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Abstract and Figures

Cognitive or motor function decline are major causes of loss of independent living among the aged. Several methods employing ubiquitous or unobtrusive technologies have been proposed for application toward in-home assessment to identify clinically meaningful change. Most attempts at multi-dimensional home monitoring have been on a limited scale. This has been the result of both technical and clinical research challenges in applying and more importantly testing the efficacy of such methods on a community-wide scale. We designed and implemented a system for application to a community based clinical trial of the efficacy of a basic sensor net (motion and contact sensors, RF location systems, and personal home computer interaction) to be studied in 300 homes of independent seniors. In this manuscript we describe a protocol to ensure several key outcomes: facilitation of recruitment and enrollment, customized training of elders for in-home computer use, optimized sensor net installation, tracking of subject status and linkage to study management software to enable on-line, real-time testing and trouble-shooting with seniors. The methodology suggests that large-scale unobtrusive in-home assessment is feasible for research needed to establish the efficacy of such systems for detection of cognitive decline and related conditions of aging.
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Jeffrey Kaye1, Tamara Hayes1, Tracy Zitzelberger1, Jon Yeargers1, Misha Pavel1, Holly
Jimison1, Nichole Larimer1, Jessica Payne-Murphy1, Eric Earl1, Kathy Wild1, Linda Boise1, Devin
Williams2, Jay Lundell3 and Eric Dishman3
1Oregon Center for Aging & Technology, Oregon Health & Science University, 2Spry Learning,
3Intel Corporation
Cognitive or motor function decline are major
causes of loss of independent living among the aged.
Several methods employing ubiquitous or unobtrusive
technologies have been proposed for application
toward in-home assessment to identify clinically
meaningful change. Most attempts at multi-dimensional
home monitoring have been on a limited scale. This
has been the result of both technical and clinical
research challenges in applying and more importantly
testing the efficacy of such methods on a community-
wide scale. We designed and implemented a system
for application to a community based clinical trial of the
efficacy of a basic sensor net (motion and contact
sensors, RF location systems, and personal home
computer interaction) to be studied in 300 homes of
independent seniors. In this manuscript we describe a
protocol to ensure several key outcomes: facilitation of
recruitment and enrollment, customized training of
elders for in-home computer use, optimized sensor net
installation, tracking of subject status and linkage to
study management software to enable on-line, real-
time testing and trouble-shooting with seniors. The
methodology suggests that large-scale unobtrusive in-
home assessment is feasible for research needed to
establish the efficacy of such systems for detection of
cognitive decline and related conditions of aging.
Over 34 million world-wide are projected to be
directly affected by dementia or age-related cognitive
decline in the coming decades [1]. Improving the
outlook for these individuals and their families will
require the realization of several research milestones.
These include both improving the care and
management of people with dementia as well as
identifying disease modifying therapies and ultimately
preventions for cognitive decline. In order to improve
the ability to reach these goals methodologies for
detecting cognitive change at its earliest time-point and
tracking change over time is a critical objective.
Conventional approaches for assessment of cognitive
decline rely on clinic or office-based assessments that
are inherently time-limited and episodically conducted
between relatively long periods of time. An alternative
to this approach is to bring the evaluation into the
home setting using several monitoring technologies
thus providing opportunities for frequent or continuous
assessment. Several models and technologies have
been proposed and employed to monitor or assess a
number of health related functions in the home
environment [2]. Currently commercially available
systems are being deployed. However, few have been
formally tested in a community setting on a large-scale
over a long period of time. Their sensitivity to change is
not known. In order to begin to study this model of
cognitive and behavioral assessment we have
developed a protocol for organizing and deploying the
technology and research team necessary to conduct
this research. The goal is to scale this research up to
conducting a 36-month longitudinal study of incident
cognitive decline in up to 300 seniors living
independently in their own homes. Described in this
manuscript are the procedures to achieve this aim and
the results of a pilot study conducted to confirm the
applicability of the protocol.
