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Total Cost of Security – A Method for Managing Risks and
Incentives Across the Extended Enterprise
Russell Cameron Thomas
Principal, Meritology
1534 Plaza Lane, Suite 306
Burlingame, CA, 94010
This is an extended abstract of the presentation of the same title
for the Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research
Workshop, 2009.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
K.6.0 [Management of Computing and Information Systems]:
General – Economics.
General Terms
Management, Measurement, Economics, Security, Theory.
Information Risk Management, Cyber Security, Total Cost of
Security, Loss Distribution Approach
One of the main challenges facing information technology (IT)
managers and business executives is how to map security metrics
and performance to business metrics and performance. This is
necessary to align business goals and investments with security
requirements, and to balance risks against costs and rewards. Lack
of such metrics has resulted in a persistent disconnection between
business decision-makers and security specialists regarding value
and risk of information security [1].
Because the benefits of security are the avoidance of uncertain
losses, applying traditional cash flow return on investment (ROI)
techniques would be inappropriate, confusing, or misleading.
Even variations tailored for security (e.g. Return on Security
Investment, ROSI [3], have fundamental problems.) Furthermore,
the domain is rife with unruly uncertainty (i.e. ambiguity,
incomplete information, contradictory information, intractability,
unknown-unknowns, etc.) which makes it difficult or impossible
to reliably estimate annualized loss expectation (ALE) or other
probabilistic estimates of expected losses.
As a solution, I propose a managerial accounting framework
called “Total Cost of Security”. (The name alludes to the Total
Quality Management and the concept of “Total Cost of Quality”.)
The proposed method has the following advantages over previous
• It is compatible with both Generally Accepted
Accounting Practices (GAAP) and modern ERP
• It is compatible with enterprise risk management
(ERM) frameworks.
• It is compatible with economic theories of the firm and
rational decision-making with uncertain and incomplete
• It provides a general framework for integrating a
variety of “ground truth” security metrics into an
economically meaningful composite measure.
• It significantly reduces the data collection burden
compared to other approaches (e.g. ALE).
• It makes the most of available information and avoids
many of the problems of unruly uncertainty.
• It is robust to changing threat, vulnerability, asset, and
organization environments.
• It supports a variety of incentive instruments for
stakeholders to both manage risks better, minimize
externalities, and to disclose relevant information.
• It is composable, which allows modular analysis of
complex organizations and networks both at a
component level and at various levels of aggregation.
• It can be extended to include related risks such as
privacy, intellectual property protection, and digital
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• It is applicable to a wide variety of organizations,
including for-profit, not-for-profit, government, and
military. It scales well across organization size and
structures, including networks of organizations.
There have been previous attempts to quantify the risks associated
with information security including Return on Investment (ROI),
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Return on Security Investment
(ROSI), and Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE) and variants.
Each of these has severe or fatal limitations when applied to
information security risk. Only the ALE method is consistent
from an economic perspective. However, it is not widely
implemented because of the difficulty of getting enough historical
data to estimate probabilities of loss for each incident or loss type.
There are other severe problems with the ALE method, including
the lack of any way to account for the dependence structure
between incident types. This leads to significant underestimation
of “tail risk”.
Given the difficulty of quantifying information security risk,
many organizations and analysts rely on qualitative risk
assessment methods, including the “Frequency vs. Severity” 3X3
Qualitative Matrix (with “High-Medium-Low” values for each
dimension). These are easier to produce and are useful for
informing some decisions, but they lack the power of quantitative
risk measures. In particular, it’s not easy to use them as a basis
for incentive instruments and they don’t compose easily.
The requirements for a risk management framework were listed in
Section 1, phrased in the form of “advantages”. More technically,
it needs to be based on coherent risk measures, with the properties
of translation invariance, subadditivity, positive homogeneity, and
monoticity [4].
