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Facilitate the Facilitator: Awareness Tools to Support the Moderator to Facilitate Online Discussions for Networked Learning


Abstract and Figures

This paper is part of an ongoing European research project, called ARGUNAUT in which we present some of our findings regarding the development of online awareness indicators aimed at supporting moderators to facilitate online discussions. Firstly we discuss our theoretical orientation towards online argumentation and dialogues. This results in a multidimensional analytical framework to analyse synchronous discussions in order to develop awareness tools for the ARGUNAUT system. Secondly we present an overview of this system and in particular the moderators interface (MI). The MI will be used by the moderator to select awareness visualisations about students' discussions. The moderator can request for example various descriptive statistical information about the number and type of contributions made by students or more advanced visualisations that show live interaction patterns of the participants using social network analysis (SNA) techniques and Deep Loop classifications of contributions written by the students. The Deep Loop, is an AI-based indicator that can automatically detect for example if students are talking of / on-task, critical reasoning and question-answer patterns. This paper ends with a discussion of current discourse analysis done by our team aimed at the identification of important critical moments in the discussion that feature particular dialogic properties and might need the attention of the moderator.
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Proceedings of the 6
Conference on Networked Learning
ISBN No: 978-1-86220-206-1
Facilitate the Facilitator: Awareness Tools to Support
the Moderator to Facilitate Online Discussions for
Networked Learning
Maarten de Laat, Mike Chamrada & Rupert Wegerif
School of Education and Lifelong Learning, The University of Exeter,,,
This paper is part of an ongoing European research project, called ARGUNAUT in which we
present some of our findings regarding the development of online awareness indicators aimed
at supporting moderators to facilitate online discussions. Firstly we discuss our theoretical
orientation towards online argumentation and dialogues. This results in a multidimensional
analytical framework to analyse synchronous discussions in order to develop awareness tools
for the ARGUNAUT system. Secondly we present an overview of this system and in particular
the moderators interface (MI). The MI will be used by the moderator to select awareness
visualisations about students’ discussions. The moderator can request for example various
descriptive statistical information about the number and type of contributions made by students
or more advanced visualisations that show live interaction patterns of the participants using
social network analysis (SNA) techniques and Deep Loop classifications of contributions
written by the students. The Deep Loop, is an AI-based indicator that can automatically detect
for example if students are talking of / on-task, critical reasoning and question-answer patterns.
This paper ends with a discussion of current discourse analysis done by our team aimed at the
identification of important critical moments in the discussion that feature particular dialogic
properties and might need the attention of the moderator.
Online facilitation, synchronous, awareness,
This paper is part of an ongoing European research project, called ARGUNAUT, in which we like to
present some of our initial findings regarding the development of online awareness tools supporting the
moderator to best facilitate online discussions. The ARGUNAUT system that is being developed during
this project is based on synchronous learning and embeds an integrated suite of tools in order to set up
and moderate synchronous disussions. The synchronous discussion are held by the students in either
Digalo or Freestyler (developed at the University of Duisburg) which are tools that support online visual
argumentation and dialogues. Our focus in this paper however is on the Moderators Interface (MI), which
is a tool especially designed for the moderator. This tool allows moderators to log on to one or more
ongoing discussions and presents the moderator a set of awareness indicators based on which the
moderator can remotely (using the MI) facilitate these discussions.
The central idea behind this project is to develop these awareness indicators, using data mining
techniques and artificial intelligence trained on pedagogically annotated events of teaching and learning
activities in online discussions, to inform the moderator about teaching and learning activities that occur
in online discussions. The challenge is to find ways in which pedagogical ideas of online argumentation,
teaching and learning processes can be articulated into rules used by the awareness tools to find patterns
or examples of particular networked learning behaviour that signify these rules.
