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Applying Radius-based Public Access Roaming in
the Finnish University Network (FUNET)
Sami Keski-Kasari, Karri Huhtanen, Jarmo Harju
Tampere University of Technology
Institute of Communications Engineering
Korkeakoulunkatu 1, 33720 Tampere, Finland
Authentication, Authorisation, Accounting, RADIUS, WLAN, Roaming
The increasing amount of wireless and wired public network access
areas under the administration of separate instances has driven forward
the idea that roaming between these areas should be developed. In the
academic world research co-operation and the exchange of students, lec-
turers and researchers is very common. This increases the need of roaming
between related organisations. Several ideas and attempts to standardise
WLAN roaming exist but in the combined wireless and wired environ-
ment the roaming has not been considered. One idea for roaming is to
use RADIUS protocol to carry authentication information. In Finland
this idea was first presented for commercial operators by WirLab1. With
standard RADIUS proxying it is possible to carry authentication, autho-
risation and accounting information to the RADIUS server of the user’s
home university. Because the idea is to make the RADIUS servers in dif-
ferent universities to look like a one big RADIUS system there is a need
for some kind of hierarchy. This paper describes an application of that
idea and an architecture to bring not just WLAN but also general public
access roaming into FUNET network and beyond. The hierarchy will be
designed also to be interoperable for roaming between other European
universities and university networks, for example as a part of TERENA
mobility task force.
1 Introduction
The development of the wireless networks and the increasing amount of laptop
users have created a demand for setting up public access networks where this
kind of mobile users could easily get network access. This kind of instant net-
work access should be easily available for the mobile users even if they are just
visitors in some organisation. At the same time the Internet and the organi-
sation’s network should be protected from the possibly malicious users. This
1WirLab, located in Sein¨ajoki, Finland, is a research center that studies networking in
future real-life application environments.
Figure 1: Network elements in roaming organisation’s network
cannot be done without some kind of access control. The access control can-
not be done without organisational authentication infrastructure. When the
amount of mobile users moving between organisations increases, the need for
transferring authentication information securely between organisations becomes
more important. This will not be possible without the roaming infrastructure
and means to do public access roaming.
Several ideas and attempts to standardise public access roaming exist, but
most of them require additional software to be installed in the terminals and/or
in the network. Some solutions require even vendor specific hardware or cellular
operator network elements to be able to work. Commercial companies offering
roaming services also want to charge for the clearing house services, even if the
organisations’ intent to do roaming is completely uncommercial.
Our solution for the inter-organisation public access roaming introduces a
hierarchical architecture which scales from single organisation network to multi-
organisation roaming using a common clearing house. The solution does not
require any additional software to be installed in the client terminals and also
adding network elements is optional if the current organisation authentication
infrastructure is already RADIUS-based and public access controllers are used
to control the network access.
2 Network architecture
2.1 Introduction
Figure 1 presents an example of the network architecture of a typical roaming
organisation using our solution. The public access networks, i.e. the wireless
and wired networks available for public users (students, visitors, etc.), are sepa-
rated from the networks demanding more security by edge routers and dedicated
access control devices, the access controllers.
The separation of the public access networks and organisation’s internal
networks increases the overall network security as breaking through the wireless
access points or access controllers does not give instant access to the organisa-
tion’s intranet. This separation may be customised and enhanced with VLANs,
access control and packet filter lists in the routers. Access control devices may
also be used to limit users’ access to the Internet.
2.2 Network elements
2.2.1 Access controller
The access controller is the network element that controls access from the public
access network to the rest of the network and the Internet. It is a common
solution used in many commercial WLAN hotspots and there exists several
free and commercial implementations of the access control software as well as
dedicated network appliances from several vendors like Nokia, Nomadix, Vernier
Networks etc.
The operation of the access controller is very simple. Traffic can not pass
through it until the user of certain terminal (identified by IP and/or MAC ad-
dress) has authenticated herself. For authentication process the access controller
captures the first HTTP request the terminal sends and redirects the terminal’s
web browser usually to a HTTPS-secured authentication page where the user-
name and password information is entered. This method is often also called the
captive portal. The access controller then checks the validity of the authenti-
cation information against some AAA server, for example RADIUS, and opens
the access to the network for the authenticated terminal.
