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Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players

  • Faculty of sport and physical education University of Niš

Abstract and Figures

In direct application of scientific discoveries to good quality training process, royal jelly as a supplement is applied as a criterion of positive change in the phase of adaptation and exhaustion of young football players' bodies. Research carried out with 25 FC "Red Star" Belgrade football players, 12 years old, separated in 2 groups. Experimental group (15) took the supplement daily for two months. The control group (10) did not use the supplement. All the examines during the two months had a regular regime of training (4 times per week) and they competed in the youngest Belgrade league. It were observed 13 morphological characteristics in initial and final measuring. On the basis of the research results it could be concluded that football players from experimental group who used royal jelly had statistically significant increase of body height and muscle component, and decrease of fat component in final measurement comparing to the initial. Also, the results show statistically significant increase in circumference above knee and circumference of lower leg in experimental group on the end of the experimental treatment. The examinees from experimental group had higher average values in body height, body mass, muscle and bone component, and lower average value in fat component.
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Joksimović, A. et al.: Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players Sport Science, 2 (2009) 1: 62-67
Aleksandar Joksimović 1, Daniel Stanković 1, Ivana Joksimović 2,
Slavko Molnar 3 and Stanimir Joksimović 1
1 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia
2 Clinical Center in Niš, Serbia
3 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad, Serbia
Original scientific paper
In direct application of scientific discoveries to good quality training process, royal jelly as a
supplement is applied as a criterion of positive change in the phase of adaptation and exhaustion of
young football players' bodies. Research carried out with 25 FC “Red Star” Belgrade football players,
12 years old, separated in 2 groups. Experimental group (15) took the supplement daily for two
months. The control group (10) did not use the supplement. All the examines during the two
months had a regular regime of training (4 times per week) and they competed in the youngest
Belgrade league. It were observed 13 morphological characteristics in initial and final measuring.
On the basis of the research results it could be concluded that football players from experimental
group who used royal jelly had statistically significant increase of body height and muscle
component, and decrease of fat component in final measurement comparing to the initial. Also, the
results show statistically significant increase in circumference above knee and circumference of
lower leg in experimental group on the end of the experimental treatment. The examinees from
experimental group had higher average values in body height, body mass, muscle and bone
component, and lower average value in fat component.
Key words: royal jelly, nutrition supplement, muscle, fat and bone component.
Physical activity is an integral part of a person's
life and it is a constant battle of man and his
environment which starts at his birth. The
intensity of the battle grows as man matures
and for every age there are specific
characteristics. At a certain level of
development and training a stressful reaction
appears which is constant and has its
development phases: alarm phase, adaptation
phase and phase of exhaustion. The task of
people employed in sports is to teach and
prepare the body for creating stronger defense
mechanisms for new stress agents. The
question is raised how to involve a young body
into a sports activity and not to disturb his
biological development and, simultaneously, to
achieve top results which sport requires. The
body not involved in sports satisfies the
requirements of normal mental and physical
development by daily food intake. However, if
the candidate performs increased physical
activity, regular and daily food intake cannot be
enough for both requirements - food
supplements are needed, and those are
vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and
an array of other biologically active substances
whose task is to satisfy previously mentioned
Nowadays market offers thousands of remedies
which are supposed to help young athletes.
Their content and quality vary, from common
water to hormonal remedies which can
sometimes do greater damage to the body than
good. One of those remedies is royal jelly
which has positive effect on the body of an
athlete and can be used for medical purposes
and in medicine it is used from pediatrics to
geriatrics. The structure of royal jelly can be
used in many body states which we call non-
physiological: improvement of heart function,
strengthening of immune system, improvement
of mental state and mood, strengthening and
increase of body resistance, regulation of
adrenal gland function under stress, depression
relief, fatigue, neurosis, insomnia and the likes,
stimulation of functioning of gland with internal
secretion, regulation of functioning of all organs
and tissues, improvement of convalescents
recovery etc. Numerous scientific analysis
(Ardry, 1956; Howe et al., 1985; Otani et al.,
1985; Takenaka, 1984 and 1987; Schmitzova
et al. 1998) show that royal jelly contains all of
these substances for which we lobby and which
should be taken in any form; they resorb
rapidly and are taken to basic units – cells by
transport mechanism.
Joksimović, A. et al.: Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players Sport Science, 2 (2009) 1: 62-67
At that level bioactive actions take place. Some
research (Johansson & Johansson 1958;
Bonomi 1983; Prosperi & Ragazzini 1956;
Destrem 1956) followed the effects of use of
royal jelly on a sample of adults over a certain
period. The following was determined:
improvement of heart function and blood
vessels, better excitation of nervous system,
faster relief of fatigue, shortening of recovery
time and other parameters which are
significant for achieving results in football.
