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Croatian Environment Information System
- Estimation of usage of environmental data and information
Croatian Environment Agency,
Trg maršala Tita 8, 10 000 Zagreb,
Abstract: - To be successful, environment protection activities require reliable and timely data and information.
Following that active approach in preservation of environment, Croatian Environment Agency (CEA) has prepared
by-law on Environment Information System. This legal instrument has been adopted by the Government in June 2008
(Official Gazette 68/08) setting up structure, content, format, functionality and Environment Information System
(EIS) maintenance manner, together with prescription of data flow mode (delivery terms, means and obligations).
Responsibility for by-law implementation lays to the Croatian Environment Agency.
As institution responsible for establishment, conduct, development, coordination and maintenance of EIS,
in June
2008, Agency initiated research named: Estimation of usage of environmental data and information. Main goals of
this research were to determine who is Agency’s audience, what is their field of interest, how Agency could make
modification in presentation of environmental data and information and also to help to perform education more
successfully. Also the research has defined the usage of data and information from all sources at the disposal of
Agency, as well as usage from other sources established at the national level. Their responses proved to be of great
value that would help Agency to make its information system more efficient. Research ended by the end of year 2008
with valuable information that has been used to improve Agency’s first approach to general public. By targeting
specific environmental topics in the publication, this research provided clearer understanding of purpose in using
environmental data and information. Also user profiles and their interest for specific environmental topic became
more distinctive. All of these inputs are used to improve access to data and information about the environment and
ultimately Agency’s publication The Environment in Your Pocket, which is intended for the general public.
Key-Words: - Environment; Environment information system; Environmental data; Data base; Indicator; Education
1 Introduction
Environmental protection is undoubtedly one of the
most demanding and most complex activities, which
goes to all parts of the organization of society. Given
the foregoing, it is necessary to provide complete
information about state and trends of the environment,
transparency and access to the environmental data and
information and development of concepts of shared
responsibility. All accessible, complete, true and
timely information about the state of the environment
is a prerequisite of any successful implementation of
environmental policy. Available information on the
situation and policy environment is not just a matter of
democratic forms: it can, among other things,
encourage the growth of environmental awareness and
responsibility for the situation, promote participation
in the management and conduct education [1].
Therefore, using new information technologies has
significantly improved the reliability of the
environmental data and information and the manner of
their dissemination, in order to effectively implement
environmental policy [2].
Speaking briefly, timely exchange of reliable data and
information is prerequisite for contemporary
environment protection activities. To that end, the
Croatian Environment Agency (CEA) as a government
expert body for collecting, processing and
dissemination of environmental data and information
and for reporting, has adopted a pro-active approach to
set up and manage Environmental Information System
Following SEIS principles (SEIS - Shared
Environmental Information System established by
European Environment Agency - EEA), CEA has
prepared By-law on Environment Information System.
This legal instrument has been adopted by
Government in June 2008 (Official Gazette 68/08)
setting up structure, content, format, functionality and
Environment Information System (EIS) maintenance
manner, together with proscription of data flow mode
(delivery terms, means and obligations) [3].
In that term, as institution responsible for
establishment, conducting, development, coordination
Mira Zovko, Jasna Butuci
ISSN: 1790-5079
Issue 11, Volume 5, November 2009
and maintenance of EIS, in September 2008 Agency
has compiled detailed Croatian Environment
Information System Development Programme for
period 2009-2012 (Programme). Within this
Programme Conceptual Model for Croatian
Environment Information System was set in the way
that assures guidelines for establishment of not
existing data flow systems, but also for improving and
customization of existing data flow and information
systems in order to establish common EIS, by using
modern IT tools [4].
Furthermore, the possibility of environmental data
collection and sharing data the information which are
processed and analysed according to the international
and European methodology, understands the
possibility of sharing them through other similar
existing systems on the level of the European Union
[2] that is also proscribed by the Programme. EIS
assures constant access to data available at the nearest
data source, on an open and transparent way. EIS is
anticipated as decentralized but integrated information
system accessible via Internet portal of the Agency,
organized in the common “information
provide/use/share way” and based on data/information
providers network. In order to simplify access and
collection of data, EIS is consisted of its basics groups
as follows:
- Environment components
- Sector pressures
- Health impacts
- Society responses.
