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We compare the numeric performance of C, C# and Java on three small cases.
Numeric performance in C, C# and Java
Peter Sestoft (
IT University of Copenhagen
Version 0.7.1 of 2007-02-28
Abstract: We compare the numeric performance of C, C# and Java on three small cases.
1 Introduction: Is C# slower than C/C++?
Managed languages such as C# and Java are easier and safer to use than traditional languages such as C
or C++ when manipulating dynamic data structures, graphical user interfaces, and so on. Moreover, it is
easy to achieve good performance in the managed languages thanks to their built-in automatic memory
For numeric computations involving arrays or matrices of floating-point numbers, the situation is
less favorable. Compilers for Fortran, C and C++ make serious efforts to optimize inner loops that
involve array accesses: register allocation, reduction in strength, common subexpression elimination
and so on. By contrast, the just-in-time (JIT) compilers of the C# and Java runtime systems do not spend
much time on optimizing inner loops, and this hurts numeric code particularly hard. Moreover, in C#
and Java there must be an index check on every array access, and this not only requires execution of
extra instructions, but can also lead to branch mispredictions and pipeline stalls on the hardware, further
slowing down the computation.
This note explores the reasons for the allegedly poor numeric performance of C# as compared to C.
It then goes on to show that a tiny amount of unsafe code can seriously improve the speed of C#.
1.1 Case study 1: matrix multiplication
We take matrix multiplication as a prime example of numeric computation. It involves triply nested
loops, many array accesses, and floating-point computations, yet the code is so compact that one can
study the generated machine code. We find that C performs best, that C# can be made to perform
reasonably well, and that Java can perform better than C#. See sections 2 through 5.4.
1.2 Case study 2: a division-intensive loop
We also consider a simple loop that performs floating-point division, addition and comparison, but no
array accesses. On this rather extreme case we find that C# and Java implementations perform better
than C.
1.3 Case study 3: polynomial evaluation
Finally we consider repeated evaluation of a polynomial of high degree, on which almost all implemen-
tations do equally well, with C and Microsoft C# being equally fast, and Java only slightly slower.
2 Matrix multiplication in C
In C, a matrix can be represented by a struct holding the number of rows, the number of columns, and a
pointer to a malloc’ed block of memory that holds the elements of the matrix as a sequence of doubles:
typedef struct {
int rows, cols;
data; // (rows
cols) doubles, row-major order
} matrix;
If the dimensions of the matrix are known at compile-time, a more static representation of the matrix is
possible, but experiments show that for some reason this does not improve speed, quite the contrary.
Given the above struct type, and declarations
matrix R, A, B;
we can compute the matrix product R = AB in C with this loop:
for (r=0; r<rRows; r++) {
for (c=0; c<rCols; c++) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (k=0; k<aCols; k++)
sum +=[r
rCols+c] = sum;
Note that the programmer must understand the layout of the matrix (here, row-major) and it is his
responsibility to get the index computations right.
3 Matrix multiplication in C#
3.1 Straightforward matrix multiplication in C# (matmult1)
In C# wecanrepresent amatrix as a two-dimensional rectangular array of doubles, using type double[,].
Assuming the declaration
double[,] R, A, B;
we can compute R = AB with this loop:
for (int r=0; r<rRows; r++) {
for (int c=0; c<rCols; c++) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (int k=0; k<aCols; k++)
sum += A[r,k]
R[r,c] = sum;
The variables rRows, rCols and aCols have been initialized from the array dimensions before the
loop as follows:
int aCols = A.GetLength(1),
rRows = R.GetLength(0),
rCols = R.GetLength(1);
3.2 Unsafe but faster matrix multiplication in C# (matmult2)
The C# language by default requires array bounds checks and disallows pointer arithmetics, but the
language provides an escape from these strictures in the form of so-called unsafe code. Hence the C#
matrix multiplication code above can be rewritten closer to C style as follows:
for (int r=0; r<rRows; r++) {
for (int c=0; c<rCols; c++) {
double sum = 0.0;
unsafe {
fixed (double
abase = &A[r,0], bbase = &B[0,c]) {
for (int k=0; k<aCols; k++)
sum += abase[k]
R[r,c] = sum;
Inside the unsafe { ... } block, one can use C-style pointers and pointer arithmetics. The header
of the fixed (...) { ... } block obtains pointers abase and bbase to positions within the A
and B arrays, and all indexing is done off these pointers using C/C++-like notation such as abase[k]
and bbase[k
bCols]. The fixed block makes sure that the .NET runtime memory management
does not move the arrays A and B while the block executes. (This risk does not exist in C and C++,
where malloc’ed blocks stay where they are).
Indexing off a pointer as in abase[k] performs no index checks, so this code is riskier but faster
than that of the previous section.
Notice that we did not have to change the matrix representation to use unsafe code; we continue to
use the double[,] representation that is natural in C#.