In addition, there is the requirement to harmonize two perspective
of economic risk. The first perspective is that of the rational
investor who is focused on short-term returns, and volatility of
returns. Performance is defined as return on investment, and it is
determined by the “fat of the curve” characterized by the mean
and variance of return distributions.
The second perspective is the insurance actuary who is focused
on long-term funding of a pool of risks. Performance is defined
as avoiding “ruin” (i.e. paying out more in claims than you take in
as premiums), and is determined by the “tail of the curve”
characterized by parameters that quantify the thickness of the
probability distribution at extreme values.
Unlike previous methods, the Total Cost of Security framework
harmonizes these two perspectives on economic risk to support
rational decision-making and incentive instruments.
This framework is based on the Loss Distribution Approach
(LDA) that has become common in Enterprise Risk Management
(ERM), pioneered in the financial services industry. The curve in
Figure 1 is a forward-looking probability density function for total
cost of security for a given period.
Figure 1. Idealized Total Cost of Security
Probability Distribution
It’s a matter of policy what costs to include or exclude in Total
Costs of Security. The framework is intended to be broad and
inclusive, and it can include:
• Direct costs of information security (personnel,
security-specific operating and capital expenses,
professional services, security training and awareness
programs, security measurement and management costs,
• Indirect costs of information security, allocated
proportionately (IT help desk, configuration
management, patch management, etc.)
• Direct costs of security breaches, intrusions, losses, and
recovery (discovery, damage control, emergency
response, system restoration, penalties and/or fines, etc.)
• Indirect costs of security breaches, intrusions, losses,
and recovery, including revenue impact, reputation
damage, etc.)
Our first innovation is to divide security-related or cyber trust
costs into three categories: “Budgeted”, “Self-insured”, and
“Catastrophic” (Figure 1). Basically, this approach divides the
aggregate cost probability distribution into three sections. The fat
part of the curve near the mean is "budgeted". The tail section up
to some threshold (95% or 99%) is "self-insured". The very far
end of the tail is "catastrophic". Therefore, any given incident
type, vulnerability, or threat could contribute costs into any or all
of these categories.
• "Budgeted" region is the “fat” part of the curve that
includes costs that are predictable and likely within the
budget year. This includes all direct spending on
security, plus indirect costs, plus the expected value of
all high frequency losses and some small mix of lower
frequency losses. It also includes the opportunity costs
– business activities that are prevented or inhibited by
• "Self-insured" region covers loss magnitudes are
potentially big enough to bust the budget (i.e. material
to quarterly earnings statements), or could get the firm
on the front page of a national newspaper, or could even
threaten the firm’s credit rating, but not necessarily
threaten firm survival. These losses are low probability,
but not close to zero.
• "Catastrophic" region covers the most extreme loss
values that are very unlikely and/or very unpredictable,
but could threaten firm survival or even more
widespread systemic losses. This includes most or all
“doomsday” scenarios.
The second innovation is the treatment of indirect costs,
especially indirect costs of security incidents. We advocate a
general method of valuation called “Expected Cost of Recovery”
– the anticipated cost of restoring the information systems, data,
business processes, and business relationships to their previous
level of capability and performance. This is more conservative
and reliable than other measures which try to estimate the lost
business value due to the security incidents, including decline in
stock prices and other stakeholder value metrics.
5. TCoS Risk Measure
The general formula for TCoS (short for Total Cost of Security,
pronounced “TEE-koss”) is summarized by the following
TCoS = B + SI + C , where
• TCoS is the Total Cost of Security risk measure
• B is the budgeted security costs and losses for the
period (i.e. median costs, or within a margin of the
• SI is the self-insurance premiums to cover low
probability-high impact losses, and
• C is the costs of business continuity to cover deal
with catastrophic scenarios, allocated according to
information security causes and effects.
