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Meeting Environmental Challenges:
The Role of Human Identity
Tom Crompton and Tim Kasser
Meeting Environmental Challenges:
The Role of Human Identity
Tom Crompton and Tim Kasser
First published in 2009
Panda House, Godalming,
Surrey, GU7 1XR
Distributed by Green Books Ltd.
Foxhole, Dartington, Totnes,
Devon TQ9 6EB
Permission is granted to reproduce material in this
volume without prior written consent so long as proper
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ISBN 978-1-900322-64-5
WWF’s Strategies for Change Project
This publication is one of a series produced as part of WWF-UK’s Strategies for
Change Project. This project seeks to examine the empirical basis for today’s
dominant approaches to environmental communications and campaigns, and to
ask why these are failing to create the level of change that is needed. Electronic
versions of this book, and other related publications, can be freely downloaded
Join the debate!
We hope that this short book will stimulate wide and critical debate – not
just amongst the environmental movement, but amongst the third sector
more generally. To help support this debate, we have set up a website, www., which we will use for developing these ideas further,
testing them, and inviting critical comment.
Crisis can bring opportunity. It challenges the institutions that guide our deci-
sion-making and it can profoundly affect our individual sense of identity. The
growing worldwide awareness and experience of economic, social, and envi-
ronmental crises seem to be prompting a renewed condence among people to
ask fundamental questions: Where are self-enhancing and materialistic values
leading us? How important is our relationship to people on the other side of the
world and to other species? What needs to change if we are to cope with the
overwhelming scale of the problems humanity faces?
We cannot know with any certainty where such questioning will lead us. But this
publication, Meeting Environmental Challenges: The Role of Human Identity,
helps clarify how the environment movement and the third sector as a whole can
begin to respond to these challenges. The authors have amassed a sophisticated
theoretical and empirical case for a fundamental re-evaluation of mainstream
approaches to environmental communications and campaigning. Their thinking
goes beyond an analysis of the problems of our current approach: it also suggests
clear and intriguing new possibilities that hold a great deal of promise.
Agree with it or challenge it – but either way, prepare for change.
David Norman
Director of Campaigns
Chapter 1 Values and life goals
Chapter 2 In-groups and out-groups
Chapter 3 Coping with fear and threats
Chapter 4 Shifting values and life goals
Chapter 5 Reducing prejudice towards non-human nature
Chapter 6 Promoting healthier coping with fear and threats
Summary of Part II
Chapter 7 Four good things about identity campaigning
Chapter 8 Beyond the environment: opportunities for new coalitions
About the authors and acknowledgements
The epochal scale of today’s environmental challenges is now beyond serious
scientic dispute. Awareness of the scale of these challenges grows ever greater
– in the case of climate change, it seems that the prognoses of climatologists
grow yet more urgent on an almost weekly basis. And as this awareness grows,
so too does our understanding of the gulf between what needs to be done and
what is actually being done.
The environmental movement has achieved a great deal in attempting to
meet these environmental challenges, investing remarkable effort with limited
funding against powerful countervailing forces. In these attempts, the environ-
mental movement pursues two basic types of strategy: engaging organisations
(both government and businesses) and engaging the particular behaviours that
individual citizens pursue. Here we present an overview of these two strategies
as a prelude to introducing a third approach to which we feel the environmental
movement must pay close attention. We believe that this third approach, which
we call identity campaigning, holds substantial promise for enhancing the ef-
fectiveness of the movement’s current work and for developing useful strategies
for new types of intervention.
Engaging organisations
Much of the environmental movement’s current focus is on engaging organisa-
tions. For example, one dominant approach relies upon the development and
renement of policy proposals, coupled with political lobbying to encourage
the adoption of these proposals by government. This is an important strategy;
there is no doubt that the environmental movement has been pivotal in the
development of many key environmental policy proposals, and in successful
political campaigns to see these adopted by government. Consider, for example,
the development of new efciency standards, restrictions on pollution, or the
establishment of protected areas.
But, as most environment campaigners would probably agree, current
policy responses fall far short of the level of intervention needed, and this ap-
proach is frequently vulnerable to the critique, levelled by Shellenberger and
Nordhaus in their paper The Death of Environmentalism, that “[t]he environ-
mental movement’s technical policy orientation has created a kind of myopia:
everyone is looking for short-term policy pay-off” (Shellenberger and Nord-
haus, 2003: 25).
Interrelated constraints imposed by a lack of political leadership and a
lack of electoral demand – along with opposition from strong vested interests
– often frustrate attempts to create policy interventions, so that these do not de-
liver the extent of regulatory change needed to address systemic environmental
In failing to respond properly to today’s environmental challenges, gov-
ernments are guilty of capitulating their leadership responsibility – and the lack
of public pressure for ambitious new government interventions cannot excuse
this failure. Nonetheless, in the face of this regrettable government timidity, it
is crucial that environmental organisations nd more effective ways to generate
and mobilise public pressure for change. How will irresistible electoral demand
for sufcient regulatory intervention and global leadership emerge? Today’s
environmental movement doesn’t seem to have a clear response to this ques-
Responding to the problem that business interests often present for pol-
icy reform, a second, more conciliatory approach to organisational engagement
seeks to demonstrate a convergence between commercial interest and environ-
mental imperative – the ‘business case for sustainable development’. There is no
doubt that where this convergence can be found (for example in improvements
in the efciency of the use of raw materials or energy in a production process),
environmental impact can be reduced at the same time that money can be saved
(or made). The prospect of better leveraging this coincidence of commercial
and environmental interests has led to the frequent insistence by government
that environmental challenges be met through ‘de-coupling’ economic growth
and environmental impact. Such approaches place emphasis, for example, upon
opportunities to dismantle market distortions (including subsidies, or tariffs on
trade in environmental goods and services) that both exacerbate environmental
problems and depart from today’s neo-liberal economic orthodoxy. Clearly,
making such cases can be environmentally benecial, and is often politically
Important as these interventions are, emphasis upon the economic pru-
dence of some environmental measures risks fuelling a reluctance to confront
other policy interventions that may not lie so comfortably with the grain of cur-
rent economic orthodoxy. Such cases arise frequently. Environmental regula-
tion is often opposed on the grounds that it will conict with economic growth,
and such claims sometimes bear scrutiny – particularly where a short-term
perspective is taken, or high discounting rates are assumed. More often still,
ambitious regulatory interventions may never even be publicly discussed be-
cause of the chilling1 effect of insistence that environmental regulation must be
compatible with economic growth, the prots of businesses, or the sovereignty
of consumer choice.
In sum, a focus on engagement with organisations – whether govern-
ment or private sector – can point to clear successes in driving through new
environmental policies and regulations, and changes in business practice. But
such interventions are proving woefully inadequate. If they are to be made pro-
portionate to the scale of challenge we face, this will likely be as a result of both
new and bold government and business leadership, and of public pressure.
Engaging behaviour
The second dominant approach, of engaging specic behaviours, is typied by
presenting individual citizens with checklists of ‘things you can do to reduce
your ecological footprint’. By focusing on behaviours, the political difculties
inherent in engaging organisations are avoided and emphasis is shifted away
from government and business onto the individual. Increasingly, approaches
to motivating behaviour change retreat from using information campaigns
coupled with moral exhortations; this is certainly understandable, given the
limitations of such strategies. Instead, approaches to motivating the uptake of
particular behaviours typically draw on marketing techniques. The emphasis of
such campaigns is upon motivating large numbers of people to adopt specic
behaviours – often to make ‘simple and painless’ choices. These techniques
offer obvious opportunities to collaborate with manufacturers and retailers to
urge new forms of ‘green consumerism’, and are thus complementary to the
organisational strategies described above. Such approaches to engaging behav-
iour usually remain indifferent about the deeper values or goals that motivate
people to adopt these behaviours; campaigns might, for example, appeal to the
nancial savings that accrue from switching to low-energy light bulbs or tting
double glazing, or the status that comes with purchasing a hybrid car or a bottle
of organically grown wine. Focus is maintained on the behaviour, rather than
the people engaging in the behaviour. To the extent that the people and their
motivations are considered, this is with a view to better tailoring communica-
tions to urge a change in behaviour – it is not with a view to examining and
shifting underlying values or goals.2
Certainly this approach makes perfect tactical sense in creating piece-
meal behaviour change, and it no doubt works well for marketing agencies
contracted to sell as many units of a particular product as possible. Behaviour
also has the advantage of being easily examined and analysed – an action is
performed, or it is not. But campaigns focused primarily on simple and pain-
less behaviour changes may well work against the emergence of a set of goals
and motivations that will lead to more systemic adoption of pro-environmental
behavioural choices. What’s more, experimental evidence does not support
the common assumption that, having adopted one specic pro-environmental
behaviour, people are then necessarily more likely to engage in other more dif-
cult and signicant pro-environmental behaviours (WWF, 2009).
Identity campaigning
Both of the dominant approaches outlined above – focussing on organisations
and on behaviours – can point to important successes. But it is also clear that
neither has generated the political space and irresistible pressure necessary for
adequate regulatory intervention, the fundamental reform of business practice,
or the far-reaching changes in individual lifestyle choices that will be needed
in order to meet today’s environmental challenges.
Given the enormity of these challenges and the inadequacy of current
strategies to meet them, we have attempted in this short book to delineate a third
type of approach to environmental campaigning that the environmental move-
ment has thus far seemed largely to neglect. We call this identity campaigning,
as it focuses on those aspects of a person’s identity that either lead them to
demand more ambitious change on the part of organisations, or that underlie
their motivation to engage in pro-environmental behaviour. Our proposal is
that acquiring an understanding of the psychological make-up of the person
who participates in organisations and who makes private-sphere behavioural
choices, will help both of the dominant approaches to be more effective. Fur-
ther, identity campaigning will help environmental organisations to foresee and
avoid some of the ways in which current strategies may have counter-productive
effects. Finally, understanding the psychological make-up of the person opens
up a number of additional types of interventions that can be used in efforts to
address environmental problems.
To this end, we suggest that there are certain aspects of the human
psyche that create proclivities towards unsustainable behaviour. In this book,
we focus on three specic aspects of human identity. We will argue that these
proclivities are often reinforced, or enabled, by social norms and structures,
by the government policies that shape these, and even sometimes by the ac-
tions of environmental organisations themselves. It seems to us that today’s
environmentalism by and large either retreats from confronting these aspects
of identity, choosing to ignore them, or alternatively attempts to ‘work with’
them, trying to co-opt them to serve environmental purposes. Unfortunately, as
we shall see, co-opting them risks making these environmentally problematic
aspects of identity even more prevalent.
It is important to emphasise that we are not suggesting there is any-
thing abnormal about these aspects of identity – quite the opposite. These are
ubiquitous facets of the human psyche. They may be just as basic to the psyche
of those who strive to minimise their environmental impact as they are in those
who are indifferent to such impact. But their ubiquity does not mean that these
facets of human nature are necessarily dominant, or that other, competing and
more positive aspects of identity cannot be brought to the fore.
It is inevitable that our society, however structured, will serve to make
some aspects of human identity more prevalent than others. It is also clear that
governments play a key role in this process. Policy makers may be “uncom-
fortable with the idea that they have a role in inuencing people’s values and
aspirations. But the truth is that governments intervene constantly in the social
context” (Jackson, 2009: 94). Our interest is in the ways that social context
serves to accentuate those aspects of identity which, according to the research we
present, tend to undermine approaches to meeting environmental challenges.
It seems to us that the mainstream environmental movement has rarely
invested resources into examining these environmentally problematic aspects
of human identity, identifying the social structures that enable and accentuate
them, and working to change these structures so as to encourage more environ-
mentally benecial aspects of human identity. And yet, until an understanding
of the person is integrated with current environmental strategies, and until the
environmental movement begins to tackle these aspects of identity and the
social norms and structures that enable them, we fear that responses to the
environmental crisis will remain inadequate.
The rst step in this process, of course, is to examine more publicly how
certain aspects of human identity are associated with environmental problems;
Part I of this book begins this process. The second step is to identify strategies
to mitigate the extent to which these aspects of human identity are encouraged,
and to promote alternative aspects that are not so damaging; Part II of this
book undertakes that examination and proposes a number of new approaches,
strategies, and perspectives on environmental campaigning. Finally, in Part
III we highlight some of the opportunities that this approach to environmental
campaigning offers, and the grounds for optimism that it can be of crucial impor-
tance in supplementing, modifying, or replacing current campaign strategies.
In particular, we develop a case for extending identity campaigning to address
concerns and challenges beyond environmentalism, and point to the opportuni-
ties for new and concerted approaches to joint campaigning across a diverse
range of third-sector organisations.
In Part I we identify three aspects of human identity that empirical research
suggests are associated with behavioural decisions that often serve to frustrate
optimal responses to environmental challenges. Identity refers to people’s sense
of themselves: who they think of themselves as being. Most identity theorists
agree that identity inuences how people respond to the broader social world
and how they choose to live their lives, and that this sense of self emerges from
the conuence of internal psychological dynamics on the one hand and the
social context on the other.
Clearly there is substantial room for subjectivity in deciding which
aspects of the human psyche in general, and of human identity in particular,
are especially important in determining humans’ responses to environmental
challenges. Our choice of the processes described below is based on three main
factors. First, of course, is our own particular knowledge of psychology. Second,
as alluded to above, is the existence of theoretical and empirical work demon-
strating that these aspects of human identity are associated with unsustainable
responses to environmental challenges. Third, as will be seen in Part II, is the
existence of evidence suggesting that these aspects of identity might be ame-
nable to a variety of interventions.
We make no claim that the three aspects of identity we have selected
constitute a complete list, or that we have even succeeded in identifying the most
important features of the human psyche involved in frustrating the emergence of
proportional responses to environmental problems. Rather, our hope is that this
analysis will stimulate those in the environmental movement to further examine
the ways in which their communications and campaigns inuence aspects of
identity, so that existing strategies for promoting sustainability will be made
more effective, and so that new strategies can be developed.
Chapter 1
Values and life goals
Values and life goals are the aspects of people’s identities that reect what
they deem to be desirable, important, and worthy of striving for in their lives
(Rokeach, 1973; Schwartz, 1992)3. As with other aspects of identity, values and
goals have both internal determinants, based on psychological needs and drives,
and external determinants, based on the social models and experiences people
encounter (Schwartz, 1992; Kasser, 2002). Substantial empirical and theoretical
work demonstrates that values and life goals have important ramications for
people’s attitudes and behaviours (Feather, 1992). This is because values and
life goals are understood to be higher-order cognitions that inuence the more
specic attitudes individuals hold with regard to the people, objects and ideas
they encounter in the world. For example, compared to someone who cares little
about security, a person who believes security is important is likely to be more
attracted to home security systems, and to be more supportive of governmental
policies that ensure low crime rates – even if these come at the cost of some
civil liberties. Values and life goals are also understood to reect higher-order
motivations that organise the more specic goals and low-level behaviours
that constitute many aspects of people’s day-to-day lives (Emmons, 1989). So,
for example, security values are likely to inuence whether a person holds the
handrail while descending steps or which of several different investment op-
portunities he or she will pursue.
Substantial cross-cultural research has identied around a dozen values
and goals that consistently emerge across nations. What’s more, as we shall see
later, the organisation of these life goals and values is remarkably consistent
across cultures.
