
Managing Horizontal Government: The Politics of Co‐Ordination

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... Além disso, é importante ressaltar, que a coordenação de políticas públicas permite reduzir incertezas na interação entre os envolvidos, possibilitando a integração dos aportes especializados (VELARDE, 2007). Para Peters (2002), a coordenação permite: a) evitar ou minimizar a duplicação ou sobreposição de políticas públicas; b) reduzir as inconsistências das políticas; c) assegurar prioridades de políticas e apontar a coesão e coerência entre elas; d) atenuar o conflito político burocrático e; e) promover uma perspectiva holística que supere a visão setorial e estreita das políticas. Assim, a coordenação pode possibilitar melhor gestão das políticas, auxiliando nos processos administrativos e políticos. ...
... No espaço de ação pública, Cunill Grau (2005) ressalta a importância de contar com um modo capaz de fomentar a articulação e promover a coordenação. Essa coordenação, segundo Peters (2002), pode variar em função do alcance obtido, e possui gradientes: desde um nível de "coordenação positiva", na qual há o reconhecimento dos atores e a disposição para cooperar, passando pela "integração das políticas", que implica a articulação de ideias, procedimentos e estruturas dos envolvidos, até o que o autor denominou de "estratégia de governo", que envolve o tipo de coordenação mais completa e se vincula a processos conjuntos de elaboração das políticas, num marco de plataforma compartilhada, acerca de questões de caráter macro, tais como o desenvolvimento econômico e social do país. ...
... Nesse sentido, as diferenças entre os atores podem possibilitar ganhos produtivos para a gestão do Projeto, mas, por outro lado, é preciso compreender as complexidades e os desafios de uma gestão pública de forma integralizada, a fim de minimizar e reduzir eventuais incertezas e conflitos (PETERS, 2002). ...
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O campo dos estudos referentes à avaliação das políticas públicas ainda é recente, devido à fragmentação organizacional e temática do tema. O presente artigo tem por objetivo evidenciar a importância e a necessidade da articulação e da coordenação para as políticas públicas, a fim de viabilizar tanto a concepção das políticas como a sua implementação. Para tanto, o estudo tem como base o Projeto Dom Helder Câmara, em especifico a fase II do PDHC na etapa de implementação do programa, na qual a articulação e a coordenação se tornam fundamentais para o êxito das políticas públicas, em especial na região semiárida brasileira, em razão de suas especificidades e contexto histórico.
... In the extensive literature on public sector coordination (see, for example Gulick, 1937;Scharpf, 1994), there is a strong focus on explaining how and why governments engage in coordination (Bach & Wegrich, 2019;Bouckaert et al., 2010;Senninger et al., 2021;Trein & Ansell, 2021). A subset of this literature focuses on coordination as an outcome (for a discussion, see Peters, 1998). Existing studies have considered several potential explanations for why coordination outcomes vary, such as how relational preconditions, for example trust, inform coordination outcomes in regional transport organizations (Davoudi & Johnson, 2022), how formal and informal coordination mechanisms impact coordination effectiveness in health crises (Kapucu & Hu, 2022;Soujaa et al., 2021), and how governments' organizational and cultural features explain coordination quality in 17 European countries . ...
... The coordination problems that have received the most attention in the PA literature are redundancy, lacunae, and incoherence (Peters, 1998), as well as informational and motivational problems (Scharpf, 1994). Table 1 shows the relationships between these coordination problems and the various dimensions of coordination quality. ...
... One important tenet in organization theory is that formal organizational features inform administrative behavior, such as coordination quality Note. based on Peters (1998), Koop and lodge (2014), and wegrich and Stimac (2014). (Egeberg, 2012). ...
... The effective coordination of these interactions is crucial to deliver successful public policies. Peters (1998) states that coordination is a complex political endeavor involving negotiation within networks, group aggregation, and informal mechanisms. The author contends that centralized coordination at the highest levels of the hierarchy may not always be sufficient to attain policy objectives. ...
... The decision to conduct a comparative study is based on the premise that negotiations among actors may vary depending on the nature of public policies. Peters (1998) argues that policies with substantially different characteristics often involve distinct networks and interorganizational relationships. ...
... Understanding coordination can help mitigate the distance between formulation and implementation. Effective coordination occurs when different organizations or sectors involved in a policy adjust their actions to prevent issues between the processes, such as redundancy, lacunae, and incoherences appointed by Peters (1998). ...
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The objective is to understand how interorganizational coordination occurs in the development of information systems in tax collection and basic education policies in the state of Paraná, Brazil. This implies the analysis of the relationships established between system-level bureaucrats (SYBs) – specialists who work in the development of information systems – and other bureaucracies in the implementation of public policies. Theoretical references on bureaucracy, information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the public sector, and coordination of public policies were mobilized. From a methodological point of view, it is a comparative study, analyzing two public policies: tax collection and basic education in the state of Paraná, and the mixed-ownership company that develops the systems, Companhia de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação do Paraná (CELEPAR). Such policies are distinguished by the way in which the relationships between bureaucracies occur. In both, informal learning networks, mutually dependent, allow actors to create and use coping strategies that contribute to the coordination of public policy. These strategies are related to the writing of laws and public notices, the creation of unofficial information systems and resistance to change. They generally reflect beneficial contributions to public policy. The results imply demonstrating that the decision-making processes of policies are changed according to the use of ICTs, and disputes are transferred to other locus, which information systems sometimes hide, sometimes reveal. Keywords: system-level bureaucracy; interorganizational coordination; public policy implementation; public administration; public information and communication technologies organizations
... Coordinar significa crear unidad e impulsar a las dependencias gubernamentales a que funcionen de la manera deseada en el tiempo convenido (Pressman & Wildavsky, 1998). Es un grado de trabajo conjunto para alcanzar objetivos de políticas similares (Sabatier & Weible, 2010), porque una adecuada sinergia puede evitar o disminuir la duplicidad de actividades, minimizar las inconsistencias y garantizar las prioridades de la política, de manera que coadyuve a una perspectiva holística durante el proceso (Peters, 1998). ...
... Nota. Elaboración propia con base en Molinet (1993), Peters (1998) Esta serie de planteamientos evidencian la complejidad de las políticas públicas, que inherentemente están vinculadas a problemas que afectan a la sociedad. Algunas dificultades están asociadas con el turismo, ya que este sector se ha convertido en una actividad dinámica y compleja, que requiere la intervención del Gobierno mediante la implementación de iniciativas efectivas que permitan atender los problemas y las necesidades que le atañen a la sociedad. ...
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Se analiza el estado de conocimiento sobre la implementación de políticas públicas turísticas en países de Iberoamérica entre 2005 y 2020 para identificar elementos que influyen en su resultado. Para ello, se realizó una revisión de artículos científicos sobre casos prácticos. La pesquisa se hizo en cuatro buscadores académicos, en los que se trató de identificar las categorías de conducción gubernamental, coordinación, procedimientos administrativos y capacidad de negociación de los actores, pues consideramos que estos elementos son cruciales en los resultados de las políticas. La búsqueda permitió identificar que hubo mejores resultados cuando los participantes formularon estrategias conjuntas y, principalmente, cuando la comunidad tuvo un papel relevante en las decisiones públicas. En contraste, tuvieron peores resultados aquellos casos en los que prevalecieron los intereses político y económico, lo que propició que la comunidad local pasara a segundo plano. Se concluye que las categorías identificadas ayudan a comprender mejor el resultado de las políticas públicas turísticas.
... The pre-digital literature on co-production, horizontal governance, public management reform, and public service privatization are rich with insights that are relevant to current debates on data governance. In fact, many of the dilemmas on the table today were entirely predictable had researchers and practitioners crafting and advocating for the new digital government orthodoxy taken heed of the lessons offered by these fields of study (Ansell & Gash, 2007;Brandsen & Pestoff, 2006;Christensen & Laegreid, 2002;Needham, 2008;Peters, 1998;Phillips & Howard, 2012). In particular, research on the failures of mass privatization under the New Public Management reforms of the 1980s and on the historical barriers to effective and democratically accountable cross-government collaboration have much to offer those grappling with the challenges of digital era data governance (Clarke, 2018). ...