Johansson's research shows that royal jelly has
positive effect on intestinal flora and this
antimicrobial activity can be explained by PH
value activity. The effect of some components
on endocrinal glands or their intake and
entering the enzyme system which affects the
metabolism was investigated by Bonomi in
1983 emphasizing the positive effect. Prosperi
and Ragazzini (1956) argue that royal jelly
affects the basic state, increases body mass,
erythrocytes, hemoglobin (80-100 mg daily).
According to Destrem in 1956 royal jelly
achieves good effects when 20 mg is injected
every day or every other day. Takohashi et al.
(1983) point out the appearance of allergic
contact dermatitis caused by royal jelly in
patients which are sensitive to it. Ardry (1956)
thinks that royal jelly influences the body by
stimulating the gland with internal secretion,
especially the adrenal gland. The subject of
research is royal jelly as the supplement in the
preparation period with young football players,
seventh and eighth grade primary school
students and their morphological
The basic concern of this research is how
efficient the application of royal jelly is as a
supplement in the preparation period for
morphological characteristics development at
the end of experimental period in the process
of training work with experimental group. The
general aim is to determine the efficiency of
application of royal jelly as a supplement for
the development of morphological
characteristic in the experimental group. A
specific goal is to determine the difference at
the end of the experiment in morphological
characteristics between experimental and
control group. Based on the subject, the matter
and the aim of the experiment the following
tasks were set: a) to determine morphological
characteristics on initial and final
measurements in experimental and control
group; b) to determine the differences in
morphological characteristics between initial
and final measurement in experimental and
control group; c) to determine the differences
in morphological characteristics between
experimental and control group at the end of
experimental treatment.
Sample of examines
Research was done on a sample of 25 young
football players from „Red Star“ football club in
Belgrade, 12-year-olds separated into two
groups. Experimental group consisted of 15
examines who were taking royal jelly
supplement five times a week for two months.
Control group consisted of 10 young football
players who were not taking royal jelly. All
examines were during two months of
experiment exposed to regular training (4
times a week) and competed within the
Belgrade league.
Variables sample
Research was planned so as to register values
of 13 characteristics in observation of all
examines at the beginning of research and
after two months in order to assess whether
there is change in values of observed
characteristics within all of the research groups
as well as whether there is difference in values
of observed characteristics between
experimental and control group. The following
characteristics of observation were monitored:
body height (BH), body mass (BM), muscle
component (MC), bone component (BC), fat
component (FC), diameter of elbow (DE),
diameter of wrist (DW), diameter of knee (DK),
diameter of ankle (DA), circumference above
elbow (CAE), circumference of forearm (CFA),
circumference above knee (CAK),
circumference of lower leg (CBK).
Anthropometric measurements of
morphological characteristics are taken from
Kurelić et al 1975.
Determining bone component
Mateigka calculates bone component according
to formula:Skeleton mass in grams = body
height * K1 * D2 ; Body height in mm; K1
(constant) = 1.2; D = (diameter of elbow +
diameter of knee + diameter of wrist +
diameter of foot joint) / 4. Relative bone
component is calculated according to formula:
Relative bone mass = skeleton mass in grams
* 100 / body mass.
Determining muscle component
Mateigka calculates muscle component
according to the following formula:Muscle
component = r2 * body height * K; r = mean
value of radii calculated from circumference of
body segments, and it is calculated according
to formula: r = ((CAE+CFA+CAK+CBK) /
25.12)–((SCAE+SCFA+SCAK+SCBK) / 8),
where the abbreviations mean as follows: CAE
– circumference above elbow, CFA –
circumference of forearm, CAK – circumference
above knee, CBK – circumference of lower leg,
SCAE – skin crease above elbow, SCFA – skin
Joksimović, A. et al.: Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players Sport Science, 2 (2009) 1: 62-67
crease of forearm, SCAK – skin crease above
knee, SCBK – skin crease of lower leg, K
(constant) = 6,5. Relative muscle component is
calculated according to formula: Relative
muscle mass = muscle mass in grams *100 /
body mass
Determining fat component
Mateigka calculates mass component according
to formula: Mass component = d * TP * K2; d
= mean value of measured skin creases (above
elbow, forearm, above knee, lower leg, back
and stomach) divided by 12. TP = surface of
body in cm2, (nomogram for calculation of
surface of body Barou and Rozmari 1975, 179,
picture 8-6.); K2 (constant) = 0.13. Relative fat
component is calculated according to formula:
Relative mass component = fat component in
grams * 100 / body weight.
