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Life is Pleasant - And Memory Helps to Keep It that Way!


Abstract and Figures

People's recollections of the past are often positively biased. This bias has 2 causes. The 1st cause lies in people's perceptions of events. The authors review the results of several studies and present several new comparative analyses of these studies, all of which indicate that people perceive events in their lives to more often be pleasant than unpleasant. A 2nd cause is the fading affect bias: The affect associated with unpleasant events fades faster than the affect associated with pleasant events. The authors review the results of several studies documenting this bias and present evidence indicating that dysphoria (mild depression) disrupts such bias. Taken together, this evidence suggests that autobiographical memory represents an important exception to the theoretical claim that bad is stronger than good.
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Life Is Pleasant—and Memory Helps to Keep It That Way!
W. Richard Walker
Winston-Salem State University John J. Skowronski
Northern Illinois University
Charles P. Thompson
Kansas State University
People’s recollections of the past are often positively biased. This bias has 2 causes.
The 1st cause lies in people’s perceptions of events. The authors review the results of
several studies and present several new comparative analyses of these studies, all of
which indicate that people perceive events in their lives to more often be pleasant than
unpleasant. A 2nd cause is the fading affect bias: The affect associated with unpleasant
events fades faster than the affect associated with pleasant events. The authors review
the results of several studies documenting this bias and present evidence indicating that
dysphoria (mild depression) disrupts such bias. Taken together, this evidence suggests
that autobiographical memory represents an important exception to the theoretical
claim that bad is stronger than good.
In surveys of subjective well-being con-
ducted around the world, and with only a very
few exceptions (countries in extreme poverty),
people generally report that they are happy with
their lives. In the United States, this positive
feeling of well-being is certainly widespread: It
is found in people with physical disabilities,
people with mental disabilities, individuals with
low incomes, and members of minority groups
(e.g., Diener & Diener, 1996; Lykken & Telle-
gen, 1996).
Studies of autobiographical memory suggest
at least two important sources for this feeling of
well-being. First, much research indicates that
the events from people’s autobiographies are
more often perceived to be pleasant than un-
pleasant. Second, much research that examines
how positive and negative emotions fade over
time suggests that this fading is not uniform.
Specifically, the emotion associated with pleas-
ant events decreases in intensity less than the
emotion associated with unpleasant events (an
outcome referred to here as the fading affect
bias or fading affect).
An important caveat needs to be added to
these statements: Not everyone may show these
effects. For example, mildly depressed people
may perceive their lives to be more negative
than the lives of others. This article also exam-
ines the relation between mild depression (dys-
phoria) and the fading affect bias. Although
possible relations between dysphoria and mem-
ory can be discussed at length, we use this
research to underscore the general theme of our
article: Autobiographical memory is usually bi-
ased in favor of pleasant information.
Life Is Pleasant: Pleasant Events
Outnumber Unpleasant Events
The first piece of evidence that suggests that
life is pleasant comes from research on happi-
ness. Chwalisz, Diener, and Gallagher (1988)
compared the happiness levels of normal,
healthy students with the happiness levels of
students who were wheelchair users as a result
of spinal injuries. If a bias for happiness were to
exist in any special population, one would sus-
pect that individuals who had been severely
disabled would not show this bias. Surprisingly,
both healthy and disabled participants reported
W. Richard Walker, Department of Social Sciences, Win-
ston-Salem State University; John J. Skowronski, Depart-
ment of Psychology, Northern Illinois University; Charles
P. Thompson, Department of Psychology, Kansas State
We would like to thank Jeffrey A. Gibbons and Rodney
J. Vogl for useful comments made on an earlier version of
this article.
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-
dressed to W. Richard Walker, Department of Social Sci-
ences, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem,
North Carolina 27110. E-mail:
Review of General Psychology Copyright 2003 by the Educational Publishing Foundation
2003, Vol. 7, No. 2, 203–210 1089-2680/03/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/1089-2680.7.2.203
that they were happy 50% of the time, unhappy
22% of the time, and in a neutral mood 28% of
the time.