In this paper we will present the use of the MI awareness indicators and some of the ongoing pedagogical
Proceedings of the 6
Conference on Networked Learning
ISBN No: 978-1-86220-206-1
Facilitating online argumentation and dialogues
The conceptual pedagogical framework of the ARGUNAUT system is a combination of three main
theoretical orientations. Firstly argumentation and dialogic theory; secondly we integrate these with
current understandings of teaching and moderating online and thirdly we situate them both within the
paradigm of social learning, which influences how we frame collaborative learning and construction of
knowledge. The integration of these three aspects made us realise that we needed a multi-dimensional
analytical framework to analyse synchronous discussions in order to develop awareness tools for the MI.
From the argumentation point of view one might focus on the quality of critical reasoning. Dialogic
theory focuses more on the multiplicity of perspectives and the creative emergence of new ways of seeing
problems. Moderation aims to reflect on the impact of interventions made by the moderator to steer the
discussion in a desired direction and social learning theories, in principle, focus on the level of
participation and the conditions in which groups learn collectively. The analytical framework developed
in this project aims to address and synthesize these different orientations in a meaningful way.
Many coding schemes used for investigating the quality of online collaborative learning have been
derived from argumentation theory (see De Laat and Wegerif, 2006). This can be seen in the focus on the
key moves of argumentation: claim, counter-claim, warrant, grounding etc. However there is increasing
interest in real contexts of problem solving and learning, which the traditional argumentation model does
always fit well. According to Chi (1997), for example, learning new concepts in science involves the
‘creativity’ of seeing familiar things from a new theoretical perspective. According to us, although this is
not necessarily Chi’s position, the capacity to shift perspective, to see things from multiple alternative
points of view at once and to collaboratively construct together a new perspective all imply ‘dialogic’
skills. ‘Dialogic here implies not only ‘pertaining to dialogue’ but also that these skills relate to the
fundamental nature of dialogue as the co-presence together of different perspectives (Wegerif, 2007). In
the light of this Wegerif and De Laat (2006) have argued that ‘higher order thinking skills’ including
creativity and critical thinking need to be reconceptualised as aspects of engagement in dialogue, rather
than in terms of argumentation alone. This is not to do away with traditional accounts of argumentation
but to expand them to include more of the dialogic context of arguments. Our argument is that the quality
of dialogic engagement, or the capacity to see from more than one perspective at once, is one influence on
the quality of critical thinking as well being fundamental to creativity and to learning. The challenge for
our analytic framework then is how to capture the quality of dialogic engagement as this impacts on
creativity and on openness to learning.
A shift towards dialogic engagement and collaborative learning argues for active student engagement
with not only learning but also peer-tutoring activities. The traditional relationship between the teacher
and students, where the teacher is responsible for designing and evaluating learning activities for example
has changed into a more shared responsibility. Research on networked learning shows that the teacher in
an online discussion environments acts as a learner and teacher (De Laat, 2006), but is mainly concerned
with guiding and facilitating the group. The students on the other hand adopt or develop roles to deal with
coordinating and regulating their shared group task. An important strand of research in networked
learning environments is looking into the development of networked learning skills and competencies of
both the teacher and students. How do they design and moderate teaching and learning activities when
discussing and learning online?
Engaging in high quality online argumentation means a mixture of learning and teaching qualities
providing a context in which groups of learners participate in open ended dialogues in which they
challenge each others perspectives guided by a skilled moderator. Being able to see the wood from the
trees we needed to cut across the various theoretical lenses combined in this project in order to develop
awareness indicators to improve the quality of online discussions.
One strategy we have adopted is to analyse ARGUNAUT-based dialogues according to several different
dimensions at once:
1. Pedagogical setting and group dynamics dimension is aimed at understanding the conditions and
ways in which students are participating in their learning task. In some ways this dimension also
serves as a precondition needed to contextualise the data.
2. Critical reasoning is focused on the more argumentative dimension present in the maps. Based
on the more structured or grammatical approach used in this tradition we are concerned with
how students develop the syntax of their arguments.
Proceedings of the 6
Conference on Networked Learning
ISBN No: 978-1-86220-206-1
3. Dialogic reasoning and engagement dimension seeks to highlight the quality of student
interaction, perspective taking and mutual engagement through the discourse
4. Moderation dimension describes the impact of interventions made during the online discussion
aimed at moderating and facilitating the quality of the discourse.
