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In vitro mutation breeding of Anthurium by gamma radiation


Abstract and Figures

In vitro plantlet regeneration in a number of Anthurium (Anthurium andreanum) varieties was achieved from callus cultures derived from young, tender leaf explants on Nitsch's (1969) medium. Apart from the time period for callus induction, no differences in terms of regeneration were noted amongst the three varieties tested. Callus induction was found to be more rapid and prolific when Nitsch medium containing BA (1 mg L -1) and 2,4-D (0.1 mg L -1) with a reduced concentration of ammonium nitrate (200 mg L -1) was used. Shoot formation occurred when BA concentration was reduced to 0.5 mg L -1 and the ammonium nitrate level increased to 720 mg L -1 . Regenerated shoots rooted readily on Nitsch medium containing IBA (1.0 mg L -1). Rooting was improved significantly by the addition of activated charcoal (0.04%) to the medium. When explants (leaves, seeds, in vitro plantlets) were irradiated, best response was observed with the 5 Grays (Gy) treatment in terms of callus formation and regeneration while the 15 Gy dose was lethal to the Anthurium tissues. The phenotypic results indicated a boosting effect of the 5 Gy dose on the leaf tissues. The variability in the responses observed seemed to indicate some mutation, both positive and negative, at the cellular level of the tissues. However, no difference in RAPD profiles were noted between the DNA fingerprints of the mother plant and that of the irradiated tissues using a limited number of primers.
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In Vitro Mutation Breeding of Anthurium by Gamma Radiation
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius
Author’s e-mail:
In vitro plantlet regeneration in a number of Anthurium (Anthurium andreanum) varieties was achieved from callus
cultures derived from young, tender leaf explants on Nitsch’s (1969) medium. Apart from the time period for callus
induction, no differences in terms of regeneration were noted amongst the three varieties tested. Callus induction was
found to be more rapid and prolific when Nitsch medium containing BA (1 mg L-1) and 2,4-D (0.1 mg L-1) with a reduced
concentration of ammonium nitrate (200 mg L-1) was used. Shoot formation occurred when BA concentration was
reduced to 0.5 mg L-1 and the ammonium nitrate level increased to 720 mg L-1. Regenerated shoots rooted readily on
Nitsch medium containing IBA (1.0 mg L-1). Rooting was improved significantly by the addition of activated charcoal
(0.04%) to the medium. When explants (leaves, seeds, in vitro plantlets) were irradiated, best response was observed with
the 5 Grays (Gy) treatment in terms of callus formation and regeneration while the 15 Gy dose was lethal to the
Anthurium tissues. The phenotypic results indicated a boosting effect of the 5 Gy dose on the leaf tissues. The variability
in the responses observed seemed to indicate some mutation, both positive and negative, at the cellular level of the
tissues. However, no difference in RAPD profiles were noted between the DNA fingerprints of the mother plant and that
of the irradiated tissues using a limited number of primers.
Key Words: Mutation; Breeding; Anthurium; Gamma; Radiation
Species within the genus Anthurium, family Araceae,
are highly prized for their exotic flowers and foliage which
make demand for propagating material and new cultivars
high. In Mauritius commercial cultivation of anthurium
started about 30 years ago and over the years, anthurium has
undoubtedly become one of the most economically
important crops in Mauritius. In the year 2000, 95% of the
flowers exported consisted of anthurium, showing its
significance in our horticultural industry. The number of
blooms produced kept on increasing, with about 9.2 million
exported in the year 1990 and increasing to over 15 million
in 1995. The horticulture industry, in general, has flourished
within a few decades. Statistics show that in the year 1996,
income from flower export was only Rs 99,000 while by the
year 2000; it increased to Rs 127 million. At present,
however, Mauritius is facing severe competition from
countries such as the Netherlands, Hawaii and China which
is emerging as a potential producer of anthurium. Recently,
there has been a continued decline in production and the
price fetched on the world market. Our main anthurium
export markets are Japan, Italy, France and Taiwan and a
smaller amount is exported to Hong-Kong, South Africa,
the United States and Germany. The main constraints faced
by the anthurium sector presently are its high cost of
production, the high air-freight charges, lack of proper
marketing system, lack of adequate technical support,
scarcity of growing medium, no insurance cover to protect
against damage and no cold chain distribution facility. Also,
the traditional locally grown commercial varieties are
running out of fashion and have low market value. Earlier,
Mauritius was over-dependent on the Dutch varieties.
However, an imposition of ban on import of tissue-cultured
plantlets in the early 1990’s made access to new varieties
difficult and growers were unable to respond to the
changing market.
Anthurium is conventionally propagated by seeds and,
therefore, cultivation is hindered by problems due to the
inherent heterozygosity. Although traditional techniques of
vegetative propagation such as the use of stem cuttings and
suckers exist, they are tedious and not practical when carried
out on a large scale. Tissue culture greatly increases the
normal multiplication rate of plants and can provide a
source of clean material which has become increasingly
important due to outbreak of bacterial and other diseases
such as anthracnose, blight, leaf spot, root knot and bacterial
wilt caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. diffenbachiae.
The method for in vitro production of plantlets of
Anthurium andreanum was first developed by Pierik et al.
(1974). The production of in vitro plants directly from
proliferating axillary buds (Kunisaki, 1980), adventitious
buds (Cen et al., 1993), leaf or petiole organogenic callus
culture (Pierik et al., 1974; Pierik, 1975, 1976; Finnie &
Van Staden, 1986; Kuehnle & Sugii, 1991) and from
somatic embryos derived from in vitro grown leaf blade
explants (Kuehnle et al., 1992) has been reported. Geier
(1982) working on Anthurium scherzeranium was also able
to develop plantlets from spadix explants and later from
leaves. All workers found that there was great variation in
the requirements of different genotypes. Methods for several
other varieties may have been worked out by commercial
establishments but these are not available for general use.
Hence, we have undertaken to develop suitable methods or
PUCHOOA / Int. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 7, No. 1, 2005
modify existing ones for tissue culture of three varieties of
Anthurium. This will be of great help in micropropagation
and for future in vitro breeding work to develop resistant
Mutagenic agents have been used to induce useful
phenotypic variations in plants for more than 70 years
(Foster & Twell, 1996). A large number of mutant lines
have been isolated from many plants and these have been
used for plant research and crop breeding purposes (Evans,
1962). For anthurium, new techniques are needed for further
improving crop cultivars apart from the traditional plant
breeding. Mutation breeding is therefore being proposed as
a means to create additional variation. The application of
ionizing radiation, chemical mutagens as well as somaclonal
variation from tissue culture is quite common in the creation
of genetic variation. Novel plant mutants like maize, alfalfa,
potato, banana, and barley among others and other cell lines
of agricultural and industrial interests generated from tissue
culture have also been quite popular (Collin & Dix, 1990).
Different sources of plant tissues such as seeds, pollen,
and other cell systems have been employed in studies
related with mutagenesis of a number of plant species
(Redei, 1970; Lindgren, 1975; Feldmann et al., 1994). For
seeds, both chemical and irradiation methods for inducing
mutations have proved to be highly efficient (Redei, 1970;
Koornneef et al., 1982; Haunghn & Somerville, 1987).
Physical mutagens like ionizing radiations (X-rays, gamma
rays and neutrons) and UV light, and also a series of
chemical agents are common examples of mutagenesis
techniques that have a high efficiency at generating
mutations in plants, animals as well as bacteria.
Furthermore, the outcomes of these treatments can at least
be predicted to a certain extent.
