaust gases of the car engine are in progress. Applications for the ORC can be found in
combination with the hybrid technology or to generate additional mechanical power. Also
small scale ORC’s of few kW, can be used to drive directly the airco compressor.
3.3 Renewable energy power plants
The ORC technology can successfully be integrated into renewable energy power plants, such
as solar, geothermal and biomass fired power plants.
In solar power plants the solar energy is being concentrated by parabolic troughs and used as a
input heat source to a power cycle. Besides the steam cycle, also the Organic Rankine Cycle
can be applied profitably to generate electric power, as being reported by Price et al. [10].
Another solar-ORC application is the desalination of sea water that has been investigated by
Tchanche et al. [11].
Geothermal energy is widely available in a broad temperature range, and the ORC technology
is already applied for several decades on these heat sources. For low to medium temperature
heat sources, the ORC is a favourable power generation cycle as presented at the ENGINE
workshop 5 [12]).
On biomass fired boilers often an
ORC is preferred because of the
lower operation pressure and the
less stringent legislation compared
to a steam cycle. Figure 8 shows a
schematic chart of an ORC based
CHP installation on a biomass
fired boiler. The condenser heat
can be used in (biomass) drier
applications or as district heating.
Figure 7 : ORC integrated within a CHP installation
Figure 8 : Schematic chart of ORC based CHP
installation (Source : Turboden)
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
4. ORC expander technology
4.1 Classification parameters
There are several possibilities to classify the very different versions of ORC’s. In a
classification according to the power range : micro-systems (0,5-10 kWe), small systems (10-
100 kWe), medium range (100-300 kWe) and large systems (300 kWe 3 MWe or more) can be
distinguished. The required heat source temperature is an other relevant parameter by which
ORC’s can be categorized into : low temperature systems (55° tot 150°C), medium temperature
(150°-300°C) and high temperature ORC’s (above 300°C). According to the condenser
temperature : ambient temperature and temperature levels between ca 50° and 90°C (CHP-
mode) can be distinguished. The used expander technology is also an important parameter but
is often linked with other parameters such as power and temperature range.
Also the “maturity of the technology” could be a parameter. Despite their announcement on
the internet or through other channels, often with changing characteristics, prices, etc, the
availability of several ORC units isn’t always clear. Some are still unavailable despite 8 years
of “promoting time”. Classifications : “available with different known references”, “premature
commercialization after (successful) tests”, “experimental” and rejected.
4.2 Classification according to the used expander technology
This classification is the most comprehensive to become an overview of the “state of the art”.
4.2.1 Turbine based ORC’s
Because of their dedicated design, the highest efficiencies can be achieved with these turbines.
They are mainly applied in high temperature applications.
As an example, Figure 9 shows the turbine used by Tri-O-Gen (The Netherlands). This ORC
uses toluene as a working fluid and needs a heat source higher than 350°C because the
turbine’s inlet temperature is 325°C (some superheating is applied). This ORC is well adapted
to the use of exhaust heat of combustions engines. Several references for this ORC are known.
Some other well established manufacturers using specific designed turbines are Turboden,
Ormat and Maxxtec.
4.2.2 Reversed centrifugal chillers
Some ORC’s are derived from cooling equipment. It suffice to reverse the cooling cycle in the
equipment to obtain an ORC. Best known example of this type of ORC is the PureCycle 280
from Pratt & Whitney (Figure 10). To transform a centrifugal chiller into a power cycle, the
Figure 9 : Turbine used by Tri-O-Gen (source : Tri-O-Gen)
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
compressor has to be reversed to a turbine, the motor has to be replaced by a generator, and the
expansion valve has to be substituted by a pump. By keeping R134a as an organic medium, a
very low temperature ORC unit is obtained (used in geothermal power plants in Alaska where a
very low condenser temperature can be achieved). When using R245fa as a working fluid, this
type of ORC can be optimized for waste heat sources between 90° and ca 140°C, as the
evaporating temperature is around 122°C at a maximum operating pressure of 20 bar.
The advantage of this type of ORC is a rather low price and a high reliability. Almost all used
components are proven technology, and principally the installation and maintenance can be
performed by current constructors and chiller technicians.
4.2.3 Mono screw - , Twin screw - , and Lysholm expanders [13,14]
These expander types are derived from volumetric compressors by reversing them. The
Lysholm compressor was invented in 1934 for use as a supercharger for combustion engines.
