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Measuring Agreement on Set-valued Items (MASI)
for Semantic and Pragmatic Annotation
Rebecca Passonneau
Columbia University
New York, New York, USA
Annotation projects dealing with complex semantic or pragmatic phenomena face the dilemma of creating annotation schemes that
oversimplify the phenomena, or that capture distinctions conventional reliability metrics cannot measure adequately. The solution to the
dilemma is to develop metrics that quantify the decisions that annotators are asked to make. This paper discusses MASI, distance metric for
comparing sets, and illustrates its use in quantifying the reliability of a specific dataset. Annotations of Summary Content Units (SCUs)
generate models referred to as pyramids which can be used to evaluate unseen human summaries or machine summaries. The paper
presents reliability results for five pairs of pyramids created for document sets from the 2003 Document Understanding Conference (DUC).
The annotators worked independently of each other. Differences between application of MASI to pyramid annotation and its previous
application to co-reference annotation are discussed. In addition, it is argued that a paradigmatic reliability study should relate measures of
inter-annotator agreement to independent assessments, such as significance tests of the annotated variables with respect to other
phenomena. In effect, what counts as sufficiently reliable intera-annotator agreement depends on the use the annotated data will be put to.
1. Introduction
To capture gradations in meaning or function,
semantic and pragmatic annotation projects have taken
various approaches. The project on Interlingual
Annotation of Multilingual Text Corpora (IAMTC;
Farwell et al., 2004) explicitly directed annotators to
make multiple selections when no single selection seems
sufficient. A related approach was taken in an email
domain in which annotators were allowed to make
multiple selections, but were asked to designate one as
primary (Rosenberg & Binkowski, 2004). A contrasting
implicit method relies on frequency of a category across
multiple annotators to represent stronger or weaker
presence of pragmatic units (Passonneau & Litman, 1997)
or semantic ones (Nenkova & Passonneau, 2004).
Annotations with multiple choices or graded
categories require new approaches to measuring
agreement. Rosenberg & Binkowski (2004), for example,
developed an augmented version of Cohen’s kappa (1960)
to assess inter-annotator agreement for the email domain.
It yields different kappa scores, depending on the weight
assigned to the primary selection. If the weight is 1, the
secondary selection is ignored; if it is .5, both are
considered equally. (Passonneau, 2004) presented a
weighted metric for measuring agreement on set-valued
items (referred to here as MASI) and compared it with
other measures of agreement on co-reference annotation.
MASI has also been applied to the IAMTC data
(Passonneau et al., 2006). It will be demonstrated here for
a semantic annotation task pertaining to the evaluation of
automatic summarization: the creation of pyramids from
human model summaries. A pyramid is a weighted model
of the semantic content in a set of human model
summaries (Nenkova & Passonneau, 2004), and can be
used to score machine-generated summaries. It was used
in the 2005 Document Understanding Conference (DUC)
(Passonneau et al., 2005) and will be used in DUC 2006.
This paper will address the inter-annotator reliability of
pyramid construction for a DUC 2003 dataset.
Section two describes the annotation task, and gives
an example of a representative pair of SCUs from
pyramids created by different annotators. Section three
gives an overview of a standard framework for assessing
reliability, a definition and simple illustration of MASI,
and a brief discussion of related work. Section four
compares inter-annotator agreement results for the five
pairs of pyramids using three metrics, including MASI.
Together, the three metrics indicate a very high degree of
overlap in pyramid annotations.
2. Pyramid Annotation Task
Summaries written by different humans will share
information, but will also have information that does not
appear in any other summary. This long observed fact
was dramatically quantified by (van Halteren & Teufel,
2003) for a set of fifty summaries of a single source text.
Pyramids represent shared content in summaries by
having annotators select spans of words, or contributors,
from different summaries such that each expresses more
or less the same information. We refer to a set of
contributors as a Summary Content Unit (SCU). An SCU
will have at most the same number of contributors as
there are model summaries. The cardinality of an SCU,
its weight, indicates how many of the model summaries
expresses the given content. The set of all SCUs found in
the models constitutes a pyramid. Annotators assign a
label that serves as a mnemonic for the meaning.
