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Olea europaea: A phyto-pharmacological review


Abstract and Figures

Medicinal herbs are significant sources for treating various diseases. Olea europaea is used traditionally as diuretic, hypotensive, emollient, laxative, febrifuge, skin cleanser, cholagogue, and also used for the treatment of urinary infections, gallstones, bronchial asthma and diarrhoea. Several phytoconstituents have been isolated and identified from different parts of the plant belonging to the category glycosides, secoiridoid, flavonoids and poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Many studies have been conducted to prove its potential as anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-diabetic and for cardiovascular disorders. The present review aims toward forming a bridge between traditional use and modern therapeutics of Olea europaea. KEY WORDS -Olea europaea, oleuropein, Phytochemistry, Pharmacotherapeutics. INTRODUCTION Alternative systems of medicine viz. Ayurveda, Siddha, and Chinese Medicine have become more popular in recent years (1). Medicinal herb is a biosynthetic laboratory, for chemical compounds like glycosides, alkaloids, resins, oleoresins, etc. These exert physiological and therapeutic effect (2). The compounds that are responsible for medicinal property of the drug are usually secondary metabolites. Olea europaea preparations have been used widely in folk medicine in European Mediterranean area, Arabia peninsula, India and other tropical and subtropical regions, as diuretic, hypotensive, emollient and for urinary and bladder infections (3). Olive oil represents an important component of the Mediterranean diet whose intake is greatly growing in developed and developing countries for its known healing effects (4). Olea europaea (syn. Zaytoun, Jetun) belonging to the family Oleaceae is a small evergreen tree, from 12 to 20 feet high, with hoary, rigid branches, and a grayish bark. The leaves are opposite, lanceolate, or ovate-lanceolate, mucronate, short-petioled, green above, and hoary on the underside. The flowers are small, in short, axillary, erect racemes, very much shorter than the leaves. The corolla is short, white, with 4 broad, ovate segments; the calyx short and 4-toothed. The fruit is a drupe about the size of a damson, smooth, purple, 2-celled, with a nauseous, bitter flesh, enclosing a sharp-pointed stone. Virgin olive oil is the only edible oil of great production obtained by physical methods from the fruit of Olea europaea. It shows sensory characteristics and nutritional properties that allows to distinguish it from the others (5). In the current review, we will highlight on the traditional uses and modern therapies of the Olea europaea. TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USES Most of the plant parts of Olea europaea are used in traditional system of medicine in world. Oil is taken with lemon juice to treat gallstones (6). Leaves are taken orally for stomach and intestinal diseases and used as mouth cleanser (7). Decoctions of the dried fruit and of dried leaf are taken orally for diarrhoea and to treat respiratory and urinary tract infections (8). Hot water extract of the fresh leaves is taken orally to treat hypertension and to induce diuresis (9, 10). Seed oil is taken orally as a cholagogue, to remove gall stones, in nephritis associated with the lead intoxication. To prevent hair loss, oil is applied every night on the scalp then shampooed the next morning (11). Seed oil is taken orally as a laxative and applied externally as an emollient and pectoral (12). Decoction of dried leaves is taken orally for diabetes (13). Tincture of leaves is taken orally as a febrifuge (14). Fruit is applied externally to fractured limb (15). Fruit is used externally as a skin cleanser (16). Hot water extract of dried plant is taken orally for bronchial asthma (17). Infusion of the fresh leaf is taken orally for as an anti-inflammatory (18).
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Pharmacognosy Reviews
Vol 1, Issue 1, Jan- May, 2007
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ion of Phcog.Net
PHCOG REV.: Plant Review
Olea europaea: A Phyto-Pharmacological Review
Md. Yaseen Khan*, Siddharth Panchal, Niraj Vyas, Amee Butani, Vimal Kumar
Department of Phytopharmaceuticals and Natural Products, Institute of Pharmacy,
Nirma University of Science and Technology, S.G. highway, Ahmedabad- 382 481.
