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Biochar for Carbon Sequestration, Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Enhancement of Soil Fertility; A Review of the Materials Science

  • Pacific Pyrolysis Pty Ltd

Abstract and Figures

When biomass is pyrolysed it produces a syngas, bio-oils and charcoal. When this charcoal (biochar) is applied to soils, research has shown that it can increase soil health, crop yields, reduce leaching of organic and inorganic fertilisers, and some evidence exists that it can reduce soil emissions of N 2 O and CH 4 ... Biochars have been found to be very stable in many soil environments, when compared to uncharred organic matter, and have considerable potential to sequester carbon from the atmosphere. Progress has been made in understanding the material properties of these chars that result in their efficacy. In this paper an overview of the literature will be presented along with recent results of research work carried out at the University of NSW and Cornell University. Areas where further work is required will be outlined.
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Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium
December 9-11, 2007, University of Sydney
Biochar for Carbon Sequestration, Reduction of Greenhouse Gas
Emissions and Enhancement of Soil Fertility; A Review of the
Materials Science
S D Joseph1, *, A Downie, P Munroe, A Crosky, J Lehmann,2
1School of Material Science and Engineering, University of NSW, NSW 2052 Australia
2 Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
14853, USA;
When biomass is pyrolysed it produces a syngas, bio-oils and charcoal. When this charcoal (biochar) is applied to soils,
research has shown that it can increase soil health, crop yields, reduce leaching of organic and inorganic fertilisers, and
some evidence exists that it can reduce soil emissions of N2O and CH4... Biochars have been found to be very stable in
many soil environments, when compared to uncharred organic matter, and have considerable potential to sequester
carbon from the atmosphere. Progress has been made in understanding the material properties of these chars that result
in their efficacy. In this paper an overview of the literature will be presented along with recent results of research work
carried out at the University of NSW and Cornell University. Areas where further work is required will be outlined.
Keywords: Biochar, Biosequestration, Pyrolysis, Greenhouse gas emissions
1. Introduction
An intensification of agricultural production on a
global scale is necessary in order to secure the food
supply for an increasing world population. As a result,
more and more organic carbon is being removed from
the soil leading to dramatic soil degradation. Many of
Australia’s agricultural soils are already reaching
critically low levels of soil organic carbon. Intensive
agriculture and horticulture in Australia have depleted
organic carbon levels in soil from an estimated 3% to
less than 1% [1]. Organic carbon in the soil enables soil
biota to flourish, assisting the processes of nutrient
flow, increases cation exchange capacity, water and
nutrient retention.
One method of increasing soil health is through the
application of carbonized materials (biochars) that have
long term stability [2]. These materials, added as
pyrolysed organic matter, can be produced from
purpose grown biomass (wood and grasses) and
biomass waste streams such as paper sludge, manure or
greenwaste. Moreover, these chars appear to be able to
reduce the emissions of N2O and CH4.. [3] from soil.
Over the past 3 years considerable research has been
undertaken to measure the physical and chemical
properties of the biochars and relate these to their long
term stability, effect on soil health and improved crop
yields and reduction in emissions. An overview of the
available literature will be undertaken of chars
produced at temperatures between 400°C and 600°C,
along with a summary of the research carried out at
UNSW. This paper will not review the extensive
research carried out on activated carbon.
2. Characterisation of Feedstocks
Biochar has been produced from a wide range of
biomass feedstocks. For agronomic use these are
characterized by the relative proportion of lignin,
hemicellulose, cellulose, mineral content, protein,
carbohydrate and other extractives and their internal
structure. The relative proportion of these constituents
will influence the final chemical composition and
structure of the char (for a given set of process
Mineral matter in plants forms different functions
and occurs in different forms [4]. Potassium and
chlorine ions are highly mobile and will start to
vaporize at relatively low temperatures during thermal
decomposition. Calcium is mainly located in the cell
walls and the ions are bound to organic acids. Silicon
is bound in the cell walls as silica or as opal phytoliths.
Both are released during pyrolysis at much higher
temperatures than potassium. Magnesium is both
ionically and covalently bonded with organic molecules
and only vaporizes at high temperatures. Phosphorous
and sulphur are associated with complex organic
compounds within the cell and are relatively stable at
low pyrolysis temperatures. Nitrogen is associated with
a number of different organic molecules and can be
* Corresponding author:
Phone: (+61) 0408415477
Email: - 130 -
released at relatively low pyrolysis temperatures. Other
elements such as iron or manganese exist in a number
of organic and inorganic forms in the biomass and are
largely retained during pyrolysis.