The outcomes of this analysis serves two aims. Our first aim is to code and annotate ARGUNAUT
discussions in order to develop awareness indicators used in the MI by the moderator. The aim of coding
is to detect (reoccurring) patterns and actions. This is mostly done by applying a comprehensive coding
scheme aimed at identifying structural argumentative and dialogical events in the synchronous
discussions. These expert coded events are used to develop learned classifiers using artificial intelligence
techniques (McLaren, Scheuer, De Laat, Hever, De Groot & Rose, 2007), that will be able to detect and
classify these events automatically and inform the moderator. This will be done by a component called
the Deep Loop. Our second aim is to advance dialogic theory and pedagogical practices of teaching and
learning online.
The ARGUNAUT system is aimed at facilitating moderators by offering them with several awareness
indicators providing feedback about ongoing events in the online discussion. For this reason the project
has developed the moderators interface (MI) through which the moderator can remotely observe one or
more ongoing online discussions (see figure1). The MI consists of two main components. The first being
a set of awareness indicators providing visualisations of students engagement with the online
discussions. These awareness indicators are the core of this project and based on the pedagogical research
(as discussed above) a set of visualisations are currently embedded in the MI. Using the MI the moderator
can select a visualisation of the actual discussion graph as it is created by the students, in order to read
their contributions. Furthermore the moderator can request various descriptive statistical information
about the number and type of contributions made by students. More advanced visualisations for example
shows live interaction patterns (see for more information De Laat, Lally, Lipponen & Simons, 2007) of
the participants using social network analysis (SNA) techniques and the Deep Loop classification of
contributions written by the students. The Deep Loop can automatically detect for example if students are
talking of / on-task, critical reasoning and question answer patterns.
Figure 1. Screen shot of the Moderators Interface
Proceedings of the 6
Conference on Networked Learning
ISBN No: 978-1-86220-206-1
The moderator can not only use these visualisations to observe and interpret student behaviour and
engagement with the online discussion but can also develop a set of rules based on which the MI will alert
the moderator if certain events occur following the conditions set in these rules. For example the SNA
tool can be used to create rules about student participation and notify the moderator if a student did not
participate during the last 10 minutes for example. These rules can therefore be action-based but also
directly related to the discussion content by using the Deep Loop classifiers or a set of key words as
The second component is called the remote control which can be used by the moderator to facilitate the
discussion. Based on observations made or alerts received (using a set of rules) the moderator can choose
to sent a pop-up message to a particular student, group of students or the entire class. The moderator can
also annotate student contributions to make more in-depth comments directly related to what a student is
saying. Further more the moderator can highlight messages in the discussion to direct attention to it or can
use a remote pointer to point out to the students particular contributions or links featuring the discussion.
Current pedagogical research - future directions
As presented in this paper the ARGUNAUT system can facilitate the moderator in many ways, but
besides pointing out content-based and behavioural aspects of the discussion we would like to push a little
further and see if we are able to automatically detect critical moments in the discussion that feature
particular dialogic properties and might need the attention of the moderator. Our research is currently
focused at detecting patterns within the discussion that show elements of deepening and widening. These
are important steps in a discussion as they on the one hand try to provide further argumentation for a
perspective that is currently being discussed (deepening) on the other hand widening means an attempt to
‘break away’ from a particular perspective by either questioning it or presenting a new perspective. When
thinking about acts of deepening and widening (critical reasoning and dialogic reasoning), from a
dialogical point of view the widening moves in particular are of great interest since not much is known
about how widening moves are triggered. A widening move is often a creative act, i.e. the ability to step
back and come with a new ‘solution’ not thought of before. Such moves however are very important in
discussions as they stimulate people to think ‘out of the box’, and or stimulate further creative thinking
amongst the group members. These ‘eureka’ or ‘aha’ moments are hard to plan or moderate but should be
encouraged in order to open up the discussion space into new and unknown territories providing real
learning opportunities by and for its members.
