
Stoney scale and large number coincidences

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The Stoney scale, its characteristics and theoretical tendencies are argued to be consistent with Einstein's theory of gravitational ether and with the Stochastic Electrodynamic theory of vacuum-induced gravity. The Stoney scale is shown to be unique in that it posits the non-equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass in an electromagnetic setting. Several large number coincidences provide an interesting background to this study, which includes Dirac's hypothesis, a rationalization of the squared elementary charge, and a derivation of Boltzmann's Constant from the Stoney length.

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... However, there are advantages in retaining the SI context, or at least some key elements of it. A compromise between SI and esu is convenient and it is simply achieved by defining charge according to Ampere's Law while setting the permeability of free space equal to a dimensionless unity [27]. This compromise assigns electric charge a compound of dimensions conventionally associated with force, somewhat in the esu manner, without however sacrificing the general SI context. ...
... The phase transition described by (27) requires ongoing changes in T ω while ν E is retarded as ν E0 (the frequency of m E0 ). In effect, m E0 behaves as if it were subject to a time delay until it is suddenly updated and revised to m E . ...
... However, according to (19)- (21) m ω can be derived from either electromagnetic or gravitational relations and therefore G could be expressed as a ratio of electromagnetic and gravitational times, which is probably more consistent with the Stoney scale's role as the mediator between two forces. The opposite case, that the electromagnetic force emerges from gravitational principles, is almost never heard, though the occasional attempt is made [27]. ...
The large number coincidences that fascinated theorists such as Eddington and Dirac are shown here to be a specific example of a general set of scaling factors defining universes in which fundamental forces are equated. The numbers have prescriptive power and they are therefore correct and exact a priori. The universes thus defined exhibit a fractal structure centred on the Planck/Stoney scale with some formal resemblance to black holes and with properties analogous to Hawking radiation. The problematic case of emerging and evaporating universes is briefly considered in the context of quantum gravity. Historically, the large numbers are associated with the mass of a charged particle and the mass of the universe. This paper demonstrates that the numbers are properly understood in the context of four masses including a non-zero mass derived from Hubble's Constant and the Planck or Stoney mass.
... References to equations in those papers will be prefaced with the letter A and B respectively. The work in A, B, the discussion here and the extensions here have origins in the studies of Einstein's general relativity in the Friedman equations context to be found in references ([16],[22],[21],[20],[19],[18],[4],[23]) and similarly motivated work in references ([10],[9],[8],[7],[5]) and ([12],[13],[14],[15],[7]). Other useful sources of information have been references ([17],[3]) with the measurement essentials coming from references ([1],[2],[11]). ...
... Identification of Dark Energy [24] and Thermodynamics of a Dust Universe [33]. All of this work and its applications has its origin in the studies of Ein-stein's general relativity in the Friedman equations context to be found in references ([16],[22],[21],[20],[19],[18],[4],[23]) and similarly motivated work in references ([10],[9],[8],[7],[5]) and ([12],[13],[14],[15],[7],[25],[3] ). The applications can be found in ([23],[24],[33],[37],[35][41]). ...
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This paper continues the building of the cosmological theory that was introduced in two earlier papers under the title A Dust Universe Solution to the Dark Energy Problem. The model introduced in this theory has existence before time zero so that it is not necessary to interpret it as of big-bang origin. The location of the Cosmic Microwave Background, within the theoretical structure gives a closing of the fundamentals of the model in terms of the definitions of Temperature, Entropy and other Thermodynamic aspects. Thus opening up a research tool in cosmology in exact agreement with experiment that can compete with the so-called Standard Big Bang Model as a mathematical-physical description of our universe based rigorously on Einstein's general relativity. It is suggested that the singularity at time zero involves a population inversion in the statistical mechanics sense and so justifies the use of negative temperature for the CMB at negative times. This also has the satisfactory consequence that the Universe's evolution involves entropy steadily increasing over all time from minus infinity through the singularity to plus infinity.An appendix with its own abstract contains an alternative simple classical physics derivation of this model and an extended discussion about how it can be used in the astrophysical context of galactic motions. A cosmological Schroedinger equation of great generality is derived which unites cosmology and the quantum description of cosmological objects Comment: 15 pages 13 page Appenix added 21 Feb 2010
... As stated above, if bodies have such a mass, no matter how far they are separated, they will never experience any interaction due to their elds. The mass of Stoney was proposed by the physicist George Stoney in the year 1881 and was rediscovered by J. Belinchon and M.Castans and is usually associated with Dirac's hypothesis of large numbers [6]. With the help of Stoney mass, it can be veried that, for the electron, the constant Υ e can be rewritten as: ...