Wood and related plants (e.g. bamboo, coconut
shells) are characterized by a very low ash composition
(<3%) and a very open porous structure. When wood is
pyrolysed it maintains its internal cellular structure
(Fig. 1). Animal manures and some other high mineral
ash residues are not very porous but increase their
porosity when pyrolysed. Husks (e.g. rice) can have
both high ash content and high porosity. They will
maintain their structure when pyrolysed.
2. Effect of Process Conditions on the
Properties of Biochars
A range of temperatures, heating rates, time at final
reaction temperature, pressures (1 to 10bar gauge) and
partial pressures of oxygen/steam are used to produce
biochars. The reactions conditions are one of the main
determinants of the yield of biochar and its physical
and chemical composition. Much research is still
required to fully characterize the affect of these
parameters but the following is a summary of findings
to date.
2.1 Properties between 400°C and 600°C
At temperatures near 400°C a cross-linked
amorphous aromatic structure is formed from the
reaction of volatile gases with the unreacted biomass.
This structure is porous and could contain randomly
curved sheets [5]. At the surfaces of the biochar there
are a range of functional groups that include pyranone,
phenolic, carboxylic, lactone and amine groups. Asada
[6] noted that the formation of free radicals in biochar
that is produced at a temperature below 600°C. These
radicals could be associated with aromatic and aliphatic
compounds, especially those that contain nitrogen and
Metals and non metals can be ionically or
covalently bonded with the aromatic compounds.
Mobile atoms such as potassium could be intercalated
in the carbon aromatic structure [7]. In high ash
biochars crystalline and amorphous mineral phases
exist between these aromatic structures. The
distribution of mineral phases is complex and varied
and depends on the structure of the original biomass.
As the temperature increases it is probable that the
composition and the structure of these metallic phases
will change [7]. Further work is required to fully
characterize these changes.
As the temperature increases above 450°C
microcrystalline graphene sheet formation occurs.
Kercher [8] has hypothesized that as the temperature
increases the disordered carbon decomposes and
becomes incorporated into the graphene sheets of the
turbostratic carbon. The rigid covalent structure of the
disordered carbon cannot rearrange during
decomposition to allow the non-uniform growth of
turbostratic crystallites. Instead, some graphene sheets
grow extensively, and other sheets become terminated
and pinned by structural defects [8]. The conversion of
low-density disordered carbon into high-density
graphene sheets causes the volumetric contraction
observed during carbonization. Kercher [8] found that
the graphene sheets had there maximum thickness
around 450°C. It is probable that the micro-crystal
structure and the defect structure of the biochars are
affected by the type, quantity and structure of the
mineral matter. For low ash biochars the electrical
conductivity of the biochar increases as the volume of
graphene sheets increases [9]. Higher mineral ash
biochars probably have higher conductivity especially
those that have high potassium ion contents due to the
mobility of the potassium ions. Further research is
required to determine the affect of mineral content on
the internal structure and electrical conductivity.
Final process temperature determines the average pore
size, the number of micro pores/unit mass and the total
surface area. Sousa [10] found for pinus elliotti biochar
that maximum concentration of pores and minimum
pore diameter occurred around 450°C (around 2µm).
The surface area of wood biochar at 400°C is
approximately 50-100m2/g and at 500°C 300-500m2/g
[11]. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) and pH of
fresh biochar from wood increases as the temperature
of pyrolysis rises [12].
There is a wide range of highly oxygenated volatile
compounds (e.g. levoglucosan,
hydroxyacetaldehyde, furfurals, and methoxyphenols)
that are retained on the surface of the pores of the
biochar at temperatures below 500°C. Some of these
compounds are water soluble. The quantity and
composition of the volatile organic compounds on the
pore surfaces change. At approximately 500°C phenolic
ethers, alkyl phenolics and heterocyclic ethers may be
deposited on the biochar surface [13]. As the
processing temperature increase the percentage of the
different functional groups in the carbon matrix
changes with the carboxylic and carboxylic anhydrides,
and lactones groups decomposing to CO2. In high ash
biochars amine functional groups are converted to
pyridine groups at higher temperatures [14].
Figure 1: Images of char particles under the SEM a)
wood-based char, b) manure-based char.
