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Present status of invasive alien raccoon and its impact in Japan


Abstract and Figures

Irresponsible breeding and release of pet raccoons (Procyon lotor) has caused their naturalization in Japan. The raccoons have already naturalized in 42 of Japan's 47 prefectures, and there has been a re-markable increase in agricultural (cattle breeding) and urban areas, where the raccoons can find food and hide easily. Their home range size varies widely according to the habitat, ranging from 35 ha in urban areas to 2,219 ha in forests (mean : 299.1 ha). The raccoon avoids energy loss in winter by semi-hibernation. It has opportunistic and omnivorous feeding habits, taking crops and fruit in agricul-tural areas and native species in forests. It also preys on indigenous species such as the Japanese cray-fish (Cambaroides japonicus) and Ezo salamander (Hynobius retardatus). Reproductive observations have shown high productivity (reproductive rate : 66% in yearlings and 96% in adults, litter size : 3.6 in yearlings and 3.9 in adults) and a potentially rapid rate of population growth (0.20 to 0.25). Intensive eradication guided by biological data will be indispensable to controlling invasive alien raccoons.
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Global Environmental Research ©2004 AIRIES
8(2)/2004: 125-131
printed in Japan
Present Status of Invasive Alien Raccoon and its Impact in Japan
Tohru IKEDA1, Makoto ASANO2, Yohei MATOBA3 and Go ABE1
1Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University,
Kita 10 Nishi 7 Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0810, Japan
2Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences, Gifu University,
Yanagido 1-1, Gifu, Gifu-ken 501-1193, Japan
3Department of Veterinary Parasitology, Rakuno Gakuen University,
Bunkyoudai, Ebetsu, Hokkaido 069-8501, Japan
Irresponsible breeding and release of pet raccoons (Procyon lotor) has caused their naturalization
in Japan. The raccoons have already naturalized in 42 of Japan’s 47 prefectures, and there has been a re-
markable increase in agricultural (cattle breeding) and urban areas, where the raccoons can find food
and hide easily. Their home range size varies widely according to the habitat, ranging from 35 ha in
urban areas to 2,219 ha in forests (mean : 299.1 ha). The raccoon avoids energy loss in winter by
semi-hibernation. It has opportunistic and omnivorous feeding habits, taking crops and fruit in agricul-
tural areas and native species in forests. It also preys on indigenous species such as the Japanese cray-
fish (Cambaroides japonicus) and Ezo salamander (Hynobius retardatus). Reproductive observations
have shown high productivity (reproductive rate : 66% in yearlings and 96% in adults, litter size : 3.6 in
yearlings and 3.9 in adults) and a potentially rapid rate of population growth (0.20 to 0.25). Intensive
eradication guided by biological data will be indispensable to controlling invasive alien raccoons.
Key words: impact, invasive alien raccoon, management, naturalization
1. Introduction
After the ratification of the ‘Convention on Bio-
logical Diversity,’ invasive alien species issues be-
came a major concern in Japan. Invasive alien species
are considered to be the one of the most important
causes of extinction and decline of wild native species
(Margin et al., 1994; Williamson, 1999). In particular,
invasive alien mammals are thought to have serious
impacts on native ecosystems because of their high
trophic level.
With Japan’s spectacular economic growth, numer-
ous species of mammals have been imported into
Japan as pets. The number of alien mammals is on the
increase with the increase of imported mammals, and
over 30 species of mammals have thus far naturalized
in Japan (The Committee on Mammal Conservation
and Management, 1999).
Among these alien mammals of Japan, the raccoon
(Procyon lotor) is a representative nuisance. The rac-
coon is very popular not only for its cute appearance
but also its comical behaviors (Zeveloff, 2002). Its
round, funny face with a bandit’s mask across the eyes
and a striped bushy tail create a humorous impression,
and people find its habit of washing of food prior to
eating curious. It prefers waterfronts generally, but is
well known to be highly adaptive to various environ-
ments owing to its omnivorous feeding habits
(Sanderson, 1987).
This species came from North America. In addition
to being introduced to Japan, it was introduced into
the Caribbean islands in 1932 (Sherman, 1953),
Germany in 1934 (Lever, 1985) and the Soviet Union
in 1936 (Aliev & Sanderson, 1966), where it caused
heavy damage to crops or native ecosystems.
In Japan, after the smash hit of the animated car-
toon ‘Rascal Raccoon’ on TV in 1977, the raccoon
became popular as pet animal and many raccoons
were imported (Ikeda, 1999a). The raccoon, however,
is fierce in nature, and comes to show its wildness as
it grows up. It is thought that many raccoon breeders
had troubles with their raccoons and abandoned them.
