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Investigating the Concept of Information Security Culture
School of Management
Working Paper Series
Investigating the Concept of Information Security
Daniel Oost and Eng Chew
Working Paper No: 2007/6
UTS: School of Management Working Paper: No. 2007/6 Page 1
Investigating the Concept of Information Security Culture
Investigating the Concept of Information Security Culture
Daniel Oosta and Eng Chewb
aSchool of Management, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
bFaculty of Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
The concept of an ‘information security culture’ is relatively new. A review of published research
on the topic suggests that it is not the information security panacea that has been suggested.
Instead it tends to refer to a range of existing techniques for addressing the human aspect of
information security, oversimplifying the link between culture and behaviour, exaggerating the ease
with which a culture can be adjusted, and treating culture as a monolith, set from the top. Evidence
for some of the claims is also lacking. The paper finds that the term ‘information security culture’ is
ambiguous and vague enough to suggest the possibility of achieving an almost mystical state
whereby behaviour consistent with information security is second nature to all employees, but
when probed does not deliver. Instead, future research should be clear about what it considers
information security culture to be, should provide evidence for claims, and should take complexity
and context seriously.
Key Words: information security culture, organizational culture, phronesis
Correspondence To:
Daniel Oost. School of Management. University of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Email Address:
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Investigating the Concept of Information Security Culture
Information security culture has been defined in different ways. Some authors see an information
security culture as a goal to be achieved. For example, von Solms (2000) calls for the creation of a
culture of information security within organizations, “by instilling the aspects of information
security to every employee as a natural way of performing his or her daily job” (p. 618). Similarly,
Schlienger and Teufel (2002) suggest that “Security culture should support all activities in a way,
that information security becomes a natural aspect in the daily activities of every employee” (p. 7).
Other researchers with definitions along these lines include Vroom and von Solms (2004) and
Thomson et al (2006). In contrast, Ngo et al (2005) allow for information security culture to refer
to “how things are done (i.e. accepted behaviour and actions) by employees and the organisation as
a whole, in relation to information security” (p. 68), not just a situation where behaviour is
‘naturally’ consistent with information security principles.
For Martins and Eloff (2002) an information security culture emerges from employee behaviour in
relation to information security, which over time ends up being equated with the ‘ways things are
done around here’. May (2003) equates an information security culture with internal acceptance of
the idea that information security is vital for a successful business. Knapp et al (2006) build a
security culture construct based on the extent to which employees value the importance of security,
how the culture promotes good security practices, whether security has traditionally been
considered an important organizational value that fosters security-minded thinking, and whether
practicing good security is the accepted way of doing business and a key norm shared by
organizational members
As Ruighaver et al (2007) point out some authors’ use the term ‘information security culture’
without clarifying exactly what they mean by it. Despite this criticism Ruighaver et al do not go on
to provide a definition. Instead, they declare that the concept of a security culture is too complex
to be explained by a single framework, and hence are hesitant to even define it. In place of such a
definition, Ruighaver et al recommend the use of Detert et al’s (2000) organizational culture
framework for studying an organization’s security culture. This framework was developed as a
synthesis of different organizational culture research, and consists of eight dimensions of
organizational culture: 1) the basis of truth and rationality, 2) the nature of time and time horizon,
3) motivation, 4) stability versus change/innovation/personal growth, 5) orientation to work, task,
co-workers, 6) isolation versus collaboration/cooperation, 7) control, coordination and
responsibility, and 8) orientation and focus – internal and/or external.
The use of Detert et al’s framework as a theoretical resource by Ruighaver et al (and Chia et al
2002) is a deviation from the more frequent reference to Edgar Schein’s work on organizational
culture (e.g. Schein, 1992) by information security culture researchers (e.g. Schlienger and Teufel
2002, 2003a, 2003b; Thomson et al 2006; Thomson and von Solms 2005; Vroom and von Solms
2004; Zakaria 2004). These researchers relate elements of information security culture to Schein’s
distinction between three aspects of organizational culture: ‘artefacts and creations’, ‘collective
values, norms and knowledge’, and ‘basic assumptions and beliefs’. Each of these aspects is seen as
being interrelated with the next, and increasingly difficult for a researcher to access.