Method of data processing
Research of effects of royal jelly application as
supplement in young football players
preparatory period was carried out within 32
training sessions over a two-month period for
the experimental group, which has used royal
jelly as supplement five times a week.
The control group had 32 training sessions as
well over a two-month period, simultaneously
with the experimental group. The operational
plan and program with both groups of
examines were the same and they were drawn
up in the football club. With both examine
groups two measurements of morphological
characteristics were performed at the
beginning and at the end of the experiment.
With the goal of getting statistical analysis of
research results a database was formed using
statistical program SPSS 11.5 for Windows.
Central and dispersive parameters of attained
anthropometrical measurement results for
experimental and control group were
calculated. Differences in anthropometrical
measurements of experimental and control
groups were determined by Student's T-test for
dependant and independent samples.
Table 1. Descriptive statistical indicators of experimental group examines in 1st and 2nd
measurement and differences between 1st and 2nd measurement
Variables AVG N SD SE AVG-D t df p
BH I 152,46 15 6,29 1,62
BH BH II 154,13 15 6,79 1,75 -1,66 6,74 14 0,000
BM I 42,95 15 6,45 1,66
BM BM II 43,30 15 6,51 1,68 -0,35 1,21 14 0,246
MC I 41,22 15 3,18 0,82
MC MC II 43,35 15 2,16 0,55 -2,13 2,67 14 0,018
BC I 19,74 15 1,56 0,40
BC BC II 19,47 15 1,28 0,33 0,27 1,03 14 0,322
FC I 16,87 15 4,90 1,26
FC FC II 14,10 15 3,71 0,95 2,76 5,84 14 0,000
DE I 6,35 15 0,63 0,16
DE DE II 6,38 15 0,56 0,14 -0,029 0,16 14 0,878
DW I 4,91 15 0,42 0,11
DW DW II 4,97 15 0,34 0,88 -0,053 0,93 14 0,370
DK I 9,37 15 0,57 0,15
DK DK II 9,28 15 0,60 0,15 0,087 0,50 14 0,625
DA I 6,40 15 0,81 0,21
DA DA II 6,76 15 0,26 0,68 -0,353 1,87 14 0,083
CAE I 21,79 15 1,72 0,44
CAE CAE II 22,40 15 1,39 0,35 -0,61 1,03 14 0,132
CFA I 20,51 15 1,12 0,28
CFA CFA II 20,67 15 1,00 0,25 -0,15 1,00 14 0,335
CAK I 44,61 15 4,50 1,16
CAK CAK II 47,20 15 3,86 0,99 -2,59 2,38 14 0,032
CBK I 31,45 15 2,04 0,52
CBK CBK II 32,65 15 2,07 0,53 -1,20 3,24 14 0,006
AVG = average, N = number of entities, SD = st. deviation, SE = st. error,
AVG-D = difference average, t= t-test value, df degrees of freedom, p = probability
Joksimović, A. et al.: Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players Sport Science, 2 (2009) 1: 62-67
Table 2. Descriptive statistical indicators of control group examines in 1st and 2nd measurement
and differences between 1st and 2nd measurement
Variables AVG N SD SE AVG-D t df p
BH I 158,12 10 4,69 2,35
BH BH II 158,82 10 5,02 2,51 -0,50 2,45 9 0,092
BM I 42,62 10 3,54 1,77
BM BM II 42,62 10 3,42 1,71 0,00 0,00 9 1,000
MC I 43,52 10 3,09 1,54
MC MC II 42,50 10 1,66 0,83 1,01 0,90 9 0,437
BC I 21,34 10 0,56 0,28
BC BC II 19,59 10 1,19 0,60 1,75 3,03 9 0,056
FC I 12,19 10 4,46 2,23
FC FC II 12,73 10 3,42 1,71 -0,53 -0,70 9 0,535
DE I 6,53 10 0,34 0,17
DE DE II 6,30 10 0,33 0,16 0,22 0,984 9 0,398
DW I 4,85 10 0,10 0,05
DW DW II 4,82 10 0,09 0,05 0,02 0,52 9 0,638
DK I 9,47 10 0,25 0,12
DK DK II 9,47 10 0,46 0,22 0,00 0,00 9 1,000
DA I 6,87 10 0,36 0,17
DA DA II 6,97 10 0,21 0,10 -0,10 0,56 9 0,613
CAE I 20,52 10 1,25 0,62
CAE CAE II 20,82 10 1,45 0,72 -0,30 0,59 9 0,595
CFA I 19,32 10 0,39 0,19
CFA CFA II 19,75 10 0,59 0,29 -0,43 1,35 9 0,118
CAK I 43,02 10 1,98 0,99
CAK CAK II 43,62 10 0,25 0,12 -0,60 0,58 9 0,605
CBK I 31,50 10 1,47 0,73
CBK CBK II 31,42 10 0,51 0,25 0,07 0,10 9 0,924
AVG = average, N = number of entities, SD = st. deviation, SE = st. error,
AVG-D = difference average, t= t-test value, df degrees of freedom, p = probability
Table. 3. Testing significance of difference
between experimental and control group
t-test for undependent samples
Variables t df p X,¯
BH -1,664 23 0,114 -5,66
BM 0,095 23 0,926 0,32
MC -1,290 23 0,214 -2,30
BC -1,973 23 0,065 -1,59
FC 1,723 23 0,103 4,68
DE -0,518 23 0,611 -0,17
DW 0,295 23 0,771 0,06
DK -0,364 23 0,721 -0,11
DA -1,108 23 0,283 -0,47
