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In vitro production of embryos from high performance cows and the development of frozen-thawed embryos after transfer: A field study


Abstract and Figures

AbstrAct: In this field study, embryos were derived from genetically highly valuable cows excluded from breed-ing due to reproductive disorders. Cows, 5 to 10 years old, of Czech Siemmental, Holstein Dairy and Beef Cattle breeds were used as oocyte donors. Oocytes were obtained either in the growth phase of the first follicular wave from cows with synchronized oestrus or in any other phases of follicular development from cows without oestrus synchronization. The embryos were prepared by a standard protocol described previously. The mean number of usable oocytes, transferable and freezable embryos per donor, and the mean percentage of usable, transferable and freezable embryos were assessed. The results were analyzed by Student's-t and Chi-squared tests. The embryos were frozen according to a slow freezing protocol. After thawing, they were transferred to recipients on Day 7 after oestrus. Irrespective of the breed, the mean numbers of usable oocytes and transferable and freezable embryos collected per donor were significantly higher (P < 0.01) for the synchronized than for the nonsynchronized donors (20.4 vs 11.7, 4.3 vs 1.0 and 3.2 vs 0.8, respectively). Similarly, the mean percentages of usable oocytes, transfer-able and freezable embryos were significantly higher (P < 0.01) for the synchronized than for the nonsynchronized donors (28.5% vs 20.5%, 20.9% vs 9.0% and 15.8% vs 6.5%, respectively). On comparison of the synchronized and nonsynchronized donors of each breed, the difference in the mean percentage of usable oocytes was significant (P < 0.01) in cows of all three breeds, the difference in the mean percentage of transferable embryos was significant in Czech Siemmental and Holstein Dairy cows (P < 0.01) and the difference in the mean percentage of freezable embryos was significant only in Holstein Dairy cows (P < 0.01). After the transfer of 41 frozen-thawed embryos and 43 fresh embryos, 20 heifers and 24 heifers became pregnant, respectively. In conclusion: (a) higher number of oocytes from infertile, genetically valuable cows was recovered in the growth phase compared with the other phases of follicular development; (b) greater development of these oocytes resulted in more embryos for transfer and cryopreservation; (c) the transfer of frozen-thawed and fresh embryos resulted in pregnancy rates of 48.8% and 55.8% , respectively. Supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic (Grants No. 1B44034 and No. 02716201). At present, reproductive biotechnologies are wide-ly used for farm animal breeding. In cattle methods such as artificial insemination or superovulation and embryo transfer are generally employed, be-cause they allow us to utilize the genetic potential of male and female animals more effectively. The in vitro production of embryos from oocytes of genetically highly valuable donors eliminated from breeding because of reproductive disorders can ac-celerate genetic progress. However, this requires an increase in the efficiency of usable oocyte collec-tion, transferable embryo production and embryo Veterinarni Medicina, 53, 2008 (7): 358–364 Original Paper 359 survival after cryopreservation. Up to now, the pro-duction of embryos from oocytes of selected cows has not been very effective in comparison with the production of embryos from oocytes of popula-tions of ordinary slaughter cows. Furthermore, in vitro produced embryos have lower cryotolerance than in vivo produced embryos (Enright et al., 2000; Dobrinsky, 2002), because of their higher sensi-tivity to low temperatures (Leibo and Loskutoff, 1993; Holm and Callesen, 1998). Embryo survival after cryopreservation has been shown to depend on the quality, age and developmental stage of an embryo at freezing (Fahning and Garcia, 1992; Mahmoudzadeh et al., 1995; Dinnyes et al., 1999; Ravindranatha and Reddy, 2001; Machatkova et al., 2006). Both the embryo quality and the kinetics of embryo development are related to the oocyte and, most importantly, to its meiotic and devel-opmental competence (Rizos et al., 2002; Sirard et al., 2006; Lonergan, 2007). It has been documented that follicles present on the ovaries at the end of the growth phase of follicular wave can provide oocytes with greater meiotic and developmental competence (Hagemann et al., 1999; de Wit et al., 2000; Machatkova et al., 2004). The efficiency of oocyte collection as well as of fresh and frozen embryo production were com-pared between the oocytes recovered in the growth phase and those recovered in the other phases of follicular development from genetically highly valuable cows excluded from breeding due to re-productive disorders. The frozen-thawed viability of these embryos was verified by the pregnancy rate in recipients after embryo transfer.
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Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 53, 2008 (7): 358–364
In vitro production of embryos from high performance
cows and the development of frozen-thawed embryos
after transfer: a field study
M. M1, P. H1, Z. R1, K. H1,
J. S2, R. P3
1Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic
2University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic
3Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
ABSTRACT: In this field study, embryos were derived from genetically highly valuable cows excluded from breed-
ing due to reproductive disorders. Cows, 5 to 10 years old, of Czech Siemmental, Holstein Dairy and Beef Cattle
breeds were used as oocyte donors. Oocytes were obtained either in the growth phase of the first follicular wave
from cows with synchronized oestrus or in any other phases of follicular development from cows without oestrus
synchronization. The embr yos were prepared by a standard protocol described previously. The mean number of
usable oocytes, transferable and freezable embryos per donor, and the mean percentage of usable, transferable and
freezable embr yos were assessed. The results were analyzed by Student’s-t and Chi-squared tests. The embryos
were frozen according to a slow freezing protocol. After thawing, they were transferred to recipients on Day 7 after
oestrus. Irrespective of the breed, the mean numbers of usable oocytes and transferable and freezable embr yos
collected per donor were significantly higher (P < 0.01) for the synchronized than for the nonsynchronized donors
(20.4 vs 11.7, 4.3 vs 1.0 and 3.2 vs 0.8, respectively). Similarly, the mean percentages of usable oocytes, transfer-
able and freezable embryos were significantly higher (P < 0.01) for the synchronized than for the nonsynchronized
donors (28.5% vs 20.5%, 20.9% vs 9.0% and 15.8% vs 6.5%, respectively). On comparison of the synchronized and
nonsynchronized donors of each breed, the difference in the mean percentage of usable oocytes was significant
(P < 0.01) in cows of all three breeds, the difference in the mean percentage of transferable embryos was significant
in Czech Siemmental and Holstein Dairy cows (P < 0.01) and the difference in the mean percentage of freezable
embryos was significant only in Holstein Dairy cows (P < 0.01). After the transfer of 41 frozen-thawed embryos
and 43 fresh embryos, 20 heifers and 24 heifers became pregnant, respectively. In conclusion: (a) higher number
of ooc ytes from infertile, genetically valuable cows was recovered in the growth phase compared with the other
phases of follicular development; (b) greater development of these oocytes resulted in more embryos for transfer
and cryopreservation; (c) the transfer of frozen-thawed and fresh embryos resulted in pregnancy rates of 48.8%
and 55.8% , respectively.
