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Patterns and mechanisms of soil acidification in the conversion of grasslands to forests


Abstract and Figures

Grassland to forest conversions currently affect some of the world's most productive regions and have the potential to modify many soil properties. We used afforestation of native temperate humid grassland in the Pampas with eucalypts as an experimental system to 1) isolate forest and grassland imprints on soil acidity and base cation cycling and 2) evaluate the mechanisms of soil acidification. We characterized soil changes with afforestation using ten paired stands of native grasslands and Eucalyptus plantations (10–100 years of age). Compared to grasslands, afforested stands had lower soil pH (4.6 vs.5.6, p c.Ha−1.yr−1 across afforested stands, although no aboveground acidic inputs were detected in wet + dry deposition, throughfall and forest floor leachates. Our results suggest that cation cycling and redistribution by trees, rather than cation leaching by organic acids or enhanced carbonic acid production in the soil, is the dominant mechanism of acidification in this system. The magnitude of soil changes that we observed within half a century of tree establishment in the Pampas emphasizes the rapid influence of vegetation on soil formation and suggests that massive afforestation of grasslands for carbon sequestration could have important consequences for soil fertility and base cation cycles.
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Patterns and mechanisms of soil acidification in the
conversion of grasslands to forests
Department of Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA;
Facultad de Agronomía, Univer-
sidad de Buenos Aires, Avenida San Martín 4453, Buenos Aires, 1417, Argentina;
Nicholas School of
the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA; *Author for corre-
spondence (e-mail:; phone: +54 11 4524 8000 int 8144; fax: +54 11 4514 8730)
Received 10 June 2002; accepted in revised form 20 December 2002
Key words: Afforestation, Argentina, Eucalyptus, Nutrient cycling, Soil acidity, Vegetation change
Abstract. Grassland to forest conversions currently affect some of the world’s most productive regions
and have the potential to modify many soil properties. We used afforestation of native temperate humid
grassland in the Pampas with eucalypts as an experimental system to 1) isolate forest and grassland
imprints on soil acidity and base cation cycling and 2) evaluate the mechanisms of soil acidification. We
characterized soil changes with afforestation using ten paired stands of native grasslands and Eucalyptus
plantations (10–100 years of age). Compared to grasslands, afforested stands had lower soil pH (4.6
vs.5.6, p < 0.0001) and 40% lower exchangeable Ca (p < 0.001) in the top 20 cm of the soil. At three
afforested stands where we further characterized soil changes to one meter depth, soil became increas-
ingly acidic from 5 to 35 cm depth but more alkaline below 60 cm compared to adjacent grasslands,
with few differences observed between 35 and 60 cm. These changes corresponded with gains of ex-
changeable acidity and Na in intermediate and deeper soil layers. Inferred ecosystem cation balances
(biomass + forest floor + first meter of mineral soil) revealed substantial vertical redistributions of Ca
and Mn and a tripling of Na pools within the mineral soil after afforestation. Soil exchangeable acidity
increased 0.5–1.2 kmol
across afforested stands, although no aboveground acidic inputs were
detected in wet + dry deposition, throughfall and forest floor leachates. Our results suggest that cation
cycling and redistribution by trees, rather than cation leaching by organic acids or enhanced carbonic
acid production in the soil, is the dominant mechanism of acidification in this system. The magnitude of
soil changes that we observed within half a century of tree establishment in the Pampas emphasizes the
rapid influence of vegetation on soil formation and suggests that massive afforestation of grasslands for
carbon sequestration could have important consequences for soil fertility and base cation cycles.
Plants influence the earth surface through the uptake, transformation and redistri-
bution of materials in the atmosphere, pedosphere and lithosphere (Simonson 1959;
Likens et al. 1977; Schlesinger 1997). Although all plants leave such an imprint
(e.g., input of organic matter and respired CO
, enhancement of rock weathering,
etc.), variations in size, growth rate, life span, allocation, tissue chemistry, and many
other attributes affect cycling patterns and the properties of soils differently (Alban
1982; Finzi et al. 1998; Jackson et al. 2000; Jobbágy and Jackson 2000). The widely
applied state factor model of soil formation recognizes such effects and includes
Biogeochemistry 64: 205–229, 2003.
© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
vegetation as a master control of pedogenesis (Jenny 1941, 1980). However, iso-
lating the effects of vegetation on soil development in the field is confounded by
covarying interactions of vegetation and other important influences of soil func-
tioning, including climate, topography, and history (Ugolini et al. 1988).
Understanding the feedback of vegetation type on soils is important because
current rates of vegetation change are high and may lead to further biotic changes
through soil modifications (Roberts 1987; Jackson et al. 2002). Shifts from grass-
lands to forests (afforestation and tree invasion/encroachment) affect some of the
most productive areas still covered by native vegetation globally, especially in the
Southern Hemisphere (Rudel and Ropel 1996; Richardson 1998; Geary 2001). In
the native grasslands of the Pampas, afforestation with pines and eucalypts is be-
coming increasingly common. In the last decade Uruguay and Argentina have in-
creased their afforested areas five- and two-fold, respectively, in this region (MAGP
1998; SAGPyA 2000), with even higher afforestation rates expected for the coming
decades (Wright et al. 2000). In such systems, most base cations are essential plant
nutrients and play a key role balancing ecosystem acidity (Aber and Melillo 1991).
Soil acidity in turn is a master control of soil fertility (Marschner 1995) and affects
many important biogeochemical processes, such as rock weathering and nitrifica-
tion (Richter and Markewitz 2001). In this paper we use the chronosequence of
forested sites compared to native grasslands as a controlled experiment for isolat-
ing the imprint of eucalypt afforestation on soil acidity and base cation cycling.
Spatial comparisons of areas historically dominated by trees and grasses indi-
cate that soil pH and base saturation tend to be lower under forests with similar
parent materials and climates (Jenny 1941; Geis et al. 1970; Ugolini et al. 1988).
Such comparisons do not address the rate and mechanisms of vegetation effects on
soil properties and are usually unable to rule out other controls that influence veg-
etation and soils together (Richter et al. 1994). Nonetheless, such studies suggest
soil acidification as a likely outcome of the conversion of grasslands to forests.
Direct manipulations of vegetation can also yield mechanistic insights into the
ecological consequences of grassland-to-forest conversions. Studies examining the
shift of native grasslands to forests reveal various degrees of surface soil acidifi-
cation after tree establishment (Davis and Lang 1991; Musto 1991; Davis 1995;
Quideau and Bockheim 1996; Parfitt et al. 1997; Alfredsson et al. 1998; Amiotti et
al. 2000). As expected, the largest decline in pH is associated with the loss of ex-
changeable base cations, particularly Ca, and increases in exchangeable Al.
We propose three basic mechanisms of soil acidification following the affores-
tation of grassland ecosystems (Figure 1): 1) organic acid inputs 2) soil respiration,
and 3) sequestration and redistribution of cations. In the first mechanism, organic
acids produced by plants are the acidifying agent. In contrast to grasses, many trees
have acidic litter, canopy leachates, and decomposition products. This acid input,
usually negligible under grassland vegetation, could cause cation leaching and a
decline in soil pH after tree establishment (Ugolini et al. 1988). A second mecha-
nism of soil acidification is carbonic acid inputs derived from soil respiration. Car-
bonic acid is an important agent of weathering in soils (Richter and Markewitz
1995), and higher carbonic acid production has been linked to increased base cat-
ion leaching in forests (Andrews and Schlesinger 2001). In order to acidify grass-
land soils by this mechanism, forests should have higher root respiration and/or en-
hanced microbial respiration compared to grasslands. Contrary to this suggestion,
recent reviews suggest that soil respiration rates tend to be lower in forests (Raich
and Tufekcioglu (2000); see also Chen et al. (2000) and Tate et al. (2000), Saviozzi
et al. (2001)). The third potential mechanism is the sequestration and redistribution
of cations within the ecosystem after tree establishment. Trees can store cations in
excess of anions in both aggrading biomass and in the organic floor (litter + or-
ganic soil). This difference in charge should in turn be balanced by a net gain of
protons in the soil (Nilsson et al. 1982). Even when forests approach a steady state
of cation gain and loss, soil cations may be redistributed within the soil as a result
of intense cycling by trees, leading to localized acidification in some layers (Job-
bágy and Jackson 2001).
If each of these mechanisms acts singly in controlling soil acidification, differ-
ent soil vertical patterns and ecosystem balances should develop. If organic acid
inputs drive acidification, they should be observed either in throughfall or in forest
floor leachates, causing maximum acidification in the surface soil (Figure 1a). If
soil respiration drives acidification, maximum acidification should not occur in the
surface soil where CO
partial pressures are lower, but at depth; there, the loss of
cations would be observed without signs of acidity in throughfall or forest floor
leachates (Figure 1b). In both of these cases, cations will be lost from the ecosys-
tem. In contrast, in the third mechanism cation redistribution should dominate the
process of acidification. Maximum acidification should then occur where root nu-
trient uptake is relatively high but inputs from litterfall and throughfall are low –
below the first ten centimeters of the mineral soil profile (Figure 1c) (see Jobbágy
and Jackson (2001)). No net ecosystem loss of cations should be observed in this
case, as forest sequestration will balance soil losses. In all likelihood, such mecha-
nisms will operate in concert.