These basic groups are divided into 11 thematic areas:
Air, Inland waters, Marine, Nature, Pedology and
lithosphere, Waste, Agriculture and Forestry, Industry
and Energy, Traffic and Tourism, General
environment topics. At the end, thematic areas are
divided into 42 sub - areas (exp. thematic area Air
consists of following sub-areas: Climate changes,
Ozone layer and Air Quality; thematic area Nature
consists of following sub-areas: Biodiversity, Nature
protection, protected natural values / types and areas
and Genetic modified organisms etc.) [4].
The Agency is using collected environmental data and
information in order to develop a number of indicators
as a baseline for preparation of reports required under
the law, topical state-of-the-environment reports (exp.
thematic report of marine and coastal environment,
thematic report regarding municipal waste…),
publications, and leaflets (also thematic) [5, 6]. The
World Environment Day marked on the 5th of June is
also the occasion that has traditionally been time for
the Agency to publish its annual edition of The
Environment in Your Pocket. By description of
selected indicators for specific environmental topics,
this publication reveals the state of the Croatian
environment in a simple, clear and concise manner [7].
This publication is distributed free of charge to all
interested parties and is also available at the Agency’s
website (
The time has confirmed that this publication is an
interesting and useful source of data and information
for relevant ministries and institutions involved in the
environmental protection, and for scientific and
professional communities and general public, as well
as an educational tool, particularly for secondary
schools. In order to collect exact data on utilization of
information presented in the publication and other data
sources available in the Agency; in 2008 the Agency
conducted a public survey, named Estimation of usage
of environmental data and information through The
Environmental Information Use Assessment
Questionnaire. The Questionnaire was distributed
together with The Environment in Your Pocket I –
2008 to target groups of users, and was at the same
time available at the website
2 Public Survey Objectives
The public survey had six basic objectives:
1. to determine level of interest of public in the
state of the environment,
2. to determine groups of the environmental data
and information users,
3. to assess interest of public in particular
environmental topics,
4. to determine for what purpose are the
environmental data and information used,
5. to determine in which parts of the educational
curriculum are the environmental data and
information mostly used,
6. to determine satisfaction of users from their
evaluation of concept and method of
presentation of the analysed environmental
data and information.
Additionally, the survey collected data regarding:
1. level of use of data and information from
Agencies other sources – databases, reports
and leaflets, and its web site
2. usage of environmental data and information
presented through other sources.
Mira Zovko, Jasna Butuci
ISSN: 1790-5079
Issue 11, Volume 5, November 2009
Data collected by this survey will be used to assess the
level of usage of environmental data and information
available from its data sources (EIS – data bases of
Agency, and also data bases of other relevant
institutions which are historically dealing with a
specific area of the environment in Republic of
Croatia), and particularly the level of use of data
presented through the environmental indicators from
publication The Environment in Your Pocket. Like
similar studies, this research will also enable the
assessment of usage of environmental data and
information [8, 9] in order to improve their availability
and quality of presentation to decision-makers,
scientific, professional and greater community, which
is one of the primary tasks of the Agency.
3 Survey Implementation
The Environmental Information Use Assessment
Questionnaire was distributed together with The
Environment in Your Pocket I - 2008 to relevant
ministries, administrative bodies in counties and the
City of Zagreb, state administration offices in counties,
libraries at faculties of the Croatian universities, and
libraries in the City of Zagreb and other major cities.
The publication was also posted to all secondary Eco-
schools in Croatia, and to selected secondary schools
with curricula based on natural and technical sciences
related to the environmental protection segments. The
publication and Questionnaire was also posted at the
Agency’s website (
4 Survey Results
The Environment in Your Pocket I – 2008 and the
Questionnaire were posted to 430 addresses. The
Agency received 193 properly filled out
Questionnaires that represented a 44.9% response rate.