... This chapter's provocations aim to kickstart this essential new research and policy agenda. Notes 1. Calls for "joined up" government (Bakvis & Juillet, 2004;Peters, 1998), public sector innovation (Bason, 2010;Borins, 2001;Osborne & Gaebler, 1992), investment in technocratic expertise (Aucoin & Bakvis, 2005;Wellstead, 2019), transparency (Yu & Robinson, 2012), evidence-based policy-making and engagement with service users (Axworthy & Burch, 2010;Pressman et al., 1973) are well established, and form part of a longer history of public management reforms that have since at least the 1970s explicitly endeavoured to upend the practices of twentieth-century industrial models of public sector bureaucracy (Clarke, 2019). 2. For more information on the Smart Cities Challenge, see: https://www. ...
... Os mecanismos de coordenação se tornam essenciais quando a implementação ocorre em contexto interorganizacional envolvendo múltiplos atores e organizações, já que há maior possibilidade de ocorrência de visões conflitantes e de apropriação de objetivos e papéis dos envolvidos, conforme preferências, prioridades e interesses (COSTA, 2004;O'TOOLE, 2010;PETERS, 1998;RADIN, 2010). Os formuladores de PP não podem basear-se em arranjos institucionais hierárquicos, pois estes quase sempre são insuficientes para incentivar o apoio e garantir o sucesso na implementação. ...
... Houve também falhas de comunicação ao implementar as políticas já que a Seplag privilegiou a comunicação formal e vertical. Não se criou um ambiente cooperativo nem tiveram mecanismos de coordenação para implementação em contexto interorganizacional específico (COSTA, 2004;O'TOOLE, 2010;PETERS, 1998;RADIN, 2010). Conclui-se a análise da implementação pelo modelo de Brynard (2000), sintetizada no Quadro 4: Quadro 4 -ADI e CO a partir do modelo Protocolo 5C ...
Este artigo objetiva analisar em que extensão os desafios da implementação da Avaliação de Desempenho (ADI) e da Certificação Ocupacional (CO) afetaram a institucionalização dessas políticas no governo de Minas Gerais (MG). O estudo ocorreu entre 2003 e 2014, durante o programa Choque de Gestão. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que realizou 30 entrevistas com atores-chaves (formuladores, implementadores e público-alvo). A despeito das especificidades das políticas, concluiu-se que os desafios da implementação foram: (i) a centralização da formulação que desconsiderou a participação de implementadores e público-alvo e as especificidades dos órgãos setoriais; (ii) as dificuldades dos formuladores e implementadores quanto ao conteúdo dessas políticas, até então inovadoras na Administração Pública brasileira; (iii) a negligência aos mecanismos institucionais visto que o insulamento na formulação acarretou na ausência de clareza das normas, regras e diretrizes, e a não observância das dinâmicas de interesses e das relações de poder; e (iv) a capacidade operativa ineficiente dos órgãos setoriais. Em 2023, 20 anos após o Choque de Gestão, a ADI permanece vigente, apesar dos desafios na sua aplicabilidade, e a CO foi descontinuada, embora seu propósito de profissionalização de lideranças esteja presente em novas políticas.
... En los últimos años, especialmente a raíz de la Gran Recesión y la crisis ocasionada por la pandemia de CO-VID-19, hemos asistido a un creciente interés, tanto en el debate público-mediático como en el plano político y el ámbito científico, por conceptos o términos como gobernanza multinivel, gobernanza territorial, cogobernanza o (des)centralización (Colino, 2021: 11-12;León, 2020;OCDE, 2020;Hernández-Moreno y Ares Castro-Conde, 2023). Todos ellos, además de evidenciar el día a día de muchos sistemas territorialmente complejos, apuntan hacia la necesidad de coordinación entre múltiples actores, tanto públicos (Gobiernos, agencias, departamentos o ministerios) como privados (empresas, asociaciones u organizaciones del tercer sector) (Bouckaert y Pollitt, 2004;Guy Peters, 2005Bouckaert et al., 2022;Zurbriggen y Gonzalez, 2014). Esta exigencia proviene, por un lado, del amplio proceso de descentralización del poder de las últimas décadas (véase Hooghe et al., 2016;Dardanelli et al., 2019;Lago, 2021) y, por otro, de la existencia de problemas complejos, multicausales y altamente interdependientes (véase Termeer et al., 2019;Paquet y Schertzer, 2020). ...
... En este trabajo nos centramos en la coordinación institucional, la cual pretende asegurar que organizaciones públicas y privadas colaboren de manera efectiva en la prestación de políticas públicas (Guy Peters, 1998;. Específicamente, prestamos atención a dos dimensiones de la coordinación institucional: la coordinación intergubernamental y la intersectorial. ...
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La pandemia ha supuesto un gran desafío para federaciones y sistemas multinivel, debido al alto grado de coordinación institucional requerido para combatir al virus. En el ámbito específico de los cuidados de larga duración, la fragmentación entre sanidad y servicios sociales en muchos países ha dificultado la respuesta a la amenaza que la COVID-19 ha supuesto para las personas mayores institucionalizadas. Este artículo analiza la respuesta de España, un Estado ampliamente descentralizado, a la crisis de la COVID-19 en residencias de personas mayores durante 2020, poniendo el foco en los mecanismos de coordinación institucional (intergubernamental e intersectorial). Con ello se pretende ofrecer evidencia relevante sobre los elementos facilitadores y las barreras a la gestión institucional eficaz de la crisis sanitaria. Se han realizado entrevistas semiestructuradas con informantes clave (n=30) y un estudio documental. Los principales resultados sugieren efectos negativos del incompleto conocimiento de los responsables políticos de sanidad sobre el sector residencial, el insuficiente grado de coordinación entre departamentos de sanidad y de servicios sociales en las primeras semanas, el escaso número de reuniones de coordinación intergubernamental en servicios sociales, la falta de preparación previa y los problemas de datos e información. Del otro lado, se observa el impacto positivo de la creación de mecanismos formales ex novo (comisiones, comités…) y el uso de mecanismos informales (como grupos en plataformas de mensajería) para el intercambio de información y toma de decisión política. Se concluye la necesidad de una mayor integración de los objetivos y estrategias entre sanidad y servicios sociales en el ámbito sociosanitario tanto a nivel nacional como regional.
... While there might be understandable resistance to merging divisions, there are some more modest steps that can be taken that can improve upon the current situation. These include the seconding of staffing across divisions, the sharing of climate and air pollution data, the issuing of requirements for crossdivision reviews of emissions analysis and proposed regulatory, and the sharing of budgets for projects where there are clear overlaps between air pollution and climate change (Peters, 1998). ...
Technical Report
... objetivo general de la política, los objetivos específicos, las metas y productos de cada intervención operando de forma complementaria. Aquí existe una planificación y programación presupuestaria común y durante la implementación hay sistemas de información y procesos compartidos de toma de decisiones (Peters, 1998), un monitoreo que opera a nivel de programas y productos específicos y una más clara división de roles y funciones entre los actores comprometidos. ...
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Since the 1990s, the structure of the Executive Branch in Peru tended to organize through the creation of specialized agencies in different sectors. This produced an organizational and functional fragmentation in the way public interventions are managed, substantially increasing the challenges of intra and intersectoral coordination and coherence in the management of public policies that political authorities must perform. This division of labor produces a management style that is unlikely to focus in an articulated way on the causes and solutions of public problems, particularly those that have a multi-causal dimension and require an intersectoral approach such as the policy of modernizing public management. This policy aims to introduce changes in the general rules that organize the management of public policies and organizations and has multiple actors involved in its design and execution. Some of them are ministerial divisions and agencies dependent on the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Finance, which are part of the center of government. To analyze the case of the modernization policy, semi-structured interviews were conducted to 13 managers and advisors in charge of directing, designing and implementing the respective policy, in addition to a review of the regulations and the different consultancy management reports. Most of the senior officials involved agreed that this policy has weak levels of coordination and limited coherence in the programs developed by the stakeholders of both sectors. This is reflected in the lack of a shared vision, the lack of mechanisms for exchanging information and rules of interaction between the stakeholders, and the diffuse awareness that the general objective of this public policy cannot be achieved if the institutional objectives of each actor are not aligned. The paradox is that these actors, as part of the center of government, have the coordination of priority public policies among their main functions. In this context, the agency model that promotes organizations mainly focused on an institutional objective, with greater administrative autonomy, seems to have contributed to a centrifugal logic in the development of this policy. The operation of these stakeholders is not aligned to the theoretical assumptions that support their prevalence in the current State structure.