The raccoon is also clever with its hands, and can es-
cape from simple breeding cages easily. As a conse-
quence of irresponsible abandonment and escapes
from captivity, many raccoons have naturalized in
various regions in Japan (Fig.1). Including temporal
cases, the raccoon has already naturalized in 42 of
Japan’s 47 prefectures. The raccoon has so wide a
food repertory that many native species are exposed to
126 T. IKEDA et al.
the menace of raccoon predation.
This paper is a review of the spread of the invasive
alien raccoon and its impact in Japan. We also attempt
to compare its population trend data with those of the
raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) to point out
the former’s impact on native species specifically, and
we attempt to develop effective countermeasures for
its control.
2. History and Process of Naturalization of
the Invasive Alien Raccoon in Japan.
The first naturalization of raccoons in Japan oc-
curred in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture, in 1962
(Ando & Kajiura, 1985) (Fig.1). Some raccoons es-
caped from a zoo, then colonized Gifu Prefecture. In
addition, a raccoon breeder abandoned over 40 rac-
coons in Kani City, Gifu Prefecture in 1982. Most of
these raccoons were captured, but the remaining rac-
coons still continue to harm crops.
The next naturalization occurred in Eniwa City,
Hokkaido Prefecture, in 1979 (Ikeda, 1999a) (Fig.1).
About ten raccoons escaped from a breeding cage and
naturalized in a livestock farming area. Owing to mul-
tiple escapes and abandonment, the raccoon has
spread throughout the west-central and eastern part of
Hokkaido at present (Fig.2).
In Hokkaido, the raccoon naturalized in the live-
stock farming area initially (Fig.3). Figure 4 shows
Fig. 4 Damage to livestock farms by invasive alien raccoons in Eniwa City in
Fig. 1 Distribution of naturalized raccoons in Japan.
: Initial naturalized area
1 in Inuyama City in 1962
2 in Eniwa City in 1979
3 in Kamakura City in 1988
Fig. 2 Distribution of invasive alien raccoons in Hokkaido
Source: Natural Environment Division, Office of Environ-
mental Affairs, Department of Environment and
Lifestyle, Hokkaido Prefectural Government.
Fig. 3 Raccoon family roaming in a cowshed.
(Photograph by the Raccoon Research Group)
Present Status of Invasive Alien Raccoon and its Impact in Japan 127
damage to the livestock farms by raccoons. It is clear
that the raccoons prefer cattle breeding farms and fish
breeding farms to other livestock farms. At cattle
breeding farms, the raccoons are likely to get plenty of
corn, the raccoon’s greatly preferred food, from the
compound cattle feed throughout the year, and can
find safe cover, such as lumps of dried pasture grass,
for reproduction. As Giles (1940) and Tester (1953)
highlighted the importance of corn in the diet of the
raccoon, the raccoons roaming around the cattle
breeding farm in Eniwa City also showed a high de-
pendence on corn from the compound feed even after
the harvest of corn in the field. In November, 80% of
raccoon feces contained undigested corn (Yoshino,
1994). A fish breeding farm also made fish available
for food, but was not suitable for reproduction. As a
consequence, it seemed that the raccoons reproduced
at the cattle breeding farm, then expanded their distri-
bution mainly along the river.
The third naturalization occurred in Kamakura City,
in 1988 (Fig.1). The process of naturalization in
Kamakura City was different from that in Hokkaido.
The main cause of the naturalization was an escape
from captivity, as with the other places, but the rac-
coon established its habitat in an urban area. There are
many old wooden houses, Buddhist temples and
Shinto shrines in Kamakura City, and these Japa-
nese-style architectures have some air vents under the
eaves and the floors. The raccoon invaded via these air
vents and built nests under the roofs (Fig.5). In urban
areas, the raccoon can access garbage easily, and catch
carp and goldfish from ponds in gardens. The raccoon
can also use drainpipes as safe travel paths that were
used by the raccoon dog before the raccoon invasion.
Urban areas are also available for the raccoon, so it is
expanding its distribution. Figure 6 shows information
on invasions by raccoons in Kamakura City in 2001.
The raccoons have spread out all over the city at this
In other areas where the raccoon has invaded, the
main causes seem to be escapes and abandonment.
From an ecological point of view, the raccoon can
naturalize in all environments in Japan, but we must
Fig. 5 Raccoon invading a house.
(Photograph by the Raccoon Research Group)
pay special attention to agricultural and urban areas to
prevent more multiplication of the raccoon.
3. Behavior of the Invasive Alien Raccoon in
Table 1 shows the home range size of the invasive
alien raccoon in Japan determined by radio telemetry
method. The home range size varies widely according
to its habitat. The largest home range size was 2,219 ha
in forested area, and the smallest was 35 ha in an ur-
ban area. The range size in urban areas (mean: 49.0 ha)
was smaller than those in suburban and rural areas
(mean : 358.0 ha) (p < 0.01, Mann-Whitney’s U-test).