Responses sent by postal mail amounted 78.7%, and
Questionnaires filled out at the Agency web site
amounted 21.3% of all responses. The responses were
statistically analysed, as presented in the diagrams
In order to determine user groups of the environmental
data and information, they were stratified. The
majority of interested parties included pupils (28.8%),
public servants (16.6%), and university students
Fig.1 Groups of the environmental data and
information users
Among environmental topics presented in The
Environment in Your Pocket, the most interesting
topics, according to the users, were Waste (15.2%),
Air and Climate change (14 %), Inland waters and
Water quality (13.6 %), and the least interesting were
Soil and Agriculture (6.9%) and Public relations (5.3
Fig.2 Assessment of public interest in specific
environmental topics
In order to obtain data on usage of the environmental
data and information presented in The Environment in
Your Pocket, seven possible responses were offered in
the Questionnaire. According to these responses, the
publication is most frequently used as educational tool
(40%) and as source of personal information (28%).
Mira Zovko, Jasna Butuci
ISSN: 1790-5079
Issue 11, Volume 5, November 2009
Fig.3 Usage of data and information presented in the
The survey results were additionally analysed for the
assessment of level of interest in these data for
educational programs. The analysis showed that the
environmental data and information were most
frequently used in the field of ecology and the
environmental protection issues (72%). Share of
18.3% respondents used the data and information from
the publication as extra books for the education on
following fields: Biology, Chemistry and Physic.
Fig.4 Usage of The Environment in Your Pocket in
Through this research user satisfaction with covered
environmental topics in the publication was also
analysed. According to results, 67% of the respondents
were satisfied with the presented environmental topics,
and 33% of them suggested inclusion of new
environmental topics in the future editions.
Fig.5 Satisfaction of users with the environmental
topics covered
The respondents that gave suggestions on additional
topics for the future editions of The Environment in
Your Pocket (33%) were offered a possibility to
recommend new environmental topics that should,
according to their opinion, be included in the future
editions of the publication. The analysed data showed
the highest interest in the sector of industry (19%),
information regarding environmental legislation
(15.9%) and information about pollution impact on
public health (14.3%).
Fig.6 Recommendations of public for The
Environment in Your Pocket editions in the future
The respondents that filled out their Questionnaires
were also asked to evaluate the method of
presentation, and Agency received information about
quality and clearness of environmental data analysed
and presented in The Environment in Your Pocket.
Mira Zovko, Jasna Butuci
ISSN: 1790-5079
Issue 11, Volume 5, November 2009
Fig.7 Evaluation of the method used to present the
data and information in the publication
Since the Agency has other sources of environmental
data and information (databases, reports, leaflets) other
than publication The Environment in Your Pocket,
their usage was also assessed. Out of 89% of
respondents that declared themselves as users of other
Agency’s data and information, 33% said they used
databases, 29% used reports and 27% of them used
leaflets as additional data sources. The remaining 11%
of respondents did not use any other database and
information in addition to The Environment in Your
Fig.8 Assessed usage of other sources of the
environmental data and information provided the
The usage of data and information available on
website of the Agency was also assessed. The results
indicated that 55% of respondents used data and
information from the website ( in
their work and education, 31% for their personal
interest and 14% of respondents did not use these
information and data at all.
Fig.9 Assessed usage of the environmental data and
information from the website of the Agency
Also, the Questionnaire suggested 8 possible answers
about the way how respondents are receiving the
publication The Environment in Your Pocket. The
results showed that sources of information about the
publication came mostly by other users of the
publication, but also from the Agency through the
annotation of The World Environment Day.
Fig.10 Sources of information about the publication
Through this Questionnaire, Agency was given the
information regarding accessibility of publication to
the users. The major part of respondents (41%)
receives their publication yearly, 22% almost every
year while 20% of respondents got the publication for
the first time through this survey. Share of 17%
respondents gets this publication occasionally.
