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Emerita Bañados 533
CALICO Journal, 23 (3), p-p 533-550. © 2006 CALICO Journal
A Blended-learning Pedagogical Model for
Teaching and Learning EFL Successfully
Through an Online Interactive
Multimedia Environment
Universidad de Concepción
Faced with the need to teach English to a large number of students, the Univer-
sidad de Concepción, Chile, has created an innovative Communicative English
Program using ICT, which is made up of four modules covered in four academic
terms. The English program aims to develop integrated linguistic skills with a
focus on learning for authentic communication. The program has been imple-
mented in a blended-learning (b-learning) pedagogical model that includes: (a)
learners’ work with UdeC English Online, software conceived as the backbone
of the entire Communicative English Program, (b) online monitoring, (c) face-
to-face EFL teacher-led classes, and (d) conversation classes with native speak-
ers of English. The online software is an interactive multimedia environment
which houses all the materials and ICT tools that learners need in one central
web platform. Some of the core concepts underlying its design are multimodal
L2 input exposure, enhanced input, learner-fit content delivery, interaction (hu-
man-computer, human-human, and intrapersonal) through computer supported
collaborative and individual learning tasks, as well as a more human-like dimen-
sion for positive and corrective feedback. This paper describes the elements of
the b-learning model, issues about its implementation, and results obtained in the
piloting of its first module.
EFL and ICT, Blended Learning, E-Learning, Interactive Multimedia Environments for
SLA, Feedback, Teachers’ Roles
The government of Chile seeks to offer Chilean citizens equal opportunities to
build the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a highly competitive glob-
al environment in a new scenario of trade agreements with the United States, the
Asia-Pacific region, Canada, and the European Union. Two of these so called
“skills for the coming challenges” (as agreed on by the Ministers of Education
534 CALICO Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3
of the participating economies in Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation 2004 in
Santiago, Chile) are (a) proficiency in English and (b) competence in the use of
information communication technology (ICT).
The average level of English that Chilean students learn at state-maintained and
subsidized schools is insufficient to enable them to function effectively. Diagnos-
tic assessment figures1 show that after more than 600 hours of instruction the ma-
jority of students do not reach a basic level of performance. The Ministry of Edu-
cation has therefore allocated resources to improve and strengthen the teaching
and learning of English in the present decade at the public school level through
programs such as “English Opens Doors” ( and at
select tertiary educational institutions through MECESUP projects (http://www.
Today, when students finish their study programs, they are faced with a highly
competitive work force that currently calls for professionals with a high profi-
ciency in English, especially in speaking. Faced with this reality, the Universidad
de Concepción (, one of the three leading universities in the
country with an enrollment of 20,000 students coming mainly from state-main-
tained or subsidized schools, has relied on the potential of ICT to create a system
to teach English more effectively. The main goal is to facilitate students’ proac-
tive participation in an increasingly global society and give them opportunities to
have an equal chance of success when applying for a job—or for a scholarship to
pursue graduate studies—on a par with professionals from more privileged eco-
nomic sectors in which there are greater opportunities to learn foreign languages.
In 2001, the university won a MECESUP grant,2 which gave rise to the creation
of UdeC English Online, an interactive multimedia language learning program on
a web-based platform, that was conceived as the backbone of a new Communica-
tive English Program at the university.
The English program aims to develop integrated linguistic skills, with an empha-
sis on listening comprehension and oral production and a focus on learning for
authentic communication. It has been implemented through a blended learning (b-
learning) strategy. In general, b-learning is defined as a combination of technol-
ogy and classroom instruction in a flexible approach to learning that recognizes
the benefits of delivering some training and assessment online but also uses other
modes to make up a complete training program which can improve learning out-
comes and/or save costs. According to some authors, there are as many b-learning
models as there are organizational challenges (Reid-Young, 2003; Marsh, McFad-
den, & Price, 2003).
Our model combines (a) learners’ independent work on a dedicated platform
with the UdeC English Online software, (b) face-to-face EFL classes led by teach-
ers who are also students’ online tutors, (c) online monitoring carried out by these
teachers, and (d) weekly conversation classes with native speakers of English.
The decision concerning the elements to be included in our blend was made tak-
ing the following factors into account:
Emerita Bañados 535
1. Students’ preferences for learning methods
The information obtained through target learners’ focus groups showed
that students prefer face-to-face classes to online learning. They mentioned
the feelings of isolation they had experienced in other subjects they had
taken in an e-learning fashion. They expressed the wish that even though
teachers may place the learning materials and the tasks on the website, they
want more opportunities for face-to-face interaction with the teacher and
peers, something which they regard as fundamental for their motivation.