2.1 Outline and overview of study
The protocol was approved by the Institutional
Review Board of Oregon Health & Science University
(OHSU). Participants all provided informed written
consent. In summary, subjects were recruited from the
Portland, Oregon metropolitan area. Entry criteria
included being a man or woman age 80 or older, living
independently (living with a companion or spouse was
allowed, but not as caregiver) in a larger than one-
room (“studio”) apartment, not demented (Mini-Mental
State Examination score > 24; Clinical Dementia rating
< 0.5) and in average health for age (medical illnesses
that would limit physical participation (e.g. wheelchair
bound) or lead to untimely death over 36 months (such
as certain cancers) were exclusions). After signing
informed consent subjects were screened for inclusion
into the study. A physical and neurological examination
was completed along with a gold standard
neurocognitive assessment employing the battery of
the National Alzheimer Coordinating Center. Home
layouts were drawn and broadband Internet access
was obtained. A wireless sensor net along with study
computers were placed in the home. Subjects not living
alone were asked to wear an identifying RFID device.
Once subjects met criteria for computer literacy
(sending and receiving e-mail) they were queried
weekly using a standard set of questions with regard to
their health and activity status. Those not using a
computer were mailed the same forms. The overall
configuration of the research platform is summarized in
figure 1.
Figure 1. Diagram of the relationship of the home based
system (user PC, wireless sensors, sensor system PC and
router) to the remote distributed research operation (research
staff, activity servers and data servers).
2.2 Facilitation of recruitment and enrollment
In order to facilitate recruitment, subject enrollment
focused on seniors living in congregate housing (e.g.
continuing care retirement communities, senior
housing apartment complexes). Initial contact was
made with facility directors or managers, a formal
presentation was made to the seniors living in the
facility and a potential participant pool was created at
the end of presentations. Follow-up calls to interested
parties were made within 2 weeks of contact.
Additional subjects were identified through word of
mouth at these facilities. For the pilot phase subjects
were selected from a list of current OHSU Layton
Aging & Alzheimer’s Disease subjects who met the
pilot study criteria for age, address and past computer
use and have been followed longitudinally.
2.3. Training of elders
Subjects were instructed in use of the system and
trained according level of computer familiarity as
determined with an initial standardized assessment.
Training entailed 6 sessions over 3 weeks. Ability to
send and receive email was the criterion for computer
2.4. Sensor net and computer installation
To collect continuous activity data, an unobtrusive
activity assessment system was installed in the home
of each participant. Passive infrared pyroelectric
motion sensors (MS16A, were placed in
every room at locations expected to pick up the
participant’s movements restricted to that room.
Magnetic contact sensors (DS10A, were
placed on each door of the home to track visitors and
absences from the home. To estimate walking speed,
MS16A sensors with a restricted field of view were
installed along a hallway so they would fire only when
someone passed directly in front of them (restricted to
± 4° field of view, or about ± 6.5 cm at a distance of
90cm from the sensor). To determine who was moving
in the home, subjects wore RFID tags (Ekahau,
Finland) that used 802.11 signal strengths to determine
location. All sensors sent their data wirelessly to a
laptop computer, where the data were time-stamped
and uploaded daily to the project data center. All data
were stored in an SQL database.
2.5. On-line subject assessment and project
We developed a program to monitor the status of
data transfer and quality on a daily basis. The program
provides a secure web-based interface to the data,
along with data summaries and plots of activity that
can be used to detect equipment malfunction (e.g.
dead batteries), acute changes in behavior patterns
(e.g. vacations), non-compliance (e.g. failure to
complete the health status report), or failure to upload.