Keywords: cattle; in vitro embryos; cryopreservation; embryo transfer
Supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic (Grants No. 1B44034 and No. 02716201).
At present, reproductive biotechnologies are wide-
ly used for farm animal breeding. In cattle methods
such as artificial insemination or superovulation
and embryo transfer are generally employed, be-
cause they allow us to utilize the genetic potential
of male and female animals more effectively. The
in vitro production of embr yos from oocytes of
genetically highly valuable donors eliminated from
breeding because of reproductive disorders can ac-
celerate genetic progress. However, this requires an
increase in the efficiency of usable oocyte collec-
tion, transferable embryo production and embryo
Veterinarni Medicina, 53, 2008 (7): 358–364 Original Paper
survival after cryopreservation. Up to now, the pro-
duction of embryos from oocytes of selected cows
has not been very effective in comparison with the
production of embryos from oocytes of popula-
tions of ordinary slaughter cows. Furthermore, in
vitro produced embryos have lower cryotolerance
than in vivo produced embryos (Enright et al., 2000;
Dobrinsky, 2002), because of their higher sensi-
tivity to low temperatures (Leibo and Loskutoff,
1993; Holm and Callesen, 1998). Embryo survival
after cryopreservation has been shown to depend
on the quality, age and developmental stage of an
embryo at freezing (Fahning and Garcia, 1992;
Mahmoudzadeh et al., 1995; Dinnyes et al., 1999;
Ravindranatha and Reddy, 2001; Machatkova et al.,
2006). Both the embryo quality and the kinetics
of embryo development are related to the oocyte
and, most importantly, to its meiotic and devel-
opmental competence (Rizos et al., 2002; Sirard et
al., 2006; Lonergan, 2007). It has been documented
that follicles present on the ovaries at the end of
the growth phase of follicular wave can provide
oocytes with greater meiotic and developmental
competence (Hagemann et al., 1999; de Wit et al.,
2000; Machatkova et al., 2004).
The efficiency of oocyte collection as well as of
fresh and frozen embryo production were com-
pared between the oocytes recovered in the growth
phase and those recovered in the other phases of
follicular development from genetically highly
valuable cows excluded from breeding due to re-
productive disorders. The frozen-thawed viability
of these embr yos was verified by the pregnancy
rate in recipients after embryo transfer.
A total of 52 cows, between 5 and 10 years of
age, of Czech Siemmental (n = 15), Holstein Dairy
(n = 29) and Beef Cattle (n = 8) breeds, were used
as oocyte donors. In the first group of donors
(n = 31), the oestrous cycle was synchronized by
two doses of PGF2α at an interval of 11 days and
one dose of hCG (Pregnyl, 1 500 IU, Organon, Oss,
The Netherlands). The oocytes were collected on
Days 3–4 after oestrus in the growth phase of the
first follicular wave. Subsequently, the cows were
slaughtered. Evaluation criteria for the growth
phase were the presence of a hemorrhagic corpus
luteum with signs of ovulation and no dominant
follicle on the ovaries larger than 11 mm in diam-
eter. In the second group of donors (n = 21), the
oestrus was not synchronized before slaughter and
oocytes were collected in any of the other phases
of follicular development.
The frozen-thawed sperm of 21 elite bulls of
Czech Siemmental (n = 6), Holstein Dairy (n = 8)
and Beef Cattle (n = 7) breeds were used for oocyte
Embryo production
Oocyte-cumulus complexes were isolated by to-
tal slicing of the ovarian cortex. Only good quality
oocytes with homogenous dark cytoplasm and at
least two layers of cumulus cells were considered us-
able. Embryos were prepared according to a stand-
ard protocol described previously (Machatkova et
al., 2004). Oocytes were matured in TCM-199 me-
dium (Earle’s salt), supplemented with antibiotics,
0.20mM sodium pyruvate (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis,
MO, USA), gonadotropins (P.G. 600, 15 IU/ml,
Intervet, Boxmeer, The Netherlands) and 5% oe-
strus cow serum (ECS) for 24 hours.
Motile spermatozoa were isolated by the swim-up
method from frozen-thawed sperm using modified
Tyrode’s medium (SP-TALP). They were coincu-
bated with the oocytes at a concentration of 1 × 106
spermatozoa per ml in modified Tyrode’s medium
(IVF-TALP) supplemented with 10 g/ml heparin
for 20 hours. Presumptive zygotes were removed
from cumulus cells, transferred onto a BRL cell line
monolayer (Buffalo rat liver cells, ATCC, Rockville,
MD, USA) and cultivated in Menezo B2 medium
with 10% ECS. All procedures were carried out
at 39°C with atmospheric conditions of 5% CO2.