As yet, relatively few sequences of irradiation-
mutagenised genes in plants have been published. However,
recent work with irradiation mutants of Arabidopsis
supports the general assumption that irradiation causes
single- and double-strand breaks which result in
chromosomal rearrangements. These studies have also
indicated that deletions may be accompanied by other local
chromosomal alterations, such as insertions and inversions,
not detectable at the cytological level (Wilkinson &
Crawford, 1991). The commonly used mutagenic agents
cannot produce new genes but in fact they only alter those
present in the treated genotype. Ionizing radiation, for
instance, generates chromosomal breaks which, following
DNA repair, result in a variety of chromosomal aberrations.
Gene mutations are less frequent than chromosomal
mutations, which include translocations, inversions,
deletions and deficiencies. Mutations in the narrow sense
affect parts or sections of a gene, either single base pairs or
groups of them. Exchange of base pairs or alterations of
their sequence may change the primary gene product and by
way of a more or less complicated chain reaction of events
ultimately lead to a modified phenotypic expression of one
or several traits. Sometimes the gene is affected in such a
way that it cannot code for any product. The recovery of
mutants induced by high levels of mutagens is limited by
somatic effects, such as reduced viability, growth
abnormalities and reduced fertility. Therefore, every
mutagen has a most effective dose, which produces the
maximum level of mutagenesis with minimal somatic
effects. Mutated genes often appear to be somewhat weak in
their phenotypic expression and under heterozygous
conditions, can be classified as recessive.
The successful outcome of a mutation depends on the
efficient induction of mutations as well as the efficient
recognition and recovery of the desired mutant plants or
mutant genes. From the variety of mutagenic agents that are
available, each has their particular merits. For example,
some may induce predominantly point mutations and others
chromosomal rearrangements. Also, some can penetrate
multi-cellular plant structures, while others cannot and they
may be more easily available or safer than other mutagens.
Apart from the choice of the proper mutagenic agent, the
dosage and the treatment conditions are important.
Consideration must also be given to the plant materials
treated such as the stage in the life cycle of the plant or plant
organs, the sensitivity of the plant species to the effects of
the mutagenic agents and the possible genotypic differences
in sensitivity to the mutagenic treatments.
Tissue Culture Studies
Plant materials. Anthurium andraeanum plants grown in
the University farm shadehouse were used for the
experiments. All plants were fertilized monthly with
13:13:20:2 soluble fertilizer containing micronutrients. The
plants were also treated with a fortnightly spray of a mixture
of 4 g L-1 Welgro, 3 g L-1 Microthiol, 2 g L-1 Peropal, 4 g L-1
Lannate and 4 mL L-1 Fenitrothion.
Explant preparation and sterilization. Young unfolded
leaves were collected and briefly washed under running tap
water. Pre-sterilization was done on the whole leaf by
soaking in a solution of 0.6% Benlate (benomyl) for 30 min.
Sterilization consisted of washing the leaves with diluted
liquid soap and thorough rinsing with tap water followed by
a dip in 70% alcohol for 30 sec and soaking in 1.5% sodium
hypochlorite, containing two drops of Tween 20. After 20
min of gentle agitation, the leaves were rinsed three times in
sterile distilled water with 15 min in each rinse and a final
rinse for 30 min. The leaves were then cut into explants of 1
to 2 cm2 and inoculated abaxially onto callus induction
Culture medium and culture conditions. The following
culture media were used:
(1) Modified MS (Murashige & Skoog, 1962) medium with
macronutrients at half strength, full-strength MS
micronutrients, 100 mg L-1 myo-inositol and MS vitamins
and (2) Modified Nitsch (1969) medium and vitamins. For
callus culture, the ammonium nitrate concentration of this
medium was reduced to 200 mg L-1 but for regeneration and
rooting, it was increased to 720 mg L-1. All media contained
8.0 g L-1 agar (Oxoid, Technical Grade No.3), 30 g L-1
sucrose and different concentrations and molar ratios of 2,4
- D and BA as shown in Table I. Medium pH was adjusted
to 5.8 with KOH before adding the agar. Media were
autoclaved for 15 min at 1210C and dispensed as 25 mL
aliquots into 125 mL glass jars. In an attempt to speed up
rooting, activated charcoal (0.04%) was added to the media.
For callus induction, explants were grown in a culture
environment at 25 ± 2
0C with continuous darkness. For
regeneration experiments, the calli were grown at 25 ± 20C
with a 16 h photoperiod and a light intensity of 5.0 Wm-2
provided by daylight-type fluorescent lamps. Plantlets were
hardened by potting in vermiculite and growing them in a
mist house with very low light intensity and keeping the
humidity as high as possible.
A completely randomized design was used for all
experiments. Each treatment consisted of six replications
(jars) with two explants in each jar. All the experiments
were run twice. The final data are reported as an average of
12 replications with 24 explants in each treatment. Data
were recorded as the number of explants per jar producing
callus after two months in culture, their fresh and dry
weights and the percentage of shoots regenerated from the
Irradiation Studies. The irradiation was carried out at the
‘Entomology Department’ of the Agricultural Research and
Extension Unit (AREU). For the irradiation studies, seeds,
callus and leaves of tissue-cultured plantlets of anthurium,
variety Nitta, were used throughout the experiment. The
apparatus used for irradiation is kept in a highly protected
area with restricted access as strong radiation may be
emitted. It consisted of a radiation cell and the dose rate had
to be calculated. The cell was rotated to enable the dose
rates to be uniform throughout. The gamma rays doses used
were 5, 10 and 15 Grays and had to be regulated according
to the time of exposure of the plantlets to the ionising
radiation emitted from 137Cs (Caesium) radioactive
compound. The equivalent time lapse were obtained
through a series of calculations as the irradiation fluctuates
with time due to the changing half - life of the compound
and with the capacity of the apparatus.
Following irradiation, the plantlets were kept in
culture for at least 2-4 weeks before any molecular work
was performed. DNA was extracted from each irradiated
explants and their profiles compared to that of the mother
Molecular Studies
DNA Extraction
Solutions. Extraction buffers consisting of 3% Sarkosyl
(v/v), 0.2 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.8), 50 mM EDTA (pH 8.8), 0.5
M NaCl, 0.1% and 1% β-mercaptoethanol, and 2.5%
polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP - Mr 10,000), were prepared. In
addition, chloroform : Isoamyl alcohol (24:1), 70% and
80% ethanol, sodium acetate and a TE buffer consisting of
10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and 1 mM EDTA (pH 8.0) were
also needed.
DNA Isolation and Purification Procedures. Unbruised
tender pieces of leaves were ground in liquid nitrogen into a
fine powder. Two grams of leaf material was weighed and
placed on a pre-cooled mortar. Liquid nitrogen was poured
onto the sample and allowed to evaporate completely. The
leaf sample was macerated with the pestle to produce small
pieces. The latter were added to 15 mL of pre-heated (650C)
extraction buffer. The mixture was incubated for 4 h at 650C
with constant shaking at intervals followed by cooling to
room temperature (R.T) with gentle shaking on a shaker at
45 rpm. An equal volume of chloroform : isoamyl alcohol
was added to the mixture. The tubes were mixed gently for
5 min at R.T to produce a uniform emulsion. The latter was
centrifuged at 5000 g for 10 min at R.T. The supernatant
was transferred to a new Corning tube using a micropipette.
Second chloroform: isoamyl alcohol extraction was
performed. The supernatant was carefully decanted and
transferred to a new tube followed by precipitation with 2/3
volume of isopropanol. The precipitated nucleic acids were
collected and washed twice with the buffer (70% ethanol, 10
mM sodium acetate, TE (1X): 1 mM Tris, 0.1 mM EDTA,
pH 8.0). The pellets were air dried and re-suspended in TE.
The dissolved nucleic acids were brought to 1.4 M NaCl
and re-precipitated using 2 volumes of 70% ethanol (If the
pellet obtained was hard to re-suspend, this step was
repeated one more time). The pellets were washed twice
using 80% ethanol, dried and re-suspended in 100 μL of TE
buffer. The tube was incubated at 650C for 5 min to dissolve
genomic DNA followed by RNase treatment.