Lubrication and avoiding friction caused by thermal expansion are the main issues when using
these expander types. These ORC’s can also be classified as low temperature ORC’s, as the
nominal operating temperature should not exceed too much the nominal operating temperature
of the compressor mode.
These expanders are very robust and can withstand fluid drops at the inlet. Even pure fluids
can be “expanded”. The points 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Figure 13 are all acceptable as inlet conditions
to the expander.
Figure 10 : ORC derived from a centrifugal chiller (source: Pratt &Whitney)
Figure 11 : Twin screw, mono screw and Lysholm expander
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
Twin screw compressors are available on the market in the MW-range, so ORC’s in this power
range can also be expected to be available. Projects with 250 kW-units have already been
implemented. The main manufacturers using this technology are : Electratherm (twin screw
expanders), BEP Europe (mono- or Z-screw expanders) and Opcon (Lysholm expanders).
4.2.4 Scroll expanders
Scroll compressors are also widely used in cooling and airco equipment and can easily be
reversed to act as an expander. Some ORC developments using this type of expander are
known [15]. The power range for scroll expanders is limited to about 30 kWe, and
commercialization of this ORC type is still premature. Eneftech and Energetix are the main
constructors using this technology.
Figure 13 : Possible (steam) cycles using
screw expanders
Figure 12 : Mono Screw 50 kWe ORC of
BEP Europe
Figure 15 : 2-stage scroll expander (Eneftech)
Figure 14 : Scroll expander
Figure 16 : Scroll expander based residential µ-CHP (Energetix-Daalderop)
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
4.2.5 ORC’s derived from gas expanders
Gas expanders, as manufactured by f.i.
Atlas Copco can also be applied in ORC
installations. As they are promoted for such
use, WOW Energies (USA) has already
(some ?) ORC references based on this
5. Some economical information
New energy saving technologies can only become appealing to invest if they offer a favourable
cost/benefit balance. A second possibility is when they get a strong financial support by the
government, as is the case with photovoltaic panels. But other promising technologies such as
Stirling engines or fuel cells disappear to the background just by lack of this support.
The economical balance of an ORC project isn’t always profitable. Main determining factors to
the investment costs are : module size, integration cost and complexity, profits of generated
electricity, federal support (f.i. when producing electricity from a renewable heat source).
Price data for a lot of ORC modules is known within our research group and is used when
performing case studies. Because of the confidentiality, a complete overview can’t be
published in this paper. But following indications should demonstrate that there are feasible
opportunities for ORC applications.
Low temperature ORC’s become available from about 1350 /kWe for a 250 kW-unit to 2200
€/kWe for 50 kW-units. Turbine based ORC’s (high temperature) range from 1000 €/kWe for
a 2 MW-unit, to 2000 €/kWe for a 500 kW-unit and up to 3000 /kWe for a 150 kW-unit. This
are all average prices based only on the ORC module prices. Installation costs are very
variable and are strongly site and application dependent. For waste heat recovery applications,
these can range from 50% (higher power range) to 100 % (lower power range) of the ORC
module’s cost.
Based on calculations made in our case studies, a payback time of about 3 years, or even less,
can be found on renewable energy applications (IRR of 25% or more), due to the federal
support of green certificates (about 110 /MWe in Flanders).
Depending on the project conditions (electricity price, integration cost, operating hours,
investment support...) the economical balance can also be acceptable (IRR>15%) for non
renewable, industrial applications. Also third party financing can create opportunities.
6. ORC test facility at Howest
An electric thermal oil heater was selected as a heat source to reach a maximum temperature of
350°C. The heater consists of 10 heating elements of 25 kW in parallel. The heat provided to
the ORC unit being tested, can be adjusted continuously between 0 and 250 kWth. Only 1
heating element is continuously variable, the other elements are on/off controlled. Fast and
large changes in heat supply can be realized to investigate the dynamic behaviour of the ORC.
A layout of our test facility is shown in Figure 18 and Figure 19.
Figure 17 : 2-stage gas expansion turbine
(Atlas Copco)
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
Figure 19 : Heat source, cooling loop, process control and monitoring, 11 kWe ORC
The cooling loop consists of an air cooler on the rooftop, a circulation pump and a bypass
valve. The condenser temperature can be set from slightly above the ambient temperature up to
ca 120°C. This allows the simulation of the cogeneration working mode and to test the
influence of the cooling temperature on the performance and cycle efficiency. A small inside
Figure 18 : Layout test facility Howest
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
cooler is also present when testing smaller ORC units. All process parameters and energy
flows are measured or can be calculated from measurement data. A data-acquisition and
control unit (with PLC and touch screen) is integrated to achieve an accurate process
monitoring and a robust control.
