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This unpublished paper was submitted to the Committee for Spermatophyta in mid-2003 to provide supplementary
information relevant to the
Orchard and Maslin (2003) proposal to conserve the name Acacia with a conserved type. This
paper was posted to the WorldWideWattle in late-2003.
Nomenclatural and classification history of Acacia (Leguminosae:
Mimosoideae), and the implications of generic subdivision
B. R. Maslin
, A. E. Orchard
and J. G. West
Department of Conservation and Land Management, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Western Australia 6983,
Australia (Email:
Australian Biological Resources Study, GPO Box 787, Canberra ACT
2601, Australia. (Email:
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1600, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601, Australia (Esmail:
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................................................2
History of the genus Acacia..............................................................................................................................................................3
Original description of Acacia..........................................................................................................................................................3
First Australian Acacia species.........................................................................................................................................................3
Reappearance of the name Acacia....................................................................................................................................................3
Early generic segregates of Acacia...................................................................................................................................................3
Phyllodoce ....................................................................................................................................................................................3
Racosperma ..................................................................................................................................................................................4
Vachellia, Farnesia and Aldina....................................................................................................................................................4
Acacia dismembered – Rafinesque...............................................................................................................................................4
Chithonanthus and Tetracheilos...................................................................................................................................................5
Bentham (1840–1875)......................................................................................................................................................................5
New Asian, African and American genera recognised (1911–1940)................................................................................................6
Phytomorula .................................................................................................................................................................................6
Pithecodendron and Manganaroa ................................................................................................................................................6
Britton and Rose - North American genera ..................................................................................................................................6
Dugandia ......................................................................................................................................................................................6
Faidherbia ....................................................................................................................................................................................6
Recent high-level classifications of Acacia (1969-1986) .....................................................................................................................6
Guinet (1969)................................................................................................................................................................................7
Vassal (1972)................................................................................................................................................................................7
Johnson (1973)..............................................................................................................................................................................7
Guinet and Vassal (1978) .............................................................................................................................................................7
Pedley (1978, 1986)......................................................................................................................................................................7
Reaction to Pedley’s division of Acacia...............................................................................................................................................8
Recent evidence for splitting
Acacia ....................................................................................................................................................8
Current generic status of Acacia sens. lat.............................................................................................................................................9
Acacia sens. str.................................................................................................................................................................................9
Senegalia ........................................................................................................................................................................................10
Genus ‘X’ (‘Acacia coulteri’ group)...............................................................................................................................................10
Racosperma ....................................................................................................................................................................................10
Nomenclatural implications................................................................................................................................................................10
Option 1. Apply names in accordance with their currently designated types............................................................................11
Option 2. Retypify Acacia with an Australian type from Acacia subg. Phyllodineae................................................................12
Economic implications .......................................................................................................................................................................12
Arguments in support of Option 2......................................................................................................................................................13
References ..........................................................................................................................................................................................14
Figure 1. Simplified strict consensus cladogram based on chloroplast DNA sequence data..............................................................19
Table 1. Numbers of described species of Acacia sens. lat. worldwide............................................................................................20
Table 2. Main classifications of Acacia from Bentham (1875) to Maslin et al. (2003).....................................................................21
Table 3. Characters considered important in defining major groups within Acacia sens. lat.............................................................23
Appendix 1. Typification and generic synonymy within Acacia sens. lat.........................................................................................24
Appendix 2. Seeds of Acacia subg. Phyllodineae taxa distributed worldwide for research purposes...............................................26
As currently defined Acacia is a cosmopolitan genus containing about 1 350 species; it is the second largest genus in the
family Leguminosae. Acacia has had a complex nomenclatural history, although its circumscription has been relatively stable since
a series of papers by Bentham (1840–1875). In 1986 Pedley proposed dividing the genus into three genera, Acacia, Senegalia (syn.
Acacia subg. Aculeiferum) and Racosperma (syn. Acacia subg. Phyllodineae), and made 275 combinations in Racosperma to
accommodate part of this change. Few have adopted Pedley's suggestion, but there is increasing evidence to suggest that Acacia
should be subdivided. Evidence from several sources now suggests that at least five genera are involved in the complex, namely,
those recognised by Pedley, except that Senegalia is viewed as comprising Senegalia sens. str., Acaciella (syn. Acacia section
Filicinae) and a new genus (based on taxa allied to A. coulteri). If Acacia is split in the way current evidence suggests, and names
are applied in accordance with currently designated types, then over 1000 new combinations will be required, causing major
disruption to nomenclature for this very large genus. Most of the species in commerce will require a name change. The
consequences are examined, and two options provided for the future. The preferred option is to change the type species of genus
Acacia, to minimise nomenclatural and economic impacts.
The genus Acacia is the second largest in the family Leguminosae, with about 1350 species. It is distributed throughout
tropical and warm temperate areas of the world, with the largest concentration of species in Australia (ca 957 species), and also
with high numbers in the Americas (ca 185 species), Africa (144 species) and Asia (89 species), see Table 1. The genus has a long
and convoluted history, with many genera being split or added to core Acacia over the last 250 years. The type of Acacia is
generally considered to be A. scorpioides (L.) W. F. Wight (=A. nilotica (L.) Del., a species of tropical Africa and western Asia
which is now naturalised in some other parts of the world, see Orchard & Maslin 2003). In the last 30 years considerable attention
has been given to the phylogeny and the generic and infrageneric classification of Acacia, with the proposal by Pedley (1986) to
subdivide Acacia into three genera having significant impact. Molecular and phylogenetic studies conducted since 1986 are lending
considerable support for the fragmentation of Acacia, but not necessarily along the exact lines proposed by Pedley (see Maslin et
al. 2003).
Such actions to divide Acacia, while desirable from the point of view of presenting a more defensible phylogeny, will have
considerable nomenclatural, economic and pragmatic repercussions. More than 75% of the species in this very large genus may
require a new name or new combination. Many of these species are of considerable economic, ecological or iconic importance. It
can be anticipated that name changes on this scale will elicit commentary in the scientific, popular and semi-popular press, and it is
inevitable that some of this comment will question the rationality of the taxonomic process. Therefore, it is important that the
taxonomic data be sufficiently robust to support such changes, and if they are, then ways to minimise the nomenclatural impact of
the change should be sought.
This paper seeks to provide the context for a better understanding of the issues associated with the fragmentation of Acacia.
For this reason a history of the nomenclature and a synopsis of proposals relating to the phylogeny and classification of the genus
is given below. A separate paper (Orchard & Maslin 2003) has presented a formal nomenclatural proposal designed to minimise
inconvenience associated with splitting the genus.
History of the genus Acacia
Since Acacia was described in 1754 there have been almost 30 generic names applied to it. Appendix 1 gives the typification
and synonymy of these generic names which are discussed in the following sections.
Original description of Acacia
Acacia was formally adopted by Miller (1754) in a paper which contained descriptions of 24 African and American species,
but there was no attempt to divide these into groups. Miller's generic concepts were very broad, and it is not surprising, therefore,
that a number of his species are no longer referable to Acacia in its current sense. Prior to Miller the name Acacia had been widely
used in pre-Linnean literature (see Ross 1980). Linnaeus (1753) had placed most Mimosoids known to him in the genus Mimosa
and of the 39 species that he treated, only six are currently recognised as belonging to that genus, 14 to Acacia and the remainder
distributed across eleven different genera. Two of the species described by Linnaeus were Mimosa scorpioides and Mimosa
nilotica; these taxa were subsequently transferred to Acacia and are now considered conspecific with A. scorpioides generally
regarded as the type of the genus (see Orchard & Maslin 2003). Miller later adopted Linnaeus’ broad concept of Mimosa and the
name Acacia fell into disuse (Pedley 1987). Lamarck (1783) followed Linnaeus by including Acacia within Mimosa.
First Australian Acacia species
In 1768 Burman described 'Adiantum truncatum' and 'Polypodium spinulosum', perhaps the first plants from Australia ever
collected by Europeans. The collections were probably made by members of the Vlaming expedition that visited the Perth region
of Western Australia in 1697 (George 1971). The first is now known to be Acacia truncata (Burm. f.) Hoffmannsegg and the latter
is Synaphea spinulosa (Burm.f.) Merr., a member of the Proteaceae.
Reappearance of the name Acacia
Around the beginning of the 19th century the name Acacia regained popular acceptance as a genus distinct from Mimosa, but
its circumscription was unclear. For example, Willdenow (1806) referred 102 species to Acacia but 45 were later transferred to
other genera, mainly Prosopis L. (8 spp.), Albizia Durazz. (7 spp.), Mimosa L. (6 spp.) and Calliandra Benth. (6 spp. – this genus
was not formally described until 1840). Willdenow was among the first to attempt to draw up a system of classification for Acacia:
he divided the species into six groups, each tersely described but not formally named or prefaced by any indication of rank.
Candolle (1825) listed 258 species of Acacia
, many of which were later transferred to other genera, mainly Albizia (12 spp.),
Calliandra (13 spp.), Mimosa (16 spp.) and Piptadenia Benth. (12 spp.). Candolle referred most of the species to four described
and formally named sections, placing the residue under "Acaciae non satis notis".
Early generic segregates of Acacia
Attempts were made between 1830 and 1850 to clarify the definition of Acacia through the description of segregate genera.
During this period fourteen new genera were described and according to Pedley (1987) the fragmentation of Acacia would have
resulted in taxonomic chaos had George Bentham not intervened (see below).
Both Willdenow (1806) and Candolle (1825) had created infrageneric categories to accommodate the Australian species with
phyllodes (the bipinnate leaved species, including those from Australia, were placed in separate categories), as did Sprengel (1826)
and Martius (1829 – see below). Brown (1814) had also recognised the distinctive foliar character of these species, and commented
on their ubiquity in the Australian flora. In 1831 Link erected the genus Phyllodoce to accommodate these phyllodinous taxa. This
is the first generic name created for species which are now referable to Acacia subgenus Phyllodineae, but Phyllodoce Link is
illegitimate, being a later homonym of Phyllodoce Salisb. (1806).
In 1829 the name Racosperma appeared (under Acacia) in a seed list published by C.F.P. Martius. Although the name was
based on Acacia section Phyllodineae DC. (1825) it cannot be considered as having been validly published at that time because the
author himself did not accept it as representing a distinct genus. The 22 phyllodinous species included by Martius under
Racosperma were all listed as Acacia; except for A. heterophylla from the Mascarenes, these names all referred to Australian taxa.