2. Students’ need to communicate effectively in English
Technology would give learners more opportunities for exposure to L2 in-
put and interaction, with the possibility of many hours of independent work
at their own pace.
3. Students’ need to reach two goals: learning English and mastering ICT
Students need to achieve not only the goal of learning English effectively
but also mastering the use of ICT.
The complete Communicative English Program is made up of four modules
implemented in the UdeC English Online web platform and lasts a total of two
academic years. Each module runs over a 15-week term, including 1 week at
the beginning of the term for system familiarization sessions and for diagnostic
evaluation and 1 week at the end of the term for final assessment. Each module
contains about 100 hours of interactive language learning tasks.
The linguistic competence level to be achieved through the modules has been
determined in line with the levels of the Common European Framework (http:// Learners are expected to reach an “independent user” B-1 level,
although a B-2 level might also be expected for hard-working learners. Students
are currently asked to complete the European Language e-Portfolio (ELP) (http:// to help them reflect on their language-
learning process and to plan their learning objectives.
A topic-based, learner-centered curriculum has been designed to meet learners’
needs and interests. Syllabus content has been developed taking account of the
target learners’ profile that emerged from work carried out with focus groups on
campus. This profile included information about learners’ personal motivation to
learn English, their favorite free-time activities, plans to study or work abroad,
and information they believed a person would need to be able to communicate
when living in a foreign country. They also reported on their expectations for an
English course and their perceptions of a good English teacher.
Through Modules 1 and 2 students learn the language they need to know in or-
der to meet people, talk about part-time jobs, free-time activities, people, places,
and so forth. Module 3 builds on the daily-life situations of recent graduates who
may wish to travel to English-speaking countries to pursue graduate studies or ca-
reers. Module 4 deals with working in an English cultural environment; students
536 CALICO Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3
get practice in job interviews and learn about interpersonal relations, customs, and
The English program integrates a combination of task-based language-learning
approaches with content-based instruction and computer-supported collaborative
learning (Flowerdew, 1993; Long & Crookes, 1992; Nunan, 1989; Pica, Lincoln-
Porter, Paninos, & Linnell, 1996; Doughty & Long, 2003; Warschauer, 1997;
Warschauer & Kern, 2000; Warschauer, Shetzer & Meloni, 2000). Students are
encouraged to develop their autonomous learning abilities and to work towards
fulfilling their language-learning goals. It has a strong cultural component aiming
at the development of the learners’ cultural awareness (Canale & Swain 1980; By-
ram & Fleming, 1998) and at learning the target language together with features
of its culture. In conversation classes, both Chilean students and American teach-
ers work together discussing their commonalities as well as their differences and
exchange information about their cultural backgrounds. Research findings show
that developing a positive attitude towards the target language culture or foster-
ing an integrative orientation focusing on similarities between L1 and L2 cultures
facilitates language acquisition (Robinson, 1993).
In this language-learning system, the computer plays the role of a tool (Crook,
1994; Levy, 1997; Kern & Warschauer, 2000) because it provides the media that
students use to access information and to interact with other speakers in English.
It serves as a resource and catalyst for socially constructed knowledge and un-
derstanding (Snyder & Palmer, 1986; Penfield, 1987; Papert, 1993; Winograd &
Flores, 1988) and a support to encourage collaborative activity, making it possible
to integrate authentic and creative communication in the English program. It also
plays the role of a tutor (Coley & Griffin, 1987; Levy, 1997) because it is used
to deliver input in multimodal channels in learning tasks that allow students to
practice their language skills.
The UdeC English Online system is made up of four modules housed in one cen-
tral web platform which contains all the materials (see Figure 1) and tools learners
need for their language-learning work, such as recorders, wordbook, voice/writ-
ten chat, discussion forum, message board, reference material, portfolio, progress
report, personal diary, and agenda, among other functionalities.
