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How Conversations Change Over Time in Face-to-Face and Video-Mediated Communication


Abstract and Figures

An experiment was conducted to examine how communication patterns and task performance differ as a function of the group's communication environment and how these processes change over time. In a longitudinal design, three-person groups had to select and argue the correct answer out of a set of three alternatives for ten questions. Compared with face-to-face groups, video-teleconferencing groups took fewer turns, required more time for turns, and interrupted each other less. Listeners appeared to be more polite, waiting for a speaker to finish before making their conversational contribution. Although groups were able to maintain comparable performance scores across communication conditions, initial differences between conditions in communication patterns disappeared over time, indicating that the video-teleconferencing groups adapted to the newness and limitations of their communication environment. Moreover, because of increased experience with the task and the group, groups in both conditions needed less conversation to complete the task at later rounds. Implications are discussed for practice, training, and possibilities for future research.
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Small Group Research
DOI: 10.1177/1046496409333724
2009; 40; 355 originally published online Apr 15,Small Group Research
W. De Dreu
Rick van der Kleij, Jan Maarten Schraagen, Peter Werkhoven and Carsten K.
Video-Mediated Communication
How Conversations Change Over Time in Face-to-Face and
The online version of this article can be found at:
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Small Group Research
Volume 40 Number 4
August 2009 355-381
© 2009 SAGE Publications
hosted at
Authors’ Note: Part of this research was funded by the European Commission, Directorate-
General Information Society, project IST-1999-10044 VIRTUE. Please address correspondence to
Rick van der Kleij, Business Unit Human Factors, TNO Defence, Security and Safety, Kampweg 5,
P.O. Box 23, 3769 ZG Soesterberg, The Netherlands; e-mail:
How Conversations Change
Over Time in Face-to-Face
and Video-Mediated
Rick van der Kleij
Jan Maarten Schraagen
Peter Werkhoven
TNO Defence, Security and Safety, Soesterberg, The Netherlands
Carsten K. W. De Dreu
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
An experiment was conducted to examine how communication patterns and
task performance differ as a function of the group’s communication environ-
ment and how these processes change over time. In a longitudinal design,
three-person groups had to select and argue the correct answer out of a set
of three alternatives for ten questions. Compared with face-to-face groups,
video-teleconferencing groups took fewer turns, required more time for
turns, and interrupted each other less. Listeners appeared to be more polite,
waiting for a speaker to finish before making their conversational contribu-
tion. Although groups were able to maintain comparable performance scores
across communication conditions, initial differences between conditions in
communication patterns disappeared over time, indicating that the video-
teleconferencing groups adapted to the newness and limitations of their com-
munication environment. Moreover, because of increased experience with
the task and the group, groups in both conditions needed less conversation to
complete the task at later rounds. Implications are discussed for practice,
training, and possibilities for future research.
Keywords: geographical distribution; virtual teams; communication patterns;
team adaptation; video teleconferencing; longitudinal experiment
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356 Small Group Research
lear and concise communication is essential to good teamwork (McIntyre
& Dickinson, 1997; McIntyre & Salas, 1995; Rochlin, LaPorte, &
Roberts, 1987; Salas, Burke, & Samman, 2001; Seifert & Hutchins, 1992;
Smith-Jentsch, Johnston, & Payne, 1998). Communication is a tool for
teams to accomplish their tasks and to coordinate their actions (Kanki,
Folk, & Irwin, 1991). It enables team members to state their intentions, and
to send and receive information among one another. Furthermore, it allows
team members to keep up-to-date with the changes in the situation, and to
evaluate and improve task performance (Rasker, 2002).
Because organizations increasingly rely on virtual teams, scholars and
practitioners alike have vented a considerable interest in understanding the
impact of distributed teamwork on communication and the nature of the
constraints imposed when one has to communicate over a communications
network. In virtual teams, the channel that teams use to communicate often
imposes restrictions on the communication process. A broad range of stud-
ies shows that when people have the ability to conduct face-to-face discus-
sions, group commitment, socialization, and control are improved. People
can use the full range of linguistic, paralinguistic, and nonverbal behaviors
to communicate and coordinate when physically collocated (Connaughton &
Daly, 2004; Kiesler & Cummings, 2002; Kraut, Fussell, Brennan, & Siegel,
2002). It is possible to use deictic gestures (i.e., pointing) to refer quickly
and easily to people, locations, and objects. Furthermore, because face- to-
face communication is produced in real time, speakers have direct feedback
on how their message is being understood as it is being delivered.
In virtual teams, current bandwidth limitations in telecommunication
networks and cost considerations make it difficult to transmit all the
sources of information available in face-to-face conversations at the same
rate and fidelity at which they occur naturally (Fussell & Benimoff,
1995). Consequently, correspondence is often unclear and infrequent
(Seetharaman, Samarah, & Mykytyn, 2004; see also Friedman & Currall,
2003). Miscommunication is often acerbated by the trouble that virtual
teams have in recognizing when disruptions or communication mix-ups
have occurred. Virtual teams are also slower to correct these misunder-
standings (Thompson & Coovert, 2006). Shin (2005) argues that in distrib-
uted settings it is difficult for members to receive guidance or instruction
on their tasks and roles from supervisors. At the same time, dispersed mem-
bers have fewer opportunities to elucidate their tasks and roles than collo-
cated members do. Therefore, virtual team members are more likely to
experience task, role, and responsibility ambiguity. This ambiguity can be
a source of conflict in virtual teams.
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Van der Kleij et al. / How Conversations Change 357
To make things worse, use of the linguistic (verbal) channel of informa-
tion (cf. Fussell & Benimoff, 1995) that consists of conventional signals,
such as the words of a language, is also limited in virtual teams. Team
members in global virtual teams often do not speak the same language and
need to communicate in a nonnative tongue. Nonnative language use can
result in less depth and candidness of exchange, which has been found to
increase psychological distance and fears of misuse, miscommunication,
and misinterpretation of knowledge (Gibson & Cohen, 2004).
Finally, virtual teams have fewer opportunities for spontaneous, infor-
mal communication, which have been found to have a positive impact on
group functioning (Kiesler & Cummings, 2002). People who work in proxi-
mate settings run into one another at the water cooler, coffee machine, or
copier, and meet in the cafeteria. Therefore, it takes relatively little effort
for them to start interacting. These spontaneous, informal communication
opportunities increase the convenience and pleasure of conversations, the
frequency of communication, and allow for unplanned and multipurpose
interactions (Kraut et al., 2002). Ongoing work progresses better when
people have spontaneous casual communication and strong social and work
ties are supported. In short, one of the biggest challenges of virtual teams
is to overcome ineffective and inefficient interpersonal communication (Van
der Kleij, 2007).
The current research focuses on the role of experience in overcoming
communication deficiencies in distributed settings. Our main goal is to inves-
tigate how communication, satisfaction, and task performance differ as a
function of the group’s communication environment, whether distributed
or collocated, and how these variables change over time. Moreover, we
will explore the interactions between communication environment and
Interpersonal Communication
Conversations can be characterized in terms of the length of pauses, the
duration and number of turns, and number of interruptions (Sellen, 1995).
This aspect of communication refers more to how things are communi-
cated as opposed to the speech content (Kanki et al., 1991). Sellen (1995)
argues that patterns of communication are of interest because they may
reveal the manner in which a conversation is conducted and offer an alter-
native to task performance as a means for assessing the effect of commu-
nication media. For example, difficulties in the regulation of conversation
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358 Small Group Research
may reveal itself in long turns, frequent interruptions, or unusually long
Several studies have looked at how communication patterns change with
communication mode (for reviews, see Doherty-Sneddon et al., 1997;
Sellen, 1995). Most of these studies have involved comparisons of face-to-
face versus audio or text-based conditions. Although findings have been
inconsistent across studies, clearly differences exist between language use
in distributed and collocated face-to-face settings (Boyle, Anderson, &
Newlands, 1994). For example, it has been found that telephone conversa-
tions tend to be more formal, with fewer interruptions and longer utter-
ances than face-to-face conversations (Doherty-Sneddon et al., 1997). In
addition, text-based communication has been found to disrupt the regula-
tion of turn taking and to undermine higher-level language processes (i.e.,
the construal of meaning; Hancock & Dunham, 2001). Similarly, Ferrara,
Brunner, and Whittemore (1991) observed that interlocutors in text-based
settings tend to omit copulas, subject pronouns, and articles as a response
to the increased costs of formulating and producing utterances in these set-
tings as opposed to speaking.