In our research focused on discourse analysis we are coding single contributions as well as sequences of
related messages. Our coding framework (see De Laat & Wegerif, 2007) utilises of multiple levels
(contribution, sequence of contributions, and the entire discussion map) and multiple dimensions (group
dynamics, critical reasoning, dialogic reasoning, dialogic engagement, and moderation). Our work has
been to try and find a way to develop a coding methodology that shows some kind of continuum between
the various levels. Because we are looking at dialogues one can often assume that what is said in a
particular message will relate to something that is said in a previous message. For this reason we are
trying to find a way where the coding at shape level will inform the coding that is done at sequence or
even map level. This is a crucial step in our analysis as it determines the individual discussion threads-
sequences that later on inform the analysis of emergence of critical dialogic moments in a discussion.
By sequence we mean a continuous thread of dialogue in which all messages are linked together by their
content. Although it would be natural to identify these sequences by the links between different shapes,
this method proved to be unreliable due to inconsistencies in using the links by the participants. The
process of identifying these sequences begins for example with the opening question asked usually by the
moderator, who posts the first message. In Digalo, each shape is numbered according to the order in
which it has been posted (see figure 2 for an typical example of a Digalo discussion map). This order is
chronological; therefore it is possible to identify the development of the map from the time perspective.
Proceedings of the 6
Conference on Networked Learning
ISBN No: 978-1-86220-206-1
Figure 2. Example of an average Digalo discussion map
The construction of these discussions is very organic and by using the spatial and visual properties of the
Digalo tool these discussion can become rather complex. When creating these sequences we try to
abstract this complexity in order to create a more accessible representation of the discussion. At this point
of the analysis, sequence (or tree) diagrams are created.
Sequence diagram (see figure 3 for an example) a visual representation of an online discussion that
serves the purpose of having an instant abstracted overview of the following aspects of a discussion:
1. The number and length of sequences of messages. A new sequence starts at the top representing the
first contribution of this particular discussion thread followed by related (linked) contributions shown
directly below this contribution in a vertical layout. When a new sequence is developed it will be
placed next to existing sequences.
2. The branching of sequences at different moments during the discussion. This happens when a
message in a sequence has more than one linked message.
3. Identifies messages that are not part of any sequence. They will appear isolated at the ‘top line’ of the
Once all the contributions are coded individually, these sequence diagrams can be used to visualise the
multiple dimensions of our analytical framework (group dynamics, critical reasoning, dialogic reasoning,
dialogic engagement, and moderation). The tree can for example be used to visualise group dynamics
properties of the discussion showing student engagement with the dialogues. This is shown in figure 3
which presents the interaction patterns between the students. Here each dot (signifying discussion
contributions) in the tree is coloured to represent contributions made by each student. The blue dots
represent student A, the yellow dots student B, etc. From this diagram it is instantly clear who is talking
to whom.
Figure 3. Group interaction patterns shown by a discussion tree-based visualisation of the Digalo
Proceedings of the 6
Conference on Networked Learning
ISBN No: 978-1-86220-206-1
Our next and current step in the analysis is to detect critical dialogic moments in the discussion by
mapping out previously discussed widening moves in the tree diagrams. In the tree diagram below (figure
4) the coloured dots represent opening questions (coloured blue) and disagreements (coloured red)
suggesting either new perspectives or opinions being presented or sought for by the students. Our
preliminary results indicate that the presentation of these widening moments coincide with branching
activities in the map. Almost each time when the tree structure branches to the left, rather then directly
down, it appears that participants tend to widen the discussion rather then just deepen a given perspective.
This means that when finding critical moments in a discussion the moderator needs to pointed out to
messages related to branching activities. Instead of having to browse through the entire map (see figure 2)
our coding results suggest that the moderator can focus on the surrounding messages related to branching
events in the discussion.
