
Improving Reading Fluency and Comprehension Among Elementary Students: Evaluation of a School Remedial Reading Program

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... Literature has shown that remedial reading is an evidenced-based strategy designed to increase reading fluency and comprehension [14]. This method of practice increases language skills and builds general knowledge setting a foundation for basic life skills.Hausheer, Hansen, and Doumas [15] evaluated the effectiveness of a remedial reading program in improving reading fluency and comprehension for elementary school students. ...
... Since the p-value is lower than 0.05, there is a significant difference between the pre-test and posttest scores in the reading comprehension component of the test. This finding resembles other cited works [13,14,15]. ...
... Still, pupils did not meet the expected speed of 80 words per minute. Again, scores were less dispersed from the mean during the post-test, yet there is no significant difference in this component with the p-value of 0.179.The mentioned results contradict those indicated as programs that promoted fluency [14,15]. ...
... Reading skill is a crucial for learners in primary level as it serves as a building block in developing understanding. It is important to provide intervention at the earliest for learners with low reading skills as great interventions will impact their reading proficiency in future [6]. ...
... This study was funded by the Shasti Express Sdn.Bhd. 6 Education Research International ...
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Skills of reading and comprehending in English are crucial for academic success in schools. Pupils with low reading ability skill may result in obtaining low grades and poor test scores. Traditionally pupils are taught to lift specific information as a reading strategy to answer comprehension questions, comparatively, this study uses retelling strategy to evaluate pupils’ understanding. Past research indicated that retelling strategy enhances accuracy and greater comprehension. Thus, far study that investigates effectiveness of this strategy remains scarce in Malaysian English as Second Language (ESL) primary schools. As reading skill starts to develop in early stage of schooling, it is deemed necessary to conduct this study among primary level pupils. The present study specifically analyzes the effects of written retelling strategy on pupils’ understanding of story structure among year three primary school pupils in Malaysian ESL classroom. A quasiexperimental research design with pretest and posttest was adopted to carry out the study. Pretest and posttest questions consisting of structural comprehension questions and written retelling were used to measure the effects of written retelling strategy on the pupils’ achievement in reading comprehension and their understanding of the story structure. A pretest was conducted before teaching and learning took place. This was followed by a posttest. An independent t-test was used to obtain the mean values and standard deviations. The results obtained in this study conclude the written retelling strategy had notably improved the pupils’ reading skill as they are able to retain information from the story and make better predictions. Subsequently, it increased their abilities in answering the comprehension questions. The results also indicate that written retelling could be a prospective reading strategy along with other strategies for primary ESL learners in Malaysia and similar context.
... If problems with fluency are not addressed, students will fail to become successful readers (Roundy & Roundy, 2009). Many students do not acquire basic reading skills, which can negatively affect their chances for success in school as well as later in life (Hausheer et al., 2011). Intervention can help in preventing frustration and failure before they occur (Huang et al., 2008). ...
... The program is specifically designed to help those students who are emergent readers. As most of the research shows (Badertscher, 2011;Fiester, 2010;Hausheer et al., 2011), if students learn to read earlier in their school careers, the more success they will see. ...
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The purpose of this research study was to determine if the Edmark Reading Program increased reading fluency, attitudes, and engagement in third-grade students with disabilities (N = 7). Student fluency was measured using estimated oral reading fluency determined by the STAR reading assessment. A statistically significant difference was found between the mean gains and losses of the control group (M = -9.5) and the intervention group (M = 4.25). Student attitudes and engagement were reported using fieldnotes collected by the teacher-researcher. Percentages of student attitudes and engagement were calculated, and the results revealed that students in the treatment group were more engaged and had more positive attitudes than students in the control group.
... Berbagai informasi sebagian besar disampaikan memalui media cetak dan media elektronik yang memerlukan kemampuan membaca. Menurut Slavin [7], [8] dan [9] bahwa membaca merupakan jantung dari program pembelajaran. [10] Keberhasilan belajar siswa dalam mengikuti proses kegiatan belajar-mengajar di sekolah sangat ditentukan oleh penguasaan kemampuan membaca mereka. ...
