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The effect of pyramids on preservation of milk

  • Independent Researcher

Abstract and Figures

Pyramid has been variously studied for its mystical preservative, healing and curative effects. The power of the pyramids has been much talked about in Egypt and the great pyramids as the wonders of the world. They are mentioned as çikhariëis and gopurams used in temples in Indian tradition. It is associated with Chakras and the elevation of the human mind to the super-consciousness levels. Although several studies have been undertaken on pyramids, much of their effects remain a mystery. In the study, attempt has been made as to scientifically analyze the preservative capability of the pyramids. Pyramids made out of natural materials as wood and other synthetic materials as fiberglass have been used to understand the effect. The shape of the pyramids was square and octagon of different sizes. Milk kept under the pyramids for a period of 14 days was analyzed. All the samples in the pyramids have shown various levels of inhibition of bacterial growth, compared with the control sample. The samples in the wooden pyramids have shown the maximum preservative capability in comparison with the samples in the fiberglass pyramids. The samples in the octagon pyramid have shown better performance than that of square pyramids. The study could be the beginning of many more rigorous studies to establish the finding. All can imagine the tremendous implications of the study.
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... The Pyramid shape technique combines preservation and packaging in one process and is poised to be a useful tool for the food industry (Abdelsamie et al., 2012). Pyramid shapes have shown effectiveness in diverse fields, from milk packaging and preservation (Kumar et al., 2005;Gopinath et al., 2008); an Indian research team yielded similar success with an experiment that tested the effect of the pyramid shape on the growth and emergence of fenugreek seeds (Kumar & Nagendra, 2011). The Pyramid-shaped compost bucket can limit microorganisms' growth and reduce the foul smell (Klosko, 2023). ...
... In the first four hours, APC was similar across shapes. However, pyramidal stored beef had a lower APC count than other shapes until 24 hours, emphasizing the influence of pyramidal containers on microbial growth in milk (Gopinath et al., 2008). Cylindrical, kept beef showed a similar APC curve to pyramidal, but remained lower than other package shapes until the conclusion of room temperature storage. ...
... Over the last few decades, a number of studies were carried out to understand the effects of energy fields reinforced inside pyramidal and other geometrical shapes [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38], [39], [40]. Influenced by this shape-effect phenomenon, one study used flux gate magnetometer measurements to demonstrate that pyramidal-shaped structures made of fiberglass actually induce magnetic fields. ...
... It was observed that the reinforced energy fields within the pyramidal structure provide several benefits: changes in the pH value of stored materials, increased moisture loss of biological samples, and almost three times quicker decomposition ratio of H2O2 or aqueous hydrogen peroxide [38]. A recent study demonstrated that in comparison to other control samples, pyramidal structures can be more effective in controlling growth of microorganisms in milk [34]. Another study demonstrated the role of pyramidal-shaped packages in improving the quality of packaged water through changing the water structure by forming filament-shaped crystals. ...
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In this study, two software packages using different numerical techniques-FEKO 6.3 with Finite-Element Method (FEM) and XFDTD 7 with Finite Difference Time Domain Method (FDTD)-were used to assess exposure of 3D models of square-, rectangular-, and pyramidal-shaped water containers to electromagnetic waves at 300, 900, and 2400 MHz frequencies. Using the FEM simulation technique, the peak electric field of 25, 4.5, and 2 V/m at 300 MHz and 15.75, 1.5, and 1.75 V/m at 900 MHz were observed in pyramidal-, rectangular-, and square-shaped 3D container models, respectively. The FDTD simulation method confirmed a peak electric field of 12.782, 10.907, and 10.625 V/m at 2400 MHz in the pyramidal-, square-, and rectangular-shaped 3D models, respectively. The study demonstrated an exceptionally high level of electric field in the water in the two identical pyramid-shaped 3D models analyzed using the two different simulation techniques. Both FEM and FDTD simulation techniques indicated variations in the distribution of electric, magnetic fields, and specific absorption rate of water stored inside the 3D container models. The study successfully demonstrated that shape and dimensions of 3D models significantly influence the electric and magnetic fields inside packaged materials; thus, specific absorption rates in the stored water vary according to the shape and dimensions of the packaging materials.
