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Geomagnetic Storms and their Influence on the Human Brain Functional State

  • Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan


An investigation of the influence of geomagnetic storms of various intensities on healthy adults' human brain activity and its functional state was conducted. Results of electroencephalogram (EEG) investigations were used as the most objective method reflecting functional state of the human brain. Studies on the influence of geomagnetic storms on the human brain functional state of healthy adult women patients (permanent group) in states of relaxation, photo-stimulation and hyper-ventilation have revealed a negative influence of severe geomagnetic storms on functional state of the human brain. As a rule, during periods of strong geomagnetic disturbances, indisposition, weakness and presence of indistinct localized headaches were recorded for majority of patients. Complex of nonspecific shifts on EEG reflects disorganization of functional activity of cortex of large hemispheres of the human brain at geomagnetically disturbed days, which is likely connected with dysfunction of integrative subcortical systems, with disbalance of its ascending synchronizing and desynchronizing influences. Imbalance of activating and deactivating mechanisms including dysfunctions of ergo- and tropho-tropic over-segmentary centers was registered. Strengthening cortical connections in the right cortical hemisphere and their short circuit on temporal sections during geomagnetically disturbed days were observed, while, in geomagnetically quiet days, a profile of correlation interrelations reflected weak internal- and inter-hemispheric connections. The threshold of convulsive (spasmodic) readiness of the human brain is reduced, which is especially dangerous for risk group persons. It is established that, in general, weak and moderate geomagnetic storms exert stimulating influence while strong disturbances of geomagnetic conditions activate braking (inhibiting) processes.
Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 36, No. Especial, 2005
Geomagnetic Storms and their Influence on the
Human Brain Functional State
Elchin S. Babayev 1 and Aysel A. Allahverdiyeva 2
(1) Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory named after N.Tusi (, Azerbaijan National Academy
of Sciences; 10, Istiglaliyyat street, Presidium of Academy, Baku, AZ-1001, the Republic of Azerbaijan; tel.:
+(994 50) 213 14 59; fax: +(994 12) 92 56 99; e-mail:,
(2) Institute of Physiology named after academician A.I.Garayev, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences;
2, Sharif-zadeh Street, Baku, AZ-1100, The Republic of Azerbaijan; e-mail:
Abstract. An investigation of the influence of geomagnetic storms of various intensities on healthy adults’
human brain activity and its functional state was conducted. Results of electroencephalogram (EEG)
investigations were used as the most objective method reflecting functional state of the human brain. Studies
on the influence of geomagnetic storms on the human brain functional state of healthy adult women patients
(permanent group) in states of relaxation, photo-stimulation and hyper-ventilation have revealed a negative
influence of severe geomagnetic storms on functional state of the human brain. As a rule, during periods of
strong geomagnetic disturbances, indisposition, weakness and presence of indistinct localized headaches
were recorded for majority of patients. Complex of nonspecific shifts on EEG reflects disorganization of
functional activity of cortex of large hemispheres of the human brain at geomagnetically disturbed days,
which is likely connected with dysfunction of integrative subcortical systems, with disbalance of its ascending
synchronizing and desynchronizing influences. Imbalance of activating and deactivating mechanisms
including dysfunctions of ergo- and tropho-tropic over-segmentary centers was registered. Strengthening
cortical connections in the right cortical hemisphere and their short circuit on temporal sections during
geomagnetically disturbed days were observed, while, in geomagnetically quiet days, a profile of correlation
interrelations reflected weak internal- and inter-hemispheric connections. The threshold of convulsive
(spasmodic) readiness of the human brain is reduced, which is especially dangerous for risk group persons.
It is established that, in general, weak and moderate geomagnetic storms exert stimulating influence while
strong disturbances of geomagnetic conditions activate braking (inhibiting) processes.
Keywords: Space weather, geomagnetic storms, human brain, electroencephalogram, nervous system.
Correspondence to: Elchin S.Babayev (
1. Introduction. Space Weather and human physiological state
The geosphere is very sensitive to solar activity, to changes in this activity and their manifestations on the
Earth. Conditions on the Sun and in the solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere (i.e., so
called Space Weather) can influence not only the performance and reliability of space-borne and ground-
based technological systems, but can endanger human life and health1, 2. Therefore, it is very important to
get more and better knowledge about solar and geomagnetic storms and their potential impacts, in order to
decrease or minimize these disturbance factors3.
The biological and systems ecological are significantly exposed to the influence of solar and geomagnetic
activities; they play very important role in our daily life. One of the main targets of negative influence of the
geomagnetic storms on health state is the human nervous system. The results of the detailed studies, which
are published in4 - 10, show that during the periods of strong geomagnetic disturbances, the number of
hospitalized patients with nervous diseases notably increases, the cases of myocardial infarcts and cerebral
insults, different paroxysmal conditions, nervous disturbance disorders and suicidal attempts become more
frequent, the psycho-neurological diseases become aggravated and so on. At the same time, some reports
show comparatively positive influences of heliogeophysical conditions on the human health state. For the
persons, suffering from epilepsy, a reduction of frequency of epileptic attacks and improvement of general
health state were detected during increases the level of geomagnetic field disturbances. Researches,
conducted simultaneously at different geographical regions of the globe, revealed that during geomagnetic
storms some monotype changes in the health state of mentally ill patients take place. It is curious that with
an increase of disturbance of geomagnetic field, the number of epileptic attacks decreases.