Among these is a set of values and goals focused on wealth, rewards,
achievement and status. For example, Shalom Schwartz and colleagues (1992,
2006) have identied the existence of two types of self-enhancing values that
consistently emerge across 70 nations as fundamental and coherent aspects of
people’s value systems. Schwartz calls these values ‘power’, or the desire to
dominate people and resources, and ‘achievement’, or the desire to demonstrate
one’s success relative to others.4 Other work by Grouzet and colleagues (2005)
across fteen nations has documented the cross-cultural emergence of a similar
set of life goals, labelled extrinsic or materialistic. These goals, which are fo-
cused on the attainment of external rewards and social praise, include specic
aspirations for nancial success, popularity and having a socially desirable
Quantitative empirical studies document that people who strongly en-
dorse such self-enhancing, materialistic values also express more negative at-
titudes towards non-human nature. For example, Wesley Schultz and colleagues
(2005) studied almost 1,000 university students from six nations and found that
values for power and achievement were associated with viewing humans as
consumers of, rather than part of, nature. Schultz and colleagues also reported
that stronger values placed on power and achievement are associated with less
concern about how environmental damage affects other humans, children, fu-
ture generations and non-human life. Where these self-enhancing values pro-
mote concern about ecological damage, this concern is limited to an egotistic
consideration of how such damage might affect one personally. Similar results
in Australia (Saunders and Munro, 2000) and the US (Good, 2007) have been
documented for measures related to materialistic goals: caring more about such
goals is associated with signicantly less positive attitudes towards the environ-
ment, and with lower levels of biophilia (the desire to afliate with life).
Values have been found to inuence behaviour as well as attitudes.
Studies in the US and the UK show that adolescents who more strongly endorse
materialistic goals in life report themselves as being less likely to turn off lights
in unused rooms, to recycle, to reuse paper and to engage in other positive
environmental behaviours (Gatersleben et al., 2008; Kasser, 2005). Similar
ndings have been reported for American adults, amongst whom materialistic
values are found to be negatively correlated with the frequency of engagement
in pro-environmental behaviours such as riding a bicycle, reusing paper, buy-
ing second-hand, and recycling (Brown & Kasser, 2005; Richins & Dawson,
1992). Brown & Kasser (2005) also examined how the ecological footprints of
400 North American adults were associated with their goals in life. A relatively
high focus on materialistic goals related to a higher ecological footprint arising
from lifestyle choices regarding transportation, housing and diet.
Game theory research further supports these results. Kennon Sheldon
and Holly McGregor (2000) assessed college students’ value orientation before
asking them to play a forest-management game in which they simulated direc-
torship of a timber company. Each subject (or timber company) then made a
series of bids against three other companies to harvest wood from a state forest.
Sheldon and McGregor arranged the groups so that they were either composed
of four subjects who all scored relatively high in materialistic goals, of four
subjects who all scored relatively low in these goals, or of a mix of high and
low scorers. The experiment then proceeded as follows: each subject made an
initial bid for harvesting timber, the total of the four bids was subtracted from
the existing forest acreage, 10% of the total remaining acreage was added back
to represent re-growth in the forest, and the next year of bidding commenced.
This process continued either until 25 years had passed or until no forest re-
mained. Sheldon & McGregor found that in comparison to other groups, those
composed of four individuals who all scored relatively highly in materialistic
goals exploited the forest resources more intensively, and were signicantly
less likely to have any trees remaining at the 25th year of bidding.
Finally, data at the national level also demonstrates negative associa-
tions between environmental behaviour and materialistic values. Kasser (in
press, a) correlated archival data about the values of large samples of under-
graduates and teachers in 20 wealthy nations with the amount of CO2 each nation
emitted in 2003. As expected, even after controlling for gross domestic product
(GDP), per capita CO2 emissions were higher in countries where citizens placed
a greater priority on pursuing goals such as wealth, achievement and status.
In sum, to the extent people prioritise values and goals such as achieve-
ment, money, power, status and image, they tend to hold more negative attitudes
towards the environment, are less likely to engage in positive environmental
behaviours, and are more likely to use natural resources unsustainably.
Chapter 2
In-groups and out-groups
Another dening feature of a person’s identity is his or her social identity, or
the groups to which that person feels he or she belongs. When people ask the
question “Who am I?” they typically answer by including their membership
of particular groups based on gender, race, nationality, profession, religion or
political leanings, as well as their membership of smaller groups such as being
fans of certain football teams or types of music (Tajfel & Turner, 1986). When
a person encounters other individuals who share the same social identity, those
others are considered part of the person’s in-group. Recognition of potential
members of the in-group holds many benets, including the sense of belonging
so important to humans.
While identifying oneself through membership of a group provides
some important psychological benets, it also has a cost: the classication of
others into an in-group seems to automatically create an out-group comprised
of those who differ in a particular aspect of identity. An extensive body of
social psychological research on social identity demonstrates that after having
classied others as belonging either to the in-group or to the out-group, people
typically treat members of these groups in ways that enhance the standing of
their in-group relative to the out-group (Hewstone et al., 2002; Whitley & Kite,
In-group and out-group categorisation forms the basis of many psy-
chologists’ understanding of the widespread phenomena of stereotyping, preju-
dice and discrimination. That is, people’s in-group identications can lead them
to believe that people who differ from them in ethnicity, race, age or sex are less
unique, intelligent, moral or worthy of benevolent treatment than people who
are “the same as me”.
The idea of social identity has been extended to include a person’s sense
of belonging to nature. Drawing on work studying values and pro-environmen-
tal behaviour, social and behavioural scientists have introduced the concept of
environmental identity. Clayton (2003) denes environmental identity as:
A sense of connection to some part of the non-human natural environment, based on history,
emotional attachment, and/or similarity, that affects the ways in which we perceive and act
toward the world... An environmental identity can be similar to another collective identity
(such as a national or ethnic identity) in providing us with a sense of connection… and with
a recognition of similarity between ourselves and others. (p.45-46)
In recent years, a number of studies have begun to examine pro-envi-
ronmental behaviour and environmental attitudes from an identity framework
(Bragg, 1996; Clayton, 2003; Hirsh & Dolderman, 2007; Kals et al., 1999;
Light, 2000; Neisser, 1995; Reist, 2004; Schultz, 2002; Zavestoski, 2003). The
examination of self-construal and the construct of connectedness with nature
(Schultz, 2002) is of particular interest. Such connectedness refers to the degree
to which an individual associates self with nature (Dutcher et al., 2007), and
it is understood as arising as a result of an individual’s beliefs about the extent
to which he or she is part of the natural environment (Arnocky et al., 2007).
Individuals who feel that they are part of nature have views of nature and self
that overlap signicantly; conversely, individuals who feel that they are not part
of nature have views of nature and self that do not overlap.
Authors interested in environmental identity argue that experiences
of environmental identity are important in developing a relationship with the
natural world and that, in turn, a relationship with the natural world fosters pro-
environmental behaviours. Schultz (2000), for example, suggests that:
Environmental concern is tied to a person’s notion of self and the degree to which people
dene themselves as independent, interdependent with other people, or interdependent with
all living things. From this perspective, concern for environmental issues is an extension of
the interconnectedness between two people. (p.394)
Much as with aspects of social identity, an environmental identity offers
a sense of association and belonging to a group. So, to the extent that people con-
sider themselves part of nature, or see nature as part of their in-group, we would
anticipate that they will be more likely to act in pro-environmental ways. But to
the extent that they see themselves as separate from nature, it is expected that
they are more likely to behave towards it in damaging or exploitative ways.
Studies of environmental identity and connectedness with nature have
indeed established that connectedness is strongly correlated with environmental
attitudes and behaviours (Frantz et al., 2005; Mayer & Frantz, 2004; Schultz,
2001). For example, in a large cross-cultural study of residents in 14 countries,
connectedness with nature emerged as one of the strongest and most consistent
motivational predictors of pro-environmental behaviour (Schultz, 2001).
The tendency to dene humans as an in-group is called anthropocen-
trism. This is a consequence of a perceived split between humans and non-
human nature, and we suggest that it leads to a heightened indifference to the
suffering of both individual non-human animals and the destruction of the non-
human natural world (including other species and ecosystems). Human attitudes
towards other animals offer a particularly clear example of the human tendency
to display prejudice towards non-human nature as an out-group.
Several empirical studies have examined the proposition that non-
human animals constitute a type of out-group (Plous, 2002). For example, fol-
lowing a long-established tradition for studying how people categorise human
personality types, Gerard Saucier (2003) asked experimental subjects to rate
themselves, someone they liked or someone they disliked on a series of English
(American) language nouns that can be used to describe people. Saucier then
used a statistical procedure called factor analysis to understand how people’s
descriptions of others were organised in their minds. These analyses yielded
evidence for a single, underlying dimension reecting the extent to which a
person is socially acceptable or unacceptable. While animal nouns were not
strongly associated with words conveying social acceptability, a remarkable
number of the nouns used to describe socially unacceptable people were ani-
mal words (for example, ‘weasel’, ‘dog’ or ‘pest’). These ndings suggested
to Saucier that “describing an individual in nonhuman terms implies that the
individual is ‘not one of us’, that is, he or she should not be a bona de member
of one’s own human group” (p.707). The use of animal nouns in a derogatory
way, to deprecate human out-groups, also belies a prejudice against animals as
an out-group themselves.
Other studies similarly show the tendency to associate out-groups with
animals. For example, Jacques-Philippe Leyens and colleagues (2001) noted
that most people believe that both humans and animals experience “primary
emotions” (like joy, anger, surprise and fear) but that only humans experience
“secondary emotions” (like remorse, affection, pride and conceit). Subjects
in several studies reported that members of their in-group are more likely to
experience these uniquely human, secondary emotions than are members of
the out-group. Fundamentally then, people denied out-group members some
level of humanness by presuming that they shared a lower level of emotional
development, comparable to that of non-human animals.
Additional research has extended these ndings by showing that this
process of infrahumanisation occurs for characteristics besides emotions. For
example, Viki and colleagues (2006) presented British study participants with
common British names or with names typical of other languages, and with lists
of words typically associated with humans (e.g. wife, civilian) or with animals
(e.g. wildlife, creature). Using a variety of different methods across four studies,
Viki found that British participants were signicantly more likely to associate
human words with British names than with foreign names, and signicantly
more likely to associate animal words with foreign names than with British
So it seems that humans tend to associate out-group humans with ani-
mals as a way to justify prejudice towards human out-group members. This
probably reveals a tendency to treat animals as an out-group themselves: some-
thing that helps to explain widespread human indifference to the mistreatment
of animals. (As illustration of this, think about when playground insults liken
members of a different gang to people who are mentally disabled; this reveals a
prejudice not just towards members of that other gang, but also towards disabled
people). This, in turn, seems to be one facet of an anthropocentric perspective
that helps to explain humans’ high level of tolerance for the destruction of non-
human nature.
Evidence for this perspective is found both in historical studies and
reports of empirical investigations. In a historical study of changes in attitudes
towards the natural world in England between 1500 and 1800, Thomas (1983)
concluded that the ways in which people justify dominating other animals are
an inherent aspect of humanity’s broader attempt to dominate the natural world.
In an experimental study, Vining (2003) found that those who ascribe greater
rights to individual animals also express more positive orientations toward the
In sum, we suggest that there is a continuum between indifference to
the suffering of individual animals and indifference to the loss of entire species
or destruction of ecosystems, and that both these attitudes are driven in part by
a tendency to see non-human nature as the ultimate out-group. The tendency
to dene non-human nature as an out-group will frustrate the emergence of a
stronger connection to nature, and thus undermine the likelihood that people
will engage in more pro-environmental behaviour.
Chapter 3
Coping with fear and threats
The third aspect of human identity that we highlight concerns how humans at-
tempt to manage threats to their existence, their self-esteem and the integrity of
their identity. Such threats often create emotions such as anxiety, guilt and exis-
tential angst, which are not only unpleasant to experience in their own right, but
can also interfere with people’s capacity to function normally. As such, people
use a variety of strategies to attempt to cope with such threats. Sigmund Freud
(1923/1961) and his daughter Anna Freud (1936) rst identied these as defence
mechanisms, dening them as mental operations used (often unconsciously) by
individuals to manage such threats. Since Freud’s time, substantial empirical
evidence has clearly demonstrated that a range of such mechanisms are com-
monly used by humans in response to feelings of anxiety and guilt, threats to
one’s self-esteem and identity (Baumeister, et al., 1998; Cramer, 1991), and
reminders of one’s own death (Greenberg et al., 2000). Researchers from other
perspectives have also discussed similar psychological processes that serve
essentially the same functions, referring to these as coping strategies (Lazarus,
1991; Zeidner & Endler, 1996), therapeutic strategies (Stoll-Kleemann et al.,
2001) or emotional management strategies (Hochschild, 1979). Regardless of
their name, this body of literature shows that people have at their disposal an
extensive array of psychological strategies to help them suppress thoughts and
feelings about anxiety-producing situations and to protect their identity.
There seems little doubt that awareness of the scale of environmental
problems that humans confront can lead people to experience a sense of threat.
For example, people are likely to feel scared and anxious when confronted with
scientists’ projections about natural disaster, disease, war and food shortage.
Anxiety, guilt (a kind of moral anxiety) and threats to self-esteem can also result
when people recognise their own complicity in exacerbating these environmen-
tal problems. Threats to existing identity probably also arise when people realise
that they will have to fundamentally change many aspects of their lives either
in order to avert ecological catastrophe, or to cope with catastrophes once these
Although some anxiety-producing situations can be escaped physically
(one can run away from a dangerous confrontation or leave an abusive relation-
ship), in the case of environmental crisis, this is not possible. The impossibility
of physical escape from environmental problems propels some people to adopt
radical changes in the way that they live (in order to minimise their own envi-
ronmental impact), or to engage in direct political action. But for all those who
have engaged in such environmentally benecial means of coping, there are
many others who apparently attempt to deal with awareness of ecological crises
through psychological strategies that do not promote such benecial ecological
outcomes. In the next ve sections, we provide an overview of a range of such
defence mechanisms, coping strategies, or emotional management strategies.
In each case, theoretical or empirical studies suggest, rstly, that people use
these strategies to minimise the anxiety specically associated with ecologi-
cal problems, and to protect their existing identities; and, secondly, that these
strategies do not promote positive environmental behaviour and often lead to
negative environmental behaviour.
3.1 Strategies for diversion
One type of defence mechanism or coping strategy that people sometimes use
when confronted with environmental problems involves attempting to supplant
the anxiety-arousing information with other material. Kari Norgaard (2006)
calls these “selective attention” emotion-management strategies. In her exten-
sive ethnographic study of small-town Norwegians, she identied three ways
that people distracted themselves when thoughts of global warming created
feelings of fear or helplessness.
First, her respondents would limit their exposure to information which
may create anxiety. For example, one environmental activist described how
she avoided reading all of the details about global warming, believing that it is
“better not to know everything”. This may also manifest itself as a reluctance to
engage in conversation about climate change. George Marshall refers to this as
the ‘Spinach Tart effect’, reporting someone’s experience at a dinner party: there
was an awkward pause in conversation after a guest raised the issue of climate
change, until another intervened by remarking on how lovely the tart was – at
which point everyone else emphatically agreed (Marshall, 2007). Another form
of selective attention involved keeping one’s thoughts in the present, so that
awareness about future impacts of climate change is avoided. For example, a
young mother said, “There is a lot that is negative. Then I become like — yeah,
pfff! … and so it is well that I don’t allow myself to think so far ahead.” A third
type of selective attention Norgaard identied was doing something, however
small. In work conducted with focus groups in Switzerland, Stoll-Kleemann
and colleagues (2001) also identied this strategy, labelling it the “metaphor
of displaced commitment”. By turning down the thermostat a few degrees, or
turning off the water whilst brushing their teeth, people can at least temporarily
displace their feeling of hopelessness by taking action.
Homburg and colleagues (2007) suggest another diversion strategy
that should be listed alongside those that both Norgaard and Stoll-Kleemann
and colleagues identied: seeking pleasure, or deciding to pursue exciting ex-
periences or possessions despite environmental problems. In the words of a
recent advertising campaign for a new television channel in the UK: “Enjoy
some glamour and gratuitous sex before the world ends.”5 In their study of
eight different strategies that people use to cope with environmental problems,
Homburg and colleagues found that ‘seeking pleasure’ was the strategy most
highly endorsed across three samples of adults. Perhaps people’s tendency to
use the seeking-pleasure strategy so extensively was due in part to the fact that it
seemed to provide psychic relief from anxiety. Indeed, Homburg and colleagues
found a negative association between the extent to which people reported using
this strategy and the level of stress they reported as arising from an awareness
of environmental problems. Unfortunately, additional analyses showed that
seeking pleasure did not motivate positive environmental behaviours, and in
some samples this strategy was actually associated with less engagement in
such benecial behaviours.