Measurement of Amount and Purity of DNA. The yield
of DNA per gram of leaf tissue extracted was measured
using a UV-VIS Spectronic Genesys 5 (Milton Roy)
spectrophotometer a 260 nm. The purity of DNA was
determined by calculating the ratio of absorbance at 260 nm
to that of 280 nm. Pure DNA has a ratio of 1.8 ± 0.1 (Clark,
1997). Polysaccharide contamination was assessed by
calculating the ratio of absorbance at 260 nm to that of 230
Method for PCR (RAPD analysis). Reagents used - Target
DNA (10-100ng), oligonucleotide primers (10-mers Primers
OPA 18, OPB 17, OPB 18, OPB 20, OPC 05, OPD 01 and
OPW 04), sterile de-ionised distilled water, Taq polymerase,
dNTP mix (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP), light mineral oil,
agarose (Sigma, Molecular biological grade), TBE buffer
(X0.5), Molecular marker VI, Gel-loading buffer (ULB –
0.25% bromophenol blue, 0.25% xylene cyanol FF, 30%
Table I. Plant Growth Regulators additives (in mg L-
1) for each of the stages of the culture
Additive Callus initiation Shoot development Rooting
BA 1.0 0.5 0.0
2,4 - D 0.1 0.0 0.0
IBA 0.0 0.0 0.1
Experimental design, data collection and analyses
PUCHOOA / Int. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 7, No. 1, 2005
glycerol in water; Stored at 4 0C), Ethidium bromide (10 mg
The reaction mix was prepared on ice for the PCR
analysis. Table II gives the reagents used per PCR tube.
The reaction mix was dispensed into the reaction tubes. The
Taq Polymerase was added last. One drop of mineral oil
was added to each tube to prevent evaporation during
reaction. The tubes were placed in the thermal cycler and
the PCR program for RAPD was then run - reaction
initiation at 94oC for 2 min followed by cycles at: 94oC for 1
minute, 35oC for 1 min and 72oC for 1 min. Forty such
cycles were done.
Tissue Culture Studies
Pre-sterilization and sterilization. Contamination was a
major problem encountered during this study. Fungal
contamination appeared during the first week of inoculation
while contamination due to the presence of internal
contaminants, appeared after three weeks in culture. The
pre-sterilization and sterilization methods devised, reduced
the contamination level considerably (<10%), independent
of variety. However, the concentration of Benlate used
during pre-sterilization and the number and duration of
rinses in sterile distilled water following sterilization was
crucial. Benlate at concentrations higher than 0.6% caused
the leaves to become chlorotic while residual sodium
hypochlorite caused the explants to become necrotic.
Effect of media and plant growth regulators
concentrations. Various concentrations of cytokinin (BA)
and auxin (2,4 - D) added to either modified Murashige and
Skoog (1962) medium or modified Nitsch (1969) medium
were tested in a preliminary experiment. Of the two media
tested, Nitsch (1969) with reduced ammonium nitrate
concentration (200 mg L-1), proved to be the best for callus
induction (Table III). For regeneration, best results were
again obtained with Nitsch medium but with the ammonium
nitrate concentration increased to 720 mg L-1 (Table IV) The
same response was noted for all varieties under
BA (1 mg L-1) and 2,4 - D (0.1 mg L-1) induced callus
in all three varieties. Callussing also occurred at lower and
higher concentrations but at much lower frequencies. Callus
induction began after two weeks in culture and was
produced along cut edges of the leaf explants. Incubation in
continuous darkness was found to enhance callussing. The
calli were firm and pale yellow in colour. Callus formation
was more prominent when veins, major or minor, were
present on the explants. This can be explained by the
presence of metabolically active phloem tissues which are
capable of growth in culture as well as retaining some of
their endogenous growth factors for additional stimulation
of explant growth (Finnie & Van Staden, 1986). Division
and subculture of the callus was done every 12 weeks. Fig. 1
shows the mean fresh and dry weights of callus of the three
varieties over a period of 70 days.
Transferring callus from the callus induction medium
to Nitsch basal medium (720 mg L-1 NH4NO3)
supplemented with BA (0.5 mg L-1) and culturing for 16h
per day to an illumination of 5.0 Wm-2, caused shoot
formation and a depression in callus growth. The shoots
were both adventitious and axillary in nature. Table VI
shows the effect of growth regulators on shoot formation.
The number and size of shoots produced per culture varied
considerably in all three varieties.
Allowing the regenerated shoots to stand for over two
months on Nitsch (1969) basal medium supplemented with
BA (0.5 mg L-1) caused spontaneous rooting to occur.
However, transferring the shoots to Nitsch (1969) basal
medium supplemented with IBA (1.0 mg L-1), improved
Table II. Reagents for PCR reactions
Reagents Stock molarity Molarity required Volume used
Water (Nanopure) _ _ 19.4
PCR Buffer 10 x 3.0
dNTP mix 100 mM 200 μM 2.4
Primer 50 μM 20 picomoles 4.0
Taq polymerase 250 U (5 U/μL) 1 μL 0.2
DNA Template Variable Variable (10-100 ng) 1.0
Total Volume/tube 30.0
Table III. Influence of ammonium nitrate
concentration on callus initiation from leaf segments
of different varieties of A. andraeanum after 4 weeks
in culture in complete darkness and supplemented
with BA (1 mg L-1) and 2,4 - D (0.1 mg L-1).
Variety NH4NO3 conc. (mgL-1) % Explants forming callus
Osaki 200* 100
720** 12.5
825*** 0
Nitta 200* 100
720** 12.5
825*** 0
Anouchka 200* 100
720** 8.3
825*** 0
* Modified Nitsch medium, ** original Nitsch medium, ***modified
MS medium
Table IV. Influence of ammonium nitrate
concentration on shoot development from callus,
obtained from leaf explants grown on modified
Nitsch medium, of different varieties of A.
andraeanum cultured under low light intensity and
supplemented with 0.5 mgL-1 BA
Variety NH4NO3conc.
(mgL-1) % callus forming
shoots No of shoots per
Nitta 200* 16.7 1-5
720** 100 >10
825*** 8.3 1-5
Osaki 200* 20.8 1-5
720** 91.7 >10
825*** 8.3 1-5
Anouchka 200* 12.5 1-5
720** 87.5 >10
825*** 0 0
*modified Nitsch medium, **original Nitsch medium,*** modified
MS medium.
rooting and this was further enhanced when activated
charcoal (0.04%) was added to this medium. The level of
ammonium nitrate used (720 mg L-1) was essential for
rooting as a reduced level (200 mg L-1) delayed rooting.
(Table VII)
Illumination was also found to be an important factor
in the rooting of shoots as callus of all three varieties, grown
in the dark on the above medium, did not produce any
shoots. As observed by Geier (1982) while working with
leaf explants of Anthurium scherzeranium, the time of
rooting was related to the extent of shoots and leaflet
development; the larger shoots with more prominent leaflets
forming roots quicker. Plantlets with well-developed roots
were hardened by transplanting in vermiculite and growing
in a mist house with very low light intensity and high
humidity. No losses were observed and the plantlets were
transferred to the shade house after two months. However,
considerable losses were observed in plantlets without roots
or poorly developed roots when transferred to vermiculite.
Irradiation studies. Apart from the control where the
explants were not irradiated, the other explants were
subjected to three doses of irradiation (5, 10 & 10 Gy). The
parameter to determine dose-dependent irradiation damage
was the survival of the explants after irradiation. The effects
of irradiation on seeds after eight weeks following the
treatments are shown in Fig. 2.