During high solar activity periods, the predominance of maniacal phases in patients suffering from manic-
depressive psychosis is of frequent and short-duration nature. When there is stabilization in the geomagnetic
conditions, the maniacal phase is replaced by the depressive stage.
Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 36, No. Especial, 2005
Neuropsychological data, reflecting functional state of the human brain during geomagnetic disturbances, is
not less contradictory. Long-duration (about 72 hours) irradiation of animals by electromagnetic flux resulted
in 89 % of cases in the expressed changes of bioelectric activity of the brain. The depression of the alpha–
activity in all leads of the brain fields, displacement of dominate frequency band of the electroencephalogram
(EEG) activity in hippocampal sections, in tonsil-like complex and in septum in the theta–range (4–7 Hz)
were observed. In the cortex and reticular formation of mesencephalon, despite of the decrease of general
specific weight, the dominance of EEG-activity in the alpha–range (8–13 Hz) took place. The frequency of
EEG-activity in all leads reliably increased, which was testified by increasing of specific weight of activity in
beta–range (15–20 Hz) and by decreasing of differences between dominant rhythms.
It should be noted, that during strong geomagnetic disturbances, the tolerance to mental and physical
stresses is decreased; there appears a danger of disorders for the people whose professional work is
connected to high-level responsibility, like surgeons, dispatchers, drivers, pilots, etc. The changes of
geomagnetic conditions affect, first, the activity of regulating systems which are related to high cortical
mechanisms of regulation and sub-cortical integrative apparatuses responsible for the organization of routine
activity of organism and for adaptation to environment changes.
Disturbances of the geomagnetic field, as any stress factor, influences first the central nervous system being
the sensitive screen, and perceiving even weak disturbance fluctuations (oscillations) in the environment11, 12.
Investigation of bioelectric activity of the human brain, which reflects a continuum of functional conditions,
according to the paper13, is an adequate method for research of a condition of cerebral cortex of the big
hemispheres and cortico-subcortical interrelations.
Not only the central, but also the vegetative nervous system of human being is very sensitive (responsive) to
the geomagnetic disturbances14. It is established that during weak and moderate magnetic storms, a tone
strengthens in the field of sympathetic part (section) of a vegetative nervous system. Only in some cases
and, most often for the men, the strengthening (amplification) of tone of the parasympathetic section of a
vegetative nervous system is observed14.
Based on EEG researches, it is established that the nervous system of patients responds on geomagnetic
disturbances by a diphasic reaction15. During days with geomagnetic storms, the generalized reduction of
indexes of spatial synchronization of EEG is marked. On the contrary, a general increase is registered on the
next day in contrasted long-lived quiet period.
An investigation of examined patient's blood also gave interesting results. The blood viscosity during
geomagnetic storms increases sharply (in some cases almost twice), the erythrocytes become adhesive, and
the blood stream slows down. Therefore, it is demonstrated that the magnetic storms increase the risk of
morbidity in the cardiovascular system9,10. Geomagnetic storms cause cardiac rhythm problems for
cosmonauts during extreme conditions in the orbital station16.
According to the relevant investigations, an influence of electromagnetic fields on the human brain has a
large polymorph character. In some cases, the changes have a predominance of slow rhythms, in other
cases, on the contrary, there is a predominance of fast waves or general depression of bioelectrical activity.
Nevertheless, there is an evidence that the human nervous system is a target and/or messenger at effecting
fluctuations of the geomagnetic field on human physiological states and, particularly, on the human brain’s
functional state. Therefore, in our research works the EEG investigations are used as the most objective and
practical method reflecting functional states of the human brain.
In spite of the increasing interest of scientists from different fields of science in the helio-medicine, many
problems in this discipline either are elucidated insufficiently and sometimes with contradictory results, or,
remain absent. Only few papers are dedicated to the analysis of possible influence of the Space Weather
(especially geomagnetic disturbances) on the bioelectric activity of human brain by help of EEG (for
example, see papers17-19).
In this original research paper we have studied the possible influence of solar and geomagnetic storms of
various strengths and some very intense (severe) geomagnetic storms caused by the violent Sun-Earth
connection events (such as which had a place in October-November 2003) on the human brain activity and
its functional state. Daily monitoring of Space Weather conditions (parameters) and available solar-
geophysical data, using Internet contacts and resources (US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), the European Space Agency (ESA), US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space
Environment Center (SEC NOAA) and SPIDR, Russian Space Weather Initiatives (RSWI), the Institute of
Terrestrial Magnetism, the Ionosphere and Radio-wave Propagation (IZMIRAN, Russian Academy of
Sciences) and other services) for the considered periods and region were provided, after analysis, by the
Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and were used in
our continuous experiments. Special attention was paid to the stormy days of July 2000, April 2001, October-
November 2003, November 2004, January 2005, etc. Particularly, one of the major and severe geomagnetic
super-storms of the current Solar Cycle 23 in October-November 2003 gave a unique chance to Azerbaijani
researchers to study in details an impact of extreme Space Weather events on the human brain functional
state. We have coordinated activities of astrophysicists and specialists on brain physiology, and were able to
conduct high-level experiments within a joint research program on the considered subject which started
several years ago. A special attention was paid to the days of risk, namely from 14 October to 21 November
Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 36, No. Especial, 2005
2003 with maximums at 29-30 October and 4 November. The relevant information about these events for the
public was published in daily Space Weather Prognosis column provided by famous Azerbaijani newspaper
“Zerkalo” in Russian.