The pedagogical model underlying the environment takes into account the
capabilities of network multimedia applications, criteria for the development of
multimedia CALL drawn from cognitive, sociocognitive, and interactionists’ per-
spectives on SLA (Skehan, 1998; Chapelle, 1998, 2001, 2003; Ellis, 1999; Gass,
1997; Krashen, 1981, 1982; Long, 1996); the conditions for optimal language
learning environments (Egbert & Hanson-Smith, 1999); methodological prin-
ciples for task-based language teaching in distance learning (Doughty & Long,
2003); criteria for CALL tasks appropriateness (Chapelle, 2001) such as language
Emerita Bañados 537
learning potential, learner fit, meaning focus, authenticity, positive impact, and
practicality; design issues for computer applications for second language acquisi-
tion (CASLA) materials (Chapelle, 2001) like input, feedback, content, manage-
ment, control; and a range of teaching methodologies for network-based language
teaching and e-learning pedagogy (Chapelle, 2003, 2005; Chapelle & Jamie-
son, 2002; Chun & Plass, 2000; Warschauer, 1997; Warschauer & Kern, 2000;
Warschauer et al., 2000; Felix, 2003). Some of the core concepts underlying the
language-learning materials are multimodal exposure to L2 input, enhanced input
for noticing selected key linguistic features in each lesson, learner-fit contextual-
ized content delivery, interaction through computer supported collaborative and
individual learning tasks, and a more human-like dimension for positive and cor-
rective feedback. In addition, efforts have been made to make learners feel at
home and entertained while working with the software. Students get to feel they
belong to a language learning community, the UdeC English Online community.
Figure 1
Lesson Components
Learners are given ample opportunities for L2 input exposure through different
channels (written, aural, and visual) to support their different cognitive styles. L2
aural input is delivered through a variety of intensive and extensive listening ac-
tivities designed in a way to provide opportunities to focus on meaning and form.
Learners are also encouraged to watch films and to listen to television and radio
programs in English for additional extensive listening.
The online software makes use of devices for explicit enhancement of input,
such as marking specific aural or written forms through colors, enlarged letters,
stress, animations, and other modifications and elaborations. This is done with
the purpose of increasing learners’ chances to notice selected forms focused on in
particular lessons to positively influence their acquisition (Chapelle, 1998, 2003;
538 CALICO Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3
Chapelle & Jamieson, 2002; Schmidt, 1990; Robinson, 1995; Skehan, 1998;
Sharwood Smith, 1993; Doughty, 1991).
Content Delivery
The semantic and linguistic contents are delivered through videos produced in-
house and audiovisual recordings depicting real characters—international and na-
tional students, foreign teachers, and visitors to Chile—interacting in dialogues
on a central theme in sociocultural environments based in both Chile and the
United States.
Interaction Through Tasks
The language-learning tasks have been designed to engage learners in three types
of interaction: interpersonal communication, learner-computer, and intrapersonal
(learner-mind) (Chapelle, 2003; Ellis, 1999). Learners are encouraged to interact
with their partners in problem-solving or information-gap activities and games.
They have to work collaboratively in computer-supported activities relying on
both computer-mediated and face-to-face communication with other speakers,
both from their local community (classmates) and from the global community
(foreign students on campus and abroad). Learners have opportunities to negoti-
ate meaning and to focus on form as they speak to and get feedback from their
partners and teachers. Virtual recording tools for practicing pronunciation and
speaking skills, which allow learners to interact with video characters and record
role plays, are provided to maximize their opportunities to focus on output. With
regard to intrapersonal interaction, as learners perform their skill-practice activi-
ties on the computer, they can make use of locally produced devices such as a
vocabtool,3 available on request, as well as glosses, pictures, and hypertext, all of
which facilitate making connections between meaning and form. Learners also
have the ability to highlight content they consider salient for themselves. They
can choose vocabulary items, favorite expressions, syntactic forms, and so on and
record them in their online wordbook or notepad.
Feedback has been one of the key concerns in the design of the software materials.
Research findings on effective corrective feedback strategies suggest that elicita-
tion, metalinguistic cue, clarification request, and repetition types of feedback
lead to student-generated repair, and students are thus able to initiate negotiation
of form (Lyster & Ranta, 1997). Other studies suggest that answer-prompting
strategies (e.g., elicitation, metalinguistic cue, and clarification requests) may be
more effective for dealing with vocabulary and grammar errors (Ferreira, 2003;
Ferreira, Bañados, & Salazar, 2004-2006).