The higher the dose of radiation, the higher was the
mortality rate of seeds. Seeds irradiated at 5 Gy also showed
better growth response in the modified Nitsch’s (1969)
medium. They grew faster and more vigorously, producing
shoots within six weeks of culture.
The effects of increasing doses of gamma rays on
callus during eight weeks in culture are shown in Fig 3. By
the 4th week, the numbers of calli from the 5 Gy treatments
were highest as compared to the 10 Gy, 15 Gy and even the
control. By week 8, all the explants treated at 15 Gy died. In
Table V. Comparison of growth regulator
supplements to modified Nitsch medium in callus
induction from three A. andraeanum varieties
incubated in complete darkness.
Medium BA (mgL-1) 2,4 - D (mgL-1) % Callusa
1 0.5 0.0 0
2 1.0 0.0 0
3 1.5 0.0 16.7
4 0.0 0.1 25
5 0.5 0.1 33.3
6 1.0 0.1 100
7 1.5 0.1 75
8 0.0 0.5 75
9 0.5 0.5 83.3
10 1.0 0.5 75
11 1.5 0.5 75
a Expressed as a mean for the three varieties.
Table VI. Effect of growth regulators on shoot
formation from callus obtained from leaf explants
grown on modified Nitsch medium supplemented
with BA (1 mgL
-1) and 2,4 - D (0.1 mgL-1) and
transferred to original Nitsch medium.
BA (mgL-1) 2,4 - D (mgL-1) % Shootsa
0.5 0.0 100
1.0 0.0 66.7
0.5 0.1 50
1.0 0.1 50
0.5 0.5 33.3
1.0 0.5 33.3
a Expressed as a mean for the 3 varieties. Evaluation after 2 months
under low light.
Table VII. Effect of growth regulators on rooting (%
response) after two months in culture on original
Nitsch medium (720 mgL-1) at low light intensity
BA (mgL-1)
0 0.5 1.0
0 0 (0) 66.6 (16.6) 20.8 (4.1)
IBA (mgL-1) 0.5 58.3 (20.8) 50 (12.5) 25 (8.3)
1.0 83.3 (25) 50 (12.5) 41.6 (8.3)
Figures expessed as a mean for the three varieties. Figures in brackets
represent% response using 200 mgL-1 NH4NO3. All media contained
0.04% activated charcoal.
Fig. 1. Mean fresh weight and dry weight of callus of
the three varieties
0 1428425670
Time ( Days)
Weight (g)
Fr. w t. (N)
Fr. w t. (O)
Fr. w t( A)
Dr y w t .( N)
Dr y w t .( O)
Dr y w t .( A)
Fr wt.: Fresh weight. N: Nitta. O: Osaki. A: Anouchka.
Fig. 2. Number of seeds surviving after irradiation
Response of seeds after irradiation
0 week
2 weeks
4 weeks
6 weeks
8 weeks
Time (weeks)
Number of seeds
0 Gy
5 Gy
10 Gy
15 Gy
PUCHOOA / Int. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 7, No. 1, 2005
vitro grown leaf explants also showed similar response.
Fig. 4 shows some of the response observed when the
explants were treated at different gamma rays doses. Several
morphological changes were observed in plantlets
regenerated following irradiation. The variability in the
responses indicates that the radiation doses may have caused
mutation. Explants irradiated at 5 Gy gave very good
response indicating the boosting effect of the 5 Grays doses.
The 15 Gy dosages were lethal to most of the explants.
Molecular studies. The results of the different
spectrophotometer readings and the amount of DNA
obtained following extraction from leaves of non-irradiated
and irradiated plantlets are shown in Table VIII
A series of PCR reactions were carried out to
determine the optimum MgCl2, DNA template, primers and
dNTP concentrations to be used for the analysis. From the
results obtained, it was found that using 2.0 mM MgCl2, 200
µM dNTP and 20 picomoles of primer gave satisfactory
banding patterns. Using either 10 or 20 ng of genomic DNA
did not reveal any difference. Out of the seven primers of
arbitrary nucleotide sequences chosen to amplify genomic
DNA, all were able to amplify PCR products. Results of a
preliminary study to compare the banding patterns obtained
when using primer OPB 17 and OPC 05 are shown in fig.
5a and 5b respectively. Both monomorphic (Fig. 5b) and
polymorphic bands were observed (Fig. 5a).
The sharp bands given for the marker VI correspond to
base pairs of 2176, 1766, 1260, 1033, 653, 517, 453, 394
and 293, respectively).
The bands given in the DNA sample were compared
with that of the given marker through visual estimations.
The results obtained using other primers following
the optimization are shown in Fig 6a and 6b. Some of the
results obtained from the DNA extracted from irradiated
explants and using the limited number of available
primers, are shown in Fig 7 and 8.
After DNA extraction from the irradiated calli and
from leaves of anthurium, variety Nitta under the same
conditions, the above results were obtained. All four calli
DNA gave similar patterns, and these corresponded to that
from the mother plant. Hence, at this level no difference in
the banding patterns was observed.
Here again, the similar patterns that were obtained
showed that the polymorphisms at the genome level of the
Anthurium callus and leaf tissues were not demonstrable
from the RAPD analysis.
Several workers have reported the variation in the
requirements of different genotypes of Anthurium in tissue
culture (Fersing & Lutz, 1977; Kunisaki, 1980; Geier,
1982). Although methods for several commercial varieties
have been worked out, they are not available for general
use. The results reported in this paper demonstrate that a
single medium can be used for the in-vitro culture of three
different varieties of Anthurium andraeanum. Apart from
the time taken for callus induction, there were no genotypic
differences in the ability of the callus to regenerate shoots
and eventually plantlets.
The influence of the ammonium level on shoot
initiation from Anthurium andraeanum callus was first
reported by Pierik and Steegmans (1976) and Pierik et al.,
(1979). In this study, the level of ammonium nitrate used
had a significant effect on callus formation and
regeneration. Callus initiation was quicker on modified
Nitsch’s medium (200 mg L-1 NH4NO3) supplemented with
2,4 - D (0.1 mg L-1) and BA (1 mg L-1) than original
Nitsch’s medium supplemented with the same growth
regulators. The cultivar Nitta was the first to respond
followed by Osaki while callus initiation took longer in the
case of Anouchka. This beneficial effect of the low NH4NO3
level was also observed by Geier (1982) while working with
Anthurium scherzerianum. The inability of the leaf explants
to initiate callus on modified Murashige and Skoog’s (1962)
medium with half-strength macronutrients (825 mg L-1
NH4NO3) further confirms the efficiency of using a low
level of ammonium nitrate during callus induction in the
cultivars Nitta, Osaki and Anouchka. This is contrary to the
findings of Finnie and Van Staden (1986). Geier (1982)
obtained shoot regeneration from callus of A.scherzeranium
on modified Nitsch’s medium (200 mg L-1) supplemented
with BA (1 mg L-1) and 2,4-D (0.1 mg L-1). However, we
observed no regeneration in all the three varieties, using this
Table VIII. Spectrophotometric readings and DNA
concentration from irradiated explants
Gamma ray
dose (Gy) A 230 A 260 A 280 A 260/A 230 A 260/A 280 DNA conc
0 0.063 0.128 0.068 2.032 1.882 0.640
5 0.057 0.108 0.057 1.895 1.895 0.540
10 0.045 0.095 0.054 2.102 1.759 0.475
15 0.019 0.034 0.021 1.789 1.619 0.170
Fig. 3. Survival rate of calli
0 week 2
weeks 4
weeks 6
weeks 8
0 Gy
5 Gy
10 Gy
15 Gy
level of ammonium nitrate. Instead, shoot regeneration from
callus occurred when original Nitsch’s medium (720 mg L–1
NH4NO3) supplemented with BA (0.5 mg L-1) was used.