Later, Martius (1835) again published the name Racosperma, citing it as "Racosperma Mart. (Acacia R. Br.)". It appeared in an
alphabetically arranged seed list and was clearly accepted by the author as a distinct genus, although it was not accompanied by
either a description or a diagnosis; Martius listed three species under this name, two of which had appeared in his 1829 publication.
Pedley (1986) interpreted Martius' 1835 citation as representing a reference back to his 1829 account and through this as an
indirect reference to the description of Acacia section Phyllodineae DC (1825). Pedley accepted this as validating Racosperma
Mart. (1835) and cited the type as Acacia penninervis, one of the Australian phyllodinous species listed by Candolle, effectively
lectotypifying it by that species. Pedley (1986, 1987a–d, 1988) subsequently described five new species of Racosperma, provided
four new names in that genus, and effected 275 combinations based on taxa from Acacia subgenus Phyllodineae. (Only three other
valid combinations under Racosperma had previously been made: see Martius 1835.)
However, an alternative and possibly more plausible interpretation of Martius’ (1835) citation “Racosperma Mart. (Acacia R.
Br.)" is that it represents an indirect reference back to Acacia sensu Robert Brown (1813 and/or 1814 – both these works were
translated into German by Nees von Esenbeck in 1825 and would have been easily accessible to Martius). In 1813 Brown
published a treatment of Acacia in Aiton’s Hortus Kewensis where a short generic description was provided, followed by
descriptions of 53 species; these species represented each of the currently recognised three subgenera of Acacia and were classified
using the same informal system that Willdenow (1806) had introduced: the structure of the generic treatment and even the species
order of the two closely coincide. Under this interpretation, the citation "Racosperma Mart. (Acacia R. Br.)" represents a statement
of a generic name accepted by Martius and based on Acacia sensu Brown, which was fairly clearly Acacia sensu Willdenow
(1806). It would then follow that the lectotype of Racosperma should have been chosen from among the 53 species recognised by
Brown rather than from Candolle's species.
In Appendix 3 to Flinders Voyage to Terra Australis Brown (1814) briefly discussed the Australian phyllodinous species of
Acacia which he said were referable to the first group recognised in that genus by Willdenow (1806), namely, ‘Foliis simplicibus’;
these species are referable to Acacia subgenus Phyllodineae.
In summary, while it seems clear that Martius (1835) achieved the validation of the name Racosperma by indirect reference
to a previously effectively published name, the interpretation of which indirect reference is of some consequence to the typification
of the name. If Pedley’s 1986 argument is accepted, and the name is indirectly validated through Candolle (1825), then Pedley’s
lectotypification of Racosperma on A. penninervis must stand. However, if it is accepted that the indirect reference is to Brown
(1813), then the lectotype needs to be selected from among the species included by Brown in that work. These did not include A.
penninervis. This issue has no direct impact on the proposal to change the type of Acacia, and it will be addressed separately
should the need arise.
Vachellia, Farnesia and Aldina
Wight & Arnott (1834) and Gasparrini (1838) described the monotypic American genera Vachellia and Farnesia (nom. illeg.,
superfluous), both of which were based on Mimosa farnesiana. Their reason for separating this taxon from Acacia was probably
that it possessed a distinctive pod. These names are now considered synonymous with Acacia subg. Acacia (see discussion under
Bentham below), although Kostermans (1980) did adopt the name Vachellia farnesiana for plants from Sri Lanka which are now
regarded as A. farnesiana. Meyer (1836) also described a new genus seemingly allied to A. farnesiana, namely, Aldina (nom.
Acacia dismembered – Rafinesque
An extreme case of splitting of Acacia was that of the eccentric Rafinesque (1838) who described seven genera with very
brief descriptions. Two of these genera are now referable to Acacia subg. Acacia (Gumifera based on a species from Africa, and
Poponax based on a species from America), one to Acacia subg. Aculeiferum (Senegalia based on a species from Africa) and four
to Acacia subg. Phyllodineae (Cuparilla, Drepaphyla, Hecatandra and Zigmaloba, based on species from Australia). Senegalia
the earliest generic name available for species currently referred to Acacia subg. Aculeiferum if this taxon is segregated from
Chithonanthus and Tetracheilos
Lehmann (1848) described two new genera, Chithonanthus and Tetracheilos, to accommodate two unusual Western
Australian species (A. restiacea and A. tetragonocarpa) that had previously been included in Acacia. These generic names are now
considered synonymous with Acacia subg. Phyllodineae.
Bentham (1840–1875)
Because of the importance of Bentham to the development of the classification of Acacia a brief analysis of his work is
warranted here. In a series of publications, commencing in 1840 and ending in 1875, Bentham undertook a number of studies that
greatly clarified the definition and classification of Acacia. In 1840 Bentham (1840a) considered that Acacia had become an
"unwieldy, ill-defined, and comparatively unnatural assemblage of plants". His intention was to clarify Willdenow's (1806) and
Candolle's (1825) broad concepts of the genus by restricting the name Acacia to plants with infinite, free stamens, thus excluding
species now referable to tribes Mimoseae and Ingeae (see Bentham 1840: 137 and 1840a). At this stage, however, Bentham (1840)
followed Wight & Arnott (1834) in recognizing Vachellia (see above) as a distinct genus, noting that in the Americas it was easily
distinguished from "true" Acacia, but in Africa the two genera seemed to run into one another. Bentham's concept of "true" Acacia
encompassed species from Australia, Asia, Africa and the Americas and almost certainly included ones that are now referable to
each of the three currently recognised subgenera, namely, subg. Acacia, subg. Aculeiferum and subg. Phyllodineae. He
pragmatically argued that because the group containing the Australian species was "so very much the largest group" it would cause
"infinitely less confusion" to apply the name Acacia to this group. Two years later Bentham (1842) decided that the pod character
employed to segregate Vachellia was not a good generic attribute and furthermore was of "great inconvenience" because pods were
rarely present on herbarium specimens. He therefore broadened his definition of Acacia to include Vachellia farnesiana and its
allies. Thus, for the first time the generic limits of Acacia were clearly defined (and, in fact, have largely persisted until the
present). Bentham not only considered that his re-defined Acacia was a more natural group than in previous schemes, it was more
"clearly and easily defined". The six series that he recognised within Acacia were delimited primarily on foliage characters and the
nature of the spines, with inflorescence characters being of less importance. Until recently these six series were accepted by most
taxonomists as the primary divisions of the genus, although there has been some disagreement as to their rank. Ross (1973)
provides further discussion of Bentham’s 1842 classification.
In 1864 Bentham produced a monumental work, the Leguminosae in Flora Australiensis. In his introduction to the account of
Acacia he discussed at length the extreme variation in pod and seed characters and concluded that these could not be employed to
construct a meaningful infrageneric classification. Instead, his classification was based chiefly on foliage and inflorescence
attributes. However, in using these characters Bentham considered that the [relatively low] rank of series was the most appropriate
for grouping the species. His scheme recognised two 'divisions', Phyllodineae (with 8 series which accommodated mostly
phyllodinous species) and Bipinnatae (with 3 series which covered bipinnate-leaved species).
In his final classification of Acacia Bentham (1875) reiterated that the genus appeared a natural one distinguishable from the
remainder of the mimosoids by its indefinite free stamens. He again stressed his unwillingness to recognise infrageneric taxa at a
high rank and therefore reduced his 8 series of 'division' Phyllodineae to sub-series under series Phyllodineae. The bipinnate-
leaved species were grouped into 5 series, 2 of which were not known to occur in Australia.
In summary the following may be said of Bentham in relation to the classification of Acacia.
1. In the years 1840–1875 Bentham undertook a number of major revisions of Acacia. During this period he refined previous
definitions of the genus by moving away from pod characters to those of the stamens. His final definition based on indefinite,
free stamens persists to the present.
2. While Bentham sought to establish natural infrageneric groups within Acacia he considered that these groups should be
recognizable by easily observed characters i.e. inflorescence and foliage (pods being rarely present on herbarium gatherings).
3. Except for his early recognition of Vachellia (defined by pod characters) he did not divide Acacia into multiple genera. On the
contrary, with the progression of time he tended to reduce the rank applied to many of his infrageneric segregates.
4. In his final (1875) classification he gave equal rank to groups containing phyllodinous species (i.e. series Phyllodineae) and
bipinnate-leaved species, i.e. series Vulgares, Filicinae, Gummiferae, Pulchellae and Botrycephalae.
New Asian, African and American genera recognised (1911–1940)
Between 1911 and 1940 fifteen new Asian and American genera were segregated from Acacia. However, except for
Faidherbia, none is currently accepted.
Gagnepain (1911) described Delaportea to accommodate a single species from Laos which was segregated from Acacia on
the basis of a small gland present at the top of the anther. Three species of Delaportea were ultimately described but these are now
regarded as conspecific with Acacia subgenus Acacia (fide Guinet 1981 and Nielsen 1981).
This taxon was described by Kofoid (1914) for what he believed to be a new genus of protophyte (protista) that was found in
a reservoir in Berkeley in 1912; the "organism" however, is a 16-grained polyad of Acacia pollen and Pedley (1986) referred
Phytomorula to Racosperma (Acacia subg. Phyllodineae).
Pithecodendron and Manganaroa
Spegazzini (1923) described the monotypic Argentinian genus Pithecodendron, a name that is now considered synonymous
with Acacia subg. Acacia (Spegazzini's taxon was based on a cultivated plant of the African species, A. horrida, fide Burkart
1939). In the same publication Spegazzini described Manganaroa for several Argentinian species formerly included in Acacia. As
with Delaportea this genus was characterized by a gland at the top of the anther, but this was subsequently shown not to be a
reliable generic character and Manganaroa was placed in synonymy under Acacia (subg. Aculeiferum) by Cialdella (1984) and
Senegalia by Pedley (1986).
Craib (1927) described the genus Nimiria from Thailand. This name is now considered synonymous with Acacia subg.
Acacia (fide Hutchinson 1964, Nielsen 1981).