The power range of the ORC units that can be tested or demonstrated with our facility is
restricted due to the limited capacity of our heat source (max. 250 kWth). ORC units, up to 40
kWe (at high heat source temperatures 200-350°C) or 20 kWe (at low heat source temperatures
80 180°C) should fit on it. This unique test facility is adapted to perform all kind of tests :
modified cycles (2 stage cycles, supercritical cycles , with/without reheating, etc…)
performance and sensitivity tests
comparison of different working fluids
dynamic behaviour with fast or slow alterations in temperatures, heat load or
mechanical load,
behaviour and efficiency tests under part load conditions,
subcomponent tests, f.i. heater/evaporator, condenser, expander, feed pump, generator,
recuperator effectiveness, etc....
On the same test rig also other technologies such as absorption cooling, (high temperature) heat
pumps, Thermo Acoustic Generators, etc... can be tested or demonstrated.
7. Conclusion
In this paper a general description of the steam cycle and organic Rankine cycle has been
presented in short, and some of the advantages and disadvantages of the ORC compared to a
steam cycle have been discussed. From the simulations made in this paper can be concluded
that an ORC unit is a feasible and efficient alternative to a steam cycle, certainly when a low
grade waste heat source is considered.
A brief overview of the application areas for ORC installations has been given and
demonstrated by some examples of implemented installations on industrial waste heat. These
implementation examples prove the reliability and maturity of this technology. A key issue in
these installations is the type of expander. The different types used in an ORC unit have been
listed and discussed. Finally some economic considerations and arguments in favour of the
ORC have been given.
8. Nomenclature
Eevap : Evaporation heat [kJ/kg]
s : entropy [kJ/kgK]
h : enthalpy [kJ/kg]
pcrit : critical pressure [bar]
pevap : evaporation pressure [bar]
pcond : condenser pressure [bar]
T : temperature [°C]
Tcrit : critical temperature [°C]
Tcond : condenser temperature [°C]
Tevap : evaporation temperature [°C]
Tsup : superheating temperature [°C]
Tin turbine : inlet temperature turbine [°C]
η cycle : cycle efficiency [%]
η gen,nto : net cycle efficiency [%]
ηi pump : isentropic efficiency pump [%]
ηi turbine : isentropic efficiency turbine [%]
Pth : thermal power [kWth]
Pgen,nto : net generator power [kWe]
Pth,reco : recoverable thermal power [kWth]
9. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of IWT Flanders to this work (IWT is
the government agency for Innovation by Science and Technology).
Also the support and the use of the simulation software Fluidprop [5] and Cycle Tempo [6]
developed by Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands is gratefully acknowledged.
2nd European Conference on Polygeneration 30th March -1st April 2011 Tarragona, Spain
10. References
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Jun. 2008, p. 998―1007.
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Conversion and Management, vol. 42, Mar. 2001, p. 539―553.
[3] B. Liu, K. Chien, en C. Wang, 2004, “Effect of working fluids on organic Rankine cycle
for waste heat recovery”, Energy, vol. 29, Jun. 2004, p. 1207―1217.
[4] G. Angelino, P. Colonna di Paliano, 1998, “Multi-component Working Fluids For Organic
Rankine Cycles (ORCs)”, Energy, vol. 23, Jun. 1998, p. 449―463.
[5] P. Colonna, T.P. van der Stelt, 2004, FluidProp: a program for the estimation of thermo
physical properties of fluids, Energy Technology Section, Delft University of Technology, The
Netherlands (
[6] Simulation software Cycle-Tempo Website:
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... They do not need superheating to avoid expansion in the wet vapour domain which is dangerous for expander. Refrigerants are used with a low grade heat source and toluene or silicone oils are used with high temperature heat source like exhaust gases of combustion engines (Vanslambrouck B., 2011). The heat recovered from the internal combustion engines may be used also to drive absorption chiller to produce cold water. ...
... The investment costs of commercial high temperature ORC systems vary from 1000 €/kWe for a 2 MW unit, to 2000 €/kWe for a 500 kW unit and up to 3000 €/kWe for a 150 kW unit. The installation costs of ORC systems used for waste heat recovery applications can vary from 50% (higher power range) to 100% (lower power range) of the ORC unit cost (Vanslambrouck B. et al. 2011). ...