In forested areas of Hokkaido, the home range size
of the invasive alien raccoon tended to diminish re-
markably as the temperature dropped (Ikeda, 1993).
The raccoon used only river sides for its paths in the
snowfall season. It seemed that the raccoon had trou-
ble walking in deep snow coverage according to our
observations. In midwinter, the raccoon avoids energy
loss by remaining motionless in the hollow of a tree or
in a vacant house.
The raccoon is thought to have a polygamous or
promiscuous mating system (Zeveloff, 2002). The
invasive alien raccoon in Japan also showed a polyga-
mous mating system. The male raccoon tended to
keep more than one female in its home range. The
raccoon in Hokkaido mated from January through
March, with a peak in February. In this breeding
period, the male raccoon tended to come and go
among a few females in its home range, while the
female raccoons kept still in their dens.
These activities of the invasive alien raccoon in
Japan are almost the same as its activities in its place
of origin (Zeveloff, 2002). It seems that the invasive
Fig. 6 Entry into houses or courtyards by invasive alien
raccoons in Kamakura City in 2001.
Source: Kamakura City
128 T. IKEDA et al.
alien raccoon can establish its niche in Japan easily.
Furthermore, it has no natural enemies in Japan such
as the bobcat (Felis rufus) or the coyote (Canis
latrans). There is a danger that the invasive alien rac-
coon will continue to increase its numbers throughout
the nation.
4. Reproductive Characteristics of the Inva-
sive Alien Raccoon
Table 2 shows the pregnancy rate and mean litter
size of invasive alien raccoons in west-central
Hokkaido by analysis of placental scars or fetuses in
the uterus (Asano et al., 2003). Juveniles (that years
litters) were distinguished from yearlings and adults
(over 2 years of age) by examining tooth eruption and
root foramina closure of the canines. The invasive
alien raccoon showed very high productivity. The
mean pregnancy rate was 66% in yearlings and 96%
in Adults. Litter sizes ranged from 1 to 7 and averaged
3.6 in yearlings and 3.9 in Adults. These reproductive
characteristics are almost the same or slightly higher
than those reported in North America (Ritke, 1990;
Stuewer, 1943; Fritzell et al., 1985). The rate of popu-
lation growth in west-central Hokkaido was estimated
to range from 0.20 to 0.25 without harvest mortality
(Asano et al., 2003). Based on these data, it is clear
that without relevant measures to control the raccoon,
it is capable of population expansion.
5. Feeding Habits of the Invasive Alien Rac-
The invasive alien raccoon shows opportunistic
and omnivorous feeding habits in response to its habi-
tat environment. In general, the raccoon takes animal
Tabl e 1 Home range size of invasive alien raccoons in Japan determined by radio telemetry
Each home range size shown is the maximum size in each period. We attached collar transmitters
(Type 8C by ATS Inc., weight:120 g) to raccoons, and plotted locations by triangulation method
with a 3-element Yagi antenna (YA-23L) and mobile receiver (Yaesu FT290mkII).
Home range
size (ha) Sex Period Study area Habitat type
2219 Male Jun.1992-Jan.1993 Eniwa Forest
509 Male Sep.1993-Oct.1994 Eniwa Forest
417 Male Sep.1993-Oct.1994 Eniwa Forest
152 Male Sep.1993-Oct.1994 Eniwa Suburban
184 Male Sep.1993-Oct.1994 Eniwa Suburban
144 Male Mar.2000-May 2000 Nopporo Forest park surrounded by
77 Male Apr.2000-May 2000 Nopporo Forest park surrounded by
40 Male Sep.2000-Oct.2000 Kamakura Urban
47 Male Sep.2000-Oct.2000 Kamakura Urban
648 Female Sep.1993-Oct.1994 Eniwa Forest
313 Female Jun.1992-Jan.1993 Eniwa Forest
310 Female Sep.1993-Oct.1994 Eniwa Forest
278 Female Sep.1993-Oct.1994 Eniwa Forest
207 Female Sep.1993-Oct.1994 Eniwa Forest
195 Female Sep.1993-Oct.1994 Eniwa Forest
138 Female Nov.1999-May 2000 Nopporo Forest park surrounded by
114 Female Nov.1999-May 2000 Nopporo Forest park surrounded by
100 Female Sep.1993-Oct.1994 Eniwa Suburban
81 Female Sep.1993-Oct.1994 Eniwa Suburban
74 Female Sep.2000-Oct.2000 Kamakura Urban
35 Female Sep.2000-Oct.2000 Kamakura Urban
Tabl e 2 Age-related pregnancy rate and mean litter size of invasive alien
raccoons collected in west-central Hokkaido in 1999-2000.