Britton and Rose - North American genera
Britton & Rose (1928) presented a radical treatment of Acacia for the Flora of North America. Based on pod characters the
species were distributed among eleven genera, eight of which were described as new. One of these new genera (Acaciella) is now
referred to Acacia subg. Aculeiferum while the other seven (
Acaciopsis, Bahamia, Fishlockia, FerAcacia, Lucaya,
Myrmecodendron and Tauroceras) are currently referred to Acacia subg. Acacia. After Rose's death in 1934 Britton & Rose's
treatment was ignored (Pedley 1987) and most of their genera were rejected, with species being transferred back to Acacia where
Britton & Killip (1936) described the monotypic genus Dugandia from Colombia; this species is included in Acacia by
Vassal (1981); Guinet (1981) suggested that it is referable to subgenus Aculeiferum.
Chevalier (1934) transferred an African species, Acacia albida, to a monotypic genus, Faidherbia, and in recent times there
has been considerable discussion as to its taxonomic status. Ross (1979) summarised evidence indicating that this taxon is not
closely related to the other African species of Acacia and Vassal (1981) treated it as a monotypic genus within tribe Acacieae
(however, Polhill 1994 placed it in tribe Ingeae). The results of immunological studies by Brain (1987, 1990) the cladistic analyses
of Chappill & Maslin (1995) and recent molecular studies (see Maslin et al. 2003 for summary) confirm that this taxon should be
removed from Acacia.
Recent high-level classifications of Acacia (1969-1986)
The first formal change to Bentham’s long-standing classification of Acacia was that of Vassal (1972), a scheme that was
based in part on previous palynological studies by Guinet (1969), and which subsequently assisted in providing the conceptual
framework for Pedley’s (1986) subdivision of the genus.
Guinet (1969)
Based on pollen analysis of almost 250 species Guinet (1969) proposed an informal classification of Acacia in which three
groups were recognized: Group 1 (comprising Bentham’s series Filicinae and Vulgares), Group 2 (comprising series Phyllodineae,
Botrycephalae and Pulchellae) and Group 3 (comprising series Gummiferae). Groups 1 and 2 were shown to have affinities with
one another while group 3 stood apart. Guinet suggested that each of the three groups could be recognised as distinct genera but he
did not present a formal classification of them. In fact, in many of his numerous subsequent publications on Acacia Guinet
followed Vassal (1972) in treating these groups as subgenera, namely, subg. Aculeiferum (Group 1), subg. Phyllodineae (Group 2)
and subg. Acacia (Group 3). However, in 1990 Guinet viewed Acacia as comprising two main groups, namely, subg. Acacia
(pollen colporate, exine columellar) and the combined subgenera Aculeiferum and Phyllodineae (pollen porate or extraporate, exine
granular, i.e. not possessing columellae). Although Guinet hinted that these groups might represent distinct genera he did not
formally advocate splitting Acacia.
Vassal (1972)
In 1972 Vassal proposed a new classification of Acacia based chiefly on information derived from his study of seeds,
seedlings and stipules, and also taking into account Guinet's palynological data. This scheme was the first formal re-arrangement of
Bentham’s long-established classification of the genus. Vassal recognised three subgenera, subg. Acacia, subg. Aculeiferum and
subg. Heterophyllum (= subg. Phyllodineae) and seven sections (see Table 2). The three subgenera broadly corresponded to
groupings of Bentham's (1875) six series which, according to Ross (1981), was fortunate, because most of the characters on which
Vassal's classification was based are not obvious from the gross morphology of conventional herbarium specimens.
Johnson (1973)
Johnson (1973) used multivariate statistical methods based predominantly on Queensland species to derive a hypothetical
scheme for classifying Acacia. He did not describe any new infrageneric groups but simply suggested certain re-arrangements of
Bentham's classification. Pedley (see below) adopted part of Johnson's scheme in proposing his classifications.
Guinet and Vassal (1978)
In this publication Guinet and Vassal assessed the phylogeny and classification of Acacia by examining a range of
morphological, ontogenetic, pollen, chromosome and biochemical attributes. Insofar as classification is concerned this study did
not suggest any change to Vassal’s (1972) scheme.
Pedley (1978, 1986)
In 1986 Pedley re-assessed the classification of Acacia and proposed that the genus be divided into three genera, Acacia,
Senegalia and Racosperma. The relationship between Pedley's (1986) classification, his earlier (1978) scheme and those of Vassal
(1972), Bentham (1875) and Maslin et al. (2003) are shown in Table 2. Pedley’s (1986) scheme was an important development in
the classification of Acacia
Prior to his 1978 classification Pedley had described and discussed a number of Australian species of Acacia. These taxa were
sometimes not referred to any infrageneric group (e.g. Pedley 1964), sometimes they were included in Bentham's groups but
without rank indicated (e.g. Pedley 1974), sometimes they were referred to informally re-defined Bentham groups (e.g. Pedley
1972) and sometimes they were referred to Vassal's (1972) groups (e.g. Pedley 1975). This illustrates the problems confronting
Pedley (and other taxonomists working at that time) concerning the inadequacies of the then existing infrageneric classification of
Acacia. His 1978 classification was therefore welcomed as incorporating the best aspects of Bentham's and Vassal's previous
classifications into a single, usable scheme. In this work Pedley (1978) followed Vassal (1972) in recognizing 3 subgenera and a
number of sections. The sections largely corresponded to groupings of Bentham's (1842, 1864, 1875) series and subseries. Pedley
used mainly vegetative and inflorescence characters to define his infrageneric groups, but he took into account information derived
from previous studies of pollen (e.g. Guinet 1969), seed and seedling ontogeny (Vassal 1972), free amino acids in seeds (Evans et
al. 1977) and flavonoids of bark and wood (Tindale & Roux 1969).
According to Pedley (1987) he had by about 1972 become convinced that subgenus Acacia (= Series Gummiferae) warranted
recognition as a distinct genus. Although this change was not made in his 1978 classification he did informally advocate, in 1981,
that Acacia be divided into two genera, namely, Acacia and genus "Z". The latter is a reference to Zigmaloba Rafinesque, and
would have comprised the combined subgenera Aculeiferum and Phyllodineae. In this 1981 article Pedley acknowledged that
"whether or not Acacia should be split is partly a philosophical question." In 1983 Pedley foreshadowed his most recent (1986)
classification by stating that three genera would be recognised within Acacia. The genera were named Acacia, Senegalia and
Racosperma, but not defined. In 1986 Pedley formally recognised Acacia, Senegalia and Racosperma which corresponded to
Vassal's (1972) Acacia subg. Acacia, subg. Aculeiferum and subg. Phyllodineae
respectively. Although generic descriptions were
not given, a key to the genera was provided, along with generic synonymy and typification and some new combinations were made
under Racosperma and Senegalia.
Reaction to Pedley’s division of Acacia
Pedley's 1986 classification was not widely adopted by either the botanical or non-botanical community. Indeed, apart from
his own publications (Pedley 1987a–d, 1988) there appear to be few others that have adopted the name Racosperma. The only
papers known to us are Khasa (1993), Khasa & Bousquet (1994) and (1995), Khasa et al. (1994a), (1994b), (1995a) and (1995b),
Quoirin et al. (1997), Carvalho et al. (1999) and Takemori et al. (2000). These are outweighed, many times over (far too many to
list here), by papers adopting the name Acacia, including many in which the Racosperma combinations are cited in synonymy.
Perhaps the most influential of these are the recently published 2-volume account of Acacia in Flora of Australia (Orchard &
Wilson 2001) and the accompanying electronic equivalent, WATTLE Acacias of Australia (Maslin 2001a). As already noted above
(under Racosperma) there are about 290 names available in Racosperma; this number represents about a quarter of the currently
recognized taxa in Acacia subg. Phyllodineae. We have been unable to find any papers in refereed journals where the name
Senegalia has been adopted. About 90 names are currently available under Senegalia (most provided by Britton & Rose 1928), but
it is probable that over 100 additional combinations will be required when this genus is reinstated.
The main reasons for not accepting Pedley's generic classification are outlined in Maslin (1987, 1988). Prior to these
publications a meeting of the International Group for the Study of Mimosoideae in Berlin had expressed reservations concerning
Pedley's proposal (Maslin 1987). Of primary concern was the widespread nomenclatural disruption that would ensue from splitting
this large cosmopolitan genus. Although it was generally recognised that Acacia sens. lat. was probably polyphyletic (at least to the
extent that subg. Acacia differed significantly from the other two subgenera in a number of morphological, palynological,
biochemical and other characters) it was not clear how many genera should be recognised, or how these might relate to other
groups within the related tribes Ingeae and Mimoseae. The evidence presented by Pedley to substantiate his three-way split of the
genus was considered inconclusive and/or incomplete. Questions relating to the possibility of generic rank for section Filicinae
were raised. Concerns were also expressed that the name Racosperma might be invalid. For these reasons it was considered
imprudent to accept the division of Acacia as proposed by Pedley. There was a call for more study to acquire critical information
upon which informed decisions could be made concerning the generic status of Acacia, and in particular, for broad-based
comparative studies of Acacia that included genera from tribes Ingeae and Mimoseae. Pedley defended his 1986 classification in
two papers (Pedley 1987e, 1989).
Recent evidence for splitting Acacia
Since the publication of Pedley’s 1986 paper a number of morphological and molecular studies have been undertaken that
have further explored the phylogeny and classification of Acacia. These studies included not only species of Acacia sens. lat. and
Faidherbia (tribe Acacieae) but also representatives from the related tribes Ingeae and Mimoseae. As discussed by Maslin et al.
(2003) the results of this work have enabled the generic status of Acacia to be reassessed and the following is a summary of the
conclusions reached.
The recent molecular and cladistic studies of Chappill & Maslin (1995), Miller & Bayer (2000, 2001 & 2003), Robinson &
Harris (2000), Clarke et al. (2000) and Luckow et al. (in press) have demonstrated that Acacia, as currently defined, is
polyphyletic. These same data sources also confirm that Acacia subg. Acacia and Acacia subg. Phyllodineae are each
monophyletic. However, neither the morphological data of Chappill & Maslin (1995) nor the molecular evidence provides
significant support for the monophyly of subg. Aculeiferum. This may be due, in part at least, to disparate sampling strategies
employed in the various studies and, more particularly, to the dearth of phylogenetically useful information on account of the
relatively few species that have been studied. Nevertheless, current evidence indicates that within subg. Aculeiferum sens. lat. there
are at least three distinct monophyletic lineages, namely, section Filicinae, the ‘Acacia coulteri’ group and the remainder of the
subgenus which is now referred to as subg. Aculeiferum sens. str. It is not impossible that further sampling of subg Aculeiferum
may reveal yet other unique lineages within this group.