A1’s SCU: Weight=4
[Label: Americans asked Saudi officials for help]
Sum1 <Saudi Arabian officials, under American
Sum2 <sought help from Saudi officials>2
Sum3 <Through the Saudis, the United States
Sum4 <U.S. and Saudi Arabian requests>4
A2’s SCU: Weight=5
[Label: Through the Saudis, the U.S. tried to get
cooperation from the Taliban]
Sum1 <Saudi Arabian officials, under American
pressure,>1 <asked Afghan leaders>5
Sum2 <U.S. and Saudi officials then attempted>6
Sum3 <sought help from Saudi officials>2,
<who tried to convince Taliban leaders>7
Sum4 <Through the Saudis, the United States
Sum5 <U.S. and Saudi Arabian requests>4
Equivalence classes:
A1 { 1, 2, 3, 4 } {5, 7} {6}
A2 { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
Figure 1. Semantically similar SCUs from two
annotators, A1 and A2.
In the original annotation method (Passonneau &
Nenkova, 2003), the contributors constituted equivalence
classes over the words in the model summaries, and SCUs
were equivalence classes over the contributors. This is the
annotation style whose results are reported on here. For
the annotations in DUC 2005 (Passonneau et al., 2005),
the annotation constraints were relaxed to allow a word or
phrase to be part of multiple contributors, and a
contributor could be part of multiple SCUs.
For the 2003 Document Understanding Conference,
NIST assembled thirty clusters of documents to use in the
evaluation of automatic summarizers. In addition, four
100-word human summaries per document cluster
(Docset) were collected. We recruited journalism majors,
English majors and others in the Columbia University
community who demonstrated high verbal skills (such as
high verbal GREs scores) to write additional summaries.
A contributor can have discontinuities in the word string, e.g.,
for discontinuous constituents.
For five of the document clusters from DUC 2003, we
had two annotators work independently to create
pyramids, each using seven model summaries per Docset.
Figure 1 shows a pair of SCUs from the two
independently annotated pyramids for one of the five
Docsets (31038). It is typical of what we see from
different annotators across the five pairs of pyramids
investigated here. The two SCUs are very similar, but not
identical. They differ in the weight (four versus five), and
in the constituency of the contributors. By giving each
span of words a unique identifier, we can see that there
are two contributors that are the same for both annotators
(spans 3 and 4), two that partly overlap (spans 1 and 2 for
A1, versus A2’s combination of spans 1 with 5, and of
spans 2 with 7), and one that is unique to annotator A2
(span 6). Annotator A1 placed spans 5 and 7 in a distinct
SCU, and span 6 was a singleton SCU.
The two annotators’ equivalence classes (of spans
rather than words) are shown at the bottom of Figure 1.
3. Inter-annotator Agreement
3.1. Standard Approach
Different types of tables have been used as a basis for
computing inter-annotator agreement, including
contingency tables, and simple agreement tables having
rows for each unit and columns for each category and
where cells record how often each unit was assigned each
category. For two coders, Di Eugenio & Glass (2004)
prefer contingency tables. They note that in comparison to
contingency tables, simple agreement tables lose
information about what choices individual coders make.
Contingency tables also lose information: they don’t
represent the coding units, and are inconvenient for more
than two coders. An agreement matrix in Krippendorff’s
(1986) canonical form has one row per coder, and one
column per coding unit. Cell values indicate the category
k assigned by the ith coder to the jth unit. Such matrices
lose no information, and can be used to tabulate counts of
the number of coders who assigned the kth category to
the jth unit, the number of categories assigned by the ith
coder to the jth unit, and so on.
Apart from the assumptions used for computing the
probability of the kth, most reliability metrics use the
same or equivalent general formula to factor out chance
agreement (Passonneau, 1997) (Arstein & Poesio, 2005).
Where p(A
) and p(A
) are the probabilities of observed
and expected agreement, the general formula is:
() ()
The metrics all have the same range: one for perfect
agreement, to zero for no difference from chance, to
values that approach minus one for ever greater than
chance disagreement. The devil is in the details, namely
how to estimate p(A
The family of metrics including Scott’s pi (1955) and
Siegel & Castellan’s K (1988) use a single probability
distribution for all coders, based on the observed rate of
each category k across all coders. Cohen’s kappa (1960)
uses a distinct probability distribution for each coder
based on the rate at which the kth category appears in the
ith coder’s annotation. Cohen’s (1960) kappa makes
fewer assumptions, so in principle it provides stronger
support for inferences about reliability. In practice, kappa
may not always be the best choice.