This level of ammonium nitrate was also found to be
necessary for rooting, which was more prominent when
original Nitsch’s medium supplemented with 1.0 mg L-1
IBA was used. This was true for all the three varieties
In this experiment, rooting was enhanced by the
addition of activated charcoal (0.04%) to the medium.
Although the precise role of activated charcoal in tissue
cultures is unknown, it seems to be involved in the removal
of substances from media that promotes unorganised growth
(Friedborg & Eriksson, 1975). Growing cells excrete large
amounts of phenyl acetic acid and derivatives of benzoic
acid (Friedborg et al., 1978), which accumulate in the
medium and possibly have negative effects on
differentiation. Phenolic compounds have also been
demonstrated in plant tissue cultures (Butcher, 1977) and
have been shown to affect differentiation in tobacco callus
(Lee & Skoog, 1965). It is possible that phenyl acetic acid
and benzoic acids are not in themselves responsible for the
inhibition of root formation in tissue cultures, but their
presence indicates a block of a biosynthetic pathway, which
is necessary for normal organ development. Other
compounds, alone or in combination, may also be active as
inhibitors in plant tissue cultures and activated charcoal
adsorbs these as well.
Regulation of auxin and cytokinin balance has long
been recognized as a key factor in the control of cell
division and organogenesis in tissue culture (Murashige,
1977). Our research demonstrated that exogenously applied
BA (1.0 mg L-1) and 2,4 - D (0.1 mg L-1) was essential for
callus induction from leaf explants of all the three varieties
Fig 4 (a). Irradiated seeds
(0 Gy, 5 Gy, 10 Gy & 15
Gy) after 8 weeks in
Fig. 4 (b). Plantlet
regeneration on the 5 Gy
treated explants
Fig. 4 (c). Plantlet
showing sign of necrosis
following 10 Gy treatment
Fig. 4 (d). Plantlet
following 15 Gy dose
Fig. 5a. Results using Primer OPB 17
LANES 1 2 3
(Lane 1: DNA template (10 μg); Lane 2: Negative control; Lane 3:
Marker VI)
Fig. 5b. Results using Primer OPC 05
LANES 1 2 3
(Lane 1: DNA template (20 μg); Lane 2: Negative control; Lane 3:
Marker VI).
PUCHOOA / Int. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 7, No. 1, 2005
of Anthurium. Shoot regeneration from the callus occurred
when BA (0.5 mg L-1) alone was used while rooting
required removal of the BA from the medium and addition
of IBA (1 mg L-1). The difference in regeneration capacity
and mode of regeneration at concentrations higher and
lower than optimum may be explained on the basis of
variation in the endogenous levels of these growth
hormones in leaf tissues. Similar observations regarding the
role of endogenous hormone levels in determining the shoot
forming-capacity of tomato leaf disks have been reported
(Kartha et al., 1976; Frankenberger et al., 1981). Another
Fig. 6(a) Amplification product using primer
OPB 18
Lanes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Lane 1: Molecular marker VI; Lanes 2 – 5: DNA samples from
the two replicates; Lane 6: Negative control.
Fig 6 (b) Amplification product using primer
OPW 04 (Lanes 2 – 5) and OPD 01 (Lanes 6 – 9)
Lanes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lane 1 & 10: Molecular marker VI; Lanes 2 – 9: DNA samples
from the different replicates.
Fig. 7. Using Primer OPB 20
Lanes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lane 1: Marker VI, Lane 2: DNA from leaf explants, Lane 3: DNA
5 Gy (irradiated), Lane 4: DNA 10 Gy (irradiated), Lane 5: DNA 15
Gy (irradiated), Lane 6: DNA 0 Gy (not irradiated)/ control, Lane 7:
Negative control
Fig. 8.Using Primer OPA 18
Lanes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Lane 1: Marker VI, Lane 2: DNA from leaf sample, Lane 3: DNA 5
Gy, Lane 4: DNA 10 Gy, Lane 5: DNA 15 Gy, Lane 6: DNA 0 Gy
study (Elliot et al., 1987) has also demonstrated that a
critical endogenous level of growth regulators has to be
attained before cell division and organogenesis could occur.
Apparently, callus induction from leaf was not
dependent on light, which is contrary to the findings of
Finnie and Van Staden (1986), where light was found to be
essential. However, we found that low light intensity levels
considerably enhanced shoot regeneration. These results are
consistent with the studies of Pierik et al., 1974, 1979 and
Geier (1982) on plant growth regulator and light action in
organ differentiation in a number of Anthurium varieties.
Increased shoot formation with a slight increase in light
intensity levels has also been reported in other plant species
(Hughes, 1981).
In this study, it is also demonstrated that no genotypic
variation exists in terms of regeneration from callus for the
varieties Nitta, Osaki and Anouchka. Regeneration occurred
in all genotypes via an intermediary callus phase; no direct
shoot regeneration from leaf explants was observed. The
phenomenon of genotypic differences in callus formation
and regeneration capacity in other varieties of Anthurium
has been reported earlier (Kunisaki, 1980; Geier, 1982;
Kuehnle & Sugii, 1991).
A matter of interest for plant breeders is the use of
mutagens, in combination with in-vitro cultures, to create
genetic variation. The Anthurium variety “Nitta” was
maintained for the irradiation studies since it had responded
earlier than the other tested varieties under in vitro
conditions. Here, explants like seeds, leaf pieces and
plantlets of the same variety were subjected to the three
doses of gamma-rays (5, 10 & 15 Gy) from the 137 Cs
radioactive compound. Similar results obtained for the
different explants showed the reproducibility of the
radiation effects of the radiation on Anthurium tissues.
From the experiments on seed culture for example, the
5 Gy treatment showed a higher survival rate (70% at week
8) as compared to the other. The results were even better
than those obtained from the “control” experiments, both in
terms of survival rate (60%) and in the morphological
variation of the seeds in culture. The calli and plantlets also
expressed better responses at the 5 Gy but lethality at the 15
Gy doses, whereas the 10 Gy treated explants were
moderately lethal to the radiation. These observations
demonstrated the probable mutations that have taken place
in the anthurium tissues due to the gamma radiation. Apart
from the dose effects, the responses were controlled by a
number of parameters, including the genotype, the type of
explant, the orientation of the explant on the culture
medium, and the origin of the explant from the mother plant
(Douglas, 1985).
Tissue-cultured based mutagenesis has been employed
for many years to generate novel plant mutants and cell
lines of agricultural and industrial interest (Collin & Dix,
1990). Somaclonal variation, which can induce a range of
gross chromosomal alternations, (as well as more limited
gene mutations) has been studied as possible route for
generation of novel genetic variation (Evans & Sharp,
1986). The factors responsible for the in vitro origin of
chromosomal structural changes (or chromosome
mutations) and gene mutations are not known. In several
cases, hormones, especially 2,4-D or other hormone
combinations are suspected of causing such changes. In fact,
it is more likely that these hormones may act as mutagens
and favour mutation by influencing metabolism (D’Amato,
1985). Moreover, the physical mapping and DNA
sequencing of loci mutagenised by irradiation and chemicals
in plants has provided more precise information about these
different types of DNA alterations. For irradiation by
gamma rays, the occurrence of insertion or inversion
changes could explain the occurrence of mutation.