Vassal used the illegitimate name, Heterophyllum for this subgenus
As noted by Maslin et al. (2003) the above studies do not agree on the sister relationship of the five monophyletic groups that
comprise Acacia sens. lat. (these differences are graphically represented by Figure 1 in Maslin et al. 2003). Reasons for the
disparate results include the sampling strategies employed by the studies and by their choices of out-group taxa. Nevertheless, the
five lineages have been shown to be clearly monophyletic in all recent morphological and molecular studies of the group (Maslin et
al. 2003). The most comprehensive study of the Mimosoideae (Luckow et al. in press) indicated high levels of bootstrap support
for the principal clades, namely, subg. Acacia [bs = 99%], subg. Aculeiferum sens. str. [bs = 99%] and subg. Phyllodineae
A cladogram representing an overview of the most recent chloroplast DNA sequence data of Miller and Bayer (2000, 2001
and 2003) and Luckow et al. (in press) is presented in Fig. 1. This cladogram clearly shows Acacia sens. lat. as being polyphyletic,
subg. Acacia being nested within tribe Mimoseae with subg. Aculeiferum sens. str. sister to a polytomy containing subg.
Phyllodineae, section Filicinae, the ‘Acacia coulteri’ group, Faidherbia albida and certain Ingeae taxa.
Current generic status of Acacia sens. lat.
Based on the recent molecular and phylogenetic results, and from considering previous morphological, biochemical and other
evidence (see Pedley 1986, Maslin 1988), it is clear that the genus Acacia, as currently defined is polyphyletic and cannot be
sustained as a single genus. These data also now confirm that both subg. Acacia and subg. Phyllodineae are monophyletic. Pedley
(1986) treated these two groups as distinct genera, named Acacia and Racosperma respectively, and there is now sufficient
justification to accept this rank for them (Maslin et al. 2003), but not necessarily these generic names (see below). Pedley (1986)
also recognised a third genus, Senegalia, which was based on Acacia subg. Aculeiferum sens. lat. However, as already noted the
recent data does not provide significant support for the monophyly of this group. Instead, current evidence indicates that subg.
Aculeiferum sens. lat. comprises at least three distinct monophyletic lineages, namely, Acacia subg. Aculeiferum section Filicinae,
the ‘Acacia coulteri’ group and the remainder of the subgenus (referred to here as Acacia subg. Aculeiferum sens. str.). At the rank
of genus these taxa are known as Acaciella, Acacia gen. nov. (Genus ‘X’) and Senegalia respectively. Although it is possible to
recognise Acacia subg. Aculeiferum sens. lat. as a paraphyletic (or possibly polyphyletic) genus, it is considered by Maslin et al.
(2003) best to treat each of these three major monophyletic lineages as separate genera, thereby providing a more precise taxonomy
that better reflects known evolutionary relationships. Although further study is needed to resolve the relationships of the five
genera this does not negate their validity as monophyletic groups and it does not preclude treating them as separate genera (see
Maslin et al. 2003, for discussion).
A synopsis of the five genera follows and for the purpose of these discussions the generic names used are those applicable by
the application of currently designated types (see below for further discussion concerning the application of generic names). Table3
provides details of the main distinguishing features of these five taxa.
Acacia sens. str.
A cosmopolitan genus containing about 161 species (Table 1) of which about 60 species occur in the Americas, 73 species in
Africa (including Madagascar), 36 species in Asia (including about 15 species that occur also in Africa) and 7 species in Australia.
The distribution of this genus is shown in Figure 1 of Maslin et al. (2003).
All recent studies have shown Acacia
sens. str. to be monophyletic and clearly distinct from the other taxa of Acacia sens. lat.
Luckow et al. (in press) shows Acacia sens. str. to be nested deeply within tribe Mimoseae, a relationship also suggested by Guinet
(1990) based on pollen data.
In their cp RFLP study of Acacia, Robinson & Harris (2000) found Acacia sens. str. and Senegalia (represented by Acacia
subg. Acacia and Acacia subg. Aculeiferum respectively) to be sister taxa. However, as discussed by Maslin et al. (2003) it is
critical to note the lack of bootstrap and jackknife support for this Acacia/Aculeiferum clade, and also the small sampling of taxa in
the outgroup tribe Mimoseae (i.e. one species). Other studies such as those of Luckow et al. (in press) which are based on a more
comprehensive sampling of tribe Mimoseae do not find the sister relationship of subg. Acacia and subg. Aculeiferum.
A cosmopolitan genus containing 203 species (Table 1) of which 97 species (plus about 20 undescribed species) occur in the
Americas, 69 species occur in Africa (including Madagascar), 43 species in Asia (including 7 species that occur also in Africa) and
2 species in Australia (including one that extends to Asia).
The exclusion of Acaciella (syn. Acacia subg. Aculeiferum sect. Filicinae) and Genus X (syn. the ‘Acacia coulteri’ group)
from Acacia subg. Aculeiferum sens. lat. leaves a remaining core group, Senegalia (syn. Acacia subg. Aculeiferum sens. str.).
Senegalia has been shown to be monophyletic in all cladistic studies, and is supported by strong bootstrap values (bs = 99% in
Luckow et al. in press). Detailed study of this group has been somewhat limited and future work may reveal monophyletic lineages
within it that warrant recognition.
A genus comprising 15 species (Table 1) extending from south-central U.S.A. south to Argentina, with the highest
concentration of species in Mexico (L. Rico Arce, pers. comm.).
The results of recent molecular studies suggest that the relationships of this genus are equivocal and this is due, at least in
part, to the fact that very few species have been studied. However, according to Pedley (1987e), the morphological and chemical
attributes of sect. Filicinae suggest that it could well be treated as a distinct genus and a similar view was expressed by Guinet (in
Maslin 1987). Maslin et al. (2003) consider it appropriate to treat this group as a distinct genus.
Genus ‘X’ (‘Acacia coulteri’ group)
A genus comprising 13 species (Table 1) extending from Arizona (southern U.S.A.) south through Mexico to Costa Rica.
Currently there is no generic name available for this taxon. The group was recently monographed by Jawad et al. (2000) and
segregated from Acacia subg. Aculeiferum on account of the plants lacking prickles, never having a liane habit, and other
characters (see Table 3).
While sampling of the ‘Acacia coulteri’ group has been limited, recent molecular work reveals evidence of early divergence
of this group from subg. Aculeiferum sens. str. Cladistic analyses based on molecular and morphological data suggest that the
‘Acacia coulteri’ group is of more ancient origin than other species of Acacia sect. Aculeiferum sens. lat. (fide Clarke
et al. 2000,
Class & Seigler, unpublished, papers cited in Jawad loc. cit.).
This group of 960 species is largely confined to Australia (Table 1). Within Australia there are 948 described species with an
estimated 100 or so yet to be described. Nineteen species of Racosperma occur outside Australia (fide Pedley 1975, plus A.
pubirhachis from Papua New Guinea) of which 7 are found in the Pacific region, 10 in Asia (including 7 that occur also in
Australia) and 2 in Madagascar and the Mascarene Is. off the east coast of Africa (Note: Pedley 1975 lists A. heterophylla and A.
xiphoclada from this region but Du Puy & Villiers 2001 consider these represent a single species, A. heterophylla).
Although Racosperma is monophyletic, its relationships seem equivocal. Chloroplast and nuclear DNA evidence support a
non-monophyletic tribe Ingeae as sister to this genus (Miller & Bayer 2000 & 2001, Luckow et al. in press, Robinson & Harris
2000). This strong evidence contradicts previous notions by Pedley (1986) and Chappill & Maslin (1995) that the sister group of
Racosperma is subg. Aculeiferum sens. lat.
Nomenclatural implications
The fragmentation of Acacia, the second largest genus in the family Leguminosae, will cause considerable nomenclatural
disruption globally. This problem was recognised over 150 years ago by Bentham (1840, 1840a). Living in a less rule-bound
world, Bentham suggested adoption of a pragmatic solution: retain the name Acacia for the largest (Australian) group. Since then
we have seen adoption of an increasingly rigid, but internationally accepted, International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, in
which application of names is set by designation of types. In Acacia, the (lecto)type is an African species (A. scorpioides, =A.
nilotica), and the Code provides that under the rules, if Acacia is dismantled, then the name Acacia follows the type. The
consequence would be that the name Acacia would be applied to a group comprise only about 160 species, and the remaining
1190+ species (and hundreds of infra-specific taxa) would need new generic names, these being Racosperma, Senegalia, Acaciella
and Genus ‘X’ (the ‘Acacia coulteri’ group). The only way to ameliorate this disruption is by acceptance of a proposal to the
international botanical nomenclature committees and the Nomenclature Sessions of the International Botanical Congress (IBC) to
conserve Acacia with a new type.
Should this happen? The IBC in Yokohama in 1993 greatly expanded the conservation provisions of the code. Since then
Article 14 has stated "In order to avoid disadvantageous changes in the nomenclature of families, genera and species entailed by
the strict application of the rules, especially of the principle of priority...this Code provides... lists of names that are conserved
(nomina conservanda) and must be retained as useful exceptions." Article 14.9 provides that "A name may be conserved with a
different type from that designated by the author or determined by application of the Code..." and provides an example (Protea) in
which a name was conserved by changing its type. The question is therefore not whether conservation is possible to conserve the
name Acacia with a new type that would preserve usage for the greatest number of taxa, but whether it is disadvantageous not to do
Below we explore the consequences of i) proceeding with the many name changes that will inevitably result following the
publication of the (several) forthcoming papers, through the regular adherence of the ICBN rules, or ii) of legislating a change of
type (also following the rules of the Code).