3.2 Strategies for reinterpreting the threat
A second common set of strategies that researchers have identied seeks to
diminish the unpleasant emotions arising from environmental damage by re-
interpreting the situation so as to render it less threatening – particularly in terms
of the challenge that it poses to one’s sense of being a good person.
For instance, Homburg and colleagues (2007) studied the coping strat-
egy of relativisation, which entails claiming that the ecological problems facing
humanity are really not so great, or at least are smaller than other challenges that
humans have successfully faced in the past. As with seeking pleasure, Homburg
and colleagues found that this strategy was consistently associated with lower
levels of stress from environmental damage, suggesting that it does reduce
anxiety. However, as with seeking pleasure, analyses showed that endorsing
relativisation did not promote greater pro-environmental behaviour.
Another reinterpretative strategy, denial of guilt, yielded similar re-
sults. When deploying this strategy, people coped with environmental prob-
lems by claiming that environmental damage is “not my fault”. Again, as with
other strategies we have discussed, denial of guilt helps lower levels of stress
from environmental problems but did not propel people to engage in positive
environmental behaviours. Stoll-Kleemann and colleagues reported the same
strategy amongst their Swiss focus groups, with one respondent saying: “I alone
can do nothing, I can achieve something only if the others join in” (2001: 113).
Norgaard (2006) found similar results in her study of Norwegians, noting the
frequency with which her respondents explained away their complicity in cli-
mate change by saying how globally insignicant Norway was – both in terms
of cumulative national greenhouse gas emissions and international political
A third reinterpretative strategy is the classic Freudian defence mecha-
nism of projection, in which one’s own feelings of guilt are denied and instead
other individuals or groups are identied as the ones to blame. Norgaard found
substantial evidence for this form of emotion management, as many of her
Norwegian respondents repeatedly identied “Amerika” as the real source of
ecological problems. Similarly, a Swiss focus group member said, “As long as
the USA don’t do anything…” (sic) (Stoll-Kleemann et al., 2001: 113).
3.3 Strategies for indifference
Another class of strategy for coping with the fears and anxieties brought about
by environmental degradation is apathy. Public apathy about the environment is
often discussed in the environmental movement, and activists typically attribute
apathy to insufcient information, information that is improperly presented,
lazy citizens, or self-enhancing and materialistic values. Renée Lertzman (2008)
has recently suggested an alternative way of understanding apathy: perhaps it
represents individuals’ attempts to protect themselves from the psychic pain
they would otherwise experience if they accepted the facts about what they see
as a hopeless, impossible situation. Psychotherapists have long recognised that
if one believes that there is no hope, a good way to protect oneself is to seem
not to care: if the problem is not personally important, it poses less of a threat.
Unfortunately, of course, apathy serves to reinforce behavioural choices that ex-
acerbate environmental problems. Indeed, Homburg and colleagues found that
people were signicantly less likely to engage in pro-environmental behaviours
to the extent that they used the strategy of resignation, accepting environmental
problems as inevitable.
3.4 Orienting towards materialistic goals
A fourth common strategy for self-protection in the face of threat is to activate
valued elements of one’s identity and to strive to demonstrate that one is a
worthy person. The theoretical perspective known as terror management theory
(Solomon et al., 1991), for instance, has repeatedly and empirically documented
that when briey reminded of the threat of their own mortality, people seek out
means of enhancing their self-esteem (see Greenberg et al., 2004).
In Chapter 1 we reviewed evidence that self-enhancing, materialistic
goals are fundamental strivings present in most people’s value systems. Given
the current economic and cultural climate that frequently serves to equate an
individual’s worth with his or her nancial status and possessions, it seems
probable that, when briey reminded of their mortality, people will tend to ori-
ent towards self-enhancing, materialistic values. A growing body of evidence
suggests that this is the case.
For example, two recent studies showed that subjects randomly as-
signed to write short essays about their own death attached greater importance to
money, image and status than other subjects randomly assigned to write about a
neutral topic (Kosloff & Greenberg, 2009; Sheldon & Kasser, 2008). In another
research project, subjects who had written about their own death reported being
more excited at the prospect of nding $20 while out for a walk than those who
had written about a neutral topic (Solomon & Arndt, 1993). Mandel & Heine
(1999) also found that thinking about death (as opposed to about depression)
increases the appeal of high-status goods. Specically, after having mortality
made salient, subjects were more attracted to goods such as a Lexus car or a
Rolex watch, whereas thinking about death did not increase the appeal of a Geo-
Metro car (a small and efcient vehicle) or Pringles potato chips. Writing about
their own death has also been found to increase undergraduates’ expectations
about their future nancial worth, as well as how much they expect to spend on
clothing, entertainment and leisure activities (Kasser & Sheldon, 2000).
These studies suggest that brief thoughts of one’s own death can in-
crease the appeal of materialistic values, with the unfortunate ecological con-
sequences noted in Chapter 1.
3.5 Denigrate the out-group
As we have just seen, one way people cope with threat is to activate valued parts
of their identities. One important aspect of many people’s identities concerns
their in-group memberships (see Chapter 2). Thus, it is perhaps not surprising
that threat is one of the key features that tends to promote in-group bias and out-
group prejudice (Stephan & Stephan, 2000). What’s more, the specic threat
that occurs when contemplating one’s own death has been shown to have the
same effect: thinking about death leads judges to assign harsher punishments
to prostitutes, Americans to provide greater monetary rewards to those who
uphold common cultural values, and college students to be more antagonistic
towards out-group members (see Greenberg et al., 2004). These basic strategies
for managing awareness of one’s own death have been documented in several
different cultures and for in-group/out-group differences based on religion,
nationality, and political beliefs, as well as a variety of other outcomes.
On the basis of evidence reviewed in Chapter 2, we might expect that
when people identify themselves in distinction to non-human nature, they will
become especially negative towards animals and the natural world when re-
minded of their own death. Research suggests that this is indeed the case.
In the rst test of these ideas, Jamie Goldenberg and colleagues (2001)
conducted two experiments in which college undergraduates wrote essays ei-
ther about their own death or about a neutral topic. In the rst experiment,
subjects then completed a survey assessing how disgusting they found several
topics. Results showed that subjects who had written about their own death
became especially disgusted by animals (seeing maggots or cockroaches) and
body products (aspects of humans’ existence that we share with animals, such as
vomit or faeces). In the second experiment, after writing about death (or, in the
case of the control group, about a neutral topic), subjects read essays emphasis-
ing either the similarities or the differences between humans and animals. The
similarity essay read, in part:
The boundary between humans and animals is not as great as most people think ... what
appears to be the result of complex thought and free will is really just the result of our
biological programming and simple learning experiences.
The differences essay read, in part:
Although we humans have some things in common with other animals, human beings are
truly unique … we are not simple selsh creatures driven by hunger and lust, but complex
individuals with a will of our own, capable of making choices, and creating our own desti-
nies. (Goldenberg et al. 2001: 432)
When asked to evaluate the authors of these essays, the subjects who
had written about the neutral topic expressed essentially the same attitudes
towards both authors. In contrast, the subjects who had written about their
own death rated the author of the essay proclaiming the similarities between
animals and humans as less likable, intelligent, and knowledgeable than the
author who wrote that humans were unique and special. Since these studies
were conducted, additional research has similarly demonstrated that thoughts
of death can cause people to express more negative attitudes towards those as-
pects of human behaviour that are shared with animals, such as breastfeeding
and the physical aspects of sex (Goldenberg et al., 2006), and towards animals
in general (Beatson & Halloran, 2007).
Consistent with our suggestion that antipathy to non-human animals
is a particular instance of antipathy towards non-human nature (see Chapter
2), these effects of mortality awareness extend to attitudes towards nature and
wilderness. As Sander Koole and Agnes Van den Berg (2004) have noted, while
many humans nd nature and wilderness to be a source of awe and inspiration,
people also often associate nature and wilderness with fear and terror. Indeed,
Koole and Van den Berg found that subjects were signicantly more likely to
report that they thought about death when they were in wild nature (nature which
humans have hardly affected) than when they were in either cultivated nature
(meadows or grain elds) or the city (downtown or on highways). Reminders
of death, compared to a neutral topic, were also found by these researchers to
cause subjects to view cultivated, humanised nature as more beautiful and to
rate wild, untamed nature as less beautiful. It seems, then, that thoughts of death
lead many individuals to become more appreciative of a safe, tamed landscape
(where humans have had extensive inuence on the environment) and to be-
come more negative towards wilderness.
If awareness of people’s inevitable death leads them to respond more
antagonistically towards wild nature, then it might also stimulate a tendency to
transform or even destroy wilderness. Tim Kasser and Kennon Sheldon (2000)
presented data supporting this possibility, based on an experiment in which
subjects participated in a shorter version of the forest-management game de-
scribed earlier (see Chapter 1). After writing brief essays about their own death
or about listening to music, subjects were requested to imagine that they were
in charge of a timber company, and were asked to make bids as to how many
acres of trees in a state forest they would like to cut down. Subjects who had
written about death made bids to cut down signicantly more acres of forest.
3.6 Summary
In summary, threats can lead individuals to engage a variety of strategies to
reduce unpleasant emotions and to retain high levels of self-esteem and iden-
tity integrity. Many such strategies exist, but some of them do little to promote
positive environmental behaviour and can actually increase the likelihood of
engaging in destructive environmental behaviour.
Having established the environmentally problematic inuence of self-enhanc-
ing, materialistic values, of in-group identities that separate humans from na-
ture, and of the environmentally maladaptive strategies that people sometimes
use to cope with threats and fears, we turn now to suggestions for interventions.
As we shall show in the next three chapters, a focus on human identity can not
only help environmental organisations rene existing campaigns, but can also
point to the possibility of deploying a range of strategies that are at present
largely overlooked by the environmental movement.
Chapters 4, 5 and 6 present a variety of strategies for interventions
concerning self-enhancing, materialistic values, out-group prejudice, and de-
fence and coping mechanisms, respectively. We begin each chapter by laying
out a basic strategy for engaging each environmentally problematic aspect of
identity. Although these basic strategies are specic to each aspect of identity,
some elements of a common strategy also emerge. It is worth drawing attention
to three such elements at the outset.
The rst common element concerns elimination of iatrogenic effects.
In medicine, iatrogenic effects are adverse conditions that are inadvertently in-
duced by the activity of a doctor – that is, the patient becomes sicker as a result
of the treatment. There is no doubt that the campaign activities of environmen-
tal organisations can be highly effective in creating specic policy changes or
motivating particular pro-environmental behaviours. Nonetheless, some of the
campaign tactics commonly deployed by the environmental movement may
inadvertently serve to reinforce the environmentally problematic aspects of
identity that we identied in Part I. Such campaigns, therefore, may exacerbate
environmental problems in the longer term because they promote those very
features of human identity that contribute to environmental degradation. In
the chapters that follow, we will provide examples of such iatrogenic effects
and suggest means of addressing them and replacing them with more effective
Clearly, our main reason for drawing attention to these effects is in the
hope that they might be better managed. But there is another important reason
for this self-scrutiny. As we have emphasised elsewhere, the aspects of iden-
tity that we have highlighted in this report are ubiquitous. Environmentalists
certainly do not transcend them – either as consumers, as members of a group
who dene themselves in distinction to non-environmentalists, or as people who
deploy a range of coping strategies in dealing with environmental problems. If
environmentalists are to help in the course of managing these aspects of identity
in wider society, then they must rst come to recognise these aspects of identity
in themselves. Highlighting the iatrogenic effects of some environmental cam-
paigns will, we hope, therefore also serve the secondary function of reminding
environmentalists that they too are sometimes inadvertently complicit in creat-
ing today’s environmental problems.
The second element of the common strategies that we will discuss for
each aspect of identity concerns enabling factors. As we noted at outset, human
identity is formed in important part through interactions with one’s society and
culture. Thus, part of the reason that individuals take on identities that are en-
vironmentally problematic is that such identities are supported, and sometimes
even encouraged, by the broader social context which, in turn, is importantly
shaped by public policies. As Tim Jackson writes:
Government policies send important signals to consumers about institutional goals and
national priorities.They indicate in sometimes subtle but very powerful ways the kinds of
behaviours that are rewarded in society, the kinds of attitudes that are valued, the goals and
aspirations that are regarded as appropriate,what success means and the worldview under
which consumers are expected to act. Policy signals have a major inuence on social norms,
ethical codes and cultural expectations. (Jackson, 2004: 117)
Environmental organisations may therefore attempt to address and ‘disable’
those features of society that currently promote the environmentally problem-
atic aspects of identity.
Finally, each of the next three chapters will also present ways to activate
positive features of identity. While thus far we have focused on those aspects of
identity that contribute to environmental degradation, there are many aspects of
the human psyche that can promote sustainability. For each of the three aspects
of identity described in Part I, we will suggest ways that environmental organi-
sations might work to encourage aspects of identity that serve as an ‘antidote’
to environmentally problematic features of identity, or that promote positive
environmental behaviours and attitudes in and of themselves.
In sum, three common threads emerge in the treatment of each aspect
of identity: tackle the iatrogenic effects of environmental campaigns; change
those features of society that currently support the environmentally problematic
aspects of identity; and promote those alternative aspects of identity that are
environmentally benecial.
Chapter 4
Shifting values and life goals
4.1 The basic strategy
As reviewed in Chapter 1, the empirical literature demonstrates that individuals
who value money, possessions, achievement, power, image and status are less
likely to engage in pro-environmental behaviours. They are also more likely to
express negative attitudes towards the environment and to pursue environmen-
tally damaging lifestyles. To address the environmentally problematic aspects
of self-enhancing, materialistic values, Kasser (in press, b) suggests a two-fold
The rst aspect of the strategy is to diminish those factors known to
cause people to prioritise self-enhancing, materialistic values. Kasser and col-
leagues (2004) specied two main causes of the relatively strong adoption of
materialistic, self-interested values. One is social modelling. Research shows
that exposing people to messages promoting materialistic values tends to lead
them to adopt such values themselves. For instance, studies have found that
people express materialistic values more strongly when their peers or parents
express these values, when they watch more television or are exposed to other
forms of media, and when they live in a more economically competitive social
and political context. Psychological insecurity is the second factor known to
cause an orientation towards materialistic values. As we saw in Section 3.4,
reminders of death increase people’s orientation towards such values. Other
forms of psychological insecurity that have been empirically associated with
the adoption of such values include having emotionally cold, controlling par-
ents, experiencing divorce as a child, feeling economically deprived, and even
experiencing temporary hunger.
In addition to removing the causes of self-enhancing, materialistic val-
ues, Kasser (in press, b) proposes a second strategy: encourage values that are
psychologically opposed to self-enhancing, materialistic values. Recall from
Chapter 1 that substantial research suggests that values and goals exist in moti-
vational systems that are organised in relatively consistent ways across cultures.
Specically, these studies have shown that some values and goals are typically
experienced as being psychologically consistent with each other, and are thus
relatively easy to simultaneously value and pursue, whereas other values and
goals are in psychological conict with each other. The extent of psychological
consistency or conict between values and goals can be represented statistically
with circumplex models that align the values and goals people prioritise along
the circumference of a circle, placing goals that are psychologically consist-
ent near to each other, and goals that are in conict on opposite sides of the
circle. Figure 1 shows one such circumplex (based upon a study examining
how 1,800 students from 15 nations rated the importance of a variety of life
goals). As can be seen, the goals of nancial success, image, and popularity
cluster together, implying that if one of these extrinsic or materialistic goals is
prioritised, people also tend to prioritise the other extrinsic, materialistic goals.
