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Property Law and the Internal Market



Not often has the case law of the CJEU been applied to property law. There are many more aspects of property law that could be influenced by case law of the CJEU. The four freedoms can influence property law. To a large extent, the free movement of goods and its effect on property law, especially retention of title, has been considered. Because property law, in most Member States, forms a coherent system, the rules that apply to one property right also apply to other property rights. The effects of the four European freedoms on national property law can therefore potentially be more far reaching than just property security rights on movables, such as retention of title. This contribution seeks to explore some of the effects of the existing case law of the CJEU on property law in general. In doing so, this contribution focuses on the free movement of goods, capital and services.
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... 39 Може се закључити да Уговор не даје дефиницију појма кретање капитала. Уговором се предвиђа могућност увођења заштитне мере од стране државе чланице, којом се ограничава кретање капитала, под следећим условима: недискриминација у примени између домаћих и страних држављана, заштита јавног интереса или безбедности, пропорционалност и да се циљ није могао остварити другом мером (Akkermans, 2009). Да ли се члан 345 Уговора, који прописује да уговори неће ни на који начин утицати на прописе држава чланица, који регулишу стварно право, може протумачити у смислу да Европска унија нема надлежност над том облашћу? ...
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U radu se analizira poseban upravni postupak oglašavanja diplome i dodatka diplomi ništavim u slučajevima kada se utvrdi da završni rad nije rezultat samostalnog rada kandidata, odnosno da doktorska disertacija nije originalan naučni, odnosno umetnički rezultat rada kandidata. Na početku se ukazuje značaj ove teme za usklađivanje pravnog sistema Republike Srbije sa međunarodnim i evropskim standardima u oblasti visokog obrazovanja i naučnoistraživačke delatnosti te na razloge njene aktuelnosti. Potom su predstavljene odredbe pozitivnopravnih propisa koje definišu osnovne pojmove vezane za ovu upravnu stvar (javna isprava, diploma, dodatak diplomi, završni rad, plagijat) i odredbe kojima je regulisan upravni postupak oglašavanja diplome ništavom. Prikazane su specifičnosti plagijata u naučnoistraživačkoj delatnosti i analiza sadržaja i toka postupka. Na kraju, ukazano je na nedorečenosti i nedostatke domaćih propisa i na moguća poboljšanja legislative u pravcu ostvarivanja veće efikasnosti ovog postupka i postizanje njegovog krajnjeg cilja, a to je zaštita pravnog poretka i osiguranje kvaliteta u obrazovanju i nauci. ANNOUNCING DIPLOMA AND DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT NULLITY FOR PLAGIARISM Summary This paper analyzes the special administrative procedure of annulling diploma and diploma supplement when it is proved that the final work is not the result of independent work of the candidate or doctoral dissertation is not an original scientific or artistic result of the candidate. It points to the importance of this topic generally and for the harmonization of the legal system of the Republic of Serbia with international and European standards in the field of higher education and scientific research. It also presents legislation which defines the basic concepts related to this administrative matter (public document, diploma, diploma supplement, the final work, plagiarism) and the provisions governing the administrative procedure for annulling diploma. Finally, it shows the specific characteristics of plagiarism in science and content and phases of the administrative procedure. Finally, it points to the gaps and imperfections of national legislation and possible improvements towards achieving greater efficiency of this administrative procedure and the achievement of its ultimate goal, which is to protect the legal order and quality assurance in education and science.
The author expresses some reservations on the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union of April the second 2020 concerning Directive 1993/13, regarding legitimacy of the contract terms concluded with consumers. The author criticizes the judgment which states that the Directive is inapplicable to contracts concluded with a commonhold association, though it finds the Italian jurisprudence legitimate, which instead protects consumers in the case of non-legitimate clauses inserted in contracts concluded by administrators of commonhold associations. Moreover, the author notes the misalignment of the judgment on April the second 2020 with another judgment of fifth December 2019. In the latter judgment, the Court of Justice acknowledged that the laws set to protect end users of electric energy can be applied in favour of the owners of a building, in whose interest the commonhold association have concluded a contract for the supply of electric energy.
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One of the main obstacles to the internal market is legal diversity: Member States often adopt different legal standards not only within public and economic law but also with regard to private law. The traditional approach of European Institutions (harmonising legislation among Member States) was soon complemented by the principle of mutual recognition; these two methodologies embodied the European strategy for minimising the problem. However, a third European tool is becoming obvious: to give private parties the ability to choose the applicable law. This new approach enhances regulatory competition among Member States and turns unessential the unification of national rules, which suits best the proportionality principle. Party autonomy as a means for overcoming the difficulties of legal diversity is not only a reality in European statutory law – which already brought the ability for choosing the applicable law to contracts, torts, divorce, inheritance, alimony, matrimonial property – but is also highlighted in ECJ’s case-law, which declared legal diversity is not a barrier to the basic freedoms as long as parties may choose the applicable rules. The article will focus on the grounds and advantages of this method to address the issue of legal diversity, advocating its use in areas where the traditional approach is ineffective or impossible (such as some rights in rem, within the scope of the freedom of movement of capital).