The variety of opinions on what defines information security culture, reference to the concept
without explaining what is meant by it and the different theoretical resources authors draw upon to
investigate it, creates some confusion when trying to review research on the concept. The variety of
approaches is not a problem in of itself, as it may well lead to new insights that a single unified way
of looking at the concept could not do, but it does leave the question of what is being addressed
somewhat in abeyance. In this context, this paper outlines and critiques published research on the
relatively new concept of an ‘information security culture’. Specifically, it suggests that rather than
providing new avenues to address the human aspect of information security, the research tends to
refer to a range of existing techniques, oversimplifies the link between culture and behaviour, and
exaggerates the ease with which a culture may be adjusted. Further, evidence for the claims made
by the authors is frequently lacking. The paper concludes by highlighting the importance of taking
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context into account in researching information security culture, and points to how a phronetic
approach to research might one way to do this.
What does information security culture add to the understanding of information
Despite information security culture researchers attempting to approach information security
problems from new angles, informed by theorists such as Schein and Detert et al, it is questionable
whether their suggestions are new or distinctly ‘cultural’. Indeed, the normative responses to
information security culture needs reflect a range of actions that relate to well established and
conventional managerial practices. In some cases the response is to implement new policies. For
example in the form of information security management standards (e.g. May 2003) or policies and
procedures on how to act securely (Thomson et al 2006; Thomson and von Solms 2005; von
Solms and von Solms 2004). Researchers have also promoted particular human resource
management solutions, whether they be the provision of education/training on how to behave
securely (e.g. Leach 2003; Lewandowski 2005; Schlienger and Teufel 2002; Thomson et al 2006;
von Solms and von Solms 2004) or the screening of potential employees (Kuusisto et al 2004;
Schlienger and Teufel 2002). Other ‘solutions’ have included ‘motivating’ employees to encourage
them to behave in a secure way (Leach 2003; Schlienger and Teufel 2002) and emphasising the
importance of top management support for information security practices (e.g. Dutta and
McCrohan 2002; Knapp et al 2006; Kuusisto 2004; Leach 2003; May 2003; Thomson et al 2006;
Thomson and von Solms 2005; von Solms and von Solms 2004). While the actions listed above
may well prove to be beneficial to organizations that carry them out, what is questionable is
whether it is useful or appropriate to label them as constitutive of a new information security
culture project.
The simplicity and lack of innovation inherent in the information security culture approach is
exemplified by Schlienger and Teufel’s (2003b) statement that “[o]n the basis of internal
communication, training, education and exemplary acting of managers, a culture can be developed
step by step” (p. 8). The recommended elements – communication, training, education,
management support have been associated with good information security practices, long before
the notion of ‘culture’ was mobilized. It is difficult to see what is distinct about the notion of an
information security culture from Siponen’s (2000) definition of security awareness. Siponen
defines this as “a state where users in an organization are aware of – ideally committed to – their
security mission (often expressed in end-user security guidelines)” (p. 31). If we compare this with,
for example, Thomson et al’s (2006) discussion on the cultivation of an organizational information
security culture whereby “employees learn about, and integrate, acceptable information security
skills into their daily behaviour” (p. 7), the differences are far from significant. Security culture in
these terms looks very much like the established notion of information security awareness. Indeed,
it is telling that Dhillon (1999) can write about the management and control of computer misuse
without invoking the term ‘information security culture’. Similarly Nosworthy (2000) suggests a
range of ways to “educate the people of the organization to successfully implement the
requirements of the information security policy” (p. 337) without mentioning the need for an
information security culture. Another example is Trompeter and Eloff’s (2001) paper on ‘socio-
ethical controls’ in information security which is also without reference to culture.
To make a case for the distinctiveness of the information security culture approach is particularly
difficult if you consider that, as noted above, Ruighaver et al (2007) reviewed the literature on the
topic, yet hesitated to provide a definition of a security culture. This is not to claim that all the
suggestions by information security culture researchers can be easily folded into prior research on
good information security practices, but rather than the notion of culture is not itself the source of
distinction or contribution in thinking about information security. This literature on information
security culture can thus be best regarded as having made some contribution to understanding how
to promote information security; it is just that this contribution is not particularly cultural in
character. Key contributions here include:
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Investigating the Concept of Information Security Culture
• Koh et al’s (2005) recommendation for the formalisation of social participation activities in
relation to security governance – an increase in a sense of responsibility and ownership of
security issues by security personnel should result
• Kuusistio’s (2004) suggestion that a unified image of how security should be conducted
and thought about must be communicated to customers and other organisations
• Leach’s (2003) promotion of the creation of a strong psychological contract with the
• Schlienger and Teufel’s (2002) suggestion to involve the users in security decisions, with
the how’s and why’s to be explained
• von Solms’ (2000) call for changing of awareness programs into “continuous corporate
information security plans, starting from the moment an employee is taken on board” (p.