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Farm scale biogas plants most often use internal combustion engine-based combined heat and power (CHP) plant. In some cases (during summer) the heat demand is reduced and therefore a solution to increase the CHP plant efficiency must be found. One way could be the integration of an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system to produce electricity and heat using recovered heat from the exhaust gas leaving the engine and an absorption chiller to produce cold water using heat recovered from the engine cooling water. The energy analysis made by using the Cycle-Tempo software (for the integrated ORC system) and the SorpSim software (for the absorption chiller) of a CHP plant composed of two dual fuel engines with total electric power of 500 kW electric and total thermal power of 410 kW, shows that the overall efficiency of the plant may be increased in this way from 74.5% to 82.8% in winter and from 60.4% to 78.8% in summer. The investment costs of the ORC system and absorption chiller can be recovered in about 3 years by selling the extra electricity (100 kW) and by saving electricity required for cooling. Practical applications The organic Rankine cycle systems and absorption chillers may be implemented into internal combustion engine-based CHP plants running at farm-scale biogas plants to increase the plant efficiency during summer when the heat demand is lower. The cold water produced by the absorption chiller may be used for the air conditioning system of farm buildings. With the same fuel consumption it is produced a larger amount of heat, electric power is increased and additionally cold water is produced.
... This work aims at sizing and then optimizing a small scale Trans-ORC to recover energy from a cooling circuit of turbine exhaust gas of a CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plant from landfill gas. According to the power range, the ORC systems could be categorized into (Vanslambrouck et al., 2011): micro-systems (0.5 -10 kWel), small systems (10 -100 kWel), medium systems (100 -300 kWel) and large systems (300 -3000 kWel or more). The process flow diagram and heat source and sink parameters for studied Trans-ORC are presented in Figure 1. ...
... At the present, the commercialized ORC modules are often subcritical ones. According to the data presented in (Vanslambrouck et al., 2011), the average prices of these turbine based ORC modules, excluding the installation cost, range from 1337 $/kWel (converted from 1000 €/kWel with a 2011 yearly average exchange rate of 0.748 €/US$) for a 2 MW-unit, to 2674 $/kWel (2000 €/kWel) for a 500 kW-unit and up to 4011 $/kWel (3000 €/kWel) for a 150 kW-unit. For waste heat recovery applications, the installation costs can go from 50% to 100% of the ORC module's cost. ...
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In recent years, the transcritical (also called supercritical) organic Rankine cycle (Trans-ORC) has more and more aroused the attention for power generation from low-temperature heat source thanks to the better thermal matching between the heating and the cooling fluids of the high pressure heat transfer process. The absence of isothermal evaporation in transcritical ORC enables the heat source to be cooled down to a lower temperature despite an identical pinch point as in a comparable subcritical cycle. This leads to a greater utilization of the heat source. In other words, the transcritical cycle could produce more power with higher exergy efficiency compared to the subcritical one. This paper aims at sizing a transcritical ORC to recover energy from a cooling circuit of turbine exhaust gas and optimizing the operating conditions of the cycle from a thermoeconomic point of view. Indeed, several potential organic fluids, which satisfy the screening criteria (e.g. safety, environment, thermophysical properties and availability), will be used as working fluid to evaluate the performance and the specific investment capital (SIC) of the plant. The operating conditions (i.e. turbine inlet temperature and pressure, condensing temperature and heat sink outlet temperature) of the plant will also be optimized to find out the most suitable working fluid for the studied cycle.
... The purchase cost of the ORC units varies according to the size of the unit and the temperature grade of the waste heat. According to [39], the low-temperature ORC units can have an average Specific Investment Cost (SIC) from 2500 $/kW for a 50 kW unit and down to 1500 $/kW for a 250 kW unit. The SIC for the high-temperature ORC units can be as low as 1000 $/kW for a 2 MW unit. ...