Intrinsic goals, which concern pursuing self-acceptance (trying to grow as a
person), afliation (having good interpersonal relationships) and community
feeling (trying to make the broader world a better place), are found on the op-
posite side of the circle. These goals tend to be antagonistic to the extrinsic
goals: it is psychologically difcult for individuals to pursue both intrinsic and
extrinsic goals simultaneously. Similar results are also achieved with another
model. Using data from across 70 nations, Shalom Schwartz (2006) has found
that self-enhancing values of power and achievement lie next to each other
(i.e., are psychologically consistent) but are on opposite sides of the circumplex
from values for self-direction (feeling free and choosing one’s own goals), and
the self-transcendent values of benevolence (being honest, helpful and loyal)
and universalism (caring about the environment, a peaceful world and social
Thus, this data suggests that one approach to diminishing the power of
self-enhancing and materialistic values is to encourage people to place greater
priority on values such as self-acceptance/self-direction, afliation/benevo-
lence and community feeling/universalism. What’s more, the research reveals
that such values both oppose environmentally damaging self-enhancing and
materialistic values and promote more positive environmental attitudes and
sustainable lifestyles (Kasser, in press, b).
Figure 1
Circumplex model of values, based upon a study examining how 1,800 students
from 15 nations rated the importance of a variety of life goals (Re-printed from:
Grouzet et al., 2005 © American Psychological Association)
In sum, this two-pronged strategy suggests that as environmental or-
ganisations consider the best ways to reduce the detrimental environmental
effects of self-enhancing, materialistic values, they can work to: (i) decrease the
extent to which such values are modelled socially; (ii) help people cope with
feelings of insecurity in more adaptive ways; and (iii) develop programmes and
policies that promote intrinsic, self-transcendent values for personal growth,
close relationships and helping the broader world.
Clearly, this represents an agenda which extends far beyond the current
scope of most environmental organisations. In Chapter 8, however, we will
highlight some of the opportunities that identity campaigning offers for new
collaborations across civil society organisations working on a wide range of
different issues.
Physical self
Financial success
Image Afliation
Physical health
In the remainder of this chapter we will examine ways to decrease the
social modelling of self-enhancing, materialistic values and to activate and
encourage intrinsic values that are more likely to motivate pro-environmental
concern and behaviour; we defer until Chapter 6 discussion of strategies to help
people cope with feelings of insecurity in more adaptive ways.
4.2 Decreasing the social modelling of self-enhancing,
materialistic values
4.2.1 Messages from environmental organisations
Unfortunately, rather than working to decrease the prevalence of self-enhanc-
ing, materialistic values, some environmental campaigns seem to reinforce such
Environmental organisations are urged, for example, to appeal to selsh
desires as motivations for their audiences to engage in pro-environmental be-
haviour. Consider the following set of principles for environmental campaign-
ers, developed through extensive consultation with environmental organisa-
An accurate basic assumption might be that most people are essentially selsh, which is a
natural human reaction and indeed a natural evolutionary process for any animal. Quality
of life for oneself and one’s dependants (sic) is always a key driving force for anyone. Any
benets from environmental behaviour, and there should be benets from every environ-
mental behaviour, must be tangible, immediate and specic to the person carrying out the
behaviour. (Hounsham, 2006: 139)
In appealing to such selsh desires, particular emphasis is often placed
upon the economic benets of pursuing environmental goals. Consequently,
the modern environmental movement is dominated by concepts that serve to
reinforce the perception that non-human nature is an economic resource to be
exploited. Take, for example: the business case for sustainable development,
payment for environmental services, the three pillars of sustainable develop-
ment or green consumption. To the extent that each of these concepts – all main-
stays of much environmental campaigning – are emphasised, the environmental
movement serves to reinforce the self-enhancing, materialistic values that, as
shown in Chapter 1, are associated with more environmentally destructive be-
Consider the business case for sustainable development, which risks
reinforcing the perception that the pursuit of environmental goals should be
abandoned when this departs from the pursuit of compelling business interests.
Or consider payment for environmental services, an increasingly important
trend in conservation, which is based on the assumption that where economic
value can be assigned to ecosystems, then the imperative for conservation can
be married with market ideologies. This approach reinforces materialistic goals:
initiatives to place a monetary value on an ecosystem or a species reinforce the
perception that nancial interests are properly privileged above environmental
ones. Such an approach is also likely to create problems when the economic
case for environmental protection is difcult to make, when technological ad-
vances render the environmental service redundant, or when more money can
be made exploiting a natural resource than conserving it. As Douglas McCauley
Conservationists] may believe that the best way to meaningfully engage policy-makers…
is to translate the intrinsic worth of nature into the language of economics. But this is patently
untrue – akin to saying that civil rights advocates would have been more effective if they
provided economic justications for racial integration. (McCauley, 2006: 28).
Or consider the three pillars of sustainable development, which equates
social, environmental and economic outcomes, as though economic goals should
be pursued in their own right and ‘balanced’ with social or environmental im-
peratives. Or nally, consider how green consumption and campaigns to ‘buy
green’ reinforce the perception that the continued acquisition of new products
is ultimately reconcilable with the need to address environmental problems, at
a time when it is clear that a dramatic reduction in consumption is necessary on
the part of most wealthier people.
We take heart that some in the environmental movement continue to
speak out about the problems inherent in the promotion and elevation of ma-
terialistic, self-interested values above other values. For example, Gus Speth
The fundamental decision of today’s environmentalism to work within the system… can
be seen in hindsight as a major blunder. [In insisting] that the system can be made to work
for the environment… scant attention is paid to the corporate dominance of economic and
political life, to transcending our growth fetish, to promoting major lifestyle changes and
challenging the materialistic values that dominate our society. (Speth, 2008: 5)
Bill Adams and Sally Jeanrenaud write:
Much sustainability thinking has become path-dependent, locked into regulatory proce-
dures and trapped by its own hopeful language of ‘win-win’. The environmental move-
ment’s very acceptance at corporate and government tables has made it harder to express
sustainability’s uncomfortable challenges, harder to speak truth to power. (Adams and
Jeanrenaud, 2008: 32)
And Jonathon Porritt calls for:
a different level of engagement… and a much greater readiness to confront denial at every
point, to challenge the slow, soul-destroying descent into displacement consumerism, and
to take on today’s all too dominant “I consume, therefore I am” mindsets and lifestyles.
(Porritt, 2005: 309)
We agree with these analyses, but go further. We believe that it is cru-
cial to add that the willingness with which mainstream environmentalism has
embraced self-enhancing, materialistic values and life goals has actually served
to reinforce the dominance of these values and goals, even when, as we saw in
Chapter 1, these are the very values and goals associated with more negative
environmental attitudes and more damaging environmental behaviour. As Clive
Hamilton writes:
Much of the effort of environmentalists at shifting consciousness has focused on what is best
described as ‘green consumerism’, an approach that threatens to entrench the very attitudes
and behaviours that are antithetical to sustainability. (Hamilton, 2007: 10)
It thus seems likely to us that the environmental movement’s rein-
forcement of these values and goals has contributed to the difculties that the
movement currently experiences in forging systemic responses to compound
environmental challenges. We therefore believe that environmental organisa-
tions need to examine the values and goals reected and promoted by their
communications and campaigns, so as to diminish the extent to which they
reinforce materialistic and self-enhancing values and goals.
While appeals to self-enhancing, materialistic values may undermine
the long-term aims of the environmental movement, other research makes it
clear that appeals to self-transcendent, intrinsic values present a more effec-
tive means of motivating pro-environmental behaviour. Although this is a very
important body of research, drawing on extensive empirical work in self-deter-
mination theory, we do not review it fully here. Typical of such studies is one
conducted by Maarten Vansteenkiste and colleagues (2004). In this experiment,
students were asked to read a text about recycling. Subjects were randomly as-
signed to have this reading task framed as relevant either to the materialistic goal
of saving money or to the intrinsic goal of beneting the community. Results
showed that those who had the goal framed in intrinsic terms not only learned
the material in the text more deeply, but were also more likely to voluntarily
visit the library and a recycling plant to learn more about recycling. For further
discussion on the importance of self-determination theory for environmental
communications and campaigns, see WWF (2008).
4.2.2 Policy approaches for reducing the social modelling
of materialistic, self-enhancing values
In the last section, we focused on the empirical literature on values and goals,
and the ways that this can inform how environmental organisations frame their
communications and campaigns. There are, however, also ways in which en-
vironmental organisations, working in concert with other groups (see Chapter
8), can engage at a broader social level to decrease the extent to which society
at large reinforces and encourages such values and goals. Governments play a
crucial role in inuencing peoples’ values and goals, so to the extent that envi-
ronmental organisations engage with governments, they should do so in aware-
ness of the impact that the policy changes they seek will have on the broader
social context. As Tim Jackson (2009) writes:
[P]olicy shapes and co-creates the social world. So the idea that it is not only legitimate
but possible for the state to intervene in changing the social logic of consumerism is far
less problematic than is often portrayed. A critical task is to identify (and correct) those
aspects of this complex social structure which provide perverse incentives in favour of a
materialistic individualism. (p. 95).
A wide range of options are available in this regard but here we will briey focus
on two (see Jackson, 2009 for additional examples).
First, it is clear that advertisements and marketing are prominent means
by which self-enhancing, materialistic values are encouraged. Underlying es-
sentially every advertising message is the implicit proposition that purchase of
a product or service can confer happiness or self-esteem. Government policy
on advertising often operates to extend the reach and dissemination of these
implicit messages. Laws in the US, for example, make advertising expenses
tax-deductible for businesses.
Environmental organisations can begin to address these dynamics by
developing and distributing educational materials that help individuals (and
children in particular) to ‘deconstruct’ advertisements, recognising the tech-
niques of persuasion that they deploy, and the links between pervasive materi-
alistic values and environmental problems.
But environmental organisations should also support calls for legal
restrictions on advertising. This could include campaigning for restrictions on
advertising in public spaces (starting with advertisements in natural settings,
perhaps), and campaigning for a ban on advertising to children, who – given
that their cognitive skills and identities have yet to fully develop – are particu-
larly susceptible to the persuasive techniques that advertisers use. There are
precedents for both these approaches, as restrictions were recently placed on
outdoor advertising in Sao Paulo, and there are laws restricting advertising to
children in Sweden. Finally, environmental organisations could also campaign
for the imposition of taxes on advertisements and increased support for public
sector broadcasting.
A second type of strategy that environmental organisations could pur-
sue is to support the development and implementation of new measures of
national progress. Currently, most governments use gross domestic product,
stock market indices and consumer condence to assess national performance.
Such measures are essentially based on nancial transactions, business prot or
consumer spending. It seems highly likely that the use of such measures tends
to reinforce materialistic goals – particularly given the prominence that they
are accorded in political discourse.
A number of alternative indicators have been proposed that would serve
to introduce a wider range of values into public debate about national perform-
ance. These alternatives include proposals to directly measure citizens’ psycho-
logical well-being, the Kingdom of Bhutan’s gross national happiness measure,
Redening Progress’ Genuine Progress Indicator (Talberth, et al. 2006) and the
New Economics Foundation’s Happy Planet Index (NEF, 2006). Although there
are important differences between them, these alternative indicators all include
variables that are not solely materialistic, but that instead reect alternative
values. For example, some of these indices include measures of social cohe-
sion and trust, of life satisfaction and feelings of vitality, of volunteering and
caring for others, and of environmental health. Were such alternative indicators
to be widely adopted and reported, policy makers and citizens would receive
a fundamentally different set of messages about national priorities. National
debates would then be more likely to begin exploring the importance of well-
being, social cohesion and sustainability.
4.3 Encouraging intrinsic and self-transcendent values
As we saw in Section 4.2.1, environmental organisations often retreat from
ascribing value to nature beyond its utility in the pursuit of self-enhancing,
materialistic goals. Instead, some of the clearest statements ascribing self-
transcendent value to nature have come from politicians (who must deal daily
with social concerns that cannot be reduced to economic parameters). The UK
environment minister, Hilary Benn, for example, has said publicly that in his
view “nature is part of our soul. I use the word soul because this is a fundamen-
tal part of all of us. Of our identity. Of where we come from.” (Defra, 2008).
Similarly, the UK Conservative MP Oliver Letwin has drawn attention to the
need to instate beauty as a political value:
A child who has no access to the grand scenes of the countryside, of the mountains and the
lakes, of the cliffs and the sea, is deprived – not in the way in which a child whose parents
are living hand to mouth in poverty is deprived, but in a different and important way…
[T]he search for beauty is one of the great motivations of the human spirit. (Green Alliance,
2007: 44-45)
These are perceptions that should be explored publicly – and there is
a crucial role for environmental organisations to help in such exploration. Un-
fortunately, mainstream environmentalism currently does little to support the
development of these intrinsic and self-transcendent values, although we do
recognise that some recent analyses of the failures of environmentalism have
highlighted the need to infuse environmental debate with a different set of val-
ues (see, for example, Leiserowitz & Fernandez, 2008; Adams & Jeanrenaud,
2008; WWF, 2008), and WWF itself has supported practical projects aimed at
exploring and strengthening these values amongst key stakeholders – through,
for example, the Natural Change Project (WWF, in press). If environmental
organisations can begin to discuss such values in a more open way and begin to
develop policies that enhance them, intrinsic and self-transcendent values will
become more legitimised in public discourse. As we have shown above, this,
in turn, can be expected to promote more positive environmental attitudes and
In considering approaches to promoting intrinsic and self-transcendent
values, it is important to recognise that the relationship between the values
individuals hold, and the behaviour they exhibit is a complex one. We have pre-
sented evidence that individuals who hold more intrinsic and self-transcendent
values are more likely to engage in pro-environmental behaviour. Nevertheless,
it is important to ask if further steps can be taken to strengthen the causal link
between holding these values and making behavioural choices consistent with
them. We suggest two approaches that may help in this regard: social support
and the use of implementation intentions.
Social support. It is well recognised that social support is an important
buffer against psychological stress, and support groups exist for numerous psy-
chological problems, including having a terminally ill family member or being
addicted to drugs. Such support groups have also been used to help people live
more in concert with intrinsic and self-transcendent values. For example, Cecile
Andrews (1998) has long worked with simplicity circles – groups of individuals
who meet regularly to discuss the joys and challenges of trying to live a more ma-
terially simple life. Simplicity circles provide a place to share information and
to learn new skills that can help people enact their intrinsic, self-transcendent
values. But they also go a step further by providing people with support for a
new set of norms about how to live their lives. That is, in a culture where con-
sumerist messages dominate, members of simplicity circles receive support in
attempting to base their decisions on a different set of values. Environmental
organisations would do well to support groups of this kind, especially given
that research demonstrates that those who have chosen to ‘downshift’ or pursue
a ‘voluntarily simple’ lifestyle also live in more ecologically sustainable ways
than do mainstream Americans (Brown and Kasser, 2005). WWF-UK delivered
a project (funded by Defra) which explored the impact of providing a social
learning space for groups of people to decide upon and implement their own
changes towards more sustainable lifestyles. Connections between individuals
were made explicit through discussions about their personal motivations for
getting involved and what they felt most passionate about (Warburton, 2008).
The critical importance of creating a community of interest was also highlighted
by all participants in WWF-UK’s Natural Change Project (WWF, in press) (see
Section 5.4).
Implementation intentions. Another well-researched approach to help-
ing people enact their goals comes from Peter Gollwitzer’s (1999) impressive
research program on implementation intentions. Studies inspired by this con-
cept have demonstrated that people are more likely to behave in ways consistent
with their stated goals when they have previously developed a very concrete
if-then statement that helps them more easily identify situations where the goal
is relevant, and that encourages them to engage in an appropriate behavioural
response. Take, for example, an alcoholic who is attempting to stop drinking
but who experiences social pressure to drink when he encounters some old
drinking friends. Without a plan, the alcoholic can nd himself susceptible to
this pressure, but he is less likely to go drinking if he has previously developed
an implementation intention such as: “If I am tempted to go to a bar, then I will
immediately go instead to a café to get a coffee.” Implementation intentions
seem to help people automatise their behaviour so that they do not have to exert
extra cognitive effort in thinking about what to do when a crucial choice arises.
