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Anaphoric arguments of discourse connectives: Semantic properties of
antecedents versus non-antecedents
Eleni Miltsakaki, Cassandre Creswell,
Katherine Forbes,Aravind Joshi,
Institute of Research in Cognitive Science
University of Pennsylvania
Bonnie Webber
School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
We have argued extensively in prior work that
discourse connectives can be analyzed as en-
coding predicate-argument relations whose ar-
guments derived from the interpretation of dis-
course units. All adverbial connectives we have
analyzed to date have expressed binary relations.
But they are special in taking one of their two
arguments structurally, and the other, anaphori-
cally. As such, interpreting adverbial discourse
connectives can be understood as a problem of
anaphora resolution. In this paper we study the
S-modifying adverbial connective “instead” and
what, in the context, does and does not serve as
antecedent for its anaphoric argument. This work
extends earlier work investigating syntactic pat-
terns of anaphoric arguments across a range of
adverbial discourse connectives and the reliabil-
ity with which these arguments can be annotated.
The current work establishes, for 100 successive
corpus instances of “instead”, lexico-syntactic
features of the antecedents of their anaphoric ar-
guments that can be automatically annotated and
therefore used to distinguish actual antecedents
from potential competitors in the context.
1 Introduction
Discourse relations can be lexicalized in at least
two ways – with subordinate/coordinate conjunc-
tions and with adverbial phrases,1as in:
(1) Subordinate conjunction. Although Mr.
Hastings had been acquitted by a jury,
lawmakers handling the prosecution in
Congress had argued that the purpose of
impeachment isn’t to punish an individual.
1Discourse relations can also be lexicalized with a null
connective as in: ’You should not lend Tom any books. He
never returns them’. While we have included null connectives
in previous studies, they are not discussed in this paper.
(2) Coordinate conjunction. The Berkeley
police don’t have any leads but doubt the
crime was driven by a passion for sweets.
(3) Adverbial connective. No price for the
new shares has been set. Instead, the com-
panies will leave it up to the marketplace
to decide.
Both types of connectives can be analyzed as
encoding predicate-argument relations whose ar-
guments derive from the interpretation of dis-
course units (Webber and Joshi, 1998). With
subordinate or coordinate conjunction, those dis-
course units are the ones structurally joined by
the conjunction, thus enabling the semantics
of the relation to be built compositionally via
well-understood mappings of syntax to semantics
(Webber et al., 1999). We call subordinate and co-
ordinate conjunctions structural connectives. For
example, the structural connective although in (4)
expresses a concessive relation between the two
eventualities, P = RARELY EAT (SALLY, MEAT)
(4) Although Sally rarely eats meat,
she enjoys an occasional bacon cheese-
All the adverbial connectives we have analyzed
to date express binary predicate-argument rela-
tions. They differ from structural connectives in
only getting one of their two arguments struc-
turally – the one they get from their matrix clause.
With respect to their other argument, we have ar-
gued extensively (Webber and Joshi, 1998; Web-
ber et al., 1999; Webber et al., 2003) that adver-
bial connectives behave like common discourse
anaphors (pronouns and NPs), obtaining this ar-
gument from the discourse context. The prob-
lem of interpreting adverbial connectives with re-
spect to the discourse can thus be reformulated as
an anaphor resolution problem, and, for this rea-
son, we often call adverbial connectives anaphoric
connectives. For example, if (4) were followed by
(5) Otherwise, she would pine away for lack
of grease.
the adverbial connective otherwise conveys a con-
ditional relation between the complement of Q
From both a theoretical perspective (Gundel et
al., 1993; Prince, 1981; Walker and Prince, 1996;
Prince, 1999) and an empirical perspective, it is
clear that different discourse anaphors (e.g., third
person pronouns, definite NPs, demonstrative pro-
nouns, demonstrative NPs, ”other” NPS, etc.) dis-
play different properties with respect to where and
what in the discourse context they can draw their
referents from. For particular anaphors or sets
of anaphors, empirical studies can help elucidate
what those properties are.