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Alexandria National Refining and Petrochemicals Company (ANRPC) is a refinery in Alexandria, Egypt. A considerable amount of heat is wasted from the steam system after being utilized by different processes within the refinery. The utilized steam which can be recovered has an average flow rate of 15 Ton/hour, an average pressure of4.5 bar, and an average temperature of 180°C~220°C. The company decides to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to assess the feasibility of a proposed Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system to convert this waste heat into electric power. The approach used in this study is mainly an industry perspective. It deals with the ORC unit as an investment opportunity, with its associated cost and benefits rather than its thermodynamic performance, which was discussed in several previous papers. The most two important questions to be answered are: what is the total cost of the ORC system (including the unit price, transportation, customs, installation, integration with the process, commissioning, and startup), and what are the financial benefits of the project (including the yearly energy saving, the decrease in the peak load, and the corresponding carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction). This paper aims to be a guide for the decision-makers in the industry to support their decisions concerning the feasibility of installing ORC systems to recover waste heat and convert it into power. Based on the heat content of the waste heat stream and the efficiency of the evaporator (heat exchanger) of the working organic fluid, we can calculate the power that could be generated from the turbine (expander), and based on the efficiency of the generator, we can calculate the electrical power that can be generated (recovered) from the waste heat. In our case study, the expected generated electric power is 1,750 kW or equivalently, 15,000,000 kWh of electrical energy annually. Financial analysis shows that the ORC system, including the cost of the unit plus the costs of installation and integration into the process, will cost approximately 4.8 Million USD. The payback period is 4 years. The ORC unit will reduce the CO2 emissions as a result of not generating this amount of energy using traditional methods by approximately 7,500 Ton annually. The ORC technology is an attractive solution for industries seeking for utilizing their waste heat to generate power, hence, decreasing their energy bills and contributing to reducing CO2 emissions and combating global warming and climate change.
... Figure 6b shows a diagram of such an expander. Expanders of this type, which are currently available on the market, have power capacities from several hundred watts to 30 kW [2,12]. Their growing popularity among customers results mainly from their operational simplicity and long service life. ...
The article discusses the problems related to the operation of various types of expansion devices used in small cogeneration systems. Both volumetric and dynamic expanders were considered, including scroll, screw, vane, piston and turbine expanders. For each of these solutions, principles of operation were explained as well as major advantages and disadvantages. The results of experimental research on several expanders of various types were also presented. The overview of expanders included in this paper, along with basic operational problems and functional characteristics, is the collection of valuable information facilitating selection of a suitable expander for specific applications. This is particularly important in the context of search for new energy sources and opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of available energy resources.
... Figure 6b shows a diagram of such an expander. Expanders of this type, which are currently available on the market, have power capacities from several hundred watts to 30 kW [2,12]. Their growing popularity among customers results mainly from their operational simplicity and long service life. ...
The article discusses various types of expanders used in the organic Rankine cycle systems to turn thermal energy into electrical energy. In addition to basic information on scroll, screw, vane, piston, and turbine expanders, the paper also describes the principles of their operation as well as major advantages and disadvantages. The following characteristics of expanders have been developed on the basis of the most recent scientific publications and own experimental research conducted at the IFFM PASci, in Gdansk. The analysis of various expansion devices available on the market, including those that are still in the development phase, revealed a wide variety of problems related to their operation. The design differences between them have a significant impact on their efficiency and reliability when operating with different working fluids. The article is an authoritative compendium of research-based information about designs and performance of various types of expansion devices. It may be useful for people who want to apply such devices in different types of cogeneration systems.
The rapid increasing in energy demand is starting to create a burden on Oman due to its unrenewable sources of energy. Oman is formulating policies to promote using renewable energy technologies and/or minimize energy losses in industrial sectors through using waste heat recovery techniques. In this study, waste thermal energy data of five industrial companies were used to evaluate the performance of an ORC unit. It has been found that the ORC seems to be a practical solution for converting waste thermal energy of higher temperature and mass flow rate into power, e.g. high temperature of 105°C can produce net power of 29.9 kWe with 8.37% overall thermal efficiency compared to 2.46 kWe and 3.44%, for low temperature of 80°C. With respect to environment effect, high performance was achieved at the first and the last quarters of the year where water coolant temperature is low during winter seasons, while the performance deteriorated is summer as result of high water coolant temperature. Unfortunately, using ORC at Sharq Sohar Steel Rolling Mills is inapplicable, i.e. the required parasitic load was greater than the work output of the expander. The economic feasibility calculation showed that using ORC unit at ACWA Power Barka I found to be a feasible project in terms of payback period of approximately 6 years and revenue percentage of 85%. In contrast, the available waste heat at Areej Vegetable Oil & Derivatives cannot be economically recovered to electric power as a result of its long time-span of payback period.