Embryos, at earliest at an early blastocyst stage on
Day 7, or advanced blastocyst stage on Day 8 were
regarded as transferable.
Embryo cryopreservation
Only excellent blastocysts of good quality were
selected for cryopreservation from transferable
embryos. They were placed in freezing medium,
Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 53, 2008 (7): 358–364
consisting of 10% glycerol (v/v) in TCM-199 me-
dium with 10% ECS and equilibrated for 5 min at
room temperature. Subsequently, each embryo was
loaded into 0.25 ml straw in a column of freezing
medium and allowed to stand for another 10–15
min at room temperature. Straws were placed in the
programmable freezer at –7°C and, after 10 min,
were seeded. After another 10 min the embryos
were cooled to –35°C at a rate of 0.3°C/min; they
were then plunged into liquid nitrogen.
Embryo transfer
The embryos were thawed by holding the straws
for 10 s in the air and then placing them in a 30°C
water bath for 30 s. The cryoprotective was re-
moved using a three-step procedure (6.6% glycerol
[v/v] and 0.3M sucrose; 3.3% glycerol and 0.3M su-
crose; 0.25M sucrose in culture medium, TCM-199
with 10% ECS). Subsequently, the embryos were
washed with culture medium and transferred as
soon as possible to heifers on Day 7 after their oe-
strus. The pregnancy rate was assessed by palpation
per rectum on Day 90 after transfer.
Statistical analysis
The mean number of usable oocytes , transfer-
able and freezable embryos per donor, and the
mean percentage of usable oocytes from collected
oocytes, transferable and freezable embryos from
usable oocytes were assessed. The results were ana-
lyzed by Student’s-t and Chi-squared tests, using
ANOVA SPSS Version 11.5 software for Windows
(SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
The efficiency of oo cyte collection from syn-
chronized and nonsynchronized donors of dif-
ferent breeds is shown in Table 1. Regardless of
the breed, the mean numb er of usable ooc ytes
collected per donor and the mean percentage of
usable oocytes were significantly higher (P < 0.01)
for the synchronized than for the nonsynchronized
donors. An evaluation of each breed revealed that
the mean number of usable ooc ytes per donor
was higher for the synchronized donors of Czech
Siemmental, Holstein Dairy and Beef Cattle breeds,
but that only in Czech Siemmental cows was the
increase significant (P < 0.05). The difference in
the mean percentage of usable oocytes between
the synchronized and nonsynchronized donors was
significant in cows of all breeds (P < 0.01, P < 0.05
and P < 0.05, respectively).
Table 1. Collection of oocytes from donors of different breeds in the growth phase and other phases of follicular
Synchronized donors Nonsynchronized donors
isolated usable usable/iso-
(mean %)
isolated usable usable/iso-
(mean %)
per donor
per donor
per donor
per donor
Siemmental 9 592 65.8 182 20.2a1 30.7a1 6 366 61.0 64 10.7b1 17.5c1
Dairy 17 1 380 81.2 352 20.7a1 25.5a2 12 738 61.5 156 13.0a1 21.1b1
Beef Cattle 5 245 49.0 98 19.6a1 40.0a3 3 93 31.0 25 8.3a1 26.9b 2
Total 31 2 217 71.5 632 20.4a28.5a21 1 197 57.0 245 11.7c20.5c
Values in the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (a–bP < 0.05; a–cP < 0.01)
Values in the same column with different superscripts are significantly different (1–2P < 0.05; 1–3, 2–3P < 0.01)
Veterinarni Medicina, 53, 2008 (7): 358–364 Original Paper
Transferable embryos
The efficiency of transferable embryo production
from the synchronized and nonsynchronized do-
nors of evaluated breeds is summarized in Table 2.
Regardless of the breed, the mean number of trans-
ferable embryos produced per donor and the mean
percentage of transferable embryos were signifi-
cantly higher (P < 0.01) for the synchronized than
for the nonsynchronized donors. The mean number
of transferable embryos per donor was higher for
the synchronized donors of all three breeds, but
only in Czech Siemmental cows was the value
significant (P < 0.05). The difference in the mean
percentage of transferable embryos was significant
in cows of Czech Siemmental and Holstein Dairy
breeds (P < 0.01).
Freezable embryos
The efficiency of freezable embryo production
from the synchronized and nonsynchronized do-
nors of different breeds is presented in Table 3.
Regardless of the breed, the mean number of freez-
able embryos produced per donor and the mean
percentage of freezable embryos were significantly
higher (P < 0.01) in the synchronized than the non-
Table 2. Collection of transferable embryos from donors of different breeds in the growth phase and other phases
of follicular development
Synchronized donors Nonsynchronized donors
transferable transferable/
(mean %)
transferable transferable/
(mean %)
per donor
per donor
Siemmental 9 182 43 4.8a1 23.6a 1 6 64 8 1.3b1 12.5c1
Dairy 17 352 76 4.5a1 21.6a1 12 156 13 1.1a1 8.3c1
Beef Cattle 5 98 13 2.6a 1 13.3a2 3 25 1 0.3a1 4.0a1
Total 31 632 132 4.3a20.9a21 245 22 1.0c9.0c
Values in the same row with different superscripts are signicantly different (a-bP < 0.05; a-cP < 0.01)
Values in the same column with different superscripts are significantly different (1-2P < 0.05)
Table 3. Collection of freezable embryos from donors of different breeds in the growth phase and other phases of
follicular development
Synchronized donors Nonsynchronized donors
freezable freezable/oo-
mean %
freezable freezable/
(mean %)
per donor
per donor
Siemmental 9 182 31 3.4a1 17.0a1 6 64 5 0.8a1 7.8a1
Dairy 17 352 59 3.5a1 16.8a1 12 156 10 0.8a1 6.4c 1
Beef Cattle 5 98 10 2.0a1 10.2a1 3 25 1 0.3a1 4.0a1
Total 31 632 100 3.2a15.8a21 245 16 0.8c6.5c
Values in the same row with different superscripts are signicantly different (a-cP < 0.01)
Values in the same column with the same superscripts are not significantly different
Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 53, 2008 (7): 358–364
synchronized donors. A separate evaluation of each
breed showed that the mean number of freezable
embryos per donor was higher for the synchronized
donors of all three breeds, but that the difference
was not significant. The difference in the mean
percentage of freezable embryos was significant
in Holstein Dairy cows (P < 0.01).