In this paper, we report on an empirical study
of the surprisingly interesting adverbial connective
“instead”. “Instead” occurs in two forms: (1) as a
bare adverbial, and (2) with an “of” PP modifier.
In the latter form, it can be found with every type
of phrase, including NPs (Example 6), AdjPs (Ex-
ample 7), and PPs (Example 8):
(6) John ate an apple instead of a pear.
(7) John chose a bright yellow instead of a
dull blue shirt.
(8) John spent the afternoon at the zoo instead
of at the museum.
In this form, both arguments of “instead” can be
derived structurally: the first, from the phrase it
modifiers (e.g., “an apple” in Example 6) and the
second, from the object of its “of” PP (e.g., “a
pear” in the same example). Semantically, the “in-
stead of” phrase conveys that its second argument
(here, the “of” PP) is a salient but unchosen al-
ternative to its first argument, with respect to the
given predication. The notion of salient but un-
chosen or unrealized alternatives is basic to the
interpretation of “instead” in both its modified and
bare forms.
As a bare adverbial, “instead” gets its second ar-
gument anaphorically, from the discourse context.
As before, this argument corresponds to a salient
but unchosen or unrealized alternative. But not ev-
ery discourse context provides salient alternatives
for the anaphoric argument of “instead” to resolve
with, and therefore its use is not always licensed –
(9) John ate an apple. #Instead he wanted a
(10) John wanted to eat a pear. Instead he ate
an apple.
(11) John won’t eat fruit. Instead, he eats only
candy bars and potato chips.
To better understand “instead” as a discourse
connective, we carried out an empirical study of
its discourse context and the properties of what,
in that context, did and did not serve as an an-
tecedent for its anaphoric argument. The results
will help in the development of an anaphor resolu-
tion mechanism for “instead” and a methodology
for developing anaphor resolution mechanisms for
other anaphoric connectives.
2 Previous Work
Our first empirical work in this area (Creswell et
al., 2002) was aimed at verifying the distinction
between structural and anaphoric connectives that
we had argued for on theoretical grounds. We
described a preliminary corpus annotation effort
for nine discourse connectives. The results indi-
cate that classes of connectives display distinctive
resolution patterns, as do individual connectives.
The preliminary annotation included mainly sur-
face syntactic features such as the location and
size of the argument, its clausal characteristics and
the location of the connective. Consistent with ex-
pected attentional constraints, most of the stud-
ied connectives had a strong tendency for their
left argument to be identified locally (in the struc-
tural sense) – either in the immediately preceding
sentence or in immediately preceding sequence of
sentences, in most cases the preceding paragraph.
Most notably, it was observed that so always takes
a sentence or a sequence of sentences as its left
argument, indicating that it might be treated as a
structural connective. In addition,yet,moreover,
as a result and also, tend to take their left argument
locally but they demonstrate a larger syntactic va-
riety of potential arguments such as subordinate
clauses or phrasal constituents. Finally, so,never-
theless and moreover are more likely to take larger
discourse segments as arguments.
3 Corpus Annotation Study: “Instead”
Our annotation study of the anaphoric connective
instead has two parts: (1) annotation of the an-
tecedent of its anaphoric argument and of lexico-
syntactic features of that antecedent that could
correlate with semantic properties suggestive of
salient alternatives that could be (but haven’t
been) realized or chosen; and (2) annotation of
clauses in close proximity to this antecedent which
could potentially serve as distractors or competing
antecedents (cf. Section 3.2).
The purpose of the first part of the study was
to establish whether every true antecedent of in-
stead could be characterized in terms of lexico-
syntactic features that could be automatically an-
notated. The purpose of the second part was to es-
tablish whether competing alternatives displayed
such features. If they didn’t, then the absence of
any such features on previous clauses close to bare
instead could be used to reject true negatives, and
the presence of such features or feature sets could
be used to strongly suggest a true positive.