Each home monitoring system can also be remotely
accessed if needed for trouble-shooting or software
3.1 Subject characteristics, enrollment profiles
In the pilot study 36 subjects were screened and
13 subjects were enrolled from one continuing care
retirement community. Primary reasons for non-
inclusion were: disinterest, self-described health
complications that discouraged individuals from taking
on more activities, or living in a studio apartment. The
average age of subjects was 85.4 years old (age
range, 79-92 years). The ratio of men to women was
4:9. All were Caucasian. There were nine residences
monitored with four cohabitating couples and five living
alone. Of the four couples, only one had a partner that
also used the computer, two were not interested and
the other was unable due to stroke. These three were
considered Motion Only’ subjects as only their motion
sensor data was collected. Of the remaining 10, six
were deemed intermediate to advanced users by the
Computer Proficiency Test, two were labeled ‘semi-
naïve’, both having completed a computer training
course within the last year, and two were ‘naïve’ to
computers. These latter four attended the six session
training course with good consistency. In addition, four
additional intermediate users attended several classes,
depending on that day’s curriculum. 2.5 months post-
enrollment, one naïve user opted to drop out of the
study due to undisclosed health conditions. The other
naïve user, 92 years old, asked that we remove her
computer due to vision complications that couldn’t be
accommodated for with additional magnifying software
or other more expensive vision aids. She continued to
be followed in the motion-only portion of the study for
several weeks, until she suffered a fall resulting in hip
fracture and moving to another facility.
3.2 System performance and monitoring
Over a 12 week period, the project team installed 9
home study systems; 2 were removed during the
course of the pilot period. In summary we deployed: 9
study laptop computers, 5 subject use computers (and
supported 3 subject owned), 9 routers, 83 motion
sensors, 10 door sensors, and 45 wireless access
points. In the course of supporting these systems there
was frequent need (21 times) to visit the homes for
adjustments. In addition there was frequent telephone
contact; research team initiated calls, 97 times; subject
initiated calls, 47 times. Sensor falls were the most
common technical problem: 7 access point sensors, 5
door sensors,1 refrigerator sensor. Two motion
sensors needed to be moved because they kept
getting bumped off the walls (suboptimal original
locations). The systems provided a total of 818 (19,632
hours) days of monitoring with 131,079 sensor firings.
The console software used for monitoring the systems
and subjects was used frequently by the study staff.
Examples of the information obtained from this
monitoring software is presented in Figures 2-3. The
computer users in the homes all completed the weekly
on-line questionnaire as to their general health and life
events status.
We completed a 12-week pilot study of deployment
of a scalable in-home cognitive and behavioral
assessment system. Recruitment for the pilot phase
described here was not difficult and was facilitated by
prior positive relationships with the continuing care
retirement community. Further deployments to new
communities will clearly need to pay careful attention to
building community relations and close ties to facility
management and residents. Among those enrolled the
major causes for drop out were health changes (hip
Figure 2. Screen of the Console used to track subject activity and status; Example depicting a typical
subjects monthly total activity (“X-10 events”) and mouse movements.
fracture, cognitive impairment). This is likely to be an
ongoing source of disruption in studies within this
demographic. Subjects without major life events were
very compliant. This is similar to the experience in
focused telehealth monitoring studies [3]. Subjects did
not appear to find the weekly questionnaire too
intrusive of their time. Despite the excellent response
of the enrolled subjects, certain technical challenges
remain. Many of these are predictable in the field
setting. Simple technical issues such as sensors falling
off of their placements or not initially being optimally
positioned speak to the need to build into studies a
period of test-monitoring before formal “baseline” data
is collected. It also means that staffing of research
personnel needs to be adequate to enable timely
responses to needed change. The single most
challenging barrier to rapid deployment is the
personnel time needed in set-up, computer training
and post installation adjustments. The Console
software for monitoring the project was a major aid in
facilitating these steps of the study and allowing the
study team to coordinate their efforts. Because of the
relatively high number of cohabiting couples (likely a
result of the population being healthy adults), a system
for identifying which individual’s activity data is being
acquired is necessary for this research. This adds to
the expense and effort of this research, but more
importantly with current solutions requiring a worn
sensor or device for this need, this means that subjects
face a more obtrusive and involved research regimen.