A generalization of the Lorentz equation of force is formulated for the coupled fields that allows expressing the force between two objects whose properties are only their net charge and their mass. This coupled force can be expressed in terms of a single phenomenon that can be the effect of the geometric distortion of a gravitational field, or the geometric distortion of an electromagnetic field. From the coupling of the Lorentz force, a dimensionless coupling constant is derived, this provides information on the ratio of magnitudes between electromagnetic and gravitational forces. From this generalization of the Lorentz force the Planck mass and the Stoney mass are also deduced and these masses are redefined to give them a physical meaning.
... The conclusion arrived at there was that the dark energy substance is physical material with a positive density, as is usual, but with a negative gravity, -G, characteristic. References to equations in that paper will be prefaced with the letter A. The work in A and its extension here has it origins in the studies of Einstein's general relativity in the Friedman equations context to be found in references ([16],[22],[21],[20],[19],[18],[4],[23]) and similarly motivated work in references ([10],[9],[8],[7],[5]) and ([12],[13],[14],[15],[7]). Other useful sources of information have been references ([17],[3]) with the measurement essentials coming from references ([1],[2],[11]). ...
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A solution to Einstein's field equations via the Friedman equations is shown to produce a cosmological model that is in exact agreement with the measurements made by the dark energy astronomers. All the essential physical parameters are obtained as epoch dependent functions all in closed form. The equations of state are obtained for total density, non-dark energy density and dark energy density. An interpretation of the structure involving a dark energy mass distribution that is twice the usual value is shown to clarify greatly the physical significance of the mathematics. It is asserted that the astronomer's measurements together with the mathematical model proves that the universe is permeated uniformly with a positive mass density that caries a negative gravitational constant, -G, characteristic. This mass component is identified with the dark energy content of the universe that has been postulated to explain the observed acceleration. Another result implied by the model is that there is twice the amount of dark energy that is usually considered to be present. This last point is analysed in more detail in appendix 1 using Einstein's field equations. Five additional appendices, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in which isothermal gravitational dark matter equilibrium and the galactic rotations curve flatness problem are examined in detail. Appendix 5 is concerned with mass clumping and expressing gravitational isothermal equilibrium constraints using a cosmological Schr\"odinger equation to demonstrate the existence of a new quantum force involved with galactic stability. Appendix 6 is concerned with gravitational quantization. Each appendix has its own abstract.
... I have here decided to use a value for r † that comes from an assumption about the dependence of the gravitation constant on t † or on ct † . This assumption comes from a suggestion about a formula for G in terms of other physical constants of great numerical accuracy noticed by Ross McPherson, see references [15] [14]. His original suggestion had dimensions different from G. A generalised version of McPherson's suggestion but which has the usual dimensions associated with the gravitation constant G is as follows ...
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Astronomical measurements of the Omegas for mass density, cosmological constant lambda and curvature k are shown to be sufficient to produce a unique and detailed cosmological model describing dark energy influences based on the Friedman equations. The equation of state Pressure turns out to be identically zero at all epochs as a result of the theory. The partial omega, for dark energy, has the exact value, minus unity, as a result of the theory and is in exact agreement with the astronomer's measured value. Thus this measurement is redundant as it does not contribute to the construction of the theory for this model. Rather, the value of this omega is predicted from the theory. The model has the characteristic of changing from deceleration to acceleration at exactly half the epoch time at which the input measurements are taken. This is a mysterious feature of the model for which no explanation has so far been found. An attractive feature of the model is that the acceleration change time occurs at a red shift of approximately 0.8 as predicted by the dark energy workers. Using a new definition of dark energy density it is shown that the contribution of this density to the acceleration process is via a negative value for the gravitational constant, -G, exactly on a par with gravitational mass which occurs via the usual positive value for G. This paper also contains an appendix on dark energy dynamics with its own abstract. Comment: 12 pages. Confusion between total and partial pressure rectified. Typing errors corrected. 30 page appendix added 1st Sept 2OO9
... References to equations in those papers will be prefaced with the letter A, B and C respectively. The work in A, B and C, and the application here have origins in the studies of Einstein's general relativity in the Friedman equations context to be found in references ([16],[22],[21],[20],[19],[18],[4],[23]) and similarly motivated work in references ([10],[9],[8],[7],[5]) and ([12],[13],[14],[15],[7],[25],[3]). Other useful sources of information are ([17],[3],[30],[27],[29],[28]) with the measurement essentials coming from references ([1],[2],[11]). ...