Despite these suggestions not being easy to pigeon hole into existing information security research
topics, they do not they appear to cohere as distinctly ‘cultural’. Even if an argument were made for
their unity, the question remains as to what the cultural label adds to the understanding of
information security problems, over and above the long recognised ‘human factor’. The creation of
a new term for an existing problem area does nothing to advance understanding of the existing
area, and could potentially create confusion and divide efforts.
An oversimplified link between culture and behaviour
One effect of referring to an information security culture is to give the impression that if you know
an organization’s security culture you will know how its members will behave in relation to security
issues. However, the idea that organizational culture should only be conceptualised as something
so uniform and deterministic has been criticised by organization studies researchers.
Martin (2002) distinguishes three perspectives on organizational culture. The first is the integration
perspective. This perspective
focuses on those manifestations of a culture that have mutually consistent
interpretations. An integration portrait of a culture sees consensus (although
not necessarily unanimity) throughout an organization. From the integration
perspective, culture is like a solid monolith that is seen the same way by most
people, no matter which angle they view it (p. 94).
Second, the differentiation perspective
focuses on cultural manifestations that have inconsistent interpretations, such
as when top executives announce a policy and then behave in a policy-
inconsistent manner. From the differentiation perspective, consensus exists
within an organization – but only at lower levels of analysis, labelled
“subcultures.” Subcultures may exist in harmony, independently, or in
conflict with each other. Within a subculture all is clear; ambiguity is banished
to the interstices between subcultures (p. 94).
Third, the fragmentation perspective
conceptualises the relationship among cultural manifestations as neither
clearly consistent nor clearly inconsistent. Instead, interpretations of cultural
manifestations are ambiguously related to each other, placing ambiguity,
rather than clarity, at the core of culture. In the fragmentation view,
consensus is transient and issue specific (p. 94).
Martin advocates examining all of the perspectives in a single study in order to gain a fuller
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understanding of the complexities involved in studying organizational culture. Despite this, the
literature on information security culture is dominated by the integration perspective. Following
Martin, this suggests not only that the information security culture literature is lacking in
distinctiveness, but also that it is blinded to the possibility of differences and ambiguities that are
inherent in cultural phenomena.
Suggestive of a bias towards avoiding ambiguity, the assumption that an employee only belongs to
one culture has been highlighted by Straub et al (2002). However, some information security
culture researchers highlight the possibility of multiple cultures existing within one organization
(e.g. Helokunnas and Kuusisto 2003; Kuusito 2004). Acknowledgement of this complexity suggests
a more realistic treatment of the possibility (or otherwise) of creating an information security
culture. There is still, however, the danger recently highlighted by Leidner and Kayworth (2006):
the assumption that all individuals within a given cultural unit will respond
in a consistent fashion based on the group’s cultural values. The potential
problem with this view is it does not take into account the possibility for
individual differences within the particular cultural unit that may lead to
different behavioural outcomes (p. 381)
An example of this assumption is Thomson and von Solms (2005) statement that:
Since, the corporate culture of an organisation determines the behaviour of
employees in an organisation; it should be used to influence these
behaviour patterns of employees towards the protection of information as
envisioned by the Board of Directors (p. 72)
The possibility that an organization has a variety of subcultures that do not share the same view of
information security, and that even within these culturally consistent groups some individuals may
respond differently to the same stimulus seems lost in this simplistic view whereby culture
determines behaviour. Culture trumping individual agency is a peculiar conceptual problem within
a discipline that deals with the problem of the ‘insider’, the disgruntled or devious employee who
takes advantage of their position to break the rules, who surely epitomises the exercise of agency in
the face of structures set to limit it. Creating awareness of information security policies is one
thing, consistently determining what an employee will do with this awareness seems quite another.