Di Eugenio & Glass (2004) argue that kappa suffers
from coder bias. The size of kappa will be relatively
higher than Siegel & Castellan’s K if two coders assign
the categories k at different rates. Whether one views bias
as an obstacle depends on one’s goals. If the probability
distributions over the values k are very different for two
coders, then the probability that they will agree will
necessarily be lower, and kappa accounts for this.
Whether the difference in distribution arises from the
inherent subjectivity of the task, insufficient specification
in the annotation guidelines of when to use each category,
or differences in the skill and attention of the annotators,
cannot be answered by one metric in one comparison.
Artstein and Poesio (2005) review several families of
reliability metrics, the associated assumptions, and
differences in the resulting values that arise given the
same data. The quantitative differences tend to be small.
In order to illustrate the impact of different distance
metrics, results are reported here using a single method of
computing p(A
), Krippendorff’s Alpha (1980).
The formula for Alpha, given m coders and r units, is:
bc bc
rm n n
The numerator is a summation over the product of counts
of all pairs of values b and c, times the distance metric δ,
across rows. The denominator is a summation of
agreements and disagreements within columns. For
categorical scales, because Alpha measures
disagreements, δ is 0 when b=c, and 1 when b
c. For
very large samples, Alpha is equivalent to Scott’s (1955)
pi; it corrects for small sample sizes, applies to multiple
coders, and generalizes to many scales of annotation data.
Interpreting inter-annotator reliability raises two
questions: what value of reliability is good enough, and
how does one decide. Krippendorff (1980) is often cited
as recommending a threshold of 0.67 to support cautious
conclusions. The comment he made that introduced his
discussion should be quoted more often. For the question
of how reliable is reliable enough, he said: “there is no set
answer” (p. 146). He offered the 0.67 threshold in the
context of reliability studies in which the same variables
also played a role in independent significance tests. In his
data, variables below the 0.67 threshold happened never
to be significant. He noted that in contrast, “some content
analyses are very robust in the sense that unreliabilities
become hardly noticeable in the result” (p. 147).
I will refer to the simultaneous investigation of
reliability values of annotated data, and significance tests
of the annotated variables with respect to independent
measures, as a paradigmatic reliability study.
(Passonneau et al., 2005) includes an analysis of the
reliability of peer annotations for pyramid evaluation, and
of the significance of correlations of pyramid scores using
peer annotations from different annotators. It is a
paradigmatic reliability study of peer annotation. The
average Kappa across six document sets was .57, the
average Alpha with Dice (1945) as a distance metric was
0.62, and Pearson’s correlations were highly significant.
A distance metric was used to count partial agreement for
annotators who agreed that a given SCU occurred in a
peer summary, but disagreed as to how often. MASI was
not relevant here, because the counts of SCUs per
summary did not constitute a unit of representation.
In concurrent work (Passonneau, 2005), we present
results of a study in which the five pyramids discussed
here were used to score summaries. Thus the present
paper in combination with (Passonneau, 2005) constitutes
a paradigmatic reliability study of pyramid annotation.
3.3. MASI
MASI is a distance metric for comparing two sets,
much like an association measure such as Jaccard (1908)
or Dice (1945). In fact, it incorporates Jaccard, as
explained below. When used to weight the computation of
inter-annotator agreement, it is independent of the method
in which probability is computed, thus of the expected
agreement. It can be used in any weighted agreement
metric, such as Krippendorff's Alpha (Passonneau, 2004)
or Artstein & Poesio's (2005) Beta
In (Passonneau, 2004), MASI was used for measuring
agreement on co-reference annotations. Earlier work on
assessing co-reference annotations did not use reliability
measures of canonical agreement matrices, in part
because of the data representation problem of determining
what the coding values should be. The annotation task in
co-reference does not involve selecting categories from a
predefined set, but instead requires annotators to group
expressions together into sets of those that co-refer.