*Corresponding author. Tel: +91-99040- 44934 E-mail address:;
Medicinal herbs are significant sources for treating various diseases. Olea europaea is used traditionally as diuretic, hypotensive,
emollient, laxative, febrifuge, skin cleanser, cholagogue, and also used for the treatment of urinary infections, gallstones,
bronchial asthma and diarrhoea. Several phytoconstituents have been isolated and identified from different parts of the plant
belonging to the category glycosides, secoiridoid, flavonoids and poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Many studies have been conducted
to prove its potential as anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-diabetic and for cardiovascular disorders. The present
review aims toward forming a bridge between traditional use and modern therapeutics of Olea europaea.
KEY WORDS - Olea europaea, oleuropein, Phytochemistry, Pharmacotherapeutics.
Alternative systems of medicine viz. Ayurveda, Siddha, and
Chinese Medicine have become more popular in recent years
(1). Medicinal herb is a biosynthetic laboratory, for chemical
compounds like glycosides, alkaloids, resins, oleoresins, etc.
These exert physiological and therapeutic effect (2). The
compounds that are responsible for medicinal property of the
drug are usually secondary metabolites. Olea europaea
preparations have been used widely in folk medicine in
European Mediterranean area, Arabia peninsula, India and
other tropical and subtropical regions, as diuretic,
hypotensive, emollient and for urinary and bladder infections
(3). Olive oil represents an important component of the
Mediterranean diet whose intake is greatly growing in
developed and developing countries for its known healing
effects (4).
Olea europaea (syn. Zaytoun, Jetun) belonging to the family
Oleaceae is a small evergreen tree, from 12 to 20 feet high,
with hoary, rigid branches, and a grayish bark. The leaves are
opposite, lanceolate, or ovate-lanceolate, mucronate, short-
petioled, green above, and hoary on the underside. The
flowers are small, in short, axillary, erect racemes, very
much shorter than the leaves. The corolla is short, white,
with 4 broad, ovate segments; the calyx short and 4-toothed.
The fruit is a drupe about the size of a damson, smooth,
purple, 2-celled, with a nauseous, bitter flesh, enclosing a
sharp-pointed stone. Virgin olive oil is the only edible oil of
great production obtained by physical methods from the fruit
of Olea europaea. It shows sensory characteristics and
nutritional properties that allows to distinguish it from the
others (5). In the current review, we will highlight on the
traditional uses and modern therapies of the Olea europaea.
Most of the plant parts of Olea europaea are used in
traditional system of medicine in world. Oil is taken with
lemon juice to treat gallstones (6). Leaves are taken orally for
stomach and intestinal diseases and used as mouth cleanser
(7). Decoctions of the dried fruit and of dried leaf are taken
orally for diarrhoea and to treat respiratory and urinary tract
infections (8). Hot water extract of the fresh leaves is taken
orally to treat hypertension and to induce diuresis (9, 10).
Seed oil is taken orally as a cholagogue, to remove gall
stones, in nephritis associated with the lead intoxication. To
prevent hair loss, oil is applied every night on the scalp then
shampooed the next morning (11). Seed oil is taken orally as a
laxative and applied externally as an emollient and pectoral
(12). Decoction of dried leaves is taken orally for diabetes
(13). Tincture of leaves is taken orally as a febrifuge (14).
Fruit is applied externally to fractured limb (15). Fruit is used
externally as a skin cleanser (16). Hot water extract of dried
plant is taken orally for bronchial asthma (17). Infusion of the
fresh leaf is taken orally for as an anti-inflammatory (18).
Fig: 1 Branch with ripe olives Fig: 2 Flowering olive branch Fig: 3 Olive flowers
Pharmacognosy Reviews
Vol 1, Issue 1, Jan- May, 2007
© 2007 Phcog.Net , All rights reserved.
Available online: 115
An official Publicat
ion of Phcog.Net
Glucoside components in the olive (leaves and fruits)
Among the different components which are already known in
the olive plant, the first one is the oleuropein. This is the
most important component of the glucosidic fraction of the
Olea europaea from the quantitative point of view and from
the historical point of view. In fact, the oleuropein is the first
secoiridoid isolated from all over the world. In the oleuropein
molecule, both a mono-terpenic and an orhto-diphenolic unit
are present (19). Panizzi et al. (20) isolated oleuropein in the
50s. They determined its structure and established that this
compound was one of the most important compounds
responsible for the bitter taste of the fruits and the leaves of
olive plant. It was the active compound responsible for the
known hypotensive action of the extracts of the olive plant.