(Asano et al., 2003)
Age(years) N N %
Mean litter size (±SD)
0 69 0 0
1 71 47 66 3.6±1.3
2 43 41 95 3.7±1.2
3 27 25 93 4.1±1.2
4 18 18 100 3.7±1.5
5 14 14 100 3.8±1.3
Total 242 145 84 3.8±1.3
Present Status of Invasive Alien Raccoon and its Impact in Japan 129
fat in summer and vegetable fat in autumn in prepara-
tion for semi-hibernation in winter.
In agricultural areas of Hokkaido, the raccoon
damages crops and fruits such as corn, melons, water-
melons, strawberries, paddy rice, soybeans, potatoes,
beets, oats, and so on in summer and autumn. It eats
livestock feed, feed grain and pasture grasses, too. The
total amount of agricultural damage amounts to
30,000,000 yen every year. The raccoon eats crops
and fruit only in the harvest season, excluding dried
corn in compound cattle feed which is available
throughout the year. The raccoon takes beetles and
hornets (Vespula flaviceps) in summer and autumn
(Murayama, 1991; Yoshino, 1994; Nakamura, 1994).
Research in Nopporo Forest Park surrounded by agri-
cultural and residential areas in Hokkaido showed that
bower actinidia (Actinidia arguta) and arthropods oc-
curred in 90% of raccoon scats in autumn (Yutani,
In forests, the raccoon preyed on various native
species. So far we have recorded their predation on
small mammals such as the gray red-backed vole
(Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae), snakes, frogs,
dragonflies, damselflies, bees, butterflies, cicadas,
shrimp, shellfish, wild vines and Japanese yew (Ta xus
cuspidata) by dissection of raccoons trapped during a
nuisance control harvest.
6. Impacts of the Invasive Alien Raccoon
Besides damage to crops, the raccoon also poses a
threat of spreading infectious diseases. The raccoon
can transmit raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris pro-
cyonis) infection (Miyashita, 1993). Raccoon round-
worm has not been detected in naturalized raccoons
yet, but we should be concerned about this infection
because it has been detected in a raccoon in captivity.
Furthermore, raccoons transmit rabies. It is feared that
rabies could spread throughout the nation carried by
raccoons if the disease should invade Japan (Ikeda,
As for the impacts on native ecosystems, competi-
tion with some native species is likely occurring.
Resource competition with the raccoon dog and the
red fox (Vulpes vulpes) turned these animals out into
unfavorable habitats (Ikeda, 1999a). In Nopporo
Forest Park, the raccoon occupied the peripheral parts
of the park where animals could access crops easily,
so the raccoon dog was pushed deeper into the forest
(Fig.7). In this area, the number of the raccoon dogs
increased after an active harvest of the raccoon, but
decreased again as the number of raccoons recovered
(Fig.8). Another example of a raccoon impact is a
take-over of a hollow tree from an owl for a breeding
nest, which disrupted the owl’s reproduction (Fig.9).
In addition to resource competition, direct preda-
tion on valuable native species is another serious
problem posed by the invasive alien raccoon. An in-
vestigation by digestive tract analysis made it clear
that the raccoon preys on the Japanese crayfish
(Cambaroides japonicus) (Hori & Matoba, 2001), and
it is likely that the raccoon preys on the Ezo salaman-
der (Hynobius retardatus) and some species of frogs
Fig. 7 Main sites of captures of raccoons and raccoon dogs in
Nopporo Forest Park.
Fig. 8 Fluctuation in number of captured raccoons and
estimated population of raccoon dogs in Nopporo
Forest Park.
Fig. 9 Raccoon taking over an owl’s nest for breeding.
(Photograph by T. Ikeda)
130 T. IKEDA et al.
judging from the shape of leftover carcasses (Ikeda,
Raccoon predation on birds and eggs is common in
North America (Zeveloff, 2002). In Nopporo Forest
Park, some raccoons attacked a reproductive colony of
grey herons (Ardea cinerea), which subsequently
abandoned their breeding grounds in 1997 (Ikeda,
1999b; Ikeda, 2000).
7. Present Measures against the Invasive
Alien Raccoon in Japan
Nuisance control harvests of the invasive alien rac-
coon were conducted in various places in Japan, but
they amounted to no more than a bandage measure,
because the decrease in damage to crops reduced the
victims’ desire to catch the invasive alien raccoon.
The Hokkaido government made a municipal by-
law to put raccoon breeders under obligation for regis-
tration starting 2001 (Ono, 2002). Under this munici-
pal bylaw, raccoon breeders must notify the governor
of their possession of raccoons. This measure seemed
to be effective at stop irresponsible releases, prevent-
ing new naturalization of the raccoon.
The Hokkaido government formulated basic guide-
lines for the control of the invasive alien raccoon, and
set eradication from the wild as its goal in 2003. The
Hokkaido government also started a scientific action
plan toward eradication of the raccoon. This plan was
intended to eradicate the invasive alien raccoon in the
course of ten years, but faced difficulty due to lack of
Other prefectures continue to conduct nuisance
control harvests continually. They are expected to
switch from nuisance control harvesting to scientific
control programs based on ecological population data
to eliminate the impacts on native ecosystems.
