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Target hardness examination for ILC positron production target at KEKB


Abstract and Figures

ILC (International Linear Collider) is a linear collider project make electron and positron collision in 1 TeV cen-ter of mass energy. One train contains up to 2800 of 3nC bunches with 327 ns bunch spacing resulting 0.9ms train length. Because of this extremely large amount of beam in a train, a serious damage on the positron production tar-get driven by 6 GeV incident electron, concerns. As ILC positron source, several different methods are proposed and the target hardness is a key on the selection. In this article, we propose a test experiment to examine the target hard-ness by using the stored beam in KEKB HER(High Energy Ring). The project name is IPPAK(ILC Positron Project At KEKB) which sounds like "ippaku" (one night stay in Japanese). By manipulating the abort kicker, a condition similar to that of ILC positron production target, can be re-produced. The experiment will be carried out in the end of June 2005. Possible results and impacts to the ILC positron production scheme, are also discussed.
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A beam abort system is imperative from a requirement of radiation safety and saving sensitive components in BELLE detector. This system is composed of kicker mag- nets, a Lambertson septum magnet and a beam dump. The kickers are composed of two parts, horizontal and vertical ones. A single power supply with a single switching device excites both parts of kickers so that we can prevent either kicker from mis-firing. The kicker magnets are conven- tional windowframe type magnets with ferrite core. Actual waveforms of magnetic fields in ceramic vacuum chambers inside kicker magnets are measured.
private communication [10] Radiation safety guidance(japanese), KEK radiation science center
  • T Mimashi
T. Mimashi, private communication [10] Radiation safety guidance(japanese), KEK radiation science center, 2004.