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Abstract and Figures

This study examined the extent to which race/ethnicity is a risk factor for depressed mood in late pregnancy and the early postpartum period apart from its relationship with other demographic and infant outcome variables. Data obtained from 26,877 women with newborns in Iowa indicate that 15.7% endorsed a single depression item. Logistic regression results indicate that race/ethnicity was a significant predictor of depressed mood, controlling for age, marital status, income and educational level, and infant health outcome. Compared to White women, African-American women were significantly more likely to report depressed mood (OR51.25, 95% CI51.03–1.52). Hispanic women were significantly less likely to report being depressed (OR50.74, 95% CI50.61–0.88). The role of social support in understanding these findings is explored.
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Race/ethnicity and perinatal depressed mood
Psychology Department, University of Iowa, Iowa, USA
Department of Psychology and Center for Social and Behavioral Research, University of Northern
Iowa, Iowa, USA
Psychology Department, University of Iowa, Iowa, USA
Abstract This study examined the extent to which race/ethnicity is a risk factor for
depressed mood in late pregnancy and the early postpartum period apart from its relationship
with other demographic and infant outcome variables. Data obtained from 26,877 women
with newborns in Iowa indicate that 15.7% endorsed a single depression item. Logistic
regression results indicate that race/ethnicity was a significant predictor of depressed mood,
controlling for age, marital status, income and educational level, and infant health outcome.
Compared to White women, African-American women were significantly more likely to report
depressed mood (OR51.25, 95% CI51.03–1.52). Hispanic women were significantly less
likely to report being depressed (OR50.74, 95% CI50.61–0.88). The role of social support in
understanding these findings is explored.
Although the prevalence of perinatal depression in the general population is well-
established (Gaynes et al., 2005; O’Hara & Swain, 1996), the question of whether this
disorder differentially affects women from specific racial or ethnic groups remains open.
The significant negative effects of maternal depressed mood on children (Gelfand & Teti,
1990; Murray et al., 1996) underscores the importance of identifying at-risk mothers.
Address for correspondence: Lisa S. Segre, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52246,
USA. Tel: +1 319 335 2442; Fax: +1 319 335 0191; Email:
Received: 14 July 2005. Accepted: 2 December 2005.
VOL. 24, NO. 2, MAY 2006, pp. 99–106
ISSN 0264-6838/print/ISSN 1469-672X/online/06/020099-08
2006 Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology
DOI: 10.1080/02646830600643908
Available research is uninformative because race/ethnicity is either confounded with
other demographic characteristics (Logsdon & Usui, 2001; Yonkers et al., 2001; Zayas
et al., 2003) or the studies are limited to lower income women (Hobfoll et al., 1995; Ritter
et al., 2000). The two studies with adequate samples report conflicting results. Although
Gross et al. (2002) found nonsignificant differences among racial groups, the stringent
depression classification criteria may have obscured significant results. Given the strong
bivariate trend (11.6% of African-American women versus 5% of White women were
classified as depressed); race may have been a significant risk factor using a less
conservative depression classification. In contrast, Howell et al. (2005) found significantly
increased risk of depression in African-American (OR52.16) and Hispanic (OR51.89)
women relative to White women, controlling for major demographic differences.
The present study capitalized on the availability of a large, economically
heterogeneous and demographically representative sample to examine the relationship
between race/ethnicity and self reported depressed-mood during a period encompass-
ing late pregnancy and the early postpartum period. As in Gross et al. (2002) and
Howell et al. (2005), the mood assessment was brief: one item assessing the core
symptom of depressed mood.
Data for this study were collected as part of the Iowa Barriers to Prenatal Care Project,
a cooperative venture among all of Iowa’s maternity hospitals, the Statewide Perinatal
Program, and the Iowa Department of Public Health. Participants were 32,495 English
speaking women with newborns who gave birth in one of Iowa’s maternity hospitals
and who completed the Barriers surveillance questionnaire in 2001 and 2002.
Depressed mood. The Barriers questionnaire assessed a broad range of health indicators
and required approximately 10 minutes to complete. Women were identified as
‘depressed’ if they positively endorsed the item: ‘have you felt sad or miserable much of
the time over the past two weeks’. This item assesses two critical features of syndromal
depression: the core symptom of sad mood and duration of at least two weeks.