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Membaca merupakan kemampuan penting yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap individu, karena membaca dapat meningkatkan wawasan berpikir dan memperluas pengetahuan. Meskipun membaca merupakan hal yang sangat esensial dalam kehidupan, tetapi kondisi di lapangan menunjukkan hal lain. Kemampuan membaca siswa sekolah dasar memiliki kecenderungan rendah. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Penerapan Pembelajaran Inovatif Dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Membaca Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka (library research) dengan mengkaji berbagai buku, jurnal-jurnal dan majalah yang relevan dengan topic yang di bahas. Analisis data dari hasil pengakajian jurnal-jurnal hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif mulai dari Reduksi data, Display Data, Penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi data. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah jurnal hasil penelitian terdahulu baik jurnal nasional maupun jurnal internasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran inovatif sangat berperan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa, baik kemampuan membaca permulaan maupun membaca lancar. Adapun pembelajaran inovatif yang sudah terbukti efektif seperti metode multisensory, Reciprocal teaching, Blended learning, CTL, Macromedia flash, Media kartu kata, CIRC, Media komik/Cerita Bergambar, Jigsaw, Multimedia interaktif, SQ3R, TPS, TGT, Strategi AMBT, script, Metode mind mapping dan Metode scramble.
... Throughout his schooling, the learner keeps developing this ability to evaluate claims of ever-increasing complexity. On the other hand, if these abilities are not adequately developed, it is essential to provide remedial reading programs to improve these skills, such as reading fluency and reading comprehension (Hausheer et al., 2011), since fluency and understanding are necessary at this stage of development. Early intervention can affect the evolution of reading issues. ...
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This study analyzed the efficacy of Phil-IRI and remedial classes for Filipino Intermediate Learners. It also determines the factors influencing the success of reading and literacy remedial classes. The researcher gathered all the participants through their class advisers and the Learner Information System (LIS) number of enrollees. The researcher carried out the study in the school year 2021-2022. This investigation used results from the Phil IRI's pre-and post-tests. All parents or guardians signed the parent consent form on behalf of their children after they had been informed of the data gathering methods. Out of 767 learners, 117 become independent readers, and 45 non-readers, it goes down to seven. Additionally, teachers should take the Phil-IRI testing seriously to obtain accurate results and effectively handle students' reading difficulties. Remedial classes must be conducted properly, focusing on students' reading level difficulties, identified least-mastered skills, and arithmetic difficulties.
... Berbagai informasi sebagian besar disampaikan memalui media cetak dan media elektronik yang memerlukan kemampuan membaca. Menurut Slavin [7], [8] dan [9] bahwa membaca merupakan jantung dari program pembelajaran. [10] Keberhasilan belajar siswa dalam mengikuti proses kegiatan belajar-mengajar di sekolah sangat ditentukan oleh penguasaan kemampuan membaca mereka. ...
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Membaca merupakan kemampuan penting yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap individu, karena membaca dapat meningkatkan wawasan berpikir dan memperluas pengetahuan. Meskipun membaca merupakan hal yang sangat esensial dalam kehidupan, tetapi kondisi di lapangan menunjukkan hal lain. Kemampuan membaca siswa sekolah dasar memiliki kecenderungan rendah. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Penerapan Pembelajaran Inovatif Dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Membaca Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka (library research) dengan mengkaji berbagai buku, jurnal-jurnal dan majalah yang relevan dengan topic yang di bahas. Analisis data dari hasil pengakajian jurnal-jurnal hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif mulai dari Reduksi data, Display Data, Penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi data. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah jurnal hasil penelitian terdahulu baik jurnal nasional maupun jurnal internasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran inovatif sangat berperan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa, baik kemampuan membaca permulaan maupun membaca lancar. Adapun pembelajaran inovatif yang sudah terbukti efektif seperti metode multisensory, Reciprocal teaching, Blended learning, CTL, Macromedia flash, Media kartu kata, CIRC, Media komik/Cerita Bergambar, Jigsaw, Multimedia interaktif, SQ3R, TPS, TGT, Strategi AMBT, script, Metode mind mapping dan Metode scramble.