We have studied the influence of geomagnetic storms on the human brain functional state of healthy adult
women patients (permanent group) in states of relaxation, during photo-stimulation and in hyper-ventilation.
Results of EEG investigations were used for reflecting functional state of the human brain. A parallel
registration of the electrocardiogram (ECG) was also conducted. Comparison of data for October-November
2003 with other data obtained during a long-time period experiments for relatively geomagnetically quiet and
moderately disturbed days as well as interpretation of the obtained results were carried out.
2. Experimental methods
Data record of bioelectric activity of the human brain was made with the help of the computerized
electroencephalograph, which is the multi-channel (16 channels) digital recorder intended for polygraph
registration of the physiological characteristics. The digital data was recorded on the hard disk, which was
subsequently subjected to reviewing and analyzing qualitatively and quantitatively.
27 healthy female persons (permanent group), aged between 20 and 40 years old, issued from the same
geographical area, were chosen for a long-term investigations during geomagnetically quiet (favorable) days,
at days with weakly-disturbed, and strongly-disturbed (unfavorable) geomagnetic conditions. All female
patients were examined in the inter-menstrual period.
Daily changes of meteorological situation during the experiments were also taken into account. In order to
avoid psychological effects prior to experiments, the persons under test were not familiarized about Space
Weather conditions before and during experiments. The experiments were conducted in isolated rooms (to
minimize effects of environment and artificial fields) and in hospital conditions.
Registration of spontaneous EEG by a mono-polar way from 16 standard leads arranged pursuant to the
international system of "10-20" and a parallel registration of the electrocardiogram (ECG) was conducted.
The experiments were carried out in the standard system from forehead (frontal), central, parietal, occipital
and temporal areas of both hemispheres of the human brain.
Investigations were carried out for quiet and active awakeners in conditions with open and closed eyes, in
the states of relax, in photo-stimulation and in the process of a hyperventilation. The native records of EEG,
which were obtained at different functional conditions, as well as the relevant data and registered curves
were stored on disks. Later on, after removal of artefact segments, they were subjected to the computer
analysis using the special software. Spectral and amplitude mapping, correlation and periodical-metric
analyses were carried out. Frequency and amplitude cartograms, obtained for different functional conditions,
reflect features of the human brain functioning at comparatively quiet days and at days with strong
geomagnetic storm.
Experiments were conducted taking into account solar and geomagnetic storms during above-mentioned
days. As the most widely-used parameters of the geomagnetic activity for biomedical problems, the Ap-index
and Dst-index, were used in our researches alongside other Space Weather parameters.
3. Results and discussions
Results of our investigations have revealed that during severe geomagnetic storms the large majority of
patients under test expressed indisposition, weakness and/or presence of indistinct localized headaches. In
most cases, bioelectric activity of the human brain was characterized by reduction of frequencies of a
dominating rhythm, amplification (strengthening) of expressiveness of slow-wave component (mainly, a
theta-rhythm) and increase in amplitude of activity (Figures 1.1 and 1.2). We have observed the forms of
waves with pointed outlines and strengthening of process of synchronization of activity.
Fig.1.1. Typical frequency histogram and frequency cartogram during the major geomagnetic storms
Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 36, No. Especial, 2005
Fig.1.2.Typical frequency histogram and frequency cartogram at the comparatively geomagnetically
quiet conditions
Flashes of pointed and sharp alpha- and theta-waves, having right cerebral hemisphere’s accent (stress),
were registered during experiments. Typical pictures are provided in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. Smoothing of inter-
zonal distinctions was observed as well. For a part of examinees diffuse synchronization was traced on
frequency ranges of alpha-1 and alpha-2 rhythms. Reactivity of dominating activity was weakened, and
reactions of adopting a rhythm were observed on lower frequencies of the alpha-range.
Fig.2.1. Example of EEG and total (summary) amplitude cartogram during the major geomagnetic storms
Fig.2.2. Example of EEG and total (summary) amplitude cartogram at the comparatively geomagnetically
quiet conditions
During the hyperventilation process observable flashes of both pointed and sharp alpha- and theta-rhythms
were amplified, and their amplitudes were increased as well. Figure of correlation interrelations, inherent to
various functional conditions, was broken (Figures 3.1 and 3.2). Inter-hemispheric asymmetry was revealed.
The leading role in interrelations had temporal area of the right cerebral hemisphere. Activation of rostral-
temporal and caudal-temporal connections (links) of the right hemisphere was marked.
Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 36, No. Especial, 2005
Fig.4.1. Typical EEG and correlogram during the major geomagnetic storms
Fig.4.2. Typical EEG and correlogram at the comparatively geomagnetically quiet conditions
The obtained results prove the significant changes in activity of the human brain during the days with severe
geomagnetic storms, reflecting infringement of functions on both central integrative mechanisms and local
processes of brain regulation.
It is well known that the most sensitive sections of the human brain, being influenced by negative factors of
an environment, are hypothalamus and cerebral cortex of the big hemispheres of the human brain20. The
increase of representativity of theta- and alpha-rythms, which carry flash-like character, testifies on
dysfunction of mesodiencephalitic sections within the limits of which hypothalamic nucleus are located.