Fig.11 Accessibility of the publication to the users
(frequency of receiving a publication)
Mira Zovko, Jasna Butuci
ISSN: 1790-5079
Issue 11, Volume 5, November 2009
Agency isn’t the only source of environmental data
and information. Other sources were also recognized
through this Questionnaire. The most significant one is
head Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical
Planning and Construction (42%). Besides above
mentioned, professional literature like varies of
specialized environmental magazines (20%) and also
Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund
(EPEEF) are significant source environmental of data
and information.
Fig.12 Other sources of environmental data and
informaton in Croatia
5 Discussion
Data and information regarding environment are
always interesting. They are the key to taking well-
founded decisions for the environment and every
citizen of the Republic of Croatia has a right of access
to them. Above mentioned statements are based on the
Environmental Protection Act (Official Gazette
110/07) (Act) with a reference to regulations that
define the Principle of access to information and
public participation. By this principle it is insured
public right to access environmental information that
are in the possession of governmental bodies as well as
timely notifications regarding pollution of the
environment and taken measures, and regulations and
basic acts regarding environmental protection. To the
same Act, Agency is accomplishing some of its basic
activities, as follows:
- collection and integration of environmental data
and/or information
- monitoring and reporting about the state of the
- preparation of data for drawing up documents and
reports in relation to environmental protection and
sustainable development
-ensuring conditions for access to environmental
information, held by it and under its supervision [10].
For the monitoring of environment as well as
calculation of environmental state indicators, it is
necessary to establish information system that contains
environmental data and information [11]. Regarding
that facts, Agency has established, developed,
maintained and coordinated national Environmental
Information System (EIS).
EIS is a sequence of information electronic databases
and sources of data regarding environmental state,
impacts on environment, spatial characteristics and
other data and information crucial for monitoring state
of the environment on the national level. In that way,
data and information are available through internet
portal Environment Information System on the website
of the Agency that ensures access to data and
information to all users and general public. By that,
interoperability has been ensured, with a reference to
ability of informational and communicational systems
and processes that are supporting and enabling data
and information flow [4]. In so doing, the institutions
which are obliged to submit data and information to
EIS are public administration, competent
administrative bodies in counties and in the city of
Zagreb, legal entities with public authorities and
authorized entities that deliver data and information
regarding environmental protection and sustainable
development according to Environmental Protection
Act (Official Gazette 110/07) and other regulations
At the national level, EIS provides access to data and
information about state and pressure on certain areas
of the environment, ensuring consideration of the real
and fundamental problems of the environment and the
possibility of action based on the implementation of
legislation related to environmental protection.
Establishing systematic and long-term monitoring of
the state of the environment and trends, gathering and
data processing, conducting analysis and reports, it
ensures real grounds for strategic decision-making for
the government of Republic of Croatia, not only in the
environment area but also for the need of strategic
documents of sustainable development in other
sectors. Implementation of modern communication
technologies enables quick access to gathered data to
all interested parties that allows operability of acquired
principles in information access and participation of
public in decision-making regarding the environment
[3, 4].
With this systematic approach, the Republic of Croatia
has defined a path for creating a unique EIS which
connects all existing environmental data and
information, acknowledging principles:
- of editing information closest to the primary data
Mira Zovko, Jasna Butuci
ISSN: 1790-5079
Issue 11, Volume 5, November 2009
- acquiring the information once and distributing it
among other participants of the system for various
- ensuring easier approach of the information to the
end user, primarily governmental bodies of the
Republic of Croatia for the needs of direction of the
environment protection policy and monitoring of its
implementation, as well as for scientific, expert and
wider public needs [2, 4].