... The effect of this 'pyramidal energy' had been studied on solids [7], liquids [8], plants [9], microorganisms [10], animals [11] furthermore actually human volunteers. Some of the discoveries of such studies include rapid growth of plants, faster healing of bruises and burns, longer preservation of milk [12], and an enhanced vitalization and better relaxation in human subjects [13]. A Various number of volunteers have expressed that meditating inside the pyramid was easier than meditating outside as they felt more peaceful, more relaxed and less distracted [14]. ...
... The spectra resulting through this analysis are divided into four frequency bands: Delta (δ) (1-4 Hz), Theta (θ) (4-8 Hz), Alpha (α) (8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) and Beta (β) (14-30 Hz) [28,29]. A calculation of the mean power of amplitude (µV 2 ) for EEG signals for each band was performed [29]. ...
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The present work introduces a new method for discriminating electroencephalogram (EEG) power spectra of rat's brain housed in different architectural shapes. The ability of neural networks for discrimination is used to describe the effect of different environments on brain activity. In this research the rats were divided into four groups according to the type of environmental shapes as: control (normal cage), pyramidal, inverted pyramidal and circular. The brain activities (EEG) were recorded from rats of each group. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis of EEG signals was carried out to obtain power spectra. Two different neural networks are used as classifiers for power spectra of the different 4 groups: multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with backpropagation and radial basis function RBF networks with unsupervised K means clustering algorithm. Experimental studies have shown that the proposed algorithms give good results when applied and tested on the four groups. The multilayer with backpropagation and radial basis function networks achieved a performance rate reaching 94.4 % and 96.67% respectively.
... The architectural space benefits were reported in some previous studies including its healthy role in healing potentiality of incisional wounds within a wooden pyramid cages (Rao, 1997) improvement of conscious level (Elbaiuomy et al., 2019), also housing of animals in pyramid counteracts neuroendocrine and oxidative stress (Bhat et al., 2007).The energy of pyramidal shapes might improve some biological parameters reflecting in tumor growth retardation (Nahed et al., 2010), improvement of activity and better relaxation (MI et al., 2013), reduced also prenatal stress (Murthy et al., 2013) not healthy role only but also another agriculture role as long time food and milk preservation (Abdelsamie et al., 2014;Gopinath et al., 2008). The slight modification of architectural space as biogeometrical spaces induce improvement of the immunity status of animals and the support of self-healing (health improvement) by protective energy balance. ...
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The cognition is a very critical process even for animals, enables them to recognize each other, their owner, feeding space requirement and help them in the vital behaviors as mate choice, foraging, on the other hand, the surrounded mobile phone radiation (MPR)and its increased application even for animal farms management and feeding can radiate inside the farms leading to the threaten animals’ health especially vital organs so this will reflect negatively on the farm income. Our study aimed to evaluate the effect of some famous historical architectural shapes on cognitive state and spatial memory impairment induced by effects of the mobile phone radiation, (900 MHz) for 8 weeks and possibility to create healthy and high efficient architectural farm designs. Thirty-two (32) Swiss Albino male mice were randomly divided into 8 groups (n = 8), they housed in 4 cages with various shapes. Group I & II housed in a traditional cage, Group I served as a control which did not subject to a mobile phone but groups (II-IV) are exposed to mobile phone radiations. Our result revealed that these changes in architectural shapes as housing in pyramid shape can induce positive effects on cognitive state and spatial memory impairment induced by MPR, it also retains the antioxidant capacity total antioxidant (TAC), malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO), reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT) plus it alleviate the neurodegenerative effect of MPR on hippocampus and cortex in histopathology, it concluded that housing under pyramidal architectural shape may have a positive effect on cognition and spatial memory impairment induced by the hazard of electromagnetic waves and this study can be useful for architects and advised to be used in the creation of healthy architecture buildings for either human or animal farms.