Figure 1. Three potential mechanisms of soil acidification and their imprint on soil profiles after affor-
estation: A) organic acid inputs, B) soil respiration, and C) cation redistribution. Figures show the ver-
tical distribution of acidity accumulation and base cation pools before and after afforestation. For pur-
poses of illustration, base cation pools are assumed to be homogenously distributed under grassland
vegetation. The first two mechanisms cause a net ecosystem loss of base cations, the third yields no net
change in cation pools but redistribution from intermediate depths to the topsoil.
In this paper we characterize the effects of afforestation on soil chemistry in the
Pampas of Argentina, measuring soil changes in paired grassland and afforested
sites of 10 to 100 years of age. We evaluate the proposed mechanisms of acidifi-
cation in these systems and explore potential feedbacks of soil changes after affor-
estation on the nutrition of trees and grasses.
Study system
The Pampas region covers 50 million ha of Argentina (Figure 2). The word
Pampa, derived from the Quechua language, indicates a flat, treeless extension of
land (Bravo 1967). The climate lacks a dry season and is temperate and sub-humid
to humid (mean annual T ranges from 17 °C to 14 °C north to south; Hall et al.
(1992)). Average annual rainfall ranges from 600 mm in the southwest to 1000 mm
in the northeast, but during the last three decades increased rainfall in the drier ar-
eas of the west has erased this regional gradient (Podesta et al. 1999) (Table 1).
Dominant soils are Mollisols developed on loess-like sediments deposited through-
out the late Pleistocene and the Holocene (Teruggi 1957; Tricart 1973).
The natural vegetation of the Pampas is a mixture of C3 and C4 grasses (Sori-
ano 1991). One of its most conspicuous original features was a complete lack of
trees over most of the region, an observation noted by early travelers such as Azara
(1796) and Rosas and Senillosa (1825), and Darwin (Barlow (1933); see also Ga-
ravaglia (1999)). Phytoliths indicate that grasses dominated the region throughout
the period of soil genesis (Tecchi 1983). The limitations to plant growth in the
Pampas include poor drainage and Na accumulation in lower landscape positions
(Soriano 1991).
With European settlement, plantations ranging from 0.1 to 100 ha were estab-
lished for shade, windbreak, and aesthetics. Most plantations were unfertilized and
had little wood extraction or soil disturbance. Soon after the mid 1800s, Eucalypts
became common in rural plantations (Senillosa et al. 1878; Zacharin 1996), which
today are primarily composed of E. camaldulensis,E. viminalis, and E. globulus.
The cumulative replacement of natural communities in the region with annual grain
crops and cultivated pastures ranges from 30% in the Flooding Pampas to 90% in
the Rolling Pampas (INDEC 1988). Most areas occupied by natural grasslands are
devoted to cattle ranching, where irrigation, fertilization, and feed supplementation
are almost universally absent (Soriano 1991).
The Pampas region offers an ideal opportunity to test the mechanisms of soil
acidification, both because throughout pedogenesis most of the region lacked
woody species and because it has low anthropogenic inputs of acids and N which
might otherwise confound the effect of vegetation on soil chemistry (Lavado 1983;
Bouwman et al. 1997). We used fence-line comparisons to assess the effect of veg-
etation change on soil attributes, identifying adjacent paired Eucalypt stands and
native grasslands throughout the major subregions of the Pampas using aerial pho-
tographs (1:50000) (INTA 1989) and Landsat imagery (1:250000) (IGM 1997).
Materials and methods
Site description
We selected 10 paired sites representing the most typical upland soils of the region
(Figure 2, Table 1): The Castelli, Guerrero, and Pila sites represent one of the most
common soil series of upland soils in the Flooding Pampas, Hapludolls over-laying
an older eroded soil that constitutes a textural B horizon at 30 to 60 cm depth. The
horizon sequence is: A-AC-IIBt-IIC and the soils were derived from loess sedi-
ments that were locally redistributed by wind in the Holocene. The Rojas and Ran-
cagua sites correspond to the most conspicuous soil series of uplands in the Rolling
Pampas. These soils are considered among the best agricultural soils of the conti-
nent and have an A-Bt-C horizon sequence with a 40 cm thick A horizon. The
Pereyra site is located in the transition between the Flooding and Rolling Pampas.
It was located in an Argialboll (planosol) with an A-E-Bt-C sequence with a tex-
tural B at 30 cm of depth. The Chascomús site is also in the transition between the
Figure 2. Location of study sites in the Pampas. Each site includes a grassland and tree plantation stand.
The major subregions covered by this study are indicated. Sites are: 1, Castelli; 2, Guerrero; 3, Pila; 4,
Chascomús; 5, Pereyra; 6, Rojas; 7, Rancagua; 8, América; 9, Tandil; and 10, Pinamar.
Table 1. List of study sites. Each site includes a grassland and a Eucalyptus stand. Latitude and longitude correspond to the center of the tree stand. Mean annual
precipitation (MAP) and temperature (MAT) values were obtained from the closest available (< 30 km) meteorological stations. Soil series denomination and soil
classification to subgroups (USDA 1998) were derived from 1:50000 soil cartography and from local observations. Initial tree density was derived from the original
planting grid; in the case of irregular planting patterns it could not be estimated (NA). Current tree density was sampled in the field.
Site Lat (S) Long (W) MAP (mm) MAT (C°) Soil series Soil subgroup Tree species Age (yrs) Density (stems/Ha)
Initial Current
Flooding Pampas
Castelli 36°02.057°50.3980 15.3 Pila thapto Hapludoll E camaldulensis 50 1666 783
Guerrero 35°58.457°51.1980 15.3 Pila thapto Hapludoll E camaldulensis 95 NA 545
Pila 36°28.458°11.8895 15.0 Pila thapto Hapludoll E camaldulensis 36 1111 1022
Flooding/Rolling Pampas
Chascomús 35°25.358°02.4970 15.4 Abbott aquic Argiudoll E camaldulensis 47 1111 767
Pereyra 34°51.958°09.01010 15.7 Numancia vertic Argialboll E viminalis 11 1111 1067
Rolling Pampas
Rojas 34°11.060°55.5990 16.6 Rojas typic Argiudoll E camaldulensis 44 1111 1002
Rancagua 34°07.660°34.8990 16.8 Rojas typic Argiudoll E camaldulensis 89 NA 220
Inner Pampas
América 35°30.662°59.2745 16.5 América entic Haplustoll E camaldulensis 41 833 599
Tandil 37°20.759°02.7900 12.3 Tandil lithic Hapludoll E camald./vimin. 42 625 1125
Coastal dunes
Pinamar 37°05.156°51.3837 14.5 No name typic Udipsamment E camald./vimin. 41 767 690
Flooding and Rolling Pampas and occupied an aquic Argiudoll with an A-Bt-C se-
quence. A temporarily perched water table over a textural B located at 35 cm is
commonly observed in this type of soils (INTA 1989). The América site corre-
sponds to the most typical upland pedon of the Inner Pampas, which is a deep sandy
soil with no B horizon (A-AC-C sequence). Like soils sampled in the Flooding
Pampas, these soils developed on sediments transported by wind in the Holocene.
The Tandil site is located on the typical soil of slopes and hilltops on the few iso-
lated hills of the Pampas. The horizon sequence is A-AC-rock. The soils developed
on a thin loess layer over-laying Precambrian granite rock that formed a solid
boundary at 40 cm depth in the study site. The Pinamar site is located on the coastal
strip of sand dunes formed in the Holocene. Calcium carbonate from shell frag-
ments represents 20 to 40% (mass) of the sediments, and there is no horizon dif-
ferentiation in these young Udipsamments.
Adjacent forest and grassland sites shared the same soil unit (deduced from
1:50000 soil maps and on-site inspection of soil profiles) and were always located
in uplands. All forest stands were dominated by E. camaldulensis or E. viminalis,
were > 10 Ha in area and ungrazed, and, as confirmed with the owners or manag-
ers (and consistent with common regional practices), were never fertilized or irri-
gated. Biomass was not harvested from these forest stands except at Pila (see be-
low), where the stand was clearcut and left to regrow for 15 years before sampling,
and at Guerrero and Pinamar, where 20–50% of the trees were cut previously.
Grassland stands were neither fertilized nor irrigated but were generally grazed.
None of the grasslands was plowed except at Castelli, Chascomús, and América,
with no plowing in the last 20 years.