Embryo development after transfer
The frozen-thawed viability of the embryos was
determined by their development after transfer
into heifers on Day 7 after their oestrus. From the
synchronized donors, 41 frozen-thawed embryos
were transferred and 20 recipients became preg-
nant (48.8%). The transfer of 43 fresh embryos de-
rived from the synchronized donors resulting in
24 pregnancies (55.8%) served as a control.
The application of new biotechnologies in cattle
breeding can intensify the selective process and
bring about a genetic benefit. The in vitro produc-
tion of embryos from high performance donors,
which cannot meet reproductive condition and
must, therefore, be eliminated from breeding and
slaughtered, is one of these methods. Combining
this method with cryopreservation enhances the
utilization of embryos from genetically valuable
parents for both the preser vation of genetic re-
sources for the future and the utilization of embryo
transfers within ongoing breeding programs. Up to
now, however, the development of embryos pro-
duced in vitro from oocytes of selected donors and
survival of these embryos after cryopreservation
have been low compared with embryos produced
in vivo from superovulated donors (Hasler, 2001;
Dobrinsky, 2002).
In order to increase the developmental ability
of in vitro produced and cryopreserved embr yos,
selection based on the kinetics of embryo devel-
opment or the modification of conditions during
maturation, cultivation and cryopreservation are
recommended (Massip et al., 1995; Rizos et al., 2001,
2003; Cho et al., 2002; Imai et al., 2002; Mtango et
al., 2003; Nedambale et al., 2004; Tominaga et al.,
2007). New strategies based on metabolic manipu-
lation with embryos before their cryopreservation
have been described by Seidel (2006).
In our experiment s, we made an effort to in-
crease the production of embryos and to improve
the survival of these embryos after freezing by the
selection of oocytes with greater meiotic and de-
velopmental competence.
In our preliminary study involving slaughtered
cows we found that oocytes recovered in the growth
phase of the first follicular wave and fertilized by
the spermatozoa of a standard bull produced more
embryos with accelerated development and bet-
ter morphological quality than oocytes recovered
in the other stages of follicular development. We
concluded that this approach could be used as an
alternative method for the production of cryop-
reser ved embryos from high performance cows
(Machatkova et al., 2006).
In our field study with reproductively problem-
atic donors, the 52 unfertile, genetically valuable
cows provided a total of 877 usable oocytes, giv-
ing rise to 154 fresh embryos, 116 of which were
used for cryopreservation (17.6% and 13.2%, re-
spectively). Although the number of usable oocytes
collected per donor was similar in all three breeds,
the numbers of transferable and freezable embryos
per donor obtained from Czech Siemmental and
Holstein Dairy cows were twice the numbers of
those obtained from Beef Cattle cows; this is be-
cause embryo development rates were significantly
higher for the first two breeds than for the third
one. For Czech Siemmental, Holstein Dairy and
Beef Cattle cows, the mean proportion of transfer-
able embryos derived from oocytes recovered in
the growth phase of follicular development were
23.6%, 21.6% and 13.3%, respectively. These val-
ues are comparable with those reported by Galli
et al. (2003) who obtained embryo development
rates of 21.8% and 15.6% in oocytes collected from
culled genetically valuable cows and heifers of one
herd, respectively, and by Merton et al. (2007) who
reached embryo development rates of 23.4 to 24.7%
in oocytes collected by transvaginal aspiration from
healthy pregnant heifers and first-parity Holstein
Friesian cows.
It is generally known that the pregnancy rate af-
ter the transfer of cryopreserved embryos is lower
than the rate after transfer of fresh embryos and
that it is significantly lower after the transfer of
frozen in vitro produced compared to the transfer
of in vivo produced embryos (Hasler, 2001; Riha
et al., 2002; Galli et al., 2003; Merton et al., 2007).
Pregnancy rates of 28%, 30–40%, 32.8–39.2% and
35.6–40.8% were achieved by Dobrinsky (2002),
Veterinarni Medicina, 53, 2008 (7): 358–364 Original Paper
Hernandez-Fonseca et al. (2002), Hoshi (2003) and
Merton et al. (2007), respectively, after the transfer
of frozen-thawed embryos produced in vitro from
slaughterhouse-collected and transvaginally aspi-
rated oocytes.
In this study the pregnancy rates were 48.8% for
cryopreserved and 55.8% for fresh embryos. A rela-
tively low decrease in viability was found for frozen-
thawed embryos compared to fresh embryos. The
pregnancy rate was improved after the transfer of
frozen-thawed embryos derived from oocytes with
greater meiotic and developmental competence in
comparison with the pregnancy rates after transfer
of embryos derived from oocytes with heteroge-
neous meiotic and developmental competence, as
used for embryo production by the authors men-
tioned above.