(Passonneau, 2004) proposed a means for casting co-
reference annotation into a conventional agreement matrix
by treating the equivalence classes that annotators
grouped NPs into as the coding values. Application of
MASI for comparing the equivalence classes that
annotators assign an NP to made it possible to quantify
the degree of similarity across annotations. Since it is
typically the case that annotators assign the same NP to
very similar, but rarely identical, equivalence classes,
applying an unweighted metric to the agreement matrices
yields misleadingly low values.
The annotation task in creating pyramids has similar
properties to the NP co-coreference annotation task.
Neither the number of distinct referents, nor the number
of distinct SCUs, is given in advance: both are the
outcome of the annotation. The annotations both yield
equivalence classes in which every NP token, or every
word token, belongs to exactly one class (corresponding
to a referent, or an SCU). NPs that are not grouped with
other NPs (e.g., NPs annotated as non-referential), and
words that are not grouped with other words (e.g., closed-
class lexical items like “and” that contribute little or
nothing to the semantics of an SCU, form singleton sets.
Figure 2 and Figure 3 schematically represent
agreement matrices using set-based annotations. A3 and
A4 stand for two annotators; x, y and z are the units from
which to create sets, and the coding values are the sets
shown in the cells of the matrices.
Annotator x y z
A3 {x, y} {x, y} {x}
A4 {x, y, z} {x, y, z} {x, y, z}
Figure 2. Annotation with set subsumption.
Annotator x y z
A3 {x, y } {x, y} {z}
A4 {x } { y, z} { y, z}
Figure 3. Annotation with symmetric difference in
column “y”.
Figure 2 is like the SCU example in Figure 1 in that
there is a monotonic relationship among all the sets in the
matrix. Within columns, A3’s sets always share properties
with A4’s sets, and there are no conflicting properties.
This is not the case in Figure 3, where A3 has a set {x,y},
and A4 has a set {y,z}. The two sets have a non-null
intersection ({y}), and non-null set-differences ({x},{z}).
Figure 3 represents a case where A3 thinks x and y have
the same set of properties, not shared by z; A3 thinks y
and z have the same set of properties, not shared by x,
thus the semantic or pragmatic elements being
represented are in conflict.
MASI ranges from 1, when two sets are identical, to 0,
when they are disjoint. It has two terms which weight
different aspects of set comparison: MASI = J*M. The
Jaccard (1908) metric (the J term) is used to weight the
differences in size of two sets, independent of whether
sets are monotonic. The M term is for monotonicity, and
penalizes a case like Figure 3 more heavily than Figure 2.
Their role in computing MASI will now be illustrated.
Spans A1 A2
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
{5, 7} { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
{6} { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
{5, 7} { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
Figure 4. Agreement matrix for Figure 1, using spans
(instead of words) as the coding units.
Taking the two MASI terms in turn, J is the ratio of
the cardinality of the intersection to the cardinality of the
union of the two sets. For two sets P and Q, it is one if
P=Q, and grows closer to one the more members P and Q
have in common. J is zero if P and Q are disjoint, and is
closer to zero the larger P and Q are, and the fewer
members they have in common.
The value of Jaccard is 2/3 for the x and y columns of
Figure 2, and 1/3 for the z column. Similarly, it is 2/3 for
the y column of Figure 3, and 1/3 for the x and z columns.
The mean Jaccard for Figure 2 is 5/9, and for Figure 3 it is
4/9. Thus Figure 2 is appropriately closer to one than
Figure 3, but the quantitative difference is small.
The second term of MASI (M, for monotonicity)
penalizes the case in Figure 3 more heavily than that in
Figure 2. If two sets Q and P are identical, M is 1. If one
set is a subset of the other, M is 2/3. If the intersection
and the two set differences are all non-null, then M is 1/3.
If the sets are disjoint, M is 0.
Before comparing the sets assigned by A3 and A4 to a
coding unit y, the coding unit itself must be removed.
Otherwise, the coding values will necessarily intersect.
For column y in Figure 2, {x} would be compared with
{x, z}. For column y in Figure 3, {x} would be compared
with {z}. The mean MASI for Figure 2 is 10/27 (.37) and
for Figure 3 it is 6/27 (.22).