In plain language, TCoS starts with expected spending on security
and security-related costs (losses, etc.) that are reflected in an
organizations budget. Then add the cost of insurance premiums to
cover losses low probability-high impact losses, but below the
level of catastrophe. (Nearly all organizations will carry this risk
rather than transfer it, so I call it “self-insurance”.) Finally, the
cost of business continuity allocated to information security is
added. Once these three components are added, the result is a
TCoS in current dollars for the next time period. A stream of
TCoS values over multiple periods can be treated like ordinary
cash flows in the standard Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method.
The discount rate, a critical parameter, is very easy to specify –
it’s the firms weighted-average cost of capital, or in other
contexts, the risk-free rate. (In ordinary capital budgeting
analysis, the discount rate in DCF is adjusted to match the
riskiness of the project. “Riskiness of the project” is a tortured
concept in the information security context.)
5.1 Decision Criteria
The most general decision criterion can be simply stated:
• “Minimize TCoS while meeting other business
It’s also possible to integrate TCoS into ordinary return on
investment calculations to get a risk-adjusted return for various
business opportunities or investments (e.g. outsourcing a business
function, implementing a new intellectual property licensing
revenue model for on-line media, etc.) that have significant
information security implications.
In addition to this general decision criterion, TCoS can inform
more complicated decisions and has well-defined methods of
composition (i.e. combining TCoS measures from different
organization units into a composite measure for the entire
organization) using portfolio theory, and also risk budgeting
(allocation and prioritization incentives and constraints to guide
business unit managers). Details are outside the scope of this
5.2 Estimation Methods
Of course, the success of this or any other risk measurement
method depends on our ability to estimate the relevant probability
distribution curves. If no such method is feasible, either in theory
or in practice, then the method should be rejected. In the
proposed Total Cost of Security framework, these are still open
research questions. In this presentation I propose a set of methods
that seem feasible, or at least promising.
(It’s important to note that the Total Cost of Security framework
does not depend on any particular estimation or modeling
Rather than use a single estimation method for the whole curve
(as in the DCF and ALE methods), I propose piece-wise
approach. The probability distribution is then assembled from the
pieces. Though each set of methods are different, they can draw
from similar data: operational security metrics (a.k.a. “ground
truth”), business process metrics, expert opinion, historical data of
incidents and losses, estimates of asset value and other values at
• The “Budgeted” region would be estimated using fairly
conventional cost-driver models (i.e. linear relationships
between operational metrics and indirect or overhead
costs, etc.) and data drawn from accounting information
• The “Self-insured” region would be modeled using rank
order or order-of-magnitude approaches, possibly
combining stochastic methods with inferential
• The “Catastrophic” region would be modeled using
scenario analysis and ordinal or nominal scales. Here,
the precision of cost estimate is much less important
than it’s the qualitative value to guide strategy and
business continuity planning, for example.
An illustrative example is given for estimating self-insurance
costs of data breaches for a mid-sized retailer (13 million credit
card records). Source data could include statistics about the IT
architecture and operations, security metrics, the company’s
breach history, industry surveys and data breach databases, threat
models, and business process models. Using methods such as
Bayesian Networks, Delphi Method, Predictive Modeling, and
Monte Carlo Simulation, it is possible to estimate the self-
insurance quantile, including second order probabilities.
Another illustrative example is given for how TCoS could be used
to define incentive instruments in the extended enterprise for the
same retailer, focusing on card payment processing.
The incentive instruments do not need to be linked to the
complete TCoS metric for each party. Instead, contingent
payments, pooling, and other incentives can be tied to thresholds
and limits for TCoS or its components. There will be
opportunities for third parties to support incentive instruments,
including risk rating agencies and insurance companies, using
facilities such as parametric (indexed) insurance [5] and finite risk
Theoretical research on the Total Cost of Security framework and
TCoS risk measure is in the very early stages. We have a few
promising research results based on computational simulation of
hypothetical cases. Specifically, we can demonstrate the
following theoretical results:
1. Demonstrated that TCoS is a coherent risk measure
2. Demonstrated that it is feasible to derive a stable,
acceptable estimate of the “Budgeted” region of the
Total Cost of Security distribution curve using cost
driver methods from Activity-Based Costing, plus a
formal bargaining game for cost sharing among
(competing) stakeholders.