The results of this study confirm our assumption
that the recovery of oocytes in a suitable phase of
follicular development can be used to increase the
production of fresh and frozen embryos from high
performance donors and to improve the pregnancy
rate after embryo transfer. In this case, however,
the examination of follicular status of selected cows
and the timing of oocyte collection for embryo
preparation are important.
It can be concluded that (a) higher numbers of
usable oocytes from infertile, genetically valuable
cows can be recovered in the growth phase com-
pared with any other phase of follicular develop-
ment; (b) greater de velopment of these ooc ytes
results in more embryos for transfer and cryop-
reservation; (c) the pregnancy rate can be improved
after the transfer of frozen-thawed embryos derived
from oocytes with greater meiotic and develop-
mental competence.
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Corresponding Author:
Ing. Marie Machatkova, CSc., Veterinary Research Institute, Hudcova 70, 621 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Tel. +420 533 331 418, fax +420 541 211 229, e-mail:
Machatkova M., Hanzalova K., Horakova J., Reckova Z.,
Hulinska P. (2006): Collection of oocytes from donors
in the growth phase of follicular development can en-
hance the production of bovine embryos for cryop-
reservation. Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 232–238.
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M.P., de Kruif A. (1995): Optimization of a simple vit-
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survival. Reproduction and Fertility, 103, 33–39.
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Received: 2008–04–18
Accepted after corrections: 2008–06–11
... These results were lower than previous reports by several authors in other cattle breeds: 4.60 in Podolian and 5.83 in Maremmana (Pauciullo et al., 2012); 5.33 in Czech Simmental and 6.50 in dairy Holstein (Machatkova et al., 2008); 9.5 in Belgium Holstein and 11.1 in Belgium Blue (Van Soom et al., 1993). We only found a lower rate reported previously in Czech beef breeds (Machatkova et al., 2008) and in zebu Nelore cows (Dode et al., 2001). ...
... These results were lower than previous reports by several authors in other cattle breeds: 4.60 in Podolian and 5.83 in Maremmana (Pauciullo et al., 2012); 5.33 in Czech Simmental and 6.50 in dairy Holstein (Machatkova et al., 2008); 9.5 in Belgium Holstein and 11.1 in Belgium Blue (Van Soom et al., 1993). We only found a lower rate reported previously in Czech beef breeds (Machatkova et al., 2008) and in zebu Nelore cows (Dode et al., 2001). It is noteworthy that the low number of replicates could influence the results obtained . ...
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Lidia bovine breed, also known as fighting the bull, is the most successful cattle bred on the Iberian peninsula (Cañón et al., 2008). It is also considered a hallmark of Spanish tradition and image around the world (Jiménez et al., 2007). This animal population is reared following traditional procedures, characteri-zed by a long history of isolation from the rest of Spa-nish cattle breeds. For hundreds of years, this breed has only been selected for their temperament and aggressiveness without considering other phenotypic characteristics. This fact has caused a loss in genetic variability and an increase in inbreeding depression due to this phenotypic selection performed over the years (Cañón et al., 2008). The same authors have determined that this mainly occurs on isolated lineages, where only a few superior animals are the highest con-tributors to the gene pool (Cortés et al., 2011). Bulls of this breed are isolated from the females to increase aggressiveness and are normally killed during a bullfight before being able to produce any offspring (Jiménez et al., 2007). Only a very limited number of bulls are pardoned and subsequently used in for reproduction/breeding according to their performance during the Lidia. For this reason, the use of assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) could be considered as an important tool to obtain more offspring from cer-tain maternal lineages or from a particular bull killed during the Lidia (Katska-Ksiazkiewicz et al., 2006). As part of the in vitro procedures, artificial oocyte ma-turation has a significant role in in vitro technologies Short communication. In vitro oocyte maturation and fertilization rates in the Spanish Lidia bovine breed
... Overall, the development of embryos produced in vitro was low across all breeds compared to their in vivo counterparts. This study is comparable with the findings of Machatkova et al., (2008) and Lonergan and Fair (2014) who indicated that the development of embryos produced in vitro from oocytes of selected donors and survival of these embryos after cryopreservation was low compared with embryos produced in vivo from superovulated donors. ...
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The aim of this study was to compare the embryonic developmental rates in the Southern African cattle breeds. To do this, cryopreserved semen straws from Nguni, Bonsmara, and Boran bulls were thawed at 38°C and evaluated for sperm motility characteristics using Sperm Class Analyser (SCA). The fertilizing ability of frozen/thawed sperm was evaluated by performing artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF). For AI, superovulated cows were inseminated with frozen/thawed semen and then further evaluated for embryo development. For IVF, oocytes from the respective cows were retrieved using ovum pickup, and then matured. Following maturation, oocytes were co-incubated with semen for 6 h. In the Nguni breeds, the IVF method of embryo production was mildly superior to the in vivo method at the morula stage while the Bonsmara breed revealed the opposite effect at both the morula and blastocyst stages. In the Boran breed, the IVF method was highly superior with the in vivo method at the 8-cell stage while the opposite effect was observed at the blastocyst stage of embryonic development. This study suggests that the Boran breed is less susceptible to loss of embryonic development as compared to the Nguni and Bonsmara breeds.
... skilled technician, appropriately synchronized and well-managed recipient females, and excellent quality embryos), pregnancy rates of 60-70% [58,62,63] and 45-55% [56,64] are expected after transfer of IVD embryos cryopreserved conventionally or via vitrification, respectively. Pregnancy rates of 40-50% [62,65] and 45-60% [66][67][68][69] are expected after the transfer of IVP embryos cryopreserved conventionally or via vitrification, respectively. ...