Tree stands had little or no grass understory, with Cynodon dactylon being the
only understory species present at a few sites. For the eucalypt stands > 40 years of
age, Celtis tala,Morus alba, and Ligustrum sp. occasionally formed a sparse woody
understory. Grassland stands were dominated by plants of the genera Paspalum,
Bothriochloa,Bromus,Stipa,Piptochaetium, and Festuca. At the coastal dune site
the native C
grass Cortaderia selloana was the only dominant grass species.
Soil and plant analyses
We performed three classes of analyses at the study sites. At all sites we sampled
soil to 20-cm depth and analyzed exchangeable nutrient pools, pH, organic C and
total N. Examining three paired sites (Guerrero, Castelli, and América) in more de-
tail, we extended the above sampling throughout the first meter of soil and also
measured exchangeable acidity, soluble Cl, extractable P, and total element pools.
A full accounting of tree biomass and forest floor elemental pools was also per-
formed at these three sites. Finally, at Castelli we sampled the vegetation more in-
tensively and conducted repeated measurements of wet + dry deposition and
throughfall in the forest and grassland between July 2001 and January 2002 to ex-
amine in more detail the mechanisms of soil acidification.
To avoid potential edge effects, sampling areas were > 50 m away from fences
or borders. At each stand we randomly located five soil pits (1 m wide × 0.5 m
deep) along a transect parallel to the grassland-forest edge. The soil pits were > 0.5
m away from the nearest tree and > 10 m away from each other. Mineral soil was
sampled at depth intervals of 0–5, 5–10, 10–20, 20–35, 35–50, 50–75, and 75–100
cm. Above 50 cm, individual samples were composited from material alonga1m
horizontal strip of the pit wall. Below 50 cm, samples were obtained with a 10-cm
diameter auger. We obtained 250-ml volumetric soil samples at each depth interval
for bulk density estimates in two soil pits per stand (Elliot et al. 1999). Litter and
organic soil layers (only present in forest stands) were sampled in each soil pit us-
ing 20 × 50 cm frames. Mineral and organic soil samples were air-dried and ag-
gregates were broken to pass a 2-mm sieve; no stones were observed except at
Tandil. Soil pH was measured with an electrode on the supernatant of a 1:1 soil-
water extract (Thomas 1996). We analyzed samples for exchangeable Ca, Mg, K,
Na, and Mn using extracts of 1 M ammonium acetate (pH 7) with a 1:5 soil-water
ratio, shaking 5 minutes and equilibrating 24 hours (Robertson et al. 1999). Con-
centrations in the extracts were measured using inductively coupled plasma emis-
sion spectrometry (ICP, Soltanpour et al. (1996)). Total organic C and N were mea-
sured using dry combustion and a CHN autoanalyzer system (Gill et al. 2002). For
samples having carbonates in the deeper layer, we ran combustion at 550 °C and
650 °C and estimated organic C as the difference between readings (Robenhorst
1988). Carbonates were detected only below 75 cm of depth at some of the sites.
For the additional soil analyses at Castelli, Guerrero, and América, we deter-
mined exchangeable acidity with an alkaline titration of 1 M KCl extracts (Robert-
son et al. 1999), Cl concentrations on 1:1 water extracts using an ion selective
electrode (Frankenberger et al. 1996), and Olsen extractable P colorimetrically (Kuo
1996). We measured total elemental soil pools using ICP after a HNO
acid – microwave digestion (EPA-3050A, see Chen and Ma (1998)). We also esti-
mated forest nutrient accumulation from the product of biomass and elemental con-
centration. The forest components analyzed were leaves, bark, wood, roots, and
forest floor, divided into litter and organic soil. We used allometric equations de-
veloped with seven trees to estimate leaf, wood and bark biomass from basal area
and height measurements at each site. We used a ratio of 0.19 for below to above-
ground biomass as determined from published equations that link belowground
biomass to aboveground biomass, stand age, and latitudinal region (Cairns et al.
1997). Basal area and tree height measurements were taken in five 0.1-ha plots at
each site; within each plot we collected five samples of fully expanded sun leaves,
bark, and wood from three randomly selected individuals.
We also sampled shoots of Cynodon dactylon as a bioindicator of soil changes.
Five randomly selected individuals were collected whenever the species was present
in both forest and grassland stands. Plant, litter, and organic soil samples were
oven-dried at 70 °C, ground (0.5 mm sieve), and HNO
-digested for ICP el-
emental analysis. Carbon and N concentrations were determined by dry combus-
tion with an autoanalyzer (Gill et al. 2002).
Deposition and throughfall measurements
At Castelli we measured wet + dry deposition and throughfall in the forest and
grassland stands. For wet + dry deposition, we installed three 17-cm diameter PVC
funnel collectors with glass wool filters and 5-L glass bottles. Collectors were lo-
cated 3.5 meters above the ground in the grassland 100 m away from the forest
edge. We installed six collectors of the same type under the forest canopy, 60 cm
above the ground. We made 9 collections during the sampling period, with the lag
between rainfall events and collection always < 20 days. Collectors were replaced
after each sampling. Collections covered a 184-day period and accumulated 498
mm of precipitation and 316 mm of throughfall in the forest. The release of acidity
by the forest floor was evaluated in the lab with a 1:3 mixture of litter + organic
soil and deionized water shaken for 15 minutes and filtered. By doing this we at-
tempted to magnify any possible exchange between the forest floor and the perco-
lating rain water that could take place in field conditions. We used rinsed Whatman
42 paper to filter precipitation, throughfall, and forest floor extract solutions and
analyzed them using the above methods for soil extracts.
Element balances
We estimated transfers and gain/loss of base cations and protons following affor-
estation at Castelli, Guerrero, and América. For this purpose we used spatial dif-
ferences between forest and grassland stands as a surrogate for temporal changes
within forest stands established on native grasslands, assuming that forest stands
were established on soils similar to those under our native grasslands stands. We
based our estimates of changes on the observed differences between cation and
proton pools in forest and grassland stands for the top meter of mineral soil, con-
sidering the product of bulk density and concentrations from acid digestion or ti-
tration. Although compaction or expansion of the soil after afforestation could have
affected this calculation (Brimhall et al. 1991), soil volumetric contents of Ti (Jer-
sak et al. 1995) did not differ between forest and grassland stands, suggesting that
such effects were negligible (differences were always < 5% and statistically non-
significant). The ecosystem balance for each base cation was estimated from the
difference between forest accumulation and soil losses. We calculated excess cation
accumulation (ECA) of tree plantations considering biomass and forest floor pools
(ECA = Ca + Mg+K+Na+Mn+Fe−S−P). This methodology was adapted from
Richter (1986).
True replication in our study was derived from the comparisons of effects across
sites, which were evaluated using paired t-tests (Zar 1984). Statistical comparisons
between stands within each site were also performed with a t-test in order to con-
strain error estimates. All pH values were transformed to H
concentrations for sta-
tistical calculations.
Soils under forest and grassland vegetation displayed consistently different acidity
and base cation composition across the study sites (Table 2). With the exception of
Pinamar, located on calcareous sand dunes, soil pH from 0–20 cm depth was one
pH unit lower on average under forests than grasslands (4.6 and 5.6, respectively;
p < 0.0001 across sites, Table 2). Among base cations, Ca and Na showed the
greatest differences. Exchangeable Ca was 40% lower on average under forest
stands than under grasslands (p < 0.001 across sites, Table 2). Maximum differ-
ences were observed at Pila (75%), the only forest that had been completely har-
vested in the past. Exchangeable Na showed the opposite trend and was higher un-
der forests at all sites except Chascomús, Tandil, and Pinamar (p < 0.05 within sites,
p = 0.0038 across sites, Table 2). Exchangeable Mg and K showed variable trends
with significant differences occurring in both directions between forest and grass-
land stands. All forests, except Pila, had higher soil organic C (SOC) (p < 0.05
within sites, p = 0.0096 across sites, Table 2), with forest stands on average having
30% more SOC in the top 20 cm of mineral soil.
Soils under trees and grasses also showed consistently different vertical patterns
to one-meter depth (Figure 3). Soil pH under grasslands ranged from 5.5 to 6.5 and
decreased slightly with depth (Figure 3). In all cases forest stands had significantly
lower soil pH between 5 and 50 cm depth (p < 0.01 within sites, p = 0.0088 across
sites), with the lowest values observed between 10 and 35 cm at Castelli and
América and closer to the surface in Guerrero. All three sites had a distinct cross-
over point at 60 cm, below which soil pH became more alkaline under forests
than grasslands (Figure 3). This was particularly evident at América, where the
same forest profile displayed pH values<4atintermediate depths and>8atone
meter. The pH of the organic soil horizon was 5.7 at all three sites.
The effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) of soils also differed under for-
ests and grasslands (Figure 3). Guerrero soils displayed lower ECEC under forests
throughout the top 50 cm of the profile, but at Castelli this occurred only between
20 to 35 cm depth. Differences disappeared below 50 cm with the occurrence of
the B horizon. At America significant differences were observed in the top 5 cm
only (p < 0.01). Soils under all three grasslands had 100% base saturation. Base
saturation decreased to as little as 80% under forest vegetation within 10–35 cm
depth (p < 0.05 within sites, p = 0.0024 across sites). We analyzed the relationship
between soil pH and ECEC in more detail for the A horizon (0–35 cm) at Castelli
and Guerrero, which shared the same parent material. ECEC of individual samples
was significantly and positively associated with organic C content (r
= 0.29), and
pH (r
= 0.26) (n = 80 and p < 0.0001 in both cases). The residuals of the ECEC-
organic carbon content regression showed a stronger relationship with pH (r
0.56, p < 0.0001). This regression analysis indicated that a decline of pH from 6 to
5 corresponded with an average ECEC loss of 2.24 cmol
/kg, a 20% decline.
The composition of the exchange complex also differed markedly between grass-
land and forest soils. After afforestation, exchangeable acidity and Na displaced Ca
at all sites (Figure 4), with changes in exchangeable Ca smallest in the surface soil.
Table 2. Chemical properties of the top mineral soil (0–20 cm) under native grasslands (G) and Eucalyptus forests (F). The sampled depth was completely in the A
horizon except at Pinamar were no horizon differentiation was observed. Soil pH
was measured in a 1:1 soil-water ratio. Exchangeable (Exch) base cations were
determined by ICP using extracts of 1 M NH4OAc at pH 7. Organic C and total N were obtained by dry combustion.
Site pH
Exch Ca (mg/Kg) Exch Mg (mg/Kg) Exch K (mg/Kg) Exch Na (mg/Kg) Org C (%) Total N (%)
Flooding Pampas
Castelli 5.60 4.60* 1783 1191* 248 271 602 442* 0 42* 2.9 3.9* 0.25 0.30*
Guerrero 5.70 4.30* 1362 679* 224 203* 458 316* 4 84* 2.5 2.9* 0.23 0.23
Pila 5.58 4.42* 1229 305* 383 218* 403 244* 50 89* 2.7 2.2* 0.24 0.18*
Flooding/Rolling Pampas
Chascomús6.15 5.76* 1134 1100 187 345* 656 473* 43 31 2.5 3.5* 0.22 0.25*
Pereyra 5.29 4.59* 1703 1013* 193 191 364 247* 0 17* 2.1 2.4* 0.19 0.20
Rolling Pampas
Rojas 5.17 3.73* 1962 887* 258 183* 809 603* 9 100* 1.7 2.9* 0.21 0.29*
Rancagua 5.29 4.37* 1756 833* 259 176* 760 916* 12 49* 1.9 2.6* 0.19 0.31*
Inner Pampas
América 5.76 4.22* 944 604* 256 353* 355 344 14 78* 1.3 1.5* 0.11 0.11
Tandil 5.80 5.21* 1038 790* 227 310* 133 109* 9 13 3.8 4.1* 0.30 0.30
Coastal dunes
Pinamar 7.76 7.97 10861 12811 53 95 119 298* 103 159 nd nd nd nd
* Significant differences within sites, p < 0.05
At intermediate depths, the contribution of Ca to the exchange complex decreased
to < 50%, mainly as a result of gains in acidity. Below 50 cm, Ca was increasingly
replaced by Na (Figure 4). Exchangeable Na, barely detectable in grassland soils,
accumulated under forests to 16 to 24% of saturation.
Organic matter accumulation in forest stands was 500 to 750 Mg/Ha for the
tree, litter, and organic soil pools (Table 3). Two-thirds of this accumulation was in
wood. Despite contributing only 15% of accumulated biomass, bark accounted for
60 to 90% of base cation sequestration by forests (data not shown). Ca was the
dominant cation in forest biomass, followed by K, Mn, Mg, and Na, with mean
sequestration across sites of 5.6, 0.72, 0.29, 0.28, and 0.19 Mg/Ha, respectively
(Table 4).
Figure 3. Soil properties under native grassland and eucalypt forests for the top meter at three sites
(mean + S.D,n=5foreach pair). A) Soil pH measured in 1:1 water-soil extract. B) Effective cation
exchange capacity (ECEC) obtained from the sum of NH
OAc-exchangeable base cations and KCl-
exchangeable acidity. C) Base saturation of the effective cation exchange complex. Values for the or-
ganic soil horizon (present only under forests) are indicated in the top of the panel. Asterisks indicate
significant differences between stands at p < 0.05.
With the exception of Na, cation pools in mineral soil displayed little or no
change overall for grasslands and forests in the upper meter (Table 4). The differ-
ences between total elemental pools in the forest and grassland ecosystems sug-
Figure 4. Relative composition of the exchange complex in the top meter of mineral soil under native
grasslands and Eucalyptus forests (n = 5). The values for NH
OAc-exchangeable base cations and KCl-
exchangeable acidity sum to 100%, with proportions calculated on a charge basis (mol
gested significant net ecosystem gains after forest establishment for Ca and Na at
Castelli, for Na at Guerrero, and for all base cations at América. The only signifi-
cant negative difference between forest and grassland ecosystem pools was ob-
served for Mn at Guerrero (Table 4). When mineral soil changes were examined by
depth intervals, important localized differences were revealed. All sites lost Ca from
5–50 cm depth and two gained Ca from 0–5 cm. Mn followed this trend with even
bigger changes on a relative basis (Table 4). The large difference of total Ca ob-
served from 5–50 cm depth between stands involved smaller pools of both ex-
changeable and non-exchangeable pools in the forests. Based on these differences,
non-exchangeable Ca losses after afforestation could have reached 20% from 5–10
cm depth (p < 0.001 within sites, p = 0.0097 across sites, data not shown). In con-
trast with the rest of the cations, Na pools were three times higher under forest
stands at all three sites (Table 4; p < 0.001 within sites, p = 0.021 across sites).
Estimates of proton releases from excess cation accumulation by trees were
higher than actual proton accumulation in soils. While the first ranged between 300
± 6 and 406 ± 33 kmol
across sites, the second amounted 44 ± 14 to 53 ± 21
. Taking into account the age of the forest stands (Table 1) and their
excess cation accumulation, mean annual rates of proton release by trees should
have ranged from 3.1 to 9.9 kmol
, whereas exchangeable acidity accu-
mulation should have ranged 0.5 to 1.2 kmol
. Deposition was more
acidic than throughfall at all sampling dates (p < 0.05), indicating no acid inputs
from the forest canopy. During the sampling period the mean pH of precipitation
collections ranged between 5.6 and 6.9, whereas that of throughfall ranged between
6.7 and 7.2. Acidity deposition was 0.013 kmol
. year
. Our measurements
of precipitation and throughfall yielded the following estimates for annual elemen-
tal fluxes (precipitation and throughfall respectively, in kg. Ha
): 5.9 and 10.1
Table 3. Forest biomass estimates at three sites: Castelli, Guerrero, and América (mean + S.D.,n=5
for each site). Leaf, bark, and wood biomass were estimated from measurements of tree basal area and
height at each site and from allometric equations developed at Castelli. Basal area and tree height mea-
surements were taken in five 0.1 Ha plots in each stand. Litter and organic soil biomass were measured
in five 0.2 × 0.5 m plots.
Biomass (Mg/Ha)
Castelli Guerrero América
leaves 7.2 (3.2) 6.5 (2.5) 6.8 (3.6)
bark 116.9 (28.0) 86.5 (27.7) 71.0 (31.2)
wood 514.8 (123.6) 381.0 (121.9) 312.6 (137.5)
roots 97.8 (24.1) 72.4 (23.8) 59.4 (26.8)
litter 9.6 (2.2) 11.4 (0.8) 12.2 (1.5)
organic soil 8.0 (4.7) 26.2 (2.1) 28.9 (6.0)
TOTAL 754.3 (129.1) 584.0 (127.3) 490.8 (143.7)
Table 4. Differences in elemental pools between eucalypt plantation and native grassland stands in the Pampas. Negative values indicate losses (mean + s.d., n = 5).
Asterisks show significant differences (p < 0.05) for mineral soil changes and net balances. Where mineral soil pools differed significantly, the percentage difference
is shown. See Methods for details on the specific calculations.