Even if a consistent organization-wide set of responses to stimuli that related to information
security (potentially a wide range of stimuli) could be instituted, this also raises the question of
what happens to employees’ innovative and creative instincts which by definition transcend
existing rules. Perhaps information security research that considers consistent responses to stimuli
should be confined to that which deals with hard measures that leave little room for the exercise of
agency. For example, more than merely a desire to break policy is required to decrypt a file without
the required credentials.
Ease with which to change a culture exaggerated
Another implication of the current literature on information security culture is that it gives the
impression that culture is a variable that can be adjusted by management, which will in turn lead to
a consistent and uniform change in employee behaviour that reflects organizational security policy.
As an example, Ernst & Young’s 2004 Global Information Security Survey contains statements
that reflect this sentiment: “We expect that incidents – particularly internal ones – will proliferate
unless senior management makes information security a core management and governance
function – a cultural imperative” (p. 3). This assumption of the cultural potency of senior managers
continues throughout the report: “There is no factor more influential than senior management
setting the tone that information security is important and that individuals – including senior and
middle management – will be held accountable for their actions” (p. 6). The received wisdom is
that senior management “must lead the charge in creating a security-conscious culture based on
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Investigating the Concept of Information Security Culture
individual awareness and personal accountability for conduct” (p. 7).
Whilst Ernst and Young’s report can be expected to appeal to the perceived needs and axieties of
their managerial clients, information security culture researchers have drawn similar conclusions.
For example, Ruighaver et al’s (2007) comment that “[i]nformation security is, in general, a
management problem and the security culture reflects how management handles this problem” (p.
56). von Solms and von Solms (2004) provide another example when they claim:
if management wants their employees to act in a specific way that is
beneficial to the organization, they need to dictate the behaviour of the
employees. This can be done by expressing collective values, norms and
knowledge, through defining specific policies and procedures. These
policies and procedures should reflect the underlying assumptions and
beliefs of management (p. 277)
Perhaps the best example of an information security researcher suggesting security culture can be
adjusted by management is provided by Leach (2003) when he writes that: “It is a simple matter of
leadership. Strong leadership creates a strong culture, and a strong culture gives clear direction to
staff at all levels” (p. 692)
These statements are reminiscent of the over-simplified promises that some organizational
researchers started offering in the 1980s. As Martin (2002) critiques:
Organizations could supposedly develop ‘strong’ cultures, becoming havens
of harmony in which employees shared their leader’s beliefs, assumptions, and
vision for the company […] It offered a leader-focused way to achieve
agreement, on issues where it mattered most, in organizational domains that
seemed riddled with misunderstanding, confusion, unspoken dissent, and
sometimes, overt conflict (p. 8)
Martin describes this as a Lazarus of an idea that is periodically resurrected, despite its
oversimplified and managerial fad nature, the lack of evidence for some claims, and the financial
woes that beset the companies initially held up as exemplars of strong culture success. Complexity
and ambiguity are ignored in favour of the integrative view of culture, as discussed in the previous
section. This is not to suggest that management does not have an important part to play in
influencing the behaviour of employees, but rather that is problematic that management can
‘control’ culture unilaterally. Indeed Knapp et al (2006) have found survey based evidence for their
impact on ‘security culture’ (as they construct it). What is warranted, however, is caution when
deciding whether to accept statements that propose that an information security culture is a ‘simple
matter of leadership’ (e.g Leech, 2003). If there is a safe assumption, it is that culture is not simple.
The need for caution is also pertinent in the face of research by Leidner and Kayworth (2006)
which found that: “the overwhelming focus in both national and organizational culture IS research
has been to treat culture as being stable, persistent, and difficult to change” (p. 370). Indeed,
several information security publications have given primacy to existing organizational culture by
suggesting security policies be adapted to suit it. For example, Dhillon (1999) writes: “Since the
security policy of an enterprise largely depends on the prevalent organizational culture, the choice
of individual elements is case specific” (p. 174). Another example is contained within ISO 17799, a
de jure information security management standard (Backhouse et al 2006). This standard refers to
“an approach and framework to implementing, maintaining, monitoring, and improving
information security that is consistent with the organizational culture” (p. ix) as a critical success
factor. Some further examples include: Nosworthy’s (2000) claim that culture can determine what
is practical or otherwise to implement in terms of information security policy, Siponen’s (2000)
suggestion that creating information security awareness (arguably security culture related) is
dependent on the organization in question, and requires an understanding of its culture, and
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Spurling’s (1995) description of the need for computer security awareness and commitment efforts
to suit the culture of his organization
If organizational culture is typically difficult to change and not as monolithic as some researchers
assume, then suggestions on how to go about building a security culture should be quite nuanced
and complex. Despite this, researchers continue to claim that cultural management is quite simple.