... Other approaches have been used to support reading fluency in students not following normal developmental trajectories. Hausheer et al. (2011) examined the effectiveness of the Read Right (Tadlock, 2004) program in 24 students in fourth through sixth grades. Challenged readers participated in the program for 8 months. ...
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The Center on Literacy and Deafness examined the language and reading progress of 336 young deaf and hard-of-hearing children in kindergarten, first and second grades on a series of tests of language, reading, and spoken and fingerspelled phonological awareness in the fall and spring of the school year. Children were divided into groups based on their auditory access and classroom communication: a spoken-only group (n = 101), a sign-only group (n = 131), and a bimodal group (n = 104). Previous work reports the overall data (Antia, S., Lederberg, A., Schick, B., Branum-Martin, L., Connor, C. M., & Webb, M. (2020a). Language and reading progress of young DHH children. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, (3), 25; Lederberg, A. R., Branum-Martin, L., Webb, M. L., Schick, B., Antia, S., Easterbrooks, S. R., & Connor, C. M. (2019). Modality and interrelations among language, reading, spoken phonological awareness, and fingerspelling. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 24(4), 408-423). This report presents an in-depth look at the reading fluency of the participants measured along multiple dimensions. In general, 43% of the participants were unable to read fluently and an additional 23% were unable to read fluently at grade level. Rate and accuracy, rate of growth, miscue analysis, and self-corrections differed by communication modality. Most notably, children demonstrated limited strategies for self-correction during reading fluency tasks.
... There has been research conducted to answer different questions about reading fluency and comprehension in order to improve reading achievement. Hausheer, Hansen, and Doumas (2011) conducted a study to examine the effectiveness of a remedial reading program designed to improve reading fluency and comprehension in elementary school students. Even though the focus of this study was the effectiveness of the remedial program, the study showed that students who participated in the reading program had an increase in scores for both reading fluency and reading comprehension. ...
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This study tested two instructional methods meant to improve elementary students' automaticity, phonemic awareness, oral fluency, and reading comprehension. Twelve 1 st grade students received either repeated reading or rhyming poetry instruction. A matched group design was used, and then a single subject analysis was employed to determine if either of the methods was associated with improvements in students' reading achievement, oral reading fluency, and attitudes towards reading. Findings indicated that students who experienced the rhyming poetry intervention tended to show greater improvements in reading comprehension and oral reading fluency, while those exposed to repeated reading showed mixed results. Students from both conditions showed similar improvements in attitude toward reading, though those in the rhyming poetry group showed slightly more improvement in the area. Overall results suggest that both methods may be beneficial to students' reading but that rhyming poetry instruction may have greater potential for students at this level.
... Reading difficulties that start at the beginning of instruction persist across grades as learners transit to subsequent tiers of education without having acquired requisite reading skills for effective learning. Hausheer, Hansen, and Doumas (2011) argue that learners with weak reading skills should receive interventions to impact on successful academic life. The present study borrowed from the views of Huddle (2014) which propose that influential reading intercessions would increase reading achievement for adolescents struggling with reading. ...
... New studies in reading are showing that one out of five students has significant difficulty in reading acquisition (Hausheer, Hansen, & Doumas, 2011), so it is important to solve this commonplace problem among the learners. Lower performance not only yield in less score but also it yields in discouragement and demotivation as well. ...