An effort has been made to implement some of these findings in the software
materials. When students answer a question incorrectly, the system guides them
towards the correct response by means of a written or oral response through elici-
tation, metalinguistic cue, or clarification request corrective feedback strategies
Emerita Bañados 539
in a more human-like dimension, going beyond the typical “that’s right/that’s
wrong” type of feedback. Feedback is usually provided immediately after learn-
ers give an incorrect response to help them repair their error while their focus of
attention is still on the item they have failed to answer correctly because effective-
ness of feedback tends to diminish as distance between the triggering event and
feedback increases (Doughty & Long, 2003). After finishing a task, learners get
an automatic feedback message that consists of a written or spoken comment plus
a mark and a reaction of the section coach (coach smiling, jumping, nodding, etc.)
associated with the score (on a 1-7 scale normally used in the Chilean education
Change in Teachers’ and Students’ Roles
Both teachers and students have been challenged by new roles which are coher-
ent with the ones described in the literature when technology is integrated in the
class. In general, teachers are guides and collaborators who support students and
provide feedback. They challenge learners’ thinking and design language learn-
ing tasks. Students are autonomous learners who participate actively and are re-
sponsible for their learning process. (Levy, 1997; Squires & MacDougall, 1997;
Gallimore & Tharp, 1990; Savery & Duffy, 1995; Stoller, 1997). Some of the key
roles that the implementation of the b-learning program has brought about are
described below.
CALL Material Designer and Developer
The university has its own e-learning platform for distance education which had
to be adapted to meet the requirements of a user-friendly multimedia language-
learning environment. The project coordinator defined all the tools and function-
alities that had to be integrated into the platform by the team of technicians. The
guidelines about the underlying theoretical principles had to be clearly established
in order to apply them to the design and development of the software. The team of
EFL teachers had to review existing language software and think about adapting
current ways and creating new ways to design the tasks and develop the materi-
als. This meant devising motivating ways to engage learners in language tasks
presented through a computer screen. This process demanded hundreds of hours
of discussing possibilities, sharing ideas, and jointly planning lessons. As a result,
the course is not simply a computer version of a textbook, instead, the materials
design takes advantage of the creative potential of the EFL teaching team and
technicians and the potential of the computer to provide interactive and engaging
tasks for learners.
Script Writer
The teaching team agreed on the central theme and set the story line and the char-
acters for developing the software materials. Having this baseline, the process
540 CALICO Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3
of writing the scripts for the audios and videos to be recorded for each lesson
involved making decisions on pedagogical issues such as how to present the lin-
guistic functions, grammar, vocabulary, sociocultural aspects, levels of formality,
and so forth in core dialogues that would fit the learners and the linguistic goals of
the course. A bank of unscripted audio material related to the topics of the lessons
was created for extra listening practice.
Manager and Producer of Media Resources
The teachers are responsible for providing the technicians with audiovisual media
for the software. This task includes instructing the speakers on their poses for the
pictures and audio recordings; setting the guidelines for the graphics to create ani-
mations, cartoons, and picture arrangements; and guiding the video production.
When the texts are recorded, the teaching team takes turns directing the characters
to speak with the intonation, pitch, speed, pronunciation, and attitude needed. All
the audios are later double checked for approval by the coordinator. Video-record-
ing sessions require that part of the team be in charge of producing the setting,
guiding and encouraging the characters to perform the dialogues as scripted, ex-
plaining the planned scenes to the producer, and helping video technicians in the
editing of the final video product.
Work Flow Manager
The coordinator and teaching team communicate the requests for the designed
materials to the software developers and make sure they are implemented as con-
ceived. The teaching team is in charge of coordinating the smooth flow of the de-
velopment of software materials. This is a cyclical process involving discussions
with technicians, working jointly on the details of the materials for each section of
a lesson, reviewing the software materials on the computer screen, writing reports
about the revision of each section’s materials, re-reviewing to check if corrections
have been implemented, and re-writing reports for pending corrections. This was
one of the most time-consuming tasks for the team.
Online Tutor
As online tutors, teachers help learners build their confidence as they get used to
working independently online. They post messages to the group as a whole—and
to each student individually—to meet their need for support. They may post expla-
nations to guide learners in more complex tasks, encourage them to communicate,
do their individual assignments, and use all the platform tools they have at their
disposal to facilitate their work. Tutors check and mark the online assignments,
fill in learners’ progress reports, and write feedback on their performance in their
online portfolios. They continuously track learners’ improvements and give en-
couragement when motivation begins to falter. They have to encourage learners
to carry out their collaborative work tasks, which is usually difficult because of
the students’ different schedules and the fact that they are not used to working
collaboratively to achieve language-learning tasks.
Emerita Bañados 541
Being teachers and online tutors has introduced beneficial qualitative changes
in teachers’ roles, but it has also meant a quantitative increase in the number of
hours dedicated to learners. Teachers spend only 1.5 hours a week in face-to-face
classes, but they spend a larger number of hours managing learners’ work in the
online environment.