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The proportion of different functional groups, the
surface porosity and the form of mineral matter changes
when biochars are reacted with oxygen, and/or steam
and/or CO2 at their final pyrolysis temperature. The
reactions of low mineral ash chars to oxidizing
environments should be different to high mineral ash
chars. Koutcheiko [22] measured an increase in the
pyridinic-N and quaternary-N and a decrease in the
amine functional groups and pyrrolic N when chicken
manure biochar was reacted with CO2.
2.2 Effects of Pressure, Particle Size, Time
and Atmosphere
There is very little consistent data on the effects of
the other process variables on the structure and
composition of biochars produced at high heating rates
(>50°C/minute) and/or higher pressure (>2
atmospheres). At high pressures (and in the presence of
steam) porosity can be high and density low due to the
rapid breakdown of the biopolymers [15]. The structure
of the amorphous biochar is different to that found in
pyrolysis carried out atmospheric temperatures in that
there is less cross linkage and a great proportion of
dimers and monomers [15]. Antal [16] notes that the
functional groups are similar for wood biochars made at
both high and low pressures under slower heating rates.
For most particulate wood biochars it appears that high
heating rates result in biochars that are amorphous,
have lower alkaline metal content [17] and that have
low porosity due to the formation of a melt phase [18].
3. Reaction of Biochars with Soils,
Microbes and Plants
There are complex interactions between water
within the pores and on the surface of the biochar, the
soil, plants, and micro-organisms. Sugimoto [23]
suggest that water has an ice like structure in the
nanopores of biochar produced above 400°C. Water is
probably in the supercooled state when adsorbed into
biochars produced above 450°C [24]. Turov [23] noted
that the interactions of water with carbon can be
considered as interactions of clusters or droplets
localized near oxygen containing groups. In those
entities water molecules interact with each other
stronger than with hydrophobic patches of the carbon
surface. Thus the kinetics and the energetics of
reactions that take place at the interface between
biochar and the water will be influenced by the charring
temperature and the distribution of functional groups.
Most biochar has been produced in pit, beehive or
vertical shaft kilns that have residence times ranging
from 24 hours up to 1 month. More recently reactors
have been developed that utilise residues that have a
relatively small particle size (<15mm) and have
reaction times that vary from seconds (for fast
pyrolysis) to 1 hour for slow pyrolysis. Very little
systematic research has been undertaken on the effect
of time and particle size on the composition and
structure of different biochars. Mathematical modeling
indicates that, for a given particle size, the shorter the
process time the greater is the concentration gradient of
carbon and the more volatile minerals across the
particle [19]. It is probable that the microcrystalline
graphene sheets will grow when the biochar is held for
long times at the final reaction temperature [8].
However, this needs to be verified experimentally.
When biochar is applied to wet soil there will be an
almost immediate change in the pH of the soil around
the biochar, increase in the soil porosity, dissolution of
organic and inorganic compounds, an exchange of
cations (and possibly anions) between the clay and silt
particles and the biochar and an adsorption of gases,
metals and other organic compounds on the biochar
Leaching and dissolution experiments ([25,26] indicate
that high ash biochars produced at temperatures below
550°C release potassium, sodium, phosphorous,
sulphur, sulphates inorganic carbonates and organic
compounds into moisture surrounding the biochar
particle. This dissolution may take place within the
first week of placing the biochar in the soil and there
may be an exchange of cations, anions and organic
compounds with the surrounding soil, microbes and
plants. Over a much longer period of time calcium,
magnesium, iron will dissolve out of the biochar. Much
lower concentrations of cations and anions are released
from low ash biochars (especially wood) than high ash
biochar (chicken manure).
There is some evidence to indicate that the residual
bio-oils on char produced from the very slow pyrolysis
of logs and branches have a much greater percentage of
low molecular weight compounds (this was the
conventional method of manufacturing wood alcohol)
[20]. Schnitzer [21] has carried out a detailed analysis
of the residual bio-oils on biochars derived from the
fast pyrolysis of chicken manure. They found that the
individual compounds identified were grouped into the
following six compound classes: (a) N-heterocyclics;
(b) substituted furans; (c) phenol and substituted
phenols; (d) benzene and substituted benzenes; (e)
carbocyclics; and (f) aliphatics. Prominent N-
heterocyclics in bio-oil were methyl-and ethyl-
substituted pyrroles, pyridines, pyrimidine, pyrazines,
and pteridine. The alkanes and alkenes ranged from n-
C7 to n-C18 and C7:1 to C18:1, respectively, and those in
the biochar from n-C7 to n-C19 and C7:1 to C19:1,
Many of the residual bio-oils on the biochar surface are
unstable and can react with water, air and with each
other to form new compounds [28]. Thus organic acids
may react with alcohols to form esters, organic acids
with olefins to form esters, aldehydes and water to form
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hydrates (referred to as glycols), aldehydes and
alcohols to form hemiacetals, aldehydes and proteins to
form dimers of the proteins.