For example May (2003) suggests that “[i]f security is gradually incorporated into the daily
processes and procedures it becomes part of the culture of the business and not an expensive
overhead” (p. 12) and, as referred to previously, Schlienger and Teufel (2003b) suggest that “[o]n
the basis of internal communication, training, education and exemplary acting of managers, a
culture can be developed step by step” (p. 8). An extreme example of this tendency can be found
in Vroom and Von Solms’ (2004) claim that:
[O]rganizational culture can be changed. Firstly, organizational behaviour is
used to change the shared values and knowledge of the group. Once group
behaviour begins to alter, it would influence the individual employees and
likewise have an eventual effect on the formal organization. The artifacts of
the organization would reflect these changes that have been put in place.
Slowly but surely, by changing one aspect, it will filter through the
organization at a formal and individual level and the culture will eventually
change into a more secure one (p. 197)
Note that ‘organizational behaviour’ is the key to changing organizational culture according to
Vroom and Von Solms, yet what they mean by either term is unclear, hence any potential
complexity is glossed over. The examples of information security researchers suggesting that
information security culture is a variable to be tweaked by top management given previously are
similarly simplistic. When compexities are acknowledged, it is commonly in respect to the length of
time that cultural change can be expected to take. For example, Kuusito et al (2004) note that even
if organisational members share the same values it could take a few years to form a united security
culture. Ngo et al (2005) look closer at the change process, suggesting that beyond establishing,
fostering and managing information security culture there is also a need to understand the
transition process.
It is also worth commenting that given the days of lifelong employment at a single organization are
over for most people, the time organisations have to impose a culture has been reduced. As
Dhillon (1999) discussed: “Traditionally, employees of a particular concern had strong ties with the
principle concern employing them, as opposed to today where employees may have strong ties
with other outside organizations and businesses” (p. 173). Both of these factors suggest increased
difficulty involved in security culture indoctrination.
Given the difficulties discussed above, empirical evidence for how to create or modify an
information security culture is particularly needed. However, empirical evidence within information
security culture papers tends to be limited to small case studies of existing information security
cultures (e.g. Chia et al 2002; Koh et al 2005; Kuusisto et al 2004; Schlienger and Teufel 2003a,
2003b, 2003c; Zakaria 2004; Zakaria 2006), often published as conference papers. Put simply, the
existing literature does not provide evidence for declarations on how a security culture might be
transformed into one where all employees share information security awareness as second nature in
their daily activities. Despite this, as noted above, the possibility of an ideal information security
culture is claimed or implied, and in some cases instructions for how to go about obtaining one are
given. Empirical evidence for information security related research in general is limited, in part due
to the sensitivities involved (Kotulic and Clark 2004). Given this, making the case for information
security culture research as a unique niche splits an already small pie of empirical research.
Justification for this split needs to be provided, above and beyond the current state of information
security culture research.
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The need for context to be taken seriously
In this paper, we have argued that the current literature on information security culture is limited
by its lack of conceptual clarity, its lack of unique contribution, and its assumption that cultural
change is simple and programmatic. What this calls for is a more complex, empirically informed
and nuanced understanding of how culture is actually practiced in relation to information security.
Following Flyvbjerg (2001), one methodological direction that can be pursued in order to remedy
this situation is to study information security culture in relation to phronesis – that is the ‘practical
wisdom’ that informs people’s actions and behaviour.
For Flyvberg, studying objects which are also subjects (i.e. self reflexive people) will never result in
the types of context-independent predictive theory currently favoured in information security
culture research. Aiming for such theories is ultimately a fruitless exercise due to the contingent
nature of social circumstance – it is always dependent upon context. Nevertheless, research on
information security culture tends not to take context into account, particularly those that come to
definitive conclusions without reference to empirical evidence. The search for a general theory of
information security culture – how to consistently predict information security related behaviour,
and how to tweak this determining force to suit the needs of management no matter the situation –
is hoping for a lot, particularly given that others’ attempting similar general theories over time have
persistently failed. As an alternative Flyvbjerg develops Aristotle’s concept of phronesis as an
appropriate approach for the social sciences, given their inability to successfully produce
cumulative predictive theory, in contrast to the physical sciences. The development of the concept
has been recognized as a legitimate approach to academic research (see Greenwood and Levin
To understands what we mean by phronesis, it needs to be considered in relation to what Aristotle
identified as the intellectual virtues: episteme, techne, and phronesis. Episteme is equated with scientific
knowledge, and techne is considered technical know-how, and phronesis with practical widom.