Some researchers have begun to apply this method to environmentally relevant
behaviours. For example, implementation intentions have been effective in in-
creasing compliance with speed limits (Elliott & Armitage, 2006), in decreasing
the amount people drive (Eriksson et al., 2008) and in increasing people’s use
of both public transportation and stores that sell sustainable products (Bamberg,
Environmental organisations could utilise research on implementation
intentions in at least two ways. Firstly, they could begin to develop specic kinds
of implementation intentions that connect very specic behaviours with posi-
tive environmental values and goals, and then distribute these widely. Secondly,
they could develop materials that introduce the concept of implementation in-
tentions, with a view to equipping individuals to form their own environmen-
tally helpful behavioural plans.
Chapter 5
Reducing prejudice towards non-human nature
5.1 The basic strategy
Chapter 2 reviewed evidence that connection to nature leads to greater motiva-
tion to engage in pro-environmental behaviour, but that the emergence of an
environmental identity may be frustrated by in-group/out-group distinctions
that people often make between humans and non-human nature.
An extensive body of empirical literature documents that people tend
to be positively biased towards in-group members and often treat out-group
members in prejudicial, discriminatory and sometimes aggressive ways. Some
literature also suggests that these dynamics extend beyond commonly recog-
nised forms of prejudice (racism, ethnocentrism, sexism), to include prejudice
against other animals or nature.
While relatively little theory and research has specically addressed
the problem of developing practical responses to prejudice towards non-human
nature, much is known about effective means of reducing prejudice and dis-
crimination based on race, gender and sexual orientation. Because the literature
tends to suggest that such interventions work for a variety of different types of
out-groups, we have grounds for optimism that, where they can be applied, such
interventions will also help to address prejudice towards non-human nature.
Nonetheless, the application of these techniques to human-nature relationships
is likely to entail specic challenges, and more work will be needed to rene
these approaches.
The suggestions below are based on three different strands of research
concerning the reduction of prejudice and stereotypes. The rst strand concerns
how people come to feel prejudice towards members of out-groups; here we will
describe some ways in which environmental organisations may be inadvertently
reinforcing prejudice towards non-human nature. The second strand concerns
approaches to activating social values (such as empathy and egalitarian values)
that are known to work in opposition to prejudicial beliefs and discriminatory
behaviours between groups of humans. We will examine how such work might
be relevant in the case of the human-nature relationship. Finally, we will discuss
the contact hypothesis, a well-established approach built on the recognition
that if members of in-groups and out-groups can be brought into contact under
certain conditions, prejudice and discrimination can be lessened. We will reect
on the possible application of this approach to human-nature relationships.
5.2 Reducing prejudicial messages in society
5.2.1 The role of environmental organisations in increasing
prejudice towards non-human nature
In their communications and campaigns, some environmental organisations
may inadvertently exacerbate in-group/out-group distinctions between humans
and nature, thereby undermining campaigns designed to motivate pro-environ-
mental behaviour (or acceptance of pro-environmental policies) in the longer
term. A prominent example of this is the difculty some in the environmental
movement – and some in the conservation movement in particular – experience
in ascribing inherent value to individual animals or plants.6 We touched on this
problem in Chapter 4, in the context of the tendency to discuss nature and other
species in instrumentalist terms, thereby reinforcing materialistic values.
The tendency of the environmental movement to take an anthropocen-
tric perspective on nature is especially clear in the tension between the environ-
mental and animal-welfare movements. It may be that environmental organi-
sations fear that their popular and political support could be eroded through
association with animal welfare campaigns, which are sometimes derided as
‘sentimentalist’ – precisely because they challenge in-group/out-group distinc-
tions between humans and other animals. The fear that an environmental argu-
ment might be misconstrued as an animal-welfare argument even seems to lead
environmental organisations to be unwilling to draw attention to environmental
concerns that coincide with animal welfare concerns. For example, the intensive
production of beef and pork can be opposed on both animal rights and environ-
mental grounds, but our experience is that many environmental organisations
feel discomfort highlighting the problems of factory farming or advocating
vegetarianism, even when focussing exclusively upon the environmental (as
opposed to animal welfare) issues arising from these industries. Indeed, this
issue elicited strong responses from some reviewers of earlier drafts of this
book, particularly environmentalists. This is unfortunate: as we saw in Chapter
2, addressing sources of prejudice towards other animals may be a prerequisite
to engaging sources of prejudice towards non-human nature in general.
Environmental organisations – perhaps particularly those that are initi-
ated and led from the North – often focus on the preservation of species, habitats
or ecosystems, rather than on the individual animals or plants of which these are
composed. Diversity is thus privileged above abundance (in other words, it is
better to save a few rare animals than many ubiquitous ones), and the suffering
of individual animals is often dismissed as a relatively unimportant issue. This
tendency is quite explicit in environmental organisations’ frequent indifference
to the ‘sustainable harvesting’ of wild animals. Consider, for example, WWF’s
position on the Canadian seal cull:
As long as the commercial hunt for harp seals off the coast of Canada is of no threat to the
population of over 5 million harp seals, there is no biological reason for WWF-Canada
to reconsider its current priorities and actively oppose the annual harvest of harp seals
(WWF, 2004).
There are many other examples of tensions arising between conserva-
tion organisations and animal welfare groups on culling or hunting wild ani-
mals, and these often prompt intense public debate. At one level, the perspective
taken by WWF in the case of the seal cull can be understood: it is not prudent
for a conservation organisation to risk eroding its public support in a country
(particularly such as Canada) where there is widespread acceptance of the seal
cull. And yet, in retreating from a position that could otherwise help to legiti-
mise public empathy towards seals, this stance may serve to further exacerbate
in-group/out-group distinctions, which as we saw in Chapter 2, seem to create
barriers to delivering environmental goals.
It may well serve the purposes of environmental organisations to begin
to dismantle the barriers that separate the animal welfare and environmental
movements. In particular, it seems likely that when environmental organisations
dismiss opposition to culling wild animals, this will weaken public opposition
to, for example, clear felling old-growth forests. To an environmental scientist
there may be an important distinction here (based on a concern for the preser-
vation of species diversity – whereas the seals may ‘grow back’, the forest will
not, and a whole ecosystem will be lost with it). But to a member of the public,
motivated to engage with both animal welfare and environmental issues on
empathic grounds, this distinction may be lost.
Whereas depreciating the value of individual animals may tend to exac-
erbate the perceived distinction between humans and non-human animals, there
are also more direct ways in which conservation organisations may work unwit-
tingly to increase this prejudice. The activities of conservation organisations
may inadvertently serve to frustrate the emergence of environmental identity
(see Chapter 2), through the ‘objectication’ of biodiversity.
The perception that humans are separate from nature is likely to be
heightened both by conservation activities that frame the natural world as some-
thing that does not include humans or from which humans must be excluded, and
by interventions that serve to reinforce an instrumentalist view of nature (that
is, a view which holds that nature exists solely as a source of raw materials for
human activities). As Sian Sullivan (2006) writes: “‘Biodiversity’ is constructed
as an object both when nature is set aside in national parks and when community-
based and other conservation initiatives focus on increasing the money to be
made from viewing and consuming the objects of nature” (p.126).7
Rather than emphasising the need for nature either to be ‘left alone’,
or to be exploited commercially, environmental and conservation organisa-
tions might place greater emphasis on the type of relationship that conservation
programmes establish between local people and non-human nature. Sullivan
suggests that this is a very realistic approach to take, since it derives “from
witnessing peoples’ despair and depression… over the inability of pragmatic
development and governance bodies to converse with these… concerns and
desires” (p.128). An alternative approach to conservation, she suggests, will
reect an acknowledgement that biological diversity is linked to cultural diver-
sity in knowledge, languages and practice, and that sustaining both these forms
of diversity is necessary for ecological and cultural wellbeing. It is certainly
WWF-UK’s experience, in working with partners worldwide, that the need for
relationship and conversation is often more strongly expressed amongst com-
munities in the eld than in policy debate in national capitals. If conservation
practice in less industrialized countries is to come to reect this, however, it
will probably be best achieved through the work of small and local organisa-
tions rather than large conservation organisations based in more industrialized
5.2.2 Confronting misconceptions within society that frustrate
the emergence of environmental identity
While it appears that humans have a natural tendency to categorise individu-
als on the basis of their sex or race, the evidence also shows that the attitudes
people form towards those in different categories are to a large extent learned.
That is, although young children do often differentiate between sex and race,
only later do they come to think that one group (usually their own) is ‘better’.
In part this occurs through direct teaching by parents and other adults, but more
often it arises through social modelling and exposure to messages in the media
(Whitley & Kite, 2006).
Among the messages children sometimes learn that support prejudice
and discrimination are legitimising myths which serve to justify displaying
prejudices against particular groups of people: groups may be portrayed as less
intelligent, or lazier, or inherently more aggressive and violent. Researchers
have found that such stories are a key component of a widely examined predic-
tor of prejudice and discrimination called social dominance orientation (SDO),
“the extent to which one desires that one’s in-group dominates and is superior
to out-groups” (Pratto et al., 1994: 742). A large number of studies have docu-
mented that individuals high in SDO express more negative attitudes towards
a wide range of out-groups, including members of other races, sexes, sexual
orientations, castes and political groups (Whitley & Kite, 2006). At least one
study has shown that college students displaying higher levels of SDO are sig-
nicantly more likely to endorse and personally use “products made by injuring
or killing animals” (Hyers, 2006: 200).
Lauri Hyers has examined the stories that people use to legitimise such
behaviours, producing results of importance to environmental campaigning.
The most frequent justication that participants in her study gave for using
animals was “necessity”. Many individuals reported that a healthy diet requires
injuring and killing animals, or that using animals in these ways was justied on
practical and economic grounds. It seems probable that a similar set of justica-
tions would be reported in the course of explaining exploitation of non-human
nature more widely.
It is important, therefore, that where they are based on factual misrepre-
sentations, these legitimising stories are rebutted, particularly in the education
of children. Environmental organisations could campaign for provisions with-
in school curricula to debate these legitimising stories, such as the perceived
necessity of animal-based protein in a healthy diet. Other ways to confront
legitimising stories can be adapted from the methods used to raise awareness
about racist and sexist depictions in the media. For example, environmental
organisations could highlight instances when commercial messages, news re-
porting and governmental pronouncements reect messages supportive of the
objectication or commodication of nature.
While each of these efforts seems to us to hold some promise, some
of the legitimising stories that support humans’ prejudice towards non-human
nature are likely to require more intensive interventions of the sort described in
Sections 5.3 and 5.4 below.
5.3 Activating positive social values
While thus far we have focussed on how societal messages can frustrate the
emergence of environmental identity, the literature also makes it clear that intra-
personal factors and personality differences are another source of prejudicial
values and behaviours. Among the large array of personality differences that
have been explored over the years, two closely related variables have been
consistently associated with lower levels of prejudicial attitudes towards a va-
riety of out-group members. The rst is empathy, “an other-oriented emotional
response congruent with another’s perceived welfare; if the other is oppressed or
in need, empathic feelings include sympathy, compassion, tenderness, and the
like” (Batson et al., 1997: 105). The second is egalitarian values, or the priority
one places on treating other people equally and giving them equal opportunities;
this value has even been called “the prejudice antidote” (Biernat et al., 1996:
155) because of its power in reducing prejudice
Both variables are important from an environmental perspective. Steps
can be taken towards increasing empathy for other animals and non-human
nature. People high in empathy tend to be low in materialistic values and high
in intrinsic values (Sheldon & Kasser, 1995). They also tend to display lower
levels of prejudice across a number of different types of out-groups, including
African Americans, Native Americans, Arabs, Australian Aborigines, lesbians,
gay men, obese individuals, and feminists (Whitley & Kite, 2006). Such nd-
ings suggest that similar results could be achieved when these personality fac-
tors are examined as predictors of prejudice towards non-human nature.
While it would of course be both philosophically and practically prob-
lematic to seek equality between humans and other animals, the importance
of egalitarian values in tackling prejudice between humans underscores the
importance of acknowledging that non-human nature should be valued in its
own right: that is, it has value which extends beyond its usefulness to humans.8
The recognition of the inherent value of nature is likely to generate dividends
analogous to those achieved through increasing the prevalence of egalitarian
values in engaging prejudice towards human out-groups.
Experimental evidence suggests that prejudice and discrimination
against human out-groups decline when egalitarian values and empathy are
activated in people’s minds. For example, a long tradition of research has ex-
amined how to activate egalitarian values with a method called value confronta-
tion, developed by Milton Rokeach (1973). In this method individuals receive
feedback making them aware of discrepancies between their egalitarian values
and either their behaviour or the egalitarian values of their peers. Such feedback
seems to create an uncomfortable emotional state to which individuals respond
by attempting to bring their values and behaviour into alignment. While there
is some controversy about the optimal conditions for this procedure, recent re-
search suggests it can be quite effective for individuals who endorse egalitarian
values but nonetheless still hold some prejudicial attitudes towards out-groups
(Son Hing & Zanna, 2002). In applying these approaches to build awareness
of the inherent value of nature, environmental organisations should perhaps
initially target those groups who already have close contact with the non-human
natural world in a non-exploitative way, but who do not consistently express
an environmental identity in their behavioural choices. For example, it may be
that gardeners, ramblers or pet owners will be especially likely to respond well
to value-confrontation interventions.
Another potentially powerful intervention has been developed by Dan-
iel Batson and colleagues (e.g. Batson et al., 2002). These researchers have con-
ducted a series of studies in which subjects listen to an interview with a person,
and are then asked either to take an “objective” and “detached” perspective
towards how the person feels without considering his/her emotional state, or
to “try to feel the full impact” of what someone has been through and imagine
how that person “feels about what has happened and how it has affected his
life”. Researchers have found that this relatively simple intervention increases
empathy for groups as diverse as drug dealers, older people, African Americans,
AIDS patients and the homeless, with consequent declines in prejudice towards
these individuals (Whitley & Kite, 2006).
At least one study has explored the effects of perspective-taking on
environmental concern (Schultz, 2000). Experimental subjects were shown pic-
tures of wild animals being harmed (a seal caught in a shing net, for example).
Some study participants were asked, in observing these pictures, “to imagine
how the subject in the images feel” and “to take the perspective of the subjects”
whereas other participants in the control group were asked to “take a neutral
perspective, being as objective as possible about the subjects”. After viewing the
pictures, subjects were asked to complete a questionnaire developed to assess
the basis of their wider environmental concerns: that is, whether these concerns
arose solely because of a concern about their own personal welfare, because of
effects on other people, or because of their concern for all living things. Sub-
jects who were asked to take the animals’ perspective were found to express
signicantly higher levels of biospheric environmental concern (concern for
all living things) than participants instructed to remain objective. Much as with
research exploring human out-groups, it seems that the process of perspective-
taking may have generated feelings of empathy and therefore a greater concern
for the welfare of non-human nature.
5.4 Improving contact between species
It has long been recognised as simplistic to assume that prejudice between hu-
mans groups can be reduced simply by bringing them together (Allport, 1954;
Pettigrew, 1998). However, it does seem clear that, under some conditions, con-
tact can reduce the anxiety associated with meeting others different from one-
self, create empathy for out-group members, and lead people to re-categorise
in-groups and out-groups into a ‘we’ identity, that is, to form a super-ordinate
group (Whitley & Kite, 2006).