Organic Rankine Cycle is one of the most efficient, profitable and feasible technology for low-to-medium temperature heat recovery. The boost to the development of small-scale systems that could easily enter the market poses challenges in the design and selection of components, and in the choice of the operating conditions. This work deals with a micro-scale Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) unit that has been designed to be cheap, efficient and compact, and tested to analyze performance and transient response under large variations of the heat source temperature. A dynamic model is also built and validated against two sets of experimental data: the first one refers to maximum power operation of the system and the second one to partial load operation close to the occurrence of two-phase expansion. The goal is to understand the potential of the system to face market applications, for which best design choices, operational limits and response time to variable heat sources must be identified. The choice of scroll expander, volumetric pump and plate heat exchangers has been made according to the lowest cost-to-efficiency ratio to keep the investment cost below 2500 euro/kW, already in the pre-market phase, in the power range of 3–4 kW. Results of the experiments show a fast time response, with a prompt reaction of the system to variations of the heat source temperature. Simulations demonstrated the ability of the model to capture with good accuracy the system dynamics. In particular, the validation process at maximum power operation (expander power output of 3300 W) shows maximum relative errors of about 4% in the prediction of measurements, whereas, the validation process at partial load operation yields slightly higher errors, namely 5.2% and 6.6% in the prediction of the evaporation pressure and the expander power output, respectively.
A great deal of energy is consumed annually for domestic heating and cooling. Meanwhile, the policies adopted for the reduction of CO2 emissions and fossil fuel consumption have led to the development of technological solutions based on renewable energy such as biomass and solar, along with the implementation of efficient multigeneration systems. In this study, two trigeneration systems, a microscale system based on a combined organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and a vapor compression cycle (VCC), incorporating a biomass boiler and parabolic trough collectors (PTC), are economically analyzed and evaluated against a heat pump (HP) powered by photovoltaic (PV) panels (PV heat pump). The thermal loads of a building located in Crete, Greece, are considered for the analysis. The efficiency of the ORC ranges between 3.7 and 10.05% for different organic fluids and conditions, while the cogeneration efficiency is up to 73.5%. For the PV heat pump, an average efficiency equal to 15% was calculated. The payback periods of the ORC-VCC and the PV heat pump systems were estimated to be 12.3 and 12.1 years, respectively.
Electricity generation is achieved by means of the medium-temperature geothermal water in the range of 90–140 ºC in binary plants with the organic Rankine cycle. So, we investigate a binary geothermal power plant as a case study, from the energy and exergy point of view. Also, exergy destruction rates throughout the plant are quantified and illustrated for comparison purposes. In the plant considered, the brine injection and reinjection temperatures are 140 and 80 ºC, with a mass flow rate of 64.87 kg/s, respectively. The energy and exergy efficiencies are calculated as 5.34 and 30.84 %, respectively, based on the heat and exergy input rates to the system at the net power. Furthermore, we examine the effects of some parameters on energy and exergy efficiencies and net power output (e.g., brine injection temperature, brine mass flow rates, turbine inlet temperature and inlet pressure).
A scroll expander was designed, fabricated, and tested as a power converting device in a waste heat recovery system fitted to the cooling system of internal combustion engine. An algebraic spiral was adopted as the base curve for the scroll wrap profile for the compact scroll design. A reduction of approximately 13.2% was accomplished in the scroll diameter, compared to conventional involute scroll. Additionally, numerical analysis on the expander performance showed that the performance of the designed algebraic scroll expander was about the same as that of a conventional scroll expander. The fabricated prototype was tested in a R134a Rankine cycle with a heat source of 20kW. For the operating conditions of 20-26bar and 90-93? at the expander inlet and 8-9bar at the outlet, the expander produced a shaft power of 0.6-0.7kW at an operating speed range of 1500-2000r/min. This corresponded to an expander efficiency of 40-45%. The volumetric efficiency also increased as the expander speed increased, reaching to 80% at 2000r/min. Furthermore, compared to the numerical simulation results, the mechanical efficiency from the test data was found to be considerably low as much as 30%.
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The growing need to recover power from low grade heat sources, has led to a review of the possibilities for producing systems for cost effective power production at outputs as little as 20-50kWe. It is shown that by utilizing the full potential of screw expanders instead of turbines, it is possible to produce Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems at these outputs, which can be installed for a cost in the range of $1500 to $2000 /kWe of net output. This low capacity cost combined with the ORC's fuel-free specification results in a very favorable value proposition. INTRODUCTION The idea of using organic working fluids, to replace steam, in power generation systems, has been traced back as far as 1823 [1] and the technology for power recovery from low grade heat sources, such as geothermal and waste heat streams, using Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems, is now well established. However, most systems of this type have only been cost effective for power outputs of the order of 1 MWe or more. More recently, Brasz [2] has shown that centrifugal compressor driven air conditioning chiller units can be converted to ORC systems at a relatively low cost, mainly, by adapting the compressor to operate, in reverse, as a radial inflow turbine. By this means it is claimed that units of as low as 200kWe power output can be built and installed cost effectively. Since the thermodynamic efficiencies of these systems are generally only of the order of 10%, this implies that at least 2 MW of heat must be recoverable for such systems to be worthwhile. Low grade heat sources of this magnitude, which cannot be used for heating purposes more cost effectively, are relatively rare.