The advantage and the main reason for using access controllers and web-
based solution is that the terminals only need a web browser to be able to
authenticate the user. The web-based solution also remains as the only feasible
solution to support the diversity of terminals until some new common authen-
tication technology has penetrated all platforms. For more detailed description
of the web-based authentication solution, see Terena Mobility Taskforce’s De-
liverable F [TMTDelF].
2.2.2 Roaming proxy
The roaming proxy is a network element that forwards the RADIUS [RFC2865]
authentication requests and responses to correct destinations. It also provides a
layer of abstraction between organisation’s AAA server and the roaming network
elements. This way the organisation’s AAA server does not necessarily have to
be modified or reconfigured to support the RADIUS-based roaming hierarchy.
Instead a roaming proxy may be added to the network without disturbing the
existing authentication infrastructure or opening the organisation’s RADIUS
server to direct requests from other organisations.
With certain RADIUS-server software (e.g. FreeRADIUS, Radiator) the
roaming proxy may be even used to translate the RADIUS authentication re-
quests to LDAP-inquiries in case the organisation’s authentication infrastruc-
ture is LDAP-based. It may also add a new hierarchy level for authenticating
different user groups. For example in the Tampere University of Technology
(domain the roaming proxy can separate the authentication requests for and to different authentication servers handling the
regular and guest users.
Naturally it is also possible for an organisation to integrate roaming proxy
configuration into existing RADIUS server eliminating the need for a separate
roaming proxy element from the network. This demonstrates the flexibility of
this roaming architecture.
2.2.3 AAA server
The AAA server is included in Figure 1 as a separate element to emphasise
the possibility of using roaming proxy as an abstraction and security layer or
as a translator between authentication systems. For this roaming model it is
recommended that the AAA server would be RADIUS-based, but the archi-
tecture does not limit the options as long as the roaming proxy knows how to
communicate with the AAA server. By separating the functionality needed for
roaming hierarchy and authentication to two elements, the organisational AAA
server may also be secured more tightly for example behind the organisation’s
3 Roaming architecture
3.1 Introduction
Figure 2 illustrates one possibility of building a RADIUS-based roaming infras-
tructure. In this, so far fictional, scenario an additional RADIUS hierarchy level
and a roaming proxy is added to handle roaming inside a region. In the exam-
ple, the region consists of organisations located in one city, Tampere, Vaasa or
In the example NREN (National Research and Education Network) roaming
root server has the knowledge of which fi-domains are handled by which roaming
proxy. For example the roaming root server knows that, and
are handled by the Tampere area roaming proxy and similarly which domains
are handled by the Vaasa’s or Oulu’s roaming proxy. It may also know where
to forward top-level domains it doesn’t recognise extending the architecture to
support also the inter-NREN roaming.
The added hierachy level in the example also demonstrates how easily extra
fault-tolerance can be added to the roaming infrastructure. Now even if the
roaming root server fails or is unreachable, the roaming inside a region still
works as the roaming proxies inside the region use the regional roaming proxy
as their default RADIUS server.
NREN (Funet)
core network
Tampere Area
Funet members
Vaasa Area
Funet members
Oulu Area
Funet members
NREN Roaming
Root Server (.fi)
Vaasa Area Roaming Proxy
(, etc.)
Oulu Area Roaming Proxy
(, etc.)
Tampere Area Roaming Proxy
(,, etc.)
secured channel
Figure 2: Roaming hierarchy example
3.2 Roaming infrastructure elements
3.2.1 NREN roaming root server
Section 3.1 already revealed that the NREN roaming root server is the roaming
element that knows all the domains and the IP addresses of the roaming proxy
servers handling them. It is the default RADIUS server for the regional roaming
proxies. This means that when a regional RADIUS server does not recognise the
domain in the authentication request it received, the regional roaming radius
proxy forwards the request directly to NREN roaming root server. Because the
NREN roaming root server knows all fi-domains, it is also the server that will
connect to other NREN root servers for inter-NREN roaming.