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Reading comprehension as a survival skill in EFL context is included in almost all language proficiency and achievement tests. However, it seems that traditional approaches to reading comprehension instruction have not been successful at satisfying the learners’ need. Considering the advantages of reflective reading, it appeared as a probable solution to reading problem of EFL learners. Therefore, this experimental study aimed at investigating the effect of reflective reading on reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners. To this end 49 male and female participants were selected through convenient sampling and were randomly assigned to two control and experimental groups. An English proficiency test was given to the sample to make sure about the homogeneity of the participants and equality of proficiency levels of the two groups. Later reading comprehension ability of the study groups was measured. As the ten-session treatment began the experimental group experienced reflective reading, while the control group followed conventional method of reading and answering comprehension check questions. After the treatment period, the groups’ reading comprehension ability was assessed once more. Independent samples t-tests were run to analyze the gathered data. It was found that reflective reading has positive effect on reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners. Pedagogical implications of this finding for language teachers, learners, material developers, policy makers and researchers are discussed.
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This study explored the implementation of the Phil-IRI Program and its impact on the English oral reading competence of Grade 6 pupils in public elementary schools in San Marcelino, Zambales, Philippines. Using a descriptive-correlational approach with 557 pupils and 26 teachers in the district of San Marcelino, Zambales, it assessed oral reading competence levels before and after the program's implementation. Results showed that most pupils were at the instructional level pre-implementation but demonstrated significant improvements post-implementation. The findings highlight the value of regular reading assessments and interventions in addressing reading comprehension challenges. The study recommends ongoing evaluation of reading programs and professional development for teachers to enhance literacy outcomes and instructional effectiveness.
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Ang pagbabasa ay isang pangunahing kasanayan sa wika na kritikal sa pag-unlad ng mga mag-aaral, subalit marami pa rin ang nahihirapan sa pag-unawa ng mga teksto. Ang pagaaral na ito ay naglalayong suriin ang bisa ng Catch-up Fridays, bahagi ng Project DEAR ng Kagawaran ng Edukasyon, sa pagpapabuti ng kakayahan sa pagbasa ng mga mag-aaral sa senior high school. Ang teoryang Bottom-Up, Top-Down, Interaktib, at Iskima ay ginamit bilang batayan ng pag-aaral. Ang metodolohiyang deskriptibo na pagsusuring penomenolohikal ay ginamit, kasama ang mga talatanungan at Likert scale upang mangolekta at magsuri ng datos. Ang mga kalahok ay mga mag-aaral mula sa iba't ibang strand ng senior high school na sumailalim sa pagtataya sa pagbasa. Sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng Jamovi para sa statistical analysis, natuklasan na may makabuluhang pagkakaiba sa mga marka ng mga mag-aaral sa iba't ibang strand. Ang TVL strand ay may pinakamataas na mean score na 6.85, kasunod ang ABM na may 5.40, at HUMSS na may 4.30. Ang resulta ng ANOVA ay nagpakita ng statistically significant na pagkakaiba (p<0.05) sa mga marka ng iba't ibang grupo. Ang mga natuklasan ay nagpapakita ng positibong epekto ng Catch-up Fridays sa pagpapabuti ng kakayahan sa pagbasa ng mga mag-aaral. Iminumungkahi na ipagpatuloy at palawakin ang implementasyon ng Catch-up Fridays upang higit pang mapataas ang kasanayan sa pagbasa ng mga mag-aaral, na magdudulot ng mas mahusay na pag-unawa at komunikasyon sa wikang Filipino.
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The main purpose of the study was to diagnose the reading difficulties of grade 5 pupils in English. The researchers made use of descriptive method to obtain the data on the reading difficulties, comprehension, and behavioral performance of the respondents. To gather the data, the researchers adopted the reading selections from Philippine Informal Reading Inventory as a tool in examining the reading level of the pupils. As for the respondents’ reading miscues and behavioral performance, a teacher-made questionnaire was used to determine the learning areas that require intervention. The findings of the study pointed out that grade 5 pupils had difficulties on word recognition and reading comprehension. They tend to mispronounce English words and their behavior affects their performance while reading. A proposed reading program was included in this study to provide a reading remediation to learners with reading difficulties. Alongside with this initiative, teachers may conduct drill lessons to monitor progress of the pupils on areas that need improvement. Teachers must also be aware on the common errors committed by the learners to be able to provide remedial instruction.