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Leasing a property is sometimes not a real alternative to homeownership in many countries. A low proportion of rented housing hinders the efficiency of the housing market. Reasons for this may be of different natures but, for sure, most of them have roots in the urban leases legal system. A lease conceived as not flexible, not stable, and not affordable for tenants has little opportunity to be successful. At the same time, if it entails legal uncertainties, has low guarantees, and does not have an efficient eviction process, it is neither attractive for landlords who might prefer to close down their properties and leave them in disrepair. This paper analyses some key legal features in the three countries with the highest proportion of rented dwellings and in five Southern European countries with low proportions of rented properties and tries to find common elements that encourage or discourage citizens from opting for renting a property instead of buying it. Resumé: Dans de nombreux pays, le bail d'une propriété n'offre pas toujours une alternative réelle à la propriété. Un faible pourcentage de baux d'habitation freine l'efficacité du marché des immeubles d'habitations. Il peut y avoir différentes raisons à cette situation mais il est certain que la plupart d'entre elles proviennent du système légal des baux urbains. Un bail conçu comme peu flexible, peu stable et coûteux pour les locataires offre peu de chances de succès. Si en même temps il comporte des incertitudes juridiques et des rendements faibles, s'il offre peu de garanties et ne connaît pas de procédure d'expulsion efficace, il n'est pas intéressant non plus pour les bailleurs qui pourraient être amenés à fermer leurs propriétés et les laisser à l'abandon. Le présent article analyse ces principales caractéristiques dans les trois pays qui ont le plus haut pourcentage de logements loués et dans cinq pays du sud de l'Europe ayant un faible pourcentage de propriétés louées et tente de trouver des éléments communs qui encouragent ou découragent les citoyens à choisir la location d'une propriété plutôt que l'achat. Zusammenfassung : Wohnimmobilien zu mieten stellt in vielen Ländern manchmal keine wirkliche Alternative zum Eigentumserwerb dar. Eine geringe Anzahl an gemietetem Wohnraum behindert die Effizienz des Wohnraummietmarkts. Die Gründe hierfür können unterschiedlicher Natur sein, aber sicherlich wurzeln die meisten von ihnen in dem Rechtssystem städtischen Mietens. Eine von Mietern als unflexibel, instabil und unbezahlbar empfundene Miete hat kaum Chancen auf Erfolg. Gleichzeitig stellt Vermieten, soweit es rechtliche Unsicherheiten beinhaltet, nur geringe Sicherheiten und kein effizientes Zwangsräumungsverfahren bietet, auch keine attraktive Alternative für Eigentümer dar, die es gegebenenfalls bevorzugen, die Wohnimmobilie leer stehen und verfallen zu lassen. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert einige Schlüsselaspekte in den drei Ländern mit dem höchsten Anteil an vermietetem Wohnraum sowie in fünf südeuropäischen Ländern mit geringem Anteil hieran und versucht gemeinsame Elemente herauszuarbeiten, die Bürger dazu motivieren oder demotivieren, sich für das Mieten anstelle des Kaufens einer Immobilie zu entscheiden.
In all post-feudal legal systems, the basic ways of owning property are limited in number and are standardized, in the sense that courts will enforce as property only interests that are built from a list of recognized forms. In the common law, this principle has no name and is invoked only semi-consciously; it is known in the civil-law tradition as the numerus clausus. This Article adopts this term for the corresponding understanding in the common law, and advances an information-cost theory that explains the ubiquity and durability of the doctrine. The numerus clausus can be seen at work in a variety of areas, including estates in land, concurrent interests, nonpossessory interests, interests in personal property, and intellectual property. The Article argues that the principle serves throughout the law of property to reduce third-party information costs. Because of their in rem nature, property rights give rise to third-party information costs in a way that contract rights do not. Individuals trying to avoid violating property rights or investigating whether to acquire them need to gather information. Those creating property rights will in some situations have too little incentive to conform to the most popular forms, requiring a degree of mandatory standardization. As it operates in practice, the numerus clausus strikes a rough balance between the costs of frustrating parties' objectives on the one hand and third-party information costs on the other. The Article demonstrates that this information-cost theory provides a better account for the numerus clausus than do alternative positive and normative views, including those based on the sufficiency of notice, network effects, private standards, anti-fragmentation concerns, and the increasing importance of contract-based rights. Finally, the Article shows that, because it tends to preclude judicial innovation in the basic forms of property rights, the numerus clausus acts as an institutional-choice mechanism that channels innovation in the menu of property rights to legislatures. In keeping with the basic information-cost theory, legislative creation and abolition of property rights is likely to lead to lower information costs than would judicial entrepreneurship in this area.