Recently the accurate quantitative determination of
oleuropein content in olive and olive oil was proposed by
Sindona el al (21).
The oleuropein 1 is a secoiridoid glucoside that esterifies a
dihydroxy-phenyl-ethyl alcohol. Two of its by-products are
also present in the olive plant together with the oleuropein 1
and the mono-demethyl-derivatives 2 and 3. Compound 2 is
demethyl-oleuropein, which differs from oleuropein 1 in
having a free carboxylic group on the pyranosic ring.
Compound 3 is the oleoside methyl ester, known also as a
glucoside of the elenolic acid, in which the carboxyl that
esterifies the dihydroxy-phenyl-ethanol in the oleuropein 1 is
here the free functionality. The two acid compounds 2 and 3
are two indicators of maturation of the olives. Their relative
quantity, as regards to the oleuropein 1, increases in fact as
soon as the maturation proceeds, while the quantity of
oleuropein decreases. This datum is in connection with the
increase of the activity of the hydrolytic enzymes with the
progress of the maturation, particularly to the activity of the
esterases, responsible of the hydrolysis of the two ester bonds
of the oleuropein (22). The ligstroside 4 (23) differs from the
oleuropein 1 in the presence of a tyrosol residue instead of
dihydroxy-phenyl-ethylic alcohol. The dimethylester of the
oleoside 5, also known as glucoside of the methylester of the
elenolic acid, contains the two acidic functions of the
oleuropein esterified with a residue of methanol (24). The
oleuroside 6 is an isomer of the oleuropein, differing (25)
from 1 in the exocyclic double bond position. Then several
glucosidic compounds are present in connection with the
dihydroxy-phenyl-ethanol. The first one is the cornoside 7, a
glucoside of a hemiquinoid isomer of the dihydroxy-phenyl-
ethyl alcohol (26). The others are the β-glucopyranosyl-
derivatives of dihydroxy-phenyl-ethanol 8a, 8b and 8c. The
structure of compound 8a has been demonstrated by
spectroscopic analysis by Bianco et al (27). Compounds 8b and
8c were previously described in O.europaea. Another new
compound isolated from the olive plant is the product 9, the
di-galactoside of a poly-unsaturated diester of the glycerol
(28). The particularly interesting datum of this structure is
that the poly-unsaturated acid that esterifies the glycerine is
α-linolenic acid. The product 9 is the principal component of
a group of glycosides of poly-unsaturated di-esters of
glycerine, present in the leaves and in the olives and whose
concentration seems to decrease with the maturation, even if
in a not marked way. In the end, two new esters of tyrosol 10
(29) and of hydroxyl-tyrosol 11 (30) have been isolated from
olives. Both compounds indicate the interesting metabolic
activity of O.europaea. Compound 10 is the oleic ester of
tyrosol and it appears to be present mainly in olives.
Compound 11 is the malic ester of hydroxy-tyrosol and is
another of ester of tyrosol derivatives present in O.europaea.
Structure of isolated phytoconstituents
1 2 3
4 5 6
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Vol 1, Issue 1, Jan- May, 2007
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7 8a 8b
8c 9
Cardiovascular disorders
Epidemiological data obtained from clinical studies have
consistently demonstrated that the Mediterranean diet, rich
in olive oil, fruits, vegetables, and grains is correlated with a
lower than average risk of coronary heart disease (31). The
natural antioxidants, including oleuropein, from the olive tree
may play a role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases
through a decreased formation of atherosclerotic plaques by
inhibiting LDL oxidation (32). An olive leaf extract was
reported in a laboratory study to have vasodilating effects,
seemingly independent of vascular endothelial integrity (33).
Traditional uses support olive leaf and olive oil in
cardiovascular disease prevention (34, 35). Animal
experiments in rabbit and rat preparations found a
hypotensive effect of oleuropein, possibly via direct action on
smooth muscle. Oleuropeoside also may exert vasodilator
activity. Additionally, olive leaf extracts may possess
antispasmodic, vasodilator, and anti-arrhythmic properties
(36, 37).