The positivity bias obtained with measures of
mood may not extend to the affective content of
personal events. Waldfogel (1948) conducted
one of the rst studies that investigated the
affective content of autobiographical memory.
In a retrospective memory study, participants
were given 85 min to write down all of the
events they could remember from the rst 8
years of their childhood. Later, they were asked
to give several ratings of these events, including
whether each event was pleasant, unpleasant, or
neutral. If the positivity bias for mood found by
Chwalisz and her colleagues was a mood phe-
nomenon, then the positivity bias should disap-
pear when the relative frequencies of positive
and negative memories are compared. It did not.
Waldfogels participants rated about 50% of
their events as pleasant, about 30% as unpleas-
ant, and about 20% as neutral.
A critic would be correct to point out that
Waldfogelsndings could have alternative ex-
planations. One explanation is that participants
in a standard recall task might be responding to
subtle environmental cues that might trigger
more pleasant memories than unpleasant mem-
ories. This concern was addressed in a study in
which a sensory deprivation chamber was used.
In one of their experiments, Suedfeld and Eich
(1995) had 24 participants spend 1 hr in a sen-
sory deprivation chamber. At the end of the
hour, while still oating in the chamber, partic-
ipants were asked to recall 12 memories and to
make several ratings for each memory. If the
bias in favor of pleasant events is caused by
environmental cues, then sensory deprivation
should eliminate that bias. It did not. Partici-
pants rated their recalled events as being pleas-
ant (66%) more often than unpleasant (33%).
Another criticism that could be lodged
against the bias in favor of pleasant events is
that the Waldfogel (1948) and Suedfeld and
Eich (1995) data came from events that were
voluntarily recalled by participants. This argu-
ment can be countered by examining the affec-
tive content of involuntary memories (memo-
ries that come to mind unbidden). Berntsen
(1996) used a diary procedure in which Danish
participants were asked to record their involun-
tary memories as they occurred. Participants
recorded a brief description of each memory
and the situation in which it came to mind.
Berntsens data showed that these involuntary
memories were often triggered by stimuli in the
immediate surroundings. If the bias for pleasant
information is caused by a voluntary search for
positive memories, then sampling involuntary
memories should eliminate this bias. It did not.
Consistent with the results of the Waldfogel and
Suedfeld and Eich studies, the memories re-
corded in Berntsens study were positively bi-
ased: 49% of the events were positive, 32%
were neutral, and 19% were negative.
Although the results of these studies are sug-
gestive, they also are potentially tainted by ret-
rospective memory biases. A source of data that
bypasses this difculty comes from diary stud-
ies of memory (Thompson, Skowronski,
Larsen, & Betz, 1996). Participants in the
Thompson et al. studies usually recorded one
event each day and were told to record only
unique events. Event recording typically
spanned an academic term. However, 6 partic-
ipants kept diaries for periods ranging from 1.5
to 2.5 years. When participants recorded each
event, they also rated the events pleasantness
(among other ratings). Hence, a persons per-
ception of the pleasantness or unpleasantness of
each event at the time it happened is exactly
known. Across eight studies, these data sets
included a total of 229 participants and a total
of 23,202 diary entries. Data comprised a vari-
ety of participants, including participants of dif-
ferent racial and ethnic backgrounds and partic-
ipants who ranged in age from late teens to early
50s. If the positivity bias obtained in the previ-
ous studies was the result of a retrospective
bias, then the use of a diary methodology should
eliminate the bias. It did not. The results pre-
sented in Table 1 are clear: Every study yielded
more pleasant than unpleasant events.
One might argue that this conclusion is sus-
pect because participants engage in self-editing
of event entries, causing positive events to be
overrepresented in the diaries. There are at least
two reasons to discount this concern. The rst
has to do with the nature of instructions pro-
vided to participants. Participants were explic-
itly told to try to record events such that the
diaries would contain as many different combi-
nations of these ratings as possible. If partici-
pants drew any conclusions about the kinds of
events that should be recorded, it would likely
be to record equal numbers of pleasant and
unpleasant events. The second reason to dis-
count the self-editing concern lies in the diary
entries themselves. If self-editing were wide-
spread in these studies, one might suspect that
relatively few diary entries would deal with
very personal (and sometimes troubling) life
events. Participants routinely included diary en-
tries that described the intimate details of some
extremely unpleasant events (e.g., deaths or ro-
mantic troubles). If participants were trying to
selectively edit their diaries, these events would
be likely candidates for such editing.
