
Proanthocyanidin-rich grape seed extract reduces leg swelling in healthy women during prolonged sitting

Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture
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BACKGROUND: Leg swelling is a modern-day affliction of sedentary working women. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the intake of grape seed extract (GSE) on leg swelling in healthy Japanese women while sitting. RESULTS: Single intake trials and 14 day intake trials were held in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover clinical study. A prolonged sedentary position was maintained for 6 h after GSE or placebo administration. Leg volume distension, increase in body extracellular fluid, and leg water were significantly suppressed in the GSE groups. CONCLUSION: The intake of GSE is a contributing factor in the inhibition of leg swelling in healthy women during prolonged sitting.

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... Endogenous sources are: mitochondria, cellular oxidases (xanthine oxidase (XO), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase (NOX)), nitric oxide synthase (NOS), myeloperoxidase (MPO), processes related to peroxisomes, cellular respiration, cytochrome P450 oxidases, microsomal cyclooxygenase (COX), and catalyzed metal reactions. ROS is also produced exogenously through sources such as chemical drugs, pollutants, nutrient overdose, mutagens, xenobiotics, and ionizing radiation (Figure 1) [24]. Several studies have shown that ROS-derived mitochondria and NOX are critical sources of ROS production in adipocytes [30]. ...
... Reactive oxygen species (ROS) resources[24]. ...
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One of the leading causes of obesity associated with oxidative stress (OS) is excessive consumption of nutrients, especially fast-foods, and a sedentary lifestyle, characterized by the ample accumulation of lipid in adipose tissue (AT). When the body needs energy, the lipid is broken down into glycerol (G) and free fatty acids (FFA) during the lipolysis process and transferred to various tissues in the body. Materials secreted from AT, especially adipocytokines (interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)) and reactive oxygen species (ROS), are impressive in causing inflammation and OS of AT. There are several ways to improve obesity, but researchers have highly regarded the use of antioxidant supplements due to their neutralizing properties in removing ROS. In this review, we have examined the AT response to OS to antioxidant supplements focusing on animal studies. The results are inconsistent due to differences in the study duration and diversity in animals (strain, age, and sex). Therefore, there is a need for different studies, especially in humans.
... It is known to enhance collagen and elastin synthesis. [19] It was the most commonly (66.9%) prescribed medication for lymphedema. Diuretics was prescribed for 21.8% of patients with lymphedema for 32.1 days annually on average. ...
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Lymphedema is known to affect as many as 140 to 250 million people worldwide. Approximately 99% of lymphedemas are secondary cases after lymphadenectomy, radiation, or parasite infection. There has been no accurate estimate of the lymphedema population size in South Korea. This study aimed to quantify the epidemiology of lymphedema in South Korea and analyze the clinical characteristics of patients with lymphedema using a nationwide database. This large-scale cross-sectional study included patients who received one of the following three diagnostic codes – Q82.0 (hereditary lymphedema), I97.2 (breast cancer-related lymphedema), and I89.0 (unclassified lymphedema) from the Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment service between January 2019 and July 2022 at tertiary hospitals, general hospitals, or other hospitals. The demographics of the lymphedema population, medication use, and medical characteristics were identified. Over the last 4 years, the annual incidence of lymphedema has steadily increased and peaked in 2021 with the number 1.85 out of 1000. Of all patients, 81% were located in the upper extremity, and 10.6% had previous cancer. Most patients were diagnosed in general hospitals (53.2%), at orthopedic surgery department (41.9%). On average, lymphedema patients spent 70.17 US dollar for medication and hospitalized for 16.9 days annually after diagnosis. Commonly prescribed medications were Entelon ® ( Vitis vinifera seed extract) (66.9%), steroids (40.5%), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (26.5%) and diuretics (21.8%). Only 5.7% of patients received surgery and 19.2% received herbal medicine. This is the first study in South Korea to quantify demographic and medical characteristics of lymphedema patients. These results will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of lymphedema diagnosis and treatment in our nation.
... [23] In a previous study, GSPE demonstrated an improvement in CVI symptoms, [30] and it has also shown to improve symptoms of edema by reducing capillar permeability. [31,32] In our study, blood flow velocity significantly increased after treatment with GSPE. ...
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Background: Four-dimensional (4D) flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to objectively assess changes in blood flow velocity in patients with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) who underwent stocking treatment alone and stocking combined with Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE) treatment. Methods: Patients diagnosed with CVI were recruited from August 31, 2018 to December 31, 2020. A total of 23 participants were selected, with 10 and 13 patients in the stocking treatment and stocking + GSPE treatment groups, respectively. The blood flow velocity (Th-plane peak and average velocities) was calculated using 4D flow MRI. A paired t test was used to evaluate the differences in blood flow velocity before and after treatment. Results: In the stocking treatment group, The Th-Plane peak velocity increased by 2.48 ± 5.05 cm/s after treatment (P = .16). In the stocking + GSPE treatment group, the Th-Plane peak velocity increased by 4.85 ± 5.57 cm/s after treatment (P < .001). Conclusion: The blood flow velocity on 4D flow MRI was significantly increased in participants who underwent GSPE, highlighting the potential of GSPE for CVI treatment.
... Conversely polyphenols exhibited a few interesting effects in vascular diseases; they represent a specific class of natural antioxi-dant principles, which showed multiple beneficial actions on the general free radical production, as well as polyphenols elicit the NrF2 and ARE system pathway acting as xenobiotics in a hormetic fashion. 21,22 The intake of polyphenols seems to provide a beneficial effect in venous [23][24][25] and lymphatic diseases. 1,3,26-29 Namely coumarin/curcumin-rich foods or, better, nutraceuticals seem to target a few of the basic pathologic processes at the root of LYM. ...
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Nutrition is considered a basic component in the management of any vascular disease. Lymphedema is characterised by an increase of interstitial fluid due to a lymphatic system morphological and/or functional alteration. Therapeutic management of lymphedema includes a multi-faceted approach based on compression and physiotherapy mainly. Weight control and antiinflammatory and anti-edema diet are two additional necessary components of the holistic therapy in presence of primary or secondary limb lymphedema. This narrative review provides the available information derived from the scientific literature on nutrition in lymphedema, which anyway lacks robust evidence. Additional information and speculations are provided on the role of food, diet, nutraceuticals and fasting on the basic processes at the root of the chronic progressive degeneration of tissue lymph stasis, i.e. weight excess, inflammation, edema, fibroadiposis. More targeted and randomized studies are needed in order to assess and standardise the obvious, so far neglected, role of nutrition in lymphedema patients.
... Researchers have also found that GSE in a dose of 100 mg/day for a month attenuated the increased expression of adhesion molecules (intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and E-selectin) as a result of inflammatory response in the plasma of systemic sclerosis patients (Kalin et al., 2002). In a recent study, Sano, Tokutake, and Seo (2013) have demonstrated the ability of GSE to reduce leg swelling sometimes seen with sitting for prolonged periods of time. It was observed that GSE at a dose of 400 mg taken for 2 weeks reduced the leg volume (via swelling) by 70%. ...