3. Proposed an approach to estimating of the “Self-
insured” region of the Total Cost of Security
distribution curve using a pluralistic, competition
between diverse models. This method remains to be
tested and validated.
4. Using similar methods as #2, demonstrated a method to
segment TCoS and it’s components into three
subcomponents: “internally-driven”, “partner-driven”,
and “externally-driven”. These sub-components can
serve as the basis for risk pooling, insurance, cap-and-
trade, or other incentive-based mechanisms
Of course, confidence in this whole proposal depends on
empirical research and on whether available data sets can be used
usefully to estimate TCoS. Our claim at this stage of research is
that the framework is promising and seems to be viable from a
theoretical perspective.
One of the advantages of the proposed Total Cost of Security
framework is that it can incorporate any type of information
security risk or, more broadly, cyber trust which includes privacy,
intellectual property protection, and digital rights management.
It is also flexible enough to handle a wide range of risk profiles.
In cases where the Total Cost of Security distribution curve
happens to be normal distribution with relatively modest variance,
then it would all fall into the "budgeted" category, and thus could
be managed using traditional budget and cash flow methods. On
the other hand, if the loss distribution has a "fat tail", then the
three-part approach becomes very useful to distinguish between
what we know with confidence and what we know with less
confidence or don't know at all.
The framework makes the most of existing information, aligns
with decision-making processes, and avoids the problem of
conflating reliable and unreliable estimates. It requires
innovations from Enterprise Risk Management, Activity-based
Costing, and qualitative reasoning. The approach is roughly
analogous to the Total Cost of Quality concept that helped
motivate the Total Quality Management movement. In addition
to helping with security cost and performance management, this
approach highlights the importance of organization learning and
Another advantage is that it is compatible with existing methods
for enterprise investment and performance management, including
“Risk-adjusted Return on Capital” (RAROC) in financial services
and “Economic Value-added” (EVA) across various industries. In
essence, “self-insurance” adds to the capital required by a project
or business unit. Higher levels of information risk mean a larger
“self-insurance” pool is required, which lowers return on capital,
and vice versa.
It may be possible to standardize these methods with industries
and organization types to allow, for the first time, meaningful
aggregation of cyber trust cost information to guide government
policy and vendor product development decisions. It would also
allow meaningful public disclosure of cyber trust risks and risk
tolerance in stakeholder reports and regulatory filings.
My thanks to Patrick Amon, Bob Austin, Sean Barnum, Jean
Camp, Fred Cohen, Eric Dalci, John Delaney, Naomi Fine, Dan
Geer, Alex Hutton, Jack Jones, Georgiy Bobashev, Ray Kaplan,
John Nye, Elizabeth Nichols, Brent Rowe, and Diglio Simoni for
their ideas, support, feedback, and suggestions. Additional thanks
goes to the members of for their comments,
suggestions, and feedback.
[1] Conference Board 2006. Navigating Risk—The Business
Case for Security, http://www.conference- .
[2] Tuck School of Business – Glassmeyer/McNamee Center for
Digital Strategies 2006, Embedding Information Security
Risk Management in the Extended Enterprise (Workshop),
nts/CIO_RiskManage/Overview.pdf .
[3] Berinato, S. 2002. Calculated Risk - Guide to determining
security ROI, CSO Magazine
[4] Artzner, P., Delbaen, F., Eber, J.M., Heath, D. 1999.
Coherent measures of risk. Math. Finance 9(3), 203-228.
[5] Skees, J. et. al. 2007, “Scaling Up Index Insurance”,
Microinsurance Centre, LLC,
[6] Leavitt, R. and Anderson, M. 2008. Finite Risk Insurance: A
New Product Based on an Old Standard.