Considering hypothalamus as a leading part of nonspecific systems of the human brain21,22 and as
responsible for neuroendocrinal and vegetative regulation, it should be noted that strong geomagnetic
disturbances infringe normal activity of this structure, causing imbalance in ergo- and tropho-tropic
The dysfunction, registered on EEG and reflecting ascending sendings, undoubtedly affects descending
directions as well, causing complex vegetative complaints observed in the majority of examinees. At the
same time, it must be noted that, pointed and sharp flashes of waves of theta- and alpha-range which are
observed on some tested persons in the days with severe geomagnetic storms, testify on the paroxysmal
character of the infringements, specifying on reduction in a threshold of convulsive (spasmodic) readiness
mesodiencephalitic formations with followed corresponding clinical-neuropsychological consequences.
Observed right cerebral hemisphere accent (stress) of changes testifies the greater “interest” of right
hemisphere. According to the paper23, activation of the right hemisphere is accompanied by negative tinge of
emotional reactions. Outgoing from this fact, it is possible to assume that during very strong disturbances of
geomagnetic conditions the negative emotional background of the person is amplified. This assumption is
also proven by results of the correlation analysis specified on strengthening cortical connections in the right
cortical hemisphere and their short circuit on temporal sections, while, in geomagnetically quiet days, a
profile of correlation interrelations has reflected weak internal- and inter-hemispheric connections.
Thus, results of our researches prove the negative influence of the very strong geomagnetic storms on the
functional state of the human brain. Normal functioning of integrative nonspecific systems, located within the
limits of limbric-reticular complex and responsible for creation of the corresponding level of wakefulness,
which is directed on realization of optimum current activity of an organism, is broken. Imbalance of activating
and deactivating mechanisms arises including also dysfunctions of ergo- and tropho-tropic over-segmentary
The threshold of convulsive (spasmodic) readiness of the human brain is reduced which is especially
dangerous for the persons of high risk and, as a result, this fact should be taken into account for preventive
measures and therapy of paroxysmal conditions.
Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 36, No. Especial, 2005
The obtained results allowed concluding that the disturbances of geomagnetic conditions can negatively
influence the human organism, having an effect on functional activity of a brain and changing its background
state. There are significant changes in the functional activity of the human brain during the days with severe
geomagnetic storms, which reflect infringement of functions in both central integrative mechanisms, and local
processes of the human brain regulations.
It is established that, together with the detected specific changes, the complex of nonspecific shifts on the
EEG reflects disorganization of functional activity of the cortex of large hemispheres of the human brain at
geomagnetically disturbed days, which is most likely connected with dysfunction of integrative subcortical
systems, with disbalance of its ascending synchronizing and desynchronizing influences. The disbalance of
these mechanisms infringes the optimal functioning of the integrated brain, disorders normal level of
corticosubcortical correlations, which, in turn, finally affects emotional and ideational activities.
As a rule, during periods of severe geomagnetic disturbances, indisposition, weakness and presence of
indistinct localized headaches were recorded for the major part of the patients under test.
In most cases bioelectric activity of the human brain was characterized by the slow-down of frequencies of
dominating rhythm, by the strengthening of expressiveness of a slow-wave component (mainly a theta-
rhythm) and by an increase in amplitude of activity. The form of waves had the pointed (sharp) shape and
amplification of process of synchronization of the activity as well as smoothing inter-zonal distinctions were
For the part of examined patients, a diffuse synchronization was traced on frequency ranges of an alpha-
rhythm (clearly expressed in the occipital sections and in the temporal areas). Reactance of activity was
weakened, reactions of mastering of a rhythm were observed on lower frequencies of an alpha-rhythm
range. Flashes of both pointed and sharp alpha and theta-rhythms, exceeding on amplitude a background,
were observed during hyperventilation process.
Picture of correlation relations inherent to various functional states was infringed and inter-parencephalon
(inter-hemispheric) asymmetry was marked. Temporal area of the right cerebral hemisphere (parencephalon)
had a leading role in interrelations. Activation of rostral-temporal and caudal-temporal links of the right
hemisphere was marked.
During strong disturbances of geomagnetic conditions, the negative emotional background of the person is
amplified. Strengthening cortical connections in the right cortical hemisphere and their short circuit on
temporal sections during geomagnetically disturbed days were observed, while, in geomagnetically quiet
days, a profile of correlation interrelations reflected weak internal- and inter-hemispheric connections. The
threshold of convulsive (spasmodic) readiness of the human brain is reduced.
It is established that weak and moderate geomagnetic storms exert stimulating influence while the strong
disturbances of the geomagnetic conditions activate braking (inhibiting) processes.
Complex and synchronic investigation of geomagnetic storms’ effects on human brain in different latitudinal
and longitudinal areas of the globe could give more detailed and interesting results which are very important
for understanding the influence mechanisms and preventive measures.
The authors are indebted to Prof. Dr. Ali R. Allahverdiyev (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences) for his
kind help and useful discussions.
NOAA SEC, SPIDR, ESA, NASA, RSWI and IZMIRAN are acknowledged for solar-geophysical data.
Our special thanks are going to Ms. L. M.-J. Valentin (Association Aeronautique et Astronautique de France
(AAAF), France) for a great support which made possible the participation one of the authors (E.B.) at CNIC-
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... It is well known that various manifestations of space weather can affect a wide range of human activities, from technological systems to human health. Several scientific studies show that the cardiovascular, nervous, and other functional systems react to changes in geophysical factors [11] . The presence of electromagnetic activity is associated with the existence of the magnetosphere -a region of space around the Earth where the Earth's magnetic field dominates. ...
... Predicted and observational values of A indices are used to determine the current state and future changes in geomagnetic activity on the Earth's surface [12] . The results of previous research indicate a negative impact of extreme geomagnetic storms on the functional state of the human brain [11] . This disrupts the normal functioning of integrative nonspecific systems located within the limbic-reticular complex and is responsible for creating an appropriate level of arousal. ...