Nevertheless, among the target population it appears
that the perceived benefit of ultimately understanding
how such systems might extend or enable their
independent living outweighed any concerns about
disruptions to their daily activities. This suggests that
applying the lessons learned from this study will result
in successful deployment of this research platform for
larger longitudinal studies.
[1] Alzheimer’s Disease International:
(accessed February 9, 2007)
[2] Stefanov D, Bien Z, Bang W. The smart house for older
persons and persons with physical disabilities: structure,
technology arrangements, and perspectives. IEEE
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation
Engineering, 2004. 12(2): p. 228-250.
[3] Louis AA, Turner T, Gretton M, Baksh A, Cleland JGF. A
systematic review of telemonitoring for the management
of heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail 2003; 5:583-590.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Supported by National Institute of
Health PHS grants P30-AG008017, P30-AG024978, R01-
AG024059 and Intel Corporation.
ORCATECH: Oregon Center for Aging and Technology
Email: Website:
Figure 3. Study Console view of weekly health questionnaire results used for assessing
important life events that may affect on-going monitoring; Example of a home flood.
Figure 1 asdfasdf
... Additionally, family members of seniors spoke of dealing with tripping hazards, in-home walking safety, and needing to keep the home orderly (Zulas, Crandall, Schmitter-Edgecombe, and Cook 2012). Having more information about how seniors are living is a key component of providing quality long term aging in place care (Kaye et al. 2008;Tyrer et al. 2006). This leads to an opening for smart home and sensor technologies to gather data, analyze, model, and report to caregivers about a senior and their status. ...
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Falling continues to be a significant risk factor for older adults and other mobility limited individuals. Monitoring and maintaining clear, tripping hazard free pathways in living spaces is invaluable in helping people live independently and safely in their home. This paper proposes and demonstrates a Microsoft HoloLens-based technology for monitoring the open walking areas in living spaces. The system is based on the 3D mesh produced by the HoloLens augmented reality device. Several algorithms were implemented and evaluated to handle the noisy raw mesh to help identify all possible floor spaces. The resulting 3D model of the home was then processed to find United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) approved pathways through the homes. The long term goals of these technologies are to monitor the living spaces clutter and clear walkways over time. The information it generates shall be provided to the residents and their caregivers during environmental home assessments. It will inform them about how well the home is being maintained so proactive interventions may be taken before a fall occurs.
... In 113 non-demented ISAAC (Intelligent Systems for Assessing Aging Change) cohort (Kaye, 2008) seniors living independently (mean age 84; CDR ≤ 0.5) multiple daily walking episodes were unobtrusively recorded as subjects traversed a line of passive infra-red motion sensors placed strategically in their home (figure 1) for a mean of 319 ± 127 days. Daily walking speeds Hagler, 2009) and the variance in these measures over time were calculated and compared to conventional single visit stop- watch derived speed recordings in subjects with and without MCI. ...
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In 113 non-demented ISAAC (Intelligent Systems for Assessing Aging Change) cohort (Kaye, 2008) seniors living independently (mean age 84; CDR ≤ 0.5) multiple daily walking episodes were unobtrusively recorded as subjects traversed a line of passive infra-red motion sensors placed strategically in their home (figure 1) for a mean of 319 ±127 days. Daily walking speeds (Hayes, 2008; Hagler, 2009) and the variance in these measures over time were calculated and compared to conventional single visit stop-watch derived speed recordings in subjects with and without MCI. Trajectory analysis using the coefficient of variation (COV) in weekly walking speeds was applied to assess differences in variability over time among subjects with and without MCI.