... A prolonged sedentary position was maintained for 6 h after the extract administration. After 14 day trials, leg volume distension and increased body extracellular fluid were significantly suppressed (Sano et al. 2012). The effect of grape seed-derived resveratrol and its natural precursor, polydatin on heat-stressed human keratinocytes was evaluated. ...
Grapes (Vitis vinifera) are universally appreciated fruits for their delicacy and nutrition. All the more fame stems from their fermentation products wines. The by-product pomace comprising of skin and seeds often ends up as wastes. Lately, the seeds have been discovered to contain an ample amount of diverse bioactive compounds. Polyphenols are found in abundance in the seeds, proanthocyanidin being the most prominent class. The seed extracts are increasingly being recognized as human food supplement for disease prevention and overall health promotion. Their uses have ramified to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antilipemic, antihypertensive, hepatoprotective, osteoprotectant, antidiabetic, neuroprotective, anticancer and antimicrobial agents. Now that nutrient recovery from food by-products and residues as well as fortification has emerged as thrust areas, the relevance of grape seed extract deserves exploration. This chapter presents a complete account of the current state of knowledge and future directions.
... Proanthocyanidin, a group of antioxidants subclass of polyphenols, is present abundantly in fruits such as apple, pear, grapes, and also in daily diet like chocolate, wine and tea [8] . Due to potent antioxidative activity, proanthocyanidins have been the subject of recent research, demonstrating antibactierial [9] , antiviral [10][11] , anticarcinogenic [12] , anti-inflammatory [13][14] , antiallergicvasodilatory [15][16] , antiswelling [17] and neuroprotective activities [18][19][20][21] . More recently, Yang et al [22] verified that the grape seed extract was able to protect oxidative stressed-induced retinal ganglion cell damage by using differentiated retinal ganglion cell line RGC-5 cells. ...
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The death of retinal ganglion cells is a hallmark of many optic neurodegenerative diseases such as glaucoma and retinopathy. Oxidative stress is one of the major reasons to cause the cell death. Oligomeric proanthocyanidin has many health beneficial effects including antioxidative and neuroprotective actions. Here we tested whether oligomeric proanthocyanidin may protect retinal ganglion cells against oxidative stress induced-apoptosis in vitro. Retinal ganglion cells were treated with hydrogen peroxide with or without oligomeric proanthocyanidin. 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay showed that treating retinal ganglion cell line RGC-5 cells with 20 μmol/L oligomeric proanthocyanidin significantly decreased the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induced death. Results of flow cytometry and Hoechst staining demonstrated that the death of RGC-5 cells was mainly caused by cell apoptosis. We further found that expression of pro-apoptotic Bax and caspase-3 were significantly decreased while anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 was greatly increased in H2O2 damaged RGC-5 cells with oligomeric proanthocyanidin by western blot assay. Furthermore, in retinal explant culture, the number of surviving retinal ganglion cells in H2O2-damaged retinal ganglion cells with oligomeric proanthocyanidin was significantly increased. Our studies thus demonstrate that oligomeric proanthocyanidin can protect oxidative stress-injured retinal ganglion cells by inhibiting apoptotic process.
Nutraceuticals, a term combining the words ‘nutrition’ and ‘pharmaceutical’, are diet supplements that deliver a concentrated form of a presumed bioactive agent from a food, presented in a non-food matrix. Consumers who are concerned about their health are becoming more and more interested in health-promoting products, and as a result, a wide variety of nutraceuticals that contain phytochemicals from food are now offered on the market. The main plant compounds known as terpenoids, phenolic metabolites, alkaloids and other nitrogen-based plant elements are the majority of phytochemicals found in the nutraceutical industry. Certain nutraceuticals are said to have a positive effect on cardiovascular disorders such deep vein thrombosis, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, cor pulmonale and chronic disease like heart attack/ischaemia. It has been shown that bacopa monnieri is an Ayurvedic nerve tonic, suggesting that it may have a role in preventing dementia and acting as a cutting-edge memory booster. Green tea and cinnamon tea can be beneficial for diabetics. Psyllium-derived dietary fibres have been used to lower lipid levels in hyperlipidaemia and manage blood sugar in diabetic individuals. Ѡ-3 fatty acid supplementation in type 2 diabetes is beneficial for bring down blood pressure, inflammatory indicators and triglycerides and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol.
The term varicose vein refers to the twisted and swollen vein visible under the skin surface which occurs most commonly in the leg. Epidemiological studies report a varying percentage of incidences from 2 to 56% in men and <1–60% in women. Venous insufficiency is most often caused by the damage to the valves and walls of the veins. The mechanism of varicose vein formation is complex. It is, however, based on hypotensive blood vessels, hypoxia, and other mechanisms associated with inflammation. This work describes mechanisms related to the formation and development of the varicose vein. It discusses risk factors, pathogenesis of chronic venous disease, markers of the epithelial and leukocyte activation, state of hypoxia and inflammation, reactive oxygen species (ROS)generation, and oxidative stress. Additionally, this paper describes substances of plant origin used in the treatment of venous insufficiency. It also considers the structure of the molecules, their properties, and their mechanisms of action, the structure-activity relationship and chemical properties of flavonoids and other substances. The flavonoids include quercetin derivatives, micronized purified flavonoid fraction (Daflon), natural pine bark extract (Pycnogenol), and others such as triterpene saponine, extracts from Ruscus aculeatus and Centella asiatica, Ginkgo biloba extract, coumarin dereivatives that are used in chronic venous insufficiency. Flavonoids are natural substances found in plants, including fruits, vegetables, flowers, and others. They are important to the circulatory system and critical to blood vessels and the blood flow. Additionally, they have antioxidant, antiinflammatory properties.
A clinical study was conducted to assess the safety and tolerability of oral doses of proanthocyanidin-rich grape seed extract (GSE) in healthy Japanese adult volunteers. In an open-label, 4-week toxicity test, 29 subjects daily received 1,000, 1,500, or 2,500 mg GSE orally. Serum Fe levels of two subjects in the 2,500 mg GSE group decreased to 61 and 60 μg/100 mL from 205 and 182 μg/100 mL at baseline respectively, at second week of GSE consumption; these values are low but within the normal range for the Japanese population. Two weeks after completing the 4-week course of GSE ingestion, the serum Fe levels of both subjects returned to near baseline levels (210 and 189 μg/100 mL). No subject discontinued the study. Oral intake of GSE up to 2,500 mg for 4 weeks was found to be generally safe and well tolerated in humans. Research with a larger number of subjects is required to confirm these findings.