... Additionally, there is an imbalance of activating and deactivating mechanisms, including dysfunction of ergo-and trophotropic suprasegmental centers. The threshold of seizure readiness of the human brain decreases, which is particularly dangerous for high-risk individuals [11] . Changes in human physiological parameters (heart rate, RR interval, systolic and diastolic blood pressure) are associated with geomagnetic disturbances and variations in cosmic radiation intensity. ...
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INTRODUCTION Primary headache disorders, including tension-type headaches (TTH) and migraines, are highly prevalent and pose a significant socio-economic burden. Environmental triggers, such as weather changes, are commonly believed to provoke these headaches. METHODS This study aims to explore the role of geomagnetic activity as a potential trigger for TTH and migraines. Using Google Trends data, we tracked public interest in the search terms “migraine” and “headache” in Ukraine from 2019 to 2023. We analyzed the Ap index, which measures geomagnetic activity, alongside the search data to explore potential correlations. RESULTS A total of 261 observations were made. The analysis revealed a negative correlation between the popularity of search queries for “migraine” and “headache” and geomagnetic activity, with increased search interest during periods of low geomagnetic activity. TTH patients were found to be more sensitive to low geomagnetic activity compared to those with migraines, suggesting different pathophysiological mechanisms between these two types of headaches. While the correlation is statistically significant, it remains relatively weak, indicating that geomagnetic fluctuations may contribute to headache triggers but are not the sole factor. CONCLUSIONS The findings suggest a potential link between geomagnetic activity and the incidence of primary headaches, with TTH being more responsive to these fluctuations than migraines. The study underscores the need for further research into the impact of geomagnetic activity on human health and headache disorders. WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPIC Primary headache disorders, such as tension-type headaches (TTH) and migraines, are commonly triggered by environmental factors, but the role of geomagnetic activity remains underexplored despite its known effects on human health, like circadian rhythms and blood pressure. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS This study identifies a significant negative correlation between low geomagnetic activity and increased public interest in headache-related terms, suggesting that geomagnetic fluctuations may act as environmental triggers for headaches, particularly TTH. It highlights distinct sensitivities between TTH and migraines to geomagnetic changes and demonstrates the utility of Google Trends as a tool for exploring public health patterns related to environmental factors. HOW THIS STUDY MIGHT AFFECT RESEARCH, PRACTICE OR POLICY This study highlights geomagnetic activity as a potential environmental trigger for primary headaches, encouraging further research into its role and distinct impacts on TTH and migraines. It underscores the utility of tools like Google Trends for public health surveillance, offering insights for healthcare practices and policy development to better address headache prevention.
... Other observations suggest that weather is a trigger for tension-type headaches compared to patients with other types of headaches [7]. However, to date, environmental factors as triggers for provoking primary headaches are not sufficiently convincing [8][9][10]. is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in (which was not certified by peer review) preprint [11]. The presence of electromagnetic activity is associated with the existence of the magnetosphere -a region of space around the Earth where the Earth's magnetic field dominates. ...
... The results of previous research indicate a negative impact of extreme geomagnetic storms on the functional state of the human brain [11]. This disrupts the normal functioning of integrative nonspecific systems located within the limbicreticular complex and is responsible for creating an appropriate level of arousal. ...
... Additionally, there is an imbalance of activating and deactivating mechanisms, including dysfunction of ergo-and trophotropic suprasegmental centers. The threshold of seizure readiness of the human brain decreases, which is particularly dangerous for high-risk individuals [11]. Changes in human physiological parameters (heart rate, RR interval, systolic and diastolic blood pressure) are associated with geomagnetic disturbances and variations in cosmic radiation intensity. ...
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Introduction. Primary headache disorders, including tension-type headaches (TTH) and migraines, are highly prevalent and pose a significant socio-economic burden. Environmental triggers, such as weather changes, are commonly believed to provoke these headaches. Methods. This study aims to explore the role of geomagnetic activity as a potential trigger for TTH and migraines. Using Google Trends data, we tracked public interest in the search terms "migraine" and "headache" in Ukraine from 2019 to 2023. We analyzed the Ap index, which measures geomagnetic activity, alongside the search data to explore potential correlations. Results. A total of 261 observations were made. The analysis revealed a negative correlation between the popularity of search queries for "migraine" and "headache" and geomagnetic activity, with increased search interest during periods of low geomagnetic activity. TTH patients were found to be more sensitive to low geomagnetic activity compared to those with migraines, suggesting different pathophysiological mechanisms between these two types of headaches. While the correlation is statistically significant, it remains relatively weak, indicating that geomagnetic fluctuations may contribute to headache triggers but are not the sole factor. Conclusions. The findings suggest a potential link between geomagnetic activity and the incidence of primary headaches, with TTH being more responsive to these fluctuations than migraines. The study underscores the need for further research into the impact of geomagnetic activity on human health and headache disorders.
... Our aim in this article is to investigate what kind of changes of GSs will cause in these brain functions. Babayev and Allahverdiyeva 16 3(a) and 3(b)) reflects dysregulated functional activity in the cortex of the hemispheres of the human brain affected by GSs, possibly in association with the loss of function seen in integrative systems below the cerebral cortex, with increased synchrony instability. In the same article, it was stated that the threshold value of the mechanism of the human brain responsible for contractions decreased. ...