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In this paper, it is shown that the cosmological model that was introduced in a sequence of three earlier papers under the title, A Dust Universe Solution to the Dark Energy Problem can be used to analyse and solve the Cosmological Coincidence Problem. The generic coincidence problem that appears in the original Einstein universe model is shown to arise from a misunderstanding about the magnitude of dark energy density and the epoch time governing the appearance of the integer relation between dark energy and normal energy density. The solution to the generic case then clearly points to the source of the time coincidence integer problem in the Friedman dust universe model. It is then possible to eliminate this coincidence by removing a degeneracy between different measurement epoch times. In this paper's first appendix, a fundamental time dependent relation between dark mass and dark energy is derived with suggestions how this relation could explain cosmological voids and the clumping of dark mass to become visible matter. In this paper's second appendix, it is shown that that dark energy is a conserved with time substance that is everywhere and for all time permeable to the dark mass and visible mass of which the contracting or expanding universe is composed. The last two appendices involve detailed studies of cosmology, quantum dark energy related issues. There are more detailed abstracts given with all four appendices.
... Identification of Dark Energy [24] and Thermodynamics of a Dust Universe [33]. All of this work and its applications has its origin in the studies of Einstein's general relativity in the Friedman equations context to be found in references ([16],[22],[21],[20],[19],[18],[4],[23]) and similarly motivated work in references ([10],[9],[8],[7],[5]) and ([12],[13],[14],[15],[7],[25],[3] ). The applications can be found in ([23],[24],[33],[37],[35][41]). ...
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In this paper, it is shown that the cosmological model that was introduced in a sequence of three earlier papers under the title, A Dust Universe Solution to the Dark Energy Problem, can be used to resolve the problem of the great mismatch of numerical values between dark energy from cosmology and zero point energy from quantum theory. It is shown that, if the zero point energies for the cosmic microwave background and for all the rest of the universe that is not cosmic microwave background are introduced into this model as two entities, their separate values appear within this theory in the form of a numerical difference. It is this difference that gives the numerical value for the zero point value of Einstein's dark energy density. Consequently, although the two zero point energies may be large, their difference can give the known small dark energy value from cosmology for dark energy density. Issues relating to interpretation, calculation and measurement associated with this result and an interpretation of dark energy as a measure of polarisation of the vacuum are discussed. In the first appendix to this paper, problems associated with the standard model of cosmology are solved by redefining temperature in the dust universe model. In the second appendix of this paper, an examination of the dark matter problem in relation to a general relativistic generalisation of Newton's inverse square law is undertaken. In the third appendix to this paper, the formalism is used to derive a formula that gives a possible value for the mass of the universe in terms of Newton's gravitation constant, Einstein's Lambda and the velocity of light. All three appendices have their own detailed abstracts. Comment: 12 pages Typing errors corrected Explanations added Remark added. 13 page Appendix on Cosmological Standard Model added April 27TH 2010 17 page appendix added on dark matter added June 6 2010. Third appendix on mass of universe added 20th July 2010
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It was only in the late 1910s, however, that the first physical fact was discovered that could provide a quantitative clue to the interconnection between the micro- and mega-worlds. It was a famous mathematician, Hermann Weyl, who made this discovery. His discovery later gave rise to such different ideas as the hypothetical variation of the gravitational constant and the anthropic principle. More cautiously, it was referred to as "an unexplained empirical connection between meta-galactic parameters and micro-physical constants" (Zel'manov 1962). Although this link between the micro- and mega-worlds is regarded as an empirical fact, its recognition was intertwined with developments in advanced theoretical physics. Before turning to the circumstances of the discovery of this fact, let us look at its contemporary status, which clearly points to its empirical nature.