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The cryopreservation of preimplantation embryos of domestic mammalian livestock species has become a routine practice in animal production. Embryo cryopreservation is an integral part of genetic improvement programs utilizing embryo transfer and also is vital to germplasm preservation programs. The purpose of this review is to provide the reader with the background and history of embryo cryopreservation as well as insights into current trends in the cryopreservation of preimplantation embryos of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and horses.
Contents Cryopreservation of in vitro‐derived bovine embryos is a crucial step for the widespread reproduction and conservation of valuable high‐merit animals. Given the current popularity of bovine in vitro embryo production (IVP), there is a demand for a highly efficient ultra‐low temperature storage method in order to maximize donor ovum pickup (OPU) turn‐over, recipient availability/utilization and domestic/overseas commercial trading opportunities. However, IVP bovine embryos are still very sensitive to chilling and cryopreservation, and despite recent progress, a convenient (simple and robust) protocol has not yet been developed. At the moment, there are two methods for bovine IVP embryo cryopreservation: slow programmable freezing and vitrification. Both of the aforementioned techniques have pros and cons. While controlled‐rate slow cooling can easily be adapted for direct transfer (DT), ice crystal formation remains an issue. On the other hand, vitrification solved this problem but the possibility of successful DT commercial incorporation remains to be determined. Moreover, simplification of the vitrification protocol (including warming) through the use of an in‐straw dilution without the use of a microscope is a prerequisite for its use under farm conditions. This review summarizes the bovine IVP embryo cryopreservation achievements, strengths and limitations of both freezing systems and prospective improvements to enhance cryosurvival, as well as perspectives on future directions of this assisted reproductive technology.
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In vitro embryo production and embryo vitrification of genetically superior cows that culled inevitably due to health problems can accelerate genetic progress. This study was carried out to investigate whether maternal age and health status effects of high genetic merit cows affect cryosurvival and developmental competence of IVP embryos. In this sense, the effects of ageing and four common culling causes of dairy cows [repeat breeding (RPB), udder problems (UPM), chronic endometritis (CRE), and lameness (LAM)] on in vitro embryo development, and in vivo developmental competence after embryo vitrification were evaluated. The mean number of oocytes obtained per cow did not vary significantly between donors indifferent groups. Cleavage rates in RPB (86.0+/-4.2%), SEN (81.3+/-2.5%) and CRE (77.6+/-6.3%) cows which were comparable to control (95.9+/-1.5%) but were significantly higher than the related rate of UPM donors (50.6+/-2.6%). Importantly, there was no significant difference between the blastocyst rates of different groups. Mean overall survival rate was not different between the groups and was not affected by the blastocyst production rate. There was no significant difference between pregnancy rates of different groups. The results of the present study indicated that in cattle, neither ageing, nor these four diseases affect ovarian potential in terms of the yield and quality of in vitro embryo development.
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Preimplantation embryos from cattle, sheep, and goats may be cryopreserved for short- or long-term storage. Preimplantation embryos consist predominantly of water, and the avoidance of intracellular ice crystal formation during the cryopreservation process is of paramount importance to maintain embryo viability. Embryos are placed into a hypertonic solution (1.4 - 1.5 M) of a cryoprotective agent (CPA) such as ethylene glycol (EG) or glycerol (GLYC) to create an osmotic gradient that facilitates cellular dehydration. After embryos reach osmotic equilibrium in the CPA solution, they are individually loaded in the hypertonic CPA solution into 0.25 ml plastic straws for freezing. Embryos are placed into a controlled rate freezer at a temperature of -6°C. Ice crystal formation is induced in the CPA solution surrounding the embryo, and crystallization causes an increase in the concentration of CPA outside of the embryo, causing further cellular dehydration. Embryos are cooled at a rate of 0.5°C/min, enabling further dehydration, to a temperature of -34°C before being plunged into liquid nitrogen (-196°C). Cryopreserved embryos must be thawed prior to transfer to a recipient (surrogate) female. Straws containing the embryos are removed from the liquid nitrogen dewar, held in room temperature air for 3 to 5 sec, and placed into a 37°C water bath for 25 to 30 sec. Embryos cryopreserved in GLYC are placed into a 1 M solution of sucrose for 10 min for removal of the CPA before transfer to a recipient (surrogate) female. Embryos cryopreserved in EG, however, may be directly transferred to the uterus of a recipient.
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We have previously shown that, while the intrinsic quality of the oocyte is the main factor affecting blastocyst yield during bovine embryo development in vitro, the main factor affecting the quality of the blastocyst is the postfertilization culture conditions. Therefore, any improvement in the quality of blastocysts produced in vitro is likely to derive from the modification of the postfertilization culture conditions. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of the presence or absence of serum and the concentration of BSA during the period of embryo culture in vitro on 1) cleavage rate, 2) the kinetics of embryo development, 3) blastocyst yield, and 4) blastocyst quality, as assessed by cryotolerance and gene expression patterns. The quantification of all gene transcripts was carried out by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Bovine blastocysts from four sources were used: 1) in vitro culture in synthetic oviduct fluid (SOF) supplemented with 3 ...