Anti-viral activities
Olive leaf extract has reported antiviral activity, reportedly
caused by the constituent calcium elenolate, a derivative of
elenolic acid (38, 39). The isolated calcium salt of elenolic
acid was tested as a broad-spectrum antiviral agent active
against all viruses tested (40). Some viruses inhibited by
calcium elenolate in vitro include rhinovirus, myxoviruses,
Herpes simplex type I, Herpes simplex type II, Herpes zoster,
Encephalomyocarditis, Polio 1, 2, and 3, two strains of
leukemia virus, many strains of influenza and para-influenza
viruses (41,42 ,43). The mechanism of action of the antiviral
activity is reported to include (44):
An ability to interfere with critical amino acid
production essential for viruses.
An ability to contain viral infection and/or spread by
inactivating viruses or by preventing virus shedding,
budding, or assembly at the cell membrane.
Ability to directly penetrate infected cells and stop viral
In the case of retroviruses, it is able to neutralize the
production of reverse transcriptase and protease.
8 b
8 c
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Vol 1, Issue 1, Jan- May, 2007
© 2007 Phcog.Net , All rights reserved.
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Stimulation of phagocytosis.
Anti-microbial activities
Olive leaves are known to resist insect and microbial attack,
and in-vitro studies have been conducted to establish the
range of activity of olive leaf extracts (45,46).Olive leaf
extract has been reported to be an effective antimicrobial
agent against a variety of pathogens, including Salmonella
typhi, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Staphylococcus aureus
(including penicillin-resistant strains); and Klebsiella
pneumonia, and Escherichia coli, causal agents of intestinal
or respiratory tract infections in humans (47). Olive leaf could
be considered a potentially effective antimicrobial agent for
the treatment of intestinal or respiratory tract infections. The
component usually associated with olive leaf’s antimicrobial
properties is oleuropein (48, 49). Oleuropein has also been
reported to directly stimulate macrophage activation in
laboratory studies (50). Hydroxytyrosol demonstrated broader
antimicrobial activity than oleuropein and is comparable to
ampicillin and erythromycin in spectrum and potency (51).
Anti-oxidant activities
Olive leaf has antioxidant properties associated with
oleuropein. Caffeic acid was also reported to have antioxidant
activity through the scavenging of superoxide anion (52).
Olive leaf has been reported to have anti-complement in
vitro, and is a proposed mechanism for its anti-inflammatory
effects (53). Oleuropein, an antioxidant, has been reported to
decrease the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (54). Oxidized LDL
is the most damaging form of cholesterol and can initiate
damage to arterial tissues, thereby promoting atherosclerosis.
Olive leaf has been reported to inhibit platelet aggregation
and production of thromboxane A2 (a stimulator of platelet
aggregation with vasodilatory effects) (55). Also of interest, is
a recent study reporting that olive leaf extract inhibited both
angiotensin converting enzymes (56). In-vitro and animal
experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the
antioxidant activity of olive leaf extracts. In rat epithelial
cells stimulated with cytokines, a concentrated polyphenol
extract reduced nitrite concentration and free radical
production (57). Rabbits with induced diabetes showed a
decrease in oxidative stress markers when treated with
oleuropein (58). Other experiments support the antioxidant
activity of the phenols oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol (59-62).
Hypolipedemic activities
Studies in laboratory animals have reported hypoglycemic and
hypolipidemic activity of olive leaf (63, 64). The active
constituent was reported to be oleuropein, with a proposed
mechanism of action of potentiation of glucose-induced
insulin release, and an increase in peripheral blood glucose
Anti- diabetic activities
The hypoglycemic activity of olive leaf has been
demonstrated in animals. In rabbits with induced diabetes, an
ethanol extract of olive leaf decreased blood glucose.
Suggested mechanisms include potentiation of glucose-
induced insulin release and increased peripheral uptake of
glucose (65, 66).
Thyroid activities
An aqueous extract of olive leaf administered to rats for 14
days increased T 3 levels and reduced circulating thyroid-
stimulating hormone levels, possibly via a feedback
mechanism (67).