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We analyze the proposal that gravity may originate from a van der Waals type of residual force between particles due to the vacuum electromagnetic zero-point field. Starting from the Casimir-Polder integral, we show that the proposed approach can be analyzed directly, without recourse to approximations previously made. We conclude that this approach to Newtonian gravity does not work, at least not with this particular starting point. Only by imposing different or additional physical constraints, or by treating the underlying dynamics differently than what are embodied in the inherently subrelativistic Casimir-Polder integral, can one expect to escape this conclusion.
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Previous studies of the physics of a classical electromagnetic zero-point field (ZPF) have implicated it as a possible basis for a number of quantum phenomena. Recent work implies that the ZPF may play an even more significant role as the source of inertia and gravitation of matter. Furthermore, this close link between electromagnetism and inertia suggests that it may be fruitful to investigate to what extent the fundamental physical process of electromagnetic radiation by accelerated charged particles could be interpreted as scattering of ambient ZPF radiation. This could also bear upon the origin of radiation reaction and on the existence of the same Planck function underlying both thermal emission and the acceleration-dependent Davies--Unruh effect. If these findings are substantiated by further investigations, a paradigm shift would be necessitated in physics. An overview of these concepts is presented thereby outlining a research agenda which could ultimately lead to revolutionary technologies.
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Sakharov has proposed a suggestive model in which gravity is not a separately existing fundamental force, but rather an induced effect associated with zero-point fluctuations (ZPF's) of the vacuum, in much the same manner as the van der Waals and Casimir forces. In the spirit of this proposal we develop a point-particle--ZPF interaction model that accords with and fulfills this hypothesis. In the model gravitational mass and its associated gravitational effects are shown to derive in a fully self-consistent way from electromagnetic-ZPF-induced particle motion (Zitterbewegung). Because of its electromagnetic-ZPF underpinning, gravitational theory in this form constitutes an ''already unified'' theory.
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We show here that, within the stochastic electrodynamic formulation and at the level of Bohr theory, the ground state of the hydrogen atom can be precisely defined as resulting from a dynamic equilibrium between radiation emitted due to acceleration of the electron in its ground-state orbit and radiation absorbed from zero-point fluctuations of the background vacuum electromagnetic field, thereby resolving the issue of radiative collapse of the Bohr atom.
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Analysis of 24 years of lunar laser ranging data is used to test the principle of equivalence, geodetic precession, the PPN parameters beta and gamma, and G/G. Recent data can be fitted with a rms scatter of 3 cm. (a) Using the Nordtvedt effect to test the principle of equivalence, it is found that the Moon and Earth accelerate alike in the Sun's field. The relative accelerations match to within 5 x 10(exp -13) . This limit, combined with an independent determination of y from planetary time delay, gives beta. Including the uncertainty due to compositional differences, the parameter beta differs from unity by no more than 0.0014; and, if the weak equivalence principle is satisfied, the difference is no more than 0.0006. (b) Geodetic precession matches its expected 19.2 marc sec/yr rate within 0.7%. This corresponds to a 1% test of gamma. (c) Apart from the Nordtvedt effect, beta and gamma can be tested from their influence on the lunar orbit. It is argued theoretically that the linear combination 0.8(beta) + 1.4(gamma) can be tested at the 1% level of accuracy. For solutions using numerically derived partial derivatives, higher sensitivity is found. Both 6 and y match the values of general relativity to within 0.005, and the linear combination beta+ gamma matches to within 0,003, but caution is advised due to the lack of theoretical understanding of these sensitivities. (d) No evidence for a changing gravitational constant is found, with absolute value of G/G less than or equal to 8 x lO(exp -12)/yr. There is significant sensitivity to G/G through solar perturbations on the lunar orbit.
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We discuss repulsive Casimir forces between dielectric materials with nontrivial magnetic susceptibility. It is shown that considerations based on the naive pairwise summation of van der Waals and Casimir-Polder forces may not only give an incorrect estimate of the magnitude of the total Casimir force but even the wrong sign of the force when materials with high dielectric and magnetic responses are involved. Indeed repulsive Casimir forces may be found in a large range of parameters, and we suggest that the effect may be realized in known materials. The phenomenon of repulsive Casimir forces may be of importance both for experimental study and for nanomachinery applications.