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This paper presents an overview of current R&D in the field of small and middle scale Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC's). Major ORC's applications are described and their technical and economical maturity is analyzed. The paper also emphasizes the selection criteria for the expander and for the working fluid.
Thermal utilization of cooler exhaust air at low temperatures (< 350 °C) has been implemented at HeidelbergCement in the Lengfurt works using the ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) process. The turbine is driven with an organic motive medium (pentane) instead of by steam. The aims of the project were to generate 1.1 MWnet/a electrical energy, lower the electricity-related CO2 emissions, increase the flexibility of the power supply and extend know-how. Considered in the long term the ORC plant at the Lengfurt works has fulfilled these requirements; it has an availability of more than 97% of the kiln running time (in 2000) and a high flexibility with heat flows which lie between 67% and 110% of the design capacity. An annual average of 1.02 MWnet is produced for the works electrical power system since 2000.
The Organic Rankine Cycle Process for generating power from low-temperature waste heat in cement works can now be regarded as a technically feasible alternative to power generating plants using steam. Its particular advantages lie in the simple operation, the compact structure, and the high levels of efficiency which can be achieved with heat sources below 275 °C. The initial results available from the Lengfurt cement works indicate that 1.1 MW (net) electrical power can be generated with the given mode of operation of the clinker cooler with a waste heat output of the clinker cooler exhaust air of 14 MW and an exhaust gas temperature of 300 °C. In future the operation of the waste heat power generating plant will make it possible to cover up to 12% of the electrical power requirement at the Lengfurt cement works of Heidelberger Zement AG, and in this way reduce the CO2 emissions from the combustion associated with the generation of power by 7620 t/a. The total capital costs were 7.88 million DM. 3.99 million DM of this were accounted for by the ORC plant with pentane cooling circuit (this figure includes installation) and the rest by the waste heat boiler, heat transfer plant, solid construction, electrics, design engineering, commissioning, remaining installation, and fees. This results in specific capital costs of 7164 DM/kW (net), or 1034 DM/t CO2 per year. No reliable information is available yet for operating costs, availability and average efficiency for which a long-term research project is currently in progress.
This paper presents the results of an analysis of the cost of electric power from Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), specifically, reservoirs with sub-commercial permeability enhanced by hydraulic stimulation. The parameters in this exercise reflect the conditions encountered at the Desert Peak EGS project in Nevada, but the results should be applicable, at least qualitatively, to any EGS project. Several types of injection/production well configuration are considered (doublet, triplet, etc.). For each geometry, numerical simulation of energy recovery versus time was conducted for a range of injector-producer spacing, stimulated thickness, and enhancement level (fracture spacing and permeability). From this exercise, the optimized sustainable net power capacity for 30 years as a function of the stimulated volume was estimated for each case. Then the levelized cost of net power was estimated for each case based on capital cost (exploration and drilling cost, stimulation cost and surface facilities cost), operations-and-maintenance cost, cost of money and inflation rate. The uncertainty in the estimated levelized cost was assessed through Monte Carlo sampling of the uncertain variables. Levelized cost was shown to be a function of stimulated volume and well configuration. The lowest possible levelized cost was estimated at 5.43¢/kWh for a repeated pattern and a stimulated volume of 7 billion cubic feet. A sensitivity analysis was then conducted to assess the impact of changes in the various capital cost components on the levelized power cost. In addition, the impact of changes in certain variables implicit in this exercise on the levelized power cost was also evaluated; the implicit variables considered were the maximum practical pumping rate, reservoir characteristics, and the depth to the reservoir at the site. The impact of any adverse reservoir characteristics was assumed to be manifested in cooling of the produced fluid. One of the goals of this study was to forecast what the levelized cost of EGS power might be by 2050. For this forecast, the most likely values of the U.S. prime interest rate and the inflation rate were defined based on the economic trend over the last 40 years. The possible values of the other explicit and implicit variables were then estimated for 2050 using certain assumptions about the market forces and the technology improvements to be achieved by then. The results of this study confirm that EGS power is a strategic resource rather than a commercial resource today. With adequate research, development and demonstration over the next decade or two, EGS power should become commercially competitive by 2050.