Few studies have focused on communication patterns in video-mediated
communication (O’Conaill & Whittaker, 1997; Sellen, 1995). These studies
to some extent suggest that video-mediated communication has similar effects
on the conversational process as communicating through, for example, the
telephone. Furthermore, there is some indication that video-teleconferencing
technologies are attenuating the social context cues available in face-to-face
meetings. Social context cues are nonverbal signals (e.g., facial expres-
sions), paraverbal cues (e.g., voice volume), status and interpersonal cues
(e.g., age, physical appearance), and features of the physical surroundings
(e.g., office size; Dietz-Uhler & Bishop-Clark, 2001; Sproull & Kiesler,
1986; Straus, 1997). These cues help teams regulate interaction, express
information, and monitor feedback from others (Straus, 1997). During
computer-mediated communication (e.g., Internet chat) participants are
usually unaware of the facial expressions, tone of voice, posture, and so
forth of the other participants (Dietz-Uhler & Bishop-Clark, 2001). This is
often problematic. Attenuation of the social context cues available in face-
to-face meetings causes disruptions in conversations and difficulties in fol-
lowing and understanding discussions (Straus & McGrath, 1994). Indeed,
a recent survey of 214 managers revealed that 61% and 43% of these man-
agers have misinterpreted coworkers via e-mail and phone, respectively
(TANDBERG, 2007). Moreover, Wilson, Straus, and McEvily (2006)
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Van der Kleij et al. / How Conversations Change 359
found that the reduced availability of social context cues in distributed
communication environments changed the fundamental communication proc-
ess and constrained relational development in virtual teams. Wilson et al.
(2006) observed a lower incidence of behaviors associated with the devel-
opment of interpersonal relationships in virtual teams using Internet chat to
communicate, such as sharing and attending to personal information.
These studies notwithstanding, naturally occurring groups show some
variation in task, communication settings, and exhibit considerable fluctua-
tions in membership and attendance from time to time (McGrath, Arrow,
Gruenfeld, Hollingshead, & O’Connor, 1993). The few experimental stud-
ies that investigated the effects of long-term use of communication tech-
nologies suggest that temporal aspects can have a large impact on group
processes and outcomes (e.g., Hollingshead, McGrath, & O’Connor, 1993;
McGrath, 1993; McGrath et al., 1993; Van der Kleij, Paashuis, Langefeld,
& Schraagen, 2004; Van der Kleij, Paashuis, & Schraagen, 2005; Wilson et al.,
2006). The question remains, however, how experience with the task, group,
and communication mode affects the conversational process.
Experience and Change in Distributed Groups
Several studies acknowledge that one of the most important aspects
of teamwork is the ability to adapt to environmental opportunities and
constraints (Blickensderfer, Cannon-Bowers, & Salas, 1998; Entin &
Serfaty, 1999; Kozlowski, 1998; LePine, 2005; Serfaty, Entin & Johnston,
1998; Serfaty, Entin, & Volpe, 1993). Team members in effective teams
are able to use information from the task environment to adjust team
strategies, back each other up, make mutual adjustments, and reallocate
team resources (Blickensderfer et al., 1998). Serfaty et al. (1993) found
that teams with records of superior performance are extremely adaptable
to varying task demands. These teams switched between several coordi-
nation strategies and organizational structures, with different lines of
authority, communication patterns, and task responsibilities as they
move from normal to high-tempo or emergency situations. Serfaty et al.
(1993) asserted that reliable teams have not one, but several organiza-
tional structures and shift between them when needed. These teams
maintain open and flexible communication lines that promote the free
flow of information from the lowest to the highest levels as well as the
other way around. In adaptive teams, team members were also found to
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360 Small Group Research
be sensitive to other members’ workload and performance in high-tempo
Adaptive response models stress response to environmental opportuni-
ties and constraints as a guiding force in group change (Arrow, 1997;
Arrow, Poole, Henry, Wheelan, & Moreland, 2004; McGrath, 1991). One
important aspect of these models is that the notion of equifinality is incor-
porated, a condition in which different initial conditions lead to similar
effects. This means that these models assume that different temporal pat-
terns or paths can lead to the same result: good performance. The path cho-
sen depends on task features or environmental constraints, such as time
pressure or limitations in the communication setting in which virtual teams
have to collaborate. These models assume that there exists no single best
path to match task and contextual demands, but assume that adaptation of
temporal patterns to these changing demands is essential to effective group
performance (Poole & DeSanctis, 1990).
McGrath et al. (1993) argue that adaptation is a function of the effects
of increased experience, as a group, with its tasks, with its technology, and
in its context. Adaptation is seen as a reaction to a mismatch between the
group’s structure and composition, its task structure, its set of tools and
resources for carrying out those tasks, and in the physical, organizational,
and temporal context within which the work is being performed. Increased
experience of a group reduces doubt with regard to distribution of labor and
responsibilities. This is expected to reduce the degree of interdependence
and the level of coordination and information exchange required in dis-
persed work groups. Moreover, increased experience with a given tool will
make collaborating easier in the sense that group members can become
more accustomed to the procedures involved in efficient collaboration.
This, too, reduces the degree of coordination required. As a group gains
experience using groupware, it will change the ways in which it uses those
tools in such a manner that initial constraints due to the newness and tech-
nological limitations of the groupware are compensated for (McGrath et al.,
1993). For example, Van der Kleij et al. (2005) found that distributed
teams, as compared to face-to-face teams, were able to compensate for
initial constraints due to their dispersed nature because of increased experi-
ence. This finding was explained in terms of a technological adaptation
effect. Technological adaptation occurs when people learn how to use the
technological tools available despite technological limitations, such as
restrictions in bandwidth (Dourish, Adler, Bellotti, & Henderson, 1996;
Olson & Olson, 2000; Qureshi & Vogel, 2001).
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Van der Kleij et al. / How Conversations Change 361
Based on the aforementioned literature review and discussion on the
effects of experience with group, task, and communication tools we formulate
the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1: Face-to-face groups will experience (a) fewer difficulties in
the regulation of conversation and (b) more satisfaction with group proc-
esses and outcomes. (c) Face-to-face groups will outperform video-
teleconferencing groups.
Hypothesis 2: Differences between face-to-face groups and video-teleconferencing
groups will disappear over time, as video-teleconferencing groups adjust to the
newness and limitations of the communication medium available to them.
Hypothesis 3: Increased experience with the group and the task will result in
fewer difficulties in the regulation of conversation, more satisfied group
members, and better performance in both communication conditions.
A total of 66 persons (30 men) participated in a longitudinal experiment.
Participants were students and their age ranged from 18 to 32 years. In the
face-to-face condition, six groups consisting of 2 men and 1 woman and
five groups consisting of 2 women and 1 man participated. In the video-
teleconferencing condition, four groups of 2 men and 1 woman and five
groups of 2 women and 1 man participated. In the video-teleconferencing
condition, two groups consisted of 3 women. None of the group members
knew each other prior to the experiment. For participating in the experi-
ment, we awarded each participant with €40 per test session, which is about
US$55. The total amount for participating in all test sessions was €160,
which we paid to each participant after the fourth test session. The best per-
forming group over all four test sessions in each experimental condition also
had the prospect of an extra bonus of €40 for the group as a whole, to enhance
motivation and stimulate groups to remain in the experiment until the end.
Face-to-face environment. Groups in the face-to-face condition were
placed in the same room with a round table (diameter of 180 cm). A video
camera was set up in one upper corner of the room; participants wore
Shure unidirectional close-talking microphone headsets (model SM10A).
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362 Small Group Research
The audio output from headsets was fed through coaxial cables to a
speech-storage unit and stored as separate tracks on removable hard disks
for archiving and further analysis.
Video-mediated environment. Participants of the video-teleconferencing
groups were located in different rooms. Each group was seated in a room
at an oval half round table (diameter of 180 cm). In front of them was a
large rear projection screen of 146 × 86 cm. Figure 1 shows a schematic of
the experimental video-teleconferencing condition.
Behind each participant in the video-teleconferencing condition, blue parti-
tions were placed to create a uniform background. Participants in the video-
teleconferencing condition wore the same unidirectional microphone
headsets as participants in the face-to-face condition to record the audio
communication. In this condition, the sound was also amplified and trans-
mitted to the other two rooms so group members could communicate with
Figure 1
Experimental Setup
Note: Two cameras were situated on both sides of the screen and were used for the transmis-
sion of images to the other locations. The cameras were positioned on the sides of the screen
to create an isotropic condition enabling selective gaze. Speech was amplified and transmitted
to the other two rooms so the participants could communicate with each other.