Plants have been used as medicines since the time of
immemorial, among which is Olea europaea whose products
are widely available in the market for the treatment of
various ailments. It has proved it efficacy in the management
of various complex diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular
disorders, viral and microbial infections but still a lot of work
is to be done for exploring the evidences for other traditional
uses of the plant.
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Pharmacognosy Reviews
Vol 1, Issue 1, Jan- May, 2007
© 2007 Phcog.Net , All rights reserved.
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... Several studies have shown that Oleuropein possesses a wide range of pharmacologic and health-promoting propertie (HASSEN et al., 2015;SEDEF;KARAKAYA, 2009). Oleuropein was reported to have an antihyperglycemic, lipid-regulating, and cardioprotective effects especially in cell culture and animal models (KHAN et al., 2007). ...
This research work aims to study the different components existing in the leaves and fruits of Olea europaea var frantoye and test their hypoglycemic effect on albino rats administered by 50 mg/kg, 250 mg/kg, and 500 mg/kg of aqueous leaves and fruits dissolved in normal saline (N/S). The results obtained show that the extracts of the leaves and fruits of the olive tree (Olea europaea) contain polyphenols; the phytochemical screening showed them to be rich in different components. The quantitative study confirmed this richness and the dominant molecule is Oleuropein (781,26 and 233,83 ppm, respectively, leaves and fruits). Albino diabetic rats treated with the high dose (500 mg/kg/b.wt) as the most effective dose for significant treatment. Compared to control groups. While the standard medication (positive control Glucophage 500) is effective compared to leaf and fruit extract.
... The use of olive leaf extract has increased rapidly in the pharmaceutical due to its hypoglycaemic antioxidant properties of its content mainly oleuropein and hydroxyl tyrosol [33] and triterpenoids such as oleanolic acid [34]. ...
... Olive leaves (OL) constitute a significant portion of the residual biomass deriving from olive cultivation, namely agricultural practices such as tree pruning (~ 25% by weight) and industrial ones such as the periodic processing of drupes for virgin olive oil (up to 10% of the total weight of the batch reaching the olive mill) and table olives production [1]. They are widely accepted as a remarkably inexpensive natural source of bioactives [2][3][4] with a long history of use in the Mediterranean countries due to their various health promoting properties [5,6], continuously supported by updated scientific evidence [2,7,8]. OL are known to contain high levels of phenolic compounds, mainly secoiridoids, and particularly oleuropein (OLE), with well-documented biologic activities [2], although other bioactives such as triterpenic acids, lately highlighted by the scientific community, are present as well and at an appreciable amount [9,10]. ...
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Purpose The effect of solid-state fermentation (SSF), employing different microbial strains (single or co-cultured), to the chemical composition of olive leaves (OL) and the possible perspectives of the derived material for high added-value applications was explored. Methods Emphasis was given on bioactives (oleuropein, OLE, hydroxytyrosol, HT, elenolic acid (EA) related compounds, maslinic (MA) and oleanolic (OA) acids). In parallel, the levels of other chemical components with nutritional/antinutritional interest for feed application and certain minerals were also measured. Results A gradual decrease in OLE and an EA derivative till their complete loss was found. HT progressively increased and then consumed reaching low levels. MA and OA were unaffected. A. niger resulted in the highest formation of HT (1 mg/g dw), and the lowest loss of OL antioxidant potential (13.8% at 72 h). Varying levels of protein production were observed potentially improving their nutritional value. Conclusion The study demonstrated that fermented OL significantly altered phenolic compounds, particularly OLE and HT, and maintained triterpenic acids such as MA and OA. Despite reductions in certain phenolics, fermented OL showed improved nutritional profiles, particularly in protein content and antioxidant potential, suggesting their potential for added-value applications in various industrial sectors, including animal feed. To our knowledge this is the first time that the co-cultures selected in the present study were employed for OL SSF and that under all conditions examined the triterpentic acids MA and OA were the dominant bioactives despite some improvements in HT formation Graphical Abstract
... Olea europaea (OE) L. belongs to the family Oleaceae is known in Bangali as Jolpai is a plant of medium to big size with simple leaves, small flowers in alxillary racemes. The fruit of this plant is ovoid, blackish-violet when ripe, typically 1 to 2.5 cm long [31]. Oleaceae family comprises 30 genera [32] and its families numbering about 600 species [33]. ...