... In Figure 3(b), the wavelength ranges of these different frequencies are given, and digital recording is made for physiological characteristics 17 . The experiments are carried out in the standard system from the frontal, central, parietal, occipital, and temporal areas of both hemispheres of the human brain 16 . Raw EEG frequency bands include 'Gamma (γ), higher than 30 Hz' reflects the mechanism of consciousness where the amplitudes are less than 2 μV. ...
... In very severe GSs, fatigue, malaise, and nonregional headaches that causes are unknown are the most prominent disorders, causing irregularity in the movement functions of the cerebral cortex, and dysfunction in the integrative subcortical systems which is associated with increased balance disorder 16 . In this article, it is found that the right cortex has been affected in sudden and short-term periods at certain time intervals on days of strong GA changes while the inner region and inner shape of the brain are weakly affected on geomagnetically calm days, but these experiments were done only for volunteers on the ground. ...
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Pilots who have completed successfully all the tests of cognitive and personality psychology have a strong commitment to their movements, and they influence their neural stimulation, such as the ability to acknowledge the right steps to follow in their tasks or dangerous situations. One of the branches of Aviation Psychology is dealing with the physical and mental effects of flight on aircrew personnel and passengers. Astronomical events, such as geomagnetic storms (GSs) that have a disruptive effect on Earth's magnetosphere in certain periods, will cause negative effects on aircrew personnel and passengers. This article describes the expected damage to the different areas of the brain and nervous system in short-and long-term periods caused by the effects of GSs, based on the results of previous studies on GSs and neurophysiological studies. This is a very important topic for neurophysiological studies of pilots when we consider that aircraft accidents that may be geomagnetic in origin accounted for 26.36% of the total accidents which coincide with the days of GSs. Decision-making and judgment problems, abnormal attitudes such as anger, fearlessness, temerity, self-confidence, etc., decreasing problem-solving abilities, organization capabilities, and instantaneous decisions are the short-term changes while developing cancers of the brain, testis, bladder, breast, colon, melanoma, and Hodgkin's type, in addition to Alzheimer's and dementia diseases, hypoglycaemia, stroke, epileptic seizures, insomnia, stomach bleeding, appendicitis, hernia, asthma, and severe spinal pains can be lead in the long-term changes. We mentioned the psychological and medical application method of EEG in our article since it is the best technique that allows us to see the effects of these storms in the laboratory environment. This is because, the aircrew personnel and passengers flying at high latitudes will experience the effect of the GSs directly, whereas the response of the pilot, flight crew, and passengers flying in the middle latitudes, to these effects, can be measured only with tests in the laboratory environment. This paper has also special importance for the aviation literature because a theoretical recommendation regarding the possible laboratory environment for EEG measurements and application procedures necessary to investigate these effects is also presented.
... In addition, some observational studies have provided evidence that enhanced frequency of psychotic disorders is related with times of strong geomagnetic activity and microseismicity (enhanced rates of very small earthquakes; i.e. M<~3 earthquakes) [18][19][20][21]. Both physical phenomena, geomagnetic storms and microseismicity, transfer quasi-static or ultra low frequency (ULF) electromagnetic fields from either space or the lithosphere, respectively [22,23], which affect human mental health and behavior [18][19][20][21]24,25]. ...
... M<~3 earthquakes) [18][19][20][21]. Both physical phenomena, geomagnetic storms and microseismicity, transfer quasi-static or ultra low frequency (ULF) electromagnetic fields from either space or the lithosphere, respectively [22,23], which affect human mental health and behavior [18][19][20][21]24,25]. ...
... In fact, this area is characterized by high seismicity, given that it is a major part of the Hellenic Arc and Trench system at the boundary which marks the active subduction of the African lithospheric plate beneath the southern margin of the Eurasian plate [40]. Ιn [21], we noted that during the first seven months of 2008 the Hellenic Arc was ruptured by a series of four strong main shocks [40] measuring magnitudes larger than 6, whereas only one large EQ occurred during the rest of the time interval on the electronic database of the hospital, as previously described in details [17,20]. The Psychiatric Unit consists of two wards, i.e. the "acutely ill ward" and the "short stay ward". ...
... In addition, some observational studies have provided evidence that enhanced frequency of psychotic disorders is related with times of strong geomagnetic activity and microseismicity (enhanced rates of very small earthquakes; i.e. M<~3 earthquakes) [18][19][20][21]. Both physical phenomena, geomagnetic storms and microseismicity, transfer quasi-static or ultra low frequency (ULF) electromagnetic fields from either space or the lithosphere, respectively [22,23], which affect human mental health and behavior [18][19][20][21]24,25]. ...
... M<~3 earthquakes) [18][19][20][21]. Both physical phenomena, geomagnetic storms and microseismicity, transfer quasi-static or ultra low frequency (ULF) electromagnetic fields from either space or the lithosphere, respectively [22,23], which affect human mental health and behavior [18][19][20][21]24,25]. ...
... In fact, this area is characterized by high seismicity, given that it is a major part of the Hellenic Arc and Trench system at the boundary which marks the active subduction of the African lithospheric plate beneath the southern margin of the Eurasian plate [40]. Ιn [21], we noted that during the first seven months of 2008 the Hellenic Arc was ruptured by a series of four strong main shocks [40] measuring magnitudes larger than 6, whereas only one large EQ occurred during the rest of the time interval on the electronic database of the hospital, as previously described in details [17,20]. The Psychiatric Unit consists of two wards, i.e. the "acutely ill ward" and the "short stay ward". ...