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This study determined the impact of the Care for the Non-Readers Program on the reading performance of struggling readers in all elementary schools of Dumingag II District, Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines for School Year 2016-2017. Fifty teachers and 465 parents were selected as respondents of the study. It employed the descriptive comparative research method with the questionnaire-checklist as data-collection instrument. Both the descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in analyzing and interpreting data. The findings of the study disclosed that teachers and parents considered the Care for the Non-Readers Program as “Very Effective” in improving the reading performance of pupils. “Fuller Technique,” “Independent Reading,” “Directed Reading Thinking Activity,” and “Say Something” were the leading strategies applied by teachers during the program implementation. Majority of the pupils still belonged to the "Frustration" level. However, significant improvement occurred in pupils’ reading performance for three school years. Teachers encountered "Serious" problems in implementing the program while the suggested solutions were considered as "Very Effective." Furthermore, an insignificant difference existed between the respondents’ assessments on CNR program’s effectiveness.
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This action research aims at improving students' reading skills through multisensory-based reading program. This research is conducted in English remedial classroom in which the participants are three students of the second semester of Information Technology Faculty at a university in Indonesia who failed in the subject of English. This action research consisted of two cycles. It took place during March 2014 until July 2014. The assessment used in this research was a standardized reading assessment model namely, DIBELS (Dynamics Indicators for Early Literacy). The criteria of the success were students must gain the benchmark score at or above 344 in pre-cycle, at or above 358 in cycle one, and at or above 380 in cycle two. The results of cumulative score showed significant improvement compared to the initial condition. The results of pre-cycle test revealed that the scores of 3 remedial students were under the benchmark score and cut point for risk. In cycle one, the results were under the benchmark score, but above the cut point for risk. They are improved to 304 for student 1, 332 for student 2, and 312 for student 3. However some improvements needed to be made particularly on comprehension skill, consequently revised plans were implemented in cycle two. The results of cycle two were above the benchmark score. It can be seen clearly that student 1 gained 379, student 2 gained 429, and student 3 gained 386.
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Local content is an elementary school subject that contains the Gorontalo language. It is continuously a concern of the government to maintain it. Unfortunately, the local content textbook used by the teachers seems monotonous and unattractive for both the teachers and the students. Based on the given questionnaire, the teachers generally indicated that the textbook was not colourful, the content was not attractive, and it was too tedious. Moreover, some teachers did not use any textbook but just browsed for material on the internet. This research intends to design a syllabus in the first year and to produce a textbook for local content subject in the second year by adapting the English for Young Learners learning strategy. The textbook is designed based on English language skills and language components. It utilizes songs, and games that encourage young learners to learn their native language. The content of the textbook describes about Gorontalo culture such as traditions and customs, historical sites, traditional foods and arts. This will lead the students to have two benefits in learning the Gorontalo language; they can learn their native language and Gorontalo culture at the same time. The study applies the Research and Development Method (Sugiyono, 2014, p. 297) to create the syllabus of local content with four main steps namely (1) identifying problems; (2) designing the syllabus; (3) validating the syllabus; (4) producing the product of syllabus. The syllabus as a main output of the study is expected to provide a new approach for both teachers and students by adapting the English for Young Learners learning strategies to the local content learning teaching process to maintain Gorontalo culture.