The unsafe keyword may seem scary, but note that all code in C and C++ is unsafe in the sense of
this keyword. To compile a C# program containing unsafe code, one must pass the -unsafe option to
the compiler:
csc -unsafe MatrixMultiply3.cs
4 Matrix multiplication in Java
The Java and C# programming languages are managed languages and very similar: same machine
model, managed platform, mandatory array bounds checks and so on. There’s considerable evidence
that Java numeric code can compete with C/C++ numeric code [1, 2, 3].
Some features of Java would seem to make it harder to obtain good performance in Java than in C#:
Java has only one-dimensional arrays, so a matrix must be represented either as an array of ref-
erences to arrays of doubles (type double[][]) or as a flattened C-style array of doubles (type
double[]). The former representation can incur a considerable memory access overhead, and
the latter representation forces the programmer to explicitly perform index computations.
Java does not allow unsafe code, so in Java, array bounds checks cannot be circumvented in the
way it was done for C# in section 3.2 above.
On the other hand, there is a wider choice of high-performance virtual machines available for Java than
for C#. For instance, the “standard” Java virtual machine, namely Hotspot [7] from Sun Microsystems,
will aggressively optimize the JIT-generated x86 code if given the -server option:
java -server MatrixMultiply 80 80 80
The Sun Hotspot Java virtual machine defaults to -client, which favors quick start-up over fast
generated code, as preferable for most interactive programs.
Also, IBM’s Java virtual machine [8] appears to perform considerable optimizations when generat-
ing machine code from the bytecode. There are further high-performance Java virtual machines, such as
BEAs jrockit [9], but we have not tested them.
As mentioned, the natural Java representation of a two-dimensional matrix is an array of references
to arrays (rows) of doubles, that is, Java type double[][]. Assuming the declaration
double[][] R, A, B;
The corresponding matrix multiplication code looks like this:
for (int r=0; r<rRows; r++) {
double[] Ar = A[r], Rr = R[r];
for (int c=0; c<rCols; c++) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (int k=0; k<aCols; k++)
sum += Ar[k]
Rr[c] = sum;
Here we have made a small optimization, in that references Ar and Rr to the arrays A[r] and R[r],
which represent rows of A and R, are obtained at the beginning of the outer loop.
The array-of-arrays representation seems to give the fastest matrix multiplication in Java. Replacing
it with a one-dimensional array (as in C) makes matrix multiplication 1.3 times slower.
5 Compilation of matrix multiplication code
This section presents the bytecode and machine code obtained by compiling the matrix multiplication
source codes shown in the previous section, and discusses the speed and deficiencies of this code.
5.1 Compilation of the C matrix multiplication code
Recall the inner loop
for (k=0; k<aCols; k++)
sum +=[r
of the C matrix multiplication code in section 2. The x86 machine code generated for this inner loop by
the gcc compiler with full optimization (gcc -O3) is quite remarkably brief:
<loop header not shown>
fldl (%ecx) // load[k
addl %ebx, %ecx // add 8
bCols to index
fmull (%edx) // multiply with[r
addl $8, %edx // add 8 to index
decl %eax // decrement loop counter
faddp %st, %st(1) // sum += ...
jne .L45 // jump to L45 if loop counter non-zero
This loop takes time 2.8 ns per iteration on a 1600 MHzPentium M CPU,so it also exploits the hardware
parallelism and the data buses very well. See also section 9 below.
5.2 Compilation of the safe C# code
C# source code, like Java source code, gets compiled in two stages:
First the C# code is compiled to stack-oriented bytecode in the .NET Common Intermediate Lan-
guage (CIL), using the Microsoft csc compiler [6], possibly through Visual Studio, or using the
Mono mcs or gmcs compiler [10]. The result is a so-called Portable Executable file, named
MatrixMultiply.exe or similar, which consists of a stub to invoke the .NET Common Language
Runtime, the bytecode, and some metadata.
Second, when the compiled program is about to be executed, the just-in-time compiler of the
Common Language Runtime will compile the stack-oriented bytecode to register-oriented ma-
chine code for the real hardware (typically some version of the x86 architecture). Finally the
generated machine code is executed. The just-in-time compilation process can be fairly compli-
cated and unpredictable, with profiling-based dynamic optimization and so on.
Recall the inner loop of the straightforward C# matrix multiplication (matmult1) in section 3.1:
for (int k=0; k<aCols; k++)
sum += A[r,k]
The corresponding CIL bytecode generated by the Microsoft C# compiler csc -o looks like this:
<loop header not shown>
IL_005a: ldloc.s V_8 // load sum
IL_005c: ldarg.1 // load A
IL_005d: ldloc.s V_6 // load r
IL_005f: ldloc.s V_9 // load k
IL_0061: call float64[,]::Get(,) // load A[r,k]
IL_0066: ldarg.2 // load B
IL_0067: ldloc.s V_9 // load k
IL_0069: ldloc.s V_7 // load c
IL_006b: call float64[,]::Get(,) // load B[k,c]
IL_0070: mul // A[r,k]
IL_0071: add // sum + ...
IL_0072: stloc.s V_8 // sum = ...