Zum Einfluß der Warenverkehrsfreiheit auf das nationale und internationale Sachenrecht der Mitgliedstaaten Sachenrecht und Insolvenzrecht unter dem EG-­‐Vertrag, 60 (Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht
  • M Kieninger
  • Mobiliarsicherheiten Im Europäischen
  • Binnenmarkt
M. Kieninger, Mobiliarsicherheiten im Europäischen Binnenmarkt. Zum Einfluß der Warenverkehrsfreiheit auf das nationale und internationale Sachenrecht der Mitgliedstaaten Sachenrecht und Insolvenzrecht unter dem EG-­‐Vertrag, 60 (Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht; Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1996), p. 135-­‐136.
et seqEuropean Property Law: A methodology for the future', in Reiner Schulze and Hans Schulte-­‐Nölke, European Private Law – Current Status and Perspectives
  • Kluwer
Kluwer, 2007), p. 693ff., J. H. M. v. Erp, 'From " classical " to modern European property law?', Essays in honour of Konstantinos D. Kerameus/Festschrift für Konstantinos D. Kerameus (Athens/Brussels: Ant. N. Sakkoulas/Bruylant, 2009), p. 1517 et seq, J.H.M. van Erp, 'European Property Law: A methodology for the future', in Reiner Schulze and Hans Schulte-­‐Nölke, European Private Law – Current Status and Perspectives (München: Sellier European Law Publishers, 2011), p. 227 et seq. 156 Research on the property law acquis is currently being undertaken at the Faculty of Law in Maastricht by ms. Eveline Ramaekers LLM. Contributions and criticism are more than welcome in the search for the property law acquis.
154 On this same idea seeObligations and property: Exploring the BorderHet goederenrecht als open systeem van verbintenissen? Poging tot een nieuwe kwalificatie van de vermogensrechten
  • K G C Alia
  • V Reid
  • R Sagaert
  • J H M Libchaber
153 Exactly this happened in the Reisch decision. This point exactly was taken up by AG Scharpston in the case Zambrano, in which she argued for a new approach towards internal market law. See AG Sharpston, opinion to Case C-­‐34/09 Gerardo Ruiz Zambrano v Office National de l'Emploi (ONEM), delivered on 30 September 2010. 154 On this same idea see, inter alia, K. G. C. Reid, 'Obligations and property: Exploring the Border', Acta Juridica, 227 (1997), 225-­‐245, V. Sagaert, 'Het goederenrecht als open systeem van verbintenissen? Poging tot een nieuwe kwalificatie van de vermogensrechten', Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht, 42/3 (2005), 983-­‐1086, R. Libchaber, 'La recodification du droit des biens', Le Code civil 1804-­‐2004; Livre du Bicentenaire (Paris: Dalloz/Lexis Nexis Litec, 2004), 297-­‐372, J. H. M. v.
53 On the proportionality test and private law see, inter alia, J. Israël, European Cross-­‐Border Insolvency Regulation
53 On the proportionality test and private law see, inter alia, J. Israël, European Cross-­‐Border Insolvency Regulation (Antwerpen Oxford: Intersentia, 2005), p. 119-­‐120. 54 Case 261/81 Rau v. De Smedt [1982] ECR 3961.
  • G De Búrca
  • Eu Law
Craig and G. De Búrca, EU Law. Text, Cases and Materials (4th edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), p. 708-­‐709.
  • E M Kieninger
E.M. Kieninger, Mobiliarsicherheiten im Europäischen Binnenmarkt. Zum Einfluß der Warenverkehrsfreiheit auf das nationale und internationale Sachenrecht der Mitgliedstaaten (Baden-­-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1996), p. 173-­-174. See also E.M. Kieninger, 'Securities in Movable Property within the Common Market', European Review of Private Law/4 (1996), 41-­66, p. 63-­-64.
Sachenrecht und Insolvenzrecht unter dem EG-­-Vertrag, 60 (Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht
  • P Wilmowsky
  • Europäisches Kreditsicherungsrecht
P. Wilmowsky, von, Europäisches Kreditsicherungsrecht. Sachenrecht und Insolvenzrecht unter dem EG-­-Vertrag, 60 (Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht;
On the proportionality test and private law see, inter alia
On the proportionality test and private law see, inter alia, J. Israël, European Cross-­-Border Insolvency Regulation (Antwerpen Oxford: Intersentia, 2005), p. 119-­-120.
Het goederenrecht als open systeem van verbintenissen? Poging tot een nieuwe kwalificatie van de vermogensrechten
  • V Inter Alia
  • Sagaert
For such endeavours see, inter alia, V. Sagaert, 'Het goederenrecht als open systeem van verbintenissen? Poging tot een nieuwe kwalificatie van de vermogensrechten', Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht, 42/3 (2005), 983-­-1086, p. 983ff., J. T. Füller, Eigenständiges Sachenrecht?, Band 104 (Jus Privatum. Beitrage zum Privatrecht;