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Citation: Mamum AA, Uddin MS, Wahid F, et al. Neurodefensive Effect of Olea europaea L. in Alloxan-Induced Cognitive Dysfunction and Brain Tissue Oxidative Stress in Mice: Incredible Natural Nootropic. J Neurol Neurosci. 2016, 7:S3. Abstract Background: In the controlling of Alzheimer disease (AD) plant with antioxidant activity has attained considerable attention. The plant Olea europaea (OE) L. belongs to family Oleaceae is a rich source of natural antioxidant. Therefore the intention of this study was to analyze the neuroprotective effects of ethanolic extract of OE (EEOE) fruits in alloxan-induced cognitive impairment and brain tissue oxidative stress in mice by using Hole Cross (HC) test, Open Field (OF) test, Free Exploration (FE) test, Y-Maze (YM) test and contents of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in brain tissue homogenates of mice.
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Background: Olive leaves are a rich source of polyphenols, predominantly secoiridoids, flavonoids, and simple phenols, which exhibit various biological properties. Extracts prepared from olive leaves are associated with hypoglycemic, hypotensive, diuretic, and antiseptic properties. Upon ingestion, a substantial fraction of these polyphenols reaches the colon where they undergo extensive metabolism by the gut microbiota. Host characteristics, like age, can influence the composition of the gut microbiome, potentially affecting the biotransformation of these compounds. Therefore, it can be hypothesised that differences in the gut microbiome between young and elderly individuals may impact the biotransformation rate and the type and amount of metabolites formed. Methods: An in vitro biotransformation model was used to mimic the conditions in the stomach, small intestine and colon of two age groups of healthy participants (20–30 years old, ≥65 years old), using oleuropein as a single compound and an olive leaf extract as test compounds. The bacterial composition and metabolite content were investigated. Results: The study revealed that, while the same metabolites were formed in both age groups, in the young age group, less metabolite formation was observed, likely due to a reduced viable cell count. Most biotransformation reactions took place within the first 24 h of colon incubation, and mainly, deglycosylation, hydrolysis, flavonoid ring cleavage, and demethylation reactions were observed. A bacterial composition analysis showed a steep drop in α-diversity after 24 h of colon incubation, likely due to favourable experimental conditions for certain bacterial species. Conclusions: Both age groups produced the same metabolites, suggesting that the potential for polyphenols to exert their health-promoting benefits persists in healthy older individuals.
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Background Diabetes is a leading health disorder and is responsible for high mortality rates across the globe. Multiple treatment protocols are being applied to overcome this morbidity and mortality including plant-based traditional medicines. This study was designed to investigate the ethnomedicinal status of plant species used to treat diabetes in District Karak, Pakistan. Materials and methods A semi-structured survey was created to collect data about traditionally used medicinal plants for diabetes and other ailments. The convenience sampling method was applied for the selection of informants. The collected data was evaluated through quantitative tools like frequency of citation (FC), relative frequency of citation (RFC), informant consensus factor (FIC), fidelity level (FL), and use value (UV). Results A total of 346 local informants were selected for this research. Out of them, 135 participants were men and 211 participants were women. Overall 38 plant species belonging to 29 plant families were used to treat diabetes. The most dominant plant family was Oleaceae having 11 species. Powder form (19%) was the most recommended mode of preparation for plant-based ethnomedicines. Leaves (68%) were the most frequently used parts followed by fruit (47%). The highest RFC was recorded for Apteranthes tuberculata (0.147). The maximum FL was reported for Apteranthes tuberculata (94.4) and Zygophyllum indicum (94.11) for diabetes, skin, and wounds. Similarly, the highest UV of (1) each was found for Brassica rapa, Melia azedarach, and Calotropis procera. Based on documented data, the reported ailments were grouped into 7 categories. The ICF values range between 0.89 (diabetes) to 0.33 (Cardiovascular disorders). Conclusion The study includes a variety of antidiabetic medicinal plants, which are used by the locals in various herbal preparations. The species Apteranthes tuberculata has been reported to be the most frequently used medicinal plant against diabetes. Therefore, it is recommended that such plants be further investigated in-vitro and in-vivo to determine their anti-diabetic effects.
