
The International Diffusion of Economic Thought

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... Las aproximaciones más relevantes sobre la circulación de ideas se las encuentra en los trabajos de Colander y Coats (1989) y en Cardoso (2003). El enfoque estudia las fuentes y la difusión, trasmisión y circulación, elementos que se dibujan dentro de los aspectos políticos, culturales y sociales e, incluso, dentro del espíritu cosmopolita de los habitantes y su capacidad para apreciar el desarrollo del pensamiento político y económico. ...
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El escrito realiza una breve revisión de la adaptación de las ideas del liberalismo clásico en América Latina a partir de los procesos de emancipación hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Se parte del marco conceptual de las ideas liberales surgidas en la Ilustración y en los eventos revolucionario en Francia y Estados Unidos. El objetivo principal del artículo es analizar la adaptación de estas ideas en dos áreas, a saber: política y económica. En el área política se considera la ambivalencia entre democracia y monarquía, la influencia de la religión en el quehacer político, las discusiones sobre la esclavitud y su abolición, y las ideas sobre la nación. En el área económica se examina la influencia teórica de las ideas liberales en América Latina, y las políticas económicas de libre mercado que se implementaron a finales de siglo. Con este propósito, se realiza una revisión histórico-analítica, con base en documentos primarios, como las cartas de Thomas Jefferson y las de Abraham Lincoln, y con base en estudios previos. Esta revisión se enmarca conceptualmente en el Liberalismo Clásico. Se concluye que las ideas del liberalismo sirvieron para la construcción de democracias endebles en la región, las cuales mantenían ciertos beneficios a la Iglesia Católica y, al mismo tiempo, se fortalecían a partir de la apertura al mercado externo como respuesta a la necesidad de materias primas que provenía del incremente industrial en Europa y Estados Unidos.
... Besides throwing light on the specific features that allow an idea to be successfully appropriated in different contexts, this approach also offers a different perspective from which to investigate the role of the 'recipients' in the process of intellectual diffusion. If appropriation is a creative endeavor, the collective appropriation of a set of ideas within a specific sociohistorical context could plausibly be construed as the creation of an intellectual tradition peculiar to that context (Cardoso 2003). More to the point of the present chapter, the repeated appropriation of economic ideas from abroad that figured so prominently in the former Iberian colonies, both during and immediately after their emancipation, could be regarded as the birth of a truly Latin American political economy. ...
The political emancipation of Latin America is a historical phenomenon charged with symbolic meanings, closely related as it was to some of the most consequential events in modern history, such as the French Revolution, the ascent of British hegemony, and the collapse of the ancien régime. As usual in cases of this nature, we tend to create an image of the process leading to the celebrated outcome that is characterized by pivotal events, crucial dates, and designated heroes, as if the future implications of a given incident had been instantly settled, once and for all. This, of course, is a rationalization of history, as abundantly evident in the case of Latin American independence movements. For Spanish American nations like Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, and Colombia, political emancipation was a protracted process above all else, and a number of episodes and characters could have a claim to being deemed the ‘defining moment’ – all equally arbitrarily. In the case of Brazil, while the unraveling of events was more linear than in neighboring Spanish America, their nature and significance were also far from clear. After all, the Brazilian independence movement revolved around the heir to the Portuguese throne, who was proclaimed Brazilian Emperor only to abdicate in favor of his son less than a decade later, alleging that his subjects saw him as a Portuguese (Bethell and Carvalho 1985, p. 692).
... The model of "creative adaptation" as explanation of the international transmission of economic ideas to the "periphery" (see Mäki, 1996;Cardoso, 2003Cardoso, , 2017) -which assumes a very high degree of net imports of ideas from the "center", with virtually no exports or creation of original theories, hypotheses or analytical models on the periphery -applies particularly to the first phase, even if "adaptation" continued to be a feature of the other phases. 10 Basalla's (1967) seminal article provided a first analytical study of the international diffusion of modern science from Western Europe to the rest of the world, based on a three-stage model. ...
