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Vol. 24 (1) Spring 2005, 155–159 Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 155
Customer Advocacy: A New Era in Marketing?
Glen L. Urban
Glen L. Urban is a professor, MIT Sloan School of Management
(e-mail: glurban@MIT.EDU).
Ihave been active as a marketing researcher since 1964, or
much of what Wilkie and Moore (2003) call Eras III and
IV of scholarly research. The field of management sci-
ence in marketing has grown in both scope and impact dur-
ing this time. My work has been centered on new product
development, with models from assessor to information
acceleration. Most recently, I have been working on issues
of trust, advice for consumers, and the discovery of new
product opportunities by “listening in” to the online dia-
logue between a trusted advisor and a customer (Urban and
Hauser 2004). Because I have done this recent work on the
Internet, I sensed a sea change in the underlying consumer
behavior. Something had shifted, and it took me a while to
discover that customers had gained new power in buying
decisions. Since 1950, marketing has been based on a push/
pull model in which the manufacturer designs a product to
fill a need and then convinces the consumer to buy with
aggressive advertising, promotion, and distribution tactics.
The increase in customer power changes the equation, and I
believe that this shift in the power relationship will define
the dividing line between Eras IV and V of marketing. I call
this new era “customer advocacy” because it is based on the
firm representing the customers’ interest by providing them
complete and unbiased information, advice on which prod-
uct is best for them (including fair comparisons with com-
petitors), joint design of products, and a partnership that
breeds long-term loyalty. In other words, advocate for your
customers and they will advocate for you!
In this article, I do not concentrate on my previous work
nor on prior changes in the field (others in this special sec-
tion have done a good job of this), but rather I emphasize the
future. I examine the customer power shift and its implica-
tions for a new paradigm of marketing, outline the new
strategic choices for companies, indicate some implications
for scholarly research and societal marketing, and close with
some personal forecasts on the emerging customer advocacy
era of marketing.
Growth of Customer Power
Customers now have access to information about a company
and its products from a multitude of sources. From Con- for third-party information, to for customer reviews, and to eBay for seller
ratings, consumers now have much greater access to inde-
pendent information about a company’s products and ser-
vices. The use of the Internet was predicted, but the follow-
ing recent data show how fundamental the impact actually
has become. For example, more than 64% of car buyers now
use the Internet to research car models, features, and prices
1J.D. Power (2002) reports 64%, Jupiter Research (2003) reports 77%,
and Cospirit Research (2002) reports 83% of U.K. car shoppers use the
Internet as a shopping aid.
2See the graph in Yankelovich Partners (2004).
(J.D. Power 2002).1In addition, 68% of new car buyers rate
third-party sites as very or extremely important sources of
information, and they visit an average of seven different
sites, such as Kelley Blue Book, Autobytel, and Edmunds
(J.D. Power 2002). Many prospective buyers begin their
online research months before they set foot on a dealer’s lot,
and 6% save an average of $450 per vehicle by using an
Internet buying service (Morton, Zettelmeyer, and Risso
2001). The implication is that old-style marketing is less
effective when customers have independent means to
research a company’s claims and obtain cost information.
Customers can find competing products more easily.
Search engines, comparison sites, and online reviews all
enable customers to find the best products at the lowest
price. For example, travelers now enjoy a range of Web sites
(e.g., Expedia, Orbitz, Travelocity ) that help them find the
lowest fares on flights. More than 63% of leisure travelers
and 69% of business travelers use the Internet for research.2
Internet sales grew 37% in 2002 to $28 billion even as total
travel services fell 5%. Indeed, 35 million people bought
tickets online in 2003 (Sileo and Friedman 2003). Increas-
ingly, leisure and business travelers refuse to pay high fares,
causing much financial difficulty for airlines. The Internet
has also affected the real estate market by making a broader
range of rich information available to homebuyers. Online
real estate buying services (e.g., eReality, ZipReality) rebate
up to 1% of the purchase price, thereby lowering commis-
sions and saving customers thousands of dollars on the pur-
chase of a house.
Customers can buy from anywhere, regardless of physical
location. The Internet simplifies transactions for both con-
sumers and industrial customers. Customers can connect
directly with providers to buy goods and services. Electronic
airline tickets eliminate the need to obtain paper tickets, thus
reducing people’s dependency on local travel agents. Sim-
plified transactions also enable switching—that is, the Inter-
net gives customers the power to find and buy from a wider
array of potential providers.
