... This is consistent with the circumstances of these vocalizations, since "Flight" is used in the context of group cohesion during flight, as also observed in budgerigars (Hile & Striedter, 2000), whereas "Vigil" is used in territory surveillance and monitoring, alerting the other members of the group about any imminent danger. This type of vocal signature is related to various mammal groups, such as bats (Boughman, 1998;Wenrickboughman & Swilkinson, 1998;Gillam & Chaverri, 2012;Knörnschild et al., 2012), wolves (Zaccaroni et al., 2012), gazelles (Volodin et al., 2014), meerkats (Townsend et al., 2010), whales (Vester et al., 2016), as well as for birds that exhibit vocalization learning (Mammen & Nowicki, 1981;Nowicki, 1983Nowicki, , 1989Baker, 2004;Elie & Theunissen, 2018;Martins et al., 2018;Araya-Salas et al., 2019;Benti et al., 2019). However, as previously mentioned, studies in birds with innate vocalization are scarce (Baker, 2004;Radford, 2005). ...