Manager of the Language Learning Environment
Teachers have to orchestrate diverse variables in the learning environment to cre-
ate favorable conditions for SLA. This has meant having a closer interaction with
learners, making them feel safe and comfortable when they speak in the target
language, and supporting them with a positive attitude to help them communicate
their ideas and concerns. Teachers also have to help learners develop learning
strategies and become autonomous and confident learners able to manage a lan-
guage learning system which relies strongly on their ability to work independent-
ly. They find that they have to build on the work students do independently online
and reinforce that work in their face-to-face classes. Finally, they have to identify
learners who may be experiencing particular problems and help them address
their language weaknesses in remedial work sessions if necessary.
Opening Communication Channels with a Multidisciplinary Team
One of the challenges of the project was finding a common language that could
be understood by everyone in a multidisciplinary team of teachers, technicians,
graphic experts, and video producers in order to create an online language-learning
environment that conformed to the original idea. This meant reaching agreement
and working collaboratively making the most of the team’s substantial talents to
make the platform and software materials visually appealing and effective.
Devising Assessments
Creating assessment procedures to evaluate both learners’ face-to-face and online
work meant finding ways to keep the right balance among the elements of the
b-learning system in line with the course objectives. Speaking skills are assessed
in face-to-face sessions and contain, among other tasks, a problem-solving ac-
tivity with a partner. All the other skills that can be automatically corrected by
the computer are assessed through online lesson and unit quizzes. Thus, listen-
ing, reading, vocabulary, pronunciation discrimination, and integrated skills5 are
evaluated online. Students take a total of eight online quizzes in each module (6
lesson quizzes plus 2 unit quizzes). Writing skills are assessed by the teachers in
the assignments submitted to an online portfolio.
The results briefly reported here correspond to a pilot group of 39 students who
enrolled in the first presentation of module 1 in the second academic semester
(August-December) of 2004.6 Instruments were created with a two-fold purpose:
542 CALICO Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3
measuring (a) the impact of the entire Communicative English Program on the
learners’ linguistic competence and (b) their level of satisfaction with the pro-
gram. The improvement in language skills was assessed in a longitudinal fashion,
comparing the learners’ scores on the initial diagnostic test and final end-of-term
test. Learners’ satisfaction with the program was investigated in a survey.
Impact on Students’ Linguistic Competence
The results obtained by students in the diagnostic and final assessments are pre-
sented in the figures below on a 1 to 7 grading scale.
Speaking Skills
Figure 2 shows a comparison of the pilot group mean scores on the diagnostic
oral interview with those obtained in their final oral exam. A remarkable improve-
ment in speaking skills, going from a mean of 2.9 to a 6.0, was achieved over a
15-week period.
Figure 2
Comparison of Mean Scores on the Diagnostic Oral Interview and Final Oral
Other Skills
Figures 3 and 4 show comparisons between the mean scores on diagnostic test
1 and unit test 1 and diagnostic test 2 and unit test 2 in listening, vocabulary,
integrated skills, reading, grammar, and pronunciation. Diagnostic test 1 and unit
test 1 cover the contents of the first unit of module 1 (lessons 1, 2, and 3). Diag-
nostic test 2 and unit test 2 cover the contents of the second unit of the module
(lessons 4, 5, and 6). As can be observed in Figures 3 and 4, there were important
Diagnostic oral Final oral
interview interview
Emerita Bañados 543
improvements in all the skills, especially in listening, pronunciation, vocabulary,
and grammar.
Figure 3
Comparison of Mean Scores on the Diagnostic Test 1 and Unit Test 1
Figure 4
Comparison of Mean Scores on the Diagnostic Test 2 and Unit Test 2
Integrated skills
Unit test 1
Diagnostic test 1
5.2 5.3 5.0 5.3
Integrated skills
Unit test 2
Diagnostic test 2
3.9 3.9
544 CALICO Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3
Learners’ Satisfaction with the English Program
Thirty-seven students completed a satisfaction survey at the end of module 1. The
results expressed in average percentages on a 5-point Likert scale are summarized
in the chart in the appendix. The questions focused on the b-learning system,
autonomy, motivation, face-to-face classes, conversation classes, teachers, feed-
back, achievement of learning goals, assessment, and time allotment. As can be
seen, the overall results are very favorable, showing a high level of satisfaction.
There is some negative feedback related to the time allocated per section: 32%
of the students felt they needed more time to finish all the sections contained in
a lesson.