... During a strong geomagnetic storm, the disorganization of the functional activity of the cerebral cortex was observed. This is due to the dysfunction of integrative subcortical systems and is reflected in the EEG imbalance of synchronization and desynchronization processes (Babayev and Allahverdiyeva, 2005). These data are confirmed by studies (Rohzkov et al., 2014(Rohzkov et al., , 2016, demonstrating a strong correlation between the total power of the EEG spectrum and sharp changes in SA and GAI. ...
... It is also associated with increased activity of the cerebral cortex recorded during this period. According to the literature, weak and moderate geomagnetic disturbances lead to the activation of the cerebral cortex, while strong geomagnetic storms stimulate inhibition processes (Babayev and Allahverdiyeva, 2005). These data are fully consistent with our results. ...
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The relevance of studying the influence of environmental factors on the psychophysiological characteristics of cognitive functions of cadets at a naval high school is due to a lack of research in this scientific field. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of seasonal changes of meteorological and cosmophysical factors on the psychophysiological characteristics of cognitive functions and their electrophysiological manifestation. Eighty-one first-year cadets of the Military and Naval Institute have been investigated. The registration of electroencephalography, parameters of heart-rate variability (HRV), and photoplethysmographic characteristics of the cardiovascular system (CVS) are used simultaneously with psychophysiological tests in the autumn-winter and spring period. It is established that, during autumn-winter periods with higher solar activity, speed of the wind, total cloudiness, and low temperatures of atmospheric air in comparison with the spring period, the displacement of the balance of nervous processes towards is observed. In the autumn-winter period, a decrease in the effectiveness of attention and spatial orientation and a reduction in the effectiveness of solving arithmetic problems are recorded. At the same time, multidirectional changes in the bioelectrical activity of the sensorimotor cortex of the right and left hemispheres are recorded. These changes depended on the type of functional samples. Heart-rate variability and vascular tone decrease during this period.
... В период сильной гео-магнитной бури наблюдается дезорганизация функ-циональной активности коры больших полушарий. Это связано с дисфункцией интегративных подкор-ковых систем и отражается на ЭЭГ дисбалансом про-цессов синхронизации и десинхронизации [Babayev, Allahverdiyeva, 2005]. Эти данные подтверждаются ра-ботами [Rohzkov et al., 2014[Rohzkov et al., , 2016, в которых показаны сильные корреляционные связи между общей мощно-стью спектра ЭЭГ и резкими изменениями СА и ГМА. ...
... активации коры головного мозга, в то время как силь-ные геомагнитные бури стимулируют процессы тор-можения [Babayev, Allahverdiyeva, 2005]. Эти данные полностью согласуются и с нашими результатами. ...
Актуальность изучения влияния экологических факторов на когнитивные функции человека и их электрофизиологические проявления обусловлена недостатком современных экспериментальных исследований в этой области. Цель работы - изучить влияние сезонных изменений метеорологических и космофизических факторов на когнитивные функции и оценить их электрофизиологические проявления. Исследования проводились в Военно-морском институте (г. Санкт-Петербург) в осенне-зимний и весенний периоды. В качестве испытуемых выступали 81 курсант первого курса. Снятие электроэнцефалограммы, регистрация показателей вариабельности сердечного ритма и кардиоваскулярных характеристик сердечно-сосудистой системы проводились одновременно с предъявлением психофизиологических проб в осенне-зимний и весенний периоды. Установлено, что в осенне-зимний период при более высоких солнечной активности, скорости ветра, общей облачности и низких температурах у курсантов происходит смещение баланса нервных процессов в сторону торможения, снижение эффективности произвольного внимания и пространственной ориентации, понижается продуктивность решения арифметических задач. При этом отмечаются разнонаправленные изменения биоэлектрической активности сенсомоторной коры правого и левого полушарий головного мозга в зависимости от вида функциональных проб, а также снижение вариабельности сердечного ритма и сосудистого тонуса.
... (v) Human brain activity [18][19][20][21]; ...
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The effects of solar activity and the accompanying space weather events on human pathological conditions, physiological parameters and other psycho-physiological disturbances have been analyzed in numerous recent investigations. Moreover, many of these studies have particularly focused on the different physical reactions humans have, according to their sex, during variations in the physical environment. In the framework of the above, this work analyses heart rate data obtained from volunteers (687 men and 534 women) from three different regions (Athens, Piraeus and Heraklion) of Greece in relation to the geophysical activity and variations of environmental factors. Dst index and Ap index data, along with cosmic ray intensity data derived from the Athens Neutron Monitor Station (A.Ne.Mo.S.), were used. The study expands from April 2011 to January 2018, covering solar cycle 24. The ANalysis Of Variance (ANOVA) and the superimposed epochs methods were used in order to examine heart rate variations depending on sex. Results revealed that women tend to be more sensitive to physical environmental changes. Statistically significant results are related to the geomagnetic activity but were not obtained for cosmic ray variations.
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This chapter gives the internal and external factors affecting the mental and physical activities of aircrew personnel by examining a wide range of aspects, from aviation psychology to solar physics. The author mentions the cognitive effects, mental activities, nervous system, neurophysiology, and physical activities as internal factors while solar activity, geomagnetic storms, and meteorological effects as external factors. Firstly, the consequences of the design of an air traffic management system as system capacity and throughput, progress time and/or ongoing work, efficiency and cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and complexity to performance evaluation and optimization; secondly, the results of geomagnetic storms over 115 years of aircraft accidents for latitudes between ±10º ≤ φ ≤ ±90º in the northern and southern hemispheres of Earth, which is a very important space weather event and could be the main reason for most aircraft accidents are investigated on the mental and physical health conditions.