CAE 1,361 23 0,191 1,26
CFA 2,054 23 0,056 1,19
CAK 0,674 23 0,509 1,58
CBK -0,048 23 0,962 -0,05
Discussion and conclusion
In Table 1 it is noticeable that the average
values of body height, body mass and muscle
component in the experimental group have
increased, the average value of fat component
has decreased while the average value of bone
component has remained almost the same as
at the beginning.
The values of Student T-test show the
existence of high statistically significant
increase of body height (=1,66cm) and
statistically significant decrease of fat
component value (=2,76%) after the two-
month consumption of the substance.
Statistically significant increase of muscle
component value was determined (=2,13%),
whereas there is no statistical significance in
value of body mass and bone component.
Results also indicate that there are no bigger
changes of values in circumference of elbow,
arm wrist, knee and ankle in examines who
have used royal jelly. In Table 2 it is evident
that there are no bigger changes of values in
body height, body mass, muscle and fat
component at the final in comparison to initial
measurement with control group. Also, there
are no changes in diameter and circumference
measures. Results of Student T-test indicate
that there is no statistically significant
difference of examined traits in the
experimental group. Also, it can be seen that
there has been a statistically significant
increase of circumference above knee
(=2,59cm) and circumference of lower leg
(=1,20cm) in examines who have used the
Table 3 shows the results of Student T-test for
independent samples. By comparison of results
at the end of research in the experimental and
control group there are no statistically
significant difference in measured variables.
Joksimović, A. et al.: Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players Sport Science, 2 (2009) 1: 62-67
However, the examines in the experimental
group had, after the two-month substance
consumption on average 1,58 cm greater
circumference of lower leg than the examines
of the control group. In modern football, in the
conditions of high intensity game, longer
intervals of endurance and shorter intervals of
rest, high requirements of anthropological
characteristics are set especially for motor and
functional abilities and morphological
characteristics. The development of listed
anthropological characteristics has effectuated
in the process of training work in line with
individual abilities and football players'
characteristics. A number of scientists
(Jerković, 1986; Petrić, 1994; Hadžić, 2005;
Joksimović, 2007.) point out that for
anthropological characteristics development of
football players proper methodical formation of
training is crucial (planning, programming,
control, methods for the development of
abilities and other factors). There are almost no
research studies which recommend substances
to help young football players for the
development of abilities and traits and proper
biological development of body. In the last few
years some researchers (Bonomi, 1983;
Takahashi et al., 1983) point out that the royal
jelly substance has positive effect on the body
of a footballer and it ameliorates the growth
and development of the body.
In the last few years in the development of
football game there have been changes in the
manner and the system of the game which
caused the structure of the training process to
be innovated by a new and more rational
content of work. The modern game requires
more dynamics and universal ability of the
player in the phase of defense and offence
(Joksimović, 2007). That kind of game requires
a greater physical ability from the footballer
which cannot be satisfied through regular and
every day diet. Such cases require so called
supplements and those are vitamins, essential
amino acids and other biologically active
substances, whose aim is to satisfy the
requirements of diet in strenuous training
process of young football players. With regard
to length of experimental treatment (2
months), bigger differences in morphological
characteristics couldn’t happen.