Figure 5. ‘Critical’ moments in the discussion
Some Concluding remarks
We need to analyse a larger data set to find out to what to extend this behaviour could be some kind of
reoccurring pattern featuring the discussions. Secondly we are planning to have several critical event
recall interviews with some of the students of these maps to question them about these critical moments
as a way to validate (or falsify) our initial findings. This is an important step in our attempt to triangulate
our findings (see De Laat & Wegerif, 2006). If branching events might be an indication of critical
moments in the discussion, we need to see if can we somehow annotate these critical moments to see if
they can be patterned in some way. In the ARGUNAUT project we are currently discussing with our
DFKI partners about the possibility of using artificial intelligence to train classifiers that might be able to
detect these critical moments based on our patterns as a way to extent the current Deep Loop features in
our ARGUNAUT system. Being able to detect these moments will mean a major step forward for online
moderation and student engagement in rich dialogues representing multiple alternative points of view.
Proceedings of the 6
Conference on Networked Learning
ISBN No: 978-1-86220-206-1
De Laat, M. F. (2006). Networked Learning. Apeldoorn: Politieacademie.
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Discussion. Public deliverable. Retrieved 12 January 2008 from
De Laat, Lally,Lipponen & Simons, 2007 IJCSCL
Chi, M. T. H. (1997). Quantifying Qualitative Analyses of Verbal Data: A Practical Guide. Journal of the
Learning Sciences, 6, 271-313.
McLaren, B. M., Scheuer, O., De Laat, M., Hever, R., De Groot, R., & Rose, C. P. (2007). "Using
Machine Learning Techniques to Analyze and Support Mediation of Student E-Discussions". In:
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (vol. 158), Artificial Intelligence in Education -
Building Technology Rich Learning Contexts that Work, ed. by Rosemary Luckin and Kenneth R.
Koedinger and Jim Greer, pp. 331-338, Amsterdam, IOS Press
Wegerif. R. (2007) Dialogic, Educational and Technology: Resourcing the Space of Learning. New York:
Wegerif, R., De Laat, M.F. (2006). "Reframing the teaching of higher order thinking for the network
society". In: S. Ludvigsen, A. Lund, & R. Saljo. (Eds.) Learning in social practices: ICT and new
artefacts – transformation of social and cultural practices.
... The Chain of Opposition cluster is three or more shapes in length and involves, typically, two students arguing back and forth, each opposing the other's argument. InFigure 1, the teacher has highlighted one of the specific Chain of Opposition clusters for closer inspection.Figure 1: ARGUNAUT's Moderator's Interface showing one of its deep alerts, 'Chain of Opposition', in a selected e-discussion, which is selected from the current active e-discussions shown on the left Two of the cluster types that are searched for by DOCE, deepening and widening, are interactional categories that we were particularly interested in identifying in classroom discussions as evidence of, respectively, explicit argumentation and creative reasoning [8]. A deepening occurs when students provide further argumentation for an on-going perspective [9], similar in concept to the " Chain of Opposition " clusters. ...
... A deepening occurs when students provide further argumentation for an on-going perspective [9], similar in concept to the " Chain of Opposition " clusters. A widening occurs, on the other hand, when a student (or students) attempts to diverge from the current perspective by either questioning it or presenting a new perspective [8]. In this paper, we report on some success we had in having our algorithm find such clusters in new e-discussions. ...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we discuss how Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques might be brought to bear in automatically recognizing "creative reasoning" in student e-discussions. An AI-based graph-matching algorithm was used to find instances of deepening and widening, interactional categories that provide evidence of, respectively, explicit argumentation and creative reasoning. A deepening occurs when students provide further argumentation for an on-going perspective. A widening occurs, on the other hand, when a student (or students) attempts to diverge from the current perspective by either questioning it or presenting a new perspective or new idea. Given examples of deepening and widening from real e-discussions, the AI algorithm was able to successfully find similar events within new e-discussions and did so within realistic run-time expectations. Our ultimate aim is to provide a software tool for teachers that will support them in recognizing a range of important dialogic aspects of student e- discussions, such as deepening and widening.
... Sufficient awareness of student activities is needed to adequately adapt to the situation (Endsley, Bolte, & Jones, 2003; Schwarz & Asterhan, 2011; Van de Pol et al., 2010). Awareness of information is indeed a commonly encountered goal of LA tools, both for supporting students (Janssen & Bodemer, 2013) as well as for supporting teachers (De Laat, Chamrada, & Wegerif, 2008). When there is information available that confirms the impression the teacher gets from monitoring student activities, or additional information that makes cumulative properties of the collaboration visible, this may influence the step from diagnosis to actual intervention in the sense that the diagnosis would sooner lead to the decision to offer groups assistance. ...
