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Diversity of Fungal Species Associated with Peanuts in Storage and the Levels of Aflatoxins in Infected Samples



The threat of aflatoxin contamination in food commodities and its association with health risks in both animals and humans continues to raise increasing concern over years. In this report, fungal species found in association with peanuts in storage and their potential to produce aflatoxin in collected samples was determined. About 60 to 70% of collected peanut samples were infected with various moulds including Rhizopus stolonifer, Fusarium sp., Aspergilus flavus, other Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Eurotium repens, Sclerotium sp., Rhizoctonia sp., and Aspergillus Parasiticus. Eurotium repens, Aspergillus Parasiticus, and A. flavus were found to be the most patent aflatoxigenic strains. The average levels of aflatoxins detected in the seed samples were far above 100 ppb. This level of toxicity is more than five times higher than the acceptable dosage (20 ppb: US Standards) in edible peanuts. This report points out the health risks associated with aflatoxin contamination in edible food commodities despite enormous efforts to control this mycotoxin. Current research efforts to control or minimize the intake of aflatoxins especially in warmer regions of the world are hereby included.
Diversity of Fungal Species Associated with Peanuts in Storage
and the Levels of Aflatoxins in Infected Samples
Department of Crop Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 29053 Nairobi, Kenya
Department of Molecular Biochemistry, Institute of Plant Molecular Physiology and Biotechnology, University of Bonn,
Kirschallee 1, D–53115 Bonn, Germany
Corresponding author’s e–mail:
The threat of aflatoxin contamination in food commodities and its association with health risks in both animals and humans
continues to raise increasing concern over years. In this report, fungal species found in association with peanuts in storage and
their potential to produce aflatoxin in collected samples was determined. About 60 to 70% of collected peanut samples were
infected with various moulds including Rhizopus stolonifer, Fusarium sp., Aspergilus flavus, other Aspergillus sp., Penicillium
sp., Eurotium repens, Sclerotium sp., Rhizoctonia sp., and Aspergillus Parasiticus. Eurotium repens, Aspergillus Parasiticus,
and A. flavus were found to be the most patent aflatoxigenic strains. The average levels of aflatoxins detected in the seed
samples were far above 100 ppb. This level of toxicity is more than five times higher than the acceptable dosage (20 ppb: US
Standards) in edible peanuts. This report points out the health risks associated with aflatoxin contamination in edible food
commodities despite enormous efforts to control this mycotoxin. Current research efforts to control or minimize the intake of
aflatoxins especially in warmer regions of the world are hereby included.
Key Words: Aflatoxins; Food commodities; Fungal infection; Kenya; Peanuts
Fungal infection of seeds before and after harvest
remains a major problem of food safety in most parts of
Africa. Problems associated with this infection include loss
of germination, mustiness, mouldy smell (Sauer et al., 1992;
Frisvad, 1995) and aflatoxin contamination (McAlpin et al.,
2002; Bankole & Adebanjo, 2003). These problems are
however dealt with, in most developed world where a
careful commodity screening and improved storage
conditions are provided (Ito et al., 2001; McAlpin et al.,
2002; Wilson et al., 2002). However, fungal species that
produce mycotoxins are more common in the warmer,
subtropical and tropical areas than in temperate areas of the
world. Validated methods of analysis exist but an
internationally accepted sampling plan for aflatoxin control
for each commodity is still a targeted goal despite years of
various contributions (Coker, 1989; Cunnif, 1995) and
recently a so–called update on worldwide regulation for
mycotoxin contamination was published by FAO under the
title Food and Nutrition (van Egmond, 2002). In this edition,
only 77 countries were reported to have specific regulations
for mycotoxins, 13 countries were known to have no
specific regulations, whereas no data were available for
about 50 other countries many of them in Africa (van
Egmond, 2002).
Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites produced by
some isolates of Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus, and
several unnamed fungi belonging to a non–classified taxon
from Africa (Ito et al., 2001). Developing grains, nuts and
nut products such as peanut butter, roasted shelled peanuts
and peanut oil are the most vulnerable to aflatoxigenic
fungal infections (Rachaputi et al., 2002). It has been a
serious concern to control the increasing incidence of fungal
infection and aflatoxin contamination of valuable
commodities. Aflatoxins are among the most potential
mutagenic and carcinogenic substances known (Bankole &
Adebanjo, 2003). Therefore, setting of internationally
agreed tolerance levels of aflatoxins in foods and feedstuffs
is of global importance. Currently aflatoxin B
is the major
contaminant of foods in tropical regions of Africa and this,
has been linked with hepatitis B and C infections and, to the
high incidence of liver cancer in these regions (Montalto et
al., 2002; Elegbede & Gould, 2002). The high mortality rate
of liver cancer patients in these regions indicates the
seriousness of the issue (Montalto et al., 2002). In addition,
Li et al. (2001) found that the level of aflatoxin B
, B
in corn were significantly higher in the area with high
incidence of human hepatocellular carcinoma, and the
average daily intake of aflatoxin B
from the high–risk area
was 184.1μg. Therefore, means of tackling this problem
should be a priority. Molecular characterization of microbial
genes involved in the regulation of aflatoxin biosynthesis
pathway could provide ways to produce genetically
modified organisms to permanently inhibit aflatoxin
synthesis, especially during interactions between aflatoxin–
producing fungi and plants.