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The paper investigates historical aspects of the formation of the scientific community of economists in Brazil, taking the current research effort about the economics of Covid-19 as a starting-point of the narrative. The transnational character of science in general and economics in particular is highlighted. The historical trajectory of economics in Brazil is compared to other sciences’, with attention to patronage and immigration. Economic debates surrounding the Spanish Flu outbreak in Brazil in 1918 are examined as an example of the working of the pre-scientific economic community in the country. Finally, some conclusions are drawn concerning the history of modern economic science in Brazil, with emphasis on the role of a couple of remarkably influential economists.
... There are multiple theories and models of what drives the appropriation of innovations in economics ideas internationally across different cultures (c.f., Cardoso 2003;Coats and Colander 1989;Neves 2017), but what they share is the assumption that ideas are changed in meaning and significance as they move from their place of inception to their place of appropriation. For a given innovation, then, we may distinguish between a diffusion-appropriation process in which ideas travel across a homogeneous cultural space, as in Rogers' cycle analysis of innovation diffusion, and a diffusion-appropriation process in which ideas travel across a heterogeneous cultural space. ...
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This paper investigates whether specialisation in research is causing economics to become an increasingly fragmented and diverse discipline with a continually rising number of niche-based research programmes and a declining role for dominant cross-science research programmes. It opens by framing the issue in terms of centrifugal and centripetal forces operating on research in economics, and then distinguishes descriptive from normative pluralism. It reviews recent research regarding the JEL code and economics’ J. B. Clark Award that points towards rising specialisation and fragmentation of research in economics. It then reviews five related arguments that might explain increasing specialisation and fragmentation in economics: (i) Smith’s early division of labour view, (ii) Kuhn’s later thinking about the importance of specialisation, (iii) Heiner’s behavioral burden of knowledge argument, (iv) Ross’s innovation-diffusion analysis and Arthur’s theory of technological change as determinants of specialisation in science, and (v) the effects of space and culture or internationalisation on innovation appropriation. The paper then discusses what descriptive pluralism implies about normative pluralism, and makes a case for multidisciplinarity over interdisciplinarity as a basis for arguments promoting pluralism. The paper closes with brief comments on the issue of specialisation and pluralism in the wider world outside economics and science.
... We will see how Italian economists followed suit. 1 1 We will only cite a few basic works. On the international spread of economic ideas, see Hall (1989) and Cardoso (2003). On the concept of economic culture, see Barucci (2005), Phelps (2006) and Gregg (2013). ...
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Nowadays the Austrian School enjoys high reputation in Italy: books by Mises, Hayek and other Austrian economists are constantly republished and reviewed with great interest, both inside and outside academic circles. The situation was very different decades ago, when just a few Italian economists devoted attention to the Austrian School. This work studies the reception of Austrian Economics in Italy, from the beginning to our days, so as to bring out, by way of comparison, relevant features of Italian economic culture. We will try to offer just an overview of the entire story, in an attempt to provide useful elements for a deeper analysis of further topics and periods.
... The study of the dissemination and transmission of economic ideas is a complex issue (Cardoso, 2003;Goodwin & Holley, 1968;Spengler, 1970). Ideas are not commodities to be sold and bought for the purposes of trade, and their emergence does not simulate market processes where "[n]ew ideas are sold very much the way new automobiles are sold: by exaggerating their superiority over the older models" (Stigler, 1969: 222). ...