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Learning analytics (LA) are summaries, visualizations, and analyses of student data that could improve learning in multiple ways, for example by supporting teachers. However, not much research is available yet concerning how LA may support teachers to diagnose student progress and to intervene during student learning activities. There is evidence for two mechanisms, namely that LA tools can 1) aggregate information to a manageable level and thereby lower information load, and 2) increase the teacher's confidence and specificity concerning the diagnosis of the situation. By means of micro-analytic study of teachers' real-time use of LA tools, these mechanisms are further unpacked to answer the question how the mechanisms occur and how these results influence the broader field of LA.
... Within the field of the Learning Sciences and for Technology Enhanced Learning in particular, the role of the tutor and their ability to monitor student activity has been considered crucial [16]. Several approaches have looked at ways of constructing high-level interaction indicators from low-level log data in order to assist such tutor monitoring [12], [4]. For the teaching of programming, several studies have tracked programming activity at various levels in order to correlate it with learning outcomes and thus to suggest best practices to students or to identify " atrisk " students [7], [10], [11]. ...
We present the preliminary analysis of a study whose long term aim is to track IDE usage to identify novice-programmers in need of support. Our analysis focused on the activity of 24 dyads on a 3 week assignment. We correlated frequencies of events such as use of code generation and of the debugger with assignment grades, final exam grades, and the difference in rankings within dyad on the final exam. Our results show several significant correlations. In particular, code generation and debugging are correlated with the final grade, and running in non-debug mode is correlated with differences in ranking. These results are encouraging as they show that it is possible to predict learning outcomes with simple frequency data and suggest more complex indicators could achieve robust prediction.
... All but two of the coding categories were identified through a bottom-up analysis of a relatively small subset of the 84 discussion maps, with single and groups of recurring contributions identified as potentially representing interesting, important, or problematic phenomena. Two of the cluster categories, Deepening and Widening, were selected in top-down fashion; they are interactional categories that indicate creative reasoning and the emergence of new ideas (De Laat, Chamrada, & Wegerif, 2008; Wegerif, 2007; McLaren et al., 2009). A Deepening occurs when students provide further argumentation for an on-going perspective (Baker, Andriessen, Lund, van Amelsvoort, & Quignard, 2007). ...
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An emerging trend in classrooms is the use of networked visual argumentation tools that allow students to discuss, debate, and argue with one another in a synchronous fashion about topics presented by a teacher. These tools are aimed at teaching students how to discuss and argue, important skills not often taught in traditional classrooms. But how do teachers support students during these e-discussions, which happen at a rapid pace, with possibly many groups of students working simultaneously? Our approach is to pinpoint and summarize important aspects of the discussions (e.g., Are students staying on topic? Are students making reasoned claims and arguments that respond to the claims and arguments of their peers?) and alert the teachers who are moderating the discussions. The key research question raised in this work: Is it possible to automate the identification of salient contributions and patterns in student e-discussions? We present the systematic approach we have taken, based on artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and empirical evaluation, to grapple with this question. Our approach started with the generation of machine-learned classifiers of individual e-discussion contributions, moved to the creation of machine-learned classifiers of pairs of contributions, and, finally, led to the development of a novel AI-based graph-matching algorithm that classifies arbitrarily sized clusters of contributions. At each of these levels, we have run systematic empirical evaluations of the resultant classifiers using actual classroom data. Our evaluations have uncovered satisfactory or better results for many of the
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is heralded as a technology holding many unique affordances to K-12 teaching and learning. The purpose of this study was to examine how AI has been used to support teaching and learning in the K-12 context. Specifically examining the affordances for K-12 educators and students. A thematic systematic review methodology was used with PRISMA principles to examine peer review journal articles from 2010 to 2020. This thematic systematic review revealed four themes of how AI was being used by educators to support student learning: Student Monitoring, Group Management, Automated Grading, and Data-Driven Decisions. The Group Management theme included three sub-themes as AI specifically supported educators with group formation, group moderation, and group facilitation. In the examination of affordances for students, three overarching themes emerged. AI was used for AI tutors, to extend student thinking and Just-for-You-Learning which provided a bespoke learning experience built on students’ strengths and weaknesses, preferences, and interests.