Creativity and exibility will be needed to adapt techniques developed
in the context of human interactions to human-nature interactions. Understand-
ing the experiential factors that promote a sense of environmental identity will
be critically important here, yet little research has been conducted on these. At
one level, there are opportunities for indirect contact, and well-produced lms,
books and video games could help promote a stronger sense of connection to
nature. But these are unlikely to substitute for real-life contact with animals and
In the longer term, childhood experience will be important. But a child’s
relationship with nature is unlikely to be promoted through approaches to ‘en-
vironmental education’ that insist on the quantication or objectication of
nature. Childhood experience of nature should become a core element of chil-
dren’s education – such that adolescents leave formal education equipped with
a conceptual framework that enables them to relate to their own experiences
of nature, a vocabulary with which they feel comfortable in discussing their
relationship with nature, and educational experiences that lead them to identify
nature as something in which they are immersed even in an urban environment
(for example, through the air they breathe, the water they drink, and the people
they encounter). The benets of such education may well extend beyond the
environmental dividends. Evidence suggests that helping individuals, particu-
larly children, to develop an experiential sense of their connection to the natural
world helps to foster the emergence of socially and psychologically balanced
individuals. Indeed, many studies identify direct experience of the outdoors as
having therapeutic value (Mind, 2007; Morris, 2003; Seymour, 2003).
The strongest impacts are likely to be created through approaches to
wilderness experience that build on the techniques of ecopsychology, though
programmes that attempt to provide this have yet to become fully integrated into
the strategies deployed by mainstream environmental organisations. WWF has
used such techniques in the Natural Change Project (WWF, in press), a proc-
ess of personal transformation and reection through nature-based workshops
that ran for participants in Scotland drawn from the business, education, arts,
and charitable sectors. The project deployed a wide range of psychological ap-
proaches and mindfulness exercises, but at its heart lay a dawn till dusk solo
experience in nature. Such solitary encounters with nature have a very long and
culturally diverse history (often popularised and oversimplied through Native
American associations).9
The Natural Change Project adapted and incorporated techniques from
Joanna Macy’s ‘the work that reconnects’ (e.g. Macy and Brown, 1998). This
is a programme of group exercises that are designed to provide opportunities to
share personal responses to the condition of the world, and to promote empathy
with other living things. Amongst these powerful techniques, an exercise that
Macy calls the ‘Council of All Beings’ perhaps particularly responds to the need
to create greater empathy between human and non-human life, as it provides an
opportunity for participants “to step aside from… [their] human identity and
speak on behalf of other animals” (p.161). These techniques have been used
to great effect in a number of other initiatives; the rapidly growing Transition
Movement (Hopkins, 2008), for example, draws upon variations of Macy’s
techniques in its training courses.
Chapter 6
Promoting healthier coping with fear and threats
6.1 The basic strategy
In Chapter 3 we discussed a third environmentally problematic aspect of iden-
tity: people’s responses to unpleasant emotions such as fear, anxiety, guilt and
existential angst, and to threats to their self-esteem and identity coherence.
When reminded of environmental threats and of their own death, people often
respond in ways that are environmentally problematic, diverting their aware-
ness from the threats, reinterpreting the threats in self-serving ways, becoming
apathetic about the problems, or activating materialistic values and in-group/
out-group aspects of identity also known to undermine positive environmental
values and behaviours.
In order for environmental organisations to develop means of interven-
ing with regard to this third environmentally problematic aspect of identity, it
may be helpful to understand how some psychotherapists approach the treat-
ment of individuals who experience unpleasant emotions or threats to their
identity and who attempt to cope in maladaptive ways (such as through alcohol
intake or passive-aggressive behaviours).
Here, we will highlight three fundamental steps that a psychotherapist
might take to helping an individual who is experiencing unpleasant emotions
and who is not coping optimally.10
The rst step is to help the individual become aware of the existence of
the coping strategy or defence mechanism. Clients are often unaware of their
use of these strategies, and are frequently resistant to therapists’ proposals that
these strategies are problematic because, from the clients’ point of view, these
strategies reduce stress or the immediate angst that they experience. As we saw
in Chapter 3, Homburg and colleagues’ (2007) results demonstrate that the cop-
ing strategies of seeking pleasure, denying guilt, and relativisation were each
associated with signicantly lower levels of reported stress from environmental
problems. Nevertheless, even when such coping mechanisms do reduce stress,
it is incumbent upon the therapist to help increase awareness of them when
they also yield maladaptive ways of behaving. For example, a stiff drink can
certainly help calm a person after a stressful day, but when used too frequently,
this means of coping can become maladaptive.
In the second step, having helped the client to acknowledge the use of
coping strategies, the therapist and client now begin to process the unpleasant
thoughts, feelings and threats against which the coping strategy offered protec-
tion. At this stage, as the coping strategies are dismantled, the client may feel
upset, depressed or angry. While these emotions are no doubt unpleasant to
experience, most therapists recognise that it is crucial for clients to have the
opportunity to express such emotions, as the expression of unpleasant emotions
is typically a good indicator of the eventual success of a therapy process. The
therapist’s most important role here is to provide an empathic, non-judgmental
environment for the client to explore and express the feelings against which he
or she was previously defending.
In the third stage, the therapist helps the client nd new and better ways
of managing and coping with threats and unpleasant emotions. Psychotherapy
cannot forever remove all the past pain a client has experienced, nor can it
protect against all future pain. But therapy can help people to cope with past
and future threats in ways that reduce the threat and unpleasant feelings, and in
ways that promote recovery rather than magnify and maintain the threats.
In addition to these three steps, many psychotherapists and sociologists
acknowledge that it is important to address the ways that both the direct inter-
personal environment and the broader social environment may promote certain
types of defence mechanisms or coping strategies. For example, Cooper (1998:
958) notes that defence mechanisms are “constantly inuenced and shaped by
the immediate interpersonal context”. Such dynamics may arise from the ways
that families teach the use of coping strategies (e.g. overeating, denial or blam-
ing others). They may also arise when therapists’ own discomfort with certain
emotions or defensive proclivities lead them to promote (or fail to confront)
their clients’ defence mechanisms. This is commonly referred to as counter-
transference. Sociologists such as Hochschild (1979) go even further, empha-
sising that broader social structures and social models render some means of
emotional management acceptable and others unacceptable; for example, cul-
tures vary in the extent to which they encourage public demonstration of grief
following bereavement. Thus, from this perspective, a fourth approach to inter-
vening with defence and coping mechanisms is to once again be alert to their
presence in broader social messages, including environmental campaigns.
6.2 Reducing environmentally problematic defence
and coping mechanisms
6.2.1 The three psychotherapeutic steps
What insights can the therapeutic process outlined in Section 6.1 offer environ-
mental organisations in the course of helping people cope with the threats and
fears posed by environmental challenges?
First, environmental organisations can be alert to instances where peo-
ple and organisations engage in defence mechanisms that risk reducing levels of
engagement in positive environmental behaviour. Environmental organisations
can then gently and empathically point out the existence of these strategies.
An understanding of effective behaviour change strategies suggests that it will
be ineffectual to bemoan public apathy, or admonish individuals for deploy-
ing particular coping mechanisms. Because such approaches are themselves
threatening, they are likely to increase resistance to positive behaviour change
(Miller & Rolnick, 2002). Public attacks on coping mechanisms may also erode
trust in environmental organisations, further undermining their effectiveness.
A better approach would acknowledge the emotions underlying the
maladaptive coping strategy. For example, diversion strategies can be acknowl-
edged through statements of empathy, conveying the sense that “we understand
that global warming is scary and people don’t want to think about it...”. Simi-
larly, apathy can be acknowledged through statements that convey the recogni-
tion that “we know some of these problems seem so overwhelming that people
(including us, sometimes) just want to give up...”.
By intervening in these ways, environmental organisations can state
truths that often remain unspoken – global warming is scary and people often
do feel hopeless. Moreover, such interventions convey a sense of understanding
and even acceptance, and thereby help people begin to recognise that they may
be attempting to manage their emotions in ways that are ultimately not adaptive
for themselves or the environment. By demonstrating a sense of empathy and
understanding, environmental organisations will be better placed to build public
trust and rapport.
Second, environmental organisations can help people to express the
emotions that they feel about environmental destruction. Environmental or-
ganisations frequently present information (often very scary information) about
environmental challenges with little emotional content or context. This is per-
haps analogous to a therapist who dryly recites the symptoms and aetiology
of a client’s disorder without attending to his or her emotional response to
this information. Alternatively, environmental organisations sometimes adopt
a confrontational stance in an attempt to provoke strong public emotion. This is
perhaps analogous to a therapist who quickly attacks a client’s psychic structure
without having rst established his or her trust. Such therapists often nd that
their clients become resistant and defensive, or that they do not return for future
therapy sessions.
Recall that the task at this second stage is to help clients express what
they are feeling, no matter how unpleasant. The relevance of this stage for
environmental organisations is reinforced by Homburg and colleagues’ (2007)
ndings that those subjects who report unpleasant emotions such as anger and
sadness in response to environmental stresses are more likely to engage in posi-
tive environmental behaviours. It seems that even the opportunity to deeply
explore thoughts and feelings associated with death can help in this regard. As
was reviewed in Section 3.4, brief reminders of death are known to lead people
to orient towards the materialistic values that promote environmental degrada-
tion (at least within a cultural context where materialistic values dominate).
However, other studies have shown that a more sustained, reective meditation
on the feelings aroused by thoughts of death can actually decrease materialistic
strivings (Cozzolino et al., 2004; Lykins et al., 2007). Usually, when people are
reminded of their own death, they quickly suppress the associated thoughts and
emotions (Arndt et al., 2004; Kosloff & Greenberg, 2009). But when reection
on death is sustained, this process can perhaps be forestalled, bringing about
greater sense of meaning in life, and a shift towards the self-transcendent and
intrinsic values discussed in Chapter 4.
These empirical ndings, as well as decades of clinical practice, suggest
that in order to help activate positive environmental behaviours, environmen-
tal organisations will ultimately need to develop approaches that help people
express the fear, anger, sadness, angst or sense of threat from environmental
challenges that many are probably already experiencing (whether consciously
or otherwise). Again, we emphasise that this is not to advocate the provocation
of such unpleasant feelings through confrontational communications or cam-
paigns. Rather, we suggest that environmental organisations should attempt to
develop a trusting and empathic rapport with key stakeholders, providing op-
portunities for people to begin to explore and express the unpleasant feelings
they have about environmental challenges. Such efforts could occur through
the kinds of support groups described in Section 4.3 above, or approaches
drawing on understandings of ecopsychology (see Section 5.4). The work of
Joanna Macy, mentioned above, offers a particularly well-developed approach
to helping people work through their despair about environmental destruction,
and these techniques have been taken up and adapted by other practitioners.11
Another approach that mixes art and psychotherapy is the Altars to Extinction
project, which provides a physical place for individuals to reect on, and grieve
for, species that have gone extinct (Gomes, 2009).
With regard to the third step in the therapeutic process, environmental
organisations can help people develop positive coping strategies that are less
likely to lead to a worsening of an individual’s environmental impact. For ex-
ample, Sections 3.4 and 3.5 showed that people often activate culturally sanc-
tioned and highly valued aspects of their identity in response to threats. This
fact further reinforces the importance of the interventions described in Chapters
4 and 5: If social norms supporting materialism are reduced and intrinsic goals
become more dominant, and if people become less likely to express prejudice
towards non-human nature, then it is more likely that environmentally bene-
cial norms will be activated under conditions of environmental threat. Some
empirical evidence supports this perspective. In Section 3.5 we reviewed work
demonstrating that participants in forest management games tended to exploit
simulated natural resources less sustainably when they had been reminded of
their mortality. Mark Dechesne and colleagues (2003) found that this effect
disappeared when people were provided with an alternative means of coping
with the fear of their own death: in this case, thinking about the possibility of an
afterlife. Again, these ndings suggest that environmental organisations would
do well to work to promote intrinsic, pro-social values in society and new ways
of understanding and empathising with non-human life, especially to the extent
that they can help people turn towards these values under times of threat.
Environmental organisations might also want to work to develop the
types of coping strategies that the literature suggests usually have adaptive ef-
fects (Zeidner & Endler, 1996). Two types of strategy will be discussed here:
problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping.
The rst type, problem-focused coping, entails strategies in which the
individual actively attempts to change the situation that is giving rise to the
source of stress. Homburg and colleagues (2007) found that one of the best
predictors of engaging in positive environmental behaviours was endorsing
this problem-solving coping strategy. This strategy entailed seeking out more
information and educating oneself about the environment, as well as talking
with other people and seeking out social support (see the discussion of support
groups in Chapter 4). Environmental organisations sometimes encourage this
type of strategy, through the provision of concrete information about actions
that can be undertaken to reduce an environmental threat – although the provi-
sion of social support networks is less common. It should be noted, however,
that Homburg and colleagues found problem-solving strategies to be associated
with increased levels of reported stress from an awareness of environmental
challenges. Thus, problem-solving, while perhaps helpful in motivating ben-
ecial environmental behaviours, may not reduce unpleasant emotions.
The second type of coping strategy that the empirical literature high-
lights as typically benecial is called emotion-focused coping. In this form of
coping, individuals do not attempt to engage the source of stress, but instead
attempt to change their emotional reactions to it. Of course, this could serve to
encourage the more environmentally problematic ways of coping described in
Chapter 3. But one emotion-focused strategy that might be particularly useful
for environmental organisations is the cultivation of mindfulness, or an accept-
ance of one’s experience as it is in the moment. The cultivation of mindfulness
has a long history in Buddhism as a means of reducing suffering in life, and
contemporary scientists have recently developed secular mindfulness training
techniques to help people cope with pain, anxiety and depression (Gerner et
al., 2005). Not only is mindfulness effective in reducing psychological distress,
but some evidence suggests that it can also benet the environment. For exam-
ple, across four studies, Brown and colleagues (2009) found that mindfulness
was associated with reduced desire for materialistic attainments, and Brown
and Kasser (2005) found that more mindful people were less likely to endorse
materialistic values and more likely to endorse intrinsic values. Moreover,
even after statistically controlling for the effects of subjects’ values, Brown
and Kasser found that adults who were more mindful engaged in more positive
environmental behaviours and had lower ecological footprints than individu-
als less attuned to, and accepting of, the present moment. Thus, another useful
strategy that environmental organisations could undertake is to adapt existing
techniques for cultivating mindfulness as an approach to helping people cope
with environmental threats.
6.2.2 Eliminating environmental messages that promote
ecologically destructive coping mechanisms.
As we have noted, environmental organisations will need to be alert to instances
where communications and campaigns (either their own, or those of other or-
ganisations) encourage the adoption of defence and coping mechanisms that
tend to exacerbate environmental problems. As a rst step in this, environmental
organisations should examine their own communications.
For example, Renée Lertzman (2007) recently deconstructed a social
marketing campaign that urged individuals to petition for government action
to safeguard water quality in the Great Lakes. The campaign is in many ways
typical of many ‘in-your-face’ environmental communications: it features a
photograph of a girl looking across a lake, alongside a sign reading: “Warning:
No More Swimming. No More Fishing. No More Drinking Water. NO MORE
GREAT LAKES.” About this advertisement, Lertzman writes:
The Lakes are presented as vulnerable, nite, and gravely threatened. There is the sense
that unless we do something now, we risk losing such magnicent resources forever… We
are presented with a choice to act, but if we consider how such images may touch people
on an affective, potentially unconscious level, can we safely assume this is necessarily an
impetus to act? … We need as communicators to be more aware of the psychic dimensions
of these issues if we want to comprehend what it means to learn about and respond to seri-
ous ecological issues. This includes work in psychoanalysis and psychology on issues of
guilt, loss, mourning, and anxiety that can inform how people respond to messaging and
campaigns. (Lertzman, 2007: 4-5; emphasis in original)
Highlighting the scale and nality (or irreparability) of an environmen-
tal threat may therefore be counterproductive. This possible effect is likely to be
further exacerbated by communications that increase mortality awareness (see
Section 3.4). For example, communications on climate change that stress the
danger of extinction, civil strife, or widespread death and disease must be de-
signed carefully for this reason. This is not to argue that communicators should
‘dumb down’ the scale of impact of environmental problems. It is important to
fully disseminate an understanding of such impacts, but this should probably
not be done in a way that is deliberately designed to stimulate fear. Further, to
the extent that fears and threats are activated, it will be to the advantage of en-
vironmental organisations to encourage coping with these in the more adaptive
ways we have described above.