Biochar, when placed in soil, can also adsorb heavy
metals and other dissolved organic compounds [13].
The adsorption processes appear to be complex and
depend on the concentration and distribution of mineral
phases, functional groups, radicals and defects on the
internal pore and external biochar surfaces.
Swiatkowski [14] have postulated that metals can be
absorbed on biochar that has been oxidized via a series
of acid base reactions.
Micro-organisms can start to grow on the surfaces
and in the pores on biochar within the first month of
being applied to soils containing composting material
[29]. The root hairs also penetrate the macropores of
the biochar and take in moisture and nutrients. Biochar
is also ingested by worms and are excreted with
coatings of organic compounds which provide food for
other micro-organisms. Examination of black carbons
in soil has shown that there is considerable interaction
between the clay minerals and the biochar [30]. This
organo-clay layer may reduce weathering of the
biochar. It is possible that binding can take place
through interaction between the clay minerals and the
functional groups on the surface.
4. Conclusions
Biochars produced from biomass are very complex.
Very little systematic analysis of the amorphous and
microcrystalline structure and chemical composition of
biochars produced from different biomass under a
range of process conditions have been undertaken.
There is only a basic understanding of how biochar
structure and composition improve soil fertility, crop
yields, GHG emissions and long term stability in soils.
Over the next 2 years extensive characterisation of
biochars made from high and low mineral ash biomass
under different process conditions will be undertaken
using a range of analytical techniques at UNSW and
Cornell University.
5. Acknowledgement
Funding for this research has been provided by the
Australian Research Council and the Department of
Environment, BESTEnergies Australia Pty Ltd and
Climate Change of the N.S.W. Government and
BESTEnergies Pty.
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... Similarly, the EC increase was attributed to the loss of volatile matter, resulting in a higher concentration of elements in the ash fraction [55]. Furthermore, elevated mineral ash in biochar likely has higher electrical conductivity, particularly those that have high K + concentrations, due to the motion of the K + [56]. ...
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Biochar, a carbon-rich by-product of organic matter pyrolysis, has a variety of physiochemical properties beside a variety of applications. This review highlights some physical and chemical characteristics of herbaceous, woody, and sewage waste biochar under different pyrolysis conditions, as well as soil and foliar applications of biochar. The controlling role of pyrolysis temperature was the reason for selecting the discussed biochar types in the study. This review concludes that increasing pyrolysis temperature mainly raised the values of some chemical properties of the biochar, such as pH, electrical conductivity (EC), ash content, total phosphorus (TP), and a few values of physical properties like porosity and specific surface area (SSA). On the other hand, yield and total nitrogen (TN) decreased with rising pyrolysis temperature. Among biochar application methods to soil, mixing biochar with soil before planting is one of the best methods of application, and in most cases, biochar reapplication improved soil properties, while foliar application of biochar has positive effects on plant growth and yield parameters, ranging from low rates to the highest ones.
... Components previously dispersed throughout the ash content became concentrated there due to the loss of volatiles (Cantrell et al., 2012). This is because the K+ ion is more mobile in biochar, with a higher percentage of mineral ash probably having a greater electrical conductivity (Joseph et al., 2007). ...
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This study aims to develop and evaluate a locally manufactured carbonization unit with a screw conveyor. Various carbonization temperatures (350, 400, and 450°C) and feeding rates (50, 75, and 100 kg/h) were examined to determine optimal conditions for producing biochar from rice husk (RH). The results revealed that increasing the pyrolysis temperature from 350 to 450°C decreased RH biochar yield, while increasing the feeding rate from 50 to 100 kg/h increased it. Ash content was 22.4% at 350°C for 100 kg/h, and the maximum value was 31.4% at 450°C and 50 kg/h. The BET surface area of the biochar increased from 105.71 to 312.32 m 2 /g at 450°C, with slight non-significant changes at a 100 kg/h feed rate. RH biochar showed decreasing H and O values with higher temperatures and lower feed rates. RH biochar at 450°C and 50 kg/h showed increased macro porosity and surface area, rendering it suitable for agricultural application as a soil amendment.