This research provides a new cryo-sectioning technique for visualizing proanthocyanidins-containing elements in plant tissues. The procedure consisted of steps as follows. First, the proanthocyanidins were stained by vanillin acidic solution or p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde acidic solution. Then the samples were frozen at -80°C for 30 min and sectioned at -20°C. The distribution of proanthocyanidins in cells could be quickly observed after applying this method. This described sectioning method is suitable for visualizing the substances which are more or less soluble in acetone-water and hydroalcoholic mixtures.
This study assessed the use of microswitch-aided programs to help three non-ambulatory adults with multiple disabilities exercise foot-leg responses. Those responses served to activate a largely neglected part of the participants' body, with possibly positive physical implications (e.g., for blood circulation, swelling, and muscle strength). Intervention focused on the left and right foot-leg response, separately. Eventually, sessions with one response were alternated with sessions with the other response. Responses were monitored via microswitches and followed by 8s of preferred stimulation (e.g., music and vibrotactile stimulation), which was automatically delivered. The results showed that all three participants had high levels of foot-leg responses during the intervention phases and a 3-week post-intervention check. The participants also displayed expressions of positive involvement during those study periods (i.e., engaged in behaviors, such as music-related head movements, smiles, or touching the vibratory devices) that could be interpreted as forms of interest/pleasure and happiness. These results are in line with previous findings in this area and can be taken as an important confirmation of the strength and dependability of the approach in motivating non-ambulatory persons with multiple disabilities to engage in foot-leg movements. The practical implications of these findings are discussed.
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The acidified vanillin method for determination of plant tannins has been reassessed. Excluding light and controlling the temperature of the reaction mixture increased the colour stability of the vanillin tannin adduct. Selection of optimum concentrations of reactants and solvents enabled the method to be used in the range 5-500 μg of condensed tannin with a precision and accuracy greater than 1 μg.
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The flavonoids scavenge hydroxyl (.OH) radicals generated by UV photolysis of hydrogen peroxide. Free .OH radicals were spin-trapped by 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide and the adduct was detected by high pressure liquid chromatography coupled with an electrochemical detector. The scavenging activity of flavonoids decreases in the order: myricetin > quercetin > rhamnetin > morin > diosmetin > naringenin > apigenin > catechin >5,7- dihydroxy -3′,4′,5′-trimethoxyflavone > robinin > kaempferol > flavone. The activity increases with the number of hydroxyl groups substituted in the aromatic B-ring. The presence of a hydroxyl at C-3 and its glycosylation does not further increase scavenging efficiency. It is suggested that the overall antioxidant effect of flavonoids on lipid peroxidation may be due to their .OH and O·−2 scavenging properties and the reaction with peroxy radicals.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a red-vine-leaf extract (AS195, Antistax(®), Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Ingelheim, Germany) on the volume of the leg and clinical symptoms in patients with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). A multicentre, randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled study was carried out with 720 mg AS195 per day over 12 weeks in CVI patients (CEAP Grades 3-4a) and moderate-to-severe clinical symptoms. Efficacy endpoints were changes in limb volume determined by water displacement volumetry, clinical CVI symptoms assessed on a 10-cm visual analogue scale and global efficacy evaluations. The full-analysis set included 248 patients (placebo: n = 122; AS195: n = 126). After 12 weeks, AS195 significantly reduced lower limb volume by a mean of 19.9 standard error (SE) 8.9 ml over placebo (95% confidence interval (CI): -37.5, -2.3; p = 0.0268; analysis of covariance, ANCOVA). The standardised effect size of 0.28 for volume reduction indicates a clinically relevant effect. On Day 84, the symptom of 'pain in the legs' assessed by visual analogue scale decreased in the AS195 group compared with the placebo group: mean difference -6.6 SD 3.3 mm (95% CI: -13.1,-0.1; p = 0.047). Other symptoms showed no significant change. The tolerability of AS195 was similar to that of placebo. AS195 treatment for 84 days resulted in an approximately 20 ml reduction of limb volume in the active treatment group compared with the placebo group. Patients reported subjective improvement following treatment with AS195 compared with placebo. However, patients' overall rating of efficacy did not correlate well with measured reductions in limb volume. Trial Registration: NCT00855179.
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We used venous congestion strain gauge plethysmography (VCP) to measure the changes in fluid filtration capacity (K(f)), isovolumetric venous pressure (Pv(i)), and blood flow in six volunteers before, on the 118th day (D118) of head-down tilt (HDT), and 2 days after remobilization (Post). We hypothesized that 120 days of HDT cause significant micro- and macrovascular changes. We observed a significant increase in K(f) from 3.6 +/- 0.4 x 10(-3) to 5.7 +/- 0.9 x 10(-3) ml. min(-1). 100 ml(-1). mmHg(-1) (+51.4%; P < 0.003), which returned to pretilt values (4.0 + 0.4 x 10(-3) ml. min(-1). 100 ml(-1). mmHg(-1)) after remobilization. Similarly, Pv(i) increased from 13.4 +/- 2.1 mmHg to 28.9 +/- 2.8 mmHg (+105.8%; P < 0.001) at D118 and was not significantly different at Post (12.4 +/- 2.6 mmHg). Blood flow decreased significantly from 2.3 +/- 0.3 to 1.3 +/- 0.2 ml. min(-1). 100 ml tissue(-1) at D118 and was found elevated to 3.4 +/- 0.7 ml. min(-1). 100 ml tissue(-1) at Post. We believe that the increased K(f) is caused by a higher microvascular water permeability. Because this may result in edema formation, it could contribute to the alterations in fluid homeostasis after exposure to microgravity.
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Epidemiologic studies have linked flavonoid-rich foods with a reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality. Some cocoas are flavonoid-rich and contain the monomeric flavanols (-)-epicatechin and (+)-catechin and oligomeric procyanidins formed from these monomeric units. Both the monomers and the oligomers have shown potential in favorably influencing cardiovascular health in in vitro and preliminary clinical studies. Although previous investigations have shown increasing concentrations of (-)-epicatechin in human plasma after cocoa consumption, no information is available in the published literature regarding the presence of procyanidins in human plasma. This study sought to determine whether procyanidins can be detected and quantified in human plasma after acute consumption of a flavanol-rich cocoa. Peripheral blood was obtained from 5 healthy adult subjects before (baseline, 0 h) and 0.5, 2, and 6 h after consumption of 0.375 g cocoa/kg body wt as a beverage. Plasma samples were analyzed for monomers and procyanidins with the use of reversed-phase HPLC with coulometric electrochemical array detection and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Procyanidin dimer, (-)-epicatechin, and (+)-catechin were detected in the plasma of human subjects as early as 0.5 h (16 +/- 5 nmol/L, 2.61 +/- 0.46 micro mol/L, and 0.13 +/- 0.03 micro mol/L, respectively) after acute cocoa consumption and reached maximal concentrations by 2 h (41 +/- 4 nmol/L, 5.92 +/- 0.60 micro mol/L, and 0.16 +/- 0.03 micro mol/L, respectively). Dimeric procyanidins can be detected in human plasma as early as 30 min after the consumption of a flavanol-rich food such as cocoa.
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The quantitative distribution of flavan-3-ols was determined using high-performance liquid chromatography in several grape seed extracts (GSEs). In all GSEs, polymers of four or more carbon units were the group of procyanidins present in the highest concentration, the real quantity ranging between 60% and 99.5%. In a previous paper we established a relation between antioxidant and anticlastogenic activity of GSEs. A higher grade of polymerization in GSEs allows the existence of a higher number of conjugated structures and higher antioxidant activity. The radioprotective effects of GSEs with various grades of polymerization were determined by use of the micronucleus test for anticlastogenic activity, evaluating the reduction in the frequency of micronuclei in cytokinesis-blocked cells of human lymphocytes exposed to gamma-rays. The radioprotective efficiency of GSEs was according to their grade of polymerization: GSE3 > GSE2 > GSE1 > dimethylsulfoxide. The higher antioxidant capacity and anticlastogenic activity of GSEs can be explained, structurally, by the high number of conjugated structures between the catechol groups in the B-rings and the 3-OH free groups of the polymeric polyphenolic skeleton and, in addition, by the stability of the aroxyl flavonoid radical generated in the processes.
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To measure body water distribution and to evaluate the accuracy of eight-polar bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) for the assessment of total body water (TBW) and extracellular water (ECW) in severe obesity. Cross-sectional study. Obesity clinic. In all, 75 women aged 18-66 y, 25 with body mass index (BMI) between 19.1 and 29.9 kg/m(2) (ie not obese), 25 with BMI between 30.0 and 39.9 kg/m(2) (ie class I and II obese), and 25 with BMI between 40.0 and 48.2 kg/m(2) (ie class III obese). TBW and ECW were measured by (2)H(2)O and Br dilution. Body resistance (R) was obtained by summing the resistances of arms, trunk and legs as measured by eight-polar BIA (InBody 3.0, Biospace, Seoul, Korea). The resistance index at a frequency of x kHz (RI(x)) was calculated as height (2)/R(x). ECW : TBW was similar in women with class III (46+/-3%, mean+/-s.d.) and class I-II obesity (45+/-3%) but higher than in nonobese women (39+/-3%, P<0.05). In a random subsample of 37 subjects, RI(500) explained 82% of TBW variance (P<0.0001) and cross-validation of the obtained algorithm in the remaining 38 subjects gave a percent root mean square error (RMSE%) of 5% and a pure error (PE) of 2.1 l. In the same subjects, RI(5) explained 87% of ECW variance (P<0.0001) and cross-validation of the obtained algorithm gave a RMSE% of 8% and a PE of 1.4 l. The contribution of weight and BMI to the prediction of TBW and ECW was nil or negligible on practical grounds. ECW : TBW is similar in women with class I-II and class III obesity up to BMI values of 48.2 kg/m(2). Eight-polar BIA offers accurate estimates of TBW and ECW in women with a wide range of BMI (19.1-48.2 kg/m(2)) without the need of population-specific formulae.
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Grape seed extract (GSE) has in vitro antioxidant activity but whether or not it works in vivo is not clear. In a fully randomised, crossover trial with 4-week treatment periods on 36 men and women with above-average vascular risk, we aimed to demonstrate that 2 g/day of GSE (1 g of polyphenols) alone, or with 1 g/day of added quercetin in yoghurt, favourably alters vascular function, endothelial function, and degree of oxidative damage in comparison to a control yoghurt. GSE alone improved flow-mediated dilatation determined ultrasonically by an absolute 1.1 % compared with control. There was no effect of the combination of GSE with quercetin. No other blood or urine measure was altered. Thus sufficient polyphenols from GSE appear to be absorbed to influence endothelial nitric oxide production, and GSE has the potential to favourably influence vascular function.
Proanthocyanidins (syn condensed tannins) are complex flavonoid polymers naturally present in cereals, legume seeds and particularly abundant in some fruits and fruit juices. They share some common structural features—phenolic nature and high molecular weight—with phenolic polymers found in black tea and red wine (called here tannin‐like compounds). The polymeric nature of proanthocyanidins makes their analysis and estimation in food difficult. For this reason, little is known about their consumption, although they likely contribute a large part of the daily polyphenol intake. They also share common physicochemical properties: they form stable complexes with metal ions and with proteins and are, like other polyphenols, good reducing agents. Many of their biological effects of nutritional interest derive from these properties. As metal ion chelators, they influence the bioavailability of several minerals. The nutritional significance of the non‐specific complexation of proteins is less clear. As reducing agents, they may participate in the prevention of cancers, both of the digestive tract and inner organs. They may also protect LDLs against oxidation and inhibit platelet aggregation and therefore prevent cardiovascular diseases. In vitro , animal and human studies on the prevention of these chronic diseases are reviewed with particular attention to wine and tea polyphenols. The lack of data on their bioavailability and the paucity of human studies are emphasised. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry
Seven flavonoids and three non-flavonoid antioxidants, i.e. butylated hydroxyanisole, chlorpromazine and BW 755 C, were studied as potential scavengers of oxygen free radicals. Superoxide anions were generated enzymatically in a xanthine-xanthine oxidase system and non-enzymatically in a phenazine methosulphate-NADH system, and assayed by reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium. The generation of malonaldehyde (MDA) by the ascorbate-stimulated air-oxidised boiled rat liver microsomes was considered as an index of the non-enzymatic formation of hydroxyl radicals. Flavonoids but not non-flavonoid antioxidants lowered the concentration of detectable superoxide anions in both enzymic and non-enzymic systems which generated these SOD-sensitive radicals. The most effective inhibitors of superoxide anions were quercetin, myricetin and rutin. Four out of seven investigated flavonoids seemed also to suppress the activity of xanthine oxidase as measured by a decrease in uric acid biosynthesis. All ten investigated compounds inhibited the MDA formation by rat liver microsomes. Non-flavonoid antioxidants were more potent MDA inhibitors than flavonoids. It is concluded that antioxidant properties of flavonoids are effected mainly via scavenging of superoxide anions whereas non-flavonoid antioxidants act on further links of free radical chain reactions, most likely by scavenging of hydroxyl radicals.
To clarify the dynamics of leg swelling during standing and sitting work without restricting leg movement, lower leg swelling and subjective complaints were measured during work under three working conditions: Straight standing, buttock chair sitting and ordinary chair sitting. Twelve subjects (eight males and four females) were assigned jigsaw puzzles as a task for an hour. The lower leg swelling and subjective complaints were recorded every two minutes. The lower leg swelling was measured by the bioelectrical impedance method. The results were as follows: (1) The lower leg swelling increased during the work under all working conditions. The swelling was least for straight standing and greatest for ordinary chair sitting. The mean and standard deviations for leg swelling after one hour's work were 5.8±3.9% for straight standing, 8.2±4.7% for buttock chair sitting and 9.7±7.5% for ordinary chair sitting. (2) The subjective complaints also increased during work. Complaining of lower leg dullness was least for ordinary chair sitting and greatest for straight standing. The relation to the leg swelling was reversed. Complaining of low back pain was more common for buttock chair sitting than for other working postures. It is reasonable that prolonged standing is more likely to cause leg swelling than sitting because of high hydrostatic pressure. This theory has been supported by studies on motionless standing and sitting. Our results obtained without restricting leg movement, however, showed a reversed relation. It was considered that leg swelling factors such as low muscle activity and lymph pumps, low interstitial pressure brought on by low muscle activity, and the seat pressure during prolonged sitting may be dominant in the sitting posture although the hydrostatic pressure was low compared with the standing posture.
Simultaneous measurements of pressure and volume were made on nine great saphenous veins obtained at autopsies and nine great saphenous veins that were stripped during surgery from patients with primary varicose veins. Similar measurements were also made on six great saphenous veins obtained at autopsy before and after they were held at 100 cm H2O for 4 h. Circumferential tensions were calculated from Laplace's law (tension = pressure × radius).The great saphenous veins from patients with primary varicose veins had significantly greater radii and were more distensible than the normal great saphenous veins. After being held at 100 cm H2O for 4 h, the normal great saphenous veins became less distensible and their radii at distending pressures increased.Due to the great difference in radii, the circumferential tension on a great saphenous vein from a patient with primary varicose veins is much greater than that on a normal great saphenous vein at the same distending pressure. However, the physical stresses exerted on the great saphenous veins during the stripping operations may influence our results in some unknown way.
Proanthocyanidins (syn condensed tannins) are complex flavonoid polymers naturally present in cereals, legume seeds and particularly abundant in some fruits and fruit juices. They share some common structural features—phenolic nature and high molecular weight—with phenolic polymers found in black tea and red wine (called here tannin-like compounds). The polymeric nature of proanthocyanidins makes their analysis and estimation in food difficult. For this reason, little is known about their consumption, although they likely contribute a large part of the daily polyphenol intake. They also share common physicochemical properties: they form stable complexes with metal ions and with proteins and are, like other polyphenols, good reducing agents. Many of their biological effects of nutritional interest derive from these properties. As metal ion chelators, they influence the bioavailability of several minerals. The nutritional significance of the non-specific complexation of proteins is less clear. As reducing agents, they may participate in the prevention of cancers, both of the digestive tract and inner organs. They may also protect LDLs against oxidation and inhibit platelet aggregation and therefore prevent cardiovascular diseases. In vitro, animal and human studies on the prevention of these chronic diseases are reviewed with particular attention to wine and tea polyphenols. The lack of data on their bioavailability and the paucity of human studies are emphasised.© 2000 Society of Chemical Industry
The technique of phase-measuring profilometry is reviewed, whereby a sinusoidal grating structure is projected onto a diffuse three-dimensional surface, and the resulting deformed grating image is detected by a solid state array camera and processed by a microcomputer using interferometric phase measuring algorithms. The approach permits parallel acquisition and processing of large amounts of data with high accuracy and speed.Several systems are described, configured with telecentric laser light illumination or general white light diverging illumination, and capable of measurement from a single point of view or over full 360°. Each system consists of an optical projection assembly with phase-shifter, an imaging assembly with high density CCD camera and an IBM AT microcomputer with buffer and control cards.Applications to industrial inspection and medical diagnostics are presented.
Photosensitized hemolysis of human erythrocytes by hematoporphyrin was suppressed by flavonols such as quercetin and rutin at submillimolar concentrations. The suppression of photohemolysis was accompanied by inhibition of lipid peroxidation by the reagents. Quercetin and rutin were photooxidized in the presence of hematoporphyrin and the photooxidation was partially suppressed by 1 mM NaN3, a quencher of singlet molecular oxygen. Flavonols were also oxidized by radicals formed during degradation of lauroyl peroxide. These results indicate that flavonols can function as antioxidants in biological systems by terminating radical chain reactions and removing singlet molecular oxygen. A pharmacological function of flavonols, decrease of the increased permeability and gragility of capillary, was discussed in relation to their antioxidative functions.
The antioxidant activity of catechin monomers and procyanidin (dimers to hexamers) fractions purified from cocoa was studied in two in vitro systems: liposomes and human LDL. Liposome oxidation (evaluated as formation of 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) was initiated with 2,2′-azobis (2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride (AAPH), 2,2′-azobis (2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile) (AMVN), iron/ascorbate, or UV-C; LDL oxidation (evaluated as formation of conjugated dienes) was initiated with Cu2+ or AAPH. Catechin monomers and procyanidin fractions inhibited both liposome and LDL oxidation. Monomers, dimers, and trimers fractions were the most effective antioxidants when liposome oxidation was initiated in the aqueous phase. When oxidation was initiated in the lipid domains, higher molecular weight procyanidins were the most effective. All fractions significantly inhibited Cu-mediated LDL oxidation; no significant effect of procyanidin molecular weight was observed. The hexamer fraction was the least effective with respect to preventing AAPH initiated LDL oxidation. Results reported herein give further evidence on the influence of the oligomer chain length on the antioxidant protection by procyanidins.
In normal conditions vascular permeability is precisely regulated by mechanisms which involve among others the macromolecules of extracellular matrix of the vascular wall. Permeability for a given substance will vary according to the anatomical localisation of the vessel determining also its structure and composition. In some pathological conditions, such as inflammation or diabetes, permeability can be abnormally increased. Increased permeability can be reproduced by i.v. collagenase injection. This permeability increase can be quantified by image analysis using appropriate tracers such as FITC-dextrans or horse-radish peroxidase, on histological sections from control and collagenase treated rats, pretreated or not with procyanidolic oligomers (PCO). We studied cerebral capillaries, aorta and cardiac muscle capillaries. It could be shown that previous treatment of animals with procyanidolic oligomers prevented the permeability increase produced by collagenase injection.
Tissues are composed of cells and extracellular matrix (EM). Adhesion of cells to extracellular matrix is mediated by membrane-bound glycoproteins such as fibronectin, laminin and others. Elastonectin was shown recently to be involved in the mediation of interactions between elastic fibers and cells such as human skin fibroblasts (FB) and smooth muscle cells (SMC) from the media of the aorta. A strong interaction between fibers and cells is important for the maintenance of the quality of the vascular wall. We studied the action of procyanidolic oligomers (PCO) on the attachment of fibroblasts from human skin and smooth muscle cells from porcin aorta to elastic fibers. A dose-dependent increase of cell-fiber interaction could be demonstrated with both cell-types. Elastonectin is located on the cell membrane as well as an elastolytic serine-protease exhibiting an age- and pathology-dependent increase in activity. This will result in a degradation of elastic lamellae, the detachment of cells from elastic fibers and a weakening of the vascular wall. The activity of procyanidolic oligomers increasing the resistance of elastic fibers to degradation by elastases and enhancing the interaction between fibers and cells can be considered as favouring the maintenance of the normal functional state of the vascular wall.
Seven flavonoids and three non-flavonoid antioxidants, i.e. butylated hydroxyanisole, chlorpromazine and BW 755 C, were studied as potential scavengers of oxygen free radicals. Superoxide anions were generated enzymatically in a xanthine-xanthine oxidase system and non-enzymatically in a phenazine methosulphate-NADH system, and assayed by reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium. The generation of malonaldehyde (MDA) by the ascorbate-stimulated air-oxidised boiled rat liver microsomes was considered as an index of the non-enzymatic formation of hydroxyl radicals. Flavonoids but not non-flavonoid antioxidants lowered the concentration of detectable superoxide anions in both enzymic and non-enzymic systems which generated these SOD-sensitive radicals. The most effective inhibitors of superoxide anions were quercetin, myricetin and rutin. Four out of seven investigated flavonoids seemed also to suppress the activity of xanthine oxidase as measured by a decrease in uric acid biosynthesis. All ten investigated compounds inhibited the MDA formation by rat liver microsomes. Non-flavonoid antioxidants were more potent MDA inhibitors than flavonoids. It is concluded that antioxidant properties of flavonoids are effected mainly via scavenging of superoxide anions whereas non-flavonoid antioxidants act on further links of free radical chain reactions, most likely by scavenging of hydroxyl radicals.
Swelling of the left foot and changes in its vascular volume (VV) were studied in seven healthy subjects during 8 h of seated work without leg movements. Changes in total plasma volume (PV) were calculated from hematocrit values. Reference values (r.v.) were obtained during a working day requiring intermittent physical activity (walking). Significant changes during the first 4 h: the foot swelled by 3.5% (r.v.: 2.2%) and VV was reduced by 0.5% of the foot volume (r.v.: increased by 0.3%). Accordingly, the interstitial fluid volume (IFV) of the foot increased by 4.0% (r.v.: 1.9%). The loss of PV was 6.3%. During the last 4 h the only significant change was an increase in foot volume by 1.9%. It is concluded that (1) foot swelling should be corrected for changes in VV to obtain an exact measure of the change in IFV, (2) prolonged elevated pressure, assumed to occur in the feet during relaxed sitting, does not imply distension ("delayed compliance") of the vascular system as previously suggested, (3) hemoconcentration seems to reach complete stability during the initial period of quiet sitting, (4) loss of PV during sedentary work may be avoided by a modest increase in leg activity.
In this paper, we discuss the problems of measurement of intra- and extra-cellular fluid distribution in living tissues by means of electrical impedance. The intra- and extra-cellular fluid distribution is related to some physiological parameters, such as blood circulation, metabolism of tissues, and the electrolytic concentration of intra- and extra-cellular fluids. Therefore, the information about the distribution of fluids in tissues is quite useful for the diagnosis of various diseases, the monitoring of seriously ill patients, and in medical treatments such as artificial dialysis. We discuss the method of measurement and the results of experiments.
Renal size and volume decrease with age, accompanied by intrarenal vascular changes. The number of glomeruli decreases and the mass of the juxtamedullary nephrons falls. The result is a decrease in the filtration area of the glomerular basement membrane and decreased permeability. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is reduced with aging. The GFR is approximated by the endogenous creatinine clearance, which falls in parallel with the inulin clearance (the true measure of GFR) and is always greater because of tubular excretion of creatinine. Analytical methods for serum and urine creatinine overestimate its concentration and suffer, to varying degrees, from interferences, making the normal range method dependent. A further uncertainty arises from the use of a correction to standard surface area. Serum creatinine concentration is an insensitive indicator of renal function in the elderly. Deduction of creatinine clearance from serum creatinine concentration, weight and age using one of many formulae gives only approximate values, usually too high, and is unsuitable for debilitated and seriously ill patients. Tubular function, in general, is decreased in the elderly. The ability of the kidney to concentrate urine maximally after water deprivation decreases with age, as does the ability to excrete a water and salt load, particularly during the night. Nocturnal polyuria is common in the elderly. The aged kidney can maintain acid-base balance under normal conditions, but not when subjected to an acid load.
The paper summarizes 12 papers by the authors over the last six years on various aspects of standing. This paper is divided into four sections. The anthropometry section discusses foot dimensions (including volume and footprints) and discusses leg-length discrepancy. The criteria section discusses the usefulness, for standing, of various physiological criteria and of body comfort votes. The floor surfaces section discusses concrete, rubber mats and carpet. The posture section discusses standing postures.
Multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis was used to estimate the ratio of extracellular water (ECW) to total body water in subjects with end-stage renal disease. The body's resistance was measured at frequencies ranging from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. The impedance index (height2/resistance) determined at low frequency (5 kHz) correlated most closely with ECW (r = 0.886) using sodium bromide dilution as the standard of comparison. In contrast, the ratio of height squared to resistance determined at high frequency (500 kHz) correlated most closely with total body water (r = 0.974) using deuterium oxide dilution as the standard of comparison. The ratio of resistance at 500 kHz to resistance at 5 kHz was directly correlated (r = 0.767) with the ratio of ECW to total body water. Multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis may assist in the evaluation of body water distribution in endstage renal disease and other clinical disorders of fluid volume and/or distribution.
Endothelial dysfunction has an important role to play in the pathophysiology of human vascular disease. The maintenance of barrier function is critical to the role of vascular endothelium in cardiovascular haemostasis and this function can be compromised by inflammatory mediators, cytokines or oxidants. Under conditions of oxidative stress a variety of reactive oxygen species (ROS) may be generated, which increase the permeability of the endothelial monolayer to fluid, macromolecules and inflammatory cells. The endothelium-derived nitric oxide radical (NO), whose physiological actions include effects on vascular smooth muscle, is normally inactivated by the superoxide radical anion. While large amounts of NO have cytotoxic potential, it is now becoming clear that combinations of NO with ROS can produce either cytotoxic or cytoprotective effects, depending on the relative amounts of each which are present in the target cell or its environment at a particular time. The contribution of NO to oxidant-mediated endothelial barrier dysfunction can be assessed in vitro in endothelial monolayers grown on porous membrane supports. In this model, using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as the oxidant, H2O2-induced losses of barrier function can be enhanced or partially offset by NO donor drugs, depending on the concentration of NO donor used. Furthermore, the injurious or cytoprotective effects of these agents appear to be determined by the quantity of NO generated. Since NO is administered clinically by inhalation in conditions such as pulmonary hypertension or the adult respiratory distress syndrome, which are themselves associated with generation of ROS, it is likely that low concentrations of NO may protect the pulmonary vascular endothelium while high concentrations might be expected to combine with ROS to yield intermediates capable of causing further endothelial injury or loss of barrier function.
The pharmacological treatment of non-complicated chronic venous insufficiency is a current and well-debated topic. The introduction of new products with action on the venous system, improved knowledge on the physiopathology of venous insufficiency and the possibility provided by new analytical instruments, have given new impulse to the consolidation of the clinical value of phlebotonics in this indication. In light of this, 24 patients with non-complicated chronic venous insufficiency were treated with oral administration of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (Pycnogenols-OPC) 100 mg/day. To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of the treatment, an instrumental evaluation by optical probe capillaroscope was employed in addition to the traditional subjective clinical parameters: swelling, itching, heaviness and pain. The videocapillaroscope examination was performed at the lower third of the leg and the first toe. Edema in the capillaroscopic field, the number of observable capillaries and the capillary dilatation were the parameter chosen to evaluate the efficacy of treatment. All patients completed the study with no reports of adverse events during the period of observation. The results obtained show a positive clinical response (improved or absent symptoms) in over 80% of patients, with significant improvement of symptoms already evident after the first 10 days of treatment. The mechanism of action of the OPCs explains the rapid reduction of the swelling of the lower limbs and correlated with this are the other evaluable symptoms: heaviness and itching. Particularly striking results were observed for itching and pain which completely disappeared during the course of therapy in 80% and 53% of the patients respectively. Noteworthy is the good correlation between the clinical and instrumental data, with improvement in a total of 70% of patients. The results obtained in the course of this clinical experience, with evident improvement already during the first weeks of treatment, the absence of adverse events added to the benefit of a once-a-day administration, justify the use of OPC in the treatment of non-complicated chronic venous insufficiency.
Proanthocyanidins, extracted from grape seeds, are widely used mainly as nutritional supplements. However, there has not been a systematic report to investigate toxicological studies on proanthocyanidins, especially in oral administration. In our studies, proanthocyanidin-rich extract from grape seeds was subjected to a series of toxicological tests to document its safety for use in various foods. The grape seed extract (GSE) was examined for acute and subchronic oral toxicity using Fischer 344 rats and for mutagenic potential by the reverse mutation test using Salmonella typhimurium, the chromosomal aberration test using CHL cells, and the micronucleus test using ddY mice. No evidence of acute oral toxicity at dosages of 2 and 4 g/kg, and no evidence of mutagenicity in the above tests was found. Administration of GSE as a dietary admixture at levels of 0.02, 0.2 and 2% (w/w) to the rats for 90 days did not induce noticeable signs of toxicity. The no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) of GSE in the subchronic toxicity study was 2% in the diet (equal to 1410 mg/kg body weight/day in males and 1501 mg/kg body weight/day in females). The results of our studies indicate a lack of toxicity and support the use of proanthocyanidin-rich extract from grape seeds for various foods.
It has been reported that renovascular hypertension activates the renin-angiotensin system, leading to an increase in oxidative stress. We sought to determine whether renal-artery angioplasty improves endothelial dysfunction in patients with renovascular hypertension through a reduction in oxidative stress. We evaluated the response of forearm blood flow to acetylcholine, an endothelium-dependent vasodilator, and isosorbide dinitrate, an endothelium-independent vasodilator, before and after renal-artery angioplasty in 15 subjects with renovascular hypertension and 15 controls without hypertension who were matched for age and sex. Forearm blood flow was measured with the use of a mercury-filled Silastic strain-gauge plethysmograph. The forearm blood flow in response to acetylcholine was less in subjects with renovascular hypertension than in controls, although the forearm blood flow in response to isosorbide dinitrate was similar in the two groups. Angioplasty decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressures, forearm vascular resistance, and urinary excretion of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and serum malondialdehyde-modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL), indexes of oxidative stress. After angioplasty, the mean (+/-SD) forearm blood flow in response to acetylcholine was increased in the patients with renovascular hypertension (19.3+/-6.8 vs. 29.6+/-7.1 ml per minute per 100 ml, P=0.002). The increase in the maximal forearm blood flow in response to acetylcholine correlated significantly with the decrease in urinary excretion of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (r=-0.51, P=0.004) and serum malondialdehyde-modified LDL (r=-0.39, P=0.02). Coinfusion of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) augmented the response of forearm blood flow to acetylcholine before angioplasty (P<0.001) but not after angioplasty. These findings suggest that excessive oxidative stress is involved, at least in part, in impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in patients with renovascular hypertension.
Postprandial hyperlipemia is a well-defined risk factor for atherosclerosis. A reasonable contributing mechanism could involve the postprandial increase of plasma lipid hydroperoxides (LPO) affecting the oxidant/antioxidant balance and increasing the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation. Wine has been shown to prevent both these events. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of supplementing a meal with grape seed proanthocyanidins (the main phenolic antioxidant of red wine) on plasma postprandial oxidative stress. In two different sessions, 8 healthy volunteers consumed the same test meal rich in oxidized and oxidizable lipids without (control) or with 300 mg of a proanthocyanidin-rich grape seeds extract (GSE). Lipid hydroperoxide concentration, antioxidant status, and LDL resistance to oxidative modification were measured in postprandial plasma. The content of LPO in chylomicrons was 1.5-fold higher after the control meal than after the GSE-supplemented meal. Plasma LPO increased only after consumption of the control meal. The plasma antioxidant capacity increased in the postprandial phase only following the GSE supplemented meal. LDL isolated 3 h after the control meal tended to be more susceptible to oxidative modification (but the difference did not reach statistical significance). An opposite trend was observed following the GSE supplemented meal. In conclusion, the supplementation of a meal with GSE minimizes the postprandial oxidative stress by decreasing the oxidants and increasing the antioxidant levels in plasma, and, as a consequence, enhancing the resistance to oxidative modification of LDL.
To confirm the absorption of proanthocyanidin (PA) into the human body, four healthy adults were administered 2.0 g of PA-rich grape seed extract (GSE). Blood were drawn before intake and 2 h after intake. Through the enzymatic treatment of sulfatase and beta-glucuronidase, blood samples were analyzed by HPLC coupled with mass-spectrometry (LC/MS). Procyanidin B1 [epicatechin-(4beta-->8)-catechin] was detected in human serum 2 h after intake. Its concentration was 10.6 +/- 2.5 nmol/l.
Hypertension increases oxidative stress, which can impair myocardial microvascular function and integrity. However, it is yet unclear whether long-term antioxidant intervention in early hypertension would preserve myocardial perfusion and vascular permeability responses to challenge. Pigs were studied after 12 weeks of renovascular hypertension without (n=8) or with daily supplementation of antioxidants (100 IU/kg vitamin E and 1 g vitamin C, n=6), and compared with normal controls (n=7). Myocardial perfusion and microvascular permeability were measured in vivo by electron beam computed tomography before and after 2 cardiac challenges (intravenous adenosine and dobutamine). Basal left ventricular muscle mass was also obtained. Mean arterial pressure was significantly increased in both groups of hypertensive animals (without and with antioxidants, 123+/-9 and 126+/-4 mm Hg, respectively, versus normal, 101+/-4 mm Hg; both P<0.05), but muscle mass was not different among the groups. The impaired myocardial perfusion response to adenosine observed in hypertensives (normal, +51+/-14%; P<0.05 versus baseline; hypertension, +14+/-15%; P=0.3 versus baseline) was preserved in hypertensive pigs that received antioxidants (+44+/-15%; P=0.01 compared with baseline). Long-term antioxidant intervention also preserved subendocardial microvascular permeability responses in hypertension. On the other hand, antioxidant intervention had little effect on the hypertension-induced myocardial vascular dysfunction observed in response to dobutamine. This study demonstrates that the impaired myocardial perfusion and permeability responses to increased cardiac demand in early hypertension are significantly improved by long-term antioxidant intervention. These results support the involvement of oxidative stress in myocardial vascular dysfunction in hypertension and suggest a role for antioxidant strategies to preserve the myocardial microvasculature.
Flavonoid extracts derived from plant foods have been shown to benefit certain types of fluid retention. However, no studies have investigated these compounds for use in premenstrual fluid retention, a complaint common among women with otherwise normal menstrual cycles. Therefore, we conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot study into the effect of a daily flavonoid extract (Colladeen, 320 mg oligomeric procyanidins) on premenstrual fluid retention. Fluid retention was assessed at baseline and throughout 4 menstrual cycles of the intervention using validated questionnaires. Leg girth was also measured at baseline and at the end of the study. Thirty subjects completed the study (n = 18 active treatment; n = 12 placebo). Although no significant changes in leg girth measurements were noted, there was a significant improvement in subjective "leg health" scores after flavonoid treatment compared to placebo (p = 0.013). Furthermore, this was accompanied by an improvement in reported premenstrual fluid retention nearing significance (p = 0.066). We conclude that flavonoids supplements may provide a new therapeutic direction to counter premenstrual fluid retention and improve leg health. A larger study is now warranted.
To investigate the effect of the red vine leaf extract AS 195 on cutaneous microvascular blood flow, transcutaneous oxygen pressure (tcpO2), and leg oedema in patients with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). The study was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial for which 129 men and women, aged > or =18 years, with CVI stage I or II were screened. Seventy-one fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were randomised. A total of 71 patients were divided into two groups. The first group (n = 36) received AS 195 360mg once daily during a first 6-week treatment period, followed by a 4-week placebo washout period and then placebo during the second 6-week treatment period. The second group (n = 35) started with placebo and received AS 195 360mg after the placebo washout. The cutaneous microvascular blood flow in the malleolar region was measured using a newly developed laser Doppler device. TcpO2 was measured using a solid-state electrode. After 6 weeks, patients in the AS 195 group had increased microvascular blood flow values (+241.8 +/- 18.7 arbitrary units [AU] versus a decrease of -41.0 +/- 18.7AU in the placebo group; p < 0.0001). Oxygen increased to 1.35 +/- 0.97mm Hg (placebo: decrease of -7.27 +/- 0.97mm Hg; p < 0.0001). After 6 weeks of treatment the leg circumference was decreased (ankle level: by -0.39 +/- 0.09cm versus +0.29 +/- 0.09cm; p < 0.0001; calf level: by -0.54 +/- 0.05cm versus +0.14 +/- 0.05cm; p < 0.0001). The administration of AS 195 improved objective symptoms of CVI and may prevent CVI deterioration.
Chloasma (melasma), an acquired hypermelanosis, is often recalcitrant to various treatments and an amenable, as well as safe, pigment-reducing modality is needed. We investigated that the reducing effect of proanthocyanidin, a powerful antioxidant, on chloasma in a one-year open design study. Proanthocyanidin-rich grape seed extract (GSE) was orally administered to 12 Japanese woman candidates with chloasma for 6 months between August 2001 and January 2002 and to 11 of these 12 for 5 months between March and July 2002. Clinical observation, L* value (lightening) and melanin index, and size (length and width) measurements of chloasma were performed throughout the study period. The first 6 months of GSE intake improved or slightly improved chloasma in 10 of the 12 women (83%, p < 0.01) and following 5 months of intake improved or slightly improved chloasma in 6 of the 11 candidates (54%, p < 0.01). L* values also increased after GSE intake (57.8 +/- 2.5 at the start vs 59.3 +/- 2.3 at 6 months and 58.7 +/- 2.5 at the end of study). Melanin-index significantly decreased after 6 months of the intake (0.025 +/- 0.005 at the start vs 0.019 +/- 0.004 at 6 months) (p < 0.01), and also decreased at the end of study (0.021 +/- 0.005) (p < 0.05). GSE is effective in reducing the hyperpigmentation of women with chloasma. The beneficial effects of GSE was maximally achieved after 6 months and these was no further improvement after this period. The latter GSE intake for 5 months may prevent chloasma from becoming worse prior to the summer season. GSE is safe and useful for improving chloasma.
Proanthocyanidins, which belong to a class of polyphenols, are widely distributed throughout the plant kingdom. Most people ingest trace amounts of proanthocyanidins through foods such as red wine and cranberry juice. However, the functional properties of proanthocyanidins have been little understood. Since 1983, we have studied the antioxidative functions, preventive actions on diseases and utilization of proanthocyanidins. The antioxidative activities of proanthocyanidins were found to be much stronger than vitamin C or vitamin E in aqueous systems. The mechanisms for their antioxidative actions were shown to involve radical scavenging, quenching, and enzyme-inhibiting actions. The preventive actions of proanthcyanidins on diseases relating to reactive oxygen species was examined using animal tests. Proanthocyanidin-rich grape seed extract was showed to have preventive actions on diseases such as atherosclerosis, gastric ulcer, large bowel cancer, cataracts and diabetes. In human intervention trials, grape seed extract was shown to have preventive effects on the increase in lipid peroxides in human plasma after exercise and on muscle fatigue after training. The uses and manufacturing techniques of proanthocyanidin products were subsequently developed. The products were launched as antioxidants in food additives, ingredients in nutritional supplements, and cosmetics.
The elastic properties of the human great saphenous vein in relation to primary varicose veins
  • Bocking
Expression of integrated hepatitis B virus X variants in human hepatocellular carcinomas and its significance
  • Lotito