Prospective customers can find out if a company has mis-
treated former customers. The Internet enables consultation
and collaboration between consumers. In 2002, 110 million
people in the United States used the Internet for health care
information. In addition, 48 million consumers went online
in Japan, 31 million consumers went online in Germany,
and 14 million consumers went online in France for health
care information (Health Care News 2002). Active online
communities exist for virtually every disease. Patients
exchange information about the effectiveness of products
and provide advice to one other about how to gain control of
156 Customer Advocacy
3The word “distrust” means to “distrust completely” and to “distrust
somewhat” (Intelliseek 2003).
their medical treatments. When a customer requests a spe-
cific prescription, 84% of the time that request is honored
by the doctor (Manhattan Research 2002). Sites such as or make it easy for cus-
tomers to submit their opinion of a company or product and
for other potential customers to view these ratings.
Increasing communication between customers amplifies
and accelerates word-of-mouth marketing. In the past, dis-
reputable companies lost customers one at a time. At worst,
the occasional exasperated ex-customer might convince a
few friends to stop buying from the company. Now, the
Internet provides global reach for the disgruntled. Web sites
such as, rating services, and dis-
cussion forums accelerate the process of weeding out bad
products, poor service, and disreputable companies. On
eBay, customers give positive and negative comments to
sellers, and even a few negative comments can immobilize
the seller’s auction by reducing the number of bidders. Vis-
ible star ratings summarize the seller’s reputation in terms of
the quality and quantity of comments.
Customers can avoid a company’s marketing efforts.
Consumers have more control over the flow of marketing
messages into their homes and lives. Consumers’ distaste
for junk mail, telemarketing calls, spam, and pop-up adver-
tisements means that these pushy messages are more likely
to earn the ire of consumers than to earn profits. Technology
empowers consumers by enabling them to mute or “zap”
television commercials, screen telephone calls, block pop-
up advertisements, stop telemarketing, and send spam
straight to the trash can. For example, 94% of people “dis-
trust” pop-up advertisements,3more than 20 million people
have installed pop-up blockers (Neff 2003), and more than
50 million people have signed up for “no call” protection.
In summary, customers are becoming more powerful.
They are tired of corporate hype and corporate scandal.
More than two-thirds (69%) of people in the United States
agree with the statement, “I don’t know whom to trust any-
more,” according to a February 2002 Golin/Harris Poll
(Trust 2002). Companies have tarnished their images
through accounting scandals and product recalls, and chief
executive officers have lost credibility with fat salaries
while everyday workers lost 401k retirement savings in a
market downturn. According to a 2004 Gallup International
and World Economic Forum study, there is a dramatic lack
of trust in global and large national companies, and trust is
even low when it comes to nongovernmental organizations,
trade unions, and media organizations around the world.
Global companies and large domestic companies are not
trusted to operate in the best interest of society: 48% of the
36,000 respondents across 47 countries had little or no trust
in global companies, and 52% had little or no trust in large
national companies (World Economic Forum 2004); 52%
was the largest value for the little or no-trust responses
across all the international institutions. In 2003, two-thirds
of people in the United States believed that “if the opportu-
nity arises, most businesses will take advantage of the pub-
lic if they feel they are unlikely to be found out” (Wood
2003, p. 8). Furthermore, customers are resentful of current
marketing tactics: 64% of consumers are “furious” about
pop-up advertisements on their screens (96% were “angry”
or “furious”), and the same percentage are furious over
spam (Neff 2003). In addition, 90% of customers claim that
“they think less of brands featured in pop ups” (Blackshaw
2003, p. 1). These resentments make consumers fight back
and exercise the increasing power that Internet technology
grants them.
Company Strategic Responses
Faced with increasing customer power, a company can
choose among three possible strategies: (1) amplify the tra-
ditional push/pull model of marketing, (2) strengthen rela-
tionships with customers, or (3) embrace true customer
Push/Pull Harder
A company can respond to customers’ new power with old-
fashioned marketing push and pull. An increased pull by
media advertising; aggressive push with price promotions
(perhaps with higher initial prices or hidden fees to maintain
profits); and potentially misleading, one-sided communica-
tions might get the job done. After all, these time-tested tac-
tics have been the core of marketing for the past 50 years.