IL_0074: ldloc.s V_9 // load k
IL_0076: ldc.i4.1 // load 1
IL_0077: add // k+1
IL_0078: stloc.s V_9 // k = k+1
IL_007a: ldloc.s V_9 // load k
IL_007c: ldloc.1 // load aCols
IL_007d: blt.s IL_005a // jump if k<aCols
As can be seen, this is straightforward stack-oriented bytecode which hides the details of array bounds
checks and array address calculations inside the float64[,]::Get(,)method calls.
One can obtain the x86 machine code generated by the Mono runtime’s just-in-time compiler by
invoking it as mono -v -v. The resulting x86 machine code is rather cumbersome (and slow) because
of the array address calculations and the array bounds checks. These checks and calculations are explicit
in the x86 code below; the Get(,) method calls in the bytecode have been inlined:
<loop header not shown>
f8: fldl 0xffffffd4(%ebp) // load sum
fb: fstpl 0xffffffcc(%ebp)
fe: mov 0xc(%ebp),%eax // array bounds check
101: mov %eax,0xffffffb8(%ebp) // array bounds check
104: mov 0x8(%eax),%eax // array bounds check
107: mov 0x4(%eax),%edx // array bounds check
10a: mov %esi,%ecx // array bounds check
10c: sub %edx,%ecx // array bounds check
10e: mov (%eax),%edx // array bounds check
110: cmp %ecx,%edx // array bounds check
112: jbe 22e // throw exception
118-12a: // array bounds check (not shown)
130: imul %ecx,%eax
133: mov 0xffffffb8(%ebp),%ecx
136: add %edx,%eax
138: imul $0x8,%eax,%eax
13b: add %ecx,%eax
13d: add $0x10,%eax
142: fldl (%eax) // load A[r][k]
144: fstpl 0xffffffc4(%ebp)
147: fldl 0xffffffcc(%ebp)
14a: fldl 0xffffffc4(%ebp)
14d-161: // array bounds check (not shown)
167-179: // array bounds check (not shown)
17f: imul %ecx,%eax
182: mov 0xffffffc0(%ebp),%ecx
185: add %edx,%eax
187: imul $0x8,%eax,%eax
18a: add %ecx,%eax
18c: add $0x10,%eax
191: fldl (%eax) // load B[k][c]
193: fmulp %st,%st(1) // multiply
195: faddp %st,%st(1) // add sum
197: fstpl 0xffffffd4(%ebp) // sum = ...
19a: inc %edi // increment k
19b: cmp 0xffffffec(%ebp),%edi
19e: jl f8 // jump if k<aCols
Registers: %esi holds r, %ebx holds c, %edi holds k. For brevity, some repetitive sections of code
are not shown.
According to experiments, this x86 code is approximately 9 times slower than the code generated
from C source by gcc -O3 and shown in section 5.1. The x86 code generated by Microsoft’s just-in-
time compiler is slower than the gcc code only by a factor of 4, and presumably also looks neater.
5.3 Compilation of the unsafe C# code
Nowlet us consider the unsafe (matmult2) version of the C# matrix multiplication code from section 3.2.
The inner loop looks like this:
fixed (double
abase = &A[r,0], bbase = &B[0,c]) {
for (int k=0; k<aCols; k++)
sum += abase[k]
The CIL bytecode generated by Microsoft’s C# compiler looks like this:
<loop header not shown>
IL_0079: ldloc.s V_8 // load sum
IL_007b: ldloc.s V_9 // load abase
IL_007d: conv.i
IL_007e: ldloc.s V_11 // load k
IL_0080: conv.i
IL_0081: ldc.i4.8 // load 8
IL_0082: mul // 8
IL_0083: add // abase+8
IL_0084: ldind.r8 // load abase[k]
IL_0085: ldloc.s V_10 // load bbase
IL_0087: conv.i
IL_0088: ldloc.s V_11 // load k
IL_008a: ldloc.3 // load bCols
IL_008b: mul // k
IL_008c: conv.i
IL_008d: ldc.i4.8 // load 8
IL_008e: mul // 8
IL_008f: add // bbase+8
IL_0090: ldind.r8 // load bbase[k
IL_0091: mul // multiply
IL_0092: add // add sum
IL_0093: stloc.s V_8 // sum = ...
IL_0095: ldloc.s V_11 // load k
IL_0097: ldc.i4.1 // load 1
IL_0098: add // k+1
IL_0099: stloc.s V_11 // k = ...
IL_009b: ldloc.s V_11 // load k
IL_009d: ldloc.1 // load aCols
IL_009e: blt.s IL_0079 // jump if k<aCols
At first sight this appears even longer and more cumbersome than the matmult1 bytecode sequence in
section 5.2, but note that it does not involve any calls to the float64[,]::Get(,) methods, and
hence does not contain any hidden costs.