The financial crisis of 2008 has revived interest in economic scholarship from a historical perspective. The most in depth studies of the relationship between economics and history can be found in the work of the so-called German Historical School (GHS). The influence of the GHS in the USA and Britain has been well documented, but far less has been written on the rest of Europe. This volume studies the interconnection between economic thought and economic policy from the mid-nineteenth century to the interwar period. It examines how the Schools ideas spread and was interpreted in different European countries between 1850 and 1930, analysing its legacies in these countries. In doing so, the book is able to trace the interconnection between economic thought and economic policy, adding new voices to the debate on the diffusion of ideas and flow of knowledge. This book identifies issues related to topics such as nationalism and cosmopolitanism in the history of ideas and clarifies themes in policy making that are still currently debated. These include monetary policy and benefits of free trade for all parties involved in international exchanges. © 2016 selection and editorial material, José Luís Cardoso and Michalis Psalidopoulos; individual chapters, the contributors.
... Isto contribuiu para que a dita controvérsia do planejamento se convertesse em um dos temas de mais frequente citação em relação à história das ideias econômicas no Brasil e, como tal, bem estudado pela historiografia pertinente. Não obstante, acreditamos que existam ainda importantes questões a serem exploradas, em particular no que diz respeito à recomposição do quadro de influências teóricas que matizava as posições desses contendores, analisando este dado na confluência que se estabelece entre a análise da transmissão internacional das ideias econômicas e a definição das especificidades de uma história nacional do pensamento econômico, no sentido tratado por Cardoso (2003Cardoso ( e 2009. ...
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A controvérsia do planejamento (1944-1945), entre Roberto Simonsen e Eugênio Gudin, é um momento privilegiado para o estudo da história das ideias econômicas. A participação de Roberto Simonsen nessa discussão pode ser revista e lida de maneira enriquecedora numa perspectiva de história das ideias. Este artigo investiga a especificidade teórica que distingue a abordagem de Simonsen em relação à de Gudin, postulando que o primeiro entra no debate pela via da história econômica. Sua abordagem está em sintonia com discussões teóricas do final da segunda guerra, levadas a cabo nas próximas décadas pela economia do desenvolvimento no Brasil. A inserção da contribuição de Simonsen no contexto histórico da controvérsia abre novas possibilidades de leitura desse debate essencial na construção de um pensamento econômico no Brasil.
... En el estudio de la historia del pensamiento económico, el «enfoque nacional» incorpora las realidades periféricas al análisis de los flujos internacionales de las ideas económicas (Lluch, 1980;Albertone y Masoero, 1994;Cardoso, 2003). En este campo, especialmente durante la segunda mitad del siglo xviii y la primera del siglo xix, las traducciones han sido la vía de circulación de la literatura económica más estudiada. ...
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La correspondencia de los españoles con los autores de las obras canónicas de la Economía supone una fuente para estudiar la circulación de las ideas y situar de forma más clara el lugar de la ciencia económica en España durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX. La relación epistolar con Jeremy Bentham y Jean-Baptiste Say, ambos principales protagonistas de la Economía política clásica, aportan más argumentos para defender la conexión de los autores españoles, sin retraso evidente, con las obras modélicas desde un plano analítico, docente y político. La carta se revela como una etapa superior que sucede a la traducción y a la elaboración de textos económicos propios. Un salto en busca de la excelencia que no parece compatible con la descripción de unas élites intelectuales aisladas y retrasadas.
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Camilo Mason y Marcelo Rougier (2020), "Estudiar las revistas de economía en el peronismo. Desafíos y potencialidades", en Marcelo Rougier y Camilo Mason (coordinadores), A las palabras se las lleva el viento, lo escrito queda. Revistas y economía durante el primer peronismo: 1945-1955, Buenos Aires: EUDEBA.
Rui Barbosa was a renowned jurist who served as the first finance minister of the Brazilian Republic, established in 1889. Despite his renown as an intellectual, Barbosa faced a severe financial crisis during his ministerial tenure and gained a bad reputation for his economic policy. In the texts produced in this context, he combined different traditions of economic thought from the point of view of the legal expert serving as economic policy-maker. In the field of public finance, while assimilating arguments associated to German state socialism and its North American developments, he was also influenced by French liberal economist Paul Leroy-Beaulieu. Through these international assimilations, Barbosa constructed an assemblage of economic ideas organized not by theoretical affiliations in the contemporary sense but around two main goals: to rationalize and legitimize his policy as finance minister and to influence the legal ordering of the Brazilian fiscal economy.