Option 1. Apply names in accordance with their currently designated types
The primary consequences would be:
A name change to Racosperma would be required for the 960 species currently ascribed to Acacia subg. Phyllodineae. Within
Australia 948 spp. + 124 infraspecific taxa would need new names, representing c. 99% of the Australian Acacia flora. There are
currently about 290 names available for these taxa in Racosperma. This is by far the largest vascular plant genus in Australia where
it is virtually ubiquitous, ecologically dominant in many areas (especially arid and semi-arid regions), features in very many
floristic and ecological papers written over 2 centuries, features strongly in folklore and traditions, and one species (A. pycnantha)
is legislated as the national flower. Australia would have, in addition, 7 species of Acacia sens. str. and 2 of Senegalia.
In Asia, Africa, the Americas and Australia 203 species would require a name change to Senegalia to accommodate species
currently ascribed to Acacia subg. Aculeiferum sens. str. Some of these grow sympatrically with Acacia sens. str. and it might be
expected that in many areas some confusion would reign for a substantial time, while users determine which Acacias are 'real'
Acacia and which are Senegalia. In Africa this sympatry is illustrated, for example, in Acocks (1988: 46, fig. 30) where the A.
erioloba and A. hebeclada (Acacia) are photographed with A. mellifera (Senegalia) as components of Kalahari Thornveld
vegetation. Similar sympatric occurrences of the two genera occur in the Americas (D. Seigler, pers. comm.). There are, however,
areas on both continents where one genus occurs exclusively (J. Ross and D. Seigler, pers. comm.).
In the Americas, about 60 species would remain as Acacia s.str., 97 would become Senegalia, 13 would become Genus ‘X’
(the ‘Acacia coulteri’ group) and 15 would become Acaciella (to accommodate species currently ascribed to Acacia subg.
Aculeiferum sect. Filicinae).
The gender to be assigned to the name Racosperma is also an issue. Botanical tradition is that Racosperma is neuter (see
Pedley 1986, and those papers which have taken up his combinations in this genus), although Martius treated it as feminine.
Traditional usage is that - sperma is neuter, and it seems that this must apply in this case also. Accordingly, if the name
Racosperma is adopted then most existing species and infraspecific terminations will have to change also. For example, Acacia
pulchella will become Racosperma pulchellum,
Acacia axillaris will become Racosperma axillare, and so on. This will add very
substantially to the cost of herbaria and other institutions having to update records because it will not be a simple ‘global replace’
of Acacia to Racosperma, each taxon will have to be considered individually. Furthermore, a potential source of confusion will be
introduced, through those (non-classically aware) who interpret Racosperma as feminine and try to match the termination
accordingly. Thus Racosperma angustum will be the correct form of the name of the species, but inevitably many will "correct"
this to Racosperma angusta. This will be repeated across nearly 1000 new combinations.
Or for Genus ‘X’, type to be designated.
Option 2. Retypify Acacia with an Australian type from Acacia subg. Phyllodineae
The main consequences would be:
All of the Australian taxa (excluding 7 which would become Vachellia, and 2 which would become Senegalia) would remain
as Acacia. Over 1000 name changes would be avoided.
In Asia, Africa, the Americas and Australia 203 species would require a name change to Senegalia. This is exactly the same
as for Option 1.
In Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas about 161 species would require a name change to Vachellia, which is the earliest
legitimate generic name for species currently ascribed to Acacia subg. Acacia. Thus in Africa, for example, all Acacia species
would change their name, about half to Vachellia and about half to Senegalia. This would be no more confusing (and perhaps less
so) than having only half of them change as would happen under Option 1.
In the Americas, about 60 species would become Vachellia, 97 would become Senegalia, 13 would become Genus ‘X’ (the
‘Acacia coulteri’ group) and 15 would become Acaciella. The consequences for this region are thus no less disruptive than Option
1, and again as in Africa this might be less confusing, doing away with the name Acacia completely.
Economic implications
The implications of a name change for the “Australian group”, Acacia subg. Phyllodineae, extend far beyond those impacting
on just taxonomists. Unlike the non-Australian members of subg. Acacia, the Australian species of subg. Phyllodineae are very
extensively utilised both commercially and socially in many parts of the world where they are used primarily for timber, pulpwood,
fuelwood, tannin, human food, stock fodder and environmental amelioration (see McDonald et al. 2001 and Midgley & Turnbull,
2003 for recent reviews; Midgley et al. 2003 provide an excellent review of the commercial significance and potential of tropical
Australian Acacias in Asia). An indication of the scope of interest in the utilisation of these Australian species is seen in Appendix
2 which lists the 71 countries that have received seed lots for research purposes from 157 taxa of Acacia subg. Phyllodineae; this
seed was distributed over the past 10 years by the Australian Tree Seed Centre (CSIRO, Forestry and Forest Products, Canberra).
Australian Acacias are grown in over 70 countries around the world, where they currently cover around two million hectares
in plantations (Maslin & McDonald 1996), and in some areas, especially Asia, the commercial plantings are increasing rapidly
(Midgley et al. 2003). The most important species of commerce are the following.
Acacia mearnsii is regarded by Roux et al. (2000) as “…the most profitable forestry species in South Africa...". In South
Africa this species is grown for tannin production or for industrial woods (which are exported as wood chips or used locally to
produce dissolving pulp for rayon and tea bag manufacture etc). Acacia mearnsii plantations cover c. 300 000 ha in South Africa,
Brazil, China and Vietnam (Wiersum 1991, Turnbull et al. 1998a) and the global value of tannin and wood chips derived from this
species is in the order of US$571 million (S. Midgley, pers. comm.).
Tropical Australian Acacias such as A. mangium, A. auriculiformis and A. crassicarpa are becoming increasingly important
as a source of industrial wood in parts of the world, especially the Asia region. Currently these species cover about 1.5 m ha in
plantations in Asia and have a present-day value of about US$900 million from pulp alone; this could increase to US$1.9 billion by
2010 if production targets are met and prices maintained (Midgley et al. 2003). Currently about 1.9 million tonnes of tropical
Acacia pulp are produced and used internationally but this is expected to exceed 4 million tonnes annually by 2010 (Midgley et al.
2003). Although this is only a small part of the current annual world pulp production of 179 million tonnes it does represent a
significant new commodity for the Asian region (S. Midgley, pers. comm.). Existing plantations of A. mangium occupy over 900
000 ha in Indonesia and Malaysia and has potential in parts of Africa and South America (Turnbull et al. 1998a, Midgley &
Turnbull 2003, Midgley et al. 2003), A. crassicarpa occupys about 100 000 ha in Indonesia and Vietnam (Thomson 1994, Turnbull
et al. 1998a, Midgley 2000, Midgley et al. 2003) and A. auriculiformis
occupys about 50 000 ha in China (Midgley & Turnbull
Apart from the above four species there are a number of others Australian Acacias that have commercial relevance. For
example, A. melanoxylon is grown as a high quality cabinet timber in plantations in New Zealand, South Africa and Chile, as well
as Australia (Nielsen et al. 1998). Plantation timber is also obtained from A. celsa and A. peregrinalis in the Australia-Asia-Pacific
region (McDonald & Maslin 2000). Acacia decurrens is planted in Indonesia for tannin production, used in sizing fibreboard
(Prayitno 1982).
Other species of Australian Acacia are grown aboard for a variety of purposes. Acacia saligna is the most extensively utilised
of these where it is being increasingly planted in agroforestry systems, principally for fodder production and soil conservation (see
Midgley & Turnbull 2003 and Maslin & McDonald in press for summaries). Acacia saligna presently covers over 500 000 ha in
North Africa, the Middle East, West Asia and Chile (Turnbull et al. 1998a). On a smaller scale, A. ampliceps, A. maconochieana
and A. stenophylla are planted on highly alkaline, saline soils in Pakistan and Thailand as a source of fuelwood (Marcar et al.
1991). Similarly, A. stenophylla is grown for multipurpose utilisation (honey, fodder, fuelwood, wood) and A. victoriae for fodder
in North Africa and the Middle East, and A. auriculiformis for environmental restoration around endangered Coco-de-mer plams
on Curieuse Island in Syechelles (L. Thomson pers. comm.). Although planted on a relatively small scale and of low commercial
value, A. colei appears suitable as a human food supplement, especially in sub-saharan Africa and A. elachantha, A. thomsonii and
A. tumida also have some potential in this regard (Thomson 1992, Harwood 1994, Harwood et al. 1999, Midgley & Turnbull
Within Australia many Acacias are now widely cultivated, forming an integral part of the nursery trade and the horticulture
industry, e.g., almost 600 species are listed in Elliot & Jones (1982). They are also used extensively for revegetation and in
landscape amelioration programs. Land degradation due to increasing salinity is one of the most serious environmental problems
currently in Australia; the use of Acacia species (primarily for woody biomass production) in large-scale commercial plantings as a
treatment of salinity are under investigation (Maslin & McDonald, in press). Acacia acuminata is currently under trial in Western
Australia for its suitability as a host for commercial, on-farm production of Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) (Radomiljac et al.
1998, Brand et al. 1999, Maslin et al. 1999). Acacia seed as a human food is a rapidly growing but still small-scale industry in
Australia (Hele 2002, Olsen 2002); 47 species were recently identified as having some potential for planting in the southern semi-
arid regions for this purpose with A. victoriae appearing to be the most promising (Maslin et al. 1998).
A number of Australian Acacia species (including A. saligna, A. cyclops, A. melanoxylon, A. dealbata and A. mearnsii) are
woody weeds, especially in South Africa, Portugal and China, as well as within Australia. In this context there is a substantial
literature under the name Acacia (see, for example, New 1984, Stirton 1978, Whibley & Symon 1992, and Boland et al. 1984).
Large scale name changes would not only burden the above industries and activities with large overhead costs, but would also
take considerable time and effort to effect. It is also apparent that any generic name change involving the species of subgenu
Phyllodineae will impact on a much larger audience than that in just Australia.
Economically important species are far fewer in the groups other than subgenus Phyllodineae. The most important
commercial non-Australian species is A. senegal from which gum arabic is derived. In any new classification of Acacia sens. lat.
this species will be referred to the genus Senegalia (syn. Acacia subg. Aculeiferum). There is some economic utilisation of a few
species of subg. Acacia, for example, A. farnesiana (in the perfume industry), A. nilotica (especially as a fuelwood, see National
Academy of Sciences 1980) and A. seyal (as an inferior substitute for gum arabic).