However, modern-day consumers are wiser and more elu-
sive than their more gullible predecessors. Even as con-
sumers have embraced a greater influx of information, the
media channels by which a company might push informa-
tion to consumers have become less effective. Media frag-
mentation, consumer skepticism, and the time pressures of a
modern lifestyle mean that pushing information and prod-
ucts on unsuspecting customers is an uphill battle.
In the halcyon days of mass media, people read their local
newspaper and watched one of the three nationally broad-
casted television channels. In the past, a company could
reach a large mass of consumers through any of these mass-
media outlets, but now daily newspaper readers are in the
minority, national broadcasts have lost market share to a
dizzying array of cable channels, and the Internet has
diverted peoples’ attention to a fragmented web of online
sites. The national broadcast networks’ market share of
prime-time audiences has declined 50% since 1970. When
today’s figures are compared with the 1960s, the decline is
even worse. The hundreds of channels available on cable or
by satellite fragment television’s power, making it more dif-
ficult for marketers to push their messages to the millions of
viewers. It is surprising that advertising costs have not
fallen; indeed, they are way up! Network prime-time televi-
sion cost per thousand exposures rose 18% from 2000 to
2003 (Media Dynamics 2003).
Even if prospective customers are exposed to a television
advertisement, only one-third of them actually watch it;
most viewers mute the advertisement, switch channels, or
leave the room (Tandemar Corporation 2000). In a 2004
study, the market research company Yankelovich found that
79% of viewers flip channels during commercials compared
with 51% in 1986, and 53% turn down the volume com-
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 157
pared with 25% in 1986 (Smith, Clurman, and Wood 2005).
Advertisements lose out in the competition with the refrig-
erator, the bathroom, family members, other television
channels, electronic games, and the Internet. The average
use of the Internet is almost the same as television viewing
time (15 hours per week), and 36% of people claim that they
are watching less television (Jupiter Research 2002). Some
people under 21 years of age never watch television and
rather use the Internet and mobile devices as the dominant
media. Even on the Internet, with its deftly targeted pop-up
and banner advertisements, click-through rates have fallen
dramatically between 1998 and 2005. Internet service
providers and software vendors now tout their ability to
block pop-ups and spam. Junk mail gets tossed, and tele-
phone calls are screened by Caller ID, answering machines,
and no-call registries. The effectiveness per dollar of push/
pull marketing has dropped dramatically.
Admittedly, a company may continue to thrive using a
push strategy in this brave new world of fragmented media
and attention-deficient, addled customers. Clever, funny, or
engaging advertisements can draw customers. Shrewd
selection of highly specific media with refined targeting can
help a company reach its intended niche audience. However,
aggressive push can be a false victory—winning the sale but
losing the customer—if excessive hype or questionable (but
not illegal) pricing tactics leave buyers embittered and
resentful when they find out the facts, and in today’s world,
the customers will find out the facts.
Strengthen Relationships
In the attempt to appease a more powerful customer base, a
company might pursue a strategy of relationship marketing.
In recent years, many leading companies have refocused on
their customers by emphasizing customer satisfaction met-
rics, creating consistency in customer interfaces, building
better products through total quality management, and
emphasizing more personalized service. Customer relation-
ship management (CRM) software often backs such efforts
by giving a company the data and functionality necessary
for one-to-one marketing and for the creation of a consistent
one-face-to-the-customer interface. In addition, CRM helps
a company understand each customer and then deliver a
consistent message or service to that customer. By putting
the “custom” back in customers, these companies can target
their customers more effectively and deliver persuasive
information and promotions more efficiently.
Customers may like this new emphasis on one-to-one
connections, but the company must be careful about how it
uses the data. The ideal is for a close, positive relationship
with customers, but the reality is often more invasive mar-
keting. Too many CRM programs are based on building a
huge data warehouse, mining the data, and then hitting the
identified segments with aggressive e-mail, telephone, or
Internet promotions, with or without customer permission.
For most companies, CRM is merely a more efficient means
of push/pull marketing, targeting customers in the sense of
drawing accurate crosshairs on their chests. Impertinence
and aggressive cross-selling can make customers treat a
company as if it were a cheeky acquaintance, making the
customer cross the street to avoid contact with you. It is no
wonder that 55% of CRMs have not succeeded (Freeland
Customer Advocacy
A company might choose to embrace advocacy by becom-
ing a faithful representative of customers’ interests. Under
this approach, a firm provides customers and prospects with
open, honest, and complete information. The firm gives cus-
tomers advice so that they can find the best products, even
if those products are not the company’s products. Far from
being foolish, the honesty of advocacy reflects the reality
that customers will learn the truth anyway. If a company is
distorting the truth, customers will detect the falsehoods and
act accordingly.