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Van der Kleij et al. / How Conversations Change 363
each other. Two Panasonic WV-gp150E cameras filmed the participants
and transmitted images to the other rooms in the video-teleconferencing
condition. The cameras were situated on both sides of the screen. Although
the camera positions did not allow participants the establish eye contact,
gaze direction could be determined by the position of the head of the
speaker (i.e., an isotropic condition enabling selective gaze was created).
The images recorded by the video cameras were projected by two Hitachi
XGA cp x970 beamers.
A third camera was located on top of the screen and was used to monitor
progress on the experimental task. A Panasonic VN 484p intercom system
was used to inform the participants when to start and stop working. Factors
affecting the quality and intelligibility of the speech, and those interfering
with the process of communication were kept to a minimum. For example,
we were able to reduce noise levels, echoes, reverberation, and cross-talk
between the sound source and the receiver using directional microphones.
Further, because there was no processing required for coding and decoding
of the audio and video signals, no unwanted round-trip delays and delays
between audio and video were present.
The Science Quiz Task
For this experiment, we designed a group task that had the potential to
induce differences in communication patterns between communication
conditions. Groups had to select and argue the correct answer out a set
of three alternatives, a task that can be classified as an intellective task
(McGrath, 1984). There were 4 sets of 10 questions each, one set for each
consecutive test session. The questions (including the answers and writ-
ten argumentations) were selected from the archives of an annual Dutch
television show called The Science Quiz. Questions that were selected
had to be at least 4 years old, so the probability of our participants knowing
the questions from previous television shows was reduced. We divided
the questions at random over the four versions of the task. Topics of the
questions ranged on a variety of fields, such as mathematics and biology.
Sample questions are “Why are bananas curved? (a) The curve is geneti-
cally defined; (b) Because of gravity; (c) Because of exposure to (sun)
light”; and Imagine that you have a glass of water with one large ice
cube. What happens to the level of the water when the ice cube melts?
(a) Nothing, the level does not change; (b) The level rises; (c) The level
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364 Small Group Research
We tested 22 groups in two communication environments (face-to-face
same-room and video-teleconferencing noncollocated communication) at
four consecutive test sessions for 1 hour at 2-week intervals making a 2 × 4
mixed repeated measures design. In the face-to-face condition, we started
out with 13 groups and in the video-teleconferencing condition there were
16 groups at test session 1. At the end of Test Session 4, 11 groups remained
in both conditions. The other 7 groups dropped out due to several reasons,
such as illnesses of group members or problems with making follow-up
appointments with the experimenter or fellow group members. The findings
in this article are based on the remaining 22 groups.
Dependent Variables
The following three dependent variables were assessed: (a) communica-
tion patterns, (b) satisfaction, and (c) task performance. We discuss these
categories in the following subsections.
Communication Patterns
Specialized speech-tracking equipment was used to converse the speech
waves that were stored on removable hard disk into on-off patterns for each
participant. When a participant spoke louder than a preset threshold, a talk
spurt was recorded and stamped with a time code. For each participant
these talk spurts were laid down on a speech-time line showing when the
on–off patterns of speech took place with respect to each other. This ena-
bled us to analyze the lower levels of language use (i.e., the length of
pauses, the duration and number of turns, number of interruptions, etc.).
Based on the speech time-lines that were generated, the software, threshold,
and specialized equipment were checked for correctness against videotape
data, and parameters were adjusted, if appropriate, to compensate for dif-
ferences between the speech time-lines and the videotape data (for a more
elaborate discussion, see Sellen, 1995). The categorization definitions we used
to analyze the data are described below.
Duration of pauses. Pauses are moments of silence between two successive
speakers. The average duration of pauses was measured in milliseconds.
Turn duration
. Turn duration was defined as the average time in milli-
seconds for each turn. Speech was identified as a turn when it lasted for at
least 1.5 seconds and was not interrupted during that time.
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Van der Kleij et al. / How Conversations Change 365
Number of turns. The numbers of turns was defined as the average
number of turns per group. The average number of turns was divided by the
total amount of seconds that the group was working on the task. In this man-
ner, the score was made independent of task duration. As with turn duration,
speech was identified as a turn when it lasted for at least 1.5 seconds and
was not interrupted during that time.
Number of simultaneous speech events. Simultaneous speech was defined
as two or more participants that begin speaking at the same time (i.e., within
1 second after each other). We calculated the average number of simultaneous
speech events.
Number of interruptions with a turn switch. This variable was defined as
an interruption of the current speaker resulting in a turn switch. The inter-
ruption must occur more than 1 second after the floor holder has started
his turn.
Number of interruptions without a turn switch. This variable was defined as
a short interruption of the current speaker. After the interruption the same
speaker still holds the floor. If two persons interrupt the speaker at the same
time this is categorized both as simultaneous speech and as an interruption. The
interruption must occur more than one second after the floor holder has started
his turn to be scored as an interruption. Scores were computed per group.
A satisfaction questionnaire was administered at the end of each test
session after completion of the task. The questionnaire was adapted from
Dennis (1996), translated into Dutch, and tailored to our setting and par-
ticipants. It contained the following five items pertaining to satisfaction
about the task, other members, and the communication processes of inter-
acting with other members: “I am satisfied about the course of discussions
in our team,” “I am satisfied about the quality of the interactions in our
team,” “I am satisfied with the quality of the outcome of our team,” “To
what extent do you feel that you have contributed to the team’s final out-
come?,” and “To what extent do you feel that all team members had equal
input to the team’s final outcome?” (Cronbach’s α = .95). All items were
measured on a 7-point Likert-type scale, in which a score of 1 corresponds
to the most negative response to a statement and a score of 7 corresponds
to the most positive response.
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366 Small Group Research
Task Performance
Scores on the science quiz task were determined by the number of ques-
tions that were answered correctly and by the quality of the group’s argu-
mentation. For each correct answer, we awarded 1 point to the team to a
maximum score of 10 points for each test session. If the answer was correct,
an additional point was awarded for the correctness of the written argu-
ment. Thus, the maximum score was 20 points per team per test session.
Two raters simultaneously judged the arguments of the groups. To exclude
effects of raters’ unintentional preferences, group products were numbered,
presented in random order to the raters, and we removed all information
linking them to the experimental conditions.
Procedure and Instructions
As soon as participants arrived at the lab, we escorted them to their seats
where they received a general instruction about the experiment. Participants
were told that the experiment was designed to study group processes. After
all participants had read the general instructions, we gave them task-specific
instructions. After clarifying the instructions and answering questions
about the task, 10 questions were divided at random among the three group
members, which meant that one person received 4 questions and both oth-
ers received 3 questions each. One person was made responsible for writing
down the answers and accompanying arguments on which the group had to
reach consensus. The participants were told that the questions had to be
answered in fixed order within 30 minutes, which was more than enough
time to answer all questions. Then the experimenter left the room and through
the intercom told the groups to start working. When time was up or the
group had finished before time, the experimenter entered the room again
and collected the task materials. The group members then completed ques-
tionnaires on satisfaction and telepresence. The latter questionnaire we
used to check for the correctness of our dispersion manipulation.
The video-teleconferencing groups were seated in separate rooms and
communication was mediated through a videoconferencing system. These
participants received additional instructions pertaining to the use of the
video-teleconferencing system. To maintain as much control as possible,
participants were not allowed to leave their rooms during the experiment to
prevent them from getting to know the other group members outside the
test situation. For the same reason, we collected the participants one at a
time at their arrival and escorted them in the same manner to the main exit
of our lab facilities at the end of the test session. Furthermore, we asked our
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Table 1
Cell Means and Standard Deviations as Function of Communication Condition
(Face-to-Face Versus Video Teleconferencing) and Test Session (N = 22)
Test Session
Dependent Variable Condition 1 2 3 4 Row Average
Duration of pauses
FTF 0.86 (0.12) 0.97 (0.31) 0.95 (0.14) 1.06 (0.37) 0.96 (0.26)
VTC 0.91 (0.22) 1.02 (0.28) 1.08 (0.27) 1.06 (0.29) 1.02 (0.26)
Turn duration
FTF 1.32 (0.14) 1.35 (0.13) 1.33 (0.10) 1.33 (0.13) 1.33 (0.12)
VTC 1.48 (0.12) 1.45 (0.09) 1.47 (0.13) 1.44 (0.10) 1.46 (0.11)
Number of turns
FTF 0.20 (0.02) 0.19 (0.03) 0.19 (0.02) 0.18 (0.03) 0.19 (0.02)
VTC 0.18 (0.02) 0.17 (0.02) 0.16 (0.01) 0.17 (0.02) 0.17 (0.02)
Number of simultaneous FTF 28.67 (4.94) 25.98 (6.12) 25.67 (4.52) 23.41 (5.95) 25.88 (5.58)
speech events
VTC 21.44 (5.38) 19.47 (3.16) 17.91 (2.63) 19.52 (4.11) 19.58 (4.03)
Number of interruptions FTF 15.63 (6.66) 14.17 (5.72) 14.08 (4.94) 12.50 (4.98) 14.09 (5.53)
with turn switch
VTC 13.67 (4.89) 12.61 (5.30) 10.96 (5.71) 11.84 (3.72) 12.27 (4.89)
Number of interruptions FTF 14.96 (7.93) 15.13 (7.59) 13.08 (5.39) 13.79 (6.54) 14.24 (6.74)
without turn switch
VTC 14.75 (10.37) 9.57 (4.00) 8.64 (4.83) 10.21 (3.11) 10.79 (6.49)
FTF 5.66 (0.36) 5.95 (0.59) 5.88 (0.46) 5.68 (0.63) 5.79 (0.52)
VTC 5.53 (0.49) 5.41 (0.59) 5.42 (0.49) 5.48 (0.56) 5.46 (0.52)
Task performance
FTF 7.36 (3.28) 6.82 (2.40) 6.82 (3.94) 7.09 (3.01) 7.02 (2.51)
VTC 7.91 (3.96) 8.82 (4.17) 7.18 (2.70) 8.55 (3.95) 8.11 (2.31)
Note: Values enclosed in parentheses represent standard deviations (SD). FTF = face-to-face; VTC = video teleconferencing.