8. Toward Creation of Effective Manage-
ment Measures
Due to its excellent adaptability to various environ-
ments and its lack of natural enemies in Japan, the
invasive alien raccoon has increased in number and
caused serious damage to native ecosystems and hu-
man economy.
The invasive alien raccoon shows high reproduc-
tive power and a potentially rapid rate of population
growth, thus we certainly will be unable to control the
raccoon if we resort only to nuisance control harvest-
ing. Unfortunately, public awareness of invasive alien
raccoon issues is low, except in some prefectures
where damage from raccoons is serious. It must be
noted that educational efforts will be needed regarding
invasive alien raccoon issues, especially their irre-
versible impacts on native ecosystems.
As for methods of control, intensive extermination
under scientific control programs on the basis of adap-
tive management rather than nuisance control harvests,
will be indispensable to controlling the invasive alien
raccoon. It will be necessary to collect detailed popu-
lation data and reproductive parameters in cooperation
with prefectural governments. These data should then
be used to estimate a culling rate that can reduce or
even eradicate the population.
The Invasive Alien Species Act will be enforced in
2005. We hope that scientific raccoon control pro-
grams will start in many parts of the country.
We would like to acknowledge the contributions of
the Raccoon Research Group menbers, Dr. Norio
Ohtaishi, Dr. Masatsugu Suzuki, Laboratory of Wild-
life Biology (Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine,
Hokkaido University) member, Dr. Mitsuhiko
Asakawa, members of the Department of Veterinary
Parasitology (Rakuno Gakuen University) and the
Research Group of Regional Sciences (Graduate
School of Letters, Hokkaido University). Great appre-
ciation is extended to the Natural Environment Divi-
sion (Department of Environment and Lifestyle,
Hokkaido Prefectural Government) and Kamakura
City. Our study was supported in part by a grant from
the Ministry of the Environment as part of the Global
Environment Research Programme.
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(Received 28 December 2004, Accepted 31 December 2004)
... Allochthonous populations of P. lotor have also been established in various parts of Europe, in Japan, and in the Caucasus region by intentional releases and escapees from fur farms (see Fig. 2) (Lagoni-Hansen 1981;Lutz 1984;Ikeda et al. 2004;Hohmann and Bartussek 2011;Beltrán-Beck et al. 2012). ...
... Currently, the population in the Caucasus region (n. 1 in Fig. 2) has expanded from Azerbaijan to Georgia and Armenia and since 1991 also to Northern Iran (Farashi et al. 2016;Salgado 2018;Kalandarishvili and Heltai 2019). In Japan (n. 3 in Fig. 2) three primary introduction events took place in 1962, 1982, and 1988, most likely supported by multiple intentional releases and escapes of pet raccoons, which became popular due to the influence of the cartoon "Rascal Raccoon" on television since 1977 (Ikeda et al. 2004). ...
... Although all members of the family Procyonidae are known for their various feeding habits, raccoons are the most adaptable forager, capable to take advantage of almost every setting offering suitable food sources (Zeveloff 2002). The raccoon's diet is well documented especially in native North America (overview given by Gehrt 2003), but few studies are available for allochthonous populations in Europe (Kampmann 1975;Lutz 1981;Winter et al. 2005;Bartoszewicz et al. 2008;Michler 2020) or Asia (Ikeda et al. 2004;Matsuo and Ochiai 2009;Takatsuki et al. 2014). Diet analyses are usually based on contents of feces or stomach contents of harvested animals. ...
... Raccoons are common inhabitants of urban areas and their density in places where a variety of food and water resources as well as abundant shelters are available is much higher (Beasley & Rhodes Jr, 2008;Gehrt, 2004;Ikeda et al., 2004). They can pose a threat to local fauna by hunting, competing, or transmitting diseases. ...
... One of the main solutions suggested by researchers to solve the raccoon problem is complete eradication, which requires precise monitoring and detailed information on its habitat and population. If performed accurately, it is identified as a solid way to save habitats and ecosystems from raccoon invasion (Golumbia et al., 2000;Ikeda et al., 2004;Mazzamuto et al., 2020). Raccoons in Iran, as an invasive species, have been seen in Caspian areas, mostly in near water shrubs. ...
... The aim of this research was to investigate the habitat suitability of (Bartoszewicz et al., 2008;Beasley et al., 2007;Duscher et al., 2018;Fiderer et al., 2019;Fischer et al., 2016;Henner et al., 2004;Heske & Ahlers, 2016;Ikeda et al., 2004). (Farashi et al., 2016;Mori et al., 2015)). ...