On the basis of the research results it could be
concluded that football players from
experimental group who used royal jelly had
statistically significant increase of body height
and muscle component, and decrease of fat
component in final measurement comparing to
the initial. Also, the results show statistically
significant increase in circumference above
knee and circumference of lower leg in
experimental group on the end of the
experimental treatment. The examinees from
experimental group had higher average values
in body height, body mass, muscle component,
and lower average value in fat component.
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U neposrednoj aplikaciji naučnih saznanja u kvalitetnom trenažnom procesu matični mliječ kao
suplement primjenjen je kao kriterijum pozitivne promjene u fazi adaptacije i iscrpljenosti
organizma mladih fudbalera. Istraživanje sprovedeno sa 25 fudbalera FK “Crvena Zvezda” Beograd,
starih 12 godina podjeljenih u dvije grupe. Eksperimentalna grupa(15) uzimala je preparat mliječa
svakodnevno dva mjeseca. Kontrolna grupa(10) nije koristila preparat mliječa. Svi ispitanici u toku
dva mjeseca imali su redovan režim treninga (4 puta nedjeljno) i takmičili su se u okviru pionirske
Beogradske lige. U inicijalnom i finalnom mjerenju praćeno je 13 morfoloških obilježja. Na osnovu
dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da fudbaleri eksperimentalne grupe koji su koristili matični
mliječ u finalnom mjerenju u odnosu na inicijalno imaju statistički značajno povećanje tjelesne
visine i mišićne komponente, a smanjenje masne komponente. Takođe, prisutno je i statistički
značajno povećanje obima natkoljenice i potkoljenice kod eksperimentalne grupe na kraju
eksperimentalnog perioda. Ispitanici eksperimentalne grupe su imali prosječno veće vrijednosti u
tjelesnoj visini, tjelesnoj masi, mišićnoj komponenti i koštanoj komponenti, a manju prosječnu
vrijednost masne komponente.
Ključne riječi: matični mliječ, suplement, mišići, mast i komponente kosti
Received: February 09, 2009.
Accepted: May 26. 2009.
Correspondence to:
Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Joksimović, Ph.D.
University of Niš
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
Čarnojevića 10A, 18000 Niš, Serbia
Phone: +381 (0)18 510 900
... Two studies evaluated the effects of royal jelly on body height. Joksimović et al. (2009) reported that royal jelly supplementation at a dose of 0.5, 1, and 2 g/d for 8 weeks increased the height of young football players (from an average 152.46 to 153.13 cm, mean change: 0.67 cm, P=0.0001). However, Nazmı et al. (2014) found that royal jelly supplementation at a dose of 0.5, 1, and 2 g/d for 4 weeks did not affect the height of swimmers (P>0.05). ...
... Nazmı et al. (2014) and Saritas et al. (2011) showed that royal jelly supplementation at a dose of 0.5, 1, and 2 g/d for 4 weeks had no significant effect on the weight and body mass index of swimmers (P>0.05). Moreover, Joksimović et al. (2009) reported that royal jelly supplementation at a dose of 0.5, 1, and 2 g/d for 8 weeks had a significant effect on the circumference above the knee and lower leg of young football players (P<0.05). In addition, two studies examined the effects of royal jelly administration on body fat. ...
... In addition, two studies examined the effects of royal jelly administration on body fat. Joksimović et al. (2009) found that royal jelly supplementation at a dose of 0.5, 1, and 2 g/d for 8 weeks statistically significantly decreased body fat in young football players (from an average of 16.87 to 14.10, P= 0.0001). However, Saritas et al. (2011) showed that royal jelly supplementation at different doses (0.5, 1, and 2 g/d) had no effect on body fat in swimmers (P=0.17). ...
Full-text available
Recently, there has been increasing interest in exploring the effects of royal jelly on athletic performance. This systematic review examined existing literature on the effects of royal jelly on athletic performance. We conducted a detailed search in the Institute for Scientific Information, PubMed/Medline, Cochrane Library, and Scopus databases. We meticulously selected nine studies from an initial pool of 97 studies up to June 2024. Our findings will provide evidence supporting the beneficial effects of royal jelly in reducing blood lactate levels and enhancing athletic performance. Additionally, royal jelly does not affect muscle damage or its associated markers. However, the influence of royal jelly on athletes’ body composition measurements remains inconclusive, highlighting the need for further research.