Castelli Pool size differences (Mg/Ha)
Ca Mg K Na Mn
mean sd % mean sd % mean sd % mean sd % mean sd %
Forest 5.9 0.1 0.27 0.02 0.66 0.02 0.20 0.02 0.29 0.01
Trees 5.6 0.1 0.24 0.02 0.62 0.02 0.18 0.02 0.26 0.01
Floor 0.5 0.0 0.06 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.06 0.00
Mineral soil −2.3 1.8 2.14 4.32 2.69 3.92 10.02 2.20* 192 −0.76 0.46
0–5 cm 1.1 0.5* 49 0.05 0.02* 5 −0.08 0.03 0.08 0.02* 63 0.33 0.08* 126
5–50 cm −4.5 1.9* −25 0.40 0.25 0.46 0.31 1.31 0.25* 82 −0.50 0.15* −24
50–100 cm 1.1 1.7 1.69 4.48 2.31 4.00 8.63 2.04* 246 −0.60 0.47
BALANCE 3.7 1.8* 2.44 4.32 3.39 3.92 10.22 2.20* −0.45 0.46
Forest 4.6 0.1 0.25 0.02 0.57 0.02 0.14 0.01 0.26 0.01
Trees 4.1 0.1 0.19 0.02 0.50 0.02 0.12 0.01 0.19 0.01
Floor 0.6 0.0 0.06 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.07 0.00
Mineral soil −3.9 4.5 1.20 5.41 −0.85 4.63 15.13 2.12* 263 −1.14 0.50* −21
0–5 cm −0.3 0.2 −0.08 0.04* −7 −0.19 0.06* −14 0.08 0.01* 49 −0.02 0.05
5–50 cm −7.1 1.3* −34 −4.16 2.28* −27 −5.43 2.28* −30 2.04 0.69* 95 −1.37 0.34* −58
50–100 cm 3.5 4.1 5.44 4.25 4.78 3.42 13.01 1.78* 378 0.25 0.38
Table 4. Continued
Castelli Pool size differences (Mg/Ha)
Ca Mg K Na Mn
mean sd % mean sd % mean sd % mean sd % mean sd %
BALANCE 0.8 4.5 1.45 5.41 −0.28 4.63 15.27 2.12* −0.88 0.50*
Forest 6.4 0.6 0.32 0.04 0.92 0.11 0.23 0.06 0.29 0.03
Trees 5.6 0.6 0.24 0.04 0.84 0.11 0.21 0.06 0.16 0.03
Floor 0.7 0.0 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.13 0.00
Mineral soil −0.2 1.7 3.77 0.62* 10 2.97 0.53* 9 11.34 1.35* 184 −0.43 0.11* −11
0–5 cm 0.2 0.1* 9 0.06 0.03* 5 −0.04 0.03 0.04 0.01* 17 0.12 0.04* 72
5–50 cm −1.9 1.0* −9 1.30 0.40* 9 0.54 0.28* 4 2.41 0.41* 96 −0.45 0.07* −25
50–100 cm 1.5 0.8 2.40 0.30* 12 2.47 0.42* 15 8.89 1.00* 262 −0.09 0.06
BALANCE 6.2 1.8* 4.08 0.62* 3.89 0.54* 11.56 1.35* −0.14 0.11
for Ca, 1.5 and 3.1 for Mg, 4.9 and 27.6 for K, and 4.4 and 8.9 for Na. Forest floor
leachates obtained in the lab had a mean pH of 6.2 (SD = 0.4) indicating a low
contribution of protons by litter and organic soil.
The chemistry of Cynodon dactylon shoots differed significantly in grassland and
forest stands (Table 5). C. dactylon plants from the forest had almost triple the Mn
concentrations of those in grasslands (p < 0.05 within sites, p = 0.033 across sites),
with Ca and Mg showing a similar but smaller change (Table 5; p < 0.1 within
sites, p < 0.05 across sites).
Soils under Eucalyptus plantations in the Pampas had substantially higher acidity
than native grassland soils. Ten to 100 years after tree establishment, soils that de-
veloped originally under herbaceous vegetation were 1 pH unit more acidic on av-
erage and had lower exchangeable Ca in the surface soil (Table 2). This pattern
was repeated at nine sites across soils typical of the region (Table 2). The differ-
ences in soil acidity that we observed in the Pampas matched observations in af-
forested grasslands of Africa and New Zealand (Davis and Lang 1991; Musto 1991;
Davis 1995; Alfredsson et al. 1998), although the intensity of forest/grassland dif-
ferences was greater in the Pampas (see also Amiotti et al. (2000)). Mirroring our
results, a recent review of vegetation transitions in the Amazon basin revealed large
pH and exchangeable Ca increases in Ultisols and Oxisols after the shift from na-
tive or secondary forest to pastures (McGrath et al. 2001; Krishnaswamy and Rich-
ter 2002).
Table 5. Chemistry of Cynodon dactylon plants growing in grassland and forest stands. Values corre-
spond to non-reproductive shoots and show the mean for grassland and forest stands (n=5ineach
stand) at six sites: Castelli, Guerrero, Dolores, Pereyra, Chascomús, and América. Percentage change
from grassland to forest plants is indicated where differences are significant.
Dry weight concentration (mg/kg)
Grassland Forest Difference
N 17796 16894
P 1735 1503
Ca 2975 3862* 30%
Mg 1375 1971* 43%
K 10965 11354
Na 199 183
Mn 70 201* 187%
S 2500 3087
Al 151 107
Fe 233 177
Si 102 78
Soil acidification following afforestation can potentially be explained by three
complementary mechanisms: 1) organic acids inputs, 2) increased soil respiration,
and 3) cation sequestration and redistribution (Figure 1). The vertical patterns of
soil acidification together with the estimated elemental balances and measurements
of aboveground acidity suggest that the last mechanism dominates in the Pampas
(Table 6). Vertical patterns of pH and exchangeable acidity indicated maximum
acidification at intermediate soil depths (10–35 cm), as well as losses of exchange-
able Ca (Figure 3). These vertical patterns suggest that organic acid inputs are un-
likely to have caused the acidification observed; they would have entered the soil
predominantly from the surface, causing maximum acidification in the top soil
(Figure 1), and the throughfall and organic soil leacheates were not acidic. Affor-
ested stands showed pH values well below 5, suggesting that carbonic acid, if im-
portant, could not be the only agent of acidification since it would not be dissoci-
ated below that pH.
The differences of base cation pools between forest and grassland stands sug-
gested that no net ecosystem losses occurred after afforestation (Table 4), and hence
base cation sequestration and redistribution, rather than increased soil respiration
and leaching, was the dominant mechanism of acidification in afforested plots
(Table 6). An important redistribution took place within mineral soil from interme-
diate depths to the surface soil (Table 4). This vertical redistribution, particularly
large for Ca, most likely reflects the intense cycling (uptake and release) of base
cations by trees (Jobbágy and Jackson 2001). In the past, excess cation absorption
and sequestration by trees has been proposed as a transient cause of acidification in
forests, unless harvesting occurred (Nilsson et al. 1982). In the long term, cation
Table 6. Synthesis of major results for the predicted imprint of soil acidification and the mechanisms
proposed in this paper (see Table 1).
inputs from
throughfall & forest
Vertical location of
acidification peak
Base cation pools,
Ca higher in forest
Mg no differences
Castelli No H + inputs 10–35 cm K no differences
Na higher in forest
Ca no differences
Guerrero no data 10–35 cm Mg no differences
K no differences
Na higher in forest
Ca higher in forest
América no data 10–20 cm Mg no differences
K no differences
Na higher in forest
recycling was expected to balance uptake at some point, neutralizing any early
acidification (Nilsson et al. 1982). We suggest that even when a long-term equili-
bration is achieved, internal redistribution of cations from intermediate depths to
the surface mineral soil could cause the transfer of charge and sustained localized
acidification, with clear implications for mineral weathering in these layers. It is
important to highlight that the substantial redistribution of Ca in afforested soils
was not observed for Mg, suggesting that a cation-specificprocess such as root
uptake, rather than a less specific mechanism like acid leaching, was operating.
In the Southeastern US, acidification accompanied an aggrading pine plantation
on a previously limed and cultivated Ultisol, but acidification peaked in the surface
soil and the system had significant Ca losses from leaching (Richter et al. 1994;
Markewitz et al. 1998). A particularly interesting case is a cultivated pasture in
Australia (formerly a forest soil) that was then reforested with Pinus radiata and
Quercus suber (Noble et al. 1999). Soil pH under the oak stand showed the largest
decrease and peaked at intermediate depths, whereas soils under the pine stand had
smaller pH changes observed only in the surface soil (Noble et al. 1999). We sug-
gest that these differences in acidification could result from shifts in the mechanism
of acidification between forest types.
Additional mechanisms of acidification associated with nitrogen cycling may
operate in afforested ecosystems but do not appear to be dominant in our systems.
One possible source of acidity is enhanced nitrification coupled with net nitrate
losses (Schlesinger 1997). Although feasible in our system, we believe that this
mechanism is unlikely, given that afforested stands retained or gained rather than
lost N, as indicated by the higher N contents of the top 20 cm of the soil in five
afforested stands compared with their grassland pairs (Table 2). Increases in the
ammonium/nitrate ratio of plant uptake after afforestation could be a source of
acidity if the forest acts as a N sink (Richter (1986), see also Arnold (1992)). We
made coarse estimates of net cation sequestration by tree stands assuming that all
N was taken up either as ammonium or as nitrate, and our figures of potential pro-
ton release remained positive and large in all study sites under both scenarios (2 to
6 kmol
assuming nitrate uptake and 4–9 kmol
assuming am-
monium uptake).