This is a description of the development of an engine model for the prediction of mass flow rate, power, efficiency and exhaust quality for a Lysholm Screw Expander at a given set of operating conditions. The testing of an expander having a rotor diameter of 130 mm (5.12 inches) and an expansion ratio of 5.3 was performed with simulated geothermal fluid at an inlet pressure of 0.827 MPa (120 psia). The inlet quality, engine speed and pressure ratio were independently varied to produce a three-dimensional data matrix of 104 data points. Statistical curve fitting methods were adapted to produce equations for mass flow rate and power output in terms of the three variables associated with the data matrix. These explicit equations were combined with a numerical steam table subroutine to produce an engine model. The predictive ability observed during the validation of the model is adequate for use in system modeling, such as a hybrid geothermal energy conversion system. Mass flow rates were predicted to within 3% of the measured values. For most conditions, predictions of power were within 3% of the measured values. The predictions for exhaust quality were within 1/2% of the measured values. Predictions of engine efficiency reflected the combined errors in prediction of power and mass flow rate. The maximum error in efficiency predictions was 1 part in 20.
Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC’s) are particularly suitable for recovering energy from low-grade heat sources. This paper first presents the results of an experimental study carried out on a prototype of an open-drive oil-free scroll expander integrated into an ORC working with refrigerant HCFC-123. By exploiting the overall expander performance measurements, the eight parameters of a scroll expander semi-empirical model are then identified. The model is able to compute variables of first importance such as the mass flow rate, the delivered shaft power and the discharge temperature, and secondary variables such as the supply heating-up, the exhaust cooling-down, the ambient losses, the internal leakage and the mechanical losses. The maximum deviation between the predictions by the model and the measurements is 2% for the mass flow rate, 5% for the shaft power and 3K for the discharge temperature. The validated model of the expander is finally used to quantify the different losses and to indicate how the design of the expander might be altered to achieve better performances. This analysis pointed out that the internal leakages and, to a lesser extent, the supply pressure drop and the mechanical losses are the main losses affecting the performance of the expander.
This paper presents an analysis of regenerative organic Rankine cycles “ORC” using dry organic fluids, to convert waste energy to power from low-grade heat sources. The dry organic working fluids selected for this investigation are R113, R245ca, R123, and isobutane, with boiling points ranging from −12°C to 48°C. Regenerative ORC is analyzed and compared with the basic ORC in order to determine the configuration that presents the best thermal efficiency with minimum irreversibility. The evaluation for both configurations will be performed using a combined first and second law analysis by varying certain system operating parameters at various reference temperatures and pressures. Results from these analyses show that regenerative ORC produces higher efficiency compared with the basic ORC while also reducing the amount of waste heat required to produce the same power with a lower irreversibility.
This study presents an analysis of the performance of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) subjected to the influence of working fluids. The effects of various working fluids on the thermal efficiency and on the total heat-recovery efficiency have been investigated. It is found that the presence of hydrogen bond in certain molecules such as water, ammonia, and ethanol may result in wet fluid conditions due to larger vaporizing enthalpy, and is regarded as inappropriate for ORC systems. The calculated results reveal that the thermal efficiency for various working fluids is a weak function of the critical temperature. The maximum value of the total heat-recovery efficiency occurs at the appropriate evaporating temperature between the inlet temperature of waste heat and the condensing temperature. In addition, the maximum value of total heat-recovery efficiency increases with the increase of the inlet temperature of the waste heat source and decreases it by using working fluids having lower critical temperature. Analytical results using a constant waste heat temperature or based on thermal efficiency may result in considerable deviation of system design relative to the varying temperature conditions of the actual waste heat recovery and is regarded as inappropriate.
A Rankine cycle using organic fluids as working fluids, called organic Rankine cycle (ORC), is potentially feasible in recovering low enthalpy containing heat sources. Efficient operation of the ORC depends heavily on two factors: working conditions of the cycle and the thermodynamic properties of the working fluids. The working fluids under investigation are Benzene (C6H6), Toluene (C7H8), p-Xylene (C8H10), R113 and R123. Among the working fluids under investigation, p-Xylene shows the highest efficiency while Benzene shows the lowest. The study also shows that the irreversibility depends on the type of heat source. Generally speaking, p-Xylene has the lowest irreversibility in recovering a high temperature waste heat, while R113 and R123 have a better performance in recovering a low temperature waste heat.