Artificial intelligence can be defined as computer systems which have been designed to interact with the world through abilities (e.g. visual perception and speech recognition) and intelligent behaviours (e.g. evaluating the available information and then taking the most sensible action to achieve a defined aim) that we would think of as principally humans. Initially, research has focused on letting software do things better, in which computers have always been doing better, such as the analysis of large datasets. However, the use of artificial intelligence in our day-to-day life has increased exponentially. Data forms the basis for the development of artificial intelligent software systems that will not only collect information but is able to learn, understand and interpret information, adapt its behaviour, plan, conclude, solve problems, think abstract, come up with ideas and understand and interpret language. Thanks to AI, a smart phone can detect cancer and a smart watch can detect a stroke. Machine learning is infiltrating and optimizing nearly every aspect of medicine from the way 911 emergency services are dispatched to assisting doctors during surgery. People can even quit smoking or kick opiate addiction with the help of AI. AI scientists are currently developing new approaches in machine learning, computer modelling and probability statistics to improve decision-making processes and are using decision theory and neuroscience to drive the progress of more effective healthcare and education as well as economics. This chapter will discuss the science of AI and explore the importance of big data and AI strategies. It will expand to discuss AI and medicine as well as medical education. It will conclude with discussion of AI and education as well as the future of artificial intelligence.
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We live in a world reshaped by big data and smart digital technologies that scale with ever-decreasing marginal cost. But, to date, too little attention has been given to understanding the implications of this for learning, or to setting out the ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to create learning tools that are more efficient, flexible and inclusive than those currently available; tools that will help learners prepare for an economy that is swiftly being reshaped by digital technologies. In this important new report, a positive and plausible vision is set out of how learning could be transformed by artificial intelligence in education (AIEd). For example, technology available today could be applied to support student learning at a scale previously unimaginable by providing one-on-one tutoring to every student, in every subject. Existing technologies also have the capacity to provide intelligent support to learners working in a group, and to create authentic virtual learning environments where students have the right support, at the right time, to tackle real-life problems and puzzles. The future offers the potential of even greater tools and supports. Imagine lifelong learning companions powered by AI that can accompany and support individual learners throughout their studies - in and beyond school - or new forms of assessment that measure learning while it is taking place, shaping the learning experience in real time. Existing and emergent technology should be leveraged to address some of the most intractable issues in education, including achievement gaps. And ultimately, the tools of AIEd will help us respond to the new innovation imperative in education - the need, in a jobs market re-shaped by technology, to help learners achieve at higher levels, and in a wider set of skills, than any education system has managed to date. There are three critical forces that must be managed as the future of AIEd emerges: involving teachers, students, and parents in co-designing new tools so that AIEd addresses real needs of the classroom and other learning environments; embedding proven pedagogical techniques in the design of new AIEd-powered edtech products; and creating smart demand for commercial grade AIEd products that work. This paper is published as part of the Open Ideas at Pearson series. The series features some of the best minds in education - from teachers and technologists, to researchers and big thinkers - to bring their ideas and insights to a wider audience.