... A provisão de bens públicos depende de mecanismos de cooperação e de coordenação, para evitar redundâncias e lacunas e alcançar resultados sustentáveis, sobretudo em políticas ou programas intersetoriais que exigem conexões horizontais (POLSKI; ÖSTROM, 1999;PETERS, 1998). As dificuldades de coordenação entre diferentes áreas constituem um dos principais problemas das políticas de proteção social (PIERSON, 1995). ...
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O artigo analisa os conflitos vivenciados por caiçaras e quilombolas daregião da Bocaina (estados do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo) quanto ao acesso aoterritório, aos recursos naturais e aos serviços públicos que garantem a qualidade devida das comunidades tradicionais, permitem a manutenção de seus modos de vida e,consequentemente, contribuem para os objetivos de sustentabilidade. A metodologiaqualitativa inclui revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e entrevistas in loco nascomunidades. As conclusões indicam que, apesar das conquistas normativas einstitucionais para os povos e as comunidades tradicionais, expressas tanto emmecanismos de governança participativa que potencializaram a mobilização eorganização social dessas comunidades, quanto em um conjunto de políticas públicasque lhes garantem direitos, há um déficit importante na consecução desses direitos, oque fragiliza a inclusão social e política das comunidades tradicionais como partícipesda preservação da biodiversidade e da construção dos objetivos do desenvolvimentosustentável.
... PCC concerns the process of integrated decision-making, and the implementation efforts to achieve consistent and coherent government action (Cejudo and Michel, 2017;Peters, 1998). Several institutional arrangements pursue better policy coordination, characterised by a horizontal coordination dimension (between units) and/or a vertical coordination dimension (between municipal, regional, central, and international levels) (Bouckaert et al., 2010). ...
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Governments deal increasingly with multidimensional problems involving high levels of complexity. These so-called wicked problems, such as climate change, demand coordinated and coherent government action, as well as multi-stakeholder approaches. Boundary Organisations (BO), working at the knowledge-interface of the science–policy–society nexus may contribute substantially to both ends. This paper considers the potential contribution of the recently created Competence Centre for Planning, Policy, and Foresight of the Public Administration (PlanAPP), a Portuguese BO at the centre of government, to evidence-informed policy. To this goal, we focus on two streams of literature, Policy Coordination and Coherence (PCC) and Knowledge Governance (KG). An analytical framework with two dimensions is proposed: the first dimension considers if and how PlanAPP engages in boundary work; the second dimension looks at the activities that PlanAPP implements and their potential for PCC and KG. Our results support the idea that PlanAPP is promoting work on the knowledge-interface for public policy, with the potential to become a main player in supporting governments to address policy issues, including wicked problems, whilst potentially triggering a shift to knowledge governance in Portugal’s public administration. Nevertheless, PlanAPP could further intensify boundary activities, especially by increasing civil society participation and producing shared outputs that all actors involved recognise as legitimate, increasing trust in policy and institutions. This study’s methodology may be replicated to improve understanding of BOs and their contribution to policymaking in other contexts.
... In an inter-organizational public-sector context, organizational coordination aims to align the tasks and efforts of multiple units to achieve defined goals. It aims to create policy coherence, minimize redundancy, gaps, and contradictions within and between policies (Peters, 1998). ...
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The primary aim of this research is to examine the alignment between organizational design components and their influence on organizational performance to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. A survey was used as the data collection instrument, and empirical data were obtained from the general directorate of Sulaimania municipalities. The findings supported all hypotheses, indicating that environmental features and organizational context, including leadership style and climate, significantly influence the development of organizational design components. The results of the mediation analysis demonstrated the indirect influence of organizational design components on organizational performance through the mediating role of organizational strategy. This research has practical implications as it provides unique evidence to leaders and managers, highlighting that organizational design components, with the mediation role of strategy, have significant implications for organizations' ability to enhance efficiency and innovate new services. This research is original in that it constructed the model and investigated the impact of environmental features and organizational context (leadership style and climate) on organizational design components, while also testing the mediating role of organizational strategy in the relationship between organizational design components and organizational performance (efficiency and effectiveness).
... Puede ser negativa (minimizar interferencias o conflictos) o positiva (generar coherencia); puede ser vertical (entre niveles de gobierno) u horizontal (entre sectores de políticas); puede producirse a nivel de las políticas (desde arriba, en la toma de decisiones) o de la gestión (desde abajo, en la implementación de dichas decisiones); y puede organizarse mediante estructuras o procesos (Peters, 2015a). Además de estas dicotomías, puede variar en niveles (desde minimizar interferencias mutuas a desarrollar un enfoque estratégico y prospectivo para todo el sistema) (Peters, 1998) o grados (desde mantener la toma de decisiones separada, hasta formular una estrategia comprehensiva de gobierno) (Metcalfe, 1994). ...
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Se analizan algunas reformas institucionales recientes concebidas para fortalecer la capacidad de los jefes de gobierno de imponer prioridades estratégicas sobre las estructuras ministeriales y generar mayor coherencia entre las políticas sectoriales. Mediante una comparación de los contextos, diseños y estrategias de coordinación de los ministerios coordinadores de Ecuador, las vicepresidencias sectoriales de Venezuela, las coordinaciones de gabinetes sectoriales de Honduras y la Comisión Presidencial de Centro de Gobierno de Guatemala, se evidencian los logros, desafíos y efectos contraproducentes de buscar mayor coordinación a través de mecanismos centralizados y jerárquicos.
... Toda política climática debe lidiar con la fragmentación política para tener éxito, pues este problema público supera por mucho la compartimentalización administrativa -en cajas ministeriales (sectorialización) y niveles de gobierno (descentralización) -en la que la política pública ha sido puesta por décadas (Candel & Biesbroek, 2016;Peters, 1998;Schout & Jordan, 2008). Con este telón de fondo, integración de políticas es uno de los conceptos que han emergido en la literatura para discutir la acción política coordinada que requiere la política climática (Adelle & Russel, 2013;Tosun & Solorio, 2011;Tosun & Lang, 2017). ...
... As organizações governamentais procuram melhorar ou garantir suas posições de poder no arranjo estatal, buscando principalmente aumentar ou assegurar as suas competências e áreas de influência (F. L. Costa, 2010;Peters, 1998Peters, , 2001. As alianças de membros do Congresso tendem a seguir o núcleo ideológico dos seus líderes e, de uma forma significativamente pragmática, as preferências dos seus apoiantes e da base eleitoral. ...
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Resumo A formulação da política de acesso à informação no Brasil é retratada como uma “história de sucesso”. Dados sobre a aderência da legislação brasileira aos padrões internacionais indica que suas instituições de acesso estão entre as dez primeiras na dimensão substantiva, mas são as últimas entre elas na dimensão processual. Que mecanismo conduziu esse processo para produzir tal ambivalência? Este estudo assume que a formulação da política de acesso no Brasil representou um processo ambíguo de emulação baseado em legitimidade, orientado para a homogeneização frente ao campo internacional, mas sem quebrar o controle governamental da informação. Este artigo se baseia em trabalhos teóricos sobre difusão de políticas com foco na emulação e aborda teorias sobre conflitos e negociação pelo poder como condutores da formulação de políticas. Os resultados sugerem que a dinâmica política de disputas e acomodação de interesses forjaram esse processo e seus resultados derivaram de trade-offs políticos entre atores-chave em questões controversas. Desta forma, materializaram as preferências dos atores não-governamentais por maior abrangência e nenhum “sigilo eterno”, mas também asseguraram a órgãos públicos as prerrogativas de implementação e decisão final sobre recursos. Este caso pode representar um fenômeno mais amplo, considerando que dados comparativos indicam que essa ambivalência na adesão entre as dimensões substantiva e processual da América Latina é maior do que em outras regiões.
... Governmental organizations seek to improve or guarantee their power positions in the state apparatus, primarily attempting to increase or ensure their competencies and areas of influence (F. L. Costa, 2010;Peters, 1998Peters, , 2001. Alliances of members of Congress tend to follow the ideological core of their leaders and, in a significant pragmatic way, the preferences of their supporters and electoral basis. ...