In addition to the apathy and fear that result from some environmental
campaigns, it is likely that other types of environmental communications and
campaigns sometimes serve to increase the likelihood that unhelpful psycho-
logical coping responses, such as those outlined in Chapter 3, are triggered.
Consider, for example, the frequent insistence that environmental challenges
such as climate change can be met through the cumulative effects of individuals
adopting ‘simple and painless lifestyle changes’ (checking their tyre pressures,
or switching their TV off standby, for example). The direct additive impact of
large numbers of individuals changing their behaviour in ways that lead to small
reductions in their personal environmental impacts will be a small reduction
in overall environmental impact (McKay, 2008). However, it also seems likely
that communications which exaggerate the environmental impact of simple
and painless steps might actually serve to encourage individuals to deploy such
strategies for diversion (see Section 3.1), thereby leaving them less inclined
to adopt other, more difcult and perhaps environmentally signicant, behav-
ioural changes (see also WWF, 2009).
Another potentially counterproductive approach is to blame other so-
cial groups or nationalities (whether explicitly or implicitly). The foregoing
analysis suggests that such campaigns might: (i) increase the sense of threat of
those individuals who are targeted, and therefore increase the likelihood that
the targeted individuals will deploy environmentally problematic coping strate-
gies; and (ii) lead those who do not belong to the groups that are singled out to
engage in projection (i.e. deny their own responsibility and feelings of guilt,
and instead identify other groups to blame) (see Section 3.2).
Consider, for example, a UK direct action campaign against urban 4x4s
(also called SUVs). This campaign has the aim “to make driving a big 4x4 in
town as socially unacceptable as drink-driving”. The campaign provides rea-
sons not to drive an urban SUV:
Our descendants will be left to deal with the effects of climate change caused by our prof-
ligate use of fossil fuels. Drivers of 4x4s should start editing their photo albums now …
The aggressive look of a big 4x4 means other people on the road may make assumptions
about the person behind the wheel. In an ordinary car, you won’t get dirty looks from all
and sundry when you drive around town.12
The campaign encourages direct action against owners of SUVs, such as issuing
SUVs with spoof parking tickets that “contain lots of information for urban 4x4
drivers about the effects of their choice of vehicle on the rest of us”.13
This campaign has certainly been highly successful in terms of the press
coverage and public debate that it has generated, and may have contributed to
building the support of non-SUV drivers for punitive government measures
against SUV drivers (increases in road tax, for example). But this campaign may
also have had some unfortunate secondary effects. First, we are sceptical that
the campaign would have encouraged many drivers of SUVs to part with their
vehicles, as those SUV drivers who felt threatened by the campaign are likely to
have deployed other coping strategies (many of which may have caused further
damage to the environment). Second, and more importantly, this campaign may
actually have discouraged non-SUV drivers (of whom there are far more) from
taking steps to minimise their own contribution to trafc-related pollution by
driving less or parting with their car completely. That is, vilifying SUV drivers
may promote denial of the guilt that drivers of smaller cars could otherwise feel,
by encouraging projection of this guilt onto SUV drivers. As such, the campaign
could have served to increase overall trafc-related emissions.
Summary of Part II
We have proposed that the environmental movement, in its efforts to change
the policies and practices of governments and businesses, and the behaviours
of individuals, neglects an important third level of intervention: human identity.
We have reviewed theoretical arguments and empirical data documenting that
three aspects of human identity (i.e. self-enhancing and materialistic values and
goals, in-group/out-group dynamics, and responses to fear and threat) often
contribute to environmentally problematic values and behaviours. We have also
presented a variety of strategies to: (i) reduce the iatrogenic effects of some en-
vironmental campaigns; (ii) disable the ways that society currently encourages
these environmentally problematic aspects of identity; and (iii) activate those
aspects of identity that promote positive environmental attitudes and behav-
iours. These strategies are summarised in Table 1.
In Part III of this book, we suggest some other benets that adoption of identity
campaigning might provide.
• Avoid language and campaigns that rein-
force materialistic, self-enhancing values.
• Frame environmental messages to connect
with intrinsic values, rather than extrinsic or
materialistic values.
• Address the societal inuence of advertis-
ing, for example by supporting: (i) media
literacy programmes; (ii) the removal of
advertising from public spaces (especially
natural settings); (iii) bans on marketing to
children; and (iv) policies to tax advertising
at higher rates.
• Promote the development and use of alter-
native indicators of national progress that
include values other than materialism.
• Create community groups to support the
adoption of materially simple and ecologi-
cally sustainable lifestyles. Creating a safe
environment where participants are given
permission to openly express their deepest
fears about environmental issues will be
important here.
• Help people create implementation inten-
tions to increase the likelihood of behaving
in ways that are consistent with intrinsic,
self-transcendent values.
• Avoid messages suggesting that the lives of
individual animals are of little signicance.
• Build an awareness that humans are them-
selves part of nature, and confront society’s
stories that legitimise prejudice towards
non-human nature.
• Develop programmes to activate an aware-
ness of the inherent value of nature and
empathy for non-human nature (perhaps
initially addressing gardeners, ramblers or
pet owners).
• Develop means of increasing optimal con-
tact between humans and non-human nature,
including indirect contact, environmental
education programmes that promote an expe-
riential sense of connection to nature, and by
drawing on the techniques of ecopsychology.
• Gently point out when society and indi-
vidual people use coping strategies to avoid
confronting environmental concerns, and
acknowledge the emotions that underlie
these strategies.
• Help people express their fear, sadness,
angst and anger about environmental de-
struction, rather than provoking such feel-
ings. Group work will be important here.
• Help people activate intrinsic and self-
transcendent values when they feel
threatened by environmental challenges.
• Promote problem-focused coping strategies
and the emotion-focused coping strategy of
mindfulness to help people cope with envi-
ronmental threats.
• Design environmental campaigns to
minimise the risk that people will be led to
deploy environmentally problematic
coping strategies.
Table 1
Summary of identity-based campaign strategies
for environmental challenges
Chapter 7
Four good things about identity campaigning
7.1 Aspects of identity can be engaged and changed
We have attributed global environmental challenges to fundamental aspects
of human identity, and we are convinced that, given the necessary public en-
gagement and political leadership, these aspects of identity can be effectively
Arguments that humans are in some way evolutionarily predisposed
to be materialistic, to denigrate nature, or to respond to fear in destructive
ways are sometimes used to suggest that the best strategies that environmental
organisations can deploy are to attempt to exploit those areas of convergence
between short-term self-interest and environmental imperative. In fact, there
are compelling arguments against pressing evolutionary biology into service to
support approaches to environmental campaigning that takes human selshness
as its starting point.
Firstly, while biologists have long argued about whether aspects of the
human psyche are more inuenced by nature or nurture, the current consensus
is that most aspects of human identity (and the human psyche more broadly)
are shaped by both genetic and cultural factors. This said, in the case of the
three aspects of identity discussed in this book, the evidence actually suggests
that cultural inuences play a particularly important formative role: the extent
to which people endorse materialistic values seems to have little to do with
genetics and much more to do with social experiences (Giddens, et al., 2009;
Kasser et al., 2004); whilst people do seem predisposed to categorise others, the
evaluations they attach to those categorisations are largely learned (Whitley &
Kite, 2006); and the means by which people cope with threat is largely shaped
by messages received from their culture (Hochschild, 1979; Greenberg et al.,
But we are not trying to deny any heritable components to the phenom-
ena we have explored in this book. Rather, we are arguing that even though there
may well be a genetic component to these three environmentally problematic
aspects of identity, it seems that cultural factors also have a critically important
role in shaping them.
This leads us to a second reason for being optimistic that these aspects
of our identities can be effectively engaged: recognising that these environmen-
tally problematic aspects of human identity may have an important genetic basis
does not imply that they cannot be managed. Ascribing an evolutionary basis
to a characteristic or aspect of identity does not necessarily imply biological
determinism. As Richard Dawkins suggests:
From a Darwinian point of view, the problem with sustainability is this: sustainability is
all about long-term benets of the world or of the ecosystem at the expense of short-term
benets. Darwinism encourages precisely the opposite values. Short-term genetic benet
is all that matters in a Darwinian world… [But] this is not a reason for despair, nor does
it mean that we should cynically abandon the long-term future… and get our noses down
in the trough of short-term greed. What it does mean is that we must work all the harder
for the long-term future, in spite of getting no help from nature, precisely because nature
is not on our side…
It is a manifest fact that the brain – especially the human brain – is well able to over-ride
its ultimate programming; well able to dispense with the ultimate value of gene survival
and substitute other values. (Dawkins, 2001; 8-11)
Although Dawkins’ view does not hold out a great deal of hope, there
are some persuasive arguments that human morality may not necessarily repre-
sent a ‘thin veneer’ overlaid, through human culture, on fundamentally selsh
natures. Indeed, there is evidence that humans and our closest relatives in the
natural world may share traits commonly ascribed to a moral sensibility (see,
for example, de Waal, 2006). But, even accepting Dawkins’ more gloomy per-
spective, it is clear that the only ethical approach to addressing the collective
problems created by some aspects of our identities (even those that have an
important genetic or evolutionary component) is to intervene culturally. Indeed,
this is how people throughout the centuries have always attempted to address
the more problematic aspects of the human psyche. Fortunately, as we have
seen, there is good evidence that all of these aspects of the human psyche can
be managed to an important extent.
7.2 Engaging identity and values is an effective way of
creating sustained behavioural change
There is growing recognition within the environmental movement of the im-
portance of values in driving behavioural change, and we hope that this book
will add to that understanding. Of course, it is not necessarily the case that, in
changing a person’s attitude towards something, this will also change his or
her behaviour. This disparity between attitudes and behaviours has been well
publicised, and has been called the attitude-behaviour gap. So, for example,
Rose and Dade (2007) write that:
Behaviour is generally a strong determinant of opinion… This is why one cannot drive be-
haviour with information based on opinion” (p.1) and people “adopt ‘views’ which explain
or are consonant with our behaviours, even if the topic appears to be one of ‘simple fact’.
The reasons we do this… all boil down to being driven by values (p.7).
Differences of opinion emerge, of course, on whether the best strategy
is to work with existing values (trying to make a particular environmental cam-
paign ‘t’ with these values) or to work to inuence these values themselves.
Here our views diverge markedly from those who suggest that environmental
campaigns should be framed to appeal to self-interested or materialistic values
(see WWF 2008 for a full discussion of this debate). Designing campaigns to
appeal to existing self-interested or materialistic values may lead to short-term
and piecemeal behaviour change, but, as we have seen in this book, such an
approach runs the risk of undermining more fundamental attempts to address
systemic environmental challenges. We therefore believe that this is a strategy
that environmental organisations would do best to avoid. On the other hand, as
we have also seen, there is extensive experimental evidence showing that pro-
environmental behaviour is related to certain values and aspects of identity, and
that these can be meaningfully managed through a range of interventions. Many
of these interventions will draw, of course, on techniques with which today’s
environmental campaigners are already very familiar.
7.3 Non-governmental organisations can have inuence
disproportionate to their resources
Many of the interventions that we propose in this book can be undertaken
without the need for additional resources, and this is particularly true of our
suggestions for minimising iatrogenic effects. But more importantly, it should
be recognised that non-governmental organisations are able to inuence public
and political debate in a way that is disproportionate to the resources at their
disposal – because of the trust that they command.14 Unsurprisingly, many
studies show that the receptivity of an audience to a message depends largely
upon the perceived credibility and trustworthiness of the messenger (Druck-
man, 2001). Businesses that invest extensively in the use of public relations
companies are well aware of the importance of the perceived interests of the
messenger – and deploy the third party technique by using public relations
agencies to separate the message from what could be construed as a messenger
with vested interests.
Many of the strategies we have presented, particularly those in Chapter
6, will have the benet of increasing public trust of environmental organisations.
Moreover, it seems likely that appeals to the more environmentally benecial
aspects of people’s identity, such as empathy and egalitarian values, will im-
prove the public’s sense of rapport with environmental organisations, and hence
their receptivity to environmental campaigns.
This inuence can be further extended by achieving clarity and con-
sistency in the values that underpin the work of non-governmental organisa-
tions. Drawing on cognitive science and neuroscience, several academics have
recently highlighted the importance of achieving clarity on the values underly-
ing a campaign – see, for example, Lakoff (2004) and Westen (2007). This is
something to which we turn in the next chapter.
7.4 Even seemingly unsuccessful campaigns
can help change aspects of identity
In working towards specic goals (creating new policy, or motivating a change
in behaviour) environmental communicators and campaigners typically acti-
vate particular frames in the brains of their audience. Frames are the men-
tal structures (physically enshrined in neural networks) that enable people to
make sense of reality and that determine what individuals each see as ‘com-
mon sense’. Frames “structure our ideas and concepts, they shape the way we
reason, and they even impact how we perceive and how we act” (Lakoff, 2006:
20). Moreover, they are largely unconscious. Social institutions and situations
are shaped by mental structures (or frames), but frames are also propagated by
social institutions.
According to the cognitive scientist George Lakoff, messages can be
characterised by both surface framing and deep framing. Surface framing refers
to catchy slogans and clever spin. Deep framing refers to forging the connec-
tions between a debate or public policy and a set of deeper values or princi-
ples. Surface framing (crafting particular messages focussing on particular is-
sues) cannot work unless these messages resonate with a set of long-term deep
There is a mutual process by which our social institutions and situa-
tions shape our frames, which in turn shape our institutions. Public policy, for
example, has an important implication for the frames that predominate in soci-
ety. Recognition of this led Lakoff and co-workers at the Rockridge Institute to
distinguish two types of policy – material policy and cognitive policy:
Material policy consists of the nuts and bolts, what is done in the world to full policy
goals. Cognitive policy is about the values and ideas that both motivate the policy goals
and that have to be uppermost in the minds of the public and the media in order for the
policy to seem so much a matter of common sense that it will be readily accepted (Brewer
and Lakoff, 2008a: 1).
Policy proposals that may seem similar at the more ‘supercial’ level of
material policy can differ widely in terms of cognitive policy. These differences
may be implicit, drawing on (and supporting) a set of deep frames without con-
scious discussion. Differences in cognitive policy may arise, for example, in the
extent to which policies rely upon market mechanisms to address environmental
problems. Putting a nancial value on an endangered species, and building an
economic case for its conservation, risks its commodication. It makes the spe-
cies equivalent to other assets of the same value (a hotel chain, perhaps). This
is a very different cognitive policy than one that attempts to achieve the same
conservation goals through the ascription of inherent value to such species – as
something that should be protected in its own right. As Brewer and Lakoff sug-
Concentrating on material criteria alone can be counterproductive if a policy is either un-
popular, or if it instils in the public’s mind long-term values that contradict the aims of the
policy (Brewer and Lakoff, 2008b: 3).
Environmental organisations should therefore be aware of the cognitive
implications of their campaigns in at least two ways.
Firstly, they should recognise that campaigns for new policies or regu-
lations, if successful, will lead to new government interventions which will
themselves have important cognitive implications. Irrespective of whether or
not these policies are helpful in immediately alleviating a set of environmental
problems, they are likely to either support or undermine work on the longer-term
task of engaging the aspects of identity that we have outlined.
Secondly, even if a campaign is unsuccessful, it will have cognitive
impacts – because people will see the campaign materials and unconsciously
respond to the deep frames that these enshrine. These cognitive impacts may be
unrelated to the specic environmental issue or policy request that the campaign
is highlighting. Thus, the way in which the campaign is framed is likely to have
unforeseen secondary impacts on deep frames – and these may either help or
hinder the emergence of more systemic environmental concern.