Following the latest practice in European Union with
indicator approach and SEIS principles (Shared
Environmental Information System established by
European Environment Agency), EIS is designed as a
decentralized but integrated information system,
available via an Internet portal, based on information
and the data provider’s network, defined by the
National list of indicators (NLI) [3, 4]. NLI is list of
indicators about the state of the environment produced
taking into account regulations, reporting obligations,
international contracts and respecting the specific
national needs [10].. In 2008 Croatian Environmental
Agency has completed lists of indicators for total of 15
thematic areas, meaning data sheets were made for
altogether 266 indicators. At the same time, in the line
with Environmental Protection Act (Official Gazette
110/07), NLI is the base for reporting, especially for
the State of the Environment Report for the Republic
of Croatia [10].
EIS conceptual model consists of integrated
information systems of all available data, data sets and
environmental information via following individual
systems, structured in four EIS basic groups:
1. Environment components
a) Air quality information system
b) Inland waters information system
c) Marine information system
d) Nature protection information system
e) Soil information system
2. Sectors pressures
a) Waste management information system
b) Agriculture and forestry information system
c) Industry and energy information system
d) Traffic and tourism information system
3. Health impact
Health and safety information system
4. Society responses
General environment topics information system
Within these main basic groups (11) content is defined
through thematic areas and sub-areas (42). For each
thematic area and/or sub-area, an information system
is established as a part of the integral EIS.
Harmonization of data collection and processing
methodologies and introduction of national standards
complying with those of the EU is one of the key
activities expected to facilitate monitoring of state of
the environment and implementation of environmental
policies in the Republic of Croatia [4].
Besides gathering environmental data and information
through EIS, Agency has a role in processing and
using this gathered data and information in
summarizing clear and understandable reports. Reports
are an essential source of data and information about
the environment, both for decision makers as well as
for professional and general public [5]. Agency
gathers and processes data and information as well as
summarizes thematic reports in framework of separate
thematic areas. Data that Agency is gathering are also
processed and published in varies of publications for
general public and are also presented through leaflets.
Publication The Environment in Your Pocket combines
more environmental topics and through it data from
thematic areas: Air, Climate changes, Energy, Water,
Sea and Coastal Area, Fisheries and Aquaculture,
Waste, Soil and Agriculture, Biodiversity, Forestry,
Public relations, presented for five years in a row [7].
One could say that this publication, made in pocket
edition, has shown as understandable and useful
source of environmental data and information to
decision-makers as well as to general public.
The manner of presentation of environmental data and
information in the publication The Environment in
Your Pocket based on indicators. At the international
level, so far the most influential state environmental
Indexing System Core Set of indicators for the
developed countries of the OECD (1994) [15]. For
analysis of the implementation of the Action Program
of the European Union, EEA has developed its own set
of 37 indicators [13, 14].
By definition, an indicator is representative numeric
value of periodically measurements of a case
observed. Through data processing information is
derived that is an efficient way to monitor changes and
evaluate the state of the specific environmental
segment. In that way it is easier to understand complex
ecological problems as well as monitoring of attaining
an objectives and measures which provides
environmental protection and sustainable development
strategies [12]. Indicators can be qualitative and/or
Mira Zovko, Jasna Butuci
ISSN: 1790-5079
Issue 11, Volume 5, November 2009
quantitative. They can also be representative, as well
as important, precise, arguable, simple and correct.
The most important criteria for indicator selection are:
- importance of particular parameter from the negative
impact on the environment point of view
- possibility of gathering and calculating the indicator.
Indicators can describe driving mechanisms of
particular environment impact, consequences of that
impact as well as arisen state, results of impact or
responses of society to arisen situation [13]. Through
standard typology of indicators by the European
environment agency (EEA) that was adopted by the
Agency, indicators are categorized in so called DPSIR
system (Fig.13) [13, 14]. This is the casual framework
for describing interactions between society and
environment. By that framework, indicators are
divided into following categories:
Driving Forces – (D): basic driving forces of
the environmental impacts, e.g. Agriculture, Industry,
Forestry, Traffic, Energetic, Tourism, etc.
Pressures – (P): effects of driving forces, e.g.
an increase of concentration of fertilizers and their
components in soil, urbanization, etc.
State – (S): current state, e.g. degradation of
quality of air, soil, water, sea, etc.