GACHOMO et al. / Int. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 6, No. 6, 2004
In this study, the correlation of occurring fungal
infection in stored peanuts and the level of aflatoxin content
in the collected samples was investigated in different fresh–
produce markets of Nairobi, Kenya (Eastern Africa). We
present here evidence of various identified fungal infections
and a very high detectable level of aflatoxins in the samples.
In addition, proper monitoring programs, recommendations
for minimizing the rate of aflatoxigenic fungal infection in
food commodities and the risk of toxicity to the consumers
are herein discussed.
Reagents and chemicals. Unless stated otherwise, all
reagents and chemicals used in this work were from Sigma
and Merck’s Company, Roch (Germany).
Sample collection. Unshelled peanuts were obtained from
five fresh–produce markets within Nairobi (Kenya). The
markets were identified as V, W, X, Y and Z. Two peanut
varieties (Valencia Red: VR & Homa Bay local: HbL) were
sampled from each of the markets V, W, and X while only
one variety (VR) was available from the markets Y and Z.
An average weight of 2000 g of peanuts per variety and per
market was considered. Fungi were isolated from the
peanuts under laboratory conditions using agar and blotter
test methods according to Dhingra and Sinclair (1994).
Isolation of fungi using blotter and agar test. Under
blotter test, sterile filter papers were aseptically placed in
petri dishes and moistened with sterile distilled water to
serve as moist chambers. All experiments were carried out
under sterile conditions to avoid contamination. Eight
hundred peanuts per variety and per market were considered
for this test. Half of the seeds (400 seeds per variety) was
surface–sterilized in 3% (v/v) sodium hypochlorite for 3
min and rinsed in three changes of sterile distilled water.
The seeds were then placed on the filter papers and
incubated at room temperature (23°C±2) for 14 days. The
second half of the samples (400 seeds) were not sterilized
but were incubated under similar conditions. The results
recorded represent means (±SD) of triplicate experiments.
For agar test, the set up was similar to that of blotter
test except petri dishes containing 10 ml potato dextrose
agar (PDA) were used as moist chambers. After incubation,
colony characteristics (colour, shape) of different types of
fungi that grew were recorded. The number of seeds
infected with the same type of fungus was recorded. The
individual isolates were transferred to new PDA plates in
order to obtain pure cultures. All isolates were maintained
on PDA and kept at 4°C for further analysis. The fungal
identification was performed using microscopic
observations, identification keys and illustrated manuals
(Raper & Fennell, 1965; Klich & Pitt, 1998). Synoptic keys
were used to identify different fungal genera.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of aflatoxins
produced by the isolates. The seeds were qualitatively
analysed for the presence of aflatoxins according to Cunnif
method adopted for aflatoxin analysis by the Association of
Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) (Cunnif, 1995).
Basically, the method consists of an extraction phase,
followed by a column clean–up phase and finally by a
qualitative assay via a one–dimensional thin layer
chromatography (TLC), which uses a silica gel adsorbent
and an acidic solvent system as described by Kuiper–
Goodman and Scott (1989).
For the quantitative estimation of aflatoxins, scanning
densimetric analysis was carried out. The TLC plates were
scanned according to the instructions of the manufacturer
using CD 60 Desaga computer program. The program is set
up to analyse the intensity of the spots developed by TLC.
The peak areas of the samples were compared to those of
the standards to quantify the aflatoxin content in the
In order to identify the most toxigenic fungi,
uninfected peanut samples were infected with the isolated
fungi under laboratory controls and screened for aflatoxin
production after two weeks of incubation as described
Isolation of the fungi from peanut samples. To better
isolate the various fungal species from the infected fresh
peanut samples, simple growth analyses made of agar plates
and sterile moistened filter papers were carried out. Several
fungal species became obvious from the growth media after
seven days of incubation. From the seven days onwards,
infected samples displayed fungal species, which were
obvious enough for isolation. Fig. 1 presents an illustration
of fungi screening by a blotter test showing different types
of fungi growing from the peanut samples. From these tests,
it was easy to evaluate the percentage of various fungal
occurrences in the collected fresh peanuts. Table 1 shows
sum total occurrence (in %) of fungal species in different
markets samples using both agar and blotter methods. Of the
several fungal species isolated from the peanuts, R.
stolonifer was the most predominant with 80% occurrence
followed by Fusarium sp. (45%) and Aspergillus species
(24%). The other species accounted for 5 to 10% (Table I).