The corresponding x86 machine code generated by Mono now is much shorter:
<loop header not shown>
1b8: fldl 0xffffffcc(%ebp) // load sum
1bb: mov %ebx,%eax // load k
1bd: mov %eax,%ecx
1bf: shl $0x3,%ecx // 8
1c2: mov %edi,%eax //
1c4: add %ecx,%eax // abase+8
1c6: fldl (%eax) // load abase[k]
1c8: mov %ebx,%eax // load k
1ca: imul 0xffffffe4(%ebp),%eax // k
1ce: mov %eax,%ecx
1d0: shl $0x3,%ecx // 8
1d3: mov %esi,%eax // load bbase
1d5: add %ecx,%eax // base+8
1d7: fldl (%eax) // load bbase[k
1d9: fmulp %st,%st(1) // multiply
1db: faddp %st,%st(1) // add sum
1dd: fstpl 0xffffffcc(%ebp) // sum = ...
1e0: inc %ebx // increment k
1e1: cmp 0xffffffec(%ebp),%ebx //
1e4: jl 1b8 <MyTest_Multiply+0x1b8>// jump if k<aCols
Registers: %ebx holds k, %ebi holds abase, %esi holds bbase.
Clearly this unsafe code is far shorter than the x86 code in section 5.2 that resulted from safe byte-
code. One iteration of this loop takes 15.5 ns on a 1600 MHz Pentium M.
However, one iteration of the corresponding x86 code generated by Microsoft’s just-in-time compiler
takes only 4.0 ns, so presumably address multiplications have been replaced by additions (reduction in
strength), frequently used variables such as bCols and aCols are kept in registers rather than in
memory, and so on.
Microsoft’s Visual Studio development environment does allow one to inspect the x86 code gen-
erated by the just-in-time compiler, but only when debugging a C# program: Set a breakpoint in the
method whose x86 you want to see, choose Debug | Start debugging, and when the process
stops, choose Debug | Windows | Disassembly. Unfortunately, the x86 code shown during
debugging clearly contains extraneous and wasteful instructions, such as those at addresses 182-185 and
<loop header not shown>
0000017f mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-34h] // load abase
00000182 mov dword ptr [ebp-54h],eax // move it to RAM ...
00000185 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-54h] // ... and move it back
00000188 fld qword ptr [eax+ebx
8] // load abase[k]
0000018b mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-38h] // load bbase
0000018e mov dword ptr [ebp-58h],eax // move it to RAM ...
00000191 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-58h] // ... and move it back
00000194 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-1Ch] // load bCols
00000197 imul edx,ebx // k
0000019a fmul qword ptr [eax+edx
8] // multiply by bbase[]
0000019d fadd qword ptr [ebp-30h] // add sum
000001a0 fstp qword ptr [ebp-30h] // sum = ...
000001a3 inc ebx // increment k
000001a4 cmp ebx,dword ptr [ebp-14h] // compare k<aCols
000001a7 jl 0000017F // jump if k<aCols
In fact, the x86 code shown takes twice as long time, 8 ns per loop iteration, as non-debugging code.
Hence the x86 code obtained from Visual Studio during debugging does not give a good indication of the
code quality that is actually achievable. To avoid truly bad code, make sure to tick off the Optimize
checkbox in the Project | Properties | Build form in Visual Studio.
The machine code generated by Microsoft’s just-in-time compiler can be inspected also using the
debugger cordbg from the command line, setting a breakpoint in a method, and disassembling it, like
C:\> cordbg MatrixMultiply3.exe 50 50 50
(cordbg) b MatrixMultiply::Multiply // breakpoint on method Multiply
(cordbg) g // execute to breakpoint
(cordbg) dis 1000 // disassemble 1000 instructions
But again it seems that the C# program must be compiled using the csc -debug flag for this to work,
and the x86 machine code does not seem optimal even when csc -o has been specified.
5.4 Compilation of the Java matrix multiplication code
The bytecode resulting from compiling the Java code in section 4 with the Sun Java compiler javac is
fairly similar to the CIL bytecode code shown in section 5.2.
Remarkably, the straightforward Java implementation, which uses no unsafe code and a seemingly
cumbersome array representation, performs better than the unsafe C# code when executed with the IBM
Java virtual machine [8]: Each iteration of the inner loop takes only 3.8 ns.
Execution with the Sun Hotspot client virtual machine is slower, but the -server option reduces
the execution time to within a factor 1.2 of IBM’s, far better than the straightforward C# implementation,
and still using only safe code. This seems to demonstrate that it is handy to be able to choose between
different optimization profiles, such as -client and -server.
In Sun’s so-called DEBUG or fastdebug versions java_g of beta versions of the Hotspot Java
runtime environment, the non-standard option -XX:+PrintOptoAssembly is reported to show the
x86 code generated by the just-in-time compiler. We have not investigated this.
6 Controlling the runtime and the just-in-time compiler
I know of no publicly available options or flags to control the just-in-time optimizations performed
by Microsoft’s .NET Common Language Runtime, but surely options similar to Sun’s -client and
-server must exist internally. I know that there is (or was) a Microsoft-internal tool called jitmgr
for configuring the .NET runtime and just-in-time compiler, but it does not appear to be publicly avail-
able. Presumably many people would just use it to shoot themselves in the foot.