Demographics. Women provided the following demographic information: race/ethnicity
(by choosing White, Black, American Indian/Native Alaskan, Hispanic, or Asian/
Pacific Islander), educational level, total family income, marital status, and age. Two
indices of birth outcome were obtained: birth weight and whether the infant left the
hospital with the mother.
The study procedure and questionnaire were approved by the University of Northern
Iowa’s Institutional Review Board. The questionnaire was distributed to all maternity
hospitals in Iowa (N598). Informed consent was obtained from all subjects. Except in
the case of a mother who was too ill to complete the questionnaire, the hospital staff
member in charge of obtaining birth certificate information invited all women with
100 L. S. SEGRE ET AL.
newborns to participate. The questionnaire was completed in the hospital approxi-
mately 24 hours after delivery. Women with Cesarean deliveries completed it
approximately 2 days post-delivery.
Statistical analyses
SPSS (2003) was used to examine the overall return rate, the demographic
characteristics of the sample, the prevalence of depressed mood overall, and the
prevalence of depressed mood by each demographic characteristic. Hierarchical logistic
regression was used to assess whether race/ethnicity was independently associated with
the endorsement of the single depression item.
The response rate (questionnaires returned/total births in the state) for 2001 and 2002
was 43%, or 32,495 completed questionnaires. The Barriers sample closely matched
the overall statewide profile of births (Iowa Department of Public Health, 2001, 2002).
This report is based on a reduced sample of 26,877 cases with complete data for two
reasons. Some respondents did not identify their race/ethnicity. The Spanish
translation of the questionnaire did not include the depression item. Therefore the
181 Hispanic women who completed the Spanish version of the questionnaire
(representing 12% of the Hispanic participants) did not complete this item. As
indicated in Table 1, women who provided complete data were slightly more likely to
Table 1. Percentage of women with complete and missing data within each demographic category.
Percentage of women with
complete data (N526,877)
Percentage of women with
missing data (N53803)
,20 8.9 11.2
20–30 66.6 63.6
31–35 19.2 16.8
.35 7.6 8.5
White 91.2 88.5
Black 2.2 2.5
Asian/Pacific Islander 1.6 1.9
American Indian/Native Alaskan 1.4 1.3
Hispanic 5.7 3.7
,$10,000 12.7 15.4
$10,000–$19,000 12.0 13.0
$20,000–$29,000 12.8 12.8
$30,000–$39,000 14.2 13.9
$40,000–$49,000 13.6 13.1
$50,000+ 34.8 31.8
,HS 11.2 14.6
High School 25.6 27.2
Some College 35.1 33.7
Bachelor’s Degree 22.1 19.5
Graduate or Professional Degree 5.9 5.0
be older, White, and with higher income and educational levels. However, these
differences were modest in magnitude.
Overall, 15.7% of the women responded ‘yes’ to the single depression item. The
positive endorsement rate within each demographic characteristic and infant health
category is provided in Table 2. Positive endorsement rates of the single depression
item were highest for those 19 years or younger, those with few economic resources,
those who had not completed high school, the unmarried, and mothers who left the
hospital without their infant or who had infants that weighed less than five pounds.
African-American women and American Indian/Native Alaskan women were more
likely to endorse the single depression item compared to White women.
Hierarchical logistic regression analysis was used to determine the relationship
between race/ethnicity and the endorsement of the single depression item, controlling
Table 2. Percentage of women endorsing the single depression item within categories of demographic and child
outcome variables.