The Aspergillus species isolated were Aspergillus flavus, A.
parasiticus, A. niger, A. ochraceous, and the Fusarium
species isolated include F. oxysporum, F. equiseti and F.
torulosum (results not shown). The highest occurrence of
Aspergillus species (A. parasiticus, A. flavus & the other
Aspergilli) was in the markets V and X. Relatively high
percentage of occurrence for Rhizopus sp. and Fusarium sp.
was reported in all the samples collected, while the
occurrence of Penicillium sp. and Aspergillus sp. was
moderate and that of Eurotium repens, Sclerotium sp., and
Rhizoctonia sp. was low (Table I).
To ascertain whether the fungal infection is on the
surface or within the peanut seeds, the collected samples
were surface–sterilized prior to incubation, and a
comparative analysis was carried out with the non–sterilized
sample cultures. Fig. 2 shows the rates of occurrence of
different fungi on the surface–sterilized and non–sterilized
peanut samples. Rhizopus stolonifer and Fusarium sp. had
the highest occurrence rate in both surface–sterilized and
non–sterilized peanuts but this occurrence was higher in the
non–sterilized samples. Aspergillus sp. (A. flavus, A.
parasiticus & the other Aspergilli) had markedly higher
incidence of occurrence in the surface–sterilized samples
than the non–sterilized ones. A similar pattern of occurrence
was observed for Eurotium repens, Sclerotium sp. and
Rhizoctonia sp. (Fig. 2). However, the occurrence rate of
Penicillium sp. was found to be almost equal (10%) in both
surface–sterilized and non–sterilized samples.
Detection and estimation of aflatoxins in peanut
samples. All samples were tested for aflatoxin contents. We
carried out also in vitro fungal infection experiments of
healthy seeds in order to identify the aflatoxigenic strains
from the isolated fungal population. Fig. 3 shows the levels
of aflatoxins in the peanuts from the sampling locations
(Fig. 3a) coupled with the identification of the most
aflatoxigenic fungi in the samples (Fig. 3b). Peanut VR was
found to contain high levels of aflatoxins B
, B
and traces
of aflatoxin G
. The peanut HbL however had relatively
lower detectable levels of aflatoxin B
and B
(Results not
shown). The aflatoxin contamination of the samples was
generally associated with the isolation of strains such as
Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus, and Eurotium
repens. Fig. 3b shows the estimation of aflatoxins produced
by the different toxigenic fungi. Among the species of
Aspergillus, A. flavus produced 151.26 ppb and 130.5 ppb
of aflatoxin B
and B
, respectively, while A. parasiticus
produced 159.3 ppb and 110.9 ppb of aflatoxin B
and B
respectively. Both Aspergillus sp. produce traces of
aflatoxin G
(4.0 ppb) as shown in Fig. 3b. Eurotium repens
on the other hand produced larger amounts of aflatoxin B
(160, 19 ppb), aflatoxin B
(140 ppb) and aflatoxin G
(75.26 ppb) and considered therefore as the most
aflatoxigenic fungus in this work.
Interest in aflatoxin contamination of food and
feedstuff arose from its association with disease and
mortality in humans and animals. Up to date, practical
strategies to control this mycotoxin are still under
investigation. Mycotoxins of the greatest concern are
aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, and fumonisins produced by
Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp. and Fusarium sp.,
respectively (Bullerman, 2002). These toxins are a major
threat for public health particularly in warmer and tropical
regions of the world, like in Africa where proper and
accurate screening methods are lacking. We point out in this
report, the ever–permanent concern of aflatoxin
contamination for rural and urban communities of Africa.
Aflatoxin content above 20 ppb in peanuts is considered
very dangerous for human health worldwide (Coker, 1989;
Cunnif, 1995; Wilson et al., 2002). According to the Kenya
Bureau of Standards, the total levels of aflatoxin content in
peanuts intended for human consumption should not exceed
20 ppb, but in this report, the detection levels of aflatoxins
in peanut samples were found to be about four to five times
higher than the acceptable 20 ppb value (Fig. 3a, b). The
presence of aflatoxigenic fungi in surface–sterilized samples
(Fig. 2) demonstrates that a simple clean–up precaution
before consumption would never safeguard the consumers
from the risk of contamination. Using this study as an
example, probably several other food commodities
Fig. 1. In vitro screening of different fungal infections
in peanut samples using blotter test; (a): Penicillium
sp., (b): Fusarium sp., (c): Aspergillus sp.
Fig. 2. Detection of fungal infections on surface-sterilized and non-
sterilized peanut samples: R. stol = Rhizopus stolonifer, Fus sp =
Fusarium sp., A. para = Aspergillus parasiticus, A. flav = Aspergillus
flavus, Asp sp = other Aspergillus species including A. niger and A.
ochraceous, Peni sp = Penicillium sp., E. rep = Eurotium repens, Scle sp
= Sclerotium sp., Rhiz sp = Rhizoctonia sp.
Ste r .