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Cette étude analyse la réception de l’économie autrichienne en Italie, de ses débuts jusqu’à nos jours, en mettant en évidence, par des comparaisons, les caractéristiques pertinentes de la culture économique italienne. Un aperçu historique de la réception autrichienne et du keynésianisme montre comment les économistes italiens légitimèrent à la fois l’approche autrichienne et la politique keynésienne dans les crises anormalement graves. Une première vague va de 1871, année de parution des Grundsätze de Menger, à 1918, fin de la Grande Guerre et d’une époque où les économistes italiens, en privilégiant Alfred Marshall et Vilfredo Pareto, accueillirent le marginalisme pour intégrer théorie classique et idées autrichiennes. La deuxième vague (l’entre-deux-guerres), période dite de « haute théorie », vit des économistes majeurs s’aligner sur les vues de Hayek quant au surinvestissement. Une troisième vague mène de l’après-guerre à nos jours avec la « mort » et la « résurrection » de Hayek.
In the 19th century the liberal author Joseph Garnier (1813-1881) had a clear influence on Spanish economists; however, his discourse has not been much studied in the literature. His Elements were adopted as an economics textbook at Spanish universities and it was one of the most recommended books on political economy. In contrast, other authors such as John Stuart Mill were not so well received. A study of the reasons for this influence in the context of nineteenth-century Spain is therefore needed. This article aims to fill this gap and highlight the work of Garnier who facilitated the diffusion of the free-trade doctrine and the rationalization of the administration in Spain.
This paper addresses the dissemination of German economist Adolph Wagner’s ideas in Brazil. It shows that his monetary thinking, inspired by Thomas Tooke and the Banking School, as well as his ideas on public finance, particularly the law of increasing state spending, were assimilated by two Brazilian economic thinkers: Rui Barbosa and Vieira Souto. The way these policymakers incorporated Wagner’s ideas into their texts and the arguments with which they chose to engage show the kind of economic discourse they were shaping in Brazil. This analysis reveals the different functions that the original ideas could perform in another national context.
By the late nineteenth century, the school of “Indian Political Economy” was founded to understand India's extreme poverty and deindustrialisation. This paper examines how Mahadev Govind Ranade (the school's founder) conceptualised progress by tracing its origins and evaluating how it was formulated to reconcile theory with India's political and socio-economic reality. Ranade identified specific Indian determinants of progress: the centrifugal nature of Indian politics; the dependence of a colonial economy; and its refutable role within the international division of labour theory.
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The processes of internationalization of economic ideas, in particular those associated with the transmission, assimilation and appropriation in scientific peripheral and semi peripheral countries of ideas originally produced in other spaces, are an important aspect of how economics as a science develops at a global scale. However, in spite of its relevance, knowledge of these processes is still relatively incipient. Explaining the international diffusion of economic ideas entails choosing some sort of connecting principle(s). This paper discusses this issue and attempts to put forward a broader connecting principle than the ones currently available, which is based on the idea that economics is a network of institutionally situated conversations. Keywords: Connecting principles, international diffusion of ideas, assimilation/appropriation, intellectual peripheries, economics, conversation JEL Classification: B00
This paper transcribes and annotates five unpublished letters that Manuel María Gutiérrez, Álvaro Flórez Estrada and the Marquis of Valle Santoro respectively sent to Jean-Baptiste Say. An initial hypothesis holds the importance of this correspondence in order to argue the connection of the Spanish authors with the canonical works. We focus on several questions related to the transmission of economic ideas. First, the translation of Say’s work is a collective project structured around the Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Madrid. Secondly, we explain how the translator expurgates the condemnable passages in order to publish Say’s Traité d`économie politique in Spanish, those connected to the influence of religion on economic development and public education to be exact.