a. The values on this scale represent the average time in milliseconds.
b. The values on this scale represent the total number of speech occurrences.
c. The values represent mean scores on 7-point Likert-type scales, in which a score of 1 corresponds to the most negative option and a score of 7 corresponds
to the most positive option.
d. The values represent mean task scores for each condition. The maximum score is 20.
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368 Small Group Research
participants to refrain from discussing the experiment during unforeseen
encounters with members of their own and other groups. After the final test
session, we debriefed and interviewed participants, thanked them for their
cooperation, and excused them.
An analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures designs was
carried out on all variables at the team level to account for statistical inter-
dependence. Data were analyzed in a 2 (communication group) × 4 (test
session) mixed-model ANOVA with the last factor within groups. The prob-
ability of a Type I error was maintained at .05 for all analyses. Table 1 sum-
marizes the means and standard deviations for the dependent variables
across conditions.
Manipulation Check
The perceived physical distance between group members, also called tel-
epresence, was assessed at the end of each test session on a questionnaire that
included the following item: “During the experiment I had the feeling we
were all in the same room.” We used a 7-point Likert-type scale, in which
a score of 1 corresponds to the most negative response to a statement and a
score of 7 corresponds to the most positive response. The analysis revealed
a significant main effect for communication condition, F(1, 20) = 42.98, p <
.001. Face-to-face groups scored higher on this question (M = 6.63; SD =
0.39) than video-teleconferencing groups (M = 4.52; SD = 1.06), meaning
that the experimental manipulation produced the desired psychological
effect. The average score for the video-teleconferencing groups was actually
quite high, indicating that the perceived physical distance between group
members was low and, therefore, that our teleconferencing system was capa-
ble of inducing the impression of sharing space with the participants at the
remote site. No significant main effect for test sessions was found, F(3, 60) =
1.54, ns. Likewise, no interaction effect was found between communication
condition and test sessions, F(3, 60) = .96, ns.
Communication Patterns
Duration of pauses. No significant differences in duration of pauses
were found between the face-to-face groups (M = 0.96; SD = 0.26) and the
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Van der Kleij et al. / How Conversations Change 369
video-teleconferencing groups (M = 1.02; SD = 0.26), F(1, 20) = 0.48, ns.
The analysis did reveal a significant main effect of test sessions for duration
of pauses, F(3, 60) = 3.19, p < .05. As can be seen in Table 1, overall dura-
tion of pauses increased as groups gained experience. No interaction
effect was found between communication condition and test sessions,
F(3, 60) = 0.40, ns.
Turn duration. The analysis revealed a significant main effect for
communication condition on turn duration, F(1, 20) = 9.66, p < .01. The
face-to-face groups took less time for turns (M = 1.33; SD = 0.12) than the
video-teleconferencing groups (M = 1.46; SD = 0.11). No significant main
effect for test sessions was found, F(3, 60) = 0.20, ns, suggesting that over
time no increase or decrease was present in turn duration. Although the
interaction between communication condition and test sessions was not
significant, F (3, 60) = 0.59, ns, post hoc analysis revealed significant dif-
ferences between groups on Test Sessions 1, 2, and 3 but not on Test Session
4 (see Table 1). This is indicative of an adaptation effect.
Number of turns. A significant main effect for communication condition
was found for number of turns, F(1, 20) = 14.33, p < .001. The video-
teleconferencing groups required fewer turns to complete the task (M =
0.17; SD = 0.02) than face-to-face groups (M = 0.19; SD = 0.02). Post hoc
analysis showed that significant differences between conditions on Test
Sessions 1, 2, and 3 were responsible for this effect (also see Table 1). We
found no significant differences between conditions on Test Session 4, sug-
gesting an adaptation effect. Furthermore, a significant main effect for test
sessions was revealed, F(3, 60) = 3.30, p < .05. Examination of the data
revealed that the overall number of turns decreased as groups gained expe-
rience. No interaction effect was found between communication condition
and test sessions, F(3, 60) = 0.92, ns.
Number of simultaneous speech events. The analysis revealed a signifi-
cant main effect for communication condition for number of simultaneous
speech events, F(1, 20) = 20.40, p < .001. Simultaneous speech events
occurred less often for video-teleconferencing groups (M = 19.58; SD = 4.03)
than for face-to-face groups (M = 25.88; SD = 5.58). Post hoc analysis
revealed that significant differences between conditions on Test Sessions
1, 2, and 3 caused this effect. No significant differences between conditions
were found on Test Session 4, again suggesting an adaptation effect.
Furthermore, the analysis revealed a significant main effect of test sessions
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370 Small Group Research
for number of simultaneous speech events, F(3, 60) = 3.78, p < .05. The
overall number of simultaneous speech events decreased as groups gained
experience. Additional analysis revealed that this effect was due to face-to-
face groups, F(3, 30) = 8.68, p < .01. A significant linear trend character-
ized this decrease, F(1, 20) = 8.37, p < .01. Thus, the number of
simultaneous speech events for face-to-face groups decreased at a constant
rate as those groups gained experience (also see Table 1). No interaction
effect was found between communication condition and test sessions for
the number of simultaneous speech events, F(3, 60) = 1.14, ns.
Number of interruptions with turn switch. For the number of interrup-
tions with turn switch, no significant main effect for communication condi-
tion was found, F(1, 20) = 1.02, ns. In other words, no significant differences
were present on this variable between face-to-face groups (M = 14.09;
SD = 5.53) and video-teleconferencing groups (M = 12.27; SD = 4.89).
Further, no significant main effect for test sessions was found, F(3, 60) =
1.97, ns. Likewise, no interaction effect was found between communication
condition and test sessions, F(3, 60) = 0.42, ns.
Number of interruptions without turn switch. No significant differences
were found for the number of interruptions without turn switch between
face-to-face groups (M = 14.24; SD = 6.74) and video-teleconferencing
groups (M = 10.79; SD = 6.49), F(1, 20) = 2.67, ns. The analysis revealed a
significant main effect for test sessions, F(3, 60) = 2.45, p < .05. Additional
analysis revealed a significant effect for the video-teleconferencing condi-
tion on test sessions, F(3, 30) = 2.92, p < .05. Significant linear, F(1, 20) =
4.02, p < .05, and significant quadratic, F(1, 20) = 3.50, p < .05, trends
characterized this decrease. Thus, the numbers of interruptions without a
turn switch for video-teleconferencing condition decreased at a decreasing
rate as those groups gained experience. No interaction effect was found
between communication condition and test sessions, F(3, 60) = 1.15, ns.
The analysis revealed a significant effect between communication condi-
tions on the satisfaction questionnaire, F(1, 20) = 3.72, p < .05. Face-to-face
groups (M = 5.79; SD = 0.52) were more satisfied than video-teleconferenc-
ing groups (M = 5.46; SD = 0.52). No significant main effect was found for
test sessions, F(3, 60) = 0.32, ns, and no significant interaction effect was
found for conditions and test sessions, F(3, 60) = 1.34, ns.
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Van der Kleij et al. / How Conversations Change 371
Task Performance
No significant main effect for communication condition was found for
task performance, F(1, 20) = 1.05, ns, indicating that groups did not differ
in task performance across communication conditions. In addition, no sig-
nificant main effect for test sessions was found on task performance, imply-
ing that there was no occurrence of adaptation on task performance over
time F(3, 60) = 0.37, ns. Likewise, no interaction was found between com-
munication condition and test sessions, F(3, 60) = 0.36, ns.
