This article aims to provide an overview of the accessibility issues concerning dyslexia and higher education. It includes simple examples of good practice, and a number of links for further information which are intended to provide tutors with a basic framework to help them offer accessible learning to students with dyslexia. Biography Sharon Lockley for the past two years has been working as a Project Officer for the CoBaLT(Community Based Learning Teamwork) Project. The project is funded by HEFCE under the Fund for the Development of Teaching and Learning and is based at Liverpool Hope University College. CoBaLT received additional funding to conduct an accessibility project, in partnership with Geography for the New Undergraduate (GNU), also an FDTL project based at Liverpool Hope. As part of this project Sharon has written a report "Accessible Learning and Course Materials for Students with Dyslexia: A Report Guide for Tutors" which can be downloaded from the CoBaLT web site