... Additionally, studies have revealed a significant decrease in CH 4 emissions, ranging from 27% to 32%, when biochar is introduced into composts derived from animal dung (Osman et al. 2022). Beyond its emission-reducing capabilities, biochar finds multifaceted applications in enhancing soil fertility, facilitating carbon sequestration, and serving as an effective tool for adsorption in contaminantremoval processes (Joseph et al. 2007). The exploration of these applications underscores the potential of biochar to address environmental challenges and contribute to sustainable practices in waste management and construction. ...
Plastic waste has emerged as a pressing global concern, with a significant portion of it being discarded into the environment. Concurrently, wastewater sludge has also become an environmental threat due to the potential contaminants in it. In response, in this study, we took a novel approach that focused on the development of a sustainable composite matrix made from sludge-derived biochar and plastic. The physical, mechanical, and mineralogical properties of plastic-biochar (PB) composite matrices, including water absorption capacity (WAC), bulk density, wet transverse strength, and thermal conductivity, were assessed. The WAC increased with a higher biochar content in the matrix, ranging from 1.39% to 2.40%. The bulk density increased from 0.66 to 0.94 g/cc with increasing biochar content. The wet transverse strength exceeded the minimum requirement of 3 MPa in all tested samples, demonstrating the matrices' robustness. The thermal conductivity values ranged from 0.2 to 0.3 W/m · K, indicating the matrices' potential as insulating materials. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy confirmed the presence of the biochar and its bonding with polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in the composite matrices. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed shifts in the peak patterns with varying biochar content, demonstrating alterations in the crystal-linity. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) micrographs illustrated the interactions between the biochar and the PET, highlighting their distinctive attributes. A cost analysis showed that the PB composite matrices were cheaper than traditional cement concrete tiles. Finally, the potential of PB composite matrices to sequester carbon was assessed, which could contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of construction. This study demonstrated the potential of BP composite matrices as sustainable and cost-effective materials with satisfactory physical properties and the ability to reduce environmental impact.
... Components previously dispersed throughout the ash content became concentrated there due to the loss of volatiles (Cantrell et al., 2012). This is because the K+ ion is more mobile in biochar, with a higher percentage of mineral ash probably having a greater electrical conductivity (Joseph et al., 2007). ...
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This study aims to develop and evaluate a locally manufactured carbonization unit with a screw conveyor. Various carbonization temperatures (350, 400, and 450°C) and feeding rates (50, 75, and 100 kg/h) were examined to determine optimal conditions for producing biochar from rice husk (RH). The results revealed that increasing the pyrolysis temperature from 350 to 450°C decreased RH biochar yield, while increasing the feeding rate from 50 to 100 kg/h increased it. Ash content was 22.4% at 350°C for 100 kg/h, and the maximum value was 31.4% at 450°C and 50 kg/h. The BET surface area of the biochar increased from 105.71 to 312.32 m2/g at 450°C, with slight non-significant changes at a 100 kg/h feed rate. RH biochar showed decreasing H and O values with higher temperatures and lower feed rates. RH biochar at 450°C and 50 kg/h showed increased macro porosity and surface area, rendering it suitable for agricultural application as a soil amendment.
... Biochars are carbon-based materials that are produced by pyrolysis processes of organic biomass (wood, leaves, manure, etc.) and used for non-fuel purposes such as adsorption [8,43], soil amendment [44,45], and as catalysts for chemical reactions [46]. The production of biochar is a carbon-negative process that contributes to mitigating the greenhouse effect [47,48]. Biochars typically have larger specific surface areas than raw biomass (generally <1 m 2 g −1 for lignocellulosic biomass), but their specific surface areas are generally much smaller than those of activated carbons (500-3000 m 2 g −1 ). ...
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Antibiotics are pharmaceuticals that are used to treat bacterial infections in humans and animals, and they are also used as growth promoters in livestock production. These activities lead to an alarming accumulation of antibiotics in aquatic environments, resulting in selection pressure for antibiotic resistance. Given that it is impractical to completely avoid the use of antibiotics, addressing the removal of antibiotics from the environment has become an important challenge. Adsorption methods and adsorbents have received particular attention because adsorption is highly efficient in the removal of low-concentration chemicals. Among the different adsorbents, biochars have shown promise for antibiotic removal, owing to their low cost and efficiency as well as their potential for modification to further increase their adsorption capacity. This review attempts to analyze the surface properties and ash contents of different biochars and to critically discuss the knowledge gaps in antibiotic adsorption. A total of 184 articles on antibiotic properties, adsorption of antibiotics, and biochar properties were reviewed, with a focus on the last 12 years. Antibiotic adsorption by pristine biochars and modified biochars was critically reviewed. Recommendations are provided for the adsorption of different antibiotic classes by biochars.
