... Transport, storage, and Communications,(12) Financial intermediation,(13) Real estate, renting, and business activities,(14) Public administration and defense, Compulsory social security, (15) Education,(16) Health and social work, and (17) Other community, social, and personal service activities.Occupations: (1) Legislators and Managers, (2) Small firm managers, (3) Science and health professionals, (4) Teaching, (5) Other professionals, (6) Science and health associated professionals,(7) Teaching and other associate professionals, (8) Office and service clerks, (9) Personal and protective services, (10) Models, salespersons, (11) Skilled agriculture and fishery workers, (12) Extraction, building, and other craft, (13) Metal and precision, printing, etc.,(14) Plant operators, drivers, (15) Machine operators, assemblers,(16) Miscellaneous operators, (17) Sales and service elementary tasks, (18) Agricultural and fishery laborers,(19) Mining, construction, manufacturing, and transport laborers, and (20) Miscellaneous laborers. Grouped occupations: High skill(1)(2)(3)(4)(5), Medium skill(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16), and Low skill(17)(18)(19)(20). ...