Note that the so-called server build (mscorsvr.dll) of the Microsoft .NET runtime differs from
the workstation build (mscorwks.dll) primarily in using a concurrent garbage collector. According to
MSDN, the workstation build will always be used on uniprocessor machines, even if the server build is
explicitly requested.
The Mono runtime accepts a range of JIT optimization flags, such as
mono --optimize=loop MatrixMultiply 80 80 80
but at the time of writing (Mono version 1.2.3, February 2007), the effect of these flags seems modest
and somewhat erratic.
7 Case study 2: A division-intensive loop
Consider for a given M the problem of finding the least integer n such that
+ · · · +
In C, Java and C# the problem can be solved by the following program fragment:
double sum = 0.0;
int n = 0;
while (sum < M) {
sum += 1.0/n;
For M = 20 the answer is n = 272 400 600 and the loop performs that many iterations. Each iteration
involves a floating-point comparison, a floating-point division and a floating-point addition, as well as
an integer increment.
The computation time is dominated by the double-precision floating-point division operation FDIV,
which has a throughput of 32 cycles/instruction on the Pentium M [5]. Since the loop condition depends
on the division, this gives a lower bound of 20 ns per loop iteration on the 1600 MHz machine we are
using. Indeed all implementations take between 20.7 ns and 26.0 ns per iteration. Interestingly, IBM’s
Java virtual machine is the fastest and the C implementation (gcc -O3) is the slowest of these.
The x86 machine code generated by the Mono just-in-time compiler from the C# is this:
<loop header not shown>
78: inc %ebx // increment n
79: fldl 0xffffffe0(%ebp) // load sum
7c: fld1 // load 1.0
7e: push %ebx // push n on hardware stack
7f: fildl (%esp) // load n on fp stack
82: add $0x4,%esp // pop hardware stack
85: fdivrp %st,%st(1) // divide 1.0/n
87: faddp %st,%st(1) // add sum
89: fstpl 0xffffffe0(%ebp) // sum = ...
8c: fldl 0xffffffe0(%ebp) // load sum
8f: fldl 0xffffffe8(%ebp) // load M
92: fcomip %st(1),%st // compare sum<M
94: fstp %st(0)
96: ja 78 // jump if sum<M
8 Polynomial evaluation
A polynomial c
+ c
x + c
+ · · · + c
can be evaluated efficiently and accurately using Horner’s
+ c
x + c
+ · · · + c
= c
+ x · (c
+ x · (. . . + x · (c
+ x · 0) . . .))
Polynomial evaluation using Horner’s rule can be implemented in C, Java and C# like this:
double res = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<cs.Length; i++)
res = cs[i] + x
where the coefficient array cs has length n + 1 and coefficient c
is in element cs[n i].
The x86 code generated for the above polynomial evaluation loop by gcc -O3 from C is this:
<loop header not shown>
fmul %st(2), %st // multiply by x
faddl (%esi,%eax,8) // add cs[i]
incl %eax // increment i
cmpl %ebx, %eax // compare i<order
jl .L21 // jump if i<order
Note that the entire computation is done with res on the floating-point stack; not once during the loop
is anything written to memory. The array accesses happen in the faddl instruction.
All implementations fare almost equally well on this problem, with C# on Microsoft’s .NET being
the fastest at 5.1 ns per loop iteration, and the gcc -O3 compiled C code only slightly slower at 5.3
ns per loop iteration. Each iteration performs a floating-point addition and a multiplication, but here the
multiplication uses the result of the preceding addition (via a loop-carried dependence), which may be
the reason this is so much slower than the matrix multiplication loop in section 5.1.
The reason for the Microsoft implementation’s excellent performance may be that it can avoid the
array bounds check in cs[i]. The just-in-time compiler can recognize bytecode generated from loops
of exactly this form:
for (int i=0; i<cs.Length; i++)
... cs[i] ...
and will not generate array bounds checks for the cs[i] array accesses [11]. Apparently this optimiza-
tion is rather fragile; small deviations from the above code pattern will prevent the just-in-time compiler
from eliminating the array bounds check. Also, experiments confirm that this optimization is useless in
the safe matrix multiplication loop (section 3.1), where at least two of the four index expressions appear
not to be bounded by the relevant array length (although in reality they are, of course).