Flyvbjerg suggests that the study of people should aim for phronesis, a virtue equated with
commonsense, or prudence. Flyvbjerg defines Aristotle’s three intellectual virtues as follows:
Episteme Scientific knowledge. Universal, invariable, context-
independent. Based on general analytical rationality. The
original concept is known today from the terms
“epistemology” and “epistemic.”
Techne Craft/art. Pragmatic, variable, context-dependent. Oriented
towards production. Based on practical instrumental rationality
governed by a conscious goal. The original concept appears
today in terms such as “technique,” “technical,” and
Phronesis Ethics. Deliberation about values with reference to praxis.
Pragmatic, variable, context-dependent. Oriented toward
action. Based on practical value-rationality. The original
concept has no analogous contemporary term. (p. 57).
The epistemological status of the answers provided by phronetic research is purposefully context-
dependent. Context-dependent does not mean relativistic or nihilistic. Flyvbjerg suggests that the
main objective of such research is to “produce input for ongoing social dialogue and social praxis
rather than definitive, empirically verifiable knowledge, even though rigorous empirical study and
verification of data are central” (p. 115). Confirmation, revision and rejection of such research is
still very much possible; one interpretation is not just as good as any other – validity still needs to
be established and defended. Challenges to an interpretation must seek to provide a better
If a better interpretation demonstrates the previous interpretation to be
“merely interpretation”, this new interpretation remains valid until another,
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Investigating the Concept of Information Security Culture
still better interpretation is produced which can reduce the previous
interpretation to “merely” interpretation (p. 131).
In phronesis based research, rules for identifying the “ultimate” or “final” interpretation based on
fundamental values and facts do not yet exist, and this will likely remain the case – rules must be
interpreted by subjects, they cannot provide for their own (single) interpretation (Clegg 1989). In
the absence of such rules, the process described above of interpretations competing on the basis of
testable validity claims is the only basis for discriminating between interpretations. The goal of
phronetic research is “to produce input into the ongoing social dialogue and praxis in a society,
rather than to generate ultimate, unequivocally verified knowledge” (p. 139). Perhaps a phronetic
approach to the study of information security culture (or ‘awareness’, or ‘the human problem of
information security’, or however it happens specifically to be defined), closely tied to detailed
empirical evidence and context, will result in more fruitful research on the topic.
In our review of the literature we have found that the term ‘information security culture’ is
ambiguously defined. Despite this, such research offers the exaggerated promises that culture is a
means of predicting security related behaviour, which can be unproblematically adjusted to suit the
needs of management. Perhaps this ambiguity concerning what an ‘information security culture’ is
allows it to promise so much, given that the mechanisms by which such promises might be
delivered are not clear. Indeed, as this review has shown, in many cases it is difficult to distinguish
what is new about the term at all. On the basis of such limitations, we propose that future research
needs to be clear about what it considers information security culture to refer to, and how this is
distinct from or additional to existing research on the human factor of information security, often
couched in terms of ‘security awareness’. If the research is closely tied to empirical research, this
may avoid researchers treating the concept in an ambiguous way. As a means of addressing this, we
have suggested that it might help researchers to take context and complexity into account and that
the phronetic approach to research as explained by Flyvbjerg (2001) may result in more useful (yet
less arrogant and sanguine) outcomes.
Martin’s (2002) warning seems apt:
An oversimplified theory, however comforting and appealing, is not likely
to be useful if it ignores important complexities in the world it attempts,
imperfectly, to represent. Application of an oversimplified theory is not
only a potential waste of organizational resources; it can also undermine
society’s shaky commitments to the academic enterprises of education and
research (p. 9)
Presenting practitioners, who are faced with a complex context dependent reality every day, with a
simplistic information security culture theory does not serve anyone’s purposes: the theory will not
deliver results, and the esteem with which researchers are held will suffer.
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