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We live in a world reshaped by big data and smart digital technologies that scale with ever-decreasing marginal cost. But, to date, too little attention has been given to understanding the implications of this for learning, or to setting out the ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to create learning tools that are more efficient, flexible and inclusive than those currently available; tools that will help learners prepare for an economy that is swiftly being reshaped by digital technologies. In this important new report, a positive and plausible vision is set out of how learning could be transformed by artificial intelligence in education (AIEd). For example, technology available today could be applied to support student learning at a scale previously unimaginable by providing one-on-one tutoring to every student, in every subject. Existing technologies also have the capacity to provide intelligent support to learners working in a group, and to create authentic virtual learning environments where students have the right support, at the right time, to tackle real-life problems and puzzles. The future offers the potential of even greater tools and supports. Imagine lifelong learning companions powered by AI that can accompany and support individual learners throughout their studies - in and beyond school - or new forms of assessment that measure learning while it is taking place, shaping the learning experience in real time. Existing and emergent technology should be leveraged to address some of the most intractable issues in education, including achievement gaps. And ultimately, the tools of AIEd will help us respond to the new innovation imperative in education - the need, in a jobs market re-shaped by technology, to help learners achieve at higher levels, and in a wider set of skills, than any education system has managed to date. There are three critical forces that must be managed as the future of AIEd emerges: involving teachers, students, and parents in co-designing new tools so that AIEd addresses real needs of the classroom and other learning environments; embedding proven pedagogical techniques in the design of new AIEd-powered edtech products; and creating smart demand for commercial grade AIEd products that work. This paper is published as part of the Open Ideas at Pearson series. The series features some of the best minds in education - from teachers and technologists, to researchers and big thinkers - to bring their ideas and insights to a wider audience.
This paper presents a study on the role of the teacher in computer-supported class group activities. We discuss various teacher tools that support this role. In the reported studies the students are engaged in group activities through networked computers. Typically they use a two-space collaboration tool. One shared space used for jointly producing a diagrammatic representation (concept map or other form of diagram), and one for text based communication. The group activities have a time span of typical classes: i.e. a few minutes to a few hours. In this context, we focus on the study of typical teacher actions and used representations and on the support that the tools used provided to the teacher for supervision of the class and group activities.
Conference Paper
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Students are starting to use networked visual argumentation tools to discuss, debate, and argue with one another about topics presented by a teacher. However, this development gives rise to an emergent issue for teachers: how do they support students during these e-discussions? The ARGUNAUT system aims to provide the teacher (or moderator) with tools that will facilitate effective moderation of several simultaneous e-discussions. Awareness Indicators, provided as part of a moderator's user interface, help monitor the progress of discussions on several dimensions (e.g., critical reasoning). In this paper we discuss preliminary steps taken in using machine learning techniques to support the Awareness Indicators. Focusing on individual contributions (single objects containing textual content, contributed in the visual workspace by students) and sequences of two linked contributions (two objects, the connection between them, and the students' textual contributions), we have run a series of machine learning experiments in an attempt to train classifiers to recognize important student actions, such as using critical reasoning and raising and answering questions. The initial results presented in this paper are encouraging, but we are only at the beginning of our analysis.
This article provides one example of a method of analyzing qualitative data in an objective and quantifiable way. Although the application of the method is illustrated in the context of verbal data such as explanations, interviews, problem-solving protocols, and retrospective reports, in principle, the mechanics of the method can be adapted for coding other types of qualitative data such as gestures and videotapes. The mechanics of the method we outlined in 8 concrete step. Although verbal analyses can be used for many purposes, the main goal of the analyses discussed here is to formulate an understanding of the representation of the knowledge used in cognitive performances and how that representation changes with learning This can be contrasted with another method or analyzing verbal protocols, the goal of which is to validate the cognitive processes of human performance, often as embodied in a computational model
Argunaut Deliverable D5.1: Perspectives/Rules to Evaluate Discussion
  • De Laat
  • M F Wegerif
De Laat, M.F., & Wegerif, R. (2006). Argunaut Deliverable D5.1: Perspectives/Rules to Evaluate Discussion. Public deliverable. Retrieved 12 January 2008 from 1%20-%20Perspectives-rules%20to%20evaluate%20discussions.pdf
Reframing the teaching of higher order thinking for the network society Learning in social practices: ICT and new artefacts – transformation of social and cultural practices
  • R Wegerif
  • M F De Laat
Wegerif, R., De Laat, M.F. (2006). "Reframing the teaching of higher order thinking for the network society". In: S. Ludvigsen, A. Lund, & R. Saljo. (Eds.) Learning in social practices: ICT and new artefacts – transformation of social and cultural practices. .