Fungal occurancerate (in %)
GACHOMO et al. / Int. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 6, No. 6, 2004
susceptible to aflatoxin contamination, such as cereal grains
and tree nuts in the region although not investigated in this
study, may contain high level of aflatoxins as well. The
aflatoxin quantitative methods used here were not accurate
above 100 ppb. Therefore, we were not able to ascertain the
aflatoxin quantities exceeding 100 ppb in the samples (Fig.
3). However, these data were more than convincing to draw
a conclusive remark i.e. consumers of fresh peanuts (non–
processed) in Africa are exposed to the risk of high
mycotoxin intake. The contamination may also result
indirectly from consumption of animal products such as
milk from livestock exposed to contaminated feed (Bankole
& Adebanjo, 2003). These are broadening effects of
aflatoxin contamination that one should take into account
for accurate risk evaluation of aflatoxin contamination in a
given region.
Several contributions about aflatoxin detoxification
using dietary clay and isothermal adsorption of aflatoxin
contamination have been documented (Grant & Phillips,
1998; Phillips, 1999). However, it is far much better to
minimize or avoid contamination of products if possible,
rather than to depend on detoxification. In addition
biological control processes such as competitive exclusions
of toxigenic fungi by use of different Aspergillus mutants
are of tremendous contributions to the control of aflatoxin
accumulation both in pre– and post–harvest seeds (Wilson
et al., 1986; Cotty & Bayman, 1993). However, several of
such controls are expensive for farmers to implement
profitably and accurately especially in developing world.
Cotty and Bayman (1993) reported that atoxic Aspergillus
species competed successfully with toxic isolates in a mixed
culture condition, but the competition mechanism is still not
well elucidated. Some atoxic aflatoxigenic fungi may be
potential producers of several other toxins, which might be
harmful both to humans and animals. For these reasons
more information should be rather generated about the
storage conditions repressing the aflatoxin contamination
worldwide and especially in regions where farmers are still
holding tightly to the traditional methods of storage. In other
words, resources should be oriented into making scientific
findings more adaptable for the traditional farmers.
Developing post–harvest strategies for sorting or any
other aflatoxin control measures in warmer, tropical and
subtropical regions should be therefore highly welcomed.
Aflatoxin formation in peanuts is favoured by prolonged
period of drought associated with soil–elevated temperature
(Wilson et al., 2002; Rachaputi et al., 2002; Bankole &
Adebanjo, 2003). Irrigation of the peanuts while still in the
fields especially in warmer and tropical regions of the world
could be therefore an effective option in reducing aflatoxin
contamination. It was also suggested that late season
irrigations could increase soil moisture and decrease soil
Fig. 3. Estimation of aflatoxins in peanut samples per markets (a) and identification of aflatoxigenic fungal species (b): A. para = Aspergillus
parasiticus, A. flav = Aspergillus flavus, E. rep = Eurotium repens: —: Limit of estimation accuracy, *: Aflatoxin content above limit of accuracy.
Af la B 1
Af la B 2
Af la G 1
Af la B 1
Af la B 2
Af la G 1
Af la B 1
Af la B 2
Af la G 1
A. f lav A. para E . rep
Afla B1
Afla B2
Afla G1
A. f lav A. para E . rep
Afla B1
Afla B2
Afla G1
A. f lav A. para E . rep
Afla B1
Afla B2
Afla G1
Table 1. Occurring rate of fungi isolated from peanut samples per market
Identification rate of Fungal species (%) in peanut samples per market
Fungal species V W X Y Z
Rhizopus stolonifer
Fusarium sp.
Aspergillus parasiticus
Aspergillus flavus
Aspergillus sp.
Penicillium sp.
Eurotium repens
Sclerotium sp.
Rhizoctonia sp.
80 ± 9
50 ± 4
15 ± 4
3 ± 0.5
50 ± 6
10 ± 2
5 ± 1
25 ± 2
2 ± 0
90 ±10
40 ± 6
5 ± 1
5 ± 1
20 ± 3
11 ± 2
2 ± 0
30 ± 7
2 ± 0
85 ± 7
20 ± 3
3 ± 1
50 ± 5
40 ± 5
7 ± 2
3 ± 1
5 ± 0
2 ± 0
82 ± 6
12 ± 2
2 ± 0
5 ± 0
10 ± 1
5 ± 1
2 ± 0
2 ± 0
10 ± 1
88 ± 9
30 ± 2
2 ± 0
3 ± 0
30 ± 3
3 ± 0
2 ± 0
2 ± 0
2 ± 0
Aspergillus sp. including other Aspergillus such as A. niger and A. ochraceous. Data represent the mean value of triplicate experiments (± SD).
temperature and thereby be used as a promising way to
lower aflatoxin content in mature seeds (Wilson et al.,
2002). Moreover, sorting the peanuts to remove damaged
seeds before storage could also be a fairly effective and
cheaper way to control aflatoxin contamination. Udoh et al.