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This is a review of the physics and cosmology of the cosmological constant. Focusing on recent developments, I present a pedagogical overview of cosmology in the presence of a cosmological constant, observational constraints on its magnitude, and the physics of a small (and potentially nonzero) vacuum energy. NB: The author will not update this review anymore, however, some of its topics are subject of other reviews. In May 2008, the article was republished in the revised Living Reviews layout, therefore the pagination has changed. The publication number lrr-2001-1 has not been altered.
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Astronomical measurements of the Omegas for mass density, cosmological constant lambda and curvature k are shown to be sufficient to produce a unique and detailed cosmological model describing dark energy influences based on the Friedman equations. The equation of state Pressure turns out to be identically zero at all epochs as a result of the theory. The partial omega, for dark energy, has the exact value, minus unity, as a result of the theory and is in exact agreement with the astronomer's measured value. Thus this measurement is redundant as it does not contribute to the construction of the theory for this model. Rather, the value of this omega is predicted from the theory. The model has the characteristic of changing from deceleration to acceleration at exactly half the epoch time at which the input measurements are taken. This is a mysterious feature of the model for which no explanation has so far been found. An attractive feature of the model is that the acceleration change time occurs at a red shift of approximately 0.8 as predicted by the dark energy workers. Using a new definition of dark energy density it is shown that the contribution of this density to the acceleration process is via a negative value for the gravitational constant, -G, exactly on a par with gravitational mass which occurs via the usual positive value for G. This paper also contains an appendix on dark energy dynamics with its own abstract. Comment: 12 pages. Confusion between total and partial pressure rectified. Typing errors corrected. 30 page appendix added 1st Sept 2OO9
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A model is suggested to unify the Einstein GR and Dirac Cosmology. There is one adjusted parameter b2b_2 in our model. After adjusting the parameter b2b_2 in the model by using the supernova data, we have calculated the gravitational constant Gˉ\bar G and the physical quantities of a(t), q(t) and ρr(t)/ρb(t)\rho_r(t)/ \rho_b(t) by using the present day quantities as the initial conditions and found that the equation of state parameter wθw_{\theta} equals to -0.83, the ratio of the density of the addition creation ΩΛ=0.8\Omega_{\Lambda}=0.8 and the ratio of the density of the matter including multiplication creation, radiation and normal matter Ωm=0.2\Omega_m =0.2 at present. The results are self-consistent and in good agreement with present knowledge in cosmology. These results suggest that the addition creation and multiplication creation in Dirac cosmology play the role of the dark energy and dark matter. Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures
WHAT happens if you take two mirrors and arrange them so that they are facing each other in empty space? Your first reaction might be "nothing at all". In fact, both mirrors are mutually attracted to each other by the simple presence of the vacuum. This startling phenomenon was first predicted in 1948 by the Dutch theoretical physicist Hendrik Casimir while he was working at Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven on – of all things – colloidal solutions (see box on page 30). The phenomenon is now dubbed the Casimir effect, while the force between the mirrors is known as the Casimir force.
Fermi gases made from Fermions, particles with half-integer spin, was discussed. Pauli blocking was observed in a two-component interacting Fermi gas made from potassium-40 atoms in two spin states. The analysis suggested that lack of collision in single-component Fermi gas of atoms can be exploited for precision measurement of these atoms.
In 1924 the Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose sent a paper to Einstein in which he derived the Planck law for black-body radiation by treating the photons as a gas of identical particles. Einstein arranged for Bose's paper to be translated into German and published. He also extended Bose's calculations to particles with mass and showed that, at sufficiently low temperatures, they would all condense into the same quantum ground state. And for the next 70 years physicists struggled to make a Bose-Einstein condensate – which is sometimes called the fifth state of matter – in the laboratory.
George Johnstone Stoney (1826-1911) was Secretary to the Queen’s University in Ireland—the forerunner of the National University of Ireland—from 1857 until 1882, and he devoted the greater part of his career to administration in education. He is remembered today for his scientific work begun during his life in Dublin and continued after retirement to London in 1893. Stoney’s scientific work ranged over many branches of physical science including physical optics, solar physics and astronomy, atmospheric physics, acoustics and molecular physics (1). One hundred years ago he determined the charge of the atom or particle of electricity, and he later proposed the name ‘electron’ for this quantity. This, and related work on the kinetic theory of gases and spectroscopy, was his most conspicuous achievement.