Zeytin ahşabı, tornacılık ve mobilya yapımında kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada zeytin (Olea europaea L.) ahşabında bazı yüzey özellikleri [renk, beyazlık indeksi (WI*) ve parlaklık] üzerine balmumu uygulamasının (1, 2 ve 3 kat olarak) etkileri araştırılmıştır. Belirlenmiş olan sonuçlara göre, bütün testler üzerinde varyans analizleri anlamlı olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ahşap malzeme yüzeylerine balmumu uygulamasında kat sayısının artması uygulaması sonrasında C*, a*, b* ve parlaklık değerleri arttığı belirlenirken, L*, ho ve WI* (her iki yön) değerleri azaldığı görülmüştür. ∆E* değerleri 5.73 ile 1 kat uygulamasında 5.73, 2 kat uygulamasında 11.39 ve 3 kat uygulamasında 12.00 olarak elde edilmiştir. ∆E* değerline göre 2 ve 3 kat uygulamasına ait sonuçlar birbirine çok yakın elde edildiği için 3. kat uygulamasına gerek olmadığı söylene bilinir.
Background The use of herbal remedies, medicinal plants, and their derivatives for the treatment and control of hypertension is well-known and widespread throughout Morocco. Aims The aim of the study was to review the antihypertensive and vasorelaxant medicinal plants of the Moroccan pharmacopeia. Objective To date, no review on Moroccan medicinal plants exhibiting antihypertensive effects has been performed, and their mechanism of action has not been specified. The objective of this review was to collect, analyze, and critically assess published publications on experimental and clinical research that explored the blood pressure-reducing abilities of Moroccan medicinal plant extracts. Materials and Methods This study collected, processed, and critically analyzed published studies related to experimental and clinical research that investigated Moroccan herbal derivatives' blood pressure-lowering abilities using a number of scientific databases, including ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, and others. was used to validate the right plant names. Results The results revealed 22 species of Moroccan medicinal plants belonging to 13 different groups with recognized antihypertensive properties. The species were abundant in a variety of chemical elements. Asteraceae (08 species), Lamiaceae (3 species), Apiaceae (2 species), and 1 species each from the following families: Parmeliaceae, Fabaceae, Cistaceae, Malvaceae, Polygonaceae, Brassicaceae, Myrtaceae, Rutaceae, Amaranthaceae, Rosaceae, and Lauraceae were the most frequently mentioned families for their antihypertensive properties. The most used parts were the leaves and the aerial parts. The two main methods of preparation among Moroccans were decoction and infusion. This study demonstrated the known antihypertensive and vasorelaxant properties of Moroccan medicinal plants in vivo and in vitro, as well as their mechanisms of action. Interestingly, phytochemicals can operate on blood vessels directly via a vasorelaxant impact involving a range of signaling cascades or indirectly by blocking or activating multiple systems, such as an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), renin-angiotensin system (RAS), or diuretic activity. Conclusion The review of the available data reveals that more work needs to be done to examine all the Moroccan medicinal plants that have been suggested as antihypertensive in published ethnopharmacological surveys. A review of the literature in this area reveals that methodologies of the experimental study need to be standardized, and purified molecules need to be studied. In addition, mechanistic investigations, when they exist, are generally incomplete. In contrast, only a few advanced clinical investigations have been conducted. However, all studies fail to determine the efficacy/safety ratio.
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Background The World Health Organization declared that COVID-19 is no longer a public health emergency of global concern on May 5, 2023. Post-COVID disorders are, however, becoming more common. Hence, there lies a growing need to develop safe and effective treatment measures to manage post-COVID disorders. Investigating the use of TCM medicinal foods in the long-term therapy of post-COVID illnesses may be beneficial given contemporary research’s emphasis on the development of medicinal foods. Scope and approach The use of medicinal foods for the long-term treatment of post-COVID disorders is highlighted in this review. Following a discussion of the history of the TCM “Medicine and Food Homology” theory, the pathophysiological effects of post-COVID disorders will be briefly reviewed. An analysis of TCM medicinal foods and their functions in treating post-COVID disorders will then be provided before offering some insight into potential directions for future research and application. Key findings and discussion TCM medicinal foods can manage different aspects of post-COVID disorders. The use of medicinal foods in the long-term management of post-COVID illnesses may be a safe and efficient therapy choice because they are typically milder in nature than chronic drug use. These findings may also be applied in the long-term post-disease treatment of similar respiratory disorders.