(2000) demonstrated that aflatoxin contamination of stored
commodities in five agro–ecological zones of Nigeria
(West–Africa) was strictly related to storage practices. Seed
integrity could therefore be maintained by observing proper
storage conditions. It is imperative to avoid a long–term
storage system in warmer regions. As demonstrated by Goel
and Sheoran (2003) in stored cottonseeds, after 18 months
of storage, the germination ability of the seeds decreased
and the membrane deterioration increased with storage
period, which could lead to a high probability of fungal
On the other hand, several other mycotoxins such as
ochratoxin A, and other potent toxic metabolites (not
investigated in this study) are also thought to be present in
the collected samples. The reason being that A. flavus, A.
parasiticus, A. ochraceus, A. niger (all isolated in this study)
were known as source of ochratoxins, cyclopiazonic acid,
patulin, sterigmatocystin, gliotoxin, citrin production
(Wilson et al., 2002). Penicillium species isolated also from
the collected samples are reported to produce cyclopiazonic
acid, ochratoxins and sterigmatocystin (Wilson et al., 2002).
The principal reason for such recurring situation is mainly
the lack of awareness in these regions. For the safety of
human food and the welfare of consumers, it is imperative
to educate the population on the danger of aflatoxin
contamination and to screen for all possible mycotoxin
contaminants in any given commodity before allowing it to
be marketed. These screening steps should strictly receive a
higher priority over any economical aspects. It is in this
respect that the danger and risks of toxicity could be greatly
minimized in years to come. The ever–present health risks
to which the unsuspecting and ignorant public (especially in
most of Africa regions) is exposed to is here clearly evident.
The need for interdisciplinary cooperation involving
governments, non–governmental organizations and
scientists in this area in order to establish monitoring and
regulatory risk management procedures has never been
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(Received 01 April 2004; Accepted 20 September 2004)
... Others were Aspergillus spp., Candida albicans, Mucor sp., Rhizopus sp., Fusarium sp., Penicillium sp. and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Other examiners have reported the isolation of similar fungi for peanuts, roasted groundnuts and cashew nuts [10,34,35]. ...
... On their part, Tor et al. [37] reported values of 0.30 and >20.00 µg/kg of aflatoxins in cashew samples collected from separate sites, while also reporting a range of 0.50 to 12.20 µg/kg of aflatoxin detection in roasted groundnut from several sites in Gboko, Benue State, Nigeria. Gachomo et al. [34] reported that there has been a higher concentration of aflatoxin in Nigeria of 216 µg/kg. Daily consumption of low concentration (below regulatory limits) of aflatoxin especially AFB1 for a considerable length of time may culminate in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma [38]. ...
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Aims: Microbial infestation of nuts and dried foods with the resultant production of aflatoxin is a global challenge to human health. This study aims to ascertain the safety of vended ready-to-eat cashews, groundnut and breadfruit. Study Design: This work is based on a completely randomized design with two replications and the average values calculated for the mean comparison. Place and Duration of Study: Imadavistic Laboratory, Port Harcourt and the Department of Biotechnology, Federal Institute of industrial Research, Oshodi, Nigeria, between January and November, 2022. Methodology: Forty samples purchased randomly were examined for proximate composition, microbial safety and presence of aflatoxins using standard conventional and molecular methods. Results: The respective mean percentage proximate compositions for groundnut, cashew and breadfruit were: protein (33.1±0.1, 14.9±0.3, 19.7±2.0), Carbohydrate (10.7±0.8, 16.5±2.2, 38.2±0.6), lipid (40.1±2.5, 34.3±1.3, 12.3±0.6), ash (1.8±0.1, 26.9±1.3,1.8±0.1), fiber (7.2±1.5, 20.3±0.6, 26.9±1.3) and moisture (7.0±0.1, 4.0±0.5, 7.8±1.6). Mycological count for groundnut, cashew and breadfruit ranged from 17 to 33; 5 to 17 and 2 to 17 log10 cfu/g, respectively. The mycological studies revealed that there were Aspergillus spp., Candida albicans, Mucor sp., Rhizopus sp., Fusarium sp., Penicillium sp. and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Aflatoxigenicity results reveal that 31.3% (10 of 32) of the fungi identified were able to produce aflatoxin and they were principally Aspergillus flavus. The range of aflatoxin in the samples was 6.96362 µg/kg of aflatoxin B1 in breadfruit obtained from Oji and Ekeonuwa to 1.07668 µg/kg of aflatoxin B2 obtained in cashew nuts from Rumokoro and Choba. Conclusion: The presence of aflatoxins, though within acceptable doses, underscores the need for proper processing of these roasted snacks.
... Since the level of infestation was minimal in HDPE and PC, use of traditional packaging systems (leaf and LDPE) should be discouraged. [25,26] reported fungi to be the major contaminating microbe of peanut and maize during storage, therefore their occurrence might also be due to exposure of these street vended snacks to fungal spore resident in the air. ...