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Nowadays, in addition to the destruction and fragmentation of the world's habitats, invasive species, and damage caused by them, are one of the most important factors in the destruction of ecosystems. The raccoon (Procyon lotor) is a medium‐sized mammal that is placed in mid‐levels of the food web and can affect a wide range of species. Considering the damage done to local ecosystems by this invasive species, habitat assessment and determining the factors affecting its habitat suitability would be a key step in managing this species. In this study, using the MaxEnt model and examining 12 environmental parameters (elevation, slope, aspect, geological units, soil type, vegetation, land use, distance to villages, distance to main roads, distance to waterways, average temperature, and rainfall) in the west of Guilan Province, habitat suitability of this alien species was determined, and the most important factors affecting this suitability were investigated. Results showed that the validity value of the model (AUC) was estimated to be 0.852 and parameters such as distance to village (34.5%), elevation (24.2%), and land use (15.9%) are among the most important and effective factors. Also, the results showed that 0.60% of the study area has high suitability, 6.14% moderate, 24.87% low, and 68.36% unsuitable areas for raccoons. The overall result shows that despite the lack of vast favorable areas for this invasive species, an increase in the number and expansion of this species is very likely because of its omnivorous diet, high adaptability to different environments and conditions, as well as extensive niche. All of these factors cause raccoons to spread further in the region and consequently increase the risks and damages to the native ecosystem.
... The raccoon (Procyon lotor) is an introduced animal species in Japan that has expanded its habitat area after escaping from a zoo and irresponsible abandonment or neglect by pet owners (Ikeda et al., 2004). It is designated as a specified invasive alien species in the country. ...
... One H5 HPAIV infection case was confirmed in a human who had direct contact with a sick cow (Ly, 2024). Because raccoon intrusions into livestock farms have been confirmed and the animals eat livestock feed and posture grasses (Ikeda et al., 2004), it is possible that they come into contact with livestock. Although most mammalian hosts are considered dead-end hosts and may not be significantly involved in AIV spread, the potential risk of interspecies transmission of H5 HPAIV via raccoons should be considered. ...
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In recent years, infection cases of H5 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs) in wild mammals have increased globally. To obtain recent epidemiological information regarding influenza A virus (IAV) infection in raccoons (Procyon lotor), the prevalence of anti-IAV antibodies in sera was analyzed among raccoons captured in Tokachi District, Hokkaido, Japan, from 2019 to 2023. Screening of serum samples using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and agar gel precipitation test detected anti-IAV antibodies in 5 of 114 (4.4 %) raccoons. All positive sera were from raccoons captured from 2022 to 2023. The hemagglutination inhibition test revealed that all five serum samples contained anti-H5 subtype HPAIV antibodies, and one also contained anti-H1 subtype antibodies. The neuraminidase inhibition test revealed that all five sera contained anti-N1 subtype antibodies, and one also contained anti-N8 subtype antibodies. In the virus neutralization test, these five sera showed stronger neutralization activity against the H5 subtype clade HPAIV strain recently circulating worldwide compared to the old H5 HPAIV strain isolated in Japan in 2007. These findings suggested that raccoons could be involved in the circulation of H5 HPAIVs in nature.
... Raccoons are a known problematic species in their native ecosystem, causing tremendous damage to property and homes in human habitations [13]. There are reports of invasive raccoons in Japan causing damage to agriculture and stealing feed from livestock [59]. They are also well-known urban residents in their native habitat and now in Japan [60]. ...
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Sustainable wildlife management requires reliable data on population, habitat, and the interaction between them. Since 1993, Hungary has maintained the National Game Management Database, which collects data on game populations and hunting bags annually. During the last three decades, populations of medium-sized predators have remarkably increased in the country. Our study analyzed changes in hunting bag data and spatial distribution of two invasive alien species, the raccoon (Procyon lotor) and the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), utilizing annual game management reports from Game Management Units from 1997 to 2021. For spatial analysis, we employed a UTM grid system (10 × 10 km) covering the country. Our findings confirmed increasing trends in the hunting bag and area (number of grid cells) containing hunting bags for both species. From the first (1997–2001) to the last (2017–2021) period, the average annual hunting bag increased (raccoon: 0.40 → 11.00 ind/year; raccoon dog: 3.40 → 8.00 ind/year), and the average number of cells with hunting bags also expanded significantly (raccoon: 2.00 → 9.60 UTM cells/year; raccoon dog: 5.80 → 15.20 UTM cells/year). These trends and the size of potentially suitable habitats suggest a further spread and population increase, posing challenges for nature conservationists and wildlife managers.
... Changes in wildlife distribution due to changes in landscape and anthropogenic activities can also strongly influence the tick-human interface. In recent years, wildlife including alien species such as raccoons (Procyon lotor) have exploited the urban environment in close proximity to human residential areas (Ikeda 2004;Gehrt et al. 2010). It is therefore necessary to understand the TBD risk caused by the urban wildlife. ...