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is study was aimed at evaluating pregnancy rates characterizing transfers of fresh and cryopre- served bovine embryos recovered from superovulated donors and produced in vitro. Various cryoprotectant agents and freezing protocols (10% v/v glycerol GLY, routine freezing method using three-step washing out of thawed embryos, 9% v/v ethylene glycol - EG, for direct transfer technology - DT, and one-step vitrification procedure) were studied. Embryos recovered from superovulated donors - FSH-PGF 2α regimen (control group) and embryos produced by in vitro procedure - IVP embryos (experimental group) were tested. Oocytes recovered from ovaries of slaughtered females were used for the production of IVP embryos. Fresh and frozen embryos were transferred nonsurgically to recipients synchronized by double PGF 2α dose (11 day-interval) on Day 7 of their cycles. Survival rates of transferred experimental embryos (IVP) are satisfactory as related to the rates found in control embryos (fresh and preserved in vivo produced embryos by superovulation of donors). e following pregnancy rates char- acterized transfers of in vivo and in vitro produced embryos: fresh embryos: 64.8% (245/378), 49.2% (29/59), resp., P < 0.05; total frozen embryos: 59.0% (125/212, 37.8% (159/421), resp., P < 0.01; embryos preserved by GLY procedure: 66.2% (47/71), 34.7% (129/372), resp.; embryos preserved by EG procedure: 53.1% (60/113), 72.0% (18/25), resp. (P < 0.01); embryos vitrified by one-step method: 64.3% (9/14) and 50.0% (12/24), resp. (P > 0.05, P < 0.01). e mentioned results document applicability of available cryopreservation procedures for preservation of IVP embryos.
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The present study was designed to compare the efficiency of bovine embryo production for cryo- preservation between oocytes collected from donors in the growth phase of follicular development (GPFD) and those recovered from donors in the undefined phase (UPFD). Cyclic cows, Czech Siemental or Holstein dairy breeds, 4-6 years of age, slaughtered at the local abbatoir were used. They were divided into two groups based on ovarian morphology: I. GPFD donors with ovaries corresponding to the growth phase of the first follicular wave (estrus cycle days 3-4; n = 52), and II. UPFD donors with ovaries in any other phase of follicular development (undefined estrus cycle days; n = 89). A total of 3 771 oocytes were collected and 1 134 embryos were prepared as two separate populations by standard protocol. In total 352 excellent or good quality embryos at the early, advanced or expanded blastocyst stage from both donor groups were pooled and used for cryotolerance assessment. They were frozen on day 7 (D7) or day 8 (D8) after fertilization by the standard procedure. After thawing, the embryos were cultured for 72 h to the hatching stage. The percentages of both D7 embryos and advanced blastocysts were significantly higher (P ≤ 0.01) for oocytes collected from GPFD donors than for oocytes collected from UPFD donors (33.7 vs 28.6% and 43.0 vs 29.5%, respectively). The percentages of excellent or good quality embryos obtained from both D7 embryos and fertilized oocytes were significantly higher (P ≤ 0.01) for oocytes collected from GPFD donors than for oocytes collected from UPFD donors (63.6 vs 49.4% and 21.4 vs 14.1%, respectively). The post-thaw survival rates were significantly higher (P ≤ 0.01) for D7 than D8 embryos (80.4 vs 66.3%). In rela- tion to the developmental stage, the development and hatching rates were significantly higher (P ≤ 0.01) for D7 than D8 early blastocysts (75.0 vs 41.2% and 50.0 vs 5.9%, respectively) and for D7 than D8 advanced blastocysts, (73.7 vs 57.1 and 52.6 vs 28.6%, respectively). No differences were found between D7 and D8 expanded blastocysts after freezing-thawing. In conclusion, the collection of oocytes from donors in the growth phase positively influ- enced the in vitro production of bovine embryos for cryopreservation. The development of embryos produced with oocytes from GPFD donor group was accelerated and more excellent and good advanced blastocysts with greater cryotolerance were produced on day 7 after fertilization, as compared to embryos produced with oocytes from the UPFD donor group.
Excellent and good quality embryos (31) harvested from purebred Holstein Friesian cows after inducing superovulation using folltropin-V and transferred to the recipient. Conception rates of excellent and good quality embryos were 44.44, 50.00 and 28.57, 14.28% of vitrification and programmable freezing respectively.
The capability to produce bovine embryos from ovarian oocytes by in vitro methods of maturation, fertilization and culture has progressed very rapidly during the past few years. Efficient experimental and practical use of these in vitro-derived embryos requires that they be cryopreserved. Until recently, in vitro embryos were considered to be much more sensitive to freezing than in vivo embryos. Recent observations are beginning to reveal that high survival of cryopreserved in vitro embryos requires improvements in the techniques of maturation and culture, rather than simply changes in cryopreservation methods. The merging of these two aspects of mammalian embryology is yielding success; pregnancies have been produced and calves have been born as a result of the transfer of cryopreserved in vitro-derived embryos.
The discovery of glycerol as an effective cryoprotectant for spermatozoa led to research on cryopreservation of embryos. The first successful offspring from frozen-thawed embryos were reported in the mouse and later in other laboratory animals. Subsequently, these techniques were applied to domestic animals. Research in cryopreservation techniques have included studies concerning the type and concentration of cryoprotectant, cooling and freezing rates, seeding and plunging temperatures, thawing temperatures and rates, and methods of cryoprotectant removal. To date, successful results based on pregnancy rates have been obtained with cryopreserved cow, sheep, goat, and horse embryos but no success has been reported in swine. Post-thaw embryo survival has been shown to be dependent on the initial embryo quality, developmental stage, and species. The freezing techniques most frequently used in research and by commercial companies are identified as "equilibrium" cryopreservation. In this technique the embryos are placed in a concentrated glycerol solution (1.4 M in PBS supplemented with BSA) at room temperature and the glycerol is allowed to equilibrate for a 20-min period. During the cooling process the straws are seeded (-4 to -7 degrees C) and cooling is continued at a rate of 0.3 to 0.5 degree C/min to -30 degrees C when bovine embryos may be plunged into LN2. Sheep embryos are successfully frozen with ethylene glycol (1.5 M) or DMSO (1.5 M) rather than with glycerol. Horse embryos have been frozen in 0.5 rather than 0.25 cc straws but with cooling rates and seeding and plunging temperatures similar to those used with bovine embryos. Swine embryos have shown a high sensitivity to temperature and cryoprotectants probably due to their high lipid content and a temperature decrease to 15 or 10 degrees C causes a dramatic increase in the percentage of degenerated embryos. However, a recent study has shown that hatched pig blastocysts survived exposure below 15 degrees C. Recent research has shown that embryos may also be frozen by a "nonequilibrium" method. This rapid freezing by vitrification consists of dehydration of the embryo at room temperature by a very highly concentrated vitrification media (3.5 to 4.0 M) and a very rapid freeze that avoids the formation of ice allowing the solution to change from a liquid to a glassy state. Vitrification solutions consist of combinations of sucrose, glycerol, and propylene glycol. With this technique, 50% pregnancy rates have been reported with the bovine blastocyst.