... Recently, many studies have been conducted on the effects of the enhanced energy fields generated inside some geometrical shapes on biological materials and animals such as water, milk and rats [8][9][10][11][12][13] . The recent electromagnetic simulation studies [14][15][16] that were based on 17 that explained the source and the mechanisms of these effects showed scientific evidence. ...
An investigation studying the effects of EMF shielding, storage duration and packaging shape on the quality of natural mineral drinking water has been completed. Two identical groups each consisted of four containers with different packaging shapes were manufactured. The containers were used to store natural mineral water for 30 days at ambient room temperature (25°C). One group was shielded by applying Faraday’s shield. The surrounding electromagnetic fields were measured during the storage period by using TS-EMF portable measurement system. During the storage period, samples were collected for analysis at the end of one week, two weeks and one month. The relationship between the containers’ packaging shape and the electromagnetic fields to their effects on the physicochemical and microbiological parameters of water were explored by electromagnetic (EM) simulation. The physicochemical parameters of the stored water remained within the permissible guidelines of the World Health Organization. It was observed that variations in the HPC of the water samples stored both shielded and unshielded containers during the storage period. There was no coliform count detected in the stored water in the three trials during the three phases of the study period.The EM simulation showed variations in the total SAR and maximum point SAR values, which is the energy absorbed by water at 2,400 MHz for both vertical and horizontal polarizations. It can be concluded that the variations in the values of SAR induced in water are directly related to the variations in the physicochemical and microbiological parameters of the stored water.
... Recently, many studies have been carried out to investigate the effects of the shapes of geometrical structures and the energy fields generated inside these models [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]. The energy source and the mechanisms by which such geometrical structures act on biological materials were controversial issues until the publication of recent studies [23,32] that were based on [36] that explained the source and the mechanisms of these effects. ...
In this study, two identical groups of four containers with different packaging shapes made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) were used to store H2O–NaCl solution for seven days at ambient room temperature (25 °C). Faraday shield was used to shield one group. The surrounding electromagnetic fields were measured during the storage period by using R&S®TS-EMF EMF measurement system. Samples of H2O–NaCl were collected at the end of the storage period and examined by 17Oxygene nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (17O NMR) and Raman spectroscopy. Electromagnetic simulation was used to explore the relationship between the packaging shape of H2O–NaCl containers and the environmentally abundant electromagnetic fields to their effects on the cluster size of water. The study showed variations in the cluster size of water stored inside the two groups of containers. It was observed that the cluster size of water stored in the unshielded containers was lower than that of the shielded containers. The cluster size of water stored in the unshielded pyramidal container was lower than the cluster size of water stored in the unshielded rectangular, square, and cylindrical containers. The EM simulation results showed significant variations in the total specific absorption rate SAR and maximum point SAR values induced in the H2O–NaCl solution in the unshielded container models at 2400 MHz for both vertical and horizontal polarization. It can be concluded that the variations in the values of SAR induced in H2O–NaCl solution are directly related to the variations in the cluster size of the stored water.