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It is always fascinating to see how the writings and ideas of authors — be they philosophers or scientists — are progressively taken into account, discussed, accepted or rejected in their own countries according to various historical intellectual circumstances. It is even more interesting to study how these writings and ideas cross borders and spread across nations and through time, being discussed, rejected or accepted anew in totally different environments to those prevailing in their home countries. Yet this kind of inquiry, at least in the history of economic thought, is still in its infancy. While some one-off studies have been published in the past, large-scale research on the reception and dissemination of specific authors or doctrines is rare i and certainly needs to be developed. Not only does it shed new light on the works in question, but it is also a powerful aid to understanding the theories and contexts with which they often came into conflict. It highlights the fact that the history of economic thought is not only the logical analysis of certain corpuses, or the rigorous restatement of theoretical approaches, but also an account of the non-linear developments of concepts, ideas and policies according to the different national realities.
Spanish political economy experienced a profound decadence during the second half of the nineteenth century. Such period of isolation came to an end during the early twentieth century. The most outstanding economists of that period such as Flores de Lemus, Bernis or Torres were persuaded that Spanish economic development was strongly linked to a tax system reform. At the same time, numerous writings on public finance were published by secondary authors and a wide range of foreign handbooks were translated into Spanish. Consequently, public finance became an outstanding channel for the introduction of marginal theory and German Historicism into Spain.
The article analyzes the economic entries of the main Spanish general encyclopedias of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: Diccionario enciclopédico (1887–1898) and Enciclopedia universal (1908–1930). Both works include the contributions of prestigious Spanish and Latin American intellectuals, and were designed for distribution in Spain and Latin American markets. Diccionario enciclopédico was the first to introduce the “social question” in its economic entries, which were drafted by the most outstanding Spanish economists at the time. These entries were characterized by the absence of any significant mention of historicism and marginalism, which illustrates the isolationism of Spanish economists during the late nineteenth century. Enciclopedia universal, on the other hand, was not entirely drafted by academic economists. Nevertheless, its economic entries account for a complete outline of marginalism, Marxism, and historicism. Apart from the traditional goals of compiling the intellectual advances made in any area of human knowledge for educational purposes, the economic entries of both encyclopedias aimed at popularizing some kind of economic knowledge in order to prepare minds for the reception of specific doctrines and agendas: the secular social doctrine of Spanish Krausism and the religious Social Catholicism, respectively.
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This article discusses the broad topic of the international diffusion of economic ideas and theories, by stressing its relevance for a better understanding of the process of formation of economic thought on a national scale. The article explores several meaningful examples of the international flow of economics and presents a brief survey of the main historiographical approaches available. It gives special emphasis to the influence of CEPAL (ECLA, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America) – namely through the writings of Raul Prebisch and Celso Furtado – in Portugal and Spain in the 1950s, which features an atypical case of a peripheral influence on semi-peripheral countries. The articles main claim is that the study of international diffusion of economic thought sheds new light onto both the very understanding of the building of economics as a science and the awareness of its implications on the functioning and change of economic reality within a given national context.
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Cet article �tudie les positions des �conomistes classiques fran�ais dans la p�riode allant de 1803 � 1848. La premi�re partie consid�re la mani�re dont, une fois mis de c�t� une grande part de leur propre h�ritage en �conomie politique, les auteurs fran�ais ou de langue fran�aise ont interp�t� l'oeuvre de Smith en la modifiant sur des points essentiels. La deuxi�me partie expose les raisons de la r�action essentiellement n�gative aux Principes de Ricardo. La troisi�me partie montre dans quelle mesure les �conomistes fran�ais s'appuy�rent sur les th�ses smitiennes pour s'affranchir de l'influence ricardienne.