Soils under eucalypt plantations at our Pampas sites acidified with the same in-
tensity as soils from heavily industrialized areas affected by acid rain (Andrews et
al. 1996). The annual gain of exchangeable acidity that we estimated, 0.5 to 1.2
, is attributable solely to the influence of tree plantations; acid rain
is effectively absent in the region, as shown both from our deposition and through-
fall data and in other studies (e.g., Lavado (1983) and Bouwman et al. (1997)).
Estimates of proton releases in plantations because of net cation sequestration ex-
ceeded observed exchangeable proton gains in the soil by 300 kmol
. These
extra charges could have been consumed by weathering reactions. Assuming that
feldspar, an abundant mineral in these loess soils (Teruggi 1957), was weathered to
kaolinite, < 4% of the soil mass of a 20 cm-thick layer would need to be affected in
a 50-year period to explain this proton consumption.
Soil chemical changes associated with afforestation had important feedbacks on
plants. Soil acidification increases the mobility and bioavailability of Mn, poten-
tially even leading to Mn toxicity (Gambrell 1996; Marschner 1995). We observed
substantial mobilization of Mn under afforested stands (Tables 4 and 5), with re-
duced Mn at intermediate depths in the total mineral pool and higher Mn concen-
trations in the mineral surface soil and in the leaves of the bioindicator grass C.
dactylon. This redistribution may have been caused by enhanced mineral release
and mobility of Mn due to acidification and by the accumulation of Mn in the sur-
face soil due to its intense uptake and cycling by Eucalypts (mean concentration in
fully expanded leaves was 1420 mg/kg). Mn toxicity could potentially affect fur-
ther agricultural use of afforested land, as suggested by Mn concentrations in Cy-
nodon leaves, which in our forest stands reached levels that are considered toxic
for other grass species (Edwards and Asher 1982).
The exchange capacity of soils is a critical aspect of soil fertility that may drive
future modifications in afforested soils of the Pampas. Soils under eucalypt planta-
tions showed a decline in effective exchange capacity, particularly at the oldest for-
est stand in Guerrero (Figure 3). A decline in the variable charge component of
organic matter due to acidification is a likely cause of this trend together with min-
eralogical alterations (i.e., weathering) of clays. Effective cation exchange capacity
declines could trigger irreversible nutrient losses in the future.
We suggest that the acidification described here could be expected under most
broadleaf tree species that, like Eucalypts, cycle large amounts of Ca. Acidification
should be even higher under commercial tree plantations experiencing regular bio-
mass (and cation) removals, compared to stands, which in most cases were never
harvested. The largest decreases in pH and Ca in our study occurred at the only site
that had been clear-cut in the past (Table 2 – Pila). In contrast with tree-dominated
systems, grasslands should not suffer significant Ca losses, even under intense for-
age harvesting and removal situations, because of their limited use of soil Ca.
Afforestated stands had substantially higher exchangeable Na and more alkaline
soil in deep layers (Figures 3 and 4) (see Parfitt et al. (1997)). The potential sources
of this Na were atmospheric deposition, rock weathering, and groundwater. Atmo-
spheric inputs are an unlikely source since the annual rates of deposition that we
recorded explained < 10% of the accumulated Na. In addition, Na:Cl ratios of deep
soil were four times higher than those of atmospheric inputs (p < 0.001; data not
shown), suggesting either a different Na source or substantial Cl leaching. Rock
weathering, enhanced by acidification, could potentially increase exchangeable Na
pools, but not total Na pools as we observed (Table 4). We believe that groundwa-
ter was the most likely source of the Na accumulated in our afforested stands. Na
accumulation is frequent in lowland soils and groundwater of the Pampas as a re-
sult of poor regional drainage (Tricart 1973; Lavado 1983; Bui et al. 1998). The
pathway of Na movement from groundwater to the upland soils studied here is still
uncertain. Physical transport resulting from enhanced capillary rise, decreased
leaching under tree plantations, and root uptake from deeper soil layers are plau-
sible mechanisms that deserve further study. Eucalypt leaves in Castelli, Guerrero,
and América showed high Na concetrations (> 1000 mg/kg, data not shown).
Whether this increased Na uptake is a cause or a consequence of soil Na accumu-
lation is uncertain, but potentially negative consequences of Na accumulation on
forest production should be explored. Groundwater could also be the source for the
apparent net Ca and Mg gains in afforested stands (Table 4).
Tree planting in the Pampas has been considered an aesthetically and even ethi-
callycorrect practice since the beginning of European settlement, with any poten-
tial negative consequences rarely acknowledged (Sarmiento (1855) and Acosta
(1873); but see Panario (1991)). The growing need for wood products in Argentina
and the prospective global market for C sequestration both suggest that expansion
of plantations will continue (Canadell et al. 2000; Wright et al. 2000). Furthermore,
tree invasions (e.g., Gleditsia triacanthos, Melia azedarach) are increasing in the
region (Ghersa et al. 2001; Mazia et al. 2001). The magnitude of soil alterations
that we observed within half a century of tree establishment emphasizes the role of
vegetation type as a dynamic factor of soil formation and suggests large potential
feedbacks of vegetation change on soil fertility and biogeochemistry.
We wish to thank DD Richter, D Binkley, WH Schlesinger, JF Reynolds, R Oren,
and MR Aguiar for their insightful comments and suggestions for this work. Field
and laboratory assistance from JC Villardi, P Gundel, N Trillo, J Rotundo, P Roset,
S Barreiro, A Iorio, and CW Cook is deeply appreciated. Farm owners and man-
agers R Lewin, D Gómez, A Gianini, S Zaldúa, K Carreras, O Santander, and J
García Cuerva provided access to plantations and helpful information. EGJ was
supported by Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
(CONICET, Argentina – Beca Externa), the Forest History Society of America, and
grants from NSF (Dissertation Enhancement INT 0089494) and Inter American In-
stitute for Global Change (SGP 004). RBJ was supported by a NSF CAREER grant
(DEB 97-33333), the Inter American Institute for Global Change Research, and the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This research contributes to the Global Change and
Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) core project of the International Geosphere Bio-
sphere Programme (IGBP).
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... We hypothesized that base cation concentrations would be lower in soils afforested with Pinus ponderosa when compared to the naturally vegetated soils. In general, conifers have nutrient conservation strategies such as long leaf lifespan, low leaf tissue nutrient concentration, and slow decomposition rates, when compared to grasses, broadleaf woody trees, and shrubs (Jobbágy and Jackson 2003). Therefore, the faster decomposing litter of grass, broadleaf woody trees and shrubs, and herbaceous plants replenishes nutrient supply, especially base cations, to soils at a faster rate than conifers, which results in higher base cation concentrations in soils (Jobbágy and Jackson 2003;Berthrong et al. 2009;Schaetzl & Thompson, 2015). ...
... In general, conifers have nutrient conservation strategies such as long leaf lifespan, low leaf tissue nutrient concentration, and slow decomposition rates, when compared to grasses, broadleaf woody trees, and shrubs (Jobbágy and Jackson 2003). Therefore, the faster decomposing litter of grass, broadleaf woody trees and shrubs, and herbaceous plants replenishes nutrient supply, especially base cations, to soils at a faster rate than conifers, which results in higher base cation concentrations in soils (Jobbágy and Jackson 2003;Berthrong et al. 2009;Schaetzl & Thompson, 2015). Second, we hypothesized that inclusion of geogenic metal concentrations from soil extractions in a multivariate model of SOC would improve explained variance of SOC concentrations across the rainfall gradient. ...
... These declines were more pronounced in planted pine soils, particularly of K throughout the soil profile and Ca in the subsurface. These patterns provide support for our first hypothesis, that lower base cation concentrations in soils are associated with conifers in contrast to broadleaf woody and herbaceous vegetation (Jobbágy and Jackson, 2003). ...
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Tephra-derived soils retain more organic carbon (C) than soils formed from any other parent material, but this C may be sensitive to changes in climate and land use. Here we evaluate the effects of precipitation, temperature, and afforestation on extractable metals and organic C storage in young tephra-derived soils in a temperate climate. We conducted our investigation across five sites in the Patagonian Andes that vary from 250 mm to 2200 mm mean annual precipitation, and 12 to 9.7 ℃ mean annual temperature from east to west. At each of the five sites are paired plots of natural vegetation, varying from grasses and shrubs at the dry sites to closed-canopy forest at the wet, and stands of Pinus ponderosa planted in monocultures 35 years prior to sampling. Previous research at these sites showed that aboveground net primary production and soil organic C increased with rainfall, but total soil organic C content was lower in pine plantations than natural vegetation. Here we assess whether variation in precipitation and vegetation type also affect soil mineral properties that promote soil C stabilization. Soils were collected to the depth of auger refusal and extracted with 0.5 M HCl for 24 h to target the combined exchangeable and adsorbed metals, including secondary short-range-ordered mineral phases and the plant available pools of Mg, Ca, and K. Pine afforestation lowered concentrations of HCl-extractable K (p < 0.1) and Ca (p < 0.01) within the top 0-30 cm. Other elements, while not affected by vegetation type, did respond to the rainfall gradient. Al, Si, P, and Mn all increased in the surface soils with increasing rainfall (p < 0.01), suggesting the development of short-range-order volcanic mineral phases that retain nutrients such as P and Mn. The addition of Al and Ca in the linear model to describe soil organic C explained more of the total variance than rainfall and vegetation type alone, indicating the importance of Al complexes and cation (Ca) bridging with secondary minerals to soil C retention. Importantly, the lower concentration of Ca in planted pine soils may signal a long-term decrease in the potential soil C stored in afforested soils due to a lower capacity for cation bridging. Our results show that the chemistry of these young tephra soils is dynamic, responding to both precipitation and afforestation in distinct ways with potential long-term impacts on nutrient cycling and C storage.