If a company embraces honesty, it must have good, if not
the best, products. With transparency, this is the only way to
earn the customer’s purchase. A firm will invest more in
product design and quality and less in pushy promotion and
Advocacy is not a way for a company to speak at cus-
tomers. Rather, it is a mutual dialogue and a partnership that
assumes that if the company advocates for its customers,
those customers will reciprocate with trust, purchases, and
enduring loyalty. It is a partnership between a firm and its
customers to the mutual benefit of both. A company advo-
cates for customers’ interests, and customers advocate for
the company by buying its products and helping it design
better products. Most important, the customers tell others
about the firm and its products. Advocacy has duality: The
partnership created by advocacy is mutual and reciprocal. If
customers tell others about the positive partnership, cus-
tomer acquisition costs decline, and customer preference for
the product grows. Companies that advocate for customers
enjoy more opportunities to sell a broader range of products
to more people. This can lead to growth in sales because
customers and their friends choose the company’s products.
It also leads to greater profit margins because customers
come to realize that the company offers an extra value that
is reflected in an honest price that is worth paying.
Advocacy is a major step forward in the evolving rela-
tionship between a firm and its customers. Push/pull mar-
keting is driven by the economics of mass production—that
is, efficient processes that create many low-cost goods.
Relationship marketing is impelled by the saturation of push
marketing and intense rivalries, particularly around quality
and price. Advocacy will be the next imperative because of
the accelerating growth of customer power.
Customer advocacy can be viewed as the top of a pyra-
mid. Total quality management and customer satisfaction
are at the base of the pyramid. They are necessary condi-
tions for trust and advocacy. If a company is to recommend
its own products honestly, it must have products that are
good enough to recommend. The advocacy pyramid is sup-
ported in the middle by relationship marketing because
CRM provides the necessary tools for a company to under-
stand each customer and personalize its advocacy relation-
ship with each customer. The pinnacle is advocacy. In many
markets, advocacy will become the preferred strategy as
firms respond to the new reality that customers are in con-
trol, not manufacturers and distributors.
158 Customer Advocacy
Researcher Response
The growth in customer power and the new marketing
strategies of firms require that scholars examine their
research strategies. The philosophy of marketing is differ-
ent. Traditional marketing will be based on understanding
customers’ needs and then convincing them to buy the
firm’s products, but advocacy is based on maximizing the
customers’ interests and partnering with customers. This
goes beyond customer focus to representing actively the
customers’ interests as a good friend would for them. This
philosophy is based on the realization that customers are in
control and that the path to success is to help them make the
best decisions possible in the complex world of buying. It is
a mutuality of interest. If the firm helps the customer, it
learns what products and services customers really want and
then can provide the products that honest advice would rec-
ommend. The customer advocates for the manufacturer by
telling others about the firm and developing a long-term
trust with and loyalty for the firm. The research necessary to
support this philosophy must be new and innovative.
The new consumer behavior will be based on trans-
parency and trusted advice. Less money would be spent on
advertising and promotion and more on product design and
new Internet community communication methods. Many
research topics are apparent, but I highlight three areas to
provide some new detail on the required research.
Building Trust
Advocacy depends on trust, and marketers must learn about
the determinants of trust and the dynamics of building
enduring trust. Some analytical work has been done, but
much more is necessary (for a summary of such work, see
Shankar, Sultan, and Urban 2002). Behavioral science can
contribute much here. What is the role of transparency in
building trust? What happens when trust is broken by an
error in quality or service? How can trust be rebuilt? How is
trust built in a marketing world that has not been trustwor-
thy in the past. For example, Dan Ariely at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology put $50 bills on a table in the lobby
of the main MIT building with a sign that read “Free Cash.”
Fewer than 20% of those who stopped to read the sign took
the cash, presumably because they believed that there was a
“catch.” How does a company convince customers that it
really is a partner and friend?
Trusted Advisors
The complexity and number of options in most product cat-
egories is high. For example, a bank may offer 25 different
mortgages, a computer manufacturer may sell eight models
and 100 configurations of computers, and an auto producer
may sell four brands and 25 models for each brand. Cus-
tomers need honest and complete help in picking the best
product for themselves, not the product that maximizes the
manufacturer’s profit contribution. The product should be
that which a trusted friend would recommend. For the cus-
tomer to have confidence, belief, and willingness to accept
advice, there must be trust based on a carefully constructed
advisor, whether through the Web or in person. A transpar-
ent and intelligent advisor is genuinely in the corner of the
customer and represents advocacy for the customer across
the firm’s product offerings. Customers want to trust an
advisor to save time and make a better decision. Research is
necessary to determine how to build such a trusted advisor.