However, the mutation frequency may be influenced
by a number of factors such as the mechanism of mutagen
action (Sparrow, 1961; Griffiths et al., 1993), target gene
size and nucleotide composition (Haughn & Somerville,
1987; Bichara et al., 1995), genomic location (Swoboda et
al., 1993; Brown & Sundaresan, 1991), chromatin structure
(Jackson, 1991; Shaffer et al., 1993), replication timing
(Salganik, 1983), efficiency of DNA repair (Britt et al.,
1993; Veleminsky & Gichner, 1978) and transcriptional
activation (Schlissel & Baltimore, 1989; Zehfus et al., 1990;
Lindahl, 1991). The frequency of a particular mutation can
be underestimated if a degree of elimination occurs (Butler,
1977; Dellaert, 1980; Vizir et al., 1994). The recovery of
mutants induced by high levels of mutagens is limited by
somatic effects, such as reduced viability, growth
abnormalities and reduced fertility. Therefore, every
mutagen has a most effective dose, which produces the
maximum level of mutagenesis with minimal somatic
This could be the case for the 5 Gy treatment that
produced minimal damages to the Anthurium tissues. In
fact, the better responses observed could suggest that the
type of chromosomal alterations that took place eventually
produced a change in the morphology. This was expressed
under in vitro conditions. The higher gamma-ray doses may
have produced other modifications that caused necrosis of
the tissues and calli. However, from the RAPD-profiles,
these genomic changes could not be detected. The base-pair
sequences for the DNA extracted from tissues irradiated at
the three doses gave similar banding patterns. From these
results, it showed that the RAPD was inefficient in detecting
the more precise genomic alterations that have occurred due
to the gamma rays. In fact, from the use of RAPD, it was
expected that polymorphisms resulting from mutations or
rearrangements either at or between the primer binding sites
could be detected as the presence or absence of
amplification products.
Acknowledgements. The author wishes to thank the
Mauritius Research Council for funding this project, Mrs
S Malhotra who initiated this project, the technicians and
technical assistants at the Faculty of Agriculture and the
University of Mauritius for support of this work.
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(Received 01 September 2004; Accepted 10 November 2004)
... According to Martin et al. (2003) explants with young brown lamina were superior to young green leaf lamina. Puchooa (2005) reported that proximal part of tender leaf lamina produces the maximum shooting response compared to the mid and distal part of leaf lamina. ...
... This could be due to increased number of dedifferentiating cells at the proximal end. The observation was in support to the findings by Puchooa (2005). Callus induction was found to occur from the cut edges of pale greenish brown, young leaf lamina but faster callusing response was obtained from the midrib and vein region of the explant. ...
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The present study entitled “Genotypic evaluation and in vitro multiplication of anthurium (Anthurium andreanum Linden) hybrids” was carried out at the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, during 2017-19. The study was undertaken to evaluate anthurium hybrids for commercial qualities and their mass multiplication through in vitro techniques. For variability analysis, 20 Anthurium andreanum Linden hybrid genotypes maintained at the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture, Vellayani were utilized. When the selected hybrids were evaluated in completely randomized design with five replications, wide range of variations were observed among the qualitative as well as quantitative traits. The mean number of inflorescence year-1 ranged between 6.4 (HR x MR) and 2.2 (CR x KR). Spathe size was maximum for HoR x KR (112.30 cm2) and the minimum for HR x MR (27.60 cm2). The longest post-harvest vase life was observed for HoR x KR (24.4 days) which was on par with LJ x OG (23.4 days). The components of variation namely genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) and phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) were analysed. High PCV and GCV were observed for the characters number of suckers plant-1, number of leaves spadices-1 plant-1 year-1, spathe size, leaf area, number of flowers spadix-1, spadix length, duration of interphase, inclination of candle with spathe, anthocyanin content, vase life and number of inflorescence year-1. Thus, selection for these characters would result in improvement of the genotype. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance were observed for plant height, leaf area, number of leaves spadices-1 plant-1 year-1, spathe size, spadix length, number of flowers spadix-1, days to initiation of female phase, duration of female phase, inclination of candle with spathe, anthocyanin content, vase life and number of inflorescence year-1. This indicated that expression of these traits were controlled by additive gene action and improvement could be achieved for these traits by direct phenotypic selection. Correlation analysis with genotypic correlation coefficients revealed significant positive correlation of number of inflorescence year-1 with characters such as number of leaves spadices-1 plant-1 year-1, number of suckers plant-1 and vase life. An improvement in positively correlated characters would enhance the number of inflorescence year-1. Path coefficients were worked out with number of inflorescence year-1 as the dependent variable and other correlated characters as component variables revealed that all the three positively significant, correlated characters had positive direct effect with the dependent variable. Path analysis further proved direct association of traits such as number of leaves spadices-1 plant-1 year-1, number of suckers plant-1 and vase life with flower yield of anthurium hybrids accounting for more than 70 per cent of variation in flower yield. From experiment I, six hybrid genotypes namely HR x MR, LJ x OG, OG x NO, HoR x KR, PR x HR and HR x LR with superior flower yield attributing traits and qualitative characters were selected for in vitro mass multiplication study. For in vitro culture, pale greenish brown young leaf lamina, 5 to 10 days after unfolding of leaf, collected from healthy and mature plants were used as explant. Proper control measures were taken for control of bacterial blight and anthracnose diseases so as to obtain disease free explants. Surface sterilization of leaf explants with 5.0 per cent sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes followed by 0.1 per cent mercuric chloride for 5 minutes was found to be the best and resulted in 87.5 per cent explant survival. For all the hybrids the highest callus induction percentage was recorded by modified half strength MS medium supplemented with 200 mg L-1 NH4NO3 + 1.0 mg L-1 BA + 0.5 mg L-1 2,4 D + 30 g L-1 sucrose + 6.0 g L-1 agar. The explants were cultured in darkness for callus induction and later the callus was subcultured in the same culture medium for two months for multiplication. For shoot regeneration, the multiplied callus was subcultured to regeneration medium and a photoperiod of 16 hours light and eight hours dark was provided. Of the various regeneration treatments, half strength MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg L-1 BA showed shoot initiation response ranging from 50.0 (LJ x OG and HR x LR) to 87.5 (OG x NO and HoR x KR) per cent among the hybrids. The fastest shoot regeneration was observed for the hybrid HR x MR (62.20 days) and slowest for LJ x OG (77.25 days). Rooting response preceded shooting response in all the hybrids in the same regeneration medium. To summarize the research results revealed the presence of wide range of variability among the 20 anthurium hybrid genotypes for the 29 characters studied. Most of the quantitative traits were controlled by additive gene action permitting direct selection for improvement. Traits such as number of leaves spadices -1 plant-1 year-1, number of suckers plant-1 and vase life had positive significant correlation and direct association with flower yield in anthurium hybrids. Genotypic differences were evident from in vitro mass multiplication studies on the six superior hybrids. Modified half strength MS medium supplemented with 200 mg L-1 NH4NO3 + 1.0 mg L-1 BA + 0.5 mg L-1 2,4 D + 30 g L-1 sucrose + 6.0 g L-1 agar was the most suitable for callus induction and callus multiplication while shoot initiation, proliferation of shoot and root were the highest and faster in the same basal medium supplemented with 0.5 mg L-1 BA. Large scale multiplication of the superior hybrids and profit generation can be achieved through the tissue culture protocol that was standardized in the present study. The promising commercially superior anthurium hybrids identified in the study can be used in further crop improvement programmes.
... The application of gamma-ray mutagenesis has been pivotal in citrus breeding and the development of a plethora of new crop varieties across various non-citrus species. Examples include the creation of hardier strains of coriander, the development of new tomato varieties with enhanced traits, the breeding of unique Anthurium flowers, and the improvement of yield in mung bean [18][19][20]. Furthermore, gamma-ray mutagenesis has been instrumental in identifying mutants with significant agricultural implications, such as the semi-dwarf wheat mutant jg0030, which maintains robust yield characteristics [21], and the self-compatible apple mutant Morioka #61-G-827, which represents a breakthrough in apple breeding [22]. ...