Our goal was to examine how communication patterns, satisfaction, and
task performance differ as a function of the group’s communication envi-
ronment, and how these variables change over time. To investigate the
effects of different communication environments, we compared video-
teleconferencing sessions with face-to-face same-room meetings. In the
following subsections, we discuss the results and the limitations of our
research and draw implications for future research, training, practice, and
for the design of teleconferencing technologies.
Effects of Communication Environment
We expected that, due to the challenges imposed on distributed team-
work, face-to-face groups would experience fewer difficulties in the regula-
tion of conversation, experience more satisfaction, and would outperform
video-teleconferencing groups. The results partially confirmed our first
hypothesis. The communication patterns of video-teleconferencing groups
indicate that these groups experienced more difficulties in the regulation of
conversation than face-to-face groups (Hypothesis 1a). Moreover, members
of face-to-face groups were more satisfied than video-teleconferencing
groups (Hypothesis 1b). However, video-teleconferencing groups suffered
no decrement in performance as compared with face-to-face groups
(Hypothesis 1c).
First, consistent with previous research comparing face-to-face and tel-
ephone conversations (O’Conaill & Whittaker, 1997; Sellen, 1995), our
results showed that, compared with face-to-face communication, video-
teleconferencing groups took fewer turns, required more time for turns, and
interrupted each other significantly less. In other words, the interaction
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372 Small Group Research
process in video-teleconferencing groups was more formal, lecture-like
with long turns. Listeners appeared to be more polite, waiting for a
speaker to finish before making their conversational contribution. In gen-
eral, these results suggest that video-teleconferencing technologies, although
capable of inducing the impression of sharing space with the participants at
the remote site, are to some extent attenuating the social context cues that
are considered important for coordinating turn taking during face-to-face
communication (cf. Boyle et al., 1994).
Second, we found lower levels of perceived satisfaction with group
processes and outcomes in video-teleconferencing groups as compared to
face-to-face groups. Baltes, Dickson, Sherman, Bauer, and LaGanke (2002)
found similar results. With meta-analysis, Baltes et al. (2002) compared
decision making in face-to-face with distributed computer-mediated com-
munication groups (e.g., chat groups). Their results suggest that, in general,
and compared with face-to-face groups, computer-mediated communica-
tion leads to decreases in satisfaction. Presumably, the relative lack of
social context cues in the video-teleconferencing setting led to the frustra-
tion and dissatisfaction of the video-teleconferencing group members.
Likewise, Mühlbach, Böcker, and Prussog (1995) found a positive relation
between telepresence and satisfaction: The greater feeling of being in direct
contact with the participants at the remote site led to a higher degree of
satisfaction with video teleconferencing. According to their line of reason-
ing, the communication setting creating the richest presence experience
(i.e., face-to-face communication) should lead to the highest degree of sat-
isfaction. This seems to underline the importance of mediating a sense of
sharing space with the participants at the remote site in the development of
innovative communication technologies.
Third, although video-teleconferencing groups took fewer turns, required
more time for turns, and interrupted each other less, we found no perform-
ance differences between face-to-face and video-teleconferencing groups.
Groups were able to maintain comparable performance scores across com-
munication conditions in spite of differences in communication patterns. It
appears that group members adapted their communication patterns to their
distributed working environment in an effort to maintain high and stable
performance. This finding is consistent with previous studies (Boyle et al.,
1994, Williams, 1977). In general, group members adapt to limitations in
their working environment by accelerating their cognitive processing,
increasing the amount of their implicit coordination by sending more infor-
mation without being asked for it, and, to a lesser extent, omitting certain
activities (Adelman, Miller, Henderson, & Schoelles, 2003). It is likely that
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Van der Kleij et al. / How Conversations Change 373
to maintain a high performance on the task, communication strategies were
altered in such a manner that task performance required less communica-
tion and resources were freed for the more demanding cognitive processing
required in distributed group work.
These finding have some interesting implications for practice. In accord-
ance with previous research, our results confirm the beneficial effects of
proximity on communication. As it seems, proximity helps to conduct a
conversation and has beneficial effects on satisfaction (cf. Kiesler &
Cummings, 2002; Kraut et al., 2002). In collocated settings, people can use
the full range of linguistic, paralinguistic, and nonverbal behaviors to com-
municate (Kraut et al., 2002), and use deictic gestures (i.e., pointing) to refer
quickly and easily to people, locations, and objects. This general notion
implies that collocation makes it less difficult for group members to com-
municate information to others and to interpret the communications of oth-
ers (cf. Driskell, Radtke, & Salas, 2003). Thus, given the importance of
collocation, a potential challenge for virtual teams becomes how to incorpo-
rate face-to-face meetings into their routines (Connaughton & Daly, 2004).
Alternatively, it is possible that in time and with careful management,
technological substitutes will provide the same critical routine as face-to-
face meetings. Thompson and Coovert (2006) argue that chat rooms can be
a viable alternative for teams lacking the resources to hold face-to-face
meetings. Chat allows people to have a real-time conversation, either between
two people or in chat rooms between more people at the same time. Nardi
and Whittaker (2002) suggested that chat could aid in developing a sense
of social connection and awareness, and stimulate impromptu, or water-
cooler conversations that nurture understanding and trust.
Indeed, Zheng, Bos, Olson, and Olson (2001) and Zheng, Veinott, Bos,
Olson, and Olson (2002) found that team members who were unable to
meet face-to-face but rather engaged in chat-based conversations to be
acquainted with each other before collaborating demonstrated more trust
than teams who did not hold such meetings. In addition, Zheng et al. (2002)
demonstrated that, when it is not possible to hold a kick-off meeting (i.e.,
the first meeting with the team members to discuss the work that needs to
be completed), it is valuable to present a photograph of each distributed
team member in the chat room to promote interpersonal trust. In contrast to
the static presentation of biographical information of fellow team members,
Zheng et al. (2002) argue that a photo improves the building of trust
because the visual identification emphasizes interlocutors humanity and
implies accountability (i.e., one can be visually recognized by their fellow
team members in the future). Future research, however, is required in this
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374 Small Group Research
area before clear mechanisms emerge on how to incorporate face-to-face
meetings, or alternatives like chat meetings, into the routines of virtual
Effects of Experience
Relating to adaptation, we hypothesized that initial differences between
face-to-face groups and video-teleconferencing groups would disappear
over time, as video-teleconferencing groups would adjust to the newness
and limitations of the communication medium available to them (Hypothesis 2).
This hypothesis was partly confirmed. At the end of the experiment, initial
differences between communication conditions on turn duration, number of
turns, and number of simultaneous speech events had disappeared, suggest-
ing an adaptation effect on these communication patterns. This implies that
video-teleconferencing groups are able to adapt to their given communica-
tion environment and that possible problems in the regulation of conversa-
tion are, to some extent, compensated for.
This finding has an important implication for the design of groupware. It
means that groupware engineers and designers could run the risk of devoting
time, effort, and financial resources to the development of innovative solutions
to nonproblems: problems that diminish in time as people learn effective
practices to adapt to the technologies available to them (see also Dourish et al.,
1996). In practice, the implication of an adaptation effect is that video-
teleconferencing groups that are new to the communication medium and
must learn to operate it, must be allowed some time to adapt the medium’s
structures into their work processes. This finding is also relevant for the
training of virtual teams. Some argue that the nature and characteristics of
virtual teams require initial training of communication skills, and skills and
knowledge that enable team members to operate available groupware
(Cascio, 2000; Hertel, Geister, & Konradt, 2005; Horvath & Tobin, 2001;
Knoll & Jarvenpaa, 1998). However, rather than developing and delivering
expensive training sessions, this research shows that virtual teams that have
recurring tasks and anticipate continued future interaction should simply be
allowed to learn and adapt while performing their task.
Also interesting was the finding that over time, groups in both commu-
nication conditions needed less conversation to complete the task, provid-
ing evidence in favor of our third hypothesis (Hypothesis 3). The overall
numbers of turns decreased as groups gained experience and the overall
duration of pauses increased. Furthermore, the number of simultaneous
speech events for face-to-face groups, and, for the video-teleconferencing
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Van der Kleij et al. / How Conversations Change 375
groups, the numbers of interruptions without a turn switch decreased. In
other words, the volume of communication diminished over time (cf. Briggs
& Johnston, 1967).
A plausible explanation for this finding is the development of shared and
thus more efficient language. The development of such a common vocabu-
lary is called grounding (Clark & Brennan, 1991; Clark & Carlson, 1982).