... Traditional medicine and natural products, such as royal jelly (RJ), offer additional avenues for obesity management by modulating AMPK activity [36][37][38][39][40]. RJ, a nutrientrich secretion produced by worker honeybees for larval and queen nourishment, is recognized for its diverse pharmacological properties, including anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, anti-hypercholesterolemic, anticancer, and wound-healing effects [41-44]. RJ has demonstrated efficacy in regulating body composition, mitigating muscle lipotoxicity, enhancing insulin sensitivity, and reducing adipose tissue mass and body weight in both human and animal models of obesity [45][46][47][48][49]. However, the detailed molecular mechanisms through which RJ exerts its anti-obesity effects remain inadequately characterized. ...
... Notably, RJ treatment significantly reduced anthropometric measures, including BMI, Lee index, adiposity index, and abdominal circumference, which are elevated in HFD-fed obese rodents, further validating its anti-obesity efficacy. RJ's effectiveness in reducing body weight has also been observed in football players and individuals with established T2DM [45,46]. A recent meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials up to 2023 also corroborates RJ's inhibitory effects on body weight, BMI, and fat mass [49]. ...
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Background/Objective: This study examined the anti-obesity effect of royal jelly (RJ) in rats fed with a high-fat diet by targeting the major pathways involved in adipogenesis and lipolysis. In addition, it examined whether this effect is AMPK-dependent. Methods: Five groups of adult male albino rats were used (n = 6 each as 1); the control rats were fed with a normal diet (2.9 kcal), and the other groups were as follows: control + RJ (300 mg/kg), HFD (4.75 kcal), HFD + RJ (300 mg/kg), and HFD + RJ (300 mg/kg) + dorsomorphin (an AMPK inhibitor) (0.2 mg/kg). Results: RJ was administered orally to all rats. With no changes in food and energy intake, RJ significantly reduced gains in body weight, fat weight, body mass index (BMI), the Lee index, abdominal circumference (AC), and the adiposity index (AI). It also reduced fasting glucose and insulin levels, HOMA-IR, and the circulatory levels of free fatty acids (FFAs), triglycerides, cholesterol, and LDL-c in the HFD-fed rats. RJ also increased serum glycerol levels and adiponectin levels, but reduced the serum levels of leptin, IL-6, and TNF-α. Moreover, RJ reduced the secretion of IL-6 and TNF-α from isolated WAT. At the tissue level, the HFD + RJ rats exhibited a smaller adipocyte size compared to the HFD rats. At the molecular level, RJ increased the phosphorylation of AMPK, SREBP1, and ACC-1 and increased the mRNA and protein levels of HSL and ATG in the WAT of the HFD rats. In concomitance, RJ increased the mRNA levels of PGC-α1, reduced the protein levels of PPARγ, and repressed the transcriptional activities of PPARγ, SREBP1, and C/EBPαβ in the WAT of these rats. All the aforementioned effects of RJ were prevented by co-treatment with dorsomorphin. Conclusions: RJ exerts a potent anti-obesity effect in rats that is mediated by the AMPk-dependent suppression of WAT adipogenesis and the stimulation of lipolysis.
... Several studies reported conflicting effects of royal jelly supplementation on body composition; however the reason or underlying mechanism for improving body composition was not fully explored. Some studies reported that royal jelly supplementation had a favorable effect on body composition (27,28). In contrast, several studies indicated that royal jelly could not improve anthropometric indices (29-31). ...
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Inconsistent data are available about the effect of royal jelly supplementation on anthropometric indices in humans. This systematic review and meta-analysis was done to summarize data from available randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the effect of royal jelly supplementation on anthropometric indices such as body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI), and fat mass (FM) in adults. We systematically searched Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases up to March 2023. All RCTs assessing the effect of royal jelly on anthropometric indices were included. Data were pooled using the random-effects method and were expressed as weighted mean difference (WMD) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Sensitivity and subgroup analyses were also performed. Out of 1,492 records, 10 studies that enrolled 512 participants were included. There was no significant effect on BW (WMD: −0.29 kg, 95% CI: −1.24, 0.65, p = 0.543), BMI (WMD: 0.11 kg/m², 95% CI: −0.29, 0.52, p = 0.583), and FM (WMD: 0.02%, 95% CI: −0.41, 0.46, p = 0.84). However, we observed a reduction in BW and BMI following royal jelly intake in subgroup of royal jelly dosage <3,000 mg/day. Although the royal jelly supplementation significantly reduced BW and BMI at the dosages <3,000 mg/day, until additional trials have been conducted to assess the effects on obesity measures, it is best to prescribe royal jelly with caution.
... As a result of the study, there were obvious advantageous effects on the adaptation and development of children who received supplements compared to those who did not. In this study, it was emphasized that the inclusion of royal jelly in the diet of developing people would accelerate development and increase adaptation (26). In a study investigating the effects of royal jelly on blood cholesterol levels, it was reported that royal jelly stabilizes blood cholesterol and lowers glucose levels (27). ...