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The optimum condition of the enhanced aadun was achieved at 5.18% moisture content, 16.04% protein, 5.77% fibre, 4.78% ash, 20.24% and 47.99% carbohy-drate which was stored in the different packing materials namely, leaf (control) which is commonly used by the locals for storage aadun snack, low density poly-ethylene (LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and food grade plastic con-tainer (PC). The initial properties of the enhanced aadun (prior to storage) were determined, while the stored samples were kept for eighteen weeks. Samples in each packaging material were analysed for proximate and microbial loads at the end of every two weeks. The data obtained were analysed statistically to determine the effect of the packaging material on the aforementioned properties. Results for the proximate properties showed that the ash, fibre, fat, protein decreased signifi-cantly (P < 0.05) in all the samples while the carbohydrate and moisture contents increased significantly (P < 0.05). The samples in the PC, HDPE and LDPE were within the acceptable moisture limit (<10%) of snacks. The energy content also decreased significantly (P > 0.05). The choice of packaging material also influ-enced the level of microbial infestation within eighteen weeks of storage, with leaf permitting the highest, followed by LDPE, HPDE and then PC.
... It is known that peanuts and peanut-containing products are the riskiest foods in terms of mycotoxin and especially AF contamination [8,9]. Te amount of toxins present in peanuts is closely related to the kind, type, and strain of mould as well as the durability and type of peanut, the production method, drying and storing conditions, kernel moisture, and environmental conditions such as temperature, moisture, and precipitation during and after harvest [10,11]. ...
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Peanuts, which are rich in nutrients, are used in many products and are often a primary ingredient of protein bars. However, when the necessary production and storage conditions are not met, mycotoxins, and particularly aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), which is the most toxic and most common mycotoxin, may pose a great risk. This study was undertaken to indirectly examine the appropriateness of storage conditions for peanut protein bars sold at different supply points and to identify the presence of AFB1 in compliance with the relevant legal limitations. In February and March 2022, different varieties of peanut protein bars without added sugars were obtained from local markets and nonmarket store chains (places where sports products, cosmetic products, and protein bars are sold) in Ankara, Turkey. AFB1 contents were analysed by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. The limit imposed by the Turkish Food Codex regulation on contaminants is 5 ppb. While 38.3% of the samples were under that limit, 61.7% were above. No significant difference was found for the place of sale ( p = 0.542 and χ2 = 2.150), selling conditions ( p = 0.497 ), product ingredients, or remaining shelf-life ( p = 0.804 ) regarding the level of AFB1 in the samples. However, it was determined that samples with peanut percentages lower than 17.0% had higher amounts of AFB1 ( p < 0.001 ), and other available ingredients might affect the AFB1 content of peanut bars. It was concluded that most samples (n = 37.0, p < 0.001 , t = −8.607) posed a risk in terms of AFB1. Considering the shelf-life of such products and that peanuts can produce AFB1 during their shelf-life, it would be beneficial to monitor the frequency of supervision and prevent the sale of peanut bars with AFB1 contents higher than the limits.
... Aflatoxin contamination of stored products is more common in the tropical and subtropical countries where the weather is constantly worm with a high relative humidity that favours the proliferation of the aflatoxigenic fungi and aflatoxin production, given that aflatoxin production is directly proportional to moisture (humidity), temperature, [8,11] and length of storage period [12]. Many products with no detectable aflatoxin levels during exportation/importation have been found to be contaminated with high levels of aflatoxin at retailer/consumer levels [12][13][14][15]. Thus, the need for continuous monitoring/screening of stored foods and feeds for aflatoxins, especially at the consumer/retailer level, can never be overemphasised. ...
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This study reports the development and validation of a simple, yet efficient method called the ultra-fast reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence and photodiode array detector (UF-RP-HPLC-FD-DAD) to extract and quantify the total aflatoxin from grains and poultry feed. The proposed method is used to determine the total aflatoxin content in 150 samples of maize, rice, wheat, peanut and poultry feed obtained from open markets in a state in Nigeria. The extent of consumer exposure to aflatoxins and the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are evaluated. The UF-RP-HPLC-FD-DAD method was found to be satisfactorily accurate, sensitive and reliable as ascertained by its excellent validation outcomes (R2 > 0.999, LoD < 0.08 ng g-1, LoQ < 0.2 ng g-1, recovery = 90-102%). The aflatoxin levels in food grains and poultry feed samples obtained in this study implied a moderate dietary exposure of between 10.67 and 20.77 ng/kg BW/day, in which the risk of developing HCC was estimated to be between 6.27 and 21.40% per 100,000 adults/year. Hence, greater monitoring of marketed food and feed is required, besides the deployment of strict controls and preventive techniques to minimize the population's exposure to a high dietary level of aflatoxins.