,18 20.5
18–19 21.9
20–25 18.5
26–30 14.6
31–35 13.3
.35 13.3
White 15.5
Black 25.2
Asian/Pacific Islander 11.5
American Indian/Native Alaskan 22.9
Hispanic 15.3
,$10,000 24.3
$10,000–$19,000 20.0
$20,000–$29,000 18.8
$30,000–$39,000 15.3
$40,000–$49,000 13.7
$50,000+ 10.8
,HS 22.2
High School 20.1
Some College 15.6
Bachelor’s Degree 9.5
Graduate or Professional Degree 5.9
Marital status
Married 13.3
Not Married 21.6
Baby going home with mother
Yes 15.3
No 21.8
Baby’s weight
,2268 g 19.1
2268–3175 g 17.3
.3175 g 15.4
102 L. S. SEGRE ET AL.
for other demographic and infant health outcome variables. Income, educational level,
marital status, age, and the infant health status variables were entered into the
regression equation as well as race/ethnicity. The full model is shown in Table 3. The
results reveal several significant risk factors for endorsing the single depression item:
less than college education, having an annual income below $30,000, being single, not
having the infant go home with the mother, and being African-American. In contrast,
Hispanic women were significantly less likely than White women to endorse the
depression item, while endorsement rates for Native American/Alaskan and Asian
women did not significantly differ from that of White women. Neither age nor infant
birth-weight was a significant predictor of positively endorsing this item.
African-American and Native American women reported much more depression than
White, Hispanic, and Asian women. When important social factors such as age,
income, education, marital status, and baby’s health were controlled in a logistic
regression, African-American women still emerged with significantly increased risk for
reporting depressed mood in late pregnancy and the early postpartum period. Given
that, in 2003, African-Americans accounted for nearly 600,000 of the approximately
four million births in the United States (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2003), an
Table 3. Logistic regression results (full model): coefficients (C), odds ratios (OR), and confidence intervals (CI)
for demographic and infant health outcome variables as predictors of endorsement of a single depression item.
Age 0.04 1.04 1.00–1.08
,HS 0.72*** 2.40 1.78–2.35
High School 0.66*** 1.92 1.72–2.14
Some College 0.43*** 1.54 1.39–1.70
College Graduate
,$10,000 0.48*** 1.54 1.36–1.75
$10,000–$19,000 0.29*** 1.33 1.18–1.50
$20,000–$29,000 0.31*** 1.36 1.21–1.52
$30,000–$39,000 0.14 1.15 1.02–1.28
$40,000–$49,000 0.08 1.08 0.96–1.21
Married –1.9*** 0.82 0.75–0.90
Baby not going home 0.45*** 1.56 1.37–1.79
Baby weight
,2268 g –0.10 0.90 0.72–1.13
2268–3175 g –0.02 0.982 0.91–1.05
.3175 g
Asian Pacific Islander –0.28 0.75 0.56–1.00
Black 0.23** 1.25 1.03–1.52
American Indian Native Alaskan 0.08 1.08 0.83–1.40
Hispanic –0.30*** 0.74 0.61–0.88
*P(0.05; **P(0.01; ***P(0.001.
adjusted odds ratio of 1.25 means that an additional nearly 20,000 cases of depression
are solely attributed to ethnicity. Because African-American women often do not seek
treatment for depression (Alvidrez, 1999), these women, their partners, and children
are at special risk for the ill effects of maternal depression. In contrast to the case for
African-American women and consistent with the Hispanic Paradox (Farley et al., 2005;
Markides & Coreil, 1986), Hispanic women were at significantly decreased risk for
reporting depressed mood after adjusting for the study covariates.
What might account for the difference in risk for postpartum depression mood
between African-American and Hispanic women? Social support emerges as a potential
explanatory variable. It is negatively correlated with maternal depression (Dunkel-
Schetter et al., 1996) in all ethnic groups (Howell et al., 2005). Having a supportive
partner, which appears to be particularly protective (O’Hara, 1986), also varies by
racial/ethnic group, with Hispanic women reporting the highest levels of partner
support followed by White and then African-American women, who report very low
levels of emotional support from the baby’s father (Dunkel-Schetter et al., 1996).
Hispanic women often have additional social support, particularly in their roles as
mothers. La familia, or the centrality of family, is well documented in the Hispanic
immigrant culture (Callister & Birkhead, 2002). In stark contrast, African-American
women endure the dual vulnerability of having significant less partner support and
more stressful lives than White and Hispanic women (Jackson-Triche et al., 2000),
perhaps accounting for their increased risk.
There were several limitations with the current study. First, since the data did not
permit separating White from Black Hispanics, race and ethnicity are confounded for
Hispanic women. Second, while being Hispanic was a protective factor in the current
study, it was a risk factor in the study by Howell et al. (2005). The samples of these two
studies likely differed both in terms of amount of acculturation and country of origin.