... Arı sütü takviyesi yapılmayan grupta ise herhangi bir değişiklik gözlenmemiştir. Bu çalışma sonucuna göre gelişmekte olan kişilere günlük arı sütü diyeti uygulanmasının gelişime katkı yaptığı vurgulanarak arı sütünün sağlıklı bir besin olarak tüketilmesi tavsiye edilmektedir (38). Arı sütünün kolesterol seviyesine etkisinin araştırıldığı çalışmada, yüksek kolesterollü kişiler seçilerek iki gruba ayrılmıştır. ...
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S ağlıklı yaşam için vücut fonksiyonlarının düzenli bir şekilde çalışması, oluşan prob-lemlerin giderilmesi ve ihtiyaç duyulan enerjinin karşılanması gerekmekte ve bu işlevlerin gerçekleştirilmesi için beslenme çok büyük önem arz etmektedir. Özellikle vücut sistemlerinin dışarıdan alması gereken besin değerleri yüksek doğal gıdalar bu alanda sentetik gıdalara göre çok fazla tercih edilmektedir. Günümüzde insanlığın bilimsel veriler ışığında farkındalığı artmakta ve bu da besleyici, antioksidan, antibakteriyel ve antiviral özellikli doğal besinlere olan ilgiyi arttırmaktadır. Bu nedenle arı ürünleri üzerine çok fazla bilimsel çalışma yapılmış ve yapılmaktadır. Özellikle arı ürünlerinin hem besin içe-riklerindeki zenginlik hem de biyolojik aktivitelerindeki potansiyel sağlıklı beslenmede arı ürünlerini çok kıymetli yapmaktadır. Bu bölümde yapılan bilimsel çalışmalar ile arı ürünleri ve bu ürünlerin sağlıklı beslenme ve yaşam için önemleri yer almaktadır. Arı Ürünleri Tarih boyunca arı ürünü denilince hemen zihinlere ilk olarak bal gelmektedir. Baldan sonra ise polen sıralamayı takip etmektedir. Ancak bilimsel çalışmalar sayesinde arı ürün-leri denilince artık bal ve polen dışında arı ekmeği, arı sütü, arı zehri, bal mumu, erkek arı larvası, arı havası ve propolis de arı ürünleri olarak yer almaktadır. Bilimsel çalışmalar sonucunda bu ürünlerin bazılarının hem kimyasal içerik ve besin değeri hem de biyolojik aktivite olarak baldan çok daha değerli olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu farkındalığın oluşması ile arı ürünlerinin ekonomik değerinin yanında biyolojik değeri da artmış ve birçok ürün bu nedenle baldan çok daha fazla kıymetlenmiştir. Günümüzde propolisin fiyatı aynı ağırlık seviyesindeki baldan en az on kat daha fazla, arı sütü ise balın fiyatından yüz kat daha fazla satıldığı görülmektedir. Bu farkındalığın ve değerin ortaya çıkmasının nedeni ise bu ürünlerin besin değerleri ile biyolojik aktivitelerinin yüksek olmasıdır. Arı ürünlerinin tanımı yapıldıktan sonra sağlıklı beslenmede ve yaşam da yüklenmiş oldukları görevler ve potansiyelleri aşağıda verilmiştir. Arı ürünleri Şekil 1.'de gösterilmiştir.
This study aimed to review the efficacy of commonly used supplements on the health status and performance of football players. We searched several databases for relevant publications published in English up to June 2024 using keywords such as nutritional supplementation, performance, football, and football players. The available literature indicated that l -arginine supplements may improve cardiovascular function, ventilation, the serum level of lactate, and maximal oxygen consumption (VO 2 Max) of football players. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) may improve multiple-choice reaction time. Creatine supplements improve jumping, sprinting, change of direction speed, and reduce fatigue. Among the vitamins, vitamin D improves the serum level of injury-related hormones such as cortisol and testosterone. B vitamins reduce the level of blood lactate in the recovery periods. Vitamin E and vitamin C may improve performance by decreasing oxidative stress and increasing the antioxidant capacity and oxygen delivery to exercising skeletal muscles. Iron supplementation improves endurance capacity. Further studies are warranted to confirm the effects of the supplements on football players, to identify the appropriate dosage of the supplements and also to determine their mechanism of action.