... Biochar is known for its ability to improve soil health and fertility, as well as its potential to sequester carbon from the atmosphere (Joseph et al., 2007;Bista et al., 2019;Alkharabsheh et al., 2021;He et al., 2021). When applied to soil, biochar can increase soil water retention, nutrient availability, and microbial activity Sohi et al., 2010;Lehmann et al., 2011). ...
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Biochar has been found to be an effective material for the removal of nitrobenzene from both aqueous and soil phases. Some innovative uses of biochar in environmental applications for nitrobenzene removal include: 1) Biochar amendments for soil remediation. 2) Biochar for water treatment. 3) Biochar-based adsorbents. 4) Biochar-based membranes. Therefore, biochar is a promising material for the removal of nitrobenzene from both aqueous and soil phases, and its innovative uses in environmental applications continue to be explored. This paper presents the toxicity of nitrobenzene and potential hazards, with a discussion on the motivation and recent resolutions for nitrobenzene removal in aqueous and soil phases. Methodological cornerstones of innovative uses of biochar in environmental applications for nitrobenzene removal in aqueous and soil phases are introduced and reviewed. Overview and perspectives for the corresponding application are also provided. The innovative uses of biochar in environmental applications for nitrobenzene removal in aqueous and soil phases can bring new insights and add tremendous value to environmental chemical engineering.
... Biochar is an increasingly popular research material for improving agricultural and human-engineered soil conditions. Biochar can broadly be considered a carbon-rich product produced by biomass combustion (pyrolysis) under high temperatures and low oxygen conditions [322]. Biochar may enhance plant growth by supplying and retaining nutrients and by improving the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil, but also by tailoring properties for contaminant behavior and nutrient provisions [323,324], though this has rarely been applied to phytocapping systems in the literature. ...
Contaminant containment measures are often necessary to prevent or minimize offsite movement of contaminated materials for disposal or other purposes when they can be buried or left in place due to extensive subsurface contamination. These measures can include physical, chemical, and biological technologies such as impermeable and permeable barriers, stabilization and solidification, and phytostabilization. Contaminant containment is advantageous because it can stop contaminant plumes from migrating further and allow for pollutant reduction at sites where the source is inaccessible or cannot be removed. Moreover, unlike other options, contaminant containment measures do not require the excavation of contaminated substrates. However, contaminant containment measures require regular inspections to monitor for contaminant mobilization and migration. This review critically evaluates the sources of persistent contaminants, the different approaches to contaminant remediation, and the various physical-chemical-biological processes of contaminant containment. Additionally, the review provides case studies of contaminant containment operations under real or simulated field conditions. In summary, contaminant containment measures are essential for preventing further contamination and reducing risks to public health and the environment. While periodic monitoring is necessary, the benefits of contaminant containment make it a valuable remediation option when other methods are not feasible.
... Soil additives to promote water absorption, plaster to absorb humidity, and energy alternatives to supersede fossil fuels are all examples of current use of biochar (Joseph et al. 2007). Biochar has also been used in construction materials. ...
Biochar has a broad array of applications and is deployed in a variety of fields, including agriculture, sustainable development, and geoengineering. Various engineering methods have recently been developed and used to widen the application of biochar. One of them is the use of engineered biochar as a construction material. It can be exploited as a material for construction due to properties such as chem- ical stability, flammability, and low thermal conductivity. This chapter provides an overview of the properties of engineered biochar that make it suitable for the role of construction material. Factors such as pyrolysis conditions specifically, pyrol- ysis temperature, heating rate as well as pressure, along with various construction material properties have been depicted here. This chapter also highlights the impli- cations of engineered biochar on the physical, mechanical, and durability aspects of building materials. Comprehensively, this engineered biochar is being used as a construction material due to a number of unique and interesting qualities, including the capability to build in a carbon-negative manner in addition to its applicability as an insulating material, biochar-based clay and lime plasters, building bricks, concrete and roof tiles. The chapter also aims to examine engineered biochar’s current and future implications in the construction field.