Those in the Howell et al. (2005) study were from New York and therefore were
primarily from Puerto Rico (Markides & Coreil, 1986), while the current sample is
primarily from Mexico. To clarify the relationship of Hispanic ethnicity to maternal
depressed mood, future research needs to account for birthplace and level of
acculturation/recency of immigration as these factors are known to affect mental
health outcome (Callister & Birkhead, 2002).
Finally, the one-item assessment of depressed mood limits conclusions about the
relationship of ethnicity to clinically significant maternal depression. However, given the
large sample of the present study and the comprehensive control for potential
confounding variables, there is little reason to believe that the present results would not
be replicated. Additionally, our findings of a significant correlation between single
depression items and total scores on both the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck et al.,
1961) and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (Cox et al., 1987), 0.65 and 0.71,
respectively, suggests that a single depression item may be a robust substitute for the
entire scale (O’Hara & Stuart, 2005). Future research needs to replicate the findings of
the current study using more sophisticated depression assessments and/or by following-
up women who positively endorse a single screening item to determine its clinical
Ultimately, the current findings as well as those reported by Howell et al. (2005),
suggest that there are significant racial/ethnic disparities to be addressed with mental
health care in the immediate postpartum period. In the same way that African-
American babies are handicapped by relatively high rates of low birth weight and
104 L. S. SEGRE ET AL.
premature delivery (Hamilton et al., 2003), they may also be handicapped by relatively
high rates of exposure to maternal depression. In an effort to mitigate these potentially
negative impacts on our next generation of African-American youth, programs such as
the U.S. National Healthy Start Initiative have already incorporated perinatal
depression screening and referral programs into their current case management
protocols (Segre & O’Hara, 2005). Interventions aimed at strengthening protective
social factors and decreasing social risk factors may be especially useful in the care of
African-American women. Our findings suggest that these efforts are well placed and
should be continued.
The Iowa Barriers to Prenatal Care Project is funded by the Iowa Department of Public
Health. The views expressed in this manuscript do not necessarily reflect those of the
Department of Public Health or the State of Iowa. This work was also supported by
grant MH59668 from the National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD (Scott
Stuart, M.D.). The authors would like to thank Charles Lynch, M.D. Ph.D. and
Stephan Arndt Ph.D. for their help with the preparation of this manuscript. Portions of
the data reported here were presented at the 2nd World Congress on Women’s Mental
Health (March 17–20, 2004) in Washington, DC. An extended version of this report is
available upon request.
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... Although the multi-study design is a strength of the current study, it is noteworthy that the rates of maternal depression and the effects of maternal depression can vary according to important sample characteristics, such as race and SES. For example, U.S. Black mothers were more likely to endorse perinatal depressed mood compared to U.S. White mothers (Segre et al., 2006). This difference could be attributed to factors such as SES, racial discrimination, experienced adversities, and neighborhood risk levels, as suggested by various studies (Ertel et al., 2011;Liu & Tronick, 2014;Mukherjee et al., 2016;Pachter et al., 2006). ...
Guided by life history theory, the present study examined whether the degree of fluctuations in maternal depressive symptoms in early childhood was prospectively linked to children’s risk for depression. This was the first study to present preliminary evidence on this topic and replicated main findings across two large, independent longitudinal samples. Study 1 included 1,364 families where maternal depressive symptoms were longitudinally assessed at child ages 1, 6, 15, 24, and 36, and 54 months, where child depressed/anxious behaviors at Grade 1 were reported. Study 2 included 1,292 families where maternal depressive symptoms were assessed at child ages 2, 6, 15, and 24 months. At 36 months, child internalizing symptoms and inhibitory control were assessed. In Study 1, findings revealed that the degree of fluctuations in maternal depressive symptoms over 54 months was associated with higher child depressed/anxious behaviors at Grade 1, only when mothers had higher but decreasing depressive symptoms. Study 2 revealed that the degree of fluctuations in maternal depressive symptoms over 24 months was related to higher child internalizing symptoms at 36 months, for mothers whose depressive symptoms were higher but decreasing, higher and increasing, and lower and decreasing. In addition, the degree of fluctuations in maternal depressive symptoms over 24 months was related to lower child inhibitory control at 36 months, for mothers who had higher but decreasing depressive symptoms. Findings highlighted the degree of fluctuations in maternal depressive symptoms during early childhood can contribute to environmental unpredictability, which can increase children’s depression risks.