Figure 1 presents a summary of all of the
studies discussed thus far (in order: Chwalisz et
al., 1988; Waldfogel, 1948; Suedfeld & Eich,
1995; Berntsen, 1996; Thompson et al., 1996).
A similar picture emerges in all of these studies:
50% or more of the events or estimates are rated
as pleasant, whereas roughly 25% are rated as
unpleasant. We argue that it is the relative
weight of positive and negative events that
gives life its affective tone. As demonstrated by
estimates of global happiness and ratings of life
events, most people perceive life to be pleasant
more often than they perceive life to be
Why do pleasant events outnumber unpleas-
ant events? We propose a simple answer: Peo-
ple seek out positive experiences and avoid
negative ones. This truth is so basic that it is
implied in many psychological theories of
memory (Taylor, 1991), personality (Freud,
1920/1952), and cognition (Festinger, 1957) as
well as in other areas too numerous to mention.
Higgins (1997) described this basic motivation
in terms of two simple hedonic principles: pro-
motion focus and prevention focus. The former
refers to the motivation to promote self-interests
such as pleasure, whereas the latter refers to the
motivation to prevent hardship. Thus, the con-
tent of autobiographical memory reects the
tendency for people to seek out pleasant life
Memory Keeps Life Pleasant: Negative
Affect Fades Faster Than Positive Affect
If most life events are perceived to be pleas-
ant, how might the pleasantness of an event
Table 1
Percentages of Events Initially Rated as Pleasant, Unpleasant, and Neutral
From Eight Data Sets of Autobiographical Memory (Thompson et al., 1996)
Data set NNo. of events Pleasant Neutral Unpleasant
19801981 30 2,787 62.5 18.0 19.5
1983 19 1,751 61.9 8.9 29.2
1986 35 2,745 69.5 6.3 24.3
1987 43 3,621 67.6 4.1 28.3
1989 33 2,973 52.9 17.9 29.1
1991 25 2,303 47.4 22.2 30.4
1992 38 3,332 56.4 16.6 27.0
Longitudinal 6 3,690 57.8 23.8 18.4
Total 229 23,202 59.5
Mean value.
Figure 1. Percentages of pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant
eventsmoods from the studies of Chwalisz et al. (1988),
Waldfogel (1948), Suedfeld and Eich (1995), Berntsen
(1996), and Thompson et al. (1996).
change once it is incorporated into a persons
autobiography? One theory relevant to this
question is Taylors (1991) mobilization-mini-
mization hypothesis. This theory ts with the
notion that the suppression of negative affect is
a healthy coping mechanism. According to this
hypothesis, when a person experiences a nega-
tive event, two sets of mechanisms are acti-
vated. The rst mechanism is the mobilization
of resources: The theory postulates that when a
negative event occurs, people will strongly mo-
bilize their biological, psychological, and social
resources to cope with the immediate conse-
quences of the event. Such high levels of mo-
bilization are usually not necessary with a pos-
itive event. The second mechanism is minimi-
zation. To return to a state of homeostasis,
people activate opponent processes with the
goal of minimizing the impact of the event.
Minimization occurs biologically, cognitively,
and socially, and minimization is usually stron-
ger for negative events than for positive events.
This implies that there is a tendency to deaden
the emotional impact of negative events relative
to the impact of positive events. Such deadening
occurs directly because people are motivated to
view their life events in a relatively positive
Several studies provide support for this prop-
osition. In an early study of autobiographical
memory (Cason, 1932), participants described
between three and eight emotional memories
from the previous week and were asked to rate
how they felt about each memory on an 11-
point scale. They then made similar judg-
ments 3 weeks after recording the events. Cason
found that the feelings associated with all events
became weaker over time. This weakening was
larger for unpleasant events than for pleasant
events (the fading affect bias).