Adam Smith (1723-90) is well known as the author of The Wealth of Nations and as a champion of free enterprise but he also wrote on moral philosophy and lectured on rhetoric and jurisprudence. This collection reveals a new portrait of the well known economist, not as a simple-minded champion of free trade but as an interdisciplinary social scientist with a moral philosophy for the modern world. His legacy should not be restricted to economics and to the English-speaking world.
BoylanThomas A. and FoleyTimothy P.. Political Economy and Colonial Ireland: The Propagation and Ideological Function of Economic Discourse in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Routledge, Chapman & Hall. 1992. Pp. xiv, 208. $68.50. - Volume 25 Issue 2 - Janet A. Nolan
This essay aims to situate the phenomenon of the international spread of the economic ideas of a particular school of thought within the framework of the ‘market for ideas' approach outlined by George Stigler. On the one hand, the paper attempts to amplify the theoretical model of a demand-driven market for ideas, introducing the concepts of public goods, utility, transaction costs and other institutional variables, and on the other this analytical approach is applied to the Spanish market for ideas of the 18th century and its reception of physiocracy, obtaining a new perspective on the spread of ideas of the iconomistes in comparison with the existing literature.
Instances of multiple discoveries in economic theory have long been noted and debated. The paper, based on a sample of 40 cases, seems to be the first systematic overview of the subject. Section I discusses the decisions a historian of economics has to make in identifying multiple discoveries. In section 2 it is shown how impediments to scientific communications (such as publication lags, nonpublication, ignorance of literature, language, mathematics and poor exposition) gave rise to multiple discoveries. Section 3 reviews multiple discoveries for the light they may shed on the influence of the political, ideological and economic environment on the progress of economic theory. This influence, though not irrelevant, turns out to have been relatively weak. Section 4 does the same thing for the influence of the given state of the art, which is shown to be quite strong. A large part of multiple discoveries seems to have been called forth by common scientific problems, by the availability of a common analytical tool-box, and by common reliance on a widely shared paradigm. The paper concludes with some tentative inferences about the role of the discoverers in shaping the history of economic theory.
Thesis (PH. D.) Columbia University, 1925. Vita. Published also as Studies in history, economics and public law, vol. CXVII, no. 2; whole no. 261. Bibliography: p. 150-152.
Thesis--Duke University. Includes bibliographical references.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money / John Maynard Keynes Note: The University of Adelaide Library eBooks @ Adelaide.
The lecture focuses on the reasons that new ideas are accepted or rejected by a science. A distinction is drawn between prescientific and scientific stages of a discipline. The diverse fates of new ideas are illustrated by a variety of episodes in the history of economics, including the economics of information and the theory of economic regulation.
Political Economy and National Realities
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J. L. CARDOSO Bibliography Albertone, M. and Masoero, A. 1994: Political Economy and National Realities. Torino: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi.
Associazionismo Economico e Diffusione dell'Economia Politica nellItalia dell'Ottocento Economic Societies, Popular Enlightenment and the Rise of the Economic Profession
  • M Augello
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Augello, M. and Guidi, M. (eds.) 2000: Associazionismo Economico e Diffusione dell'Economia Politica nellItalia dell'Ottocento. Milano: F. Angeli. —— and —— (eds.) 2001. Economic Societies, Popular Enlightenment and the Rise of the Economic Profession. London: Routledge.
Le Cattedre di Economia Politica in Italia
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Las teorías económicas contempladas a través de una óptica nacional
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Sobre la historia nacional del pensamiento economico. Introduction to A. Florez Estrada
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Instituto de Estudios Fiscales (reprint)
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Economic thought on the outskirts: toward a historiographical framework for studying intellectual peripheries
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The introduction of Adam Smith on the continent Adam Smith 1776–1926: Lectures to Commemorate the Sesquicentennial of the Publication of The Wealth of Nations
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Palyi, M. 1928: The introduction of Adam Smith on the continent. In J. M. Clark (ed.), Adam Smith 1776–1926: Lectures to Commemorate the Sesquicentennial of the Publication of The Wealth of Nations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.