3.2.2 Regional roaming proxy
The regional roaming proxy, Area Roaming Proxy in Figure 2, is also optional
like the roaming proxy in the organisation’s network. The roaming proxies
or even the organisational AAA servers may connect directly to the roaming
root server if less hierarchy is preferred. In practice the NREN roaming root
servers, regional roaming proxies and organisational roaming proxies are in this
roaming architecture simply RADIUS servers configured differently according to
their roles and position in the roaming infrastructure. Additional servers may be
added or removed freely according to the scalabilty, security and fault-tolerance
NREN (Funet)
core network
Organisation X
TUT Public
Access Networks
Organisation X
Public Access
Organisation X
AAA Server
NREN Roaming
Root Server (.fi)
Figure 3: Inter-organisation roaming example
3.3 Inter-organisation roaming in practice
An example of the inter-organisation roaming is presented in Figure 3. The
scenario begins from the situation where a visiting user from Tampere University
of Technology (TUT, has entered organisation X’s public access network.
Because this example is based on captive portal solution, the user has already
received an IP address from the public access network for the user terminal.
The user has started a WWW browser, received the authentication page and
entered username (in form and password in the web form. The user
now submits the web form and the authentication process for roaming begins:
1. The access controller sends a RADIUS authentication request containing
the username and password to the roaming proxy in its home network.
2. The roaming proxy in organisation X’s network does not recognise the in the username ( and forwards the RADIUS
authentication request to its default RADIUS server, which in this case is
configured to be Funet’s NREN roaming root rerver.
3. The NREN roaming root server has the knowledge of all fi-domain roaming
proxy IP addresses and the respective domains they are handling. This
way the roaming root server is able to forward the RADIUS authentication
request to the roaming proxy in the Tampere University of Technology
(TUT) network.
4. The roaming proxy in the TUT network forwards the RADIUS request
to the TUT AAA server, which makes the final decision of accepting
the username-password pair. The TUT AAA server informs the roam-
ing proxy about its decision with RADIUS response message, which is
forwarded through the same chain of servers back to the access controller.
Depending on the RADIUS response the access controller now informs the
user about accepting or denying of the network access. If the access is accepted,
access controller opens firewall rules for the user terminal and the user now
gains an access to the network beyond the access controller.
4 Security issues
4.1 Connections between network and roaming elements
The access controllers use regular web servers to present the authentication form
to the user. User’s credentials are transferred with HTTP/HTTPS -protocol
depending on the configuration of the access controller. Some commercial access
controllers do not even have HTTPS-protocol in the default software version and
an additional fee must be paid to get HTTPS-enabled version. Due to security
reasons, HTTPS should be recommended or in the case of inter-NREN -roaming
required from the roaming organisations.
Using HTTPS and SSL/TLS-certificates also provides the possibility of using
SSL/TLS-certificates in authenticating the public access networks to users. This
way the risk of doing fake public access networks and controllers collecting
usernames and password would be harder, but still leaves the responsibility to
the user to check the certificate presented by the web browser. In practice this
would require a PKI-infrastructure to be built inside and between NRENs.
The defined PKI-, CA-, etc. policies, practices and the infrastructure would
benefit also other projects requiring for example SSL/TLS-certificates that are
valid in different NRENs networks. An example of this are the connections
between the roaming root servers, proxies and even access controllers; for addi-
tional security IPSEC tunnels and certificates can be used to secure the traffic
between roaming infrastructure elements and to authenticate the hosts allowed
to connect to each other.
4.2 Yet another PKI needed
To make the certificate system work and at the same time be scalable there’s
no other option than building a yet another public key infrastructure (PKI).
Building it could start inside NREN, where the NREN operator would manage
the highest CA certificate. This NREN operator would then give organisations
inside NREN CA certificates and the organisations could then create SSL/TLS-
certificates to be used in the access controllers and other related hosts and
devices needed for public access control and roaming.