Holmes (1970) suggested that this differen-
tial rate of fading affect across time might be
responsible for the fact that positive events tend
to be better remembered than negative events
(Matlin & Stang, 1978; Robinson, 1980;
Thompson et al., 1996). Holmes asked partici-
pants to record pleasant and unpleasant events
for a 1-week retention interval and assessed the
affect associated with the events. Replicating
Casons results, Holmes found that initially un-
pleasant events faded in emotional intensity
more than initially pleasant events. However,
pleasant events were not recalled better than
unpleasant events.
Suedfeld and Eichs (1995) sensory depriva-
tion chamber study also yielded data relevant to
the fading affect bias. After exposing partici-
pants to a period of sensory deprivation, Sued-
feld and Eich presented 12 common, emotion-
ally neutral probe words and asked the partici-
pants to recall memories in response to those
words. Participants were also asked to rate the
intensity of the event at the time the event
occurred and at the time of event recall on a
9-point scale ranging from neutral (1) to ex-
tremely intense (9). Events were rated as being
more intense at the time of occurrence
(M5.76) than at the time of recall
(M3.92). Although Suedfeld and Eich did
not directly compare the fading of affective
intensity for pleasant and unpleasant events,
they reported that the average current pleasant-
ness rating of events was slightly positive (0.17
on a scale ranging from 1 to 1), a nding that
would be expected if negative affect faded more
than positive affect.
Walker, Vogl, and Thompson (1997) exam-
ined the relation between the positivity bias in
memory and the fading affect bias using a diary
methodology. In three studies, participants were
asked to record unique daily events for some
period of time and were tested on their diary
contents after a retention interval (3.5 months in
Experiment 1, 1 year in Experiment 2, and 4.5
years in Experiment 3). Participants recorded
the pleasantness of each event when the event
occurred and later recorded how the event made
them feel at recall. These ratings were made on
a 7-point scale ranging from 3(extremely un-
pleasant)to3(extremely pleasant), with 0
being neutral. The data from that study are
depicted in Figure 2 and replicate the results
reported by Cason and Holmes: The affective
intensity of events fades with time, and intensity
fades more for negative events than for positive
The fading affect bias is likely not due to a
retrospective distortion of the initial event affect
in memory (e.g., Conway & Ross, 1984; Ross,
1997). The Walker et al. (1997) research meth-
odologically eliminated the possibility of such a
bias through the use of a diary procedure in
which ratings of event affect were obtained at
the time of the event. The ratings of initial
affective intensity for positive and negative
events were equivalent, a nding that conrms
the view that fading affect bias represents gen-
uine emotional fading. Rather than viewing the
fading affect bias as a retrospective error in
memory, we argue that the fading affect bias
represents evidence of healthy coping processes
operating in memory. Research on affective
forecasting suggests that people often overlook
the effectiveness of these coping processes.
This research shows that people routinely over-
estimate the long-term emotional impact of neg-
ative events (Gilbert, Pinel, Wilson, Blumberg,
& Wheatley, 1998; Wilson, Wheatley, Meyers,
Gilbert, & Axsom, 2000).
The ndings that people perceive life events
as generally pleasant and that pleasant emotions
fade more slowly than unpleasant emotions sug-
gest that our memory system does not treat
negative and positive affect equally. Not only
do positive life events outnumber negative life
events, the affect of these events in memory
fades differentially. This differential fading of
affect gives rememberers a heightened sense of
positivity when remembering their life events.
Such ndings are consistent with what some
researchers refer to as the psychological im-
mune system,a system that helps to dampen
the effects of negativity (e.g., Gilbert et al.,
Some Exceptions to the Rule
Is life pleasant for everyone? Certainly, there
are individual differences in the proportions of
negative and positive events that people enter
into their diaries. In every data set but one (the
six long-term diaries), there were a few partic-
ipants who reported more unpleasant than
pleasant events. All together, 17 of the 229
participants reported that negative pattern. This
suggests that life is not perceived to be pleasant
by everyone. Researchers interested in depres-
sion have already reached this conclusion,
pointing out that depressed people experience a
pervasive sense of hopelessness that stems from
their tendency to focus on negative events and
to attribute such events to themselves (e.g.,
Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989).