9 Experiments
9.1 Matrix multiplication performance
This table shows the CPU time (in microseconds) per matrix multiplication, for multiplying two 50x50
matrices and for multiplying two 80x80 matrices:
Hardware Pentium M 1.6 Pentium 4 2.8
Matrix size 50x50 80x80 50x50 80x80
C (gcc -O3) 340 1430 275 1130
C# matmult1 Microsoft
1320 5500 1120 4960
C# matmult1 Microsoft, ngen 1320 5550 1120 4960
C# matmult1 Mono 3010 12350 2675 11880
C# matmult2 Microsoft 500 2020 490 2055
C# matmult2 Microsoft, ngen 500 1920 480 2100
C# matmult2 Mono 1950 7900 1430 5840
Java, Sun Hotspot -client 840 3380 570 2335
Java, Sun Hotspot -server 618 2360 370 1625
Java, IBM JVM 465 1950 345 1705
We see that the best C# results are a factor of 1.35 slower than the best C results, using unsafe features
of C#. The best Java results, using IBM’s JVM, are only a factor 1.37 slower than the best C results,
which is impressive considering that no unsafe code is used. It seems that the Microsoft C# speed can
sometimes be improved by ahead-of-time compilation of the bytecode to x86 machine code, using the
“native image generator” tool ngen, like this:
C:\> ngen install MatrixMultiply3.exe
C:\> MatrixMultiply3 80 80 80
C:\> ngen uninstall MatrixMultiply3.exe
However, if the inner loop contains calls to other assemblies, such as the Get methods used for non-
inlined array accesses, then ngen’ed programs actually become slower.
Depending on circumstances, the resulting C# performance may be entirely acceptable, given that
the unsafe code can be isolated to very small fragments of the code base, and the advantages of safe
code and dynamic memory management can be exploited everywhere else. Also, in 2010 a standard
workstation may have 16 or 32 CPUs, and then it will probably be more important to exploit parallel
computation than to achieve raw single-processor speed.
9.2 Division-intensive loop performance
For the simple division-intensive loop shown in section 7 the execution times are as follows, in nanosec-
onds per iteration of the loop:
Pentium M 1.6 Pentium 4 2.8
C (gcc -O3) 26.0 16.0
C# Microsoft 21.1 14.4
C# Microsoft, ngen 20.9 14.3
C# Mono 20.9 14.4
Java, Sun Hotspot -client 21.3 14.0
Java, Sun Hotspot -server 21.1 14.0
Java, IBM JVM 20.7 14.0
Again the IBM Java virtual machine performs very well, near the theoretical minimum of 20 ns.
9.3 Polynomial evaluation performance
The execution times for evaluation of a polynomial of order 1000 (microseconds per polynomial evalu-
ation), implemented as in section 8 are as follows:
Pentium M 1.6 Pentium 4 2.8
C (gcc -O3) 5.3 4.7
C# Microsoft 5.1
C# Microsoft, ngen 5.1
C# Mono 8.4 13.0
Java, Sun Hotspot -client 5.9
Java, Sun Hotspot -server 5.1
Java, IBM JVM 5.2
The C and Microsoft C# performance must be considered identical, with Sun’s Hotspot -server and
IBM’s Java virtual machine close behind. The Mono C# implementation is a factor of 1.5 slower than
the best performance in this case.
9.4 Details of the experimental platform
Main hardware platform: Intel Pentium M at 1600 MHz, 1024 KB L2 cache, 1 GB RAM.
Alternative hardware platform: Intel Pentium 4 at 2800 MHz, 512 KB L2 cache, 1.5 GB RAM.
Operating system: Debian Linux, kernel 2.4.
C compiler: gcc 3.3.5 optimization level -O3
Microsoft C# compiler and runtime: MS .NET 2.0.50727 running under Windows 2000 under
VmWare under Linux; compile options: -o -unsafe.
Mono C# compiler and runtime: gmcs and mono version 1.2.3 for Linux.
Java compiler and runtime Sun Hotspot 1.6.0-b105 for Linux x86-32.
Java runtime IBM J9 VM J2RE 1.5.0 for Linux x86-32 j9vmxi3223-20070201.
10 Conclusion
The experiments show that there is no obvious relation between the execution speeds of different soft-
ware platforms, even for the very simple programs studied here: the C, C# and Java platforms are
variously fastest and slowest.
Moreover, the Intel Pentium M (which is the basis of future Intel processors) and Pentium 4 hardware
platforms are so different that even when the Pentium 4 clock rate is 75 percent higher, some programs
run more slowly on that platform, while others become much faster.
Some points that merit special attention:
Given Java’s cumbersome array representation and the absence of unsafe code, it is remarkable
how well the Sun Hotspot -server and IBM Java virtual machines perform.
Microsoft’s C#/.NET runtime performs very well, but there is room for much improvement in the
safe code for matrix multiplication.
Microsoft’s ngen tool could do a much better job of (optionally) optimizing numeric code.
The Mono C#/.NET runtime now is very reliable, but its general performance and the effect of
optimization flags is rather erratic.
[1] J.P. Lewis and Ulrich Neumann: Performance of Java versus C++. University of Southern Califor-
nia 2003.
[2] National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA: JavaNumerics.
[3] CERN and Lawrence Berkeley Labs, USA: COLT Project, Open Source Libraries for High Perfor-
mance Scientific and Technical Computing in Java.
[4] P. Sestoft: Java performance. Reducing time and space consumption. KVL 2005.
[5] Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual. November 2006.
[6] Microsoft Developer Network: .NET Framework Developer Center.