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ارغب في التنويه بشدة إلى أن نتيجة الدراسة لم تكن حاسمة في تأكيد وجود طاقة خاصة للفراغ او للأشكال . إلا أنها وجدت أن هناك اختلافات في مدى تأثر المخلوقات داخل الفراغات مختلفة التشكيل. وتم إرجاع هذا الاختلاف الى العديد من الاحتمالات دون الحسم لصالح إحداها. رغبت في تأكيد هذا الامر للباحثين المهتمين بالدراسه قبل الاطلاع عليها للتبرأ من المساهمه في تأصيل علم يعلم الله ما اذا كان زائف ام لا. مازلت لا املك اليقين. ..................................................................................... بعد إقرار منظمة الصحة العالمية في بداية الثمانينيات وجود ما يُطلق عليه متلازمة المباني المغلقة أو المباني المريضة والتي كان من أهم أسبابها تتعدد المؤثرات المتواجدة في الفراغات المعمارية والتي كان لها تأثير على الحالة الصحية والإنتاجية للمتواجدين بتلك الفراغات والتى من أبرز أسبابها مصادر المجالات الكهرومغناطيسية Electromagnetic fields (EMF)، خاصة الهواتف المحمولة والتي أصبحت متواجدة بكثافة في كل الفراغات المعمارية التي يتواجد بها الأفراد، والتي تتفاعل الإشعاعات المنبعثة منها مع أعضاء الجسم البشري ما يؤدي الى ظهور العديد من الأمراض والأعراض التي تم رصدها في الكثير من الأبحاث والتجارب، فقد صار إيجاد حلول لإزالة الآثار الضارة لهذه المؤثرات مشكلة تقع على عاتق كل مصمم ومعماري يسعى لتصميم مساحات آمنة وصحية لقاطني المباني. وبما أن العديد من الدراسات والأبحاث أظهرت أن التشكيلات المعمارية لها دور في تحسين الحالة الصحية للأفراد المتواجدين في الفراغ، وأن بعض التشكيلات تعمل على رفع كفاءة الجهاز المناعي ودعم الإستشفاء الذاتي، فقد سعى البحث إلى التحقق من صحة ودقة هذه المعلومات والتي تفيد بإن هناك تأثير متبادل بين تشكيل الفراغ وسلوك الطاقة به ما يؤثر على صحة قاطنيه، وذلك من خلال إستعراض وتحليل الدراسات والتجارب السابقة التي حاولت التحقق من مصداقية وجود ما يطلق علية أسم (قوة الشكل أوالتشكيل)، وتم اختيار خمس تشكيلات معمارية شاع عنها تاريخياً ومن خلال الدراسات والتجارب احتوائها على قدرات خاصة (من حيث التأثير الإيجابي على صحة القاطنين بها)، واختبارها معملياً في إحدى معامل المركز القومي للبحوث، عن طريق تصنيع نماذج صغيرة منها متماثلة في الحجم واللون ومادة الصُنع، وجعلها صالحة للعيش من قِبل فئران التجارب، والتي تم تسكينها داخل هذه الفراغات لمدة ثلاثة أشهر، وتعريضها للأشعة المنبعثة من الهاتف المحمول والمقدرة بقيمة تردد 880 -915 ميجاهرتز، ثم اختبار بعض العوامل الحيوية التي تُعد مؤشراً للصحة العامة لهذه الكائنات مثل وظائف الكبد، ونسب تواجد عوامل ومضادات الأكسدة، و بعض اختبارات السلوك الدالة على مدى تأثر الذاكرة طويلة المدى وقصيرة المدى و القدرة على الإدراك والتركيز وعدم التردد واختبارات فحص مجهري لرصد الحالة الصحية لخلايا المخ والكبد. وقد أظهرت بيانات التجارب أن الإشعاع الكهرومغناطيسي الصادر من الهواتف المحمولة قد تسبب في اضطرابات في المؤشرات الحيوية لوظائف الكبد ومعلمات الإجهاد التأكسدي في الأنسجة الكبدية ودم الفئران، كما تسبب في حدوث اضطرابات في وظيفة الحصين والحالة الإدراكية والذاكرة، وتضرر واضح في أنسجة وخلايا المخ، كما أظهرت نتائج التجربة أن المعيشة داخل الأقفاص أو الفراغات ذات التشكيلات المعمارية التاريخية (التي تم تحديدها وفقاً للأدبيات والتجارب السابقة) قد أضعفت مُعظم التأثيرات الصحية السلبية، وجاءت النتائج بشكل متفاوت في إشارة إلى أن لكُل شكل تأثيره الخاص، ومع ذلك فإن الآلية الدقيقة الكامنة وراء هذه الآثار لا تزال غير واضحة، وفي النهاية قد توفر هذه الدراسة إرشادات للمصممين والمعماريين لاستخدام هذه التشكيلات المذكورة في إنشاء المستشفيات والمدارس وغيرها من المباني القريبة من محطة الترددات الراديوية الخاصة بالهاتف المحمول كوسيلة للتخفيف من ضعف الإدراك ولتحسن الذاكرة المكانية ولتحسين الوظيفة البيولوجية.