Similarly, does the fading affect bias hold
true for everyone? One possibility is that indi-
viduals who are dysphoric (mildly depressed)
might show a different bias than those who are
nondysphoric (or no bias at all). This suspicion
was induced by the results of research examin-
ing the relation between mild depression and
autobiographical memory that show that mem-
ory is often less detailed (e.g., Williams &
Broadbent, 1986; Williams & Scott, 1988) and
more negative (e.g., Lloyd & Lishman, 1975;
Seidlitz, Wyer, & Diener, 1997; Williams &
Scott, 1988).
Walker, Skowronski, Gibbons, Vogl, and
Thompson (in press) investigated the effects of
dysphoria on the fading affect bias. In Experi-
ment 1, 65 participants recalled six emotionally
intense memories from their lives and provided
a series of ratings for each event. Participants
rated the pleasantness or unpleasantness of each
event at the time of event occurrence and also
rated the affect experienced when they recalled
the event. Participants also completed the Beck
Depression Inventory and, according to the
guidelines of Beck and Steer (1987), were clas-
sied as either dysphoric (19 participants) or
nondysphoric (46 participants). Figure 3 pre-
sents mean decreases in affective intensity for
pleasant and unpleasant events among dyspho-
Figure 2. Mean decreases in emotional intensity for pleas-
ant and unpleasant events at three retention intervals: 3.5
months, 1 year, and 4.5 years (data from Walker et al.,
ric and nondysphoric participants. Among non-
dysphoric participants, the usual fading affect
bias emerged: Unpleasant emotions faded more
than pleasant emotions. Among dysphoric par-
ticipants, unpleasant and pleasant emotions
faded evenly. Dysphoria disrupted the fading
affect bias. Experiment 2 replicated and ex-
tended the ndings of Experiment 1 with a
much larger and diverse sample including 337
participants from three different student popu-
lations: students at a historically Black univer-
sity, students at a primarily commuter campus,
and students at a traditional university. The re-
sults were essentially the same for all three
samples: Increased levels of dysphoria were
associated with a greater disruption of the fad-
ing affect bias. These results underscore the
general premise of this article: Autobiographi-
cal memory is generally biased in favor of
pleasantness, but this bias can be disrupted.
Good Can Be Stronger Than Bad
In a sweeping review of the literature,
Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Finkenauer, and Vohs
(2001) proclaimed that bad is stronger than
good.We agree that this claim is well sup-
ported in many domains of research. Negative
stimuli often evince powerful reactions that can
be difcult to ignore or surmount. This makes
sense, particularly from an evolutionary per-
spective, because stimuli that provoke negative
reactions are often dangerous (see O
Flykt, & Esteves, 2001).
However, the data presented in this article
suggest that autobiographical memory provides
at least one substantial limitation to this claim.
Two ways to assess the relative strength of
positive and negative events are to look at the
frequency of those events and to look at the
durability of the affect associated with them. In
both of these tests, negative events fall short:
Positive events outnumber negative events, and
positive affect outlasts negative affect. Some
might argue that the real strength of negative
events can be seen by the strong reactions that
people have to such events. This argument is
awed because it fails to recognize that such
reactions have a shared purpose, to return the
individual to a state of positivity. When one
recognizes this simple fact, Baumeister et al.s
argument becomes absurd. If negative events
were truly strong, then they should routinely
overpower efforts to minimize them. They do
not. In short, good can be stronger than bad.
Good emotional coping skills are the norm
rather than the exception. The benets of good
emotional coping skills seem readily apparent.