Arguments in support of Option 2
The dismemberment of Acacia sens. lat. seems inevitable, and considerable nomenclatural turmoil will result. We believe it
makes considerable sense to minimise change to the nomenclature of this very well-known group by adopting Option 2 above, for
the following main reasons:
1. It results in far fewer name changes worldwide.
2. The name Acacia is retained for the largest group.
3. It causes least disturbance to the large international trade and industries built upon Australian Acacia species.
4. In areas (Africa, Asia, Americas) where species of Acacia subg. Acacia and Acacia subg. Aculeiferum co-occur in large
numbers, it may be less confusing (or certainly no more confusing) if all taxa change their names simultaneously, rather than
just half. That is, Acacia as a formal generic name would disappear from these areas, but the common name Acacias could
obviously continue to be used informally for the whole complex.
5. It avoids creating confusion associated with gender through the adoption of the name Racosperma.
For this reason, a formal proposal to conserve Acacia Mill. with a new type is presented in a separate paper (Orchard &
Maslin 2003).
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Figure 1. Simplified strict consensus cladogram based on chloroplast DNA sequence data
This simplified overview tree showing relationships of the five major monophyletic lineages (genera) within Acacia sens. lat. was
prepared using data from Miller & Bayer (2000, 2001, 2003) and Luckow et al. (in press), and was originally published as Figure
1A in Maslin et al. (2003).
Table 1. Numbers of described species of Acacia sens. lat. worldwide.
This table was originally published in Maslin et al. (2003). The generic names used here are those that would apply by the
application of currently designated types.
mericas Africa
Asia Australia & Pacific TOTAL no.
Faidherbia albida
- 1 1 - 1
Acacia sens. str.
(syn: Acacia subg.
Acacia; Vachellia)
c. 60 73 36 (incl. c. 15 also
found in Africa)
7 c. 161
(syn: Acacia subg.
Aculeiferum sens. str.)
97 69 43 (incl. 7 also found
in Africa)
2 (incl. 1 also found
in Asia)
(syn: Acacia subg.
Aculeiferum. sect.
15 - - - 15
Genus ‘X’
(‘Acacia coulteri’ group)
13 - - - 13
(syn: Acacia subg.
- 2
10 (incl. 7 also found
in Australia)
TOTAL no. species c. 185 145
90 (incl. c. 29
occurring also outside
the region)
964 (incl. 1 also
found in Asia)
c. 1353
Includes Madagascar, Reunion and Mauritius
2 species in Madagascar, Reunion and Mauritius (Note: Du Puy & Villiers 2001 consider that only one species of this group
occurs in this region.)
948species in Australia; 7 species in the Pacific
Table 2. Main classifications of Acacia from Bentham (1875) to Maslin et al. (2003)
Bentham (1875) Vassal (1972) Pedley (1978) Pedley (1986) Maslin et al. (2003)
Ser Gummiferae
Sg Acacia
Sg Acacia
Ser Vulgares
Ser Filicinae
Sg Aculeiferum
Sec Monacanthea
Sec Aculeiferum
Sec Filicinae
Sg Aculeiferum
Sec Spiciflorae
Sec Filicinae
Sec Senegalia
Sec Filicinae
Sec Racosperma
Sg Phyllodineae
(syn. Sg Heterophyllum)
Sec Uninervea
Sg Phyllodineae
Sec Botrycephalae
Sec Phyllodineae
Sec Alatae
Sec Plurinervia
Ser Botrycephalae
Ser Phyllodineae
Sser Uninerves
Sser Continuae
Sser Alatae
Sser Pungentes
Sser Calamiformes
Sser Plurinerves
Sser Juliflorae
Sec Heterophyllum
Sec Plurinerves
Sec Juliflorae
Sser Brunioideae
Sec Lycopodiifoliae Sec Lycopodiifolia
Ser Pulchellae Sec Pulchelloidea
Sec Pulchellae Sec Pulchella
Formalized in Guinet & Vassal (1978)
The type of subseries Brunioideae is referable to sec Phyllodineae, however, most taxa that Bentham included in this group are referable to sec Lycopodiifoliae;
none of these species was included in Vassal's classification.
Section Pulchelloidea included species from Bentham Subseries Pulchellae, Alatae, Continuae, Calamiformes, Plurinerves and Uninerves.
Table 3. Characters considered important in defining major groups within Acacia sens. lat.
The generic names used here are those that would apply by the application of currently designated types. This table was
originally published in Maslin et al. (2003).
Character Acacia sens. str.
(Acacia subg.
(Acacia subg.
Aculeiferum sens.
(Acacia subg.
Aculeiferum section
Genus ‘X’
‘Acacia coulteri’
(Acacia subg.
Phyllodes Absent Absent Absent Absent
Bipinnate leaves Present Present Present Present Present
Stipular spines Present, rarely
Absent Absent Absent
Present or absent
Prickles Absent Present, sometimes
Absent Absent Absent
Involucre on
Absent Absent Absent
Pollen aperture
Colporate Porate Porate Porate,
infrequently porate
Pollen columellae Present Absent Absent Absent Absent
Pollen exine
Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth Reticulate (rarely
Pods Dehiscent or
Dehiscent or
Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent, rarely
Seed endosperm Sometimes
Absent Absent Absent
Rare and vestigial
Seed aril Absent Present or remedial
(sect. Aculeiferum),
absent (sect.
Absent Absent
Present, less commonly
absent or remedial
Free amino acids
in seeds
1 3, 4 5 Unknown 2(3)
High molecular
weight, highly
positive optical
molecular weight,
low positive optical
Apparently not
Apparently not
Low molecular weight,
low positive optical
Rust pathogens Ravenelia,
Ravenelia Unknown Unknown Uromycladium &
The petiole and rachis of leaves of Acacia willardiana after dehiscence of pinnae under arid conditions has been interpreted by some (Vassal & Guinet 1972) as a
The stipules of Acacia coulteri have been interpreted as feebly spinose by some workers (Vassal 1972). In most instances these stipules are vegetative and,
although sometimes persistent on very young vegetation, are scarcely spinose.
The involucre is particularly well-developed in the American “Ant Acacia” species but is absent in many other species, particularly those with spicate
Bracts (presumably not homologous with an involucre) may occur on peduncle (found from near the base to near the apex of the peduncle) in some taxa.
Pollen information derived from Guinet (1981), however, not all pollen characters are included here (see also Guinet 1986).
See Pedley (1986) for definition of biochemical Groups 1-5.
Appendix 1. Typification and generic synonymy within Acacia sens. lat.
Note. The generic names given in bold below are those that would apply by the application of currently designated types.
Acacia Mill., Gard. Dict. ed. 4 (1754)
Lectotype: Acacia scorpioides (L.) W.F. Wright, fide Britton & Brown, Ill. fl. N. U.S., ed. 2, 2: 330 (1913) (=A. nilotica (L.) Delile
– see Orchard & Maslin 2003 for discussion.)
Vachellia Wight & Arn., Prod. Fl. Ind. Orient. 272 (1834). Type: Vachillia farnesiana (L.) Wight & Arn.
Aldina E. Mey., Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr. 171 (1836), nom. illeg., non Adanson (1763) nom. rej., nec Endlicher (1840) nom. cons.
Type: Not designated.
Farnesia Gasp., Descr. Nuov. Gen. Leg. (1836), nom. illeg., non Fabricius (1763). Type: Farnesia odora Gasparrini, nom. illeg.,
based on Mimosa farnesiana L.
Gumifera Raf., Sylva Tellur. 118 (1838). Lectotype: Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile, fide L. Pedley, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 92: 238 (1986).
Popanax Rafin., Sylva Tellur. 118 (1838). Type: Popanax tortuosa (L.) Rafin.
Delaportea Thorel ex Gagnep., Notul. Syst. 2: 118 (1911). Type: Delaportea armata Thorel ex Gagnep..
Pithecodendron Speg., Physis (Buenos Aires) 6: 313 (1923). Type: Pithecodendron argentinensis Speg..
Nimiria Prain ex Craib, Bull. Misc. Inform. 1927: 393 (1927). Type: Nimiria siamensis Craib.
Tauroceras Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 85 (1928). Type: Tauroceras spadicigerum (Schlect. & Charm.) Britton & Rose.
Bahamia Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 86 (1928). Type: Bahamia acuifera (Benth.) Britton & Rose.
Feracacia Britton & Leon, N.Amer. Fl. 23: 86 (1928). Type: Feracacia daemon (Ekman & Urban) Britton & Leon.
Lucaya Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 87 (1928). Type: Lucaya choriophylla (Benth.) Britton & Rose.
Fishlockia Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 91 (1928). Type: Fishlockia anegadensis (Britton) Britton & Rose.
Myrmecodendron Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 91 (1928). Type: Myrmecodendron hindsii (Rose) Britton & Rose.
Acaciopsis Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 93 (1928). Type: Acaciopsis pringlei (Rose) Britton & Rose.
Senegalia Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 119 (1838)
Type: Senegalia senegal (L.) Britton (Senegalia triacantha Rafin., nom. illeg.)
Manganaroa Speg., Physis (Buenos Aires) 6: 312 (1923). Type: Manganaroa monacantha (Willd) Speg..
Dugandia Britton & Killip, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 35: 137 (1936). Type: Dugandia rostrata (Humb. & Bonpl.) Britton &
Acaciella Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 96 (1928).
Type: Acaciella villosa (Swartz) Britton & Rose.
Racosperma C. Mart., Hort. Monac. Seminifer (1835).
Basionym: Acacia section Phyllodineae Sieber ex DC., Prodr. 2: 425 (1825). Lectotype: Racosperma pennenerve (Sieber ex DC.)
Pedley, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 92: 239 (1986).
Phyllodoce Link, Handbuch 2: 132 (1829) nom. illeg., non Salisbury (1806). Lectotype: Phyllodoce alata (R. Br.) Link, lecto. nov.
Racosperma C. Mart., in C. Martius & F von P. Schrank, Hort. Reg. Monac. 188 (1829), nom. inval.
Cuparilla Rafin., Sylva Tellur. 120 (1838). Lectotype: Cuparilla myrtifolia (Smith) Rafin., fide L. Pedley, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 92:
239 (1986).
Drepaphyla Rafin., Sylva Tellur. 120 (1838). Lectotype: Drepaphyla lanigera (Cunn.) Rafin., fide L. Pedley, Bot. J. Linn. Soc.
92: 239 (1986).