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This research aimed to explore how gender impacts the relationship between reading fluency and reading comprehension. The research sample conssits of a tatol of 100 seventh gaders. In order to assess the students' reading comprehension and reading fluency levels, an expository and a narrative text were used. For the implemetantons, each student was asked to read orally the expository text and anwered the comprehension questions related to texts. The same procedure was used for the narrative teaxt reading. The comprehension tests were the researcher-develped. The recorded oral readings were scored according to reading fluency components including word recognition automaticity and prosody by the researchers. In the comprehension tests were focues on deep and literal comprehension levels of the students. The research findings indicated that there were statistically significant relations between reading comprehension and reading fluency. However, the gender of the students did not affect the significant differences between reading fleuncy and reading comprehension.
Educators increasingly need to evaluate schoolwide reform efforts; however, complex program evaluations often are not feasible in schools. Through a case example, we provide a heuristic for program evaluation that is easily replicated in schools. Criterion-referenced interpretations of schoolwide screening data were used to evaluate outcomes associated with participation in four-year-old kindergarten. Nonparametric analyses allowed for group comparisons across early literacy screening outcomes. Risk ratios demonstrated that four-year-old kindergarten participants were less likely to score “at-risk” on kindergarten and first grade screenings. The methods employed meaningfully addressed local program effectiveness questions. Further, they were easily determined and disseminated. Implications for extensions of the heuristic to other evaluation questions and data sources as well as limitations of the approach are discussed.
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Repeated reading is an evidenced-based strategy designed to increase reading fluency and comprehension. The author conducted a meta-analysis to ascertain essential instructional components of repeated reading and the effect of repeated reading on reading fluency and comprehension. This analysis indicates that repeated reading can be used effectively with nondisabled students and students with learning disabilities to increase reading fluency and comprehension on a particular passage and as an intervention to increase overall fluency and comprehension ability. Essential instructional components of repeated reading varied as a function of the type of repeated reading (i.e., whether effectiveness was evaluated reading the same passage or different passages). Implications for future research are also presented.
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This study compared the effects of two oral reading feedback strategies in improving the reading comprehension of eight school-age children with low reading ability. Participants were assigned to one of two intervention groups matched on age, grade, gender, and general reading performance. Intervention 1 (I1) used traditional decoding-based feedback, and Intervention 2 (I2) used communicative reading strategies (CRS), meaning-based feedback. After 10 hours of reading intervention, participants in I2 performed significantly better than the I1 group on a formal measure of reading comprehension and on story-related comprehension questions. Moreover, the I2 group retained comprehension of story details over a longer period of time than did the I1 group. No significant differences were found between I1 and I2 in the ability to answer story-related locative, descriptive, or inferential detail questions.
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The initial results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) indicated that Finnish and Swedish students' are among the best readers in all OECD countries. However, the literacy performance of 7% of Finnish and 12% of Swedish students' remains at a level which is not sufficient for further studies or active citizenship. This article reports a further comparative study which explores, compares and contrasts, by means of two‐level logistic regression models, students' personal, socio‐economic and cultural factors and their effects on low as opposed to average reading literacy achievement in Finland and Sweden. The results indicate that the risk of being a low achiever is strongly determined by gender and by several sociocultural factors as well as by students' personal characteristics, attitudes and activities both at and outside school. The constructed model was relatively similar and predicted with approximately equal degrees of probability membership in the risk group in both countries. This lays a solid foundation for joint pedagogic developmental efforts.
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Typescript. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 1999. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 133-136).
Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) of oral reading has been used to aid in identifying students who are at risk for fail- ing the reading portion of their spring state standards tests. The purpose of this study is to determine whether adding a maze read- ing measure would aid in predicting the performance of students who are English learners (ELs). The study, conducted in an urban elementary school, used both oral reading and maze measures with EL and non-EL students to predict their performance on the reading portion of a state standards test for third- and fifth-grade students. Moderate to moderately strong correlations were obtained between the state standards test and both oral reading fluency and the maze task. Combining the measures increased the predictive power for non-EL students but not for ELs.