... The dissociation of carboxylic acid in water releases hydrogen ions (H + ), increasing the acidity of the soil. In addition, the pH decrease has been linked to rainfall-induced cation leaching, leaving behind stable Al and Fe oxides in the soil solution [34,35]. The H + ions and pH have an inverse relationship; an increase in H + ions contributes to a decrease in pH. ...
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Ecological restoration is widely recognized as an essential technique for addressing soil degradation, biomass decline, and biodiversity loss. Improving and maintaining soil quality is critical to ensuring environmental sustainability and successful forest recovery. This systematic review aimed to assess the impact of ecological forest restoration efforts on soil quality in humid regions, as well as to compare the effectiveness of various ecological restoration strategies on soil quality indicators. Subsequently, a systematic search on various databases (e.g., Scopus and Google Scholar) yielded 696 records, of which 28 primary studies met the inclusion criteria. The results emphasized that chemical and physical soil properties are the key indicators for assessing ecosystem performance during forest restoration. The most commonly measured parameters were soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, pH, bulk density, and soil porosity. It was shown that the restoration process required a longer duration to reach a comparable level of recovery as seen in mature forests, particularly in terms of fully restoring soil quality. Additionally, it has been noted that prior land use influences the length of time needed for soil quality recovery. In planted sites, soil quality may keep improving as the site ages, though it tends to stabilize after a certain period.
... Tis leads to the depletion of cations such as calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K) [32] when the biomass is harvested and removed. Furthermore, the redistribution of base cations from the soil to the biomass acidifes the surface soil [33]. ...
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In recent years, there has been a substantial conversion of croplands and grasslands to short rotation Eucalyptus globulus plantations in the northern highlands of Ethiopia. This has raised concerns among researchers, policymakers, and environmentalists regarding potential adverse effects on soil fertility. To address these concerns, a study was conducted to evaluate the impact of Eucalyptus globulus plantations on selected soil physicochemical properties in the region. The study involved four land-use types, comprising two age groups of Eucalyptus globulus plantations (4-year-old and 9-year-old), as well as areas designated for grasslands and croplands. Soil sampling was carried out in 10 m × 10 m subplots within each experimental plot, and standard methods were employed for soil analysis. The soil laboratory results were statistically analyzed using Two-way ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation coefficients in R software version 4.1.0. The findings revealed significant variations (p<0.05) in soil bulk density, soil organic carbon, and soil pH between the 4-year-old and 9-year-old Eucalyptus globulus plantations and the grasslands. A notable difference (p<0.05) in exchangeable acidity was observed between the 4-year-old and 9-year-old E. globulus plantations, with the latter exhibiting the highest mean exchangeable acidity (6.20 ± 0.76). However, no significant differences (p<0.05) were observed between the Eucalyptus plantations and the grasslands in available phosphorus (Av.P), exchangeable calcium (Ca²⁺), sodium (Na⁺), and magnesium (Mg²⁺) concentrations, as well as cation exchange capacity (CEC). The study results has, therefore, implied that Eucalyptus globulus plantations induced changes in specific soil properties with varying stand ages in the study area. Nonetheless, it was emphasized that further long-term research is necessary to comprehend the effects of these plantations on soil properties.
... The topsoil of the study area was rated as strongly acidic ranging between 4.2 and 4.9 (Landon 1991). The acidity may be attributed to (1) Input of organic acids from litter decomposition and root exudates, (2) Increased proton release in the soil to compensate for the high plant uptake and storage of base cations (Jobbágy and Jackson 2003) as stated by (Rwibasira et al. 2021) and (3) Abundant rainfall which causes the leaching of calcium and magnesium ions and lowers soil pH (Zhao et al. 2018). ...
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This study combines research on soil physical and chemical properties as affected by four Eucalyptus species in Ruhande arboretum. The soil samples for research properties were taken from 0-20 cm depth using auger and one undisturbed core from each sampling unit was taken for the analysis of soil bulk density. Soil bulk density and moisture did not differ significantly between all treatments. Sand proportions differed significantly only between E. tereticornis and E. maidenii whereas silt and clay were non-significant. The soil under Eucalyptus was sandy, with sand proportion ranging from 66.4-71%. Bulk density increased with increasing sand whereas moisture content showed a reverse trend. The soil samples for studying chemical properties were taken as described in Nsabimana et al. 2008. All chemical parameters except base saturation differed significantly between treatments. Soil pH was strongly acidic but rich in total nitrogen and organic carbon which was attributed to higher litter production, its relatively faster rate of decomposition, and greater amount of residues produced by the eucalypts. Carbon/nitrogen ratio, CEC, and BS were high under all treatments while the available phosphorus was lower which was attributed to the low pH. Future studies should test if the species similarly affect the soil or not and confirm if the species increase soil nutrients. Benchmarked study sites should be used to enable differences in the species effects on the site if any.
... It incorporates the correlation and regression between foristic data and environmental factors within the ordination analysis itself [55]. It helps to identify the ecological preferences of species [56]. CCA was performed using ordination tools in R package (ver.5.3.1). ...
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An ecological study of the vegetation in the Loka Abaya National Park, in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia, was conducted. Vegetation data and some environmental variables including physical and chemical properties of the soil, altitude, slope, and ecological disturbance were collected and subjected to the agglomerative hierarchical classification and ordination with the canonical correspondence analysis. For each of the community groups, the mean and standard errors were calculated from the environmental parameters to characterize the community types and quantitative relationships between environmental variables were analyzed by calculating Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient using the SAS computer software programme. A total of 198 plant species representing 79 families and 139 genera were collected and documented. Seven plant community types, namely, Vachellia brevispica Harms–Rhus natalensis Krauss, Ficus sur Forssk.–Vachellia albida (Del.) A. Chev., Panicum subalbidum Kunth–Cyperus latifolius Poir, Dodonaea angustifolia L. f.–Ximenia americana L., Combretum molle R.Br ex. G.Don–Combretum collinum Fresen., Ilex mitis (L.) Radlk–Olea europaea L. subsp. cuspidata, and Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn, were identified. Ilex mitis–Olea europaea L. subsp. cuspidata community had the highest species richness, whereas the least species richness was recorded for the Panicum subalbidum–Cyperus latifolius community. The results of vegetation-environment relationships indicated that the measured environmental variables explained 74.99% of the total variation in floristic data. The results of the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of community-environment relationships indicated that among measured environmental variables, altitude (r2 0.0548, P < 0.01 ), slope (r2 = 0.0241, P < 0.01 ), pH (r2 = 0.01855, P < 0.01 ), sodium (r2 = 0.01316, P < 0.04 ), CEC (r2 = 0.01424, P < 0.03 ), magnesium (r2 = 0.01282, P < 0.04 ), potassium (r2 = 0.0152, P < 0.02 ), and soil moisture content (SMC) (r2 = 0.01537, P < 0.05 ) significantly explained the variation in species composition of the communities and their distribution. Therefore, ecosystem-oriented biodiversity conservation and restoration strategies will be implemented by considering these significant environmental variables.
Tree plantations are expanding in southern South America and their effects on ecosystem services, particularly climate regulation, are still not well understood. Here, we used remote sensing techniques and a paired design to analyze ≈33,000 ha of Pinus plantations along a broad geographical and environmental gradient (26–43° South latitude, 54–72° West longitude). Radiation interception, surface temperature, evapotranspiration, and albedo were assessed both in tree plantations stands and in adjacent uncultivated areas. Additionally, the climatic impact of tree plantations was quantified by analyzing changes in atmospheric radiative forcing and its carbon (C) equivalent. Tree plantations intercepted more radiation when replacing steppes, grasslands, and shrublands but not when replacing forests. The control exerted on radiation interception by precipitation decreased in both space and time after tree plantation. Furthermore, evapotranspiration notably increased in tree plantations. The lower albedo of tree plantations compared to uncultivated adjacent areas induces global warming through the biophysical pathway. Thus, the climate benefits of afforestation through C sequestration can be counteracted by 18 to 83 % due to albedo changes. It is necessary to fully consider the biophysical effects and water footprint of tree plantations in public policies that promote them, as well as in international carbon accounting mechanisms.