[7] The Sun Hotspot Java virtual machine is found at
[8] The IBM Java virtual machine is found at
[9] The BEA jrockit Java virtual machine is found at
[10] The Mono implementation of C# and .NET is found at
[11] Gregor Noriskin: Writing high-performance managed applications. A primer. Microsoft, June
2003. At
... Sestoft [6], explores the comparative numeric performance of C, C#, and Java across various smallscale computational tasks. While managed languages like C# and Java offer ease of use and safety, their performance in numeric computations, especially involving arrays or matrices of floating-point numbers, is comparatively inferior to that of traditional languages like C and C++. ...
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This study presents a comparative analysis of the Span data type in the C# programming language against other data types. Span is a data type supported in .NET Core 2.1 and later versions, and this research investigates its impact on method performance and memory usage. The primary objective of the study is to highlight the potential advantages of the Span data type for C# developers. In pursuit of this goal, the study examines the performance effects of the Span data type through comparative analyses using various methods. For instance, when comparing the StringReplace and SpanReplace methods over 1000 iterations, it is observed that SpanReplace is significantly faster. Similarly, analyses conducted on methods like Contains used in data types such as Queue, List, and Stack demonstrate the performance advantages of the Span data type. In scenarios where the Span data type is employed, it is determined that memory consumption is lower compared to other data types. These findings can assist C# programmers in understanding the potential of the Span data type and optimizing their code accordingly. The Span data type may be a more effective option, especially in data processing and performance-sensitive applications.
... In (2010) Peter Sestoft made experiments show that there is no obvious relation between the execution speeds of different software platforms, even for the very simple programs studied here: the C, C# and Java platforms are variously fastest and slowest [8]. ...
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optimization is the process of modifying working code to a more optimal state based on a particular goal. Code optimization may be on execution time or memory utilization. This paper include an experiment that measures the execution time of java code before and after applying of 28th techniques for time optimization. The result shows that some techniques may reduce the execution time till 1/10 , it can give the user an impression on the benefit of every techniques.
... Scientific studies performed in the past [18]- [21], as well as more contemporary attempts at benchmarking [22] seem to indicate that the performance of Java (and Java EE), as well as C# (and thus ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core) depends on particular tasks they are applied to. ...
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The paper describes the implementation of organic benchmarks for Java EE and ASP.NET Core, which are used to compare the performance characteristics of the language runtimes. The benchmarks are created as REST services, which process data in the JSON format. The ASP.NET Core implementation utilises the Kestrel web server, while the Java EE implementation uses Apache TomEE, which is based on Apache Tomcat. A separate service is created for invoking the benchmarks and collecting their results. It uses Express with ES6 (for its async features), Redis and MySQL. A web-based interface for utilising this service and displaying the results is also created, using Angular 5.
... Compilation dynamique L'avènement de la compilation dynamique a rendu des langages purement interprété comme Java compétitifs avec des langages compilés statiquement comme le C en terme de performance [25,152]. La ...
Java est à ce jour l'un des langages, si ce n'est le langage, le plus utilisé toutes catégories de programmation confondues et sa popularité concernant le développement d'applications scientifiques n'est plus à démontrer. Néanmoins son utilisation dans le domaine du Calcul Haute Performance (HPC) reste marginale même si elle s'inscrit au cœur de la stratégie de certaine entreprise comme Aselta Nanographics, éditeur de l'application Inscale pour la modélisation des processus de lithographie par faisceaux d'électron, instigateur et partenaire industriel de cette thèse.Et pour cause, sa définition haut-niveau et machine-indépendante, reposant sur un environnement d'exécution, parait peu compatible avec le besoin de contrôle bas-niveau nécessaire pour exploiter de manière optimale des architectures de microprocesseurs de plus en plus complexes comme les architectures Intel64 (implémentation Intel de l'architecture x86-64).Cette responsabilité est entièrement déléguée à l'environnement d'exécution, notamment par le biais de la compilation dynamique, chargée de générer du code binaire applicatif à la volée. C'est le cas de la JVM HotSpot, au centre de cette étude, qui s'est imposée comme l'environnement de référence pour l'exécution d'applications Java en production.Cette thèse propose, dans ce contexte, de répondre à la problématique suivante : comment optimiser les performances de code séquentiel Java plus particulièrement dans un environnement HotSpot/Intel64 ?Pour tenter d'y répondre, trois axes principaux ont été explorés. Le premier axe est l'analyse des performances du polymorphisme, mécanisme Java haut-niveau omniprésent dans les applications, dans le lequel on tente de mesurer l'impact du polymorphisme sur les performances du code et d'évaluer des alternatives possibles. Le second axe est l'intégration de code natif au sein des applications - afin de bénéficier d'optimisations natives - avec prise en compte du compromis coût d'intégration/qualité du code. Enfin le troisième axe est l'extension du compilateur dynamique pour des méthodes applicatives afin, là encore, de bénéficier d'optimisations natives tout en s'affranchissant du surcout inhérent à l'intégration de code natif.Ces trois axes couvrent différentes pistes exploitables dans un contexte de production qui doit intégrer certaines contraintes comme le temps de développement ou encore la maintenabilité du code. Ces pistes ont permis d'obtenir des gains de performances significatifs sur des sections de code applicatif qui demeuraient jusqu'alors très critiques.