During the course of this century, gauge invariance has slowly emerged from being an incidental symmetry of electromagnetism to being a fundamental geometrical principle underlying the four known fundamental physical interactions. The development has been in two stages. In the first stage (1916-1956), the geometrical significance of gauge-invariance gradually came to be appreciated and the original abelian gauge-invariance of electromagnetism was generalized to non-abelian gauge-invariance. In the second stage (1960-1975), it was found that, contrary to first appearances, the non-abelian gauge-theories provided exactly the framework that was needed to describe the nuclear interactions (both weak and strong) and thus provided a universal framework for describing all known fundamental interactions. This book describes the first phase of the development. The author first illustrates how gravitational theory and quantum mechanics played crucial roles in the reassessment of gauge theory as a geometric principle and as a framework for describing both electromagnetism and gravitation. He then describes how the abelian electromagnetic gauge-theory was generalized to its present non-abelian form. The development is illustrated by including a selection of relevant articles, many of them appearing for the first time in English. The articles illustrate that the reassessment of gauge-theory, due to in a large measure to Weyl, constituted a major philosophical as well as technical advances.
Commentary on errors in an earlier article on the nature of the chemical bond. Keywords (Audience): First-Year Undergraduate / General
THE dimensionless gravitational coupling constant with mp the mass of some elementary particle, for definiteness taken as the proton, is such a small number that its significance has long been questioned. Thus Eddington1 considered that all the dimensionless physical constants, including this one, could be evaluated as simple mathematical expressions. Dirac2 considered that such an odd number must be related to other numbers of similar size, characterizing the structure of the universe. However, most physicists seem to believe that a dimensionless constant, such as (1), is provided by Nature, cannot be calculated, and is not in any way related to other numbers.
A general investigation of the electronic structure of two dimensional systems is undertaken with a view towards understanding the quantum Hall effect. The work is limited to the case of a strong perpendicular magnetic field, with a disordered potential and an externally applied electric field. The electrons are treated as noninteracting. First, the scattering theory of the system is worked out. The surprising result is found that a wavepacket will reform after scattering from an isolated potential. Also it will tend to be accelerated in the neighborhood of the scatterer if the potential has bound states. Fredholm theory can then be used to show that the extended states carry an additional current which compensates for the zero current of the bound states. Together, these give the quantized conductance.
Analysis of radar-echo time delays, primarily between Earth and Mercury, yields an upper limit on the fractional variation of the gravitational constant of 4 parts in 1010 per year. Continuation of these radar measurements for five more years-even at the present level of accuracy-would allow the uncertainty to be reduced reliably to 3 parts in 1011 per year, a limit close to the effect predicted by some theorists.
This paper reports the results of careful and systematic experiments to check the law of conservation of mass in a special chemical reaction in which metallic silver is generated from two homogeneous solutions. 50 ml glass flasks, closed gas-tight, were used as thermodynamically closed systems. Modern, sensitive and automatic weighing techniques were applied, including intensive artifact research, to compare the mass of test and reference flasks with and without the chemical r eaction. The re- sults obtained reveal reproducible, highly significant gravitational irregularities compared to baseline pretests without chemical r eaction, during which the law of conservation of mass was confirmed within experimental error. Mass deviations were observed of >2000 µg which are up to a factor of 420 times larger than the 95% confidence interval cT = ±5 µg of the baseline pretest and which are by a factor of 10 15 larger than expected relativistic mass effects. The detected gravitational anomalies indicate an apparent violation of the law of conservation of mass in this special chemical reaction. If the validity of the law of conservation of energy is as- sumed, the apparent violations of the law of conservation of mass indicate the exis- tence of a previously unknown form of low energetic ( i.e., cold), and non-visible (i.e., dark) matter which has been detected by the systems. Stepwise mass changes indicate the existence of free quanta of the new form of matter with a real mass content as integer multiples of the Planck mass, i.e. n·(hc/(2πG))0.5 or n·21.7 µg, with n = 1, 2, 3 ec., and in general, according to ΣS{nS·(hSc/(2πG)) 0.5 }, with
The Large Numbers hypothesis asserts that all the large dimensionless numbers occurring in Nature are connected with the present epoch, expressed in atomic units, and thus vary with time. It requires that the gravitational constant G shall vary, and also that there shall be continuous creation of matter. The consistent following out of the hypothesis leads to the possibility of only two cosmological models. One of them, which occurs if one assumes that the continuous creation is a multiplication of existing matter, is Einstein's cylindrical closed Universe. The other, which occurs if one assumes the continuous creation takes place uniformly through the whole of space, involves an approximately flat Minkowski space with a point of origin where the Big Bang occurred.