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Temperature greatly determines biochar’s physicochemical characteristics during the pyrolysis of a biowaste. This study aimed to investigate how pyrolysis temperature alters the physicochemical characteristics of water hyacinth (WH) biochar as a soil amendment. WH biomass was slowly pyrolyzed at three temperatures (350, 550, and 750 °C) for 2 h. Results show that biochar yield lessened from 51.0 to 33.3% with a temperature rise. When pyrolysis temperature increased biochar’s pH (9.24–11.2), electrical conductivity (28.0–44.7 mS cm⁻¹), liming capacity (17.7–33.0% CaCO3 equivalence), ash content (33.3–52.4%), available nutrients (Ca, Mg, K, P), surface area (1.1–29.8 m² g⁻¹), pore volume, C/N ratio (15.9–20.3), and water holding capacity increased. However, C, H, N, H/C (0.89–0.11) and O/C (0.62–0.49) ratios, cation exchange capacity (CEC) (44.4–2.3 cmol+kg⁻¹), and pore width decreased. Surface functional groups shrank when pyrolysis temperature increased. As the temperature rises, WH biochar becomes structured, porous, and recalcitrant. All WH biochar samples show high alkalinity, particularly developed at 550 °C and 750 °C could replace liming materials in soil acidity alleviation. Biochar produced at 350 °C and 550 °C could improve agricultural soil fertility and nutrient retention capacity due to the lower C/N ratio, high N content, and CEC. Biochar produced at 550°C and 750 °C can sequester carbon in the soil. Biochar developed at 750 °C be applied to amend soil physical properties due to its comparably high surface area and porosity. Hence, the thermal conversion of WH biowaste to biochar helps obtain suitable biochar properties for soil amendment.
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We examined the relationship between the carbonizing temperature of bamboo carbide made from Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) and the removal effect of harmful gases and odorants, and the use of a bamboo charcoal as a countermeasure for "Sick Building Syndrome" or "Chemical Sensitivity" and the use as a deodorant. With regard to the carbonizing temperature of the bamboo charcoal, a temperature sensor was installed inside each bamboo material and the carbonizing temperature was controlled at 500, 700 and 1000°C. The removal effect was tested for formaldehyde, toluene and benzene that are known to cause "Sick Building Syndrome" or "Chemical Sensitivity" and for ammonia, indole, skatole and nonenal as odorants. The formaldehyde removal effect was only slightly different in the charcoal at all the carbonizing temperatures. The benzene, toluene, indole, skatole and nonenal removal effect were the highest for the bamboo charcoal carbonized at 1000°C and tended to increase as the carbonizing temperature of the bamboo charcoal increased. The removal effect for ammonia was the highest on the bamboo charcoal carbonized at 500°C. It is concluded that the effective carbonizing temperature is different for each chemical, and a charcoal must be specifically selected for use as an adsorbent or deodorant.
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Physico-chemical properties of a bioorganic char were modified by pyrolysis in the presence of NaOH, and with subsequent physical activation of carbonaceous species with CO2 a value-added activated carbon was fabricated. Bioorganic char is produced as a co-product during the production of bio-fuel from the pyrolysis of chicken litter. Untreated char contains approximately 37 wt% of C and approximately 43-45 wt% of inorganic minerals containing K, Ca, Fe, P, Cu, Mg, and Si. Carbonization and chemical activation of the char at 600 degrees C in the presence of NaOH in forming gas (4% H2 balanced with Ar) produced mainly demineralized activated carbon having BET (Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller) surface area of 486 m2/g and average pore size of 2.8 nm. Further physical activation with CO2 at 800 degrees C for 30 min resulted in activated carbon with BET surface area of 788 m2/g and average pore size of 2.2 nm. The mineral content was 10 wt%. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) indicated that the latter activation process reduced the pyrrolic- and/or pyridonic-N, increased pyridinic-N and formed quaternary-N at the expense of pyrrolic- and/or pyridonic-N found in the untreated char.
Conference Paper
We proposed pyrolysis as a promising optional technology for recycling waste products, especially sewage sludge and animal waste (manure). In this study, nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium) leaching characteristics of carbon products mainly from sewage sludge and cattle waste were analyzed. Results are summarized as follows: 1) Electrical conductivity (EC) of carbon product solutes increase with time, and phosphate and sulfuric ions dissolve gradually from the carbon products of both sewage sludge and cattle waste; 2) Nitrogen decreases with manufacturing temperature and nutrient concentration of phosphorous and potassium are larger; Both phosphorous and potassium are citric soluble and easily available for crop production; and 3) The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorous and potassium can be controlled through the manufacturing temperature. These results provide valuable information for utilizing carbon products from waste products.