... In general, this relationship was examined through various indicators such as financial situation, low income or concerns about lack of money. In one U.S. study conducted, earnings of less than $ 20,000 per year were found to be a significant risk factor for developing postpartum depression in the women covered by this study [56]. ...
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Aim of the study The aim of this study is to asses the relationship between postpartum depression and perceived social support, newborn temperament, and selected sociodemographic variables. Subject or material and methods The sample consisted of 145 mothers, with an average age of 27, mostly married. The following instruments were used in the research: Questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics, Neonatal temperament scale, Edinburgh scale of postpartum depression - EPDS and Scale of perceived social support. Results The results showed that reduced social support from partners, friends, and family, difficult newborn temperament, and low socioeconomic status correlated with postpartum depression. Discussion The practical implications of the research are reflected in the understanding of social support as a significant predictor of depression in the postpartum period and the implementation of the social component in the system of support and assistance to pregnant women and mothers. Conclusions Recognizing the factors that cause mood disorders after childbirth is an important part of the diagnosis and prevention of postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a non-psychotic postpartum mood disorder that can last up to 12 months postpartum. The etiological disorder is still not differentiated because it is differentiated through a bio-psycho-social basis.
... … Depression" (yes or no). Region and outcome (perinatal depression), not on the causal and based on literature (Canady et al., 2008;Dolbier et al., 2013;Segre et al., 2006). ...
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Aim To estimate the association between feeling upset by experiences of racism and self‐reported depression during pregnancy among non‐Hispanic Black women using a large population‐based sample from the United States. Design We conducted a secondary analysis of nationally representative cross‐sectional survey data with retrospective measures. Methods Analysis of Phase 8 (2018) data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System survey included 7328 non‐Hispanic Black respondents with a recent live birth from 11 states and New York City. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to estimate the association between self‐report of feeling upset due to experience of racism during the year prior to delivery and self‐reported depression during pregnancy, controlling for potential confounders. Results The prevalence of feeling upset due to experiences of racism was 11.4% and the prevalence of depression during pregnancy was 11.4%. Respondents who reported feeling upset due to the experience of racism had over two‐fold higher odds (OR 2.37, 95% CI 1.67, 3.37) of experiencing depression during pregnancy compared to respondents who did not report feeling upset due to the experience of racism, adjusted for maternal age, educational attainment, marital status, pre‐pregnancy insurance type, region, and pre‐pregnancy depression. Conclusion Respondents who felt upset due to the experience of racism in the year prior to delivery experienced significantly higher odds of depression during pregnancy, and thus are at an increased risk for adverse maternal outcomes. Impact Stress from racism and racial discrimination during the perinatal period may contribute to maternal morbidity, including perinatal depression, among Black women. No Patient or Public Contribution The data in this study were collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System. To our knowledge, the conduct of the study did not include patient or public contribution. Neither did the analysis, interpretation, nor manuscript preparation include patient or public contribution because we did not have funding to support the study or their involvement.
Introduction: Understanding the incidence and predictors of postpartum depression (PPD) among active-duty service members is critical given the importance of this population and its unique stressors. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of all active-duty U.S. Army soldiers with a record of at least one live-birth delivery between January 2012 and December 2013. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to estimate associations between demographic, health-related, and military-specific variables and diagnoses of PPD in the total population (N = 4,178) as well as in a subpopulation without a record of depression before delivery (N = 3,615). Results: The overall incidence of PPD diagnoses was 15.9% (N = 664 cases) among the total population and 10.4% (N = 376 cases) among those without prior depression. Statistically significant predictors of PPD in the adjusted model included lower pay grade, a higher number of prior deployments, a higher number of child dependents, tobacco use, and a history of depression or anxiety before or during pregnancy. For soldiers without a history of depression, lower pay grade, and a history of anxiety before or during pregnancy were significantly associated with PPD. Conclusions: Knowing the predictors of overall and novel onset PPD diagnoses in this population could help establish clearer guidelines on PPD prevention, screening, management, and return to duty.