Hectandra Rafin., Sylva Tellur. 120 (1838). Lectotype: Hectandra suaveolens (Smith) Rafin., fide L. Pedley, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 92:
239 (1986).
Zigmaloba Rafin., Sylva Tellur. 120 (1838). Type: Zigmaloba sulcata (R. Br.) Rafin.
Chithonanthus Lehmann, Pl. Preiss. 2: 368 (1848). Type: Chithonanthus restiaceus (Benth.) Lehm.
Tetracheilos Lehm., Pl. Preiss. 2: 368 (1848). Type: Acacia tetragonocarpa Meisn. (nom. syn. Tetracheilos meissneri Lehm., nom.
Phytomorula Kofoid, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 6: 38 (1914). Type: Phytomorula regularis Kofoid.
Appendix 2. Seeds of Acacia subg. Phyllodineae taxa distributed worldwide for research
List showing 71 countries who have received seed of Australian Acacias (157 different taxa) for research purposes that have been
distributed over the past 10 years by the Australian Tree Seed Centre (CSIRO, Forestry and Forest Products, Canberra, Australia.)
Albania: A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. implexa, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon
Angola: A. colei var. colei, A. cowleana, A. neurocarpa, A. tumida var. tumida
Antigua and Barbuda: A. ampliceps, A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa
Argentina: A. melanoxylon, A. salicina, A. saligna, A. tumida var. tumida
Bangladesh: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis
Belgium: A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. dealbata ssp. subalpine, A. frigescens, A. melanoxylon, A. obliquinervia
Benin: A. auriculiformis
Bhutan: A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon
Bolivia: A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. decurrens, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. pravissima, A. stenophylla
Botswana: A. adsurgens, A. colei var. colei, A. cowleana, A. dictyophleba, A. dictyophleba aff., A. difficilis, A. holosericea, A.
jennerae, A. murrayana, A. neurocarpa, A. oligophleba, A. salicina, A. saligna, A. torulosa, A. tumida, A. victoriae
Brazil: A. auriculiformis, A. blayana, A. cincinnata, A. colei var. colei, A. crassicarpa, A. decurrens, A. flavescens, A. holosericea,
A. irrorata ssp. irrorata, A. leptocarpa, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. parramattensis, A. peregrinalis, A.
pycnantha, A. silvestris, A. trachyphloia
Burma: A. ampliceps, A. auriculiformis, A. colei var. colei, A. coriacea ssp. coriacea, A. crassicarpa, A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A.
decurrens, A. difficilis, A. elachantha, A. elata, A. fulva, A. leptocarpa, A. maconochieana, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A.
melanoxylon, A. neriifolia, A. peregrinalis, A. plectocarpa, A. saligna, A. silvestris, A. stenophylla, A. torulosa, A. tumida var.
Burundi: A. mangium
Cambodia: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. difficilis, A. holosericea, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis
Canada: A. dealbata ssp.
Central African Republic: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa
Chile: A. ampliceps, A. aneura, A. auriculiformis, A. coriacea, A. crassicarpa, A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. decurrens, A. elata, A.
holosericea, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. murrayana, A. peregrinalis, A. salicina, A. saligna stenophylla, A.
China: A. ampliceps, A. aneura, A. aulacocarpa, A. auriculiformis, A. binervata, A. binervia, A. blayana, A. brassii, A.
chrysotricha,cincinnata, A. crassicarpa, A. cultriformis, A. dangarensis, A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. dealbata ssp. subalpine, A.
deanei ssp. deanei, A. decurrens, A. difficilis, A. drummondii, A. dunnii, A. elata, A. falciformis, A. filicifolia, A. fimbriata, A.
floribunda, A. fulva, A. glaucocarpa, A. holosericea, A. implexa, A. inaequilatera, A. irrorata ssp.irrorata, A. irrorata ssp.
velutinella, A. jennerae, A. leptocarpa, A. leucoclada ssp. argentifolia, A. leucoclada ssp. leucoclada, A. mabellae, A. mangium, A.
mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. midgleyi, A. murrayana, A. myrtifolia, A. nano-dealbata, A. neriifolia, A. obliquinervia, A.
parramattensis, A. parvipinnula, A. peregrinalis, A. plectocarpa, A. podalyrifolia, A. pruinocarpa, A. pycnantha
Colombia: A. auriculiformis, A. cincinnata, A. crassicarpa, A. ligulata, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis, A. salicina, A. stenophylla
Congo: A. auriculiformis, A. blayana, A. colei var. colei, A. cowleana, A. crassicarpa, A. decurrens, A. elata, A. holosericea, A.
leptocarpa, A. maidenii, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. neriifolia, A. parramattensis, A. peregrinalis, A. silvestris
Costa Rica: A. crassicarpa, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis
Cuba: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. peregrinalis
Denmark (aid programs): A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium
Ecuador: A. melanoxylon, A. tumida
Egypt: A. melanoxylon
Ethiopia: A. ampliceps, A. colei var. colei, A. coriacea ssp. sericophylla, A. decurrens, A. elachantha, A. irrorata ssp. irrorata, A.
mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. saligna, A. torulosa, A. tumida var. tumida, A. victoriae
Fiji: A. ampliceps, A. auriculiformis, A. cincinnata, A. crassicarpa, A. difficilis, A. leptocarpa, A. peregrinalis, A. midgleyi
Finland (aid programs): A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium, A. midgleyi
France: A. auriculiformis, A. peregrinalis, A. crassicarpa, A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. mangium
Gambia: A. colei var. colei, A. tumida var. tumida
Ghana: A. auriculiformis, A. cincinnata, A. colei, A. cowleana, A. crassicarpa, A. difficilis, A. holosericea, A. leptocarpa mangium
plectocarpa, A. torulosa, A. tumida
Greece: A. cyclops, A. saligna, A. xanthina
Guam: A. auriculiformis, A. cincinnata, A. crassicarpa, A. leiocalyx, A. leptocarpa, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis
Guatemala: A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon
Guinea-Bissau: A. mangium
India: A. adsurgens, A. ampliceps, A. anaticeps, A. aneura, A. auriculiformis, A. bivenosa, A. brassii, A. cambagei, A. catenulata
aff. cincinnata, A. colei, A. coriacea ssp. coriacea, A. cowleana, A. crassicarpa, A. deanei ssp. deanei, A. difficilis, A. holosericea,
A. jennerae, A. leptocarpa, A. ligulata, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. neurocarpa, A. peregrinalis, A. plectocarpa,
A. rothii, A. salicina, A. saligna, A. sclerosperma, A. stenophylla,thomsonii,torulosa, A. tropica, A. tumida, A. victoriae
Indonesia: A. auriculiformis, A. binervata, A. blakei, A. blayana, A. celsa, A. cincinnata, A. cowleana, A. crassicarpa, A. elata, A.
falciformis filicifolia, A. flavescens, A. holosericea, A. hylonoma, A. implexa, A. irrorata ssp. irrorata, A. leptocarpa mangium, A.
mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. midgleyi, A. neriifolia, A. oraria, A. peregrinalis, A. schinoides, A. silvestris, A. simsii
A. mangium, A. pycnantha
Italy: A. myrtifolia
Ivory Coast/Cote D'Ivoire: A. auriculiformis: A. colei var. colei, A. holosericea, A. neurocarpa
Japan (aid programs): A. ampliceps, A. auriculiformis, A. blayana, A. colei var. colei, A. crassicarpa, A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A.
dealbatasp. subalpine, A. elata, A. ligulata, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. neriifolia,salicina, A. saligna, A.
stenophylla, A. tumida var. tumida
Jordan: A. inophloia, A. prainii, A. resinimarginea, A. saligna
Kenya: A. ampliceps, A. auriculiformis, A. blakei, A. burrowii colei, A. crassicarpa, A. difficilis, A. elachantha, A. glaucocarpa, A.
holosericea, A. julifera ssp. julifera, A. leptocarpa, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. neurocarpa, A. peregrinalis, A.
salicina, A. senegal, A. stenophylla, A. striatifolia, A. tenuinervis, A. torulosa tumida var. tumida
Kiribati: A. ampliceps, A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. pereginalis
Kuwait: A. ampliceps, A. calcicola, A. cambagei, A. colei
Laos: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. dunnii, A. mangium, A. platycarpa
Liberia: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis
Madagascar: A. crassicarpa
Malawi: A. colei, A. elachantha, A. tumida
Malaysia: A. auriculiformis, A. celsa, A. cincinnata, A. crassicarpa, A. leptocarpa, A. mangium, A. midgleyi, A. melanoxylon, A.
Mali: A. ampliceps, A. aneura, A. aulacocarpa, A. auriculiformis, A. brachystachya, A. citrinoviridis, A. colei var. colei colei var.
ileocarpa, A. coriacea ssp. pendens, A. coriacea ssp. sericophylla, A. cowleana, A. difficilis, A. elachantha, A. glaucocaesia, A.
holosericea, A. leptocarpa, A. mountfordiae, A. shirleyi, A. thomsonii, A. torulosa, A. trachycarpa, A. tumida, A. victoriae
Mexico: A. aneura, A. auriculiformis, A. colei var. colei, A. coriacea ssp. coriacea, A. crassicarpa, A. harpophylla, A. holosericea,
A. mangium, A. peregrinalis, A. shirleyi
Morocco: A. cyclops, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. saligna
Namibia: A. adsurgens, A. ampliceps, A. ancistrocarpa, A. aneura, A. bivenosa, A. cambagei, A. colei var. colei, A. cowleana, A.
cuthbertsonii, A. dictyophleba, A. difficilis, A. holosericea, A. jennerae, A. ligulata, A. lysiphloia, A. murrayana, A. neurocarpa, A.
oligophleba, A. pruinocarpa, A. salicina, A. saligna, A. stenophylla, A. tenuissima, A. torulosa, A. tumida var. tumida, A. victoriae
Nepal: A. auriculiformis, A. cincinnata, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. peregrinalis, A. simsii
Netherlands: A. crassicarpa, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis
New Caledonia: A. ampliceps, A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa
New Zealand: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. elata, A. falciformis, A. glaucocarpa, A. implexa, A.
mangium, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. pendula, A. trachyphloia
Nicaragua: A. ampliceps, A. brassii, A. colei, A. coriacea ssp. coriacea, A. cowleana, A. crassicarpa, A. difficilis, A. flavescens, A.