... This has been a major threat to the income of these farmers in Nigeria as groundnut farmers do not have good storage facilities, improved varieties and drying systems to reduce the moisture content of the commodity [6]. This issue is well dealt with in developed countries as there are good storage facilities, drying systems, improved varieties and the commodities are properly screened [7]. Fungi cause many groundnut diseases such as necrosis, seed rot, black mould, wilt, leading to poor yield [8]. Fungi also produces toxins as secondary metabolites that are poisonous and carcinogenic to humans and animals [9]. ...
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Various food commodities such as groundnuts are prone to fungal contamination in favourable environmental conditions. The purpose of this study was to isolate and identify fungi associated with stored groundnuts. A purposeful and random sampling was employed to collect three hundred (300) samples of groundnuts in storage for more than six (6) months from local storage facilities known as ‘rumbun’ from the three agricultural zones (Nasarawa South, Nasarawa North and Nasarawa West) in Nasarawa State. The samples were grounded and cultured in potato dextrose agar (PDA) under sterile conditions, with the aid of a microscope and the fungal flora were determined using taxonomical schemes relying on their morphological and cultural characteristics. The total heterotrophic fungal ranged from 1.4 × 102 to 2.9 × 105 with stored groundnut from Nasarawa South being the most contaminated (4.8 × 104 CFU/g) followed by Nasarawa West (1.6 x 104) and Nasarawa North was the least contaminated (3.3 × 103 CFU/g). Fungal diversity from this study included Rhizopus stolonifer (65.3%), with the highest prevalence followed by Mucor spp (48.5%), Aspergillus niger (43%) and Aspergillus flavus (39 %) while Neosartorya fisheri (0.6 %). The findings of this study suggests that the groundnuts in storage from the three agricultural zones are heavily contaminated by fungi capable of producing mycotoxins which could present a public health challenge to the consumers. It is therefore recommended that groundnuts for long term storage should be properly dried to reduce the attack of fungi with reduced moisture.
... Section on Aspergillus spp., Flavi are the most commercially significant mycotoxigenic fungus at the moment, frequently contaminating poultry feeds [3][4][5] and stored food goods [6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. They create the most toxic/carcinogenic category of mycotoxins known as aflatoxins, of which two aflatoxin B groups [aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and aflatoxin B2 Salisu et al. / J. Adv. ...
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Objective: The purpose of this work is to develop and validate an appropriate solvent solution and quantitative thin layer chromatography (TLC) method for determining the aflatoxins content of chicken feeds and dietary grains. Materials and Methods: To obtain the optimal mobile phase, samples were extracted with meth- anol/water (3:1) + 5% sodium chloride and partitioned using several solvent systems using pre- parative TLC. Camag TLC scanner 3 was used to scan the TLC plates at 366 nm and quantify them using JustTLC software. The method was tested for linearity, specificity, accuracy, precision, sen- sitivity, and robustness in accordance with ICH recommendations, and then utilized to screen 132 Nigerian poultry/food samples for total aflatoxins (TAFs). Results: The best separation of aflatoxins was achieved using acetonitrile and dichloromethane (3:17) mobile phase over an average run time of 45 min, resulting in linear calibration curves (R2 > 0.99) in the concentration range limit of quantitation (LoQ) to 50 ng/spot with a limit of detection of <2.0 ng/g and a LoQ of <4.0 ng/gm for all aflatoxins in all spiked samples. When the proposed TLC method was compared to an optimized high-performance liquid chromatography method, an excellent linear regression was obtained (R2 > 95%). Seventy seven (58.33%) of the 132 samples examined were positive for aflatoxins, with mean values ranging from 3.57 ± 2.55 to 37.31 ± 34.06 ng/gm for aflatoxin B1 and 6.67 ± 0.00 to 38.02 ± 31.52 ng/gm for TAFs, respectively. Conclusions: The results demonstrate the feasibility of using the suggested TLC method in con- junction with a novel solvent solution (free of carcinogenic chloroform) for the rapid and accurate measurement of TAFs in foods/feeds.
... It has been reported that species of Aspergillus, Rhizopus and Penicillium recovered from peanut products samples corroborate to similar fungi as contaminants of peanut cake alongside other fungi which could not be identify or not recovered during the study (Adebesin et al., 2001). The fungi along with Fusarium species were reported as major contamination fungi in storage of peanut (Gachomo et al., 2004;Jimoh et al., 2008). Therefore, the occurrence of contamination in these products might be originated from the raw peanut, which has been utilized in processing of peanut cake and may be due to exposure of these marketed products to spores of fungus presence in air after production of products. ...