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A complicated nonlinear biological system should be in principal more sensitive to the external factors activity including geomagnetic disturbances. The complex of experimantal studies based on this hypothesis were done simultaneously in two hospitals in Moscow as well as in condition of space orbital station, where just abovementioned conditions are the case. This studies revealed that the reaction of astronautes to the geomagnetic storm involves a mobilization and activation of all centers of the sympathetic link, and as a result, - a significant increase and stabilization of pulse (heart rate), decrease of the heart rhythm variability and the power of respiratory waves. This nonspecific adaptation stress-reaction was accompanied by variations in the regulation of vascular tonus which is correspond to specific adaptation stress-reaction. The results of clinical examinations of healthy people and patients with the ischemic heart disease lead us to the conclusion that the reaction to the geomagnetic disturbances are mainly of one type and manifests themselves in deterioration of the physiological status, rheologic blood characteristics and the heart rate disturbances similar to ones observed in astronautes.
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An influence of geomagnetic storms on the integrative human brain system is investigated. The Holter method of electroencephalographic (EEG) registration and vegetative sphere investigation method were used for the persons in healthy condition. Experiments were carried out during both geomagnetically quiet and disturbed conditions. Obtained results show that geomagnetic storms have an influence on human body affecting the functional activity of the brain, particularly, infringing the balance of synchronic and non-synchronic systems, ergo (activating) -and trophotrophic (braking) episegmentary vegetative centers. Geomagnetic disturbances may change the background state of brain and infringe adequacy of reaction (respond) in the passage to active state.
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A statistically significant (at a significance level of P » 0.95) effect of geomagnetic storms on human health was revealed. The biotropic effect was quantitatively estimated. For example, an analysis of 1983–1984 data showed that the above-average daily number of hospitalizations of patients with mental and cardiovascular disorders in disturbed periods (during geomagnetic storms) is nearly twice as high as that in magnetically quiet periods (without geomagnetic storms). As demonstrated by examining 1992–1996 data, the above-average incidences of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, disturbance of cardiac rhythm, and acute impairment of cerebral circulation in disturbed periods are higher by factors of 2.1, 1.6, 1.6, and 1.5, respectively, than those in quiet periods. The seasonal distribution of the biotropic effect on the incidence of myocardial infarction was found to be similar to the distribution of the percentage of magnetic storms: both distributions have maxima at equinox and minima in the summer.
Numerous studies, beginning with Tchizhevsky's works, demonstrated the undeniable effect of the solar activity on the human body. A possible geophysical mechanism of the effect of the solar activity on the human body was proposed by Vladimirsky. In this mechanism solar disturbances (powerful chromospheres flares) cause "magnetosphere and plasmasphere disturbances on the Earth (sudden magnetic storms), which are accompanied by a change in the spectrum of the electromagnetic field on the Earth's surface in the extremely low frequency band. In its turn, this brings about shifts in the phisiological indices of the human body". In this model, the human body is regarded as a self-oscillating system affected by external geophysical factors. We also adhere to the main principles of this model but refine the part of this model that describes the change in the spectrum of the electromagnetic field on the Earth's surface in the extremely low frequency band. Unlike Vladimirsky model, we regard the human is not as a self-oscillating system but as one of two coupled oscillating system with discrete resonance frequencies in the human-habitat ensemble. Solar processes and their induced changes in one of the two coupled oscillating systems, specifically, the habitat play the role of an external force. Such an approach is based on the fact that the brain rhythms have the following definite frequencies: the alpha rhythm, 8-13 Hz; the beta rhythm, 14-30 Hz; the gamma rhythm, above 30 Hz; the delta rhythm, 1.5-3 Hz; and the theta rhythm, 4-7 Hz. On the other hand, the natural electromagnetic field on the Earth's surface in the extremely low frequency band also has a quite distinct resonance distribution. There are so-called Schuman resonances of the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the lower boundary of the ionosphere (the D and E layers) at f1=10.6; f2=18.3; f3=25.9; f4=33.5; f5=41.1 Hz. These resonance frequencies are variable and most sensitive to variations of the parameters of the lower ionosphere. Solar flares cause magnetic and ionosphere storms, which lead up to additional ionisation in the D and E layers and lowering of the upper boundary of cavity. That decreases the resonance frequencies of the cavity. Thus, the state of the human habitat proves to be dependent on the solar activity through variations of the parameters of the lower ionosphere, which govern variations of the Schuman resonances. These variations we suppose to measure on "Kompass-2" and "Vulcan" satellites.
A biophysical mechanism of interaction between the man and environment is proposed, which treats these components as two correlated oscillation contours with discrete resonance frequencies. The coincidence of biocurrent frequencies of the human brain with the resonance frequencies of the cavity formed by the Earth surface and the lower ionosphere boundary allows one to consider the influence of solar flares on the human organism in terms of variations of the cavity frequencies due to changes in the parameters of its upper wall. (In Russian
  • J Biofizika
  • Biophysics
  • Maik
Biofizika (J. Biophysics), MAIK, Moscow, 37, (3; 4), 1992. (In Russian) Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 36, No. Especial, 2005 5. Biofizika (J. Biophysics), MAIK, Moscow, 40, (4; 5), 1995. (In Russian)