A1’s SCU-101: Weight=2
[Label: Worker’s agree to Estrada’s terms]
Sum1 <61% voted yes>1
Sum2 <Unions agreed to some employee cuts with
separation benefits>2
A1’s SCU-102: Weight=1
[Label: Ground crew accepts 2 weeks after initial
Sum3 <which it accepted two weeks later>3
A2’s SCU-201: Weight=2
[Label: The settlement was finally accepted]
Sum1 <61% voted yes>1
Sum2 <which it accepted two weeks later>3
A2’s SCU-202: Weight=1
[Label: Unions agree to some employee cuts]
Sum3 < Unions agreed to some employee cuts with
separation benefits >2
Figure 5. Pairs of SCUs from two annotators
illustrating non-monotonicity.
Figure 4 shows a canonical agreement matrix for the
example from Figure 1; to save space it is presented with
the coding units in rows instead of columns. For the sake
of illustration, the coding units are spans instead of words.
The set of coding categories consists of the equivalence
classes from both annotations. Annotator A2 placed all
the spans shown in a single SCU labeled [Through the
Saudis, the U.S. tried to get cooperation from the
Taliban]. Annotator A1 created a similar SCU labeled,
[Americans asked Saudi officials for help], but did not
include spans 5 (“asked Afghan leaders”) and 7 (“who
tried to convince Taliban leaders”). A1 placed 5 and 7 in
a distinct SCU (with other contributing spans, omitted
from discussion), labeled [Saudi officials asked Afghan
leaders to release Bin Laden].
The labels assigned by A1 and A2 in Figure 1 reflect
the difference in content. A2 chose a more
comprehensive label expressing a 3-way relation in which
the Saudis would mediate between the U.S. and the
Taliban. In comparison, A1’s labels describe two binary
relations, one relating the U.S. and the Saudis, and one
relating the Saudis and the Taliban. The labels would
suggest that A2’s annotation subsumes A1’s, and the SCU
representation confirms this.
In contrast to the SCU example illustrated in Figure 1,
we occasionally find groups of SCUs across annotators
that are semantically more distinct, corresponding to cases
like Figure 3. Figure 5 gives an example from a pyramid
whose reliability was reported on in (Nenkova &
Passonneau, 2004).
Table 1 shows the reliability values for the data from
Figure 1 using Krippendorff’s Alpha with three different
distance metrics. Because Krippendorff’s Alpha measures
disagreements, one minus Jaccard, and one minus MASI,
are used in computing Alpha. The “Nominal” column
shows the results treating all non-identical sets as
categorically distinct (see section 3.1). For illustrative
purposes, the top portion of the table uses spans as the
coding units, i.e., computing Alpha from the agreement
matrix given in Figure 4. Since spans were not given in
advance, but were decided on by coders, this
underestimates the number of decisions that annotators
were required to make. The very low value in the Jaccard
column is due to the disparity in size between the two
annotations for rows five through seven of Figure 4.
The lower portion of Table 1 shows the results using
words as the coding units. The values across the three
columns are similar to those for the full dataset as we will
see in the discussion of Table 2.
Coding units Nominal Jaccard MASI
spans 0 -.44 0.14
words 0 .64 .81
Table 1. Reliability values for data from Figure 1,
using spans versus words as coding units.
3.4. Related Work
As noted above, Teufel and van Halteren (2004)
perform an annotation addressing a goal similar to the
pyramid method. They create lists of factoids, atomic
units of information. To compare sets of factoids that
were independently created by two annotators, they first
create a list of subsumption relations between factoids
across annotations. Then they construct a table that lists
all (subsumption-relation, summary) pairs, with counts of
how often each subsumption relation occurs in each
summary. Figure 6 reproduces their Figure 2. Every
factoid is given an index, and in Figure 6, P30 represents
a factoid created by one annotator that subsumes two
created by the other annotator. Symbols a through e
represent five summaries. They compute kappa from this
type of agreement table.
SCU-201 has been simplified for illustrative purposes; in the
actual data, it had a third contributor.
A1 A2 A1
P30 ←F9.21 -a 1 1 P30 ←F9.22 -a 1 0
P30 ←F9.21 -b 0 0 P30 ←F9.22 -b 0 0
P30 ←F9.21 -c 1 0 P30 ←F9.22 -c 1 1
P30 ←F9.21 -d 0 0 P30 ←F9.22 -d 0 0
P30 ←F9.21 -e 1 0 P30 ←F9.22 -e 1 1
Figure 6. Agreement table representation used in
Teufel and van Halteren (2004).