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Freedom of information (FOI) policymaking in Brazil is portrayed as a "successful story. " Data on adherence of the Brazilian legislation to international standards indicates its FOI institutions are in the top-ten group in the substantive dimension of FOI but are the last when it comes to the procedural dimension. What mechanism has driven this process to produce such ambivalence? This study assumes that FOI policymaking in Brazil represented an ambiguous legitimacy-based emulation process, oriented toward homogenization to the international field, but without breaking the governmental control over information. It draws on theoretical work on policy diffusion focusing on emulation and uses theories on conflicts and negotiation for power as drivers of policymaking. The results suggest this process was forged by political dynamics of disputes and compromises, and its outcomes derived from political trade-offs between key actors on controversial issues. Thus, the results materialized the preferences of non-governmental actors for a larger scope and no "eternal secrecy" and assured government offices' prerogatives on implementation and their final decision on appeals. This case may represent a broader phenomenon, considering that comparative data indicates that this ambivalence in adherence between substantive and procedural dimensions is more significant in Latin America than in other regions.
... It often causes a substantial number of complaints to be lost in the long chain of procedures before reaching the decision-making ranks [9]. Another issue is the inadequate workforce to handle these complaints [10], making complaints, albeit received, sidelined due to insufficient resources to carry out follow-up actions. These problems inevitably make governments fail to translate citizen feedback into tangible improvements in public service delivery. ...
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Crowdsourcing has gradually become an effective e-government process to gather citizen complaints over the implementation of various public services. In practice, the collected complaints form a massive dataset, making it difficult for government officers to analyze the big data effectively. It is consequently vital to use data mining algorithms to classify the citizen complaint data for efficient follow-up actions. However, different classification algorithms produce varied classification accuracies. Thus, this study aimed to compare the accuracy of several classification algorithms on crowdsourced citizen complaint data. Taking the case of the LAKSA app in Tangerang City, Indonesia, this study included k-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and AdaBoost for the accuracy assessment. The data were taken from crowdsourced citizen complaints submitted to the LAKSA app, including those aggregated from official social media channels, from May 2021 to April 2022. The results showed SVM with a linear kernel as the most accurate among the assessed algorithms (89.2%). In contrast, AdaBoost (base learner: Decision Trees) produced the lowest accuracy. Still, the accuracy levels of all algorithms varied in parallel to the amount of training data available for the actual classification categories. Overall, the assessments on all algorithms indicated that their accuracies were insignificantly different, with an overall variation of 4.3%. The AdaBoost-based classification, in particular, showed its large dependence on the choice of base learners. Looking at the method and results, this study contributes to e-government, data mining, and big data discourses. This research recommends that governments continuously conduct supervised training of classification algorithms over their crowdsourced citizen complaints to seek the highest accuracy possible, paving the way for smart and sustainable governance.
... Procedural instruments aim to coordinate decision-making to enable policy integration (Howlett and Rayner 2008) and underpin the pivotal processes of integration of priorities across policy areas through facilitating joint policy-making and coordination are central (Peters 1998;Jordan and Lenschow 2010:149;Russel et al. 2020). These include inter alia trans-sectoral and intergovernmental working groups, formal coordination units, consultations across policy areas and levels, policy documents, knowledge exchange and also more informal ways of policy-making, e.g. ...
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In this paper, we examine how the EU Climate Adaptation Strategy and especially its pivotal principle of policy integration of climate adaptation has diffused into the climate adaptation strategies of Member States. We explore how this quest for climate adaptation policy integration (CPI) was pushed by vertical diffusion of the framing and policy mixes launched at the EU level. To do so, we analyse and compare national climate adaptation strategies in two EU Member States—the UK and Denmark—during 2013–2021, which witnessed Brexit and increased attention to climate impacts. Conceptually and analytically, we draw on the policy diffusion literature centring on four potential drivers of vertical policy diffusion: interests, rights, ideology and recognition. Furthermore, to scrutinize what is diffused, we conceptualize climate policy integration including the rationale and policy instruments for climate policy integration. We find that both countries’ approaches to climate change adaptation have been shaped by rights-based diffusion in a mixture of shadow hierarchy, soft power and activation of other policy areas with binding directives and observe how what appears to be asymmetrical diffusion has strong elements of symmetrical diffusion. We further identify divergence between the cases before and after Brexit and in mandating local level actions.
... Alderdi politikoek ere lagundu dezakete erakunde eta departamentu zatiketak gainditzen eta koordinazioa handitzen (Bolleyer,201). Hori are gertagarriagoa da erakunde ezberdinetako gobernu-organoetan alderdi bera egonez gero (Peters, 1998). Horixe da, hain zuzen, EAEn maiz gertatu izan dena, nahiz eta zenbait erakundetan gobernu hori beste indar politikoarekin koalizioan izan (eskuarki, PSE-EErekin). ...
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Artikulu honek aztertzen ditu (EAE) Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko gobernantza ekonomikoaren gaur egungo egoera eta etorkizunerako erronkak, gobernantza esperimentaleko ikuspegi teorikoan eta deszentralizazio asimetrikoko prozesuek munduan izandako aurrerapenean oinarrituta. Horretarako, artikuluak aurkezten ditu, lehendabizi, EAEko administrazioen eta gainerako Estatuko eta Europako Batasuneko administrazioen arteko eskuduntzen banaketa eta koordinaziomekanismoak, alde batetik, eta EAEren barruan Eusko Jaurlaritzaren, Foru-Diputazioen eta Udaletxeen artekoa, bestetik; eta, bigarrenik, RIS3 deitu izan diren eraldaketarako estrategien gobernantza 2013tik aurrera. EAEren kasuan, bai politika publikoetan eta bai gobernantza eta koordinazio sistemetan oreka nahiko egokia dago jarraitutasunaren eta berritasunaren artean. Hala ere, EAEk bi erronka handiri aurre egin beharko die berandu baino lehen: berrikuntza ezteknologikoaren ahultasuna zuzenduz, eta gobernantzaren bilgune nagusietan zenbait eragile esanguratsu –unibertsitateak eta hiriak, batik bat– barneratuz.
... Los partidos pueden ejercer asimismo un papel de coordinación y superación de la fragmentación institucional y departamental (Bolleyer, 2011). Esa labor resulta, en principio, tanto más probable cuando es el mismo partido el que gobierna en las distintas instituciones (Peters, 1998), lo que sucede actualmente en la CAPV con el PNV, aunque en algunas instituciones tal gobierno sea en coalición con otra fuerza política (generalmente, el PSE-EE). De las entrevistas llevadas a cabo hay otros dos rasgos, característicos del partido que gobierna las principales instituciones vascas, que afectan notablemente a la coordinación y gobernanza institucional: por un lado, la naturaleza bicéfala de los cargos del PNV, de modo que las personas que ocupan cargos institucionales no pueden estar en los órganos del partido encargado del seguimiento y control de tal institución; y, por otra parte, una estructura organizada por TTHH, de modo que los cargos políticos de cada institución rinden cuentas a las ejecutivas y asambleas del TTHH al que pertenece la institución. ...
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El artículo examina, desde la perspectiva teórica de la gobernanza experimental y el avance de los procesos de descentralización asimétrica en el mundo, la gobernanza económica de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (CAPV) en la actualidad y los retos de futuro. El artículo analiza, en primer lugar, la distribución de competencia y los mecanismos de coordinación entre las administraciones de la CAPV y las del resto del Estado y la Unión Europea, por un lado, y dentro de la CAPV, entre gobierno, diputaciones y ayuntamientos; y, a continuación, la gobernanza de las estrategias de transformación, también conocidas como estrategias RIS3, desde 2013 en adelante. El análisis del caso del País Vasco muestra un balance más o menos adecuado entre continuidad y novedad tanto en las políticas como en los sistemas de gobernanza y coordinación que, no obstante, debe afrontar urgentemente dos grandes retos: la debilidad de la innovación no tecnológica y la incorporación de agentes relevantes, en particular las universidades y las ciudades, a la sala de máquinas del sistema.