Individuals who are able to effectively draw
upon social support in good and bad times are
more likely to overcome obstacles and to revel
in lifes delights (Pennebaker, 1997). In fact,
good emotional coping skills may even lead to
a longer life. Danner, Snowdon, and Friesen
(2001) analyzed the handwritten diaries of 180
Catholic nuns that were composed relatively
early in life (Mage 22 years). Diary entries
were scored for emotional content, and this was
used to predict survival during the ages of 75
to 95 years. A strong relation was found be-
tween positive emotional content and surviv-
ability: Positive emotions experienced early in
life predicted longevity more than 60 years
Figure 3. Mean decreases in emotional intensity for pleas-
ant and unpleasant events among dysphoric and nondyspho-
ric participants (data from Walker et al., in press).
The ndings presented here suggest that bad
is not always stronger than good. Instead, the
data that we have reviewed suggest that most
people perceive their lives to more often be
positive than negative and that the negative
emotions that are associated with bad events
tend to fade over time, whereas the positive
emotions associated with good events tend to
persist. Together, these biases allow people to
cope with tragedies, celebrate joyful moments,
and look forward to tomorrow.
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Received March 27, 2002
Revision received May 1, 2002
Accepted May 2, 2002
... These election-generated unpleasant emotions can lead to psychological distress (Pitcho-Prelorentzos et al. 2018), fatigue, poor physical well-being, and low life satisfaction (Ford et al. 2023). Fortunately, the emotions generated from politics tend to fade over time (Lench et al. 2019), and emotions fade faster for unpleasant than pleasant autobiographical events (Walker, Vogl, and Thompson 1997), which is referred to as the fading affect bias (FAB; Walker, Skowronski, and Thompson 2003). In studying the 2016 US presidential election, Gibbons et al. (2020) found that the FAB was larger for nonpolitical events than political events, but they did not find significant evidence to support the prediction that conservatism would positively predict the FAB more strongly for political events than nonpolitical events. ...
... The FAB is the faster fading of unpleasant than pleasant affect of autobiographical event memories (Walker, Skowronski, and Thompson 2003). The original research on this topic took place in the 1930s, and it showed that participants recalled more pleasant events than unpleasant events (Jersild 1931;Meltzer 1930Meltzer , 1931Watters and Leeper 1936), and event affect faded quicker for unpleasant events than pleasant events (Cason 1932). ...
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Winning and losing voters tend to experience positive and negative emotions toward elections, respectively. The emotions of autobiographical event memories fade over time with unpleasant emotions fading faster than pleasant emotions; this phenomenon is referred to as the fading affect bias (FAB). Although the FAB differs across several event types (e.g., social media and nonsocial media), the FAB and its relations to political, healthy (e.g., grit), and unhealthy variables (e.g., depression) did not differ significantly across political and nonpolitical events in the context of the 2016 US presidential election. To further explore these relations across political and nonpolitical events, the current study used two online samples (college students and MTurk) in the 2020 US presidential election context. The FAB was expected and found to be robust, it was positively predicted by rehearsal ratings, and its relations to political variables were stronger for political events than nonpolitical events.
... open-ended responses relative to the responses in the second CURE course in the series (Corwin et al., 2022). Coping patterns were categorized as mostly adaptive (e.g., repeating an experiment, problem solving) while a much smaller proportion of students reported maladaptive responses (e.g., dwelling on it); however, Corwin et al. (2022) note that this could be due to fading affect bias (Walker et al., 2003) and/or social desirability bias (Krumpal, 2013). Importantly, students' emotional perceptions of failure likely shape how they report it in research studies. ...
The connection between stress, emotional invalidation, and mental health as it relates to undergraduate science is reviewed. We propose a “Model for Emotional Intelligence in Biology Education Research” to advocate for the development of Emotional Intelligence interventions to promote emotional management among students and instructors.
... It is possible that experiential diversity only provides enhancements to well-being in the context of isolation, however, evidence of a link between diversity in geographic location and positive affect prior to the pandemic 23 suggests that our effects are likely generalizable beyond the pandemic lockdowns. Experiences that elicit positive affect tend to be more accessible in memory 44 , as are relatively distinctive experiences 9,45 . Conversely, routine activities are highly familiar and repetitive, making it difficult to differentiate specific episodes from one another 9,10 . ...