Experiments were designed to determine optimal conditions for the cryopreservation of bovine embryos produced in vitro. In Expt 1, embryos were exposed for 1, 3 or 5 min to a vitrification solution consisting of 40% (v/v) ethylene glycol, 18% (w/v) Ficoll and 10.26% (w/v) sucrose (EFS) and were subsequently vitrified. After warming in water at room temperature and diluting in a solution of 0.25 mol sucrose l-1, the in vitro survival rate in Ménézo-B2 medium was highest after exposure to EFS for 1 min. In Expt 2, embryos at day 7 and day 8 were vitrified after exposure to EFS for 1 min. The survival rate of embryos at day 7 was significantly improved, especially at the blastocyst and expanded blastocyst stage, when the Ménézo-B2 medium was supplemented with bovine oviduct epithelial cells (BOEC). Embryos at day 8 exhibited a significantly lower survival rate than did embryos at day 7 in both culture media. In Expt 3, one-step exposure of embryos to EFS for 1 min was compared with two-step exposure to 20% ethylene glycol for 3 min and EFS for 30-45 s. Embryos exhibited significantly higher survival and hatching rates after two-step vitrification, especially at the expanded blastocyst (89% and 69%, respectively) and the blastocyst stage (75% and 38%, respectively). In Expt 4, embryos were diluted in solutions of 0, 0.25 or 0.5 mol sucrose l-1 after two-step vitrification. There were no significant differences in the survival rates between the three dilution treatments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Examination of some ultrastructural and physiological characteristics of in-vitro produced bovine embryos may help to explain why such embryos are more sensitive to freezing than their in-vivo derived counterparts. Improvement of embryo survival after freezing can be achieved by changing the conditions of their culture, selection of embryos based on the kinetics of their development, and changing "standard' freezing procedures. Cryopreservation of embryos by vitrification, in particular, seems to yield higher survival than conventional slow freezing. Further development of protocols requires additional embryo transfer studies to ensure that the ability of thawed embryos to develop normally in vivo correlates strongly with in-vitro survival assays.
This present review describes some differences and similarities between bovine embryos produced in vivo and in vitro. The first part outlines the respective environments during maturation, fertilisation and early embryonic development of the two types of embryos and compares their morphological, biochemical and genomic characteristics. Results from comparative studies on embryo metabolism and gene expression reveal that most parameters are similar, but some significant differences of presumptive importance for normal development have been described. Morphologic and kinetic differences between in vitro and in vivo produced embryos are also well documented. However, improved culture conditions have been reported to minimise the differences. The second part focuses on the practical consequences of the differences in relation to embryo selection, cryopreservation, sanitary risks and pregnancy following transfer as well as normality of calves. Lower viability following transfer and increased susceptibility to cryopreservation of in vitro produced embryos is discussed. Finally and most importantly, reported evidence of increased sanitary risks and abnormal foetal development associated with in vitro produced embryos is presented.
The time of the first cleavage of bovine zygotes during in vitro culture can affect the rate of development and cell number of the blastocysts. The aim of this work was to study the effect of the timing of first cleavage on the cryosurvival of the resulting blastocysts. Following standard IVM and IVF, zygotes were cultured in modified synthetic oviduct fluid (SOF), with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) added 48 hr post insemination, in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2, 5% O2 and 90% N2. Embryos which cleaved by 24, 27, 30, 33, or 36 hr after insemination (IVF) were harvested and further cultured to the blastocyst stage (day 7 or day 8 post IVF). All developing blastocysts on days 7 and 8 were classified into three groups and were cryopreserved by vitrification. Group A consisted of blastocysts (<150 microm, small blastocysts); group B consisted of expanded or hatching blastocysts (>150 microm, large blastocysts); and group C consisted of morphologically poor quality blastocysts. The vitrification solution consisted of 6.5 M glycerol and 6% bovine serum albumin in PBS (VS3a). Thawed embryos were cultured further and survival was defined as the re-expansion and maintenance of the blastocoel over 24, 48, and 72 hr, respectively. Overall survival and hatching at 72 hr post-thawing was higher in blastocysts formed by day 7 than those formed by day 8 (60% vs. 40% survival; 63% vs. 45% hatching). Large blastocysts from day-7 and day-8 groups survived significantly better than small or poor quality blastocysts (76% vs. 63% and 31%; 72% vs. 30% and 26%, respectively; P < 0.05). Day-7 blastocysts from the 27- and 30-hr cleavage groups survived significantly better than those from the 36-hr group (63% and 66% vs. 25%, P < 0.05). Day-8 blastocysts from later cleaved (30 hr) zygotes had a higher survival than the 27-hr cleavage groups (52% vs. 26%, P < 0.05). These results indicate that the day of blastocyst appearance, developmental stage, and timing of the first cleavage post-insemination can influence the cryosurvival of bovine blastocysts following vitrification.