3.1 Annotation of competing antecedents
We examined 100 successive instances of sentence
initial instead, in each case (a) identifying the text
containing the antecedent of its anaphoric argu-
ment; (b) computing inter-annotator agreement;
and (c) annotating lexico-syntactic features of the
antecedent. We then quantified the frequency of
appearance of these features in the identified argu-
The features we chose to annotate were ones
present in instances of instead that we had pre-
viously collected serendipitously: clausal nega-
tion, presence of a monotone-decreasing quanti-
fiers (e.g., few,seldom), presence of a modal aux-
iliary, presence of conditionality, and verb type.
In addition, some of our serendipitously collected
examples showed the antecedent of instead em-
bedded in a higher clause, and thereby not part of
the assertions of the sentence, as in clause (12),
which neither entails, presupposes, nor implicates
clause (13). So we also annotated whether or
not an antecedent was embedded in some higher
(12) John wanted to eat a pear.
(13) John ate a pear.
Table 1 contains the complete set of features used
in annotating the antecedent of the anaphoric ar-
gument of instead.
Feature Abbreviation
Verbal negation (Verbal neg.)
Subject negation (Subj. neg.)
Object negation (Obj. neg.)
Monotone decreasing quantifier (MDQ)
Modal auxiliary (Modal)
Conditional sentence (Condit.)
Embedded antecedent (Embed.)
Table 1: Set of annotation features
Features YES (of 97) NO (of 97)
Verbal neg. 37 (38%) 60 (62%)
Subj. neg. 5 (5%) 92 (95%)
Obj. neg. 10 (10%) 82 (85%)
MDQ 1 (1%) 96 (99%)
Modal 12 (12%) 85 (88%)
Condit. 1 (1%) 96 (99%)
Embed. 57 (59%) 40 (41%)
Table 2: Results from antecedent annotation of the
anaphoric argument
3.1.1 Results from the antecedent annotation
Table 2 shows the results of this annotation for
97 out of the 100 tokens in the original set. In the
remaining three cases the annotators did not agree
on the argument of instead, and these cases were
excluded from further analysis.
Antecedents could display zero or more of the
features from the set given in Table 2 – for exam-
ple, both a negative subject and a modal auxiliary,
or no value for “object negation” if the verb in the
antecedent clause is transitive. Three things stand
out: (1) the presence of negation on the verb or
one of its arguments, (2) the presence of a modal
auxiliary, and (3) the presence of a higher verb.
(We discuss this last feature and its significance in
Section 3.2).
In the majority of tokens (65 of 97 cases), at
least one of the first six features in Table 2 (i.e. all
features but EMBED) was present in the antecedent
of the anaphoric argument of instead. In an addi-
tional 27% of tokens, the semantics of either the
verbal predicate in the antecedent itself or the ver-
bal predicate embedding the antecedent admits al-
ternative situations or events (e.g., expect, want,
deny etc.), such as demand in (14), which em-
beds the antecedent clause that he surrender. We
will see in the next section, that the frequency of
these features in antecedent clauses is significantly
greater than their frequency in clauses which do
not serve as antecedents of instead.2
(14) Arriving at daybreak , they found Julio in
his corral and demanded
that he surren-
.Instead, he whirled and ran to his
house for a gun, forcing them to kill him ,
Cook reported .
In sum, for a total of 94% of tokens, we were
able to characterize features of the arguments that
could be automatically extracted from existing an-
notations and used to help resolve these anaphoric
arguments. In the remaining cases, the annotated
features were absent, meaning that the set of con-
ditioning features is incomplete.
3.2 Annotation of competing antecedents
For the annotation of competing antecedents, we
defined competing antecedent as follows: any fi-
nite or non-finite clause contained in the sentence
2In the case of the feature EMBED, it is the semantics of
the embedding verb, not just its syntactic properties that make
it a conditioning feature for the presence of an antecedent
argument. However, as will be seen below, the frequency of
embedding in actual vs. potential antecedents indicates that
even disregarding the identity of the embedding verb, this is
a useful property for identifying actual antecedents.
which contains the antecedent of instead or that in-
tervenes between the antecedent and the sentence
containing instead.