In deze studie is onderzoek gedaan naar de effectiviteit van een prenatale interventie ter bevordering van een gezonde co-ouderrelatie voor ongehuwde moeders en vaders met een laag inkomen die hun eerste kind verwachten. Aan deze studie namen 180 moeder-vader dyades van Afrikaans-Amerikaanse en gemengde afkomst deel. De dyades zijn random toegewezen aan de controlegroep van de gebruikelijke behandeling (TAU) (doorverwijzing en hulp bij het vinden van bestaande hulpverlening) of aan de behandelgroep (TAU en zes dyadische Focused Coparenting Consultation [FCC] sessies). 71 % van de dyades die hebben deelgenomen aan de prenatale beginmeting heeft ook meegewerkt aan de follow-upmeting drie maanden na de bevalling. De moeders én de vaders hebben vragenlijsten ingevuld over co-ouderschap, betrokkenheid van de vader, fysiek en psychisch partnergeweld en symptomen van depressie. Uit de intent-to-treat-analyses blijkt dat (a) de moeders in de interventiegroep drie maanden na de bevalling positiever zijn over de co-oudercommunicatie dan de moeders uit de controlegroep, (b) de vaders in de interventiegroep volgens de moeders significant meer tijd met hun kind doorbrengen dan de vaders in de controlegroep, (c) de ouders in de interventiegroep een significante afname laten zien van psychisch partnergeweld, in tegenstelling tot de ouders in de controlegeroep en dat (d) zowel moeders als vaders in beide groepen een afname van symptomen van depressie laten zien. Deze bevindingen wijzen erop dat de FCC-interventie tijdens de overgang naar het ouderschap bescheiden maar belangrijke voordelen heeft voor ongehuwde Afrikaans-Amerikaanse co-ouders met een laag inkomen.
Purpose: To examine the experiences of postpartum depression among U.S.-born women of color via an integrative review. Study design and method: Databases searched were PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, and PsycInfo. Sample inclusion criteria included qualitative research published in English that explored U.S.-born women of color's experiences of postpartum depression. There was no time limitation on when studies were published. Krippendorff's thematic content analysis method was used. Results: In this integrative review, eight qualitative studies investigating Black and Hispanic women's postpartum depression experiences and eight blog postings were synthesized. Five themes were identified that described postpartum depression experiences of Black and Hispanic women: (1) Struggling with an Array of Distressing Symptoms, (2) Cultural Stigma as a Powerful Roadblock, (3) Complicating Barriers to Seeking Much-Needed Professional Help, (4) Support as a Lifeline or "Just Pulling Yourself up by Your Bootstraps," and (5) Preferences for Help with Postpartum Depression. Clinical implications: Cultural stigma of mental illness plus lack of knowledge of postpartum depression were strong barriers to women of color seeking timely professional mental health care. Nurses can share information about perinatal mental illness with women in cultural communities to help decrease stigma and increase mental health literacy. All health care providers and policy makers need to focus attention on the impact that women of color's economic and social stressors have on their postpartum depression.
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Recent reports in the literature on the health status of southwestern Hispanics, most of whom are Mexican Americans, are reviewed critically. The review is organized into the following sections: infant mortality, mortality at other ages, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, other diseases, interview data on physical health, and mental health. Despite methodological limitations of much of the research, it can be concluded with some certainty that the health status of Hispanics in the Southwest is much more similar to the health status of other whites than that of blacks although socioeconomically, the status of Hispanics is closer to that of blacks. This observation is supported by evidence on such key health indicators as infant mortality, life-expectancy, mortality from cardiovascular diseases, mortality from major types of cancer, and measures of functional health. On other health indicators, such as diabetes and infectious and parasitic diseases, Hispanics appear to be clearly disadvantaged relative to other whites. Factors explaining the relative advantages or disadvantages of Hispanics include cultural practices, family supports, selective migration, diet, and genetic heritage. The recently completed Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey will go a long way to provide answers to many questions regarding the health of Hispanics in the Southwest or elsewhere.
In the 1970s, following the publication of influential papers by authors such as Caplan (1974), Cassel (1976), and Cobb (1976), investigators began to study social support (Norbeck, 1988). One oft-cited early study highlighted the potential importance of social support in pregnancy by considering social support as an element of “psychosocial assets” and showing that pregnant women with a combination of high life stress and few psychosocial assets experienced more pregnancy complications than did women with low life stress and a higher level of psychosocial assets (Nuckolls, Cassel, & Kaplan, 1972). Since then, a number of studies have attempted to clarify the role of social support in pregnancy outcomes.