While this representation does not suffer from the loss
of information De Eugenio & Glass (2004) fault Siegel &
Castellan (1988) for, note that it differs from an
agreement matrix or a contingency table in that it is not
the case that each count represents an individual decision
made by an annotator. We can see from the table that A1
is the annotator who created P30 and A2 is the one who
created F9.21 and F9.22. Although there are two cells in
A1’s column for the two subsumption relations P30 ←
F9.21 and P30←F9.22, it is unlikely that A1’s original
annotation involved decisions about F9.21 and F9.22. If
the number of decisions is overestimated, p(A
) will be
underestimated, leading to higher kappa values.
Another issue in using such an agreement table from
two independently created factoid lists is that it requires
the creation of a new level of representation that would
itself be subject to reliability issues.
4. Results and Discussion
Canonical greement matrices of the form shown in
Figure 4, but with words as the coding units, were
computed for the five pairs of independently created
pyramids for the Docsets listed in Table 2. The mean
number of words per pyramid was 725; the mean number
of distinct SCUs was 92. Results are shown for Alpha
with the same three distance metrics used in Table 1.
Docset Nominal Jaccard MASI
30016 .19 .55 0.79
30040 .24 .58 0.80
31001 .01 .40 0.68
31010 .03 .39 0.69
31038 .09 .40 0.71
Table 2. Inter-annotator agreement on 5 pyramids
using unweighted Krippendorff’s Alpha (nominal),
and Alpha with Jaccard and MASI as δ.
The low values for the nominal distance metric are
expected, given that there are few cases of word-for-word
identity of SCUs across annotations. With Jaccard as the
distance metric, the values increase manyfold, indicating
that over all the comparisons of pairs of SCUs across
annotators for a given pyramid, the size of the set
intersection is closer to the size of the set union than not.
With MASI, values increase by approximately half of
the difference between the Jaccard value and the
maximum value of one. Since MASI rewards
overlapping sets twice as much if one is a subset of the
other than if they are not, this degree of increase indicates
that most of the differences between SCUs are monotonic.
By including several metrics whose relationship to
each other is known, Table 2 indicates that the pyramid
annotations do not have many cases of exact agreement
(nominal), that the sets being compared have more
members in common than not (Jaccard), and that the
commonality is more often monotonic than not (MASI).
Whether these results are sufficiently reliable depends
on the uses of the data. In a separate investigation
(Passonneau, 2005), the pairs of pyramids for Docsets
30016 and 30014 have been used to produce parallel sets
of scores for summaries from sixteen summarization
systems that participated in DUC 2003. Pearson’s
correlations of two types of scores (original pyramid and
modified) range from 0.84 to 0.91with p values always
zero. This constitutes evidence that the pyramid
annotations are more than reliable enough.
5. Conclusion
Measuring inter-annotator reliability involves more
than a single number or a single study. Di Eugenio &
Glass (2004) argue that using multiple reliability metrics
with different methods for computing p(A
) can be more
revealing of than a single metric. Passonneau et al. (2005)
present a similar argument for the case of comparing
different distance metrics. Here, inter-annotator reliability
results have been presented using three metrics in order to
more fully characterize the dataset.
This paper argues that full interpretation of a
reliability measure is best carried out in a paradigmatic
reliability study: a series of studies that link one or more
measures of the reliability of a dataset to an independent
assessment, such as a significance test. If the same
dataset is used in different tasks, what is reliable for one
task may not be for another.
Investigators faced with complex annotation data have
shown ingenuity in proposing new data representations
(Teufel & van Halteren, 2004), new reliability measures
(Rosenberg & Binkowski, 2004), and techniques new to
computational linguistics, as discussed in (Artstein &
Poesio). While this paper argues for placing a greater
burden on the interpretation of inter-annotator agreement,
proposals such as these provide an expanding suite of
tools for accomplishing this task.
This work was supported by DARPA NBCH105003
and NUU01-00-1-8919. The author thanks many
annotators, especially Ani Nenkova and David Elson.
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