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Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) used as a major ingredient in varieties of products including; bakery products and poultry feed. Peanut is a valuable economic crop in Pakistan. Currently, there is no fungal contamination information available of the groundnut products in Peshawar region, Pakistan. Therefore, the current study is to highlight the fungal contamination associated with peanut products (Kernels, Cakes, and Oils) in City, Cantt and University areas of Peshawar, Pakistan. Among the products, peanut kernels samples were found most contaminated (3.0 x 10 4 CFU/g) in Cantt area, peanut cakes samples were found most contaminated (5.2 x 10 4 CFU/g) in City area, and peanut oils samples were found most contaminated (1.5 x 10 3 CFU/g) in Cantt area. Aspergillus flavus (29.2%) was found the most frequently isolated fungal species, followed by, A. niger (21.1%), A. fumigatus (16.5%) and Penicillium notatum (1.6%), respectively. It were observed, that peanut products obtained from Peshawar city and Cantt areas could be unsafe for consumption as food or feed ingredients due to contamination by fungi, which is an indicative factor for the presence of Aflatoxins, Ochratoxin and other types of mycotoxins. Therefore, implications of inadequate drying of peanut, in storage conditions and at the time of processing this should be consider in first priority.
... Fungi are associated with peanuts through seed development, harvesting, and storage of peanuts, and they often cause poor germination, mustiness, and mycotoxin contamination [28]. Storage fungi on peanuts include species of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus, and Fusarium [29]. ...
... Similarly, high prevalence of toxigenic Aspergillus flavus was also reported in stored maize grains across the five agroecological zones of Nigeria (38). A similar trend of the high incidence of toxigenic fungi was also reported in Argentina peanut growing fields (46), in peanut seeds in Kenya (47) and nuts from Saudi (48). However, a study conducted to investigate the incidence and consumer awareness of toxigenic Aspergillus section flavi and aflatoxin B1 in peanut cake from Nigeria, revealed significantly (p < 0.05) lower incidence of toxigenic Aspergillus flavus compared to the atoxigenic strains (37). ...
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The use of traditional storage facilities by most of the grain farmers and traders in Nigeria promotes fungal contamination of stored grains and subsequently, mycotoxins which are potent carcinogens, neurotoxic, hepatotoxic and immunotoxic when consumed. This study was conducted to determine the incidence and phenotypes of mycotoxigenic fungi associated with commonly consumed food grains in Katsina state, Nigeria. Fungal population in 21 composite samples each of maize, wheat, rice and peanuts from three open markets were determined using standard mycological techniques. Aspergillus spp obtained from the samples were screened for aflatoxigenicity and subsequently characterised by Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transformed Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. Results: A total of 136 filamentous fungi belonging to 19 species were isolated, of which Aspergillus flavus (18.4%), Mucor racemosus (13.2%) and Aspergillus niger (10.3%), were predominant. The highest level of contamination was found in the peanuts (1.8 x 105 ± 2.5 x 105 CFU/g). All the 12 Aspergillus parasiticus and 18 (72%) of Aspergillus flavus isolates obtained from the samples produced aflatoxin B1 on solid media as observed under ultraviolet light and confirmed by Thin Layer Chromatography. The ATR-FTIR spectra of both toxigenic and atoxigenic Aspergillus spp showed a similar pattern. In conclusion, the levels of the mycotoxigenic fungi in the food grains, except for rice, were above the permissible limit of 100 to 10,000 CFU/g set by ICMSF, this signifies that they are unsafe for use as food or feed ingredients and hence, the need for more stringent control measures.
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A random assessment and human risk analysis were conducted on 80 groundnut pastes and raw groundnuts from some local markets across the different agroecological zones of Ghana. Total aflatoxins (AFtotal) and aflatoxins (AFB 1 , AFB 2 , AFG 1 , and AFG 2) were analyzed using the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method. Out of 80 samples investigated, 49 (61.25 %) tested positive for AFB 1 and ranged from 0.38 ± 0.04-230.21 ± 22.14 μg/kg. The same proportion was recorded for total aflatoxins (AF total) and ranged between 0.38 ± 0.02-270.51 ± 23.14 μg/kg. Limits of AFB 1 and total aflatoxins (AFtotal) for the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) (5 and 10 μg/kg) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2 and 4 μg/kg), were used as checks. A total of 33 (41.25 %) samples were above the limits for both. Risk assessments recorded for Estimated Daily Intake (EDI), Margin of Exposure (MOE), potency, cancer risk, and population risks ranged 0.087− 0.380 μg/, 1052.630-4597.700, 0− 0.00396 ng Aflatoxins kg − 1 bwday − 1 and, 1.5 × 10 − 3-7.9 × 10-4 respectively for total aflatoxins. While for aflatoxins B 1 (AFB 1), ranges of values of 0.068− 0.300 μg/, 1333.33-5882.35, 0− 0.00396 ng aflatoxins kg/bw/day and, 1.19 × 10 − 3-6.34 × 10-4 corresponded for Estimated Daily Intake (EDI), Margin of Exposure (MOE), potency, cancer risk, and population risk respectively. There were risks of adverse health effects involved in the consumption of groundnuts for all age groups investigated since MOE values were all below 10,000.
The Netherlands (Received 01
  • Kluwer Acad
  • Plenium
Kluwer Acad. /Plenium Pub., The Netherlands (Received 01 April 2004; Accepted 20 September 2004)