... The parties can likewise play a coordination role and to overcome departmental and institutional fragmentation (Bolleyer, 2011). That task is, in principle, more likely when it is the same party governing the different institutions (Peters, 1998), which is the current case in the BAC with the PNV, even when that government is in coalition with another political force (generally, the PSOE [Spanish Socialist Party]) in those institutions. There are two other features, characteristic of the party governing the main Basque institutions, that significantly affect institutional governance and coordination: on the one hand, the dual nature of the posts of the PNV, meaning that the people holding institutional posts cannot be in the entities of the party tasked with monitoring and controlling that institution; and, on the other hand, a structure organised by TTHH, meaning that the political posts of each institution answer to the executives and assemblies of the TTHH to which the institution belongs. ...
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From the theoretical perspective of experimental governance and in the context of increasing asymmetric decentralization experienced worldwide, this article analyses the current system of economic governance of the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) and the challenges for the near future. The article first deals with the distribution of powers and coordination mechanisms between the BAC, the Spanish State and the European Union, on the one hand, and within the BAC, between the Basque government, the three provincial councils and the municipalities; and then, examines the governance of RIS3 transformative strategies from 2013 onwards. The Basque case shows an adequate balance between continuity and novelty, both in the public policies and in the system and mechanisms of governance and coordination. However, the BAC should urgently address two big challenges: the weakness of non-technological innovation and the full incorporation of key agents, particularly universities and cities, to the governance house.
... Instruments that aim to enhance the voluntary or forced alignment of tasks and efforts (Peters 1988;Cucciniello et al. 2015). ...
... Inter-organisational coordination, resulting from the interaction and network effects organisations of policymakers from different strands, sectors, or spheres, was hence the defining character of the state in these models. It also highlighted the structure and agency dynamics where coordination and organisation exist both vertically between the State and the governed i.e., industries, businesses, and the public as well as horizontally in the forms of inter-agencies, inter-businesses, and inter-public relationships (Peters, 1998;Cohen, 2006). Bornemann (2007) argued that such coordination aims at preventing emerging policies contradiction and calls for policy integration became more apparent when integration across trans-domain policies was seen as a panacea to current policy problems. ...
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This chapter aims to revisit some of the foundational questions that help create the policy domains often treated in exclusion or in silos, particularly those involving public, industrial, and economic policies and proposed a new framework of which how the three could be integrated and synchronized by using experiences from the Brunei halal industry as a case study. This chapter is timely as the food industry is seen as one of the five main sectors aimed at diversifying the Bruneian economy. Its development is also seen as a way of achieving the ideals stated under the Brunei Vision 2035 which ran in tandem with some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Based on the research carried out on Brunei's food industry, and their interlinkages with government institutions and regional food producers alike, the proposed framework is established to further consolidate Brunei's position towards the achievement of the SDGs. Adapting it to the principles of Islamic Governance, not only puts into context the logic of why such an integrated halal policy is crucial for the alleviation of poverty (SDG1) and the development of sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) alike but also answers the calls towards responsible production and consumption (SDG 12) whilst supporting the decent work and economic growth promotion (SDG 8).
... Inter-organisational coordination, resulting from the interaction and network effects organisations of policymakers from different strands, sectors, or spheres, was hence the defining character of the state in these models. It also highlighted the structure and agency dynamics where coordination and organisation exist both vertically between the State and the governed i.e., industries, businesses, and the public as well as horizontally in the forms of inter-agencies, inter-businesses, and inter-public relationships (Peters, 1998;Cohen, 2006). Bornemann (2007) argued that such coordination aims at preventing emerging policies contradiction and calls for policy integration became more apparent when integration across trans-domain policies was seen as a panacea to current policy problems. ...
This chapter aims to revisit some of the foundational questions that help create the domains often treated in exclusion or in silos, particularly those involving public, industrial, and economic policies, and proposed a new framework of which how the three could be integrated and synchronized by using experiences from the Brunei halal industry as a case study. This chapter is timely as the food industry is seen as one of the five main sectors aimed at diversifying the Bruneian economy and development envisioned in the Brunei Vision 2035, in tandem with some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The study is based on the experiences of Brunei's food industry players. Adapting it to the principles of Islamic governance not only puts into context the logic of why such an integrated halal policy is crucial for the alleviation of poverty (SDG1) and the development of sustainable cities and communities (SDG 8) alike but also answers the calls towards responsible production and consumption (SDG 12) whilst supporting the decent work and economic growth promotion (SDG 11).
... Our analysis takes its starting point in the literature on policy coordination. Policy coordination is generally regarded as a wide phenomenon, spanning from simple mutual adjustment among actors to each other's activities to more formalized collaboration within common organizational structures (Peters 1998). Policy activities can both include formulation and implementation, which (especially at the local and regional levels) are typically closely integrated (Wollmann 2003). ...
The pledge to Leave No One Behind is central to the 2030 Agenda and cuts across all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To realize this cross‐sectoral approach to inequality, policy coherence is considered an important tool. This article questions whether and how policy coherence leaves no one behind. We focus on the often‐overlooked politics of policy coherence by studying gender inequalities in institutions, interests, and ideas in subnational governance processes for SDG implementation in India. Our findings show that policy coherence does not automatically reach the furthest behind in India. Despite ambitions to Leave No One Behind, SDG policy coherence processes are built around pre‐existing, unequal and often siloed government structures, interests, and ideas. While this enhances national ownership, it also perpetuates inequalities in SDG policy coherence processes, including around gender. We argue that paradoxically, in seeking to implement all the SDGs equally for all, countries need to prioritize between competing goals in which historically prioritized institutions, interests, and ideas prevail over others. The article raises important questions about the universal applicability of policy coherence as means to achieve the SDGs and calls for further research on the synergies and trade‐offs between policy coherence and Leave No One Behind in different (sub)national contexts.
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In the process of achieving China's "Dual Carbon" goals, policy coordination serves as a crucial driving force in breaking regional administrative barriers and promoting emission reductions. Based on 7462 policy texts and panel data from 31 provinces in China, we utilize the BERTopic model, Social Network Analysis and the STIRPAT model to analyze the theoretical mechanism and carbon emission reduction effect of regional policy coordination. The results are as follows: (1) In China, the essence of realizing the national "Dual Carbon" goals is "institutional collective action". The cross-border feature of the policy network is the key to solving the inherent problems of regional carbon emission reduction publicity and externality. (2) During the study period, the network density of regional policy coordination first increased and then gradually stabilized, presenting a state of "strong-tie" in the eastern region and a relatively "weak-tie" in the central, western, and northeastern regions. (3) Regional policy coordination has a significant indirect carbon emission reduction effect, but it must interact with increased financial investment, optimized industrial structure, and reduced energy intensity. (4) Due to different regional development strategies, the emission reduction pathways through policy coordination will also exhibit heterogeneity. Based on the research findings, we propose to strengthen regional policy coordination and take it as the main line to guide inter-regional carbon emission reduction governance.
The chapter presents the main conclusions from previous research into policymaking, governance and new policy domains with relevance for cultural and creative industries (CCI) policymaking within the European Union (EU) and at the national and subnational levels. In addition to conclusions from the empirical studies of previous chapters, the chapter revisits the ambition of CCI policy as an integrated policy domain. First, the promise and dilemma of policy integration is discussed in relation to Swedish empirical data. Second, the impact of policy design on CCI development is discussed, given that policy needs to be general and is subject to changing priorities of politicians. These two sections are finally complemented by a concluding section where suggestions for further research and policymaking are given. Finally, some suggestions for further research and future policymaking are given.
This chapter recognises the lack of published research on cultural and creative industries (CCI) policymaking that allows for comparative studies and introduces to policy research and a framework for understanding the development of CCI policymaking in Europe. The chapter briefly describes the scope of policy research and then discusses some matters in the multidisciplinary field of policy research that are central to CCI policymaking, such as cross-sectoral collaboration and coordination and policy integration. The chapter then presents the theoretical framework of the empirical analyses of later chapters, the policy regime perspective. This framework is effectively a type of comparative-historical analysis framework and allows analysis of central ideas, interests and institutional arrangements in a policy as well as analysis of policy legitimacy, coherence and durability over time.
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This book takes a step closer to the reality of international conflicts by adding a special focus on the relation(s) between state and non-state actors. Today’s world has gone beyond state-to-state negotiations and conflicts. While these traditional forms of engagement still exist, the more rapid developments have occurred at the boundary of social and political conflicts. The State’s strict jurisdiction over diplomacy as a tool for conflict resolution is being increasingly challenged by economic actors and civil society actors. This new overlapping of convergent and divergent interests between these multiple actors is the focus of this book.