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Living in isolation is associated with a lack of stimulating experiences, which negatively impacts quality of life and increases risk of advancing cognitive decline for older adults. We examined how engaging in unique events would enhance memory and improve well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, a period characterized by social isolation and monotonous daily experiences lacking diversity. Over 8-weeks during lockdowns, 18 healthy older adults used a smartphone-based application called “HippoCamera”, capturing a total of 670 unique and routine events with short audio-video cues that were later replayed to prompt memory. As expected, unique events were recalled in greater episodic detail relative to routine events. Importantly, unique events were related to increased positive affect, decreased boredom, and the perception of time moving faster. These findings highlight the benefit of unique experiences for both memory and well-being, as well as suggest future interventions to benefit older adults who tend to experience higher levels of social isolation. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41598-024-80591-z.
Recall biases in retrospective self-reported survey data have important implications for empirical research. We leverage the survey design literature and test three strategies to attenuate mental anchoring in retrospective data collection: question ordering, retrieval cues and aggregate (community) anchoring. We focus on maize production and happiness reports among smallholder farmers in Malawi. Asking for retrospective before concurrent data on average reduces recall bias (i.e. the deviation of the recalled versus the concurrent outcome reported in the previous period) by 34 per cent for maize production, a meaningful improvement with no increase in data collection costs. Retrieval cues are less successful and community anchors can exacerbate the bias. None of the strategies help to ease the recall bias for happiness reports.
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This study explored the persistence of negative emotional memories over positive ones using a qualitative methodology. By examining participants' lived experiences and perspectives, the study aimed to uncover the underlying factors contributing to the persistence of negative emotional memories. In the research, the purposive sampling approach was employed to select participants with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ages ranging from 18 to 60. The participants were interviewed with semi-structured, open-ended questions to explore their emotional memories. The selection criteria included the participants' ability to reflect on their emotional memories and effectively communicate their thoughts during interviews. The concepts of emotional memories emerged from the data. The results revealed that negative emotions are remembered more vividly and persistently than positive ones. These negative emotions left a lasting impression, with details and sensations remaining vividly etched in participants' minds over extended periods. Negative emotions that align with prevailing cultural values are more likely to be encoded and recalled. In most cultures that value emotional expressiveness and authenticity, negative emotions may be recalled more prominently, reflecting their perceived significance in representing genuine human experiences.
Background Several studies have shown that the retrieval of positive memories may play a role in emotional regulation. However, it is unclear whether the effects of neutral and positive autobiographical memories differ. It is necessary to confirm whether genuinely neutral autobiographical memories can be retrieved without bias when prompted to recall neutral memories. Methods In this pilot study, using “home” and “study” as cue words, we investigated whether participants were able to retrieve appropriate autobiographical memories when asked to recall a limited number of neutral or positive memories. Results Although participants were asked to recall neutral autobiographical memories, they tended to recall positive memories. Conclusions Our results support the concept of positive memory bias and suggest that future work should consider combining neutral and positive autobiographical memories by asking participants to recall neutral–positive memories.
We investigated the effects of positive/negative emotions towards autobiographical memories on impressions of the conversation and conversation partner during memory sharing in a reminiscence therapy setting. Fifty‐six older ( M age = 69.3) and 60 younger ( M age = 20.7) participants' net emotional tendency (positive/negative) towards autobiographical memories and depressive symptoms were evaluated using validated rating scales. Positive/positive and positive/negative age‐matched random pairs shared a nostalgic memory through free conversation. Participants with a negative emotional tendency towards autobiographical memories in positive/negative pairs tended to feel less “easy” about the conversation. Participants with a positive emotional tendency towards autobiographical memories in positive/negative pairs had a more negative impression of their partners. Our data provide insight into the relationship between net emotional tendency towards autobiographical memories and depression and suggest that an individual's net emotional tendency towards autobiographical memories potentially affects the outcome of group reminiscence therapy.