Recent advances in mathematical modelling and numerical analysis of the pyrolysis of char forming solid fuels have shed new light on the pyrolytic behaviour of these materials under fire conditions. A review of the pyrolysis models of lignocellulosic (wood-based) charring solid fuels developed over the past 60 years is presented in order of increasing complexity. The review, however, is limited to pyrolysis models developed for high temperature and high heating rate conditions and does not encompass the pyrolysis of wood-based materials under conditions pertinent to ‘steam pipe’ type problems encountered typically at low temperatures, low heating rates and relatively long residence times. The models can be broadly categorized into thermal and comprehensive type models. While thermal models predict the conversion of the virgin fuel into products based on a critical pyrolysis criterion and the energy balance, the comprehensive models describe the degradation of the fuel by a chemical kinetic scheme coupled with the conservation equations for the transport of heat and/or mass. A variety of kinetic schemes have been reported in the literature ranging from simple one-step global reactions to semi-global and multi-step reaction mechanisms. There has been much less uniformity in the description of the transport phenomena (i.e. heat and mass) in comprehensive models and different levels of approximation have been used. It is shown that the accuracy of pyrolysis models largely depends on the model parameters. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the effect of charcoal addition on N2O emissions resulting from rewetting of air-dried soil. Rewetting the soil at 73% and 83% of the water-filled pore space (WFPS) caused a N2O emission peak 6 h after the rewetting, and the cumulative N2O emissions throughout the 120-h incubation period were 11 ± 1 and 13 ± 1 mg N m−2, respectively. However, rewetting at 64% WFPS did not cause detectable N2O emissions (−0.016 ± 0.082 mg N m−2), suggesting a severe sensitivity to soil moisture. When the soils were rewetted at 73% and 78% WFPS, the addition of charcoal to soil at 10 wt% supressed the N2O emissions by 89% . In contrast, the addition of the ash from the charcoal did not suppress the N2O emissions from soil rewetted at 73% WFPS. The addition of charcoal also significantly stimulated the N2O emissions from soil rewetted at 83% WFPS compared with the soil without charcoal addition (P < 0.01). Moreover, the addition of KCl and K2SO4 did not show a clear difference in the N2O emission pattern, although Cl− and , which were the major anions in the charcoal, had different effects on N2O-reducing activity. These results indicate that the suppression of N2O emissions by the addition of charcoal may not result in stimulation of the N2O-reducing activity in the soil because of changes in soil chemical properties.
Abstract Common,renewable energy strategies can at best off-set fossil fuel emissions of carbon dioxide, but are not able to reverse climate change. One promising approach of lowering carbon dioxide in the atmosphere while producing energy is bio-char bio-energy based on low-temperature pyrolysis. This bio-energy technology,relies on capturing the off-gases from thermal decomposition of wood or grasses to produce heat, electricity or bio-fuels. Bio-char is a ,significant by-product of this ,pyrolysis with remarkable ,environmental properties. Bio-char in soil was shown,to persist longer and to retain cations better than other forms of soil organic matter. The precise half-life of bio-char is still disputed, however, and will have important implications for the value of the technology including carbon trading. In addition, the cation retention of fresh bio-char is relatively low compared,to aged,bio-char in soil and it is not clear after what period of time,and under
The influence of organics on the structure of water adsorbed on activated carbons was studied using adsorption of nitrogen, benzene, and water, and by (1)H NMR spectroscopy with freezing out of bulk water with the presence of benzene-d(6) or chloroform-d. It was found that interactions of water with the activated carbon surface depend on both structural characteristics (contributions of micro- and mesopores, pore size distributions) of adsorbents and chemical properties (changed by oxidation or reduction) of the adsorbents. Moreover, the interfacial behavior of water is affected by water-insoluble organics such as benzene and chloroform. Changes in the Gibbs free energy of water adsorbed on carbons exposed to air, water, chloroform-d, or benzene-d(6) are related to textural properties of adsorbents and the degree of their oxidation. Since chloroform-d and benzene-d(6) are strongly adsorbed on activated carbons and immiscible with water they replace a significant portion of adsorbed water in micropores, on the walls of mesopores, and in the transport pores of carbons causing changes in the Gibbs free energy and other characteristics of water.
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