Esta obra, a partir de aportes teóricos e pesquisas empíricas, vincula temas, como sustentabilidade, abastecimento e papel do Estado em direcionar o sistema alimentar à garantia de soberania e segurança alimentar e nutricional. Pela complexidade das temáticas, lançou-se mão da interdisciplinaridade; dessa forma, o livro foi organizado e escrito a várias mãos, com pesquisadores de diferentes áreas do conhecimento. Também se buscou tratar estas temáticas calcadas na diversidade de experiências de países latino-americanos e europeus para ilustrá-las de forma mais ampla e abrangente. “Sustentabilidade, circuitos curtos de abastecimento e compras públicas de alimentos” constitui-se de dezesseis capítulos, divididos em três partes. A primeira delas refere-se a discussões mais abrangentes e conceituais sobre sustentabilidade alimentar a partir de diferentes perspectivas e abordagens. Trata-se de abordagens que perpassam o sistema alimentar, sua relação com a soberania e a segurança alimentar, com as formas de abastecimento, com as dietas e com o papel do Estado e suas políticas. A segunda debruça-se sobre experiências com circuitos curtos de abastecimento e compras públicas de alimentos, não somente brasileiras, mas de diferentes países, oferecendo ao leitor uma ideia ampliada e variada de ações, políticas e programas que têm viabilizado novas relações entre produção e consumo em diferentes contextos. A terceira trata exclusivamente das compras públicas de alimentos para os RU das Universidades Federais do Sul do Brasil. Em grande parte, é fruto de pesquisas realizadas a partir do Projeto intitulado “Compras públicas e circuitos curtos da agricultura familiar: a promoção da segurança alimentar e nutricional por meio do abastecimento alternativo no sul do Brasil e Colômbia”.
A critical question in relation to inter-agency coordination is not only whether, but how, to coordinate. This question is particularly salient when agencies are subject to a top-down mandate. While inter-agency coordination can provide multiple benefits, agencies frequently have concerns about the potential risks of coordination. Differing coordination mechanisms may reduce or exacerbate those concerns. Depending on their coordination concerns, agencies will be inclined to favor certain mechanisms over others. Examination of the implementation of California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, which mandates local agency coordination, indicates that coordination mechanism selection is influenced by which combination of concerns agencies hold, with autonomy considerations taking priority over other concerns. These findings suggest opportunities to improve the explanatory power of theories of inter-agency coordination by incorporating potential hierarchies of concerns, their distribution across the multiple agencies tasked with coordinating, and configurational effects. To this end, we propose a contingency theory of agency concerns and coordination mechanism choice under a mandate to coordinate.
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A referência sistêmica nas questões alimentares é amplamente utilizada para tratar de diferentes escalas espaciais e populacionais, coordenação e co-municação de diferentes atores políticos e estratégias de desenvolvimento, seja o sistema agroalimentar mundial (McMichael, 2016), os sistemas agroali-mentares localizados (Boucher, 2012), os sistemas alimentares descentraliza-dos nas localidades (Maluf, 2021; Burlandy et al., 2006) e o sistema alimentar familiar (Fréguin-Gresh; Cortes, 2020). Esse pressuposto sistêmico orienta a política brasileira de segurança ali-mentar e nutricional, que propõe mecanismos para coordenação do siste-ma, tais como o Conselho Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (Consea) e a Câmara Intersetorial (Caisan) (Brasil, Losan, nº 11.346). Estes mecanismos visam articular quatro conceitos-chave em contexto de descentralização da segurança alimentar e nutricional: a intersetorialidade, a institucionalidade, a equidade e a sustentabilidade-a intersetorialidade e a insti-tucionalidade se referem a mecanismos de aproximação e concertação entre diferentes setores que tratam da alimentação (saúde, agricultura, educação etc.); a equidade busca promover a igualdade do acesso entre os diferentes grupos sociais envolvidos na questão alimentar; a sustentabilidade remete à questão ambiental, mas também político-social, mecanismos de emancipação e desenvolvimento das capacidades dos grupos sociais e da continuidade no tempo das ações e políticas públicas (Maluf; Reis, 2013).
Policy‐making is a complex business. While scholars have studied the politics of policy‐making for decades, we know surprisingly little about the role of individual ministries . We argue that and why individual ministries crucially shape policies' content, particularly their distributive profiles. We explain that it matters whether for example, a Ministry of Labor, of Finance, or of Home Affairs designs a policy. First, we systematically review existing literature on the factors that influence preferences of ministries and their power in policy‐making. Second, we develop a theory explaining that and why ministries have substantive policy impact and introducing a typology of three different ministerial ideal‐types: ministries follow a “social logic”, an “efficiency logic”, or a “law‐and‐order logic”. Third, we offer systematic empirical evidence: Using the least likely case of Germany, we introduce a novel content‐coded dataset on all social policies in the Bundestag since 1969, showing that ministries shape policies' distributive profiles, even when controlling for rival explanations, such as the partisan affiliation of ministers, the policy field, or cabinet type. We conclude by developing a research agenda on ministerial politics and highlight important implications for representation and responsiveness.
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Zusammenfassung In den letzten Jahren sind Probleme im Verwaltungsvollzug stärker thematisiert worden, insbesondere am Beispiel von Krisen. Viele dieser Problemlagen im Kontext der Migrations- und Integrationspolitik, im Bereich der Gesundheitspolitik (Corona), in der Sozialpolitik oder der nur sehr zögerlich vorankommenden Digitalisierung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen in Deutschland lassen sich dabei auf Probleme in der Verflechtung von Verwaltungen zurückführen. Der Beitrag entwickelt dazu unter Rückgriff auf das Konzept der „Verwaltungsverflechtung“ ein empirisches Analysekonzept für Vollzugshandeln, das sowohl die Verflechtungsstruktur als auch die Schnittstellenbearbeitung als analytische Dimensionen in den Blick nimmt. Es wird argumentiert, dass die Analyse dieser Dimensionen ermöglicht, jene strukturellen Probleme systematisch offenzulegen und zu erklären, die im Vollzugshandeln in unterschiedlichen Verwaltungsbereichen regelmäßig Koordinationsdefizite bedingen.
This chapter illustrates the key findings of the research. With a specific focus on the comparative evidence presented in Chaps. 4 and 5, it discusses the working hypothesis presented in Chap. 3. The author begins by analyzing the diachronic evolution of policy design choices across the two cases under investigation. Then, it moves on by discussing the different politics of instrument choices characterizing the two cases. Finally, along the lines of the exploratory framework, it comparatively analyzes different interactions between ministerial organizational layouts and policy takers’ characteristics. As final remarks to the book, the author discusses the policy implication of this study, its limitations, and venues for future research.
This chapter discusses the exploratory framework of analysis and its application to the empirical analysis of the two national Research & Innovation systems of France and Italy. Here the case studies are introduced and described to the readers and the working hypotheses guiding the analysis are discussed. The last sections of the chapter illustrate the methodology adopted in the study, more specifically: the case-selection strategy, data collection techniques, and the combination of methods adopted for the analysis. The chapter also provides an appendix where further details on methodological choices are provided.
A distinctive methodological approach is proposed for evaluating the ‘coordinative effectiveness’ of governance. The approach, conducive to interdisciplinary investigation across different geographical and sectoral contexts, draws from the heterodox Austrian and Bloomington Schools. There is openness to a range of possible conclusions including those running counter to the classical liberal proposals closely associated with these traditions. Complex, multidimensional economic choices involved in formulating and delivering policy are analysed in detail. Stakeholder framings of these choices and their actual and potential outcomes are compared, with a focus on their contrasting normative assumptions, epistemological standpoints and motivations. This can lead to insights concerning actual and potential policy impacts being identified that are relatively neglected by some stakeholders, whether intentionally or not. This, in turn, prompts questions about whether such oversights are caused by how governance and policy processes shape actors’ knowledge and motivations. In this respect, detailed, outcome-orientated analysis of the substantive complexities of policy challenges not only complements but also enriches established, process-focused understandings of coordination in political science and public administration. The approach also informs assessment of ‘meta’ level, questions about how to establish the form and scales of governance for most effectively shaping the role of markets in society.