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Participants searched for discrepant fear-relevant pictures (snakes or spiders) in grid-pattern arrays of fear-irrelevant pictures belonging to the same category (flowers or mushrooms) and vice versa. Fear-relevant pictures were found more quickly than fear-irrelevant ones. Fear-relevant, but not fear-irrelevant, search was unaffected by the location of the target in the display and by the number of distractors, which suggests parallel search for fear-relevant targets and serial search for fear-irrelevant targets. Participants specifically fearful of snakes but not spiders (or vice versa) showed facilitated search for the feared objects but did not differ from controls in search for nonfeared fear-relevant or fear-irrelevant, targets. Thus, evolutionary relevant threatening stimuli were effective in capturing attention, and this effect was further facilitated if the stimulus was emotionally provocative.
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Handwritten autobiographies from 180 Catholic nuns, composed when participants were a mean age of 22 years, were scored for emotional content and related to survival during ages 75 to 95. A strong inverse association was found between positive emotional content in these writings and risk of mortality in late life (p < .001). As the quartile ranking of positive emotion in early life increased, there was a stepwise decrease in risk of mortality resulting in a 2.5-fold difference between the lowest and highest quartiles. Positive emotional content in early-life autobiographies was strongly associated with longevity 6 decades later. Underlying mechanisms of balanced emotional states are discussed.
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People approach pleasure and avoid pain. To discover the true nature of approach–avoidance motivation, psychologists need to move beyond this hedonic principle to the principles that underlie the different ways that it operates. One such principle is regulatory focus, which distinguishes self-regulation with a promotion focus (accomplishments and aspirations) from self-regulation with a prevention focus (safety and responsibilities). This principle is used to reconsider the fundamental nature of approach–avoidance, expectancy–value relations, and emotional and evaluative sensitivities. Both types of regulatory focus are applied to phenonomena that have been treated in terms of either promotion (e.g., well-being) or prevention (e.g., cognitive dissonance). Then, regulatory focus is distinguished from regulatory anticipation and regulatory reference, 2 other principles underlying the different ways that people approach pleasure and avoid pain.
We examined the effects of retention intervals on the recollection of the emotional content of events. Memory for personal events was tested for three retention intervals: 3 months, 1 year, and 4.5 years. Participants made pleasantness ratings both at the time of recording the event and during testing of the events. Analyses of the data show that judgments of pleasantness or unpleasantness of an event became less extreme as retention interval increased. This effect was larger for unpleasant events than for pleasant events. Subsequent memory ratings of pleasant and unpleasant events showed a modest effect of pleasantness with pleasant events remembered slightly better than unpleasant events. The theoretical implications of these data are discussed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Results from a diary study of involuntary memories are presented (14 subjects; 7 males, 7 females, average age 23 years). Virtually all of the recorded memories had identifiable cues. Memory access was biased towards (a) mood-congruent (b) recent and (c) distinctive (unusual) events. The memories were most frequently rated as emotionally positive and prior rehearsal was rated low. Also, the memories were found to influence current mood consonant with the emotional valence of the memories. Stressful and repetitive involuntary recollections—as they are observed in clinical settings subsequent to traumatic events—may be viewed as a malignant effect of normal mechanisms of involuntary memories.
Negative (adverse or threatening) events evoke strong and rapid physiological, cognitive, emotional, and social responses. This mobilization of the organism is followed by physiological, cognitive, and behavioral responses that damp down, minimize, and even erase the impact of that event. This pattern of mobilization-minimization appears to be greater for negative events than for neutral or positive events. Theoretical accounts of this response pattern are reviewed. It is concluded that no single theoretical mechanism can explain the mobilization-minimization pattern, but that a family of integrated process models, encompassing different classes of responses, may account for this pattern of parallel but disparately caused effects.
Two experiments were conducted to study the effects of 1-hour sessions of flotation REST (restricted environmental stimulation technique) on mood and autobiographical memory. In Study 1, flotation was shown to produce a significant decrease in self-rated anxiety and arousal. Subjects in Study 2, who experienced similar changes in mood and arousal, reported that autobiographical memories retrieved in REST were more pleasant and intense, and had been more frequently recalled in the past, than those recollected in a control environment.