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Citrus unshiu Marc. cv. Miyagawa-wase is one of the most widely cultivated citrus varieties on Jeju Island in Republic of Korea. Mutation breeding is a useful tool for inducing genetic diversity by causing genomic mutations in a short period of time. We previously conducted mutation breeding using gamma irradiation to develop new varieties of C. unshiu. Here, we describe one of these varieties, Yein-early, which has a redder peel, greater hardness, and higher sugar content compared with the wild type (WT). Yein-early leaves also showed a unique phenotype compared with the WT, characterized by longer longitudinal length, shorter transverse length, stronger curling, and longer petiole length. Genome resequencing of Yein-early and the WT uncovered significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions/deletions (InDels). These variations were crucial in identifying molecular markers unique to Yein-early. In addition, we developed an allele-specific PCR marker specifically targeting a homozygous SNP in Yein-early that distinguishes it from the WT and other citrus varieties. This study contributes to the understanding of pigment synthesis in fruits and provides a valuable tool for selection of the novel Yein-early variety in citrus breeding programs.
... The most common gamma source is cobalt-60 (⁶⁰Co), though cesium-137 (¹³⁷Cs) is also effective. Gamma rays can penetrate deeply into cells and interact with atoms or molecules to produce free radicals, which can damage or modify essential plant components depending on the level of irradiation [7]. Hence, this experiment was carried out to find the lethal dose for gamma rays and to induce variability in gladiolus using the same physical mutagen. ...
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Gladiolus is one of the most popular cut flowers cultivated in India, and it is excellent for inducing physical mutagenesis. The present study was carried out to determine the optimal lethal dose for gamma rays and to induce mutations through gamma irradiation in two gladiolus varieties, Arka Amar and Arka Thilak. The corms of both varieties were irradiated with gamma ray of doses 25, 40, 55 and 70 Gy using a gamma chamber with 60Co as the radiation source. The mortality rate of the plants increased significantly with increasing radiation doses, with Arka Thilak showing higher sensitivity. The LD50 (lethal dose) values were determined as 58.22 Gy for Arka Amar and 58.31 Gy for Arka Thilak through probit analysis. Based on the LD50, the effective doses were fixed as 45, 50, 55, 60 and 65 Gy, along with a control, for both varieties. Corms of gladiolus varieties were then treated with the selected doses of gamma radiation to induce physical mutation. Six treatments of each variety were evaluated in factorial completely randomized design with three replications. The characters like number of leaves per plant, length and diameter of the floret, and plant height were highest in Arka Thilak treated with 45 Gy. The number of spikes per plant and spike length were highest in the same variety treated with 50 Gy. In Arka Amar, the length of leaf blade and field life were maximum at 45 Gy, and a greater number of florets per spike was observed at 50 Gy. Among the treatments, lower doses promoted better growth, whereas higher doses had detrimental effects. Attractive colour mutants were obtained in Arka Amar at higher doses. The study suggest the ability of gamma irradiation to induce beneficial mutations in gladiolus, creating opportunities for breeding new varieties with improved ornamental traits.
... Regenerated shoots rooted readily on Nitsch medium containing IBA (1.0 mg L-1). Rooting was improved significantly by the addition of activated charcoal (0.04%) to the medium (Puchooa, 2005). The duration of tissue culture cycle from leaf explant through complete plantlets is 11 months for sprout induction and leaf development and two months for root formation. ...
Zinnia is one of the most popularly growing summer season’s annual ornamental flowering plant belongs to the family Asteraceae. It requires hot and dry climate for its growth and development. The requirement of soil pH should be either neutral to slightly alkaline or slightly acidic to neutral. The ideal soil for zinnia cultivation should be rich in organic matter and well drained. Optimum temperature required for the growth of zinnia varied from 21-25 °C. The ideal temperature range for seed germination is from 23-28 °C. Propagation is mainly done through seeds. Dead heading is done for better growth of flower. Harvesting is done after the anthesis.
... Red, green, orange, purple, and white are the common spathe colours of commercial varieties (Jayaprada & Geekiyanage, 2017). There is a constant global demand for novel spathe colours (Puchooa, 2005). The genetic basis of spathe colour is determined by two major genes named M and O in conventional breeding. ...
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Corresponding author (; This article is published under the Creative Commons CC-BY-ND License ( This license permits use, distribution and reproduction, commercial and non-commercial, provided that the original work is properly cited and is not changed in anyway. Abstract: The anthurium is a popular cut flower worldwide having red, pink, coral, white, green, or brown spathes. There is a constant demand for new flower colours in the commercial market. Flower colour in plants is mainly determined by anthocyanins. Understanding anthocyanin variation and other factors affecting anthurium spathe colour is important for genetic engineering approaches. Therefore, our objectives were to assess the factors affecting colour variation of selected commercially available cut flower anthuriums and to determine the associated regulatory networks and transcription factors (TFs). Nineteen commercial cut flower anthurium cultivars were selected for this purpose. The colour of the spathe surface, anthocyanin location, anthocyanidin type and vacuolar pH were recorded. Anthocyanin associated Gene Network Model generation and analysis were carried out. The CIELAB colourimeter procedure indicated the colour variation among the selected 19 cultivars in terms of colour type, colour intensity, chroma, and hue angle. The location of anthocyanin was limited to mesophyll and epidermal cells. Cyanidin was detected in tested anthurium cultivars as the main anthocyanidin. The pH gradient in pigment extracts indicated a variation with a range of 4.6 to 4.94. The gene pathways of anthocyanin biosynthesis and transport were associated with that of the vacuolar pH/H + pump according to Gene Network Model. Three pathways were regulated by an R2R3-MYB transcription factor. Although, cyanidin was the only pigment in all the tested cultivars, different pH levels by R2R3-MYB regulated V-H + synthase was suggested to be the cause of the high colour variation in addition to the anthocyanidin type and location. Our results indicate the application of R2R3-MYB transcription factor genes for desirable vacuolar pH maintenance in genetic engineering of the blue anthurium in the future.
... Red, green, orange, purple, and white are the common spathe colours of commercial varieties (Jayaprada & Geekiyanage, 2017). There is a constant global demand for novel spathe colours (Puchooa, 2005). The genetic basis of spathe colour is determined by two major genes named M and O in conventional breeding. ...
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The anthurium is a popular cut flower worldwide having red, pink, coral, white, green, or brown spathes. There is a constant demand for new flower colours in the commercial market. Flower colour in plants is mainly determined by anthocyanins. Understanding anthocyanin variation and other factors affecting anthurium spathe colour is important for genetic engineering approaches. Therefore, our objectives were to assess the factors affecting colour variation of selected commercially available cut flower anthuriums and to determine the associated regulatory networks and transcription factors (TFs). Nineteen commercial cut flower anthurium cultivars were selected for this purpose. The colour of the spathe surface, anthocyanin location, anthocyanidin type and vacuolar pH were recorded. Anthocyanin associated Gene Network Model generation and analysis were carried out. The CIELAB colourimeter procedure indicated the colour variation among the selected 19 cultivars in terms of colour type, colour intensity, chroma, and hue angle. The location of anthocyanin was limited to mesophyll and epidermal cells. Cyanidin was detected in tested anthurium cultivars as the main anthocyanidin. The pH gradient in pigment extracts indicated a variation with a range of 4.6 to 4.94. The gene pathways of anthocyanin biosynthesis and transport were associated with that of the vacuolar pH/H+ pump according to Gene Network Model. Three pathways were regulated by an R2R3-MYB transcription factor. Although, cyanidin was the only pigment in all the tested cultivars, different pH levels by R2R3-MYB regulated V-H+ synthase was suggested to be the cause of the high colour variation in addition to the anthocyanidin type and location. Our results indicate the application of R2R3-MYB transcription factor genes for desirable vacuolar pH maintenance in genetic engineering of the blue anthurium in the future.