These points have profound implications for environmental campaign-
ing. Working with an understanding of cognitive policy can help to ensure that
the public experience of new environmental policies simultaneously serves to
convey and reinforce the deep frames necessary for systemic engagement with
environmental challenges. Such an understanding can also be used to design
campaign communications that have a widespread positive impact in shaping
the deep frames that promote environmental sustainability, even if the policy
campaign itself is unsuccessful. Through an understanding of the cognitive
impacts of environmental campaigns, environmental organisations can identify
interventions that contribute to long-term success – even when they may fail in
immediate policy terms.
Such an approach will require changes in current monitoring and evalu-
ation processes. So long as the success of environmental campaigns is dened
solely in terms of short-term material policy outcomes, it may be difcult to
encourage cognitive policy goals to be built into them.
Chapter 8
Beyond the environment:
opportunities for new coalitions
In addition to helping reinforce identities and values that will provide a long-
term benet to the environmental movement, the approach we have proposed
here provides multiple opportunities for building new coalitions. To us, this is
one of the most important aspects of this publication, and a particularly exciting
implication of the approach that we are advocating.
We recognise that the proposals we have made for engaging dominant
values and aspects of identity are ambitious, and the environmental movement
will not be able to make progress in this way whilst working alone. But there
is a very high level of coincidence between the values and aspects of identity
that currently frustrate systemic responses to environmental challenges and the
values and identities that frustrate delivery on a range of other challenges such
as war, aggression, poverty, racism, homophobia, sexism, prejudice against
the disabled, the abuse of human rights, and indifference to animal welfare.
Although it is beyond the scope of this little book to build this case in detail,
the empirical literature clearly suggests that the same aspects of identity are of
crucial importance to addressing a wide range of challenges. For example, the
research clearly shows that self-enhancing, materialistic values are not only
associated with more negative environmental attitudes and behaviours, but also
with less concern for social justice, equality, and a world at peace, less pro-social
behaviour, and more manipulative, competitive behaviour (see Kasser et al.,
2007). Similarly, the tendencies that promote prejudice towards non-human
nature probably span numerous other out-groups (Whitley & Kite, 2006). As
Marjorie Spiegel (1996) writes: “Any oppression helps to support other forms
of domination. That is why it is vital to link oppressions in our minds, to look
for the common, shared aspects, and work against them as one” (p.30). What’s
more, maladaptive responses to fear and threats not only create a tendency
towards problematic environmental behaviour, but also towards a number of
other problematic social behaviours, such as aggression or victimisation of out-
groups (Greenberg et al., 2004; Stephan & Stephan, 2000). Thus, these ndings
show that issues of concern to diverse third sector organisations often stem from
the same underlying aspects of human identity.
Of course, third sector organisations often do collaborate across differ-
ent agenda. For example, environment and development organisations some-
times collaborate on a range of issues (and there are forums which have been
established specically to explore common policy agenda). But typically these
collaborations centre on a convergence of interest on particular policy demands,
for example, climate change or international trade policy. In contrast, we are
not aware of campaigns that forge alliances across third sector organisations
in order to focus on engaging the aspects of identity we have been describing
here. We see two ways such coalitions might operate: by forming prominent
coalitions to campaign for policy change with important identity impacts, and
by striving for consistency in the values that must come to underpin the changes
for which a range of third sector organisations campaign. We now examine each
of these approaches in a bit more detail.
8.1 Prominent coalitions on policy with identity impacts
Third sector organisations can form prominent coalitions on policy in order to
address aspects of identity that lead to a broad array of problematic outcomes.
Organisationally, this approach would be similar to current collaborations on
campaigns for specic policy interventions (for example, reducing greenhouse-
gas emissions or regulating the arms trade). However, the campaigns we foresee
would be explicitly focussed on elements of material policy (see Section 7.4) to
engage societal practices that support and enable problematic aspects of iden-
tity. For example, a broad coalition of third sector organisations might decide
to collaborate on strengthening regulations governing advertising to children.
Research has shown that young children are cognitively and psychologically
susceptible to advertising – they typically do not understand the notion of intent
to sell, and frequently accept advertising claims at face value (Linn, 2004). Stud-
ies also have found that exposure to commercial television increases children’s
scores on assessments of materialistic values (Nairn et al., 2007; Schor, 2004),
which, as we have seen, leaves them more antagonistic to a range of pro-envi-
ronmental and pro-social concerns. Further, exposure to marketing messages is
also known to contribute to a host of other problems for young people, including
alcohol and cigarette use, eating disorders, violence and sexual promiscuity
(Linn, 2004; Schor, 2004). Given the range of unfortunate outcomes associated
with marketing to children, there is scope for a broad coalition of third sector
organisations (e.g. organisations concerned with child welfare, human devel-
opment, human rights, animal welfare and the environment) to campaign for
a ban on advertising to young children. As we noted earlier, such restrictions
on advertising are already in place in some Scandinavian countries, and were
actually considered in the US in the 1970s before being defeated by a coalition
of marketers and companies with vested interests.
8.2 Establishing consistency in the values underpinning
third sector campaigns
A second approach to building new coalitions could focus on the cognitive im-
pacts of campaigns (see Section 7.4), without attempting to pursue specic com-
mon policy outcomes. Accordingly, a range of different organisations might
agree on a set of deep frames that they want to promote, and then use their dif-
ferent policy campaigns as vehicles to convey these. According to some political
scientists, this is the approach that the American political Right took with great
success from the Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush administrations:
Conservative think tanks, over the past three decades, have been extremely successful in
pure cognitive policy, that is, in shaping public discourse to lead the public to accept basic
conservative values and principles. That long-term investment has paid off in making mate-
rial conservative policies seem natural (Brewer and Lakoff 2008b: 1).
Such concerted cognitive campaigning could proceed without the de-
velopment of any formal alliances between organisations on specic policy
issues, but would require agreement on the deep frames that they seek, jointly,
to embed. This publication, we hope, begins to make clear which deep frames
it would be best to avoid and which it would be best to support.
The third sector as a whole has thus far failed to develop a common
understanding of these deep frames and to recognise the benets of coming to
collectively frame their respective campaigns in this way. This probably helps
explain the difculty that the sector experiences in building public support and
pressure for new and ambitious policy programmes.
8.3 Conclusion
We of course believe that it is crucial for environmental organisations to con-
tinue campaigns for certain environmental policy changes and to attempt to
motivate particular private-sphere behavioural change. At the same time, we
hope that it is clear that an understanding of identity campaigning points to the
need to carefully review current strategies if these are to contribute more effec-
tively to creating the systemic changes that are needed and if they are to avoid
counterproductive effects. Moreover, we see an understanding of identity cam-
paigning leading to an appreciation of other new and important ways in which
the environmental movement could engage, and which it currently neglects.
All told, we believe that the environmental movement cannot fully
contribute to creating the systemic changes needed in response to today’s envi-
ronmental challenges unless it understands the problems posed by values and
identity, and unless it promotes environmentally benecial aspects of identity
at a societal level.
1 ‘Regulatory chill’ refers to the tendency for many new regulatory proposals
never to be discussed in policy circles because of the recognition that these will
not be politically feasible. The barriers placed in the way of the emergence of
new environmental regulation by current political priorities cannot therefore
be properly assessed in terms of proposals for new regulation that are seen
publicly to have failed. Many regulatory proposals will never make it to the
stage of public discussion.
2 This indifference about the reasons why people adopt a behavioural change is
particularly prevalent in approaches to environmental campaigns that are based
on commercial marketing techniques. For a full discussion of the importance
of the reasons to which environmental campaigners appeal in the course of
motivating pro-environmental behavioural change, and for a critique of some
marketing approaches, see WWF (2008).
3 Debate persists in the psychological literature about the distinction between
values and goals. Throughout this book, we have tried to be consistent in using
the terminology adopted by the authors of the studies we cite.
4 Note that Schwartz uses ‘achievement’ to denote the desire to demonstrate
one’s success relative to that of others. This is potentially misleading, because
people may also strive to achieve things in pursuit of intrinsic goals. But we
adopt Schwartz’s use of achievement throughout this book.
5 Advertisement running in British press for the new television channel ‘Watch’,
October 2008.
6 It may be preferable to refer to the ‘intrinsic value’ of nature, rather than the
‘inherent value’ of nature here (see Curry, 2006). However, we choose to use
‘inherent value’ in order to avoid possible confusion with the intrinsic goals
of self-acceptance, afliation and community feeling, about which we write
elsewhere in this book. In referring to the ‘inherent value of nature’, we denote
the value that nature has as an end in itself, rather than as a means to an end,
irrespective of whether or not such value is contingent upon a valuer.
7 There are signs that the debate between, on the one hand, proponents of the
separation of humans and nature, and, on the other, advocates of alternative
community-led approaches to conservation, is moving on. An emerging and
parallel discussion now focuses on political ecology (the study of the interac-
tions between the way nature is understood and the politics and impacts of envi-
ronmental action) (Adams and Hutton, 2007). In this debate, which explores the
compatibility of conservation and human welfare, nature or resource-focused
approaches are contrasted with people-centred approaches. Although resource-
focused approaches tend to view ‘political’ constraints as outside their control,
they recognise the limitations these place on their plans. On the other hand,
people-centred approaches (e.g. rights-based and sustainable livelihoods ap-
proaches) integrate political considerations into their analysis. People-centred
approaches recognise that conservation is a social process with social impacts,
and would ideally ensure that local world views (e.g. respecting the inherent
value of nature) played an inuential role in shaping any intervention. In prac-
tice, however, particularly where northern or international conservation or en-
vironmental NGOs are driving the agenda, this rarely happens.
8 We believe that it is not possible to extend the principle of egalitarianism to
our relationship with non-human animals. But this must not preclude recogni-
tion that non-human animals and nature have inherent value. The equal right
of all life forms to live and ourish (also called ‘Biocentric egalitarianism’) is,
as Curry (2006) argues, “both intellectually and metaphysically implausible –
why should value in nature be distributed equally or evenly? (Ironically, there is
almost a mechanistic quality to the assumption that it is.) [Such egalitarianism]
is also hopelessly impracticable as a guide to action: you cannot ask anyone (let
alone everyone) to live as if literally every life-form – a lethal virus, say – has
equal value to all others… and it offers no guidance, indeed allows no way, to
resolve inevitable conicts.” (pp. 75-76). But, in recognising this, we need not
conclude that human interests should always take precedence over those of
other life forms: indeed, in according nature inherent value, we must accept that
there will be some instances where the interest of non-human nature should be
privileged above that of humans.
9 Participants wrote extensively about the impact of this experience in their
blogs, which are available at
10 It should be re-emphasised that, in the course of learning from approaches
that have been rened by psychotherapists, we are not suggesting that the emo-
tional management strategies discussed in Chapter 3 are in any way abnormal.
Quite the reverse – they are entirely ubiquitous, and, as we have seen, may
be effective in managing stress. Nor are we suggesting that those who work
for environmental organisations have successfully escaped these emotional
management strategies. Indeed, it seems clear that environmental communi-
cators and campaigners should challenge themselves, on an ongoing basis, to
recognise the full scale of environmental problems, and to constantly review
the proportionality of their responses. It is also important that those working
for environmental organisations frequently reect on the ways in which their
organisations contribute to perpetuating environmental problems – both as an
inevitable result of being functioning economic entities (that hold investments,
heat their buildings and transport their staff) and as a result of the unintended
but sometimes deleterious impacts of their campaigns.
11 In the UK, for example, see the work of David Key and Mary-Jane Rust.
12 See: (Accessed 20/02/09).
13 See: (Accessed 20/02/09).
14 The 2009 Edelman Trust Barometer found NGOs to be the most trusted
institution in every region other than Asia Pacic: “Around the world, NGOs
are the only institution trusted by more than 50% of informed publics” (Edel-
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About the authors
Tom Crompton is Change Strategist at WWF-UK, Godalming, Surrey, UK,
where he has developed WWF’s Strategies for Change Project. He is author of
the WWF-UK report Weathercocks and Signposts: The Environment Move-
ment at a Crossroads and co-author of Simple and Painless? The Limitations
of Spillover in Environmental Campaigning. He holds a PhD in evolutionary
biology from the University of Leicester, and a BA in natural sciences from
the University of Cambridge, UK. He can be contacted at: tcrompton@wwf.
Tim Kasser is Professor of Psychology at Knox College, in Galesburg, Illinois,
USA, where he teaches classes on personality, clinical and abnormal psychol-
ogy, and alternatives to consumerism. He has published dozens of scientic ar-
ticles and book chapters on how people’s values and goals relate to their quality
of life and their social and environmental behaviour. Kasser is also the author of
The High Price of Materialism (MIT Press, 2002) and co-editor of Psychology
and Consumer Culture (APA, 2004). He holds a PhD in psychology from the
University of Rochester, New York, and a BA in psychology from Vanderbilt
University, Tennessee. He can be contacted at:
The authors are grateful to the following individuals for their help or their com-
ments on earlier drafts of this paper: Joe Brewer, Niamh Carey, Julia Cromp-
ton, Patrick Curry, Deborah Du Nann Winter, Alun Evans, Stephen Fitzpatrick,
Jamie Goldenberg, Oliver Greeneld, Liz Jackson, Tim Jackson, Allen Kanner,
Virginia Kasser, David Key, Melissa Lane, Renée Lertzman, Peter Lipman,
Mike Maniates, Alastair McIntosh, Mike Morris, Ciaran Mundy, David Nor-
man, Jules Peck, Katie Randerson, Wesley Schultz, Kelly Shaw, Sian Sullivan,
and Jules Weston.
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The mission of WWF is to stop the degradation of the planet’s
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WWF-UK registered charity number 1081247 A company limited by guarantee number 4016725 © 1986 Panda symbol and ® “WWF” Registered Trademark
of WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature (Formerly World Wildlife Fund)” Printed on recycled paper / June 2009
“Never have environmental problems
appeared so insuperable. Whatever the
past victories of the environment move-
ment, we need a new and deeper ap-
proach – one that begins to engage the
human values and identities that lie at
the heart of environmental challenges.
Meeting Environmental Challenges: The
Role of Human Identity does not inch
in insisting on both the possibility and
the absolute necessity of working in this
way. As such, it makes a clear and impor-
tant contribution to a realistic response to
today’s environmental crisis.”
James Gustave Speth
Carl W. Knobloch, Jr. Dean of the School of Forestry &
Environmental Studies, and Sara Shallenberger Brown
Professor in the Practice of Environmental Policy at Yale
University, and author of The Bridge at the Edge of the
World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from
Crisis to Sustainability.
“A huge shift in public attitudes to global
warming is vital to secure our future. The
new strategy put forward in this superb
book is subtle, powerful and based on
cutting edge psychological research. It’s
probably our last best shot.”
Clive Hamilton
Author of Growth Fetish and Scorcher:
The dirty politics of climate change.
“Tom Crompton and Tim Kasser’s new
study is a sorely-needed and hopeful
resource in a time of environmental and
climate dangers. Meeting Environmental
Challenges: The Role of Human Identity
mines a rich vein of recent psychological
and social research to address one of the
core challenges of social change – how
to mobilize private and unconcerned citi-
zens to alter not only their own behaviors
but those of businesses and governments
as well.”
Robert Cox
Board member and former president (2007-8)
of the Sierra Club and Professor of Communication Stud-
ies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
“It would be the easiest thing in the
world to neglect the demons in the hu-
man soul and place all our faith in an-
gels. But Pollyanna politics won’t solve
the enormous environmental and social
challenges that face us. Tom Crompton
and Tim Kasser have done a huge serv-
ice to sustainability by shining a critical
light on the unsustainable aspects of the
human psyche and at the same time re-
minding us of our underlying humanity,
and of the common values that seek to
protect and preserve the common good.”
Tim Jackson
Professor of Sustainable Development
and Director of RESOLVE, University
of Surrey, UK
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