... Peter Sestoft, 2010, they compare the numeric performance of C, C# and Java on three small cases. Managed languages such as C# and Java are easier and safer to use than traditional languages such as C or C++ when manipulating dynamic data structures, graphical user interfaces, and so on, [2]. Dirk E. et al. (2011), discussed the RC++ package simplifies integrating C++ code with R. It provides a consistent C++ class hierarchy that maps various types of R objects (vectors, matrices, functions, environments, ...) to dedicated C++ classes. ...
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This paper construct a comparison between two main software’s used in programming applications that are Java and C++, the comparison operation includes the time needed to perform some algorithm i.e. speed of operation, flexibility to adjusting some code, and efficiency. The same code is used to compare between the two software to determine which one is better. It is found that C++ needs less time to execute the same code comparing with Java. Java needs about 10% excess time to execute the same code segment comparing to C++.
... Both languages hide the complexity of the best-performing programming language C++, but C# is more integrated with the operative system, facilitating I/O activities, accesses to HW resources and the native creation and integration of databases. Java is also multi-platform, but performances are lower [15]. Parsing modules in Cerno were in TXL (, ...
Conference Paper
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Usability as ease of use and learnability, is critical for systems supporting requirements elicitation for regulatory compliance. The main problem is that these systems have to analyze documents in a specialized natural language, a task that is far from being completely automated. Usability issues are also related to a variety of other characteristics of such systems. Reasons why an early adoption of usability practices is desirable and beneficial in their development are described. Main lessons learned in developing and applying a complex framework for requirements elicitation from regulatory documents are presented to illustrate some of the most relevant usability concerns.
... Figueroa, M. [12] presented results of a study to compare Java and C# programming languages features in terms of portability, functional programming and execution time in image processing programming area. Sestoft, P. [13] compared the numeric performance of C, C# and Java on three small cases. The matrix multiplication, a divisionintensive loop and a polynomial evaluation were taken as case studies. ...
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Modern Object oriented programming languages provide the facility of multithreading programming which provides concurrent execution of multiple threads within the same program. Basically, threads provide a way to execute code in parallel within the same program. In high performance computing today, the multi-core CPUs have become more common in nearly all computer systems. These processors have multiple execution cores on a single physical chip. They provide parallelism between instructions and operations. Therefore, the performance measurement of multithreaded programs on these processors is an important aspect. In the present paper, the detailed architectural modeling of a Dual Core processor is done by the use of well known modeling language i.e. the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The UML design for thread execution is also done. On the basis of UML design, performance of multithreaded programs written in JAVA and C# are evaluated and a comparison between these two is also reported through the table and the graphs.
Conference Paper
Considering that multithreaded applications may be implemented using several programming languages and paradigms, in this work we show how they influence performance, energy consumption and energy-delay product (EDP). For that, we evaluate a subset of the NAS Parallel Benchmark, implemented in both procedural (C) and object-oriented programming languages (C++ and Java). We also investigate the overhead of Virtual Machines (VM) and the improvement that the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler may provide. We show that the procedural language has better scalability than object-oriented ones, i.e., the improvements in performance, EDP, and energy savings are better in C than in C++ and Java as the number of threads increases; and that C can be up to 76 times faster than Java, even with the JIT mechanism enabled. We also demonstrate that the Java JIT effectiveness may vary according to the benchmark (1.16 and 23.97 times in performance and 1.19 to 19.85 times in energy consumption compared to the VM without JIT); and when it reaches good optimization levels, it can be up to 23% faster, consuming 42% less energy, and having an EDP 58% lower than C++.
This paper presents the design and implementation of a low power embedded system using mobile processor technology (Intel Atom™ Z530 Processor) specifically tailored for a neural-machine interface (NMI) for artificial limbs. This embedded system effectively performs our previously developed NMI algorithm based on neuromuscular-mechanical fusion and phase-dependent pattern classification. The analysis shows that NMI embedded system can meet real-time constraints with high accuracies for recognizing the user's locomotion mode. Our implementation utilizes the mobile processor efficiently to allow a power consumption of 2.2 watts and low CPU utilization (less than 4.3%) while executing the complex NMI algorithm. Our experiments have shown that the highly optimized C program implementation on the embedded system has superb advantages over existing PC implementations on MATLAB. The study results suggest that mobile-CPU-based embedded system is promising for implementing advanced control for powered lower limb prostheses.
USA: COLT Project, Open Source Libraries for High Performance Scientific and Technical Computing in Java
  • Lawrence Berkeley Cern
  • Labs
CERN and Lawrence Berkeley Labs, USA: COLT Project, Open Source Libraries for High Performance Scientific and Technical Computing in Java.
Java performance. Reducing time and space consumption
  • P Sestoft
P. Sestoft: Java performance. Reducing time and space consumption. KVL 2005.
Writing high-performance managed applications. A primer. Microsoft
  • Gregor Noriskin
Gregor Noriskin: Writing high-performance managed applications. A primer. Microsoft, June 2003. At