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This study was carried out during two successive seasons 2018 and 2019 at El-Kanater El-Khyreia, Horticulture Research Station of Hort. Res. Institute (Kaluobia Governorate), Agriculture Research Center (ARC), Egypt, the present investigation was carried out to study the effect of four gamma rays doses, 30, 60, 90 and 120 Gy in addition to Gy 0 (control), on yield and its components of Taro during two generations (M1and M2) in the two growing seasons 2018 and 2019. 120 Gy had lethal effect where it resulted in no germination. The results showed highly significant mean squares for all the studied traits in both two generations indicating considerable variations between the four treatments, while, phenotypic coefficient of variation was higher than that of genotypic coefficient of variation for all traits. Gamma ray affected widely the genetic variation making it good way to select new lines in taro. The 30 Gy dose was the best producing maximum variation in M2 generation. Selection was done on the plants under that dose to select the better plants were selected according to high vegetative growth, plant height, number of leaves per plant, number of corms, corm length, corm weight and diameter as well as corm shape index. Results of evaluated M2 generation clones can be summarize as follows: selection based on weight of corm was efficient to increase total yield and corm quality, the clone's number 3, 4 and 5 produced the highest number of corms / plant and the highest corm weight. the selected clone's number 3, 4 and 5 are recommended for cultivation in Delta Governorates Egypt.
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Gamma-ray irradiation is one of the most widely used mutagens worldwide. We previously conducted mutation breeding using gamma irradiation to develop new Citrus unshiu varieties. Among these mutants, Gwonje-early had an ovate shape, a protrusion of the upper part of the fruit, and a large fruit size compared with wild-type (WT) fruits. We investigated the external/internal morphological characteristics and fruit sugar/acid content of Gwonje-early. Additionally, we investigated genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertion/deletion (InDel) variants in Gwonje-early using whole-genome re-sequencing. Functional annotation by Gene Ontology analysis confirmed that InDels were more commonly annotated than SNPs. To identify specific molecular markers for Gwonje-early, allele-specific PCR was performed using homozygous SNPs detected via Gwonje-early genome re-sequencing. The GJ-SNP1 and GJ-SNP4 primer sets were effectively able to distinguish Gwonje-early from the WT and other commercial citrus varieties, demonstrating their use as specific molecular markers for Gwonje-early. These findings also have important implications in terms of intellectual property rights and the variety protection of Gwonje-early. Our results may provide insights into the understanding of morphological traits and the molecular breeding mechanisms of citrus species.
The chapter covers mutation work (mutagens, working dose, mutants) carried out throughout the world on approximately 120 ornamental crops.
Chimera may develop through spontaneous mutation or through treatment with physical and/or chemical mutagens. Management of chimera is very important operation in induced mutagenesis. Different propagules having buds with multicellular apices when treated with mutagens, automatically leads to the formation of chimeras. Mutated cell is exposed to the so called diplontic selection i.e. the competition between the mutated cell and the surrounding non-mutated ones. The mutated cell develops into a chain/group of cells and finally a cell layer. The size of the mutant sector varies from a narrow streak on a petal to entire flower and from a portion of a branch to the entire branch. Isolation of mutant tissue is possible through conventional propagation methods when an entire branch is mutated. To isolate and establish the mutated chimeric tissues in a pure form, appropriate tissue culture method of plant regeneration directly from mutant organ/ florets was standardized. Using this direct shoot regeneration protocol a number of new flower color/shape mutations have been isolated through management of induced and spontaneous mutant chimeric tissues.
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High yields of viable cultures of Anthurium andreanum were obtained with the use of small explants of vegetative buds and a long disinfestation soak. Explants were grown into plantlets in modified Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 15% coconut water (by volume). For clonal increase, best results were obtained when stem sections from asepti-cally grown plantlets were cultured in medium containing 6-benzylamino purine (BA) at 0.2 mg/liter. There was no further increase in number of shoots at higher BA concentrations but callus growth increased and shoots were stunted.
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Leaf explants of seven cultivars of Hawaiian anthuriums (Anthurium andraeanum Linden ex André cv. Kaumana, Kozohara, Marian Seefurth, Mauna Kea, Nitta, Ozaki, and Paradise Pink) produced callus most successfully after 2 to 3 months on a modified Pierik medium containing 0.36 μ m 2,4-D and 4.4 μ m BA. Petiole explants callused best on Pierik modified Pierik, and Finnie and van Staden media. Long-term cultures of callus from Univ. of Hawaii anthurium selections UH965, UH1060, and UH1003 were maintained for 12 to 13 months and were still capable of plantlet regeneration. Adventitious plantlets were recovered from callus plated on a Kunisaki medium containing 2.2 or 22 μ m BA. Regeneration appeared to be organogenic rather than embryogenic and varied among the genotypes tested. Chemical names used: N- (phenylmethyl)-1H-purin-6-amine (BA); (2,4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid (2,4-D).
The growth of callus tissue from adult A. andraeanum plants was best in a modification of Murashige and Skoog's medium. On this medium genotype A 42-3 reached a fresh weight multiplication rate of 30.7 when grown for 5 weeks at a rotation speed of 120 rev/min, at 25 deg C and in continuous darkness. The fresh weight multiplication rate of 6 other genotypes of the same species varied considerably when grown on the best medium for A 42-3. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)
Barley and maize plants were analysed anther by anther or thecum by thecum for waxy pollen grains. The mutant cluster size depends on the time for mutation induction. Single mutant pollen grains were considerably more common than expected, indicating that the mutation rate in meiosis is considerably higher than in somatic cell generations. This is true both for spontaneous and induced mutations. Relatively seen, spontaneous mutations seemed to take place in meiosis more often than those induced by chronic irradiation.A major technical difficulty in the evaluation procedure was to estimate the influence of mutant clusters caused by several independent mutational events. It was found that around two thirds of all clusters were formed in this way.
We find that recombination between two alleles of the maize A1 locus that contain transposon insertions at known molecular positions can occur at 0.04-0.08 cM per kbp (centimorgan per kilobase pair), which is two orders of magnitude higher than the recombination rate for the whole maize genome. It is however, close to the rates found within the bronze locus, another maize structural gene for which both genetic and molecular data are available. This observation supports the idea that the genome consists of regions that are highly recombinogenic - in some cases, at least, structural genes - interspersed with regions that are less recombinogenic.
Twenty-one tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) genotypes were evaluated for shootforming capacity from leaf disc explants. Quantitative differences in shoot-forming capacity were present among the genotypes. A diallel cross was performed using 6 parental genotypes selected for diversity in shoot-forming capacity. The linear regression of hybrid shoot formation on mid-parent values revealed a high heritability for shoot-forming capacity (h2 = 0.98). General combining ability effects, measuring additive gene action, accounted for a large part of the shoot-forming variability within the F1 hybrids of the diallel cross. Specific combining ability, measuring dominance or epistasis, was also significant. In the Jinks and Hayman analysis, recessive genes were associated with high shoot-forming capacity in 2 of 3 high shoot-forming genotypes.
Leaf explants of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentumMill. cv. Starfire) were cultured in vitro on Murashige and Skoog medium under controlled environmental conditions. Growth and morphogenetic responses of the explants to cytokinins and auxins were compared at different concentrations and combinations. Combinations of benzyladenine (BA) and indoleacetic acid (IAA) were more effective in inducing shoot differentiation than those of BA and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Multiple shoot differentiation on the calli occurred at 10 μM BA with various concentrations of IAA. Rooting of the differentiated shoots was readily achieved by culturing the shoots on medium containing no growth hormones. Kinetin (K) in conjunction with IAA or NAA failed to induce shoot differentiation. Shoot and root differentiation also occurred at 0.1 μM zeatin (Z) + 10 μM IAA or 1 μM Z + 0.1 μM IAA. When used alone, BA or Z at 5 μM induced complete plant regeneration from the callus. Large numbers of regenerated plantlets were transferred to pots and grown to mature plants.