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The main objective of this study is to present a collective introduction to reason and signify about the generally accepted traditions of religion, philosophy or practices that are never explained in any religion or by any priest as most of themselves won't be knowing it. The information includes of god and understanding its concept, meditation and methods of enhancing the human potential, both mentally and intellectually. The present study emphasizes on how meditation and yagna are interconnected and also the three main categories of yagna which are based on the externally performed and internally performed procedures. The present study also comments on human nervous system, crystals, kundalini energy and shiva-shakti concept in simple words. The paper concludes with different techniques to raise the energy levels based on shiva-shakti concept. Overall, it is an initiative to provide an insight and understanding of the spirituality in this rat race of modernization and to inform about the practices that are followed.
In the present study we focus on bentonite clay pyramid used for storing household fruits and vegetables up to nine days and it was compared with other two storage systems like refrigerator and room temperature that were considered as control. Parameters like physiological loss of weight, heterotrophic microbial count and organoleptic quality were analyzed for the stored products such as bitter guard, chilly and orange. The results revealed that the pyramid storage system which minimized the physiological loss of weight reduced microbial number and prevented spoilage compared with two control storage conditions. Conversely the pyramidal system maintains lower level of organoleptic value than refrigerator but higher than room storage system. On the other hand, the significant impact of this clayed pyramid storage system is found on the least decay percentage, and shelf life extension of vegetables was further increased. In addition to the parameters, the clayed pyramid storage system had more storing capacity for the household fruits and vegetables storage. It was concluded that this low cost and pollution free technology system is more suitable for storage food samples effectively than room temperature and little bit less than refrigerator storages, respectively, in rural as well as urban areas. However, this initial step provides opportunity for carry out further research in this new field.
The Great pyramid of Egypt has evoked a keen interest, both for its architectural marvel and mystical significance. Strange things (viz sharpening of razors, longer shelflife of vegetables, altered states of consciousness in humans) are said to occur within a pyramid constructed in the exact geometric proportion to that of Great Pyramid and kept with any of its diagonals aligned north-south along the magnetic axis of the earth. Not much is available in the literature that have subjected "biological phenomenon within a pyramid" to the scientific scrutiny. This is just a preliminary study with that objective. Wound healing, being a physiological response of the body to injury, the measurement of 'breaking strength' of incisional wound offers an easy, objective method of assessing wound healing. The study consisted a 'control group' and 'a test group', each of 12 albino rats (Wistar). A paramedian 1" incisional wound was created in both the groups. The controls were kept in the usual rat cages while the 'test group' within a wooden pyramid (18" x 28.25" x 26.9"). The breaking strength of the wounds were assessed on the 10th post-wounding day using Kulkarni's modified Lee and Tong method and the results showed a significantly higher value (P < .05) for the test group. Further there was histological evidence of better wound healing in the test group.
Previously, one of the authors has suggested [Phys. Essays, vol. 6, 554 (1993); vol. 10, 407 (1997)] a mechanism of the particle motion within the framework of a vacuum regarded as an original cellular medium, i.e. quantum aether. The existence of special elementary excitations of the aether medium -- inertons -- around the particle has been the main peculiarity of that mechanism. The present paper treats the impact of inertons on the collective behaviour of atoms in a solid. It is shown that inertons should contribute to the effective potential of interaction of atoms in the crystal lattice. The possibility of separating this inerton contribution from the value of the atom vibration amplitude is analysed. The experiment which assumes the presence of the hypothetical inerton field is performed. The expected changes in the structure of the test specimens caused by this field are in fact convincingly fixed in micrographs.
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