The publication in 1890 of the two-volume Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell, edited by W. D. Niven, was one of the two objects of a committee formed ‘for the purpose of securing a fitting memorial of him’ (the other object being the commissioning of a marble bust for the Cavendish Laboratory). Before his death in 1879 at the age of 48, Clerk Maxwell had made major contributions to many areas of theoretical physics and mathematics, not least his discoveries in the fields of electromagnetism and of the kinetic theory of gases, which have been regarded as laying the foundations of all modern physics. He is generally considered the third most important physicist of all time, after Newton and Einstein. These collected shorter works, beginning with a paper written at the age of 15, show the wide range of Clerk Maxwell's interests across mathematics, physics and chemistry.
S>A big-bang model is proposed in which the Universe is a fluctuation of the vacuum, in the sense of quantum field theory. The model predicts a Universe which is homogeneous, isotropic and closed, and consists equally of matter and antimatter. All these predictions are supported by, or consistent with, present observations. (auth)
DICKE discusses the three cosmological numbers: (1) which determines the gravitational constant, (2) which determines the Hubble age of the universe, and (3) the number of particles in the universe. They are related in that: (1) is roughly the reciprocal of (2) and (3) is roughly the square of (2). I assumed that these relations correspond to something fundamental in Nature. With an evolutionary universe (2) varies with time, and then (1) and (3) would also have to vary with time.
Einstein offered the principle of general covariance as the fundamental physical principle of his general theory of relativity and as responsible for extending the principle of relativity to accelerated motion. This view was disputed almost immediately with the counter-claim that the principle was no relativity principle and was physically vacuous. The disagreement persists today. This article reviews the development of Einstein's thought on general covariance, its relation to the foundations of general relativity and the evolution of the continuing debate over his viewpoint.
The cosmological constant problem is examined in the context of both astronomy and physics. Effects of a nonzero cosmological constant are discussed with reference to expansion dynamics, the age of the universe, distance measures, comoving density of objects, growth of linear perturbations, and gravitational lens probabilities. The observational status of the cosmological constant is reviewed, with attention given to the existence of high-redshift objects, age derivation from globular clusters and cosmic nuclear data, dynamical tests of Omega sub Lambda, quasar absorption line statistics, gravitational lensing, and astrophysics of distant objects. Finally, possible solutions to the physicist's cosmological constant problem are examined.
An evaporative cooling strategy that uses a two-component Fermi gas was employed to cool a magnetically trapped gas of 7 × 105 40K atoms to 0.5 of the Fermi temperatureT F. In this temperature regime, where the state occupation at the lowest energies has increased from essentially zero at high temperatures to nearly 60 percent, quantum degeneracy was observed as a barrier to evaporative cooling and as a modification of the thermodynamics. Measurements of the momentum distribution and the total energy of the confined Fermi gas directly revealed the quantum statistics.
A Bose-Einstein condensate was produced in a vapor of rubidium-87 atoms that was confined by magnetic fields and evaporatively cooled. The condensate fraction first appeared near a temperature of 170 nanokelvin and a number density of 2.5 x 1012 per cubic centimeter and could be preserved for more than 15 seconds. Three primary signatures of Bose-Einstein condensation were seen. (i) On top of a broad thermal velocity distribution, a narrow peak appeared that was centered at zero velocity. (ii) The fraction of the atoms that were in this low-velocity peak increased abruptly as the sample temperature was lowered. (iii) The peak exhibited a nonthermal, anisotropic velocity distribution expected of the minimum-energy quantum state of the magnetic trap in contrast to the isotropic, thermal velocity distribution observed in the broad uncondensed fraction.
In this paper, we want to make to see the convenience of the amplification of the Planck`s system of absolute units through the introduction of two new constant, the dynamical constant and the permitividad of the vacuum upon rejecting that the electron charge has mechanical dimensions and adopting it as Planck`s charge. We apply these results to clarify the homogeneity and isotropy in the very early universe.
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