We adopt the traditional definition of sentence,
which contains a single main verb and all its asso-
ciated finite or non-finite clauses including relative
and adverbial clauses. We have also classified as
‘sentence’ instances with two main verbs in cases
of VP coordination, i.e., when the subject of the
second verb is omitted. While other definitions of
“competing antecedents” are plausible, our defini-
tion takes advantage of earlier results which show
that in most cases the antecedent of the anaphoric
argument of instead is contained within the imme-
diately preceding sentence or shortly before it.
The same set of features used in annotating the
anaphoric argument was also used in annotating
competing antecedents. We made this choice as
a preliminary step in building an anaphora reso-
lution algorithm. Our primary goal in annotat-
ing competing antecedents with the same set of
features was to evaluate their strength in distin-
guishing arguments from non-arguments in a well-
defined syntactic locality.
3.2.1 Results
For the set of 97 tokens of instead extracted in
the first part of this study, we identified 169 to-
kens of ’competing antecedents’. Table 3 shows
the results of the annotation. Overall, comparing
Tables 2 and 3, two things stand out:
1. Negation of the verb or one of its argu-
ments is much more common in the an-
tecedent of instead than in potentially com-
peting antecedents – 52/97 times ( 53%)
versus 35/169 times ( 20%).
2. The antecedent of the anaphoric argument of
instead is much more frequently embedded in
a higher verb than is a potentially competing
antecedent – 57/97 times ( 59%) vs 14/169
times ( 8%).
In our annotated example set, we do not
have enough instances of monotonically decreas-
ing quantifiers, modal auxiliaries or condition-
als to say whether their co-occurrence with the
antecedent of the anaphoric argument of instead
is significantly different from their co-occurrence
with potentially competing antecedents.
Features YES (of 169) No (of 169)
Verbal neg. 21 (12%) 148 (88%)
Subj. neg. 8 (5%) 161 (95%)
Obj. neg. 6 (4%) 139 (82%)
MDQ 0 (0%) 169 (100%)
Modal 17 (10%) 152 (90%)
Condit. 0 (0%) 169 (100%)
Emb. 14 (8%) 155 (91%)
Table 3: Results from feature annotation of com-
peting antecedents including higher verbs
What is not obvious from Table 2 is the nature
of the higher verbs that actual antecedents and po-
tentially competing antecedents occur with. The
difference between these sets is significant. In the
first case, the embedded clause may be desired
(“want”, “advise”, “insist”) or (un)expected (“ex-
pect”, “doubt”), described (“tell”, “say”), etc. but
is not asserted or presupposed to hold now or have
held before or to hold in the future. This makes
other alternatives that could hold both possible and
salient, one of which is the structural argument
of instead. Given the current set of seven fea-
tures here, a very simplistic resolution algorithm
based on implementing these features directly (i.e.
of the token’s features’ values is Y, then
the token should be marked as ANTECEDENT=Y)
would have very good recall, but poor precision.
Among other possible improvements, considera-
tion of the features of the structural argument of
instead, along with the features of the potential an-
tecedent candidate, could presumably decrease the
incidence of these false positives.
Table 4 shows that the set of features that ap-
pears to be successful for distinguishing between
actual and competing antecedents is not equally
useful for distinguishing between verbs that em-
bed the antecedent and competing antecedents. A
better characterization of the class of higher verbs
will be achieved by looking at differences of the
semantic properties of higher verbs that embed an-
tecedents from those that do not. In the case of
antecedents, higher verbs included insist, aban-
don, doubt, expect, tell, say, concede, want, be ap-
Features YES (out of 39) NO
Verbal neg. 4 (10%) 35 (90%)
Subj. neg. 1 (2%) 38 (98%)
Obj. neg. 2 (5%) 20 (51%)
MDQ 0 (0%) 39 (100%)
Modal 2 (5%) 37 (95%)
Condit. 1 (1%) 38 (99%)
Emb 2 (5%) 37 (95%)
Table 4: Results from feature annotation of higher
propriate), while higher verbs of potentially com-
peting antecedents included factive verbs such as
know. A clause with a factive verb can give rise
to salient alternatives, but not to alternatives to
the embedded clause because factive verbs presup-
pose its truth, as in (15). The continutation with
instead is possible in (16) but this is because of
the presence of negation in the higher clause.