The raccoon (Procyon lotor) is an invasive species in Japan and has been identified as a susceptible host and reservoir of tick-borne diseases. In our study conducted on the Miura Peninsula, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, a total of 47 604 ticks were collected from 253 raccoon carcasses (92.3% of raccoons). The predominant tick species found was Haemaphysalis flava, constituting 97.4% of the collected ticks, followed by eight other species from three genera. Generalized linear mixed models with raccoon sex, age, season, and land use at the captured site as explanatory variables indicated that raccoon sex and seasonal variations were significant factors influencing tick infestations across all stages and sexes of H. flava. Raccoon age indicated an impact on adult and larval H. flava. Additionally, the land use was relevant only for the model of nymph, with urban areas being a significant factor. Our analysis suggests that male raccoons have a substantial role for increasing and spreading ticks. We also noted a significant concentration of ticks infesting ears and head of raccoons. These findings contribute to the development of efficient and quantitative evaluation methods for tick infestation towards disease prevention strategies in wildlife management. (This article is OA in Mammal Study website)
Invasive raccoons ( Procyon lotor ) naturalized in Hokkaido, Japan, potentially spreading infectious diseases. Canine distemper virus infection is a serious epizootic disease, for which the raccoon is one of the hosts. We investigated the virus's prevalence in Hokkaido's wild raccoons, using 611 serum samples collected from captured raccoons in 2007–2012, 2021, and 2022. Higher seropositivity rates were confirmed in 2007 (32.7%), 2021 (46.4%), and 2022 (46.8%) than in 2008–2012 (0.00%–6.06%), suggesting the occurrence of an epidemic in 2007, 2021, and 2022 and its disappearance in 2008–2012. However, the infection status has recently changed, with high seropositivity rates consecutively confirmed in 2021 and 2022. Logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate the relationships among the catch per unit effort (an index of animal population density), host and environmental factors, and antibody status. The catch per unit effort correlated with seropositivity in 2007. As for environmental factors, the forest area ratio had a weak influence on seroprevalence in 2007; however, the residential area ratio had a clear influence on seroprevalence in 2021 and 2022. The epidemic occurred in forested areas in 2007; nonetheless, recent raccoon population growth and habitat expansion may have caused widespread infections even around residential areas in 2021 and 2022. Continuous monitoring of the infection and reinforcement of raccoon control programs are necessary to avoid serious damage through disease transmission to sympatric native raccoon dog ( Nyctereutes procyonoides ) and fox ( Vulpes vulpes ) populations, as well as health consequences for domestic dogs ( Canis familiaris ).
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We describe a cases of main setts of European badger Meles meles being used by non-native raccoons Procyon lotor and raccoon dogs Nyctereutes procyonoides and native red foxes Vulpes vulpes in western Poland. From April to June 2022 and from November 2022 to mid-April 2023, we monitored the main badger setts (27 in spring and 14 in winter) using camera traps. We recorded the presence of red foxes in 63.0%, raccoon dogs in 48.1% and raccoons in 22.2% of the setts. These species were more likely to occupy badger setts in winter. The raccoon is the second invasive species after the raccoon dog to use badger setts for shelter in Poland. In four setts, we observed that two native (badger and red fox) and two non-native (raccoon and raccoon dog) mesocarnivores cohabited the same sett.
Revealing interactions between ticks and wild animals is vital for gaining insights into the dynamics of tick-borne pathogens in the natural environment. We aimed to elucidate the factors that determine tick infestation in wild animals by investigating ticks on invasive raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Hokkaido, Japan. We first examined thecomposition, intensity, and seasonal variation of ticks infesting raccoons in six study areas in Hokkaido from March 2022 to August 2023. In one study area, ticks infesting tanukis (raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides albus) were collected in May to July in both 2022 and 2023, and questing ticks were collected from the vegetation by flagging every other week in the same period. Next, we screened 17 environmental and host variables to determine factors that affect the number of ticks infesting raccoons using generalized linear (mixed) models. From 245 raccoons, we identified a total of 3,917 ticks belonging to eight species of two genera: the most prominent species were Ixodes ovatus (52.9 %), followed by Haemaphysalis megaspinosa (14.4 %), Ixodes tanuki (10.6 %), and Ixodes persulcatus (9.5 %). Ixodes ovatus was also predominant among questing ticks and ticks infesting tanukis. Although I. tanuki was frequently collected from raccoons and tanukis, it was rarely collected in the field. The variables that significantly affected the infestation on raccoons differed by genus, species and developmental stage of the tick. For instance, the infestation of adult I. ovatus was significantly affected by fourvariables: night-time temperature during nine days before capturing the raccoon, the size of forest area around the capture site, sex of the raccoon, and sampling season. The first two variables were also responsible for the infestation on raccoons of almost all species and stages of ticks. Our study revealed that the number and composition of ticks infesting raccoons can be affected not only by landscape of their habitats but also by weather conditions in several days before capturing.