Land use change affects the balance of organic carbon (C) reserves and the global C cycle. Microbial residues are essential constituents of stable soil organic C (SOC). However, it remains unclear how microbial residue changes over time following afforestation. In this study, 16-, 23-, 52-, and 62-year-old Mongolian pine stands and 16-year-old cropland were studied in the Horqin Sandy Land, China. We analyzed changes in SOC, amino sugar content, and microbial parameters to assess how microbial communities influence soil C transformation and preservation. The results showed that SOC storage increased with stand age in the early stage of afforestation but remained unchanged at about 1.27–1.29 kg/m2 after 52 a. Moreover, there were consistent increases in amino sugars and microbial residues with increasing stand age. As stand age increased from 16 to 62 a, soil pH decreased from 6.84 to 5.71, and the concentration of total amino sugars increased from 178.53 to 509.99 mg/kg. A significant negative correlation between soil pH and the concentration of specific and total amino sugars was observed, indicating that the effects of soil acidification promote amino sugar stabilization during afforestation. In contrast to the Mongolian pine plantation of the same age, the cropland accumulated more SOC and microbial residues because of fertilizer application. Across Mongolian pine plantation with different ages, there was no significant change in calculated contribution of bacterial or fungal residues to SOC, suggesting that fungi were consistently the dominant contributors to SOC with increasing time. Our results indicate that afforestation in the Horqin Sandy Land promotes efficient microbial growth and residue accumulation in SOC stocks and has a consistent positive impact on SOC persistence.
Stand development affects soil properties, nitrogen (N) dynamics, and soil microbial community composition, but the question remains whether differences in N mineralization rates are mirrored by the abundance of relevant functional genes. In this study, we used the 15N pool-dilution method to estimate N mineralization (i.e., ammonification and nitrification) rates across a Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) chronosequence, with stands aged 7, 16, 29, 36, and >80 years. Gene copy numbers of bacteria (16S rRNA), fungi (ITS), ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) (amoA), denitrifiers (nirS, nirK), N2 fixers (nifH) and organic N decomposers (chiA) were quantified by qPCR. Gross ammonification and nitrification rates increased linearly with stand age in the topsoil (0–5 cm depth) and were strongly positively correlated with the abundance of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and AOA amoA, respectively. Higher net nitrification but lower NO3− immobilization rates in older stands (32 and > 80 years) drove higher N availability for vegetation than in young stands (7 years). Older stands also had higher rates of NH4+ consumption than younger stands due to the increased fungal ITS abundance and higher microbial biomass N (MBN), and AOA amoA was more abundant and active than AOB amoA due to the more acid conditions characteristic of mature forests. Redundancy analysis showed that functional gene abundance was strongly affected by soil properties such as pH, NH4+-N content, and MBN. We also found that microbial N storage potential was lower, and the NO3−-N leaching and gaseous N loss potential were higher in older stands than in younger stands. Collectively, stand developmental stage gave rise to the observed spatial gradient of gross ammonification and nitrification rates by altering the abundance of microbial functional genes, which affected plantation productivity via its modulation of the supply of bioavailable N.
In this article we make comments on some methodological issues and on the general approach of the paper “Back to the future? Conservative grassland management can preserve soil health in the changing landscapes of Uruguay” by Ina Säumel, Leonardo R. Ramírez, Sarah Tietjen, Marcos Barra, and Erick Zagal, Soil 9, 425–442, We identified various design and methodological problems that may induce potential misinterpretations. Our concerns are of three different types. First, there are aspects of the study design and methodology that, in our opinion, introduce biases and critical errors. Secondly, the article does not put forth any novel propositions and ignores extensive local literature and aspects that are central to the interpretation of the data Finally, we are concerned about the possible interpretations of a study, generated from institutions based on developed countries with not the participation of local scientists from the Global South in the design of policies and development of non-tariff barriers for South Americancountries
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Standardized methods and measurements are crucial for ecological research, particularly in long-term ecological studies where the projects are by nature collaborative and where it can be difficult to distinguish signs of environmental change from the effects of differing methodologies. This second volume in the Long-Term Ecological Research Network Series addresses these issues directly by providing a comprehensive standardized set of protocols for measuring soil properties. The goal of the volume is to facilitate cross-site synthesis and evaluation of ecosystem processes. Chapters cover methods for studying physical and chemical properties of soils, soil biological properties, and soil organisms, and they include work from many leaders in the field. The book is the first broadly based compendium of standardized soil measurement methods and will be an invaluable resource for ecologists, agronomists, and soil scientists.
The effect of single-tree influence areas on the physicochemical properties of the soil surface mineral horizon (0–18 cm) was studied in three stands of Pinus radiata D. Don introduced into Sierra de la Ventana, Argentina, grasslands 50 yr ago. Soil samples were taken at distances of 0, 1, and 2 m in transects from the tree to the periphery of the crown. Adjacent grassland soils with mollic epipedons were used as controls. Soil alteration was found to be highest near the trunk, with clear evidence of acid hydrolysis of primary silicates; the epipedon close to the trunk was classified as umbric rather than mollic. Decreasing values of pH, Ca, and exchangeable Mg, and increasing values of exchangeable H and Al, and also of fulvic acid-complexed Al, were registered from the grassland toward the axes of the trees. The soil properties analyzed fall into a distinctive spatial pattern of radial symmetry around each individual tree, with systematic and predictable variations, thus confirming the validity of the concept of “single-tree influence circles” for the study area. Each stand of P. radiata generates a patch of soil alteration within the undisturbed habitat matrix; the internal structure of these patches shows a radial pattern of different polypedons spatially and genetically associated with the inner ring of bark litter and the outer ring of leaf and twig litter. The present work shows that the introduction of P. radiata triggered changes in the evolutionary trend of the soils of such magnitude as to be reflected at the highest taxonomic level in soil taxonomy. The effect of single-tree influence areas on the physicochemical properties of the soil surface mineral horizon (0–18 cm) was studied in three stands of Pinus radiata D. Don introduced into Sierra de la Ventana, Argentina, grasslands 50 yr ago. Soil samples were taken at distances of 0, 1, and 2 m in transects from the tree to the periphery of the crown. Adjacent grassland soils with mollic epipedons were used as controls. Soil alteration was found to be highest near the trunk, with clear evidence of acid hydrolysis of primary silicates; the epipedon close to the trunk was classified as umbric rather than mollic. Decreasing values of pH, Ca, and exchangeable Mg, and increasing values of exchangeable H and Al, and also of fulvic acid-complexed Al, were registered from the grassland toward the axes of the trees. The soil properties analyzed fall into a distinctive spatial pattern of radial symmetry around each individual tree, with systematic and predictable variations, thus confirming the validity of the concept of “single-tree influence circles” for the study area. Each stand of P. radiata generates a patch of soil alteration within the undisturbed habitat matrix; the internal structure of these patches shows a radial pattern of different polypedons spatially and genetically associated with the inner ring of bark litter and the outer ring of leaf and twig litter. The present work shows that the introduction of P. radiata triggered changes in the evolutionary trend of the soils of such magnitude as to be reflected at the highest taxonomic level in soil taxonomy.
As concerns mount about the fate of hazardous wastes in the environment and the role of anthropogenic chemicals in global warming, environmental chemistry has become a pivotal discipline. This elementary text is aimed at undergraduate students and readers with little background knowledge to introduce some of the fundamental chemical principles which are used in studies of environmental chemistry and to illustrate how these apply in various cases ranging from the global to local scale. A strong theme of the book is the understanding of how natural geochemical processes operate over time so that the effects of human perturbations can be measured against these. Following an introduction, chapters are concerned with the atmosphere, the terrestrial environment, oceans, and concludes with a chapter on global change. -after Authors
Some alien tree species used in commercial forestry, and agroforestry cause major problems as invaders of natural and seminatural ecosystems. The magnitude of the problem has increased significantly over the past few, decades, with a rapid increase in afforestation and changes in land use. Trends can be explained by analyzing natural experiments created by the widespread planting of a small number of species in different parts of the world. The species that cause the greatest problems are general those that have been planted most widely and for the longest time. The most affected areas have the longest histories of intensive planting. Pinus spp. are especially problematic, and at least 19 species are invasive over large areas in the southern hemisphere, where some species cause major problems. The most invasive Pinus species have a predictable set of life-history, attributes, including low, seed mass, short juvenile period, and short interval between large seed crops. Pine invasions have severely, impacted large areas of grassland and scrub-brushland in the southern hemisphere by causing shifts in life-form dominance, reduced structural diversity, increased biomass, disruption of prevailing vegetation dynamics, and changing nutrient cycling patterns. The (unavoidable) negative impacts of forestry with alien species are thus spilling over into areas set aside for conservation or water production. There is an urgent need to integrate the various means available for reducing the negative impacts of current invaders and to implement protocols to regulate the translocation of species that are known to be invasive.