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With the National Hydrogen Strategy, the German government defined an initial framework for the integration of hydrogen into the energy system. At the subnational level, most Länder have also adopted individual hydrogen strategies. This article examines the coherence between the different strategies. We find a fragmentation of the different strategic goals and approaches towards the market ramp-up of hydrogen technologies, which results from a deficient multilateral coordination within the federal system. Hydrogen coordination in Germany is constrained by party-political and territorial conflicts, but also by the interaction between intra- and intergovernmental dynamics. Thus, to prevent fragmentation of complex energy transition issues, such as hydrogen, regular coordination is required at both the intra- and intergovernmental levels. Given the exemplary nature of the German case, this analysis offers insights for the study of similar coordination challenges encountered in various federal and multi-level systems.
Polycentric climate governance holds enormous promise, but to unleash its full force, policy evaluation needs a stronger role in it. This book develops Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom's important work by offering fresh perspectives from cutting-edge thinking on climate governance and policy evaluation. Driven by theoretical innovation and empirical exploration, this book not only argues for a stronger connection between polycentric climate governance and practices of evaluation, but also demonstrates the key value of doing so with a real-world, empirical test in the polycentric setting of the European Union. This book offers a crucial step to take climate governance to the next level. It will be of interest to advanced students and researchers in climate governance, as well as practitioners who seek to enhance climate action, which is needed to avoid a climate catastrophe and to identify a pathway towards the 1.5° Celsius target in the Paris Agreement.
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How can managers blend the essential ingredients of complex public programs in fragmented service delivery systems and overcome the specialized concerns of disparate organizations to create systems that work effectively? Edward T. Jennings, Jr. and Dale Krane identify both the barriers to successful coordination of social service programs and the approaches that managers in the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) program have taken to establish coordinated service delivery. They report considerable variation in the degree to which JOBS has been successfully coordinated with other programs. Various barriers hinder coordination, but effective managers have used diverse mechanisms and approaches to overcome those barriers. Leadership and interpersonal relations are the primary ingredients of effective coordination in JOBS. When these are combined with a vision of client service and agreement over the functional division of service responsibility, public agencies can work together to deliver effectively coordinated services.
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We argue that the social construction of target populations is an important, albeit overlooked, political phenomenon that should take its place in the study of public policy by political scientists. The theory contends that social constructions influence the policy agenda and the selection of policy tools, as well as the rationales that legitimate policy choices. Constructions become embedded in policy as messages that are absorbed by citizens and affect their orientations and participation. The theory is important because it helps explain why some groups are advantaged more than others independently of traditional notions of political power and how policy designs reinforce or alter such advantages. An understanding of social constructions of target populations augments conventional hypotheses about the dynamics of policy change, the determination of beneficiaries and losers, the reasons for differing levels and types of participation among target groups, and the role of policy in democracy.
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This article argues that the basic unit for much of public organization analysis is not the organization as is the convention in organization and management theory. Rather, it is an interorganizational unit—the policy system-which centers on a public policy domain.
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The growing technical uncertainties and complexities of problems of global concern have made international policy coordination not only increasingly necessary but also increasingly difficult. If decision makers are unfamiliar with the technical aspects of a specific problem, how do they define state interests and develop viable solutions? What factors shape their behavior? Under conditions of uncertainty, what are the origins of international institutions? And how can we best study the processes through which international policy coordination and order emerge? While a variety of analytic approaches have been used to address the problems of international cooperation, the approaches have yielded only fragmentary insights. At its core, the study of policy coordination among states involves arguments about determinism versus free will and about the ways in which the international system is maintained and transformed. Among the overlapping topics of debate are whether national behavior is determined or broadly conditioned by system-level factors, unit-level factors, or some complex interplay between the two; whether state policymakers can identify national interests and behave independently of pressures from the social groups they nominally represent; and whether states respond consistently to opportunities to create, defend, or expand their own wealth and power, to enhance collective material benefits, or to promote nonmaterial values.' A related question of
Beyond Westminster and Whitehall provides the first comprehensive account of the range of sub-central government institutions that are responsible for the delivery of services to citizens. These bodies are the warp and weft of the British system of government and yet are all too frequently ignored. For a full understanding of British government, the study of sub-central government is of equivalent importance to that of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and Parliament. Westminster and Whitehall do not always get what they want. There are a great many restraints upon the actions of the centre, and central policies all too often have unintended consequences. This book, demonstrating that Britain is not a unitary state but a differentiated polity in which sub-central governments play a key role, will be essential reading for teachers and students of British politics.
Contains an introductory review and a concluding chapter by the editors, and ten case studies by different authors. All are abstracted separately. They focus on the roles and workings of the agencies involved in implementing public policy at national and local levels. -J.Clayton
It seems unavoidable that any “new”, “modern”, or “thus far unexplored” field of social research comes wrapped in a mystical cover that hinders efforts to push directly to the issues underlying the topics that are being put on the research agenda. It takes some time to discover what a new research interest is all about, be it means-goals analysis, P.P.B.S., policy implementation, policy termination, privatizing government, or deregulation (to name but a few). Some of these by now have become demystified. Several others await their turn to be saved from the political rhetoric that - also in their scientific treatment - still surrounds them. The study of policy implementation seems to be somewhere in the middle of this process.
At a general level this paper is concerned with- the paucity of efforts in, and intel1ectua1 poverty of, what we shall call “black box” theory building. At another level we seek to develop greater clarity and specificity for the concept of policy subsystem. Toward this end we shall demonstrate the efficacy of a political economy framework in analyzing policy subsystems.
Almost from the time the caterpillar of budgetary evolution became the butterfly of budgetary reform, the line-item budget has been condemned as a reactionary throwback to its primitive larva. Budgeting, its critics claim, has been metamorphized in reverse, an example of retrogression instead of progress. Over the last century, the traditional annual cash budget has been condemned as mindless, because its lines do not match programs; irrational, because they deal with inputs instead of outputs; shortsighted, because they cover one year instead of many; fragmented, because as a rule only changes are reviewed; conservative, because these changes tend to be small; and worse. Yet despite these faults, real and alleged, the traditional budget reigns supreme virtually everywhere, in practice if not in theory. Why?
There has been a great deal of research in recent years concerning the use of substantive policy analysis in public policy-making. This paper seeks to integrate those findings - e.g., the enlightenment function of policy research - into a more general model of policy-making over periods of a decade or more. The conceptual framework focuses on the belief systems of advocacy coalitions within policy subsystems as the critical vehicle for understanding the role of policy analysis in policy-oriented learning and the effect, in turn, of such learning on changes in governmental programs.
Interorganizational coordination (IOC) is a critical part of planning because most planning involves multiple interacting organizations. Theories and concepts of IOC are reviewed, including definitions, theoretical premises, interorganizationalfields, networks and interdependencies, and IOC strategies, antecedents, and consequences. To bridge the gap between current theories and taxonomies in the organization theory literature and the practice of IOC as revealed in case studies, a set of coordination structures is proposed: informal networks, interorganizational groups, coordinators, coordinating units, non-administered programs, lead organizations, and single organizations. These structures are part of an integrated framework that is offered to facilitate analysis and research.
This article argues that a multiorganizational unit of analysis, an implementation structure, should be used when describing and evaluating the implementation and administration of programmes. Programmes are implemented by clusters of parts of public and private organizations. An implementation structure is the administrative entity which programme implementors use for accomplishing objectives within programmes. An organizationally rooted analy sis is therefore inadequate to rationalize the activities surrounding programme imple mentation. This article defines implementation structures and argues the advantage of using a multiorganizational analytic perspective over the perspective of single organizations.
In organisation theory a schism has developed between the traditional organisational behaviour literature, based in psychology, sociology and political science, and the more analytically rigorous field of organisational economics. The former stresses the importance of managerial leadership and cooperation among employees, while the latter focuses on the engineering of incentive systems that will induce efficiency and profitability, by rewarding worker self-interest. In this innovative book, Gary Miller bridges the gap between these literatures. He demonstrates that it is impossible to design an incentive system based on self-interest that will effectively discipline all subordinates and superiors and obviate or overcome the roles of political conflict, collective action, and leadership in an organisation. Applying game theory to the analysis of the roles of cooperation and political leadership in organisational hierarchies, he concludes that the organisation whose managers can inspire cooperation and the transcendence of short-term interest in its employees enjoys a competitive advantage.