According to Clark and Brennan (1991), grounding is essential to commu-
nication. Once a message is formulated, people must do more than just send
it off. They need to assure themselves that it has been understood as it was
intended to be. Otherwise, there is little assurance that the discourse they
are taking part in will proceed in an orderly way. Thus, grounding involves
reaching a state of mutual understanding about what was said and meant.
By the principle of least collaborative effort, people try to ground with as
little combined effort as needed. Although groups need to update their com-
mon ground moment by moment, especially when starting up a new dis-
course the associated costs of reaching a state of mutual understanding and
common vocabulary can be compounded. This explains why at the begin-
ning of the collaboration there was more communication.
An alternative explanation is that groups developed a shared knowledge
structure, or transactive memory system, which allowed them make better
use of each individual’s expertise (Hollingshead, 2001; Jackson & Klobas,
2008). Transactive memory is the shared division of cognitive labor with
respect to the encoding, storage, retrieval, and communication of informa-
tion from different domains that often develops in close relationships
(Hollingshead, 1998; Wegner, 1987). Through self-disclosure and shared
experiences, group members learn who the expert is across knowledge
domains, and members rely on one another to access information in appro-
priate domains. When group members know who is good at what, coordina-
tion is likely to improve. Familiarity with one anothers strengths and
weaknesses helps members to anticipate behavior rather than merely react
to it (Moreland, Argote, & Krishnan, 1996). Even when specific tasks have
not been assigned to particular members, group members can coordinate
more smoothly, efficiently, and implicitly. This means that experienced
groups need less discussion to complete the same amount of work as groups
that share no task experiences.
Future research should examine more fully the impact of communica-
tion environment on the development of shared knowledge structures, a
special case of which is a transactive memory system. To develop a shared
knowledge structure it is important that collaborators are enabled to moni-
tor their partners’ activities and to understand the impact of their partners’
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376 Small Group Research
progress on their own work (Kraut et al., 2002). Monitoring can help peo-
ple determine when and which collaborative actions are required. In other
words, monitoring helps determine whether it is time to harass someone to
complete his or her section of the task. The major challenge, according to
Kraut et al., is to develop tools or procedures for virtual teams that allow
people to monitor their partners’ activities and aid the development of
awareness. It is well imaginable that a communication environment capable
of conveying cues containing emotional, attitudinal, normative, and other
meanings, beyond the literal cognitive denotations of the symbols used to
express it (e.g., face-to-face communication), fosters more swiftly the
development of shared knowledge of the task, roles, responsibilities, and
informational needs of fellow group members.
There are several examples of groupware that claim to help virtual teams
in the development of shared awareness. Most of them focus on maintain-
ing so called passive awareness. This means that these technologies aim to
provide collaborators with knowledge of the other team members. For
example, Bolstad and Endsley (1999) investigated the use of shared dis-
plays as a means of enhancing shared awareness. A comparison was made
between teams in which the members were able to view each others screen
while working and teams in which team members could not view each
others screen. Bolstad and Endsley concluded that the shared-display set-
ting supported the development of shared awareness and improved per-
formance. Nevertheless, team members who could view each others screen
were initially slower. The reason for this was twofold. First, team members
used extra time looking at the teammate’s screen. Second, team members
used more time to develop knowledge of the teammate’s task. The major
design challenge is therefore to share the information needed to maintain
awareness, detect relevant changes in the environment, and then present
these changes to interested parties without overwhelming them so much
that they are unable to do their own work (Bolstad & Endsley, 1999).
Contrary to our expectations, neither satisfaction nor task performance
increased as groups gained experience with the task, the group, and the
communication setting. An explanation, which is compatible with the other
accounts we have presented, involves the task we used in the experiment.
Because we used a rather simple multiple-choice task that did not require
skilled behavior, it is well possible that our distributed environment did not
pose a real hindrance to our participants to maintain high and stable
performance. This could also have led to the relatively high levels of satis-
faction. Because there was ample time to perform the task, there was no
challenge involved and groups in both communication conditions per-
formed at their maximum at the beginning of the experiment: Participants
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Van der Kleij et al. / How Conversations Change 377
either knew or did not know the answer to a specific question. It is not
likely that the knowledge our participants possessed required answering the
questions increased over time due to increased experience with the task.
Clearly, more research is needed to more fully understand the effects of
experience. For example, it would be interesting to replicate this longitudi-
nal approach using a task that requires rich communication channels and
has the potential to lead to substantial variances in group performance to
investigate the effects of experience on task performance more thoroughly
(cf. Van der Kleij et al., 2005). Furthermore, it would also be interesting to
impose a more stringent time limit on teamwork. This can have severe
detrimental effects on task performance (Kelly, Jackson, & Hutson-
Comeaux, 1997). This is especially interesting in distributed settings,
because, according to Walther (2002), the associated challenges of distrib-
uted teamwork are accentuated when time is, or becomes, short.
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Rick van der Kleij is a research psychologist at the Human Factors lab of TNO Defence,
Security and Safety in Soesterberg, the Netherlands. His main area of interest is on making
effective teams with people and collaborative technologies in collocated and distributed set-
tings. He holds a PhD in psychology from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Jan Maarten Schraagen is a senior research scientist at the Human Factors lab of TNO
Defence, Security and Safety and a professor of applied cognitive psychology at Twente
University, the Netherlands. His research interests include task analysis, team decision mak-
ing, trust in collaborative repositories, and adaptive human–computer collaboration.
Peter Werkhoven is a professor at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences
at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. His work is focused on multimodal perception and
interaction in virtual environments. He is also Director Research, of TNO Defence, Security
and Safety, managing a research portfolio in the field of observation and information systems,
operational analysis and human factors.
Carsten K. W. De Dreu is Professor and Chair of the Organizational Psychology Program at
the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He was president of the International
Association for Conflict Management and the European Association of Social Psychology,
and served as scientific director of the Kurt Lewin Graduate School for social and organiza-
tional psychology. His research interests center on group processes and performance including
conflict and negotiation, and creativity and innovation.
by Books Editorial on December 31, 2009 http://sgr.sagepub.comDownloaded from
... team virtuality have been shown to depend on a range of factors that determine how and under which conditions teams work together (e.g., team type, study setting, work design, team duration, Carter et al., 2019;Gibbs et al., 2017;Handke et al., 2020;De Guinea et al., 2012;Purvanova & Kenda, 2022). For instance, studies where team members have enough time to get to know one another, their communication technologies, and the task at hand generally reveal more positive effects on team performance or satisfaction than studies with adhoc laboratory groups, even if team virtuality levels are comparable (e.g., Fuller & Dennis, 2009;van der Kleij et al., 2009). These findings suggest that the type and extent of technology-mediated communication itself is insufficient when it comes to defining team virtuality and explaining its effects on team outcomes. ...
... For instance, given enough message exchange, technology-mediated communication has been shown to exhibit high degrees of relational communication (Walther & Tidwell, 1995;Walther, 1992Walther, , 1994. Moreover, even experimental research shows no differences between face-to-face and technologymediated groups' performance when these worked on multiple/successive tasks (Fuller & Dennis, 2009;Simon, 2006;van der Kleij et al., 2009). These findings are supported by recent meta-analyses (Carter et al., 2019;Purvanova & Kenda, 2022), which show no effect of structural team virtuality on team performance outcomes in organizational/ longer-tenured teams and thereby emphasize the shortcomings of structural virtuality operationalizations. ...
... In their conceptual model, Handke et al. (2021) propose that whereas perceived distance would be more predictive of affective outcomes, perceived information deficits would contribute to understanding teams' task-related performance. As such TPV should ideally help us understand why (virtual) team performance and satisfaction often do not align (e.g., Simon, 2006;Van der Kleij et al., 2009). Recent research with proxies (i.e., related constructs) of TPV has provided initial support for these differential relationships . ...
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With the strong proliferation of virtual teams across various organizations and contexts, understanding how virtuality affects teamwork has become fundamental to team and organizational effectiveness. However, current conceptualizations of virtuality rely almost exclusively on more or less fixed, structural features, such as the degree of technology reliance. In this paper, we take a socio-constructivist perspective on team virtuality, focusing on individuals’ experience of team virtuality, which may vary across teams and time points with similar structural features. More specifically, we develop and validate a scale that captures the construct of Team Perceived Virtuality (Handke et al., 2021). Following a description of item development and content validity, we present the results of four different studies that demonstrate the construct’s structural, discriminant, and criterion validity with an overall number of 2,294 teams. The final instrument comprises 10 items that measure the two dimensions of Team Perceived Virtuality (collectively-experienced distance and collectively-experienced information deficits) with five items each. This final scale showed a very good fit to a two-dimensional structure both at individual and team levels and adequate psychometric properties including aggregation indices. We further provide evidence for conceptual and empirical distinctiveness of the two TPV dimensions based on related team constructs, and for criterion validity, showing the expected significant relationships with leader-rated interaction quality and team performance. Lastly, we generalize results from student project teams to an organizational team sample. Accordingly, this scale can enhance both research and practice as a validated instrument to address how team virtuality is experienced.