Impact – (I): effects of pressures, e.g.
eutrophication of coastal waters, fragmentation of
habitats, lose of biodiversity, climate changes, etc.
Response – (R): measures and instruments in
preparation and/or in force dealing with particular
segments and/or sectors, e.g. ratified conventions, laws
and regulations, economic instruments, provided
projects, etc.
Fig.13. DPSIR system
On international level, an indicator of the state of the
environment ensures comparison of environmental
data and information with environmental data and
information from other countries in European Union
[15, 16]. Through processes of gathering and
displaying data regarding state of the environment,
Agency notes improvement in realization and
insurance of access to environmental data and
information on the national level as well as provide
dissemination of required data for the region [5, 6].
The publication The Environment in Your Pocket is
with reason conceptualized in an interesting, concise
and understandable manner that ensures presentation
of complete and reliable environmental data and
information. In other words, this publication was from
its start primarily aimed to general public and
collaborators in educational system that has expressed
interest in environment issues.
Main groups of environment data and information
users have been determined through this survey. The
result showed that the main interest for environment
issues was in sector of education (pupils in secondary
school and university students) as well as in public
sector (public servants). Moreover, the results of this
survey confirmed the hypothesis that publication, as
source of data, is useful in secondary school
educational programmes especially in ones based on
Ecology and environmental issues as well as Biology,
Chemistry and Physic. Besides the fact that the role of
Agency in process of environment education is
unquestionable, results shown in the publication in
topic of Public relations point at continuous increase
of number of enquires for delivering data from all
public segments.
The results of this survey have shown that the
publication The Environment in Your Pocket is mostly
used as an educational tool (49%), and as a literature
for personal information (26.8%). Towards the
answers of respondents, the most interesting were data
and information presented for following thematic area:
Waste, Air and Climate Changes, Inland water and
Water quality.
By the Questionnaire that was distributed along with
the publication, respondents were given a chance to
show their interest for other environmental topics that
weren’t yet edited in former edition of the publication.
Almost 33% of respondents gave their
recommendations. Most of the respondents expressed
their desire that future edition of publication contain
data regarding sector of Industry and themes regarding
General environment topics – legislation of
environment protection. Respondents also expressed a
Mira Zovko, Jasna Butuci
ISSN: 1790-5079
Issue 11, Volume 5, November 2009
big interest in proclamation of data considering
pollution impact on public health, genetic modified
organisms and spatial planning in the country. It is
crucial to mention how, through this Questionnaire,
was communication established between users of
environmental data and information and Agency as
central body of state government that gathers and
processes environmental data and information on the
national level. By doing so, prerequisites were made
for improvements in availability and presentation of
environmental data and information that Agency has
as one of its primary activities. It is also important to
mention that indicator approach presented in this
publication was assessed as clear and understandable.
This was the goal because the publication is intended
to be understandable, interesting and useful to the
general public.
Through this Questionnaire, information on
accessibility of publication was also given. The results
showed that most of the respondents (41%) gets the
publication every year and 22% of them almost every
year. Besides the fact that publication is in major
edition available to all interested parties, it is also fully
accessible on Agency website. The results collected
through the Questionnaire show that 26% of users get
its publication through Agency website. All above
mentioned points at fulfilling one of the most
important goals of Agency and that’s ensuring
availability of environmental data and information to
all interested parties.
Besides the publication, environmental data and
information are also available to all interested parties
through data bases included in EIS as well as reports
and leaflets that Agency is also announcing on its
website. Towards results of the survey, an important
share of respondents (33%) uses data bases as source
of environmental data and information. On the other
hand, almost 29% of respondents use reports regarding
environmental state and other thematic reports that
lead to conclusion that there is a great need for
processed and interpreted data. Through reports,
presentation of trends was given as well as projections
of future state of the environment. So it is nothing
strange that a great share of users reaches up exactly
for them. Leaflets that Agency edits always process
specific and actual topics, give announcement of some
specific event (e.g. marking The World Environment
Day, etc.) or brief directions on how to use some
newly established database. Given that environmental
issues are real in recent years, it can be concluded that
the public is increasingly interested and inclined to use
data not only for personal interest (31%) but also for
work and education (55%).