This PKI-infrastructure could also be scaled to even a higher level by intro-
ducing a root CA that would issue and certify the NREN CA-certificates. This
practice would then enable a chain of trust where the users would only need
this highest certificate installed into their terminals and still be able to verify
the certificates of the access controllers anywhere in the roaming area.
4.3 The network and roaming element security
Both the free and commercial access controllers are usually based on some free
UNIX-based operating system and may use common open source software like
Apache, PHP, and Perl etc. Because of this, extra attention should be focused in
securing these hosts and to ensure that security upgrades are installed regularly.
In addition to the access controllers, there are also LDAP/Radius servers
and the PKI-infrastructure hosts to be secured. For example in the hierarchical
Radius/LDAP roaming scenarios the user credentials are obtainable in plain text
in all RADIUS/LDAP servers and also in the access controller. Compromising
roaming proxy or root server would in theory compromise all the user accounts
and passwords on AAA servers below it in the roaming hierarchy.
Because of this, consistent recommendations, requirements and policies to
configure, secure and maintain hosts are needed. Only this way the roaming
organisations are able to trust each other enough so that the building of the
roaming relationships is possible.
4.4 Unauthorised use of the user credentials
When considering inter-NREN-roaming the security of user credentials arises an
important issue. The information management of roaming organisations must
be able to detect if the credentials of a certain user have been leaked and used
for example at the same time in two different countries.
In the RADIUS hierarchy based roaming model it is possible to disable user
account in user’s home university RADIUS server if it’s known that the user
credentials have been leaked. More problematic issue is how the user or ad-
ministration would know that user’s credentials are in the wrong hands. One
solution for detecting and preventing this is to use RADIUS accounting fea-
tures [RFC2866] and specify, that the user can be logged in only once and from
one place at the time. That doesn’t solve the original problem of how the creden-
tials have leaked but helps to recognise unauthorised usage. By using RADIUS
accounting and analysing logs it is possible to build automatic detection systems
for detecting unauthorised usage.
4.5 Political and privacy issues
In the roaming architecture there are several elements gathering information
about the user and the user terminal so that the system administration of each
organisation is able to track potential malicious use back to a certain user. This
is expected and people are used to trust their system administration.
Combining the logs and the information from several sources becomes an
important issue. Who are allowed to do it and for what purpose? The legislation
of the different countries may have different views on the issue without even
mentioning the system administration of the different organisations.
Even if these clearly are important issues, starting to define them without an
experimental system may be slow and may even not be possible. It’s important
that the solutions to these issues are based on the real usage scenarios and
existing architecture so that they will have their basis in the reality. This can
be only achieved if the roaming infrastructure development is allowed to continue
and it does not need to wait for the policies to be formed before implementations.
5 Future development
5.1 From captive portals to 802.1X
In the presented roaming architecture it is possible to use any authentication
method that uses RADIUS for transporting the AAA messages. The architec-
ture that was first based on web-based authentication system can be replaced in
the future with the 802.1X-based [8021X] solution when there is enough client
software available, or more precisely, integrated to the user terminals.
It is also possible to use both the web-based and the 802.1X authentication
methods simultaneously in the wireless environment by using access points that
have the VLAN tagging and multiple network name (ESSID) capabilities. In
the wired environment it is possible to get VLAN information from RADIUS to
change switchport’s VLAN assignment. This way it is possible to assign public
access VLAN id to switchport but the user can choose to authenticate via web-
based system or 802.1X. By default the port is in the state that sends traffic
to the VLAN controlled by the access controller and the scenario is similar to
web-based authentication. If the terminal starts 802.1X negotiation, the switch
or the access point tries to authenticate the terminal via RADIUS roaming
hierarchy. After the successful authentication via 802.1X the switch changes
the port’s VLAN assignment to a VLAN that allows traffic go through.
In this roaming architecture the same RADIUS hierarchy can be used both
for the web-based authentication and 802.1X based authentication without mod-
ifications to the roaming infrastructure. The only requirement is that the RA-
DIUS server software used supports the chosen 802.1X authentication protocol.