(15) John regretted eating 12 bananas. *Instead
(16) John didn’t regret that eating 12 bananas.
Instead he was happy. (Instead possible
because of the negation)
Note that the antecedent of the anaphoric argu-
ment of instead is not the same as the abstract
object that serves as that argument (Webber et
al., 2003). Deriving arguments from antecedents
may require inference. However, as with resolv-
ing discourse deixis (Webber, 1991; Eckert and
Strube, 2001; Byron, 2002), properties of the ma-
trix clause containing the anaphor (here, instead)
can constrain the inference process. Thus in Ex-
ample 17, the fact that the anaphoric argument of
instead is an alternative to what Valhi and affiliates
will do with their Lockheed holdings, allows one
to infer from the (bolded) antecedent, that that ar-
gument is (roughly) Valhi and affiliates doing with
respect to Lockheed what the article said it would.
(17) Valhi Inc., another of Mr. Simmons’ com-
panies, responded to an article Monday in
The Wall Street Journal, which credited
a story in the Sunday Los Angeles Daily
News. Valhi said the articles didn’t ac-
curately reflect Valhi and its affiliates’
intentions toward Lockheed. Instead,
Valhi said, they may increase, decrease or
retain their Lockheed holdings , depend-
ing on a number of conditions.
4 Discussion
The set of annotated antecedents of the anaphoric
arguments of instead contained cases in which no
feature from our set was present. These cases are
particularly interesting as they highlight the com-
plex nature of the lexico-syntactic realization of
semantics that give rise to alternatives. In (18), for
example, annotators agreed that the antecedent of
instead was the phrase shown in boldface. How-
ever, this phrase has none of our annotated features
and the predicate ’recite’ is not one that appears to
give rise to alternatives.
(18) The tension was evident on Wednesday
evening during Mr. Nixon’s final banquet
toast, normally an opportunity for recit-
ing platitudes about eternal friendship
. Instead, Mr. Nixon reminded his host,
Chinese President Yang Shangkun, that
Americans haven’t forgiven China’s lead-
ers for the military assault of June 3-4 that
kil led hundreds, and perhaps thousands,
of demonstrators.
What appears to trigger alternatives are the
phrases “normally” and “an opportunity”, either
individually or together. The fact that (19) and
(20) are comparable to (21) and (22), suggests that
the range of lexical items triggering alternatives
is larger than negation and monotone decreasing
quantifiers, modality and certain classes of verbal
predicates, and moreover, does not correspond to
any previously defined set of linguistic elements.
(19) I had the opportunity to buy a cheap used
car. Instead, I bought a scooter.
(20) This event was an opportunity for John to
make amends. Instead, he caused more
(21) I wanted to buy a car. Instead I bought a
(22) John could have made amends. Instead he
caused more trouble.
5 Conclusion
In earlier work we argued that adverbial con-
nectives take one argument structurally and one
anaphorically. In this paper, we looked at the
lexico-syntactic realization of the antecedent of
the anaphoric argument of instead. For anaphora
resolution, the advantage of identifying lexico-
syntactic realizations of the relevant semantic fea-
tures is that such features can easily be extracted
automatically from available sources such as the
syntactic annotation of the Penn Treebank corpus
and the semantic annotation of the Penn PropBank
corpus. In future work, we plan to conduct a large
scale corpus annotation project on top of the Penn
Treebank and Penn PropBank in order to study (a)
the semantic properties of higher verbs embedding
the antecedent, (b) the relationship between the
structural and anaphoric argument of instead, and
(c) additional semantic properties of the arguments
of instead that will be useful in identifying the an-
tecedent of the anaphoric argument. The features
from the annotated corpus will then be used to de-
velop an anaphora resolution algorithm based on
a combination of a rule-based and machine learn-
ing procedure. The features from the annotated
corpus will then be used to develop an anaphora
resolution algorithm based on a combination of a
rule-based and machine learning procedure.
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