... 57 For instance, one study found that videoconference conversations were perceived as more polite and less disruptive, even though they may slow communication. 58 In contrast, another study reported that videoconferencing might lead to less frequent communication compared with co-located teams. 52 In distributed teams, if some members dominated communication, this could reduce the benefits of having larger teams, as other members might be marginalised and unable to contribute. ...
... However, this adaptation benefited established teams rather than short-term ones. 58 Familiarity among distributed team members was found to improve their effectiveness. 59 61 Established teams working together for extended periods had an advantage due to their familiarity, which could be more difficult to establish for short-term teams. ...
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Introduction Increased globalisation and technological advancements have led to the emergence of distributed teams in various sectors, including healthcare. However, our understanding of how leadership, communication and collaboration influence distributed healthcare teams remains limited. Objectives This study aimed to map knowledge on leadership, communication and collaboration in short-term distributed teams across various fields to gain insights that could benefit healthcare. Design Scoping review. Data source A database search of PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus and PsycINFO was conducted in May 2021 and updated in February 2023 and May 2024. Eligibility criteria Articles were eligible if they involved leadership, communication or collaboration in distributed short-term teams supported by synchronised audio-visual communication technology. Two researchers independently screened titles, abstracts and full texts for inclusion. Data extraction and synthesis Extracted data on leadership, communication and collaboration were synthesised narratively and reported in terms of patterns, advances, gaps, evidence for practice and research recommendations. Results Among 6591 articles, 55 met the eligibility criteria, spanning military, engineering, business, industrial and healthcare contexts. The research focus has shifted over time from adverse effects to solutions for overcoming challenges in distributed teams. Inclusive leadership is vital for engaging all team members. ‘Team opacity’, the absence of non-verbal cues and reduced awareness of team members’ actions, can occur in distributed teams relying on technology. Clear communication is crucial for avoiding misunderstandings and fostering collaboration and adaptability. Developing shared mental models and trust is more challenging, leading to uncertainty and reduced information sharing. There is a lack of studies examining how to apply this knowledge to health professionals’ education. Conclusion Our findings highlight the importance of implementing strategies in healthcare to enhance inclusive leadership and improve communication in distributed healthcare settings. More empirical research is needed to understand the intricacy of distributed healthcare settings and identify effective ways to train distributed healthcare teams.
... However, this adaptation benefits ongoing teams more than temporary rural emergency teams. 48 As regards leadership (items 1 and 2), we found no difference between co-located and distributed teams, nor was there a difference in team performance regarding task management (items 10 and 11). In the calibration process of the TEAM instrument, evaluating one of the behavioral markers in item 2 proved challenging in the distributed context. ...
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Introduction Despite the increasing use of distributed healthcare teams, performance evaluation is largely lacking. This study examined rural emergency health care in Sweden to determine the effect of teams being either co-located or distributed with remote physicians accessible via telemedicine. Method In this crossover study, 17 three-person teams were video recorded during co-located and distributed simulated scenarios. Team performance in the video recordings was evaluated using the TEAM instrument. Results Co-located scenarios had significantly higher Total ratings for the instrument (items 1–11), in the teamwork domain (items 3–9), and in overall performance (item 12) compared with distributed scenarios ( P < 0.005). Item-level analysis revealed that co-located teams were better at completing tasks on time (item 4) and showed greater adaptability to changing situations (item 7). Conclusions The higher rating of the performance of co-located teams underscores the challenges facing distributed teams. Given that distributed healthcare teams are a reality in rural areas in northern Sweden, education and training must be adapted to address these challenges. This adaptation is crucial for ensuring high-quality patient care by distributed teams.
... Tampoco parecen alterar el dominio instrumental del lenguaje al punto de influenciar la performance de tareas (Doherty-Sneddon, Anderson, O'Malley, Langton, Garrod & Bruce, 1997). Al abordar la coordinación de tareas grupales pueden constatarse algunas diferencias en el cumplimiento de tareas pero éstas desaparecen con el tiempo (Van Der Kleij et al., 2009), sugiriendo un proceso de adaptación al dispositivo y no características estructurales del dispositivo. ...
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Se estudió la experiencia de conversar por videoconferencia en una muestra por conveniencia de 70 jóvenes universitarios chilenos a través del análisis exploratorio de contenidos de entrevistas luego de un breve primado, con el objetivo de conocer sus particularidades distintivas. Se produjeron siete ejes temáticos: descoordinación de miradas, ausencia de co-presencialidad física y restricción del campo perceptual, presencia conjunta de la auto y hetero imagen en la pantalla, efectos subjetivos de alteración a la percepción de credibilidad del interlocutor, dificultad para lidiar con silencios, percepción de interferencias en el flujo comunicacional, mantención de la estructura pero alteraciones en la profundización de sustratos temáticos compartidos. Se discute que las interacciones por videoconferencia podrían tener un efecto de desorientación respecto de las expectativas pre-reflexivas de un encuentro físico, sensible y coordinado con la contraparte, con potenciales efectos para la salud mental y emocional en la era digital. The experience of videoconferencing was studied in a convenience sample of 70 Chilean university students through an exploratory content analysis of interviews after a brief priming experience with the purpose of describing its distinctive particularities. Seven thematic axis were produced: visual dis-coordination, absence of physical co-presence and restriction of the perceptual field, joint presence of auto and hetero images on the screen, alterations to the perception of credibility of their counterpart, difficulties in tolerating silences, perceptions of interference in the communicational flux, a stable common ground formation structure but alterations in its deepening. It is discussed how videoconferencing may have a disorienting effect regarding the pre-reflective anticipation of a physical, sensible and coordinated encounter with Alter. These alterations may impact mental and emotional health in the digital age.
... zu verschwinden (Kock, 1998(Kock, , 2005; für einen metaanalytischen Vergleich organisationaler und nicht-organisationaler virtueller Teamarbeit, siehe Purvanova & Kenda, 2022). Selbst laborexperimentelle Studien zeigen ähnliche Leistung bei face-to-face versus IKT-vermittelter Gruppenarbeit, sofern die Gruppen über mehrere (ähnliche) Aufgaben hinweg zusammenarbeiten können (Fuller & Dennis, 2009;Simon, 2006;Van der Kleij et al., 2009). Zudem zeigt sich, dass auch unter Nutzung von IKT ein hohes Maß beziehungsorientierter Kommunikation stattfinden kann, bei der Kommunikationspartner_innen über den Stil (Utz, 2000) sowie das Timing (Walther & Tidwell, 1995) der ausgetauschten Nachrichten relevantes Wissen für den Beziehungsaufbau übereinander beziehen. ...
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Zusammenfassung: Mit dem rasanten technologischen Fortschritt und der zunehmenden Globalisierung nimmt auch das Ausmaß virtueller Teamarbeit zu, d. h. von Teamarbeit, die unter Nutzung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) meist über verschiedene Standorte hinweg stattfindet. Die IKT-vermittelte Kommunikation sowie die räumliche Verteilung verändert jedoch maßgeblich die Interaktion im Team, sodass sich große Herausforderungen für die Zusammenarbeit ergeben. In diesem Beitrag geben wir daher einen Überblick über die bisherige Forschung zu virtueller Teamarbeit und erläutern dabei, wodurch sich virtuelle Teamarbeit auszeichnet, welche Effekte damit verbunden sind und wie sie sich aktiv gestalten lässt. Wir schließen den Beitrag mit einem Ausblick auf aktuelle Trends und zukünftige Entwicklungen in Forschung und Praxis virtueller Teamarbeit.
Videoconferencing has become a ubiquitous medium for collaborative work. It does suffer however from various drawbacks such as zoom fatigue. This paper addresses the quality of user experience by exploring an enhanced system concept with the capability of conveying gaze and attention. Gazing Heads is a round-table virtual meeting concept that uses only a single screen per participant. It enables direct eye contact, and signals gaze via controlled head rotation. The technology to realise this novel concept is not quite mature though, so we built a camera-based simulation for four simultaneous videoconference users. We conducted a user study comparing Gazing Heads with a conventional “Tiled View” video conferencing system, for 20 groups of 4 people, on each of two tasks. The study found that head rotation clearly conveys gaze and strongly enhances the perception of attention. Measurements of turn-taking behaviour did not differ decisively between the two systems (though there were significant differences between the two tasks). A novel insight in comparison to prior studies is that there was a significant increase in mutual eye contact with Gazing Heads, and that users clearly felt more engaged, encouraged to participate and more socially present. Overall, participants expressed a clear preference for Gazing Heads. These results suggest that fully implementing the Gazing Heads concept, using modern computer vision technology as it matures, could significantly enhance the experience of videoconferencing.