Examines the role that institutions, defined as the humanly devised constraints that shape human interaction, play in economic performance and how those institutions change and how a model of dynamic institutions explains the differential performance of economies through time. Institutions are separate from organizations, which are assemblages of people directed to strategically operating within institutional constraints. Institutions affect the economy by influencing, together with technology, transaction and production costs. They do this by reducing uncertainty in human interaction, albeit not always efficiently. Entrepreneurs accomplish incremental changes in institutions by perceiving opportunities to do better through altering the institutional framework of political and economic organizations. Importantly, the ability to perceive these opportunities depends on both the completeness of information and the mental constructs used to process that information. Thus, institutions and entrepreneurs stand in a symbiotic relationship where each gives feedback to the other. Neoclassical economics suggests that inefficient institutions ought to be rapidly replaced. This symbiotic relationship helps explain why this theoretical consequence is often not observed: while this relationship allows growth, it also allows inefficient institutions to persist. The author identifies changes in relative prices and prevailing ideas as the source of institutional alterations. Transaction costs, however, may keep relative price changes from being fully exploited. Transaction costs are influenced by institutions and institutional development is accordingly path-dependent. (CAR)
La multiplication des politiques sectorielles est le résultat de la « sectorisation » croissante des sociétés modernes, qui relègue au second plan les logiques territoriales. L'étude de ces politiques s'organise autour de trois questions principales : l'élaboration du « référentiel normatif », c'est-à-dire de la vision globale autour de laquelle vont s'ordonner et se hiérarchiser les différentes politiques ; le rôle des « médiateurs », c'est-à-dire des opérateurs qui construisent et diffusent la représentation du rapport global-sectoriel qui est au cœur de toute politique ; le problème de l'autonomie des politiques à l'égard de la reproduction sociale, qui permet de mieux situer la question du volontarisme politique. Il est alors possible d'appréhender les difficultés actuelles comme une crise des régulations sectorielles qui renvoie elle-même à une crise de la sectorialité.
Contemporary theories of politics tend to portray politics as a reflection of society, political phenomena as the aggregate consequences of individual behavior, action as the result of choices based on calculated self-interest, history as efficient in reaching unique and appropriate outcomes, and decision making and the allocation of resources as the central foci of political life. Some recent theoretical thought in political science, however, blends elements of these theoretical styles into an older concern with institutions. This new institutionalism emphasizes the relative autonomy of political institutions, possibilities for inefficiency in history, and the importance of symbolic action to an understanding of politics. Such ideas have a reasonable empirical basis, but they are not characterized by powerful theoretical forms. Some directions for theoretical research may, however, be identified in institutionalist conceptions of political order. This is precisely the objective of the present article.
One of the challenges facing the writer is keeping up with developments in the information age. While Command, Control, and the Common Defense provides a historical perspective on a contemporary problem, it was written in the late l980s; since then, the end of the Cold War and the American experience in the Gulf War have provided some fundamentally new perspectives of their own. Re-written history has its own pitfalls; a better solution was to leave the original content intact and to add as an epilogue a chapter which originally appeared in a 1995 anthology on the Gulf War. Both works have, of course, been edited for consistency. Finally, there is reason to ponder in the light of more contemporary developments one of the major points in that original work: that the tight integration demanded by emerging command and control technologies often runs afoul of existing command structures and theories of warfare. As I completed the revisions to this edition while serving on special assignment with the NATO Implementation Force in Bosnia, there were daily reminders of the truth of that statement.
The powers of his office leave nothing to be desired. At the moment of his election his stallion is bridled and saddled; he only needs to be able to ride it’1.
The absence of interagency cooperation represents a major barrier to efficient and effective program action in the public sector. This analysis examines why attempts to achieve institutional coordination can be problematic. Key contextual factors and macro-level issues which may promote or hinder cooperation are identified. A summary of specific mechanisms for institutional coordination and the implementation issues which they raise is provided.
In December 1989 the prime minister launched an initiative of public service reform and renewal called “Public Service 2000.” The initiative is designed to equip the public service of Canada to meet the challenges of an increasingly demanding national and international environment. Based on the premise that the key to management is the motivation of people, the underlying thrust of Public Service 2000 is on changing how public servants are managed and, more broadly, how work is done in government. Building on the established foundations of the modern, professional public service, Public Service 2000 will lead to reforms in mandates, structures and operations and, above all, in the management culture of the public service, its efficiency and its capacity to serve Canadians effectively. Sommaire: En décembre 1989, le Premier ministre a annoncé un projet de réforme et de renouvellement de la fonction publique intitulé“Fonction publique 2000”. Cette initiative vise à adapter la fonction publique du Canada aux défis de plus en plus exigeants de l'environnement national et international. Fondée sur la prémisse que la motivation du personnel constitue la clef d'une saine gestion, Fonction publique 2000 vise à changer non seulement la façon dont les ressources humaines sont gérées, mais plus généralement, la façon dont le gouvernement accomplit son travail. Venant s'ajouter aux réformes antérieures qui ont instauré une fonction publique professionnelle et moderne, Fonction publique 2000 mènera à la réforme des mandats, des structures, des opérations et, surtout, de la culture de gestion de la fonction publique et de sa capacité d'offrir un service efficace à la population.
Government departments are central organizations in the development of public policy. Yet there is very little literature on the political role of departments, their internal relationships and their relationships with other departments and other government actors and institutions. This article reviews the extant literature on government departments. It argues that much of the existing research has either focused on the role of the Prime Minister or it has been institutional and static, providing an analysis of the administration and organization of departments rather than political interactions. The article therefore provides an alternative research agenda which stresses the need to examine the relationships and networks that exist within and between departments and how departments react to events and interests in the outside world.
In many Western public administrations, particularly the American and Anglo‐Saxon ones, a remarkable trend is taking place ‐ the ‘new public management’ (Hood 1991). Many Western governments and public services are adopting a more ‘managerial’ approach to administration. Under conditions of heavy public demands but a severely constrained public budget, the only feasible alternative to cutting public services or raising taxes, seems to be to reduce costs, increase effectiveness and efficiency, and deliver ‘more value for the money’. This budgetary consolidation forces the public sector to become more businesslike, ‘work better and cost less’, and become more client‐oriented. In this article, this trend of ‘public managerialism’ will be critically examined. From a theoretical viewpoint the adequacy for the public sector of a businesslike concept of ‘management’ can seriously be criticized. From an empirical viewpoint it is also inadequate as a description of administrative practice. Without denying the budgetary circumstances and the need for ‘effectiveness and efficiency’, the one‐sidedness of ‘managerialism’ is ill‐suited to the public sector. Other politico‐administrative responses to these circumstances may be possible and more appropriate. In this article one such possible alternative is theoretically examined and practically illustrated. Although not as elaborate and well developed as the multitude of available ‘managerial’ models, methods and techniques, the alternative ‘public governance’ not only possesses theoretical and analytical cogency but also reflects the practice of administrative developments. The idea and practical impacts are illustrated in case studies of administrative reforms in the Netherlands.
This article identifies the main themes in recent changes in public sector management and shows the extent of the challenge to past organizational assumptions. While recognizing the objectives of the changes could bring benefits if realized, it argues that there are a series of issues that are unresolved. The language of consumerism, the development of government by contracts, the form of performance management and the use of quasi-markets are seen as creating problems. These are seen as deriving from an attempt to apply approaches drawn from the private sector to the public domain. It is argued that they need to be balanced by approaches that recognize the values of the public sector.
Implementation has been used to try to explain too much, particularly that policy formulation should be oriented around implementation. The concentration on implementation has added little to our theoretical understanding of policymaking. Implementation studies have taken either "The Horrors of War" or "The Search for Theory" views. The latter has four major views, none of which is adequate. The best approach is to treat implementation as only one of a number of conditions which must be fulfilled for successful policymaking. The design perspection, explained in the paper, is the best approach for this. Copyright 1987 by The Policy Studies Organization.
Definitions and models Inter-organizational coordination: theory, research and implementation
  • C L Mulford
Mulford, C.L. and D.L. Rogers. 1982. 'Definitions and models', in D.L. Rogers, D.A. Whetten et al., Inter-organizational coordination: theory, research and implementation. Ames: Iowa State University Press.