In Republic of Croatia head government body for
implementation of environment protection legislative
is Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical
Planning and Construction (MEPPPC) that has been,
besides Agency, recognized as a major source of
relevant environmental data and information (39.9%).
Apart from above mentioned, respondents declared
that they use information from other sources as well,
like professional literature (20%) and Environmental
Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (EPEEF).
Mentioned Fund is often a source of information
regarding fees (compensation for the use of motor
vehicle, fees for environmental loading of waste etc.),
incentives as well as projects (e.g. sanitation of
landfills, etc.) that are in purpose of environment
protection and encouraging energy efficiency in
Republic of Croatia. In 2008, in the Republic of
Croatia were active more than 300 Non - government
organizations whose primary business, environmental
protection and sustainable development. Research
results showed that NGO's are sources of
environmental information for 7.9 % of all users.
6 Conclusion
For the environmental protection is essential to
establish a comprehensive and timely data and
information flow about the state of the environment
and the activities as well as about the interventions that
change the space and the existing balance [17]. Given
the foregoing, it is necessary to establish
Environmental Information System as central
repository of environmental data and information. It is
recommended that this system is based on the
principle of interoperability between relevant
institutions that measure, process, posses and
disseminate environmental data and information to the
decision makers and interested parties. At the end
system should be compatible and connected to the
environmental information systems of other countries
on the regional level rather because pollution and
changes of the environment are know no boundaries
[5]. Good management of environmental policies and
enforcement environmental action programs depends
on quality of information about the results and
problems: where they came from, how important, what
causes them and what success achieved environmental
policy in dealing with them [1].
Given the foregoing, it is crucial to publish data and
information from EIS as part of reports, publications,
leaflets, etc., so they could be available to decision
makers as well as to general public. Availability and
dissemination of data and information are of great
importance to raise public awareness of current
Mira Zovko, Jasna Butuci
ISSN: 1790-5079
Issue 11, Volume 5, November 2009
environmental issues and sustainable development and
thus encourage the preservation of the environment.
The public survey conducted by distribution of
publication The Environment in Your Pocket I – 2008
with The Environmental Information Use Assessment
Questionnaire lasted between 11 June 2008 and 24
December 2008. Out of 430 distributed
Questionnaires, the Agency received 193 properly
filled out Questionnaires or 44.9 % responses. Such a
high level response rate confirms that an excellent
relation has been established between environmental
data and information users and the Croatian
Environment Agency as their source of necessary data
and information. The fact that the public response was
as high as 44.9% also points out to the high public
awareness for the environmental protection and
sustainable development issues.
The survey determined public interest in specific
environmental area/topics, which will be used as
guideline for future improvements and advancement in
data collection, analysis and presentation. The
majority interested parties are pupils, public servants
and students. The publication is mostly used as an
educational tool and a literature for personal
information. That shows that the Croatian
Environment Agency has successfully fulfilled its
objective - advancement in education and raise of
public awareness about the environmental issues.
Satisfaction of respondents with the concept and
method of the environmental data and information
presentation in The Environment in Your Pocket is
very high, since 91% of respondents said that the
presentation is clear and easy to understand.
The survey results also reveal that the access of public
to environmental data and information has reached a
satisfactory level, since a large number of users are
informed about other sources available at the Croatian
Environment Agency – databases, reports and leaflets
as well as other sources on the national level (MEPPC,
Therefore, it can be concluded that, considering results
of this and similar surveys, a statement from the
environmental acquis: "Public awareness of
environmental issues is growing, but the public
opportunities to participate in decision-making in this
area, as well as their access to information remains
low" should be modified.
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Mira Zovko, Jasna Butuci
ISSN: 1790-5079
Issue 11, Volume 5, November 2009