The results obtained with the pilot group in module 1 show a substantial improve-
ment in the students’ language skills, as well as high satisfaction levels with the
entire Communicative English Program. The results support the success of the
b-learning model implemented and are commensurate with the efforts of the team
over 4 years to create an online interactive multimedia language learning environ-
According to some authors “a blend is an integrated strategy to delivering on
promises about learning and performance” (Rosset, Douglis & Frazee, 2003). Our
pilot group results have been rewarding enough to lead us to believe that these
promises can become a reality. They give us new hope to believe that teachers
and students can succeed in their goal of teaching and learning English more
effectively, given the state of the art of ICT and government support to English
1 For a report on Cambridge diagnostic assessment see
2 MECESUP Project UCO-109, “Centro promotor de la innovación en la docencia.”
3 Vocabtool combines pictures, definitions, examples of use, and Spanish translations of
lexical items.
4 The feedback component of this paper is in the context of the Conycit FONDECYT-
1040500 research project.
5 The integrated skills component evaluates reading comprehension strategies and vocabu-
lary use.
6 Similar evaluation procedures continue to be carried out in the other modules.
Emerita Bañados 545
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548 CALICO Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3
Satisfaction survey
Results compiled from the surveys completed by students for module 1 of the
Communicative English Program (N = 37)
A = entirely agree, strongly agree, agree
B = disagree, entirely disagree
B-learning system and development of autonomy
This method of learning has helped me realize that I am capable
of organizing and carrying out autonomous learning.
97% 3%
The system of independent work with the software allowed me
to have more opportunities to develop my linguistic abilities than
a traditional class.
92% 8%
Working with the software was a great help for the learning
97% 3%
My level of motivation with regards to learning English has
experienced a positive change as a result of the course.
95% 5%
I am very satisfied with the experience that I had through the
English course.
100% 0%
Face-to-face workshops
The face-to-face workshops were useful by helping me to clarify
doubts that arose during my independent work online.
95% 5%
The face-to-face workshops helped me realize what linguistic
points from the course were the most important.
92% 8%
Conversation classes
The conversation classes helped me stop being afraid to speak
English in front of other people.
84% 16%
Conversation classes are essential to improving the English
learning process.
100% 0%
The native speakers were always prepared and willing to attempt
to understand us when we tried to communicate with them in
97% 3%
The interaction with native speakers allowed us to become
familiar with interesting aspects of a distinct culture.
92% 8%
Face-to-face class teachers
The teachers used varied and interesting teaching methods. 100% 0%
The teachers showed that they were committed to helping us
with the learning process.
97% 3%
Emerita Bañados 549
The immediate feedback (finding out my grades and seeing my
mistakes) was a source of motivation.
97% 3%
The feedback delivered by the software allowed me to become
familiar with my weak areas and try to improve them.
97% 3%
The feedback that the tutors gave us regarding the Portfolio
activities was useful and a source of motivation.
100% 0%
Achievement of learning goals
I feel satisfied that I have been able to advance in my learning. 100% 0%
I was able to achieve the learning goals that I had made for
myself at the beginning of the course.
95% 5%
The system of online assessment was adequate and satisfactory. 97% 3%
There were sufficient instances of assessments such that I could
notice and take note of how much I had learned.
100% 0%
The assessments via interviews and interactions allowed me to
evaluate how much I had learned.
97% 3%
Time allotment
The stipulated amount of time (14 hours per lesson) for the on-
line lessons of the course gave me enough time to work on each
of the sections.
68% 32%
The duration of each English face-to-face class allowed for
enough time to reinforce the material that I had learned indepen-
81% 19%
550 CALICO Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3
Emerita Bañados is an English teacher at the Universidad de Concepción and has
a Master’s degree in educational technology. She has directed the creation of the
UdeC English Online language-learning software. She had previously directed
other Internet language projects such as CREALE (a center of web resources for
learning English, French, and German), Language Café (a language-learning en-
vironment for having fun learning English, French, and German) and co-worked
in CLIE (reading comprehension modules for English, French, and German). Her
interests include SLA, CALL/ICALL, applied linguistics, e-learning and b-learn-
ing, teacher training, curriculum development for EFL, feedback, and software
Emerita Bañados
Assistant professor
Departmento de Idiomas Extranjeros
Centro de Formación y Recursos
Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Casilla 160-C, correo 3
Concepción, Chile
Phone: +56-41-207040
Fax: +56-41-215723