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Rhythmic information is an essential part of verbal and non-verbal coordination during human conversations. In small group settings, who coordinates with whom can further shape the overall coordination and create unique global rhythmic patterns qualitatively different from the individual rhythms involved. Despite their significance, the local and global characteristics of these rhythmic dynamics have rarely been studied directly. To address this gap, our study investigates the network topology of turn-taking and rhythmic information flow in small group conversations from the AMI corpus. Nodes in these networks represent participants and edges are either the number of sequential speech turns or a significant flow of acoustic rhythm information between them, inferred through Multivariate Granger causality. We calculated density and centralization metrics for the network and centrality metrics for each node. Simultaneously, Recurrence Quantification Analysis was used to characterize the collective acoustic rhythm arising from this web of interactions. Our findings reveal at least two distinct local and global dynamics in different conversations: sparse networks with centralized-turn-taking that lead to more organized collective acoustic rhythms with a slow tempo, and decentralized and dense networks leading to less organized collective acoustic rhythms with a faster tempo. By uncovering these regularities, our results complement previous knowledge on the complexity of interpersonal coordination of non-verbal rhythmic information in small groups.
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Leadership is central to effective virtual teams. Yet leading people from afar constitutes a challenge to practitioners and an underinvestigated research area to scholars. Based on a series of in-depth interviews with project leaders, senior managers, and executives of global organizations, this chapter advances 13 propositions about effective virtual team leadership. These propositions aid leaders of dispersed teams in overcoming leadership challenges they face.
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A laboratory experiment investigated the processes that underlie the development of transactive memory structures - the organizing schemes that connect knowledge held by individuals to knowledge held by others (D. M. Wegner, T. Guiliano, & P. T. Hertel, 1985). The design was a 2 × 4 factorial that controlled expectations about the partner's knowledge (similar or different from the participant's) and cognitive interdependence, the degree to which participants' outcomes depended on whether they recalled the same or different information as their partner (defined by 4 incentives). Transactive memory was most differentiated when individuals had different expertise and incentives to remember different information and most integrated when individuals had similar expertise and incentives to remember the same information. These findings may help to explain the impact of previous experience and relationships on the development of transactive memory.
Multidisciplinary research on dynamics, problems, and potential of distributed work. Technological advances and changes in the global economy are increasing the geographic distribution of work in industries as diverse as banking, wine production, and clothing design. Many workers communicate regularly with distant coworkers; some monitor and manipulate tools and objects at a distance. Work teams are spread across different cities or countries. Joint ventures and multiorganizational projects entail work in many locations. Two famous examples—the Hudson Bay Company's seventeenth-century fur trading empire and the electronic community that created the original Linux computer operating system—suggest that distributed work arrangements can be flexible, innovative, and highly successful. At the same time, distributed work complicates workers' professional and personal lives. Distributed work alters how people communicate and how they organize themselves and their work, and it changes the nature of employee-employer relationships. This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of distributed work groups and organizations, the challenges inherent in distributed work, and ways to make distributed work more effective. Specific topics include division of labor, incentives, managing group members, facilitating interaction among distant workers, and monitoring performance. The final chapters focus on distributed work in one domain, collaborative scientific research. The contributors include psychologists, cognitive scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, historians, economists, and computer scientists.
Multidisciplinary research on dynamics, problems, and potential of distributed work. Technological advances and changes in the global economy are increasing the geographic distribution of work in industries as diverse as banking, wine production, and clothing design. Many workers communicate regularly with distant coworkers; some monitor and manipulate tools and objects at a distance. Work teams are spread across different cities or countries. Joint ventures and multiorganizational projects entail work in many locations. Two famous examples—the Hudson Bay Company's seventeenth-century fur trading empire and the electronic community that created the original Linux computer operating system—suggest that distributed work arrangements can be flexible, innovative, and highly successful. At the same time, distributed work complicates workers' professional and personal lives. Distributed work alters how people communicate and how they organize themselves and their work, and it changes the nature of employee-employer relationships. This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of distributed work groups and organizations, the challenges inherent in distributed work, and ways to make distributed work more effective. Specific topics include division of labor, incentives, managing group members, facilitating interaction among distant workers, and monitoring performance. The final chapters focus on distributed work in one domain, collaborative scientific research. The contributors include psychologists, cognitive scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, historians, economists, and computer scientists.
Multidisciplinary research on dynamics, problems, and potential of distributed work. Technological advances and changes in the global economy are increasing the geographic distribution of work in industries as diverse as banking, wine production, and clothing design. Many workers communicate regularly with distant coworkers; some monitor and manipulate tools and objects at a distance. Work teams are spread across different cities or countries. Joint ventures and multiorganizational projects entail work in many locations. Two famous examples—the Hudson Bay Company's seventeenth-century fur trading empire and the electronic community that created the original Linux computer operating system—suggest that distributed work arrangements can be flexible, innovative, and highly successful. At the same time, distributed work complicates workers' professional and personal lives. Distributed work alters how people communicate and how they organize themselves and their work, and it changes the nature of employee-employer relationships. This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of distributed work groups and organizations, the challenges inherent in distributed work, and ways to make distributed work more effective. Specific topics include division of labor, incentives, managing group members, facilitating interaction among distant workers, and monitoring performance. The final chapters focus on distributed work in one domain, collaborative scientific research. The contributors include psychologists, cognitive scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, historians, economists, and computer scientists.
Multidisciplinary research on dynamics, problems, and potential of distributed work. Technological advances and changes in the global economy are increasing the geographic distribution of work in industries as diverse as banking, wine production, and clothing design. Many workers communicate regularly with distant coworkers; some monitor and manipulate tools and objects at a distance. Work teams are spread across different cities or countries. Joint ventures and multiorganizational projects entail work in many locations. Two famous examples—the Hudson Bay Company's seventeenth-century fur trading empire and the electronic community that created the original Linux computer operating system—suggest that distributed work arrangements can be flexible, innovative, and highly successful. At the same time, distributed work complicates workers' professional and personal lives. Distributed work alters how people communicate and how they organize themselves and their work, and it changes the nature of employee-employer relationships. This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of distributed work groups and organizations, the challenges inherent in distributed work, and ways to make distributed work more effective. Specific topics include division of labor, incentives, managing group members, facilitating interaction among distant workers, and monitoring performance. The final chapters focus on distributed work in one domain, collaborative scientific research. The contributors include psychologists, cognitive scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, historians, economists, and computer scientists.
Measuring and managing for team performance: Emerging principles from complex environments" Teamwork has always been an important component of successful military operations. However, as the nature of military operations evolves in the post-cold war era, the ability of teams to work effectively in a dynamic and complex environment may play an even more critical role. As the nature of military organizations evolves and becomes more complex, it will be important to understand why some teams function better than others and how to instill the requisite skills in numerous geographically dispersed teams. The authors of this paper extracted twenty principles of teamwork from studies of decision making teams working in three complex tactical naval settings. Nine of the principles regard the nature of teamwork; seven regard team leadership; four regard the roles of individual team members. The findings presented here provide suggestions for managing teams effectively, measuring team performance, and for training teams in complex settings. They have application to peacekeeping operations, which are highly complex.
The increasing focus on global organizations, horizontal organizational structures and inter-organizational cooperation has created the virtual work team. This paper identifies the research-based similarities and differences between traditional and virtual teams and presents a conceptual framework specifying virtual team competencies based on virtual team performance research. Related organizational interventions are presented.
Understanding the use of group decision support systems: The theory of adaptive structuration People spend an inordinate amount of time in meetings. One study estimated that there is a meeting every minute in the average large corporation. And this time is often badly spent—for many groups, meetings are dreaded and tiresome events. Bad jokes and bon mots chronicle this frustration: “A meeting is a cul de sac down which promising young ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” It is no surprise, then, that new computer-based technologies are being developed to aid meetings. A group decision support system (GDSS) combine communication, computer, and decision technologies to support the decision-making and related activities of work groups. Communication technologies available within a GDSS include electronic messaging, teleconferencing, and store and forward facilities. Computer technologies include multiuser operating systems, fourth generation languages, and graphics facilities. Decision support technologies include agenda setting, decision-modeling methods (such ...