This makes the migration path from captive portals to 802.1X very easy.
5.2 From user mobility to seamless mobility
Currently the architecture and the used network elements do not support seam-
less mobility as it has not been yet an important feature for the users. It might
however become more important as the features of the mobile terminals and
mobile phones are constantly developing.
Even in this case the architecture is not the limiting factor. New services,
new authentication methods, new network technologies may be added to the
infrastructure if they are open enough to be available on the platforms used in
building the network. For example if there is a need for introducing Mobile-
IPv4/IPv6 to the network, this can easily be implemented by adding Mobile-
IPv4/IPv6 stack in the Linux-based access controller. If the network is built
with commercial components this may be a lot harder.
6 Conclusion
By combining the web-based captive portal authentication solution and RADIUS-
based roaming hierarchy it is possible to realise a public access roaming infras-
tructure, which supports the widest range of user terminals, has the fewest
limitations for using third party software and hardware both in the network
and in the terminals and which is scalable and extensible regarding its security,
fault-tolerance and development features.
The benefits of this architecture may even be enhanced by using open soft-
ware and network elements so that adding new services and technologies is
possible without waiting them to appear in the regular vendors’ roadmaps. The
open architecture, network elements and software provides the chance for infras-
tructure to evolve one step at the time instead of replacing the whole system
with a new one every second year.
The migration and future development possibilities of this presented archi-
tecture clearly demonstrate that this architecture is capable to evolve when the
requirements and technologies continue to develop further.
The authors would like to thank people working for WirLab, especially Juha
Hein¨anen, Jouni Vuorela and Mika Mustikkam¨aki, about publishing the idea of
RADIUS-based roaming [WirLRoam] and for co-operation in the public access
roaming research and implementation work. Authors would like to thank also
IT management of Tampere University of Technology for positive attitude to
this research and implementation work.
[TMTDelF] Sami Keski-Kasari, Karri Huhtanen: Terena Mobility Task-
force, Deliverable F: Inventory of web-based solution for
inter-NREN roaming, (
roaming/theory/tf-mobility-del-f.pdf) June 2003.
[RFC2865] Rigney, Willens, Rubens, Simpson: RFC 2865: Remote Authenti-
cation Dial In User Services (RADIUS), June 2000.
[RFC2866] Rigney: RFC 2866: RADIUS Accounting, March 2002.
[WirLRoam] Mika Mustikkam¨aki: Inter WISP WLAN roaming
( wlan roaming.ppt), Septem-
ber 2002.
[8021X] IEEE 802.1 Working Group: IEEE Std 802.1X-2001: Port-Based
Network Access Control, June 2001.
Sami Keski-Kasari received his M.Sc. in telecommunications at Tampere
University of Technology in 2002. He is doing his post-graduate studies in
telecommunications at Tampere University of Technology. Since 2000 he has
been researcher of telecommunications at Tampere University of Technology in
the Institute of Communications Engineering.
Karri Huhtanen, currently finishing his M.Sc studies and researching WLAN
hotspot and public access architecture at Tampere University of Technology, has
already worked within wireless communications industry in the R&D depart-
ments of an equipment vendor like Nokia and wireless/internet service providers
like Jippii Group Oyj and Wireless Network Services Oy. His job descriptions
have varied from the design engineer trainee to a research & development man-
ager, responsible of the development of system architecture for both regional
and hotspot WLAN networks.
Prof. Jarmo Harju received his M.Sc. from the Helsinki University of Tech-
nology in 1979 and Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Helsinki in
1984. During 1985 - 89 he was a senior researcher at the Telecommunications
Laboratory of the Technical Research Center of Finland, working with the de-
velopment of protocol software. In 1989 - 95 he was professor of data commu-
nications at Lappeenranta University of Technology. Since 1996 he has been
professor of telecommunications at Tampere University of Technology in the In-
stitute of Communications Engineering, where he is leading the ”Networks and
Protocols” group.