... The project has spanned numerous health care, sensor technology development and behavior analysis projects. Additionally, OLL has published information about the engineering and logistical problems overcome during its operation [20,21]. The sheer scale and distributed nature of the project have required innovative and strict approaches necessitated by managing so many installed testbeds and data sources. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a sequence-based activity prediction approach which uses Bayesian networks in a novel two-step process to predict both activities and their corresponding features. In addition to the proposed model, we also present the results of several search and score (S&S) and constraint-based (CB) Bayesian structure learning algorithms. The activity prediction performance of the proposed model is compared with the naïve Bayes and the other aforementionedS&S and CB algorithms. The experimental results are performed on real data collected from a smart home over the period of five months. The results suggest the superior activity prediction accuracy of the proposed network over the resulting networks of the mentioned Bayesian network structure learning algorithms.
... Besides measuring efficiency on detecting abnormal situations by means of false positives and negatives, it offers qualitative analysis of the results e.g. one interesting result is that subjects felt safer by having the system at home. A more ambitious experiment was designed, implemented and deployed by Hayes et al. (2008). Sensor networks with central processing units were deployed in selected homes. ...
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In this work, the process followed for the development of a specific Ambient Assisted Living system is presented. The proposed systems has been designed to monitor elders which live alone and want to keep living independently. The process covers all the phases in intelligent system development: requirement analysis, conceptual model specification, architectural design and evaluation. One of the main contributions of the proposed work is an exhaustive evaluation methodology that is integrated in the development process. A relevant characteristic of the evaluation process is that, from initial phases, commercial presentations of the products functionalities is possible. Another important contribution is related with the capability of the system to adapt its behavior to that of the monitored elder. The presented system is called Necesity. It has become a commercial product which is already working and giving service to elders in the South-East of Spain.
The active ageing paradigm aims to contribute to the expectation of a healthy, autonomous and independent life with quality. The technological solutions might have a key role in the promotion of human functioning and in the mitigation of disabilities, particularly those resulting from the natural ageing process.
The Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, deals with papers on ambient-assisted living (AAL), sensors, methods, and applications. In the paper by Tao and colleagues, a technology is proposed, based on infrared (IR) sensors, to track multiple people in a closed environment. The proposed system makes possible the description of movement in a scene with nonintrusive technology. Gaglio and colleagues present a method for recognizing human activities from data acquired with an RGB-D sensor. This sensor allows obtaining both the RGB video and the skeleton of a person. Zhang and colleagues investigate the problem of transitioning between activities. They recognize that humans frequently perform activities sequentially and that the transition between activities can be gradual. Xiao and colleagues contribution is an intelligent assistive navigation system for blind and visually impaired people. The basis for this paper is to enhance accessibility and situational awareness in unmodified environments integrating existing technologies. Abascal and colleagues present the design, implementation, and evaluation of tailored user interfaces for people with physical and cognitive impairments.
Ambient assisted living (AAL) can be defined as “the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in a person's daily living and working environment to enable them to stay active longer, remain socially connected and live independently into old age” ( Research in the AAL community covers a wide range of topics, but one of the largest is human activity recognition and behavior understanding, with the objectives of detecting and recognizing actions, activity, and situations within an environment. AAL systems go beyond observing to interact with users. A frequently employed form of human-machine interaction is via prompts-for example, prompting the user to perform the next step in a sequence of actions. Another type of interaction is haptic responses, which have been used in systems for visually impaired people. Two important elements of an appropriate response are an understanding of the user's context and anticipatory capability. Context awareness underpins much of AAL research-human activities are generally context dependent. In the broader sense, context awareness uses sensor observations to abstract information about the current situation. Endowing a system with predictive capability lets it anticipate and thereby produce a timely and useful response.
Telehealth supported care coordination for patients with chronic diseases has been established for more than 10 years. With large-scale implementation and integration in varying care settings, new requirements and challenges are emerging. In this paper, we argue that data interoperability and analytics are two key factors that will determine the success and widespread adoption of telehealth. These two factors are also highly related. We present our vision in the context of a newly emerging healthcare ecosystem and share initial results of a case study that shows how data interoperability is a necessary precursor for predictive analytics in Telehealth.
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