It is useful to give advice across a firm’s product offer-
ings, but true advocacy demands that the firm provides
information and advice across all offerings in the market.
The firm should compare itself with competitors even if it is
not the best, because customers are doing it anyway. The
firm must go beyond transparency and be proactive in rep-
resenting customers’ best interests. If the firm does not
come out on top in the honest comparison and advice, it
must redesign its products so that they are the best. This may
sound counterintuitive, but it is like stopping the production
line if even one quality defect occurs. It is a severe reaction,
but it will not happen often, and quality will improve when
everyone knows that the firm is serious about having the
best products. Research is necessary on how to create effec-
tive advice systems and to decide when comparing products
to competition is the best advocacy strategy.
Optimize Marketing Resource Allocations
Advertising’s reach and effectiveness is going down, and
prices are going up (cost per thousand viewers); the cost–
benefit ratio is decreasing, and thus a company should prob-
ably spend less in any case. Even more important in this
context is that for customer advocacy, a firm should be con-
centrating on two-sided and unbiased information and
advice. More money should go to Internet advisors and to
providing comparative product trials and building peer com-
munities that comprise customers and the company. Promo-
tion is a heavy-handed attempt to buy sales. Advocacy dic-
tates that a firm should aspire to having superior products
and should convey them on the basis of their value, not just
their price-off deal. A firm should allocate old advertising
budgets to product improvement, to communicating new
products, and to building new trustful communication chan-
nels. Research is necessary to build optimal allocation mod-
els. This is complex because such models must include the
effects of other firms that are competing in the world of trust
and the long-term paybacks to loyalty and cross-selling.
Advocacy is consistent with economic theory when long-
term profits are defined to include partnering, loyalty, word-
of-mouth diffusion, and multiproduct effects rather than just
short-term maximization of profits by direct, single-product
These are just a few examples of the behavioral, eco-
nomic, and management science opportunities for research
in the world of advocacy. A rich new field for research will
develop as advocacy is adopted as the new paradigm.
Societal Marketing
Customer advocacy should generate gains for society. With
trust, transaction costs should decrease. Resources should be
allocated to the creation of improved products to meet real
customer needs, and fewer resources should be used to cre-
ate minor points of differentiation in the pursuit of victory in
a short-term competitive game. Customer advocacy is the
right way to do marketing; it is honest, open, and ethical.
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 159
Committing to customer advocacy is an easy long-term eth-
ical decision for a firm to make, because long-term profits
will increase as the firm partners with the customer and they
mutually help each other achieve their goals. Customers get
innovative products they need, and firms find low customer
acquisition costs, acceptance of prices based on the new cus-
tomer utility that is generated, and sales growth as cus-
tomers transfer their trust and loyalty to other products the
firm offers and tell other buyers of their positive relation-
ship. In the short run, the firm’s profits may decline as hon-
esty reveals the need for the firm to improve its products and
as new expenditures for the development of advice-based
communication methods become necessary. This is a diffi-
cult ethical decision because doing the right thing may result
in short-term losses. However, pioneers will find an endur-
ing advantage because after they earn customers’ trust, other
firms will find it difficult to convince customers to take the
risk and switch to a new partner. All these societal implica-
tions must be modeled and tested, but I believe that cus-
tomer advocacy will improve society.
The Future
Will customer advocacy become a new paradigm for
marketing, or will it be relegated to a concept that applies
only to small segments of the market (e.g., college-educated
people) and complex products (e.g., cars, computers)? The
future will reveal the answers to such questions, but my
experience across a broad range of industries and segments
indicates that the growth of power is fundamental. Pioneer-
ing firms are already demonstrating advantages (e.g., eBay,
Orbitz, Travelocity, Expedia, credit unions), and many sig-
nificant experiments are underway (e.g., General Motors,
Intel, British Telecom, Suruga Bank) (for detail descriptions
of these programs, see Urban 2005). I believe that over the
next ten years, there will be an emergence of customer advo-
cacy as the dominant marketing strategy that will revolu-
tionize the practice of marketing and shift the nature of
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