glaucocarpa, A. holosericea, A. leptocarpa, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis, A. neriifolia, A. oraria, A. plectocarpa, A. rothii, A.
shirleyi, A. simsii, A. torulosa, A. tumida var. tumida, A. victoriae
Niger: A. ampliceps, A. colei var. colei, A. colei var. ileocarpa, A. coriacea ssp. coriacea, A. coriacea ssp.pendens, A. coriacea
ssp. sericophylla, A. cowleana, A. eriopoda, A. gonoclada, A. jennerae, A. plectocarpa, A. thomsonii, A. torulosa, A. tumida var.
tumida, A. victoriae
Nigeria: A. auriculiformis, A. brassii, A. colei
var. colei, A. colei var. ileocarpa, A. cowleana, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium, A.
peregrinalis, A. tumida
Niue: A. ampliceps auriculiformis
Pakistan: A. adsurgens, A. ampliceps, A. aneura, A. auriculiformis, A. citrinoviridis, A. colei var. colei, A. coriacea ssp. coriacea,
A. cowleana, A. crassicarpa, A. dictyophleba, A. elachantha, A. eriopoda, A. holosericea, A. jennerae, A. ligulata, A.
maconochieana, A. mearnsii, A. peregrinalis, A. salicina, A. saligna, A. stenophylla, A. torulosa, A. tumida, A. victoriae
Panama: A. auriculiformis, A. cowleana, A. crassicarpa, A. holosericea, A. leiocalyx, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. peregrinalis
Papua New Guinea: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis
Paraguay: A. auriculiformis, A. deanei ssp. deanei, A. elata, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. neriifolia, A.
saligna, A. terminalis
Peru: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis
Philippines: A. ampliceps. auriculiformis, A. celsa, A. cincinnata, A. colei, A. crassicarpa, A. holosericea, A. leptocarpa, A.
mangium, A. mearnsii, A. neriifolia, A. neurocarpa, A. oraria, A. peregrinalis, A. salicina, A. simsii
Rwanda: A. auriculiformis, A. colei var. colei, A. crassicarpa, A. holosericea, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. neurocarpa, A.
tumida var. tumida
Saudi Arabia: A. acuminata, A. ampliceps, A. brachystachya, A. colei var. colei, A. cowleana, A. elachantha, A. ligulata, A.
pruinocarpa, A. rhodophloia, A. salicina, A. saligna, A. stenophylla, A. trachycarpa, A. victoriae
Senegal: A. auriculiformis, A. colei var. colei, A. colei var. ileocarpa, A. crassicarpa, A. elachantha, A. holosericea, A.
mangium, A. peregrinalis, A. thomsonii, A. tumida
Singapore: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. difficilis, A. implexa, A. mangium, A. melanoxylon
Solomon Islands: A. auriculiformis, A. cincinnata, A. crassicarpa, A. leptocarpa, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis
South Africa: A. acuminata, A. ampliceps, A. ancistrocarpa, A. aneura, A. auriculiformis, A. bidwillii, A. binervata, A. binervia, A.
bivenosa, A. blayana, A. brachystachya, A. burrowii, A. calcicola, A. cambagei, A. chrysotricha, A. cincinnata, A. colei, A.
coriacea, A. coriacea ssp. pendens, A. dangarensis, A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. deanei ssp. deanei, A. decurrens, A. difficilis, A.
drepanophylla, A. elachantha, A. elata, A. falcata, A. falciformis, A. filicifolia, A. flavescens, A. georginae, A. glaucocarpa, A.
grasbyi, A. gregorii, A. harpophylla, A. hemsleyi, A. holosericea, A. implexa, A. irrorata ssp. irrorata, A. irrorata ssp. velutinella,
A. julifera ssp. julifera, A. kempeana, A. leucoclada ssp.argentifolia, A. leucoclada ssp. leucoclada, A. ligulata, A. mabellae, A.
maconochieana, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. monticola,murrayana, A. nano-dealbata, A. neriifolia, A. obliquinervia, A.
pachycarpa, A. parramattensis, A. parvipinnula, A. peregrinalis, A. plectocarpa, A. pruinocarpa, A. salicina, A. schinoides, A.
sclerosperma, A. shirleyi, A. silvestris, A. simsii, A. stenophylla, A. storyi, A. tephrina, A. torulosa, A. trachycarpa, A. trachyphloia,
A. tumida, A. victoriae xiphophylla
Spain: A. ampliceps, A. aneura, A. colei var. colei, A. cowleana, A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. mearnsii, A. murrayana, A.
parramattensis, A. plectocarpa, A. saligna, A. shirleyi, A. tumida var. tumida
Sri Lanka: A. acuminata, A. auriculiformis, A. colei var. colei, A. crassicarpa, A. decurrens, A. difficilis, A. leptocarpa, A.
mangium, A. melanoxylon, A. oraria, A. peregrinalis, A. plectocarpa, A. tumida var. tumida
St. Vincent/Grenada: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium
Sudan: A. adsurgens, A. ampliceps, A. aneura, A. bivenosa, A. colei var. colei, A. colei var. ileocarpa, A. coriacea ssp. coriacea, A.
coriacea ssp. sericophylla, A. cowleana, A. elachantha, A. saligna, A. sclerosperma x ligulata, A. stenophylla, A. trachycarpa, A.
translucens, A. tumida var. tumida
: A. ampliceps, A. salicina, A. stenophylla, A. mangium
Taiwan: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. peregrinalis
Tanzania: A. ampliceps, A. auriculiformis, A. colei, A. cowleana, A. crassicarpa, A. difficilis, A. elachantha, A. holosericea, A.
julifera ssp. julifera, A. maconochieana, A. mangium, A. neurocarpa, A. peregrinalis, A. salicina, A. saligna, A. stenophylla, A.
torulosa, A. tumida var. tumida, A. victoriae
Thailand: A. adsurgens, A. ampliceps, A. auriculiformis, A. bidwillii, A. brassii, A. buxifolia, A. cincinnata, A. citrinoviridis, A.
colei var. colei, A. concurrens, A. conferta, A. cowleana, A. crassicarpa, A. cuthbertsonii, A. dealbatasp. dealbata, A. deanei ssp.
deanei, A. decurrens, A. difficilis, A. dunnii, A. falcata, A. falciformis, A. farnesiana, A. fimbriata, A. flavescens, A. floribunda, A.
glaucocarpa, A. hemsleyi, A. holosericea, A. hylonoma, A. irrorata ssp.irrorata, A. julifera ssp. gilbertensis, A. julifera ssp.
julifera, A. leiocalyx, A. leptocarpa, A. ligulata, A. macradenia, A. maidenii, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. mountfordiae, A.
myrtifolia, A. neriifolia, A. oraria, A. orthocarpa, A. pellita, A. peregrinalis, A. platycarpa, A. plectocarpa, A. podalyrifolia, A.
polybotrya, A. redolens, A. rothii, A. salicina, A. shirleyi, A. spectabilis, A. stenophylla, A. torulosa, A. trachycarpa, A. tumida var.
Tonga: A. auriculiformis, A. tumida var. tumida
Tunisia: A. cyclops, A. salicina, A. saligna, A. stenophylla, A. victoriae
Turkey: A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. decurrens, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. obliquinervia, A. parramattensis, A. pravissima,
A. retinodes, A. rubida, A. silvestris
Uganda: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium
United Arab Emirates: A. adsurgens, A. colei var. colei, A. coriacea, A. elachantha, A. holosericea, A. jennerae, A. tumida, A.
United Kingdom: A. ancistrocarpa, A. aneura, A. auriculiformis, A. bidwillii, A. colei var. colei, A. coriacea ssp. sericophylla, A.
covenyi, A. crassicarpa, A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. dealbata ssp. subalpine, A. drummondii, A. filicifolia, A. holosericea, A.
implexa, A. leiocalyx, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. pendula, A. podalyrifolia, A. pravissima, A. rubida, A. saligna,
A. tetragonophylla
United States: A. ampliceps, A. auriculiformis, A. blakei, A. burrowii, A. cincinnata, A. colei var. colei, A. colei var. ileocarpa, A.
crassicarpa, A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. dealbata ssp. subalpine, A. decurrens, A. difficilis, A. elachantha, A. elata, A.
holosericea, A. implexa, A. leiocalyx, A. leptocarpa, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. murrayana, A. orites, A.
peregrinalis, A. salicina, A. sparsiflora, A. stenophylla, A. torulosa, A. tumida var. kulparn, A. tumida var. tumida, A. victoriae
Uruguay: A. dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. decurrens, A. elata, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon
Venezuela: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium
Vietnam: A. ampliceps, A. auriculiformis, A. bancrofti, A. binervata, A. binervia, A. blayana, A. brassii, A. cambagei, A. celsa, A.
chrysotricha, A. cincinnata, A. colei, A. concurrens, A. cowleana, A. crassa ssp. crassa, A. crassicarpa, A. dangarensis, A.
dealbata ssp. dealbata, A. deanei ssp. deanei, A. decurrens, A. difficilis, A. elata, A. falciformis, A. filicifolia, A. flavescens, A.
fulva, A. glaucocarpa, A. harpophylla, A. holosericea, A. implexa, A. irrorata ssp. irrorata, A. irrorata ssp. velutinella, A. julifera
ssp. gilbertensis, A. julifera ssp. julifera, A. leiocalyx, A. leptocarpa, A. leucoclada ssp. argentifolia, A. leucoclada ssp. leucoclada,
A. longispicata, A. mabellae, A. mangium, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon, A. mountfordae, A. mountfordiae, A. nano-dealbata, A.
neriifolia, A. neurocarpa, A. obliquinervia, A. oraria, A. parramattensis, A. parvipinnula, A. peregrinalis, A. plectocarpa, A. rothii,
A. shirleyi, A. silvestris, A. simsii, A. thomsonii, A. torulosa, A. trachycarpa, A. trachyphloia, A. tumida
Western Samoa: A. auriculiformis, A. crassicarpa, A. mangium, A. peregrinalis
Zaire: A. auriculiformis, A. colei var. colei, A. crassicarpa, A. decurrens, A. holosericea, A. mangium, A. mearnsii
Zimbabwe: A. auriculiformis, A. colei var.
colei, A. holosericea, A. neurocarpa, A. tumida var. tumida