Several decades of research have made it clear that by the time children enter school they already vary widely in their reading-related knowledge and skills. How well do these differences predict differences in reading acquisition? What can they tell us about the causes of reading disabilities? How might these research findings be used to reduce the number of children who have difficulty learning to read? Answers to such questions are fundamental for designing early interventions for children at risk. In this paper, we summarize what has been learned so far, and discuss what directions need to be taken in future research so as to provide fuller answers.
In this study, we examined the reliability and validity of two curriculum-based measures as indicators of performance in a content-area classroom. Participants were 58 students in a 7th-grade social studies class. CBM measures were student- and administrator-read vocabulary-matching probes. Criterion measures were knowledge pre- and post-tests, the social studies subtest of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, and student grades. Results revealed moderate alternate-form reliability for both vocabulary-matching measures. Reliability of the measures was increased by combining scores across two testing sessions. Correlations between the predictor and criterion variables were moderate to moderately strong, with the exception of those between vocabulary-matching and student grades. Observed scores for students with LD were lower than for students without LD on both student- and administrator-read vocabulary-matching measures. Few differences in reliability and validity coefficients were found between the student- and administrator-read measures. Results are discussed in terms of the use of CBM as a system for monitoring performance and designing interventions for students with learning disabilities in content-area classrooms.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a peer-mediated instructional approach on the teaching of phonological skills and reading comprehension for middle school (sixth- to eighth-grade) students with reading disabilities. All students (n = 38) were identified as having learning disabilities and reading at the third-grade level or below. One group was taught using a peer-mediated phonological skill program, Linguistics Skills Training (LST), and a peer-mediated reading comprehension program, Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS). The contrast group was taught in the more traditional whole-class format using a widely implemented remedial reading program. The results showed significant differences between conditions, with students receiving the LST/PALS instruction outperforming the contrast group on Letter-Word Identification, Word Attack, and Passage Comprehension using the Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement-III. Furthermore, large effect sizes for growth were found on Letter-Word Identification, Word Attack, and Passage Comprehension for the LST/PALS treatment group. No differences were found between conditions for reading fluency. Findings are discussed in regard to instruction delivery format (peer tutoring vs. whole class) with respect to best practices for middle school students with reading disabilities.
Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests(r) Forms S and T, Volume 16 Predicting, explaining, and preventing children’s reading difficulties
  • W H Macginitie
  • K Macginitie
  • M Katherine
  • L G Dreyer
MacGinitie, W H., MacGinitie R K., Katherine, M., & Dreyer, L G. (2004). Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests(r), (4th ed.), Forms S and T, Volume 16. r19 McCardle, P., Scarborough, H. S., Catts, H. W. (2001). Predicting, explaining, and preventing children’s reading difficulties. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 16, 230-239
Areas of interest include implementing and overseeing school counselorbased programs that integrate students into the academic setting. Robin implements and manages school programs that run before, during and after school for students
  • Idaho Boise
Boise, Idaho. Areas of interest include implementing and overseeing school counselorbased programs that integrate students into the academic setting. Robin implements and manages school programs that run before, during and after school for students.
Doumas' school counseling interests include education and training, program evaluation, interpersonal and family relationships, and evidence-based practices
  • Id Boise
  • Dr
Boise State University, Boise, ID. Dr. Doumas' school counseling interests include education and training, program evaluation, interpersonal and family relationships, and evidence-based practices.
Interactive Constructivism and Reading: The nature of neural networks challenges the phonological processing hypothesis. Retrieved from http
  • D Tadlock
Tadlock, D. (2004). Interactive Constructivism and Reading: The nature of neural networks challenges the phonological processing hypothesis. Retrieved from, 13-29
Evaluation of Read Right in Omaha middle and high schools 2009-2010, Education Northwest
  • C Scott
  • K Nelsestuen
  • E Autio
  • T Deussen
  • M Hanita
Scott, C., Nelsestuen, K., Autio, E., Deussen, T., Hanita, M. (2010). Evaluation of Read Right in Omaha middle and high schools 2009-2010, Education Northwest. Retrieved from, i-52