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Abstract A list of 118 plants belonging to 49 families, used in Jordanian traditional medicine to treat a variety of disorders, has been compiled based on a field survey. Methods of preparation are recorded.
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Traditional medicine in the middle and west Black Sea regions: Amasya, Bilecik, Bolu, Çankin, Samsun, Sinop and Tokat provinces has been studied and 194 remedies obtained from 96 plant and 5 animal species are compiled. Vernacular names, parts used, methods of preparation, and medicinal usages are listed. Orta ve Bati Karadeniz Bölgelerinde Amasya, Bilecik, Bolu, Çankin, Samsun, Sinop ve Tokat illerinde halk tababeti incelenerek, 96 ’si bitkisel ve 5’i hayvansal olmak üzere 194 halk ilaci tespit edilmi§tir. Kullamlan materyalin mahalli ismi, tedavide kullanilan kisimlari, ilacin hazirlani§ §ekli ve tedavideki kullamli§ amaci He ilgili bilgiler liste halinde verilmi§tir.
Elenolic acid glucoside and demethyloleuropein are glucosylated derivatives of oleuropein which accumulate during olive (Olea europaea) maturation. These compounds appear simultaneously with a fall in oleuropein content and an increase in esterase activity. This enzyme may thus be responsible for the formation of the two oleuropein derivatives.
From spectroscopic evidence, the two seco-iridoids ligstro-side and 10-hydroxyligstroside, isolated from Ligstrum obtusifolium Sieb. et Zucc., are assigned the structures (I) and (V), respectively.
Two galactolipids, 1 and 2, were isolated and identified both in olive fruits and in olive oil. They are characterized by a low polarity, despite the presence of a diglycosidic unit, giving, in water, micelles. Because of this characteristic, compounds 1 and 2 could be responsible for the stability of the light emulsion typical of freshly produced olive oil. The presence of hydrophilic ortho-diphenolic compounds enhances the antioxidant properties of this oil, particularly in the first period after the production. In addition, the functions present in 1 and 2 are susceptible to hydrolysis and may be easily modified in the alkaline treatment used for the olive oil refining process. For this reason, their presence in olive oil may be a very useful indication of the untreated food product.
Eine Aufzählung einer Reihe von Heilpflanzenarten in Griechenland und deren volkstümliche Anwendung.
The aqueous extract of the leaves of Olea europaea and Olea lancea both inhibited Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) in vitro. A bioassay-directed fractionation resulted in the isolation of a strong ACE-inhibitor namely the secoiridoid 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethyl 4-formyl-3-(2-oxoethyl)-4 E-hexenoate (oleacein) (IC(50) = 26 μM). Five secoiridoid glycosides (oleuropein, ligstroside, excelcioside, oleoside 11-methyl ester, oleoside) isolated from Oleaceous plants showed no significant ACE-inhibition whereas, after enzymatic hydrolysis, the ACE-inhibition at 0.33 mg/ml was between 64% to 95%. Secoiridoids have not been described previously in the literature as inhibitors of ACE. Oleacein showed a low toxicity in the brine shrimp (Artemia satina) lethality test (LC(50) (24 h) = 969 ppm).
There has been much interest regarding the components that contribute to the beneficial health effects of the Mediterranean diet. Recent findings suggest that polyphenolic compounds found in olive oil are endowed with several biologic activities that may contribute to the lower incidence of coronary heart disease in the Mediterranean area.
The use of medicinal herbs in northern and central Oman (Arabia) is still common today. Plants known for their curative powers are used for a wide spectrum of diseases, from common cold and fever to paralysis and diabetes. Herbal medicines are dispensed, after “diagnosis” from a herbal healer. The detailed uses of 35 native and 21 cultivated plants and their chemical composition are given.