The difficulties inherent in obtaining consistent and adequate diagnoses for the purposes of research and therapy have been pointed out by a number of authors. Pasamanick12 in a recent article viewed the low interclinician agreement on diagnosis as an indictment of the present state of psychiatry and called for "the development of objective, measurable and verifiable criteria of classification based not on personal or parochial considerations, but on behavioral and other objectively measurable manifestations."Attempts by other investigators to subject clinical observations and judgments to objective measurement have resulted in a wide variety of psychiatric rating scales.4,15 These have been well summarized in a review article by Lorr11 on "Rating Scales and Check Lists for the Evaluation of Psychopathology." In the area of psychological testing, a variety of paper-and-pencil tests have been devised for the purpose of measuring specific
This longitudinal study examined depression symptoms among pregnant, low-income, urban Latinas, primarily Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, receiving obstetrical services in community health centers. In all, 106 women were interviewed in late pregnancy, 47 were interviewed again 2 to 3 weeks postpartum, and 42 three months postpartum. Elevated levels of depressive symptoms were evident in 53% of the original sample. Across time, depressive symptoms decreased significantly; however, a decreased score was strongly related to number of negative life events. Social support scores were minimally related to depressive symptomatology. Service recommendations based on these findings include conducting third-trimester assessments of life events experienced during the past year and screening for depression to better identify women at risk of late pregnancy to postpartum–persistent depressive symptoms. More research and clinical attention on dysphoric states in pregnant Latinas and understanding the consequences of impaired perinatal mental health on maternal well-being and infant outcomes are needed.
reviews past research on social support during pregnancy in 2 sections: (1) research on social support and birth outcomes and (2) research linking social support to maternal emotions and behavior in pregnancy / with these reviews as an empirical basis clearly documenting the importance of support in pregnancy, a third section . . . examines ethnic and cultural issues integral to understanding social support processes in pregnancy / [the authors' emphasis] is on Latino or Hispanic culture (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The impact of maternal depression and adversity on mother-infant face-to-face interactions at 2 months, and on subsequent infant cognitive development and attachment, was examined in a low-risk sample of primiparous women and their infants. The severe disturbances in mother-infant engagement characteristic of depressed groups in disadvantaged populations were not evident in the context of postpartum mood disorder in the present study. However, compared to well women, depressed mothers were less sensitively attuned to their infants, and were less affirming and more negating of infant experience. Similar difficulties in maternal interactions were also evident in the context of social and personal adversity. Disturbances in early mother-infant interactions were found to be predictive of poorer infant cognitive outcome at 18 months. Infant attachment, by contrast, was not related to the quality of 2-month interactions, but was significantly associated with the occurrence of adversity, as well as postpartum depression.
This review examines whether children of depressed mothers have elevated rates of psychopathology, and if so, why. The mothers studied ranged from the clinically depressed to those with depressed mood only, and both empirical and theoretical literatures were reviewed. Maternal depression was associated with undesirable parenting practices such as unresponsiveness, inattentiveness, intrusiveness, inept discipline, and negative perceptions of children. Age-typical forms of child psychopathology accompanied maternal depression and associated stressors such as marital discord. Methodological limitations include small, unrepresentative, and heterogeneous samples, depressed parents' unverified reports of child problems, and insensitivity to developmental differences. Incomplete theoretical explanations focus on limited sets of maternal characteristics or highly restricted child age ranges. Needed are methods to predict child adjustment outcomes, attending particularly to parent-child goodness-of-fit, and the role of the father and siblings.
The development of a 10-item self-report scale (EPDS) to screen for Postnatal Depression in the community is described. After extensive pilot interviews a validation study was carried out on 84 mothers using the Research Diagnostic Criteria for depressive illness obtained from Goldberg's Standardised Psychiatric Interview. The EPDS was found to have satisfactory sensitivity and specificity, and was also sensitive to change in the severity of depression over time. The scale can be completed in about 5 minutes and has a simple method of scoring. The use of the EPDS in the secondary prevention of Postnatal Depression is discussed.