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Reproduction of feral raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Hokkaido, Japan, was examined during a 2-year period by analysis of placental scars or fetuses in the uterus. Of 242 collected females, 69 (29%) were juveniles, 71 (29%) yearlings, and 102 (42%) adults. The pregnancy rate averaged 66% in yearlings and was significantly lower than the 96% average observed in adults (p<0.01). Litter size ranged from 1 to 7 offspring per female, and averaged 3.6 in yearlings and 3.9 in adults. There was no significant difference in mean litter size between yearlings and adults. In Hokkaido, the raccoon mating season peaked in February and the majority of litters were born between March and May, similar to patterns described in North America, but some females mated in summer. The reproductive potential of feral raccoons in Hokkaido was similar to that reported in North America. The recent increase in raccoon numbers can be explained by their high productivity. Harvest data suggest that hunting pressure on juveniles is lower than that for older age classes when using box traps in summer. In order to reduce the feral raccoon population, alternative hunting methods that increase juvenile mortality rates are needed.
Baylisascaris procyonis, the common raccoon roundworm, is a rare cause of devastating or fatal neural larva migrans in infants and young children. We describe the clinical features of two children from suburban Chicago who developed severe, nonfatal B. procyonis neural larva migrans. Despite treatment with albendazole and high dose corticosteroids, both patients are neurologically devastated. In many regions of North America, large populations of raccoons with high rates of endemic B. procyonis infection live in proximity to humans, which suggests that the risk of human infection is probably substantial. In the absence of effective treatment, prevention of infection remains the most important public health strategy.
Geographic variation in litter size of the raccoon (Procyon lotor) is positively correlated with latitude, longitude and female body size. The positive correlation between litter size and body size for raccoons is inconsistent with interspecific patterns of litter size-body size variation of carnivores in which litter size decreases with increasing body size. Multiple regression analysis revealed that only body size explains a significant amount of the variation in raccoon litter size. Geographic variation in litter size of raccoons occurs because there is geographic variation in female body size whereas climatic factors associated with latitude and longitude appear to influence litter size only indirectly via their effects on body size.
Age-specific reproductive parameters of raccoon (Procyon lotor) populations in Illinois and Missouri were examined during 1979-81. Pregnancy rates of adults in Illinois were ≥95% in all years, but varied from 68% to 89% in Missouri. Pregnancy rates of yearlings ranged from 38% to 77% and were lower (P < 0.05) than those of adults in each location and year, except in Missouri during 1981. Pregnancy rates of yearlings in Illinois were greater than those of yearlings in Missouri in 1979 (P < 0.01) and 1980 (P < 0.05), but not in 1981. Mean body weights of nulliparous yearlings were less (P < 0.05) than weights of parous yearlings in Missouri during years when pregnancy rates were low. Mean litter sizes of adults were 3.58 in Illinois and 3.66 in Missouri. Mean litter sizes of yearlings were 3.36 in Illinois and 3.19 in Missouri. Mean litter size of yearlings (3.30) was smaller (P < 0.05) than that of adults (3.60). Annual variation in pregnancy rates among yearlings appears to be a major factor potentially affecting raccoon population dynamics.
The raccoon (Procyon lotor) was introduced into the USSR for its fur in 1936 although plans for introducing it were made as early as 1931. The first release of 22 raccoons was made in a walnut forest (Juglans sp.) in Northern Fergana and Kirgiz. There were at least 10-12 raccoons in this area the following year. These animals reproduced successfully and increased in numbers, dispersing 40-50 km from the point of release. From 1936 through 1958, 1,243 raccoons were released in widely scattered areas in the USSR. The initial releases were of animals reared in zoos; subsequent releases were of raccoons live-trapped in various areas where introductions had been successful. It is estimated that the 1964 population of raccoons in the USSR was 40-45 thousand, with an additional 4-5 thousand in the Federal Republic of Germany. In the USSR the raccoon lives mainly in hardwood forests containing hollow trees and in orchards, but has occasionally been observed in mountain forests. They also sometimes use ground dens. Severe drought in Transcaucasia in 1951 caused extensive summer migrations of raccoons to forests as high as 3,500 meters above sea level. A snow cover averaging 130-135 days annually in parts of central USSR limits their survival in this area. However, successful adaptation to artificial dens indicates that the raccoon may become widely distributed in hardwood forests of the central zone of the USSR. Raccoons in the USSR have lost most of their North American parasites, but have acquired new species of endoparasites and ectoparasites. A few potential predators are present, but little information on predation is available.
Arthropods recognized from the contents in the digestive tract of raccoons
  • S Hori
  • Y Matoba
Hori, S. and Y. Matoba (2001) Arthropods recognized from the contents in the digestive tract of raccoons. Bulletin of the Historical Museum of Hokkaido, 29:67-76.