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Royal jelly (RJ), a secretion produced by honeybees, has garnered significant interest for its potential as a therapeutic intervention and functional food supplement. This systematic review aims to synthesize current research on the health benefits, bioactive components, and mechanisms of action of RJ. Comprehensive literature searches were conducted across multiple databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, focusing on studies published from 2000 to 2024 (April). Findings indicate that RJ exhibits a wide range of pharmacological activities, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-aging effects. Beneficial biological properties of RJ might be due to the presence of flavonoids proteins, peptides, fatty acids. Both preclinical and clinical studies have reported that RJ improves the immune function such as wound healing, and also decreases the severity of chronic diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. The molecular mechanisms underlying these effects involve modulation of signalling pathways such as NF-κB, MAPK, and AMPK. Despite promising results, the review identifies several gaps in the current knowledge, including the need for standardized dosing regimens and long-term safety assessments. Furthermore, variations in RJ composition due to geographic and botanical factors necessitate more rigorous quality control measures. This review underscores the potential of RJ as a multifunctional therapeutic agent and highlights the necessity for further well designed studies to fully elucidate its health benefits and optimize its use as a functional food supplement.
Honeybee products have recently begun to attract attention with their effects on athlete performance. In the present study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of honeybee products’ mixtures on the performance and some blood biochemical parameters of young trained gymnasts. Twenty-four young gymnasts aged between 6 and 12 years were observed for 4 weeks as they continued their usual daily training schedules. The gymnasts were divided into three groups. Group 1 was administered a mixture of honey and bee pollen at a dose of 50 g/day, whereas Group 2 was provided with a mixture of honey, bee pollen, royal jelly and propolis. Group 3 served as the control group and was administered a placebo of wheat starch at a dose of 50g/day. In the beginning and at the end of the study, performance parameters and biochemical parameters of young gymnasts were determined. After treatment, grip force and muscular strength measurements increased in Group 2 (p<0.05). The muscular endurance tests in the two honeybee product mixtures treatment groups showed improvement after supplementation (p<0.05). The improvement noted in the power test in Group 1 was significantly higher than the other groups (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between treatment and placebo groups in all investigated biochemical parameters except total protein, which was lower in placebo group. Although bee products supplements were administered only for a short period of time, the gymnasts showed higher performance in some investigated parameters. It is recommended to conduct further long-term studies using bee products.
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The characterization of major proteins of honeybee larval jelly (49-87 kDa) was performed by the sequencing of new complementary DNAs (cDNAs) obtained from a honeybee head cDNA library, by the determination of N-terminal sequences of the proteins, and by analyses of the newly obtained and known sequence data concerning the proteins. It was found that royal jelly (RJ) and worker jelly (WJ) contain identical major proteins and that all the proteins belong to one protein family designated MRJP (from Major Royal Jelly Proteins). The family consists of five main members (MRJP1, MRJP2, MRJP3, MRJP4, MRJP5). The proteins MRJP3 and MRJP5 are polymorphic. MRJPs account for 82 to 90% of total larval jelly protein, and they contain a relatively high amount of essential amino acids. These findings support the idea that MRJPs play an important role in honeybee nutrition.
Royal jelly from Apis mellifera ligustica was examined by proximate analysis, amino acid analysis and chromatographic characterization of methylated fatty-acids using a pattern-recognition method. Crude protein was 11·9%, crude moisture 67·l% and crude lipid 4·3%. Amino acid analysis showed 17 standard protein amino acids and 5 unidentified ninhydrin-positive compounds. Aspartic acid was the major amino acid, at 16·1% of the protein content. The major fatty-acid, 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid was present at an average concentration of 50·3% of the total fatty acid content. The gross composition of 11 commercial royal jelly products was compared to that of the pure royal jelly used in this study. Six commercial royal jelly products were found to be adulterated.
A woman who had ingested honeybee royal jelly as a nutrient, showed an exacerbation of dermatitis when it was applied to her feet. A topical fungicide also aggravated her skin lesions. Patch testing showed positive reactions to the royal jelly, pyrrolnitrin in the fungicide and urushiol. Positive reactions to the royal jelly were found in 2 out of 10 controls, 1 of whom was sensitive to propolis.
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Studies on proteins and carboxylic acid in royal jelly
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Struktura i razvoj morfoloških i motoričkih dimenzija omladine. (Structure and development of morphological and motor dimensions of youth)
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Relacije izmedju antropometrijskih, dinamo-metrijskih i situaciono-motorickih dimenzija i uspjeha u fudbalskoj igri. (Relations between anthropometric, dynamo-metric and motor dimensions with success in football game) Doktorska disertacija
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