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The Epistemology of Pure Sociology



Sociologists lack clarity and consensus about their scholarly mission. Some are purely and coldly scientific, some morally or politically critical, and some warmly or sentimentally humanistic. Their ultimate concerns include the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. Others are not explicit or even self-conscious about what they seek to accomplish, and still others combine various styles—scientific, critical, and humanistic—and are difficult or impossible to classify at all. Their discourse is cacophonous. The utterances of some are uninteresting to others, and their assessments of one another commonly seem completely misdirected.
... One answer to that question is nested in the paradigm of pure sociology (Black, 1976(Black, , 1995(Black, , 1998. [2] Although there are many sociological theories of control, what distinguishes purely sociological theory is the unit of analysis (Black, 1995). ...
... One answer to that question is nested in the paradigm of pure sociology (Black, 1976(Black, , 1995(Black, , 1998. [2] Although there are many sociological theories of control, what distinguishes purely sociological theory is the unit of analysis (Black, 1995). Typically sociological theories examine groups (see, e.g., Messner and Rosenfeld, 2007) or individuals (e.g., Hirschi, 1969). ...
... A case is any given social interaction, such as a violent victimization or act of social control. Each case has a "social geometry" (Black, 1995), which is the Scott Jacques Social Distance and Immediate Informal Responses to Violent Victimization 4 social status of and social distance between persons involved in the interaction. For example, violent victimizations include an offender and a victim. ...
... Society-centered accounts (Black 1995) attempt to explain cultural development by autonomous laws governing history or society that are neither reducible to the biology nor to the psychology of the individuals. ...
... Diese haben allerdings das rechtssoziologische Denken nur wenig beeinflusst und auch am Erscheinungsbild der US-amerikanischen Rechtssoziologie insgesamt wenig zu ändern vermocht. In gewisser theoriearchitektonischer Nähe zu Talcott Parsons hat beispielsweise Donald Black eine formale Soziologie entwickelt, aus der verschiedene Untersuchungen rechtssoziologischer Natur hervorgegangen sind (Black 1976(Black , 1995. Diese basieren im Kern auf einer Theorie der sozialen Kontrolle und identifizieren im Recht vier grundlegende "Stile", die als "penal, compensatory, conciliatory, and therapeutic" bezeichnet werden. ...
... [8] Following Black's (1995) advice, the type of victimization being retaliated against is controlled. ...
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Zusammenfassung Der Artikel befragt das Phänomen des „Moralismus“ nach den handlungsstrukturierenden Bedingungen von Beziehungsmustern und Akteursverhältnissen, innerhalb derer sich Moralakteur:innen und ihre Gegenspieler:innen in Gesellschaft begegnen. Das Augenmerk gilt dabei einer Auswahl an idealtypischen Interaktionsrahmungen und daraus resultierenden Handlungszwängen, aufgrund derer die Wahrscheinlichkeit konfliktverschärfender Effekte durch Moralbeanspruchung für die darin involvierten Akteur:innen ansteigt. Nicht dem Werteprogramm der Moral an sich wird aus dieser Perspektive Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt, als vielmehr den akteursbezogenen Kontextbedingungen derjenigen sozialen Interaktionsformen, im Rahmen derer Moralkonflikte in Gesellschaft ausgetragen werden.
Section 10.1 introduces generalized evolution (GE) theory. Here, the three core principles of the theory of evolution − reproduction, variation and selection − are detached from their biological basis, abstracted and extended to other domains, in particular to the domain of cultural evolution (CE). Section 10.2 investigates the ontological foundations of GE and CE theory. They consist in entities and structures that must be realized to get the three modules of evolution running. These entities include self-reproducing systems with variation, and populations of such systems in environments with limited resources. A difference between the reproductive units of BE (biological evolution) and CE consists in the fact that genes act as constructors of evolutionary systems, while memes play the role of modifiers. Section 10.3 is devoted to the abductive justification of GE and CE theory that proceeds in three steps: First, CE theory is justified; second, based on the first step GE theory is abductively justified as the common core of BE and CE; and thirdly, the fruitfulness of GE theory is demonstrated by its applicability to further domains.KeywordsGeneralized evolution theoryCultural evolution theoryOntology of evolutionGenesMemesEvolutionary systemsAbductive justification
In this paper, it is attempted to substantiate that borderline disciplines are interdisciplinary in nature, and logic of interdisciplinarity is fuzzy logic. Interdisciplinarity, in turn, requires the broad use of fuzzy logic. The fact that binary logic does not allow revealing the nature and character of borderline disciplines, leads to disciplinary monism and thereby excludes other perspectives, also necessitates a switch from classical logic to fuzzy logic. Further, on the basis of fuzzy logic and the approaches based on it, a logical substantiation of the nature of borderline disciplines and character of research conducted within its framework is given, their relationship with parent disciplines is clarified, and using the linguistic variables “low”, “average”, “high” and “highest” the degrees of interdisciplinarity of studies are determined. The author, as